ReadyTalk Web Conferencing


Meet with Confidence ReadyTalk lets you meet with confidence with a web conferencing service that is simple and intuitive, highly reliable and makes it easy to host or join a . Concentrate on the substance of your meeting or webinar, not on the technology.

Conferencing that Includes Everything ReadyTalk’s tools are designed so that , sales demos, training sessions and webinars are easy to schedule and conduct. Unlike other web conferencing services, ReadyTalk doesn’t make you pick-and-choose features or the way you use them: • Need real-time collaboration? Hold an on-demand conference and take advantage of application and desktop sharing. Creative Ways to Use Web Conferencing • Hosting a high-profile webinar? Schedule a conference and create a branded experience with custom invitations, −−Generate leads with marketing registration pages and more. webinars • Want to leverage recorded content? Use ReadyTalk’s embeddable media player, automated podcasting and built-in −−Communicate with employees, promotion tools. customers or partners −−Collaborate online with co-workers Regardless of how you use ReadyTalk’s web conferencing services, you have access to a full-featured tool set. No need to upgrade or −−Host a sales demo with a prospect change packages; you get it all at one affordable price. −−Conduct online training Conferencing for Everyone −−Provide remote support A common complaint about web conferences is the hassle many −−Enhance your website with recorded people experience when they try to join a conference. A hefty content download, the wrong version of Java or an unsupported platform or browser can frustrate participants or even make them abandon the process altogether. Contact [email protected] or 800.843.9166 to learn how ReadyTalk With ReadyTalk, participants can join meetings with ease can save you time and money with web because there are no complicated downloads or special software conferencing. requirements. The Flash-based player for participants makes entering a web conference quick and easy. The 2% without access to Flash aren’t left out – an alternative participant application means they can attend your conference, too.

Plus, ReadyTalk offers industry-best platform support for Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems and superior browser support for Explorer, Safari and Firefox. | 303.209.1600 | 800.843.9166 | [email protected] | 1598 Wynkoop Denver, CO 80202 ReadyTalk Web Conferencing

Powerful Meeting Tools ReadyTalk offers a powerful set of pre-meeting, in-meeting and post-meeting features that make it easy to plan for, manage and follow-up after your web conference.

Plan - Pre-Meeting Tools Meet - In-Meeting Tools Share - Post-Meeting Tools

Easy scheduling and setup Flexible audio options Customizable post-meeting surveys Brandable and web pages Integrated audio controls Post-event emails Customizable registration Manage participants Meeting archive pages Flexible confirmation options Appoint co-presenters Extensive reporting Automated reminder emails Grant control Downloadable recordings invitations Present slides Affordable archiving Marketing campaigns Share application(s) or desktop Embeddable media player Social media promotion Enhanced polling Automated podcasting Chat Social media publishing Annotation tools One-click recording

Integrated Audio Conferencing Deliver the audio experience that’s right for your meeting or webinar with a variety of integrated audio conferencing options. On-demand audio, operator-assisted audio, broadcast audio and international audio are all available (and affordable) with ReadyTalk. Flexible Packaging Options Subscribe to ReadyTalk Web Conferencing on a per-minute basis or buy a web subscription and get unlimited meetings for a predictable flat monthly fee. Additional discounts are available for pre-paid annual plans, volume subscriptions, corporate licenses and more.

Per-Minute: Pay-as-you-meet (per participant, per minute) with no minimum costs or monthly commitments.

25-Participant Web Meeting Subscription: Get unlimited meetings for up to 25 participants per subscription.

3,000-Participant Web Meeting Subscription: Get unlimited meetings for up to 3,000 participants per subscription. Learn More Contact the ReadyTalk Sales Team at [email protected] or 800.843.9166 to learn how ReadyTalk can save you time and money with web and audio conferencing.

About ReadyTalk ReadyTalk is committed to helping customers conduct successful audio and web conferences of all sizes – from small, ad hoc meetings to large, formal events. Visit to learn more about our full range of technology and services including: Audio + Web Conferencing | Web Events + Professional Services | Recording + Syndication | 303.209.1600 | 800.843.9166 | [email protected] | 1598 Wynkoop Denver, CO 80202