NEXT SLIDE Easy Real-Time Online Collaboration Using TogetherJS Scott Randby The University of Akron
[email protected] Easy Real-Time Online Collaboration Using TogetherJS • Section: Table of Contents • Page: 2 / 15 PREVIOUS SLIDE NEXT SLIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents 1. Why Real-Time Collaboration? 2. Real-Time Collaboration Options Overview 3. TogetherJS Easy Real-Time Online Collaboration Using TogetherJS • Section: Why Real-Time Collaboration? • Page: 3 / 15 PREVIOUS SLIDE NEXT SLIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS Why Real-Time Collaboration? I Creates a more intimate sense of a class community. I Brings students and instuctors together in a more immediate way than discussion groups or email. I Creates a more personal connection between instructors and students. I Students want (need) to feel that instructors care about them. I Real-time responses enhance that feeling. I Flexibility I Real-time issue resolution. I The most important reason for real-time collaboration. Easy Real-Time Online Collaboration Using TogetherJS • Section: Real-Time Collaboration Options Overview • Page: 4 / 15 PREVIOUS SLIDE NEXT SLIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS Real-Time Collaboration Options Overview There are four basic technologies that are used for real-time collaboration. I Text chatting I Audio communication I Video I Desktop/application sharing Easy Real-Time Online Collaboration Using TogetherJS • Section: Real-Time Collaboration Options Overview • Page: 5 / 15 PREVIOUS SLIDE NEXT SLIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS There are dozens of software applications that may be used for real-time collaboration. I Internet Relay Chat and instant messaging applications I VoIP applications (Skype, etc.) I Web conferencing systems (WebEx, etc.) I Google I Learning management systems Easy Real-Time Online Collaboration Using TogetherJS • Section: Real-Time Collaboration Options Overview • Page: 6 / 15 PREVIOUS SLIDE NEXT SLIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS Instructors need to make wise choices when deciding how to implement real-time collaboration in an online course.