Annual Report of the Trustees of the Perkins Institution And
SIXTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT THE TRUSTEES Perkins Institution Massachusetts School for the Blind, FOR THE YEAR KNDING August 31, 1897, BOSTON Press ok Geo. II., 141 Street 1S9S CommonlDcalt]^ of ^ajsjjsacliujscttjs. Perkins Institl'tion and Massachusetis School for the Blind, SoiTH Boston, October i6, 1807. 'J'o the Hon. W'm. M. Oiin, Strn-/ii>y of State, Boston. Deak Sir: — I have the honor to transmit to you, for the use of the legislature, a copy of the sixty-sixth annual report of the trustees of this institution to the corporation thereof, together with that of the director and the usual accompanying documents. Respectfull)', MICHAKL ANAGXOS, Scctrtaty. OFFICERS OF THF CORPORATION. 1897-98. SAMUEL ELIOT, LL.D., President. AMORY A. LAWRENCE, Vice-Preside?it. EDWARD JACKSON, Treasurer. MICHAEL ANAGNOS, Secretary. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. S. LOTHROP THORNDIKE, Chairnuui. HENRY MARION HOWE. EDWARD BROOKS. THOMAS L. LIVERMORE. WILLIAM ENDICOTT, Jr. EDWARD N. PERKINS. CHARLES P. GARDINER. GEORGE H. RICHARDS. JOSEPH B. GLOVER. WILLIAM L. RICHARDSON, M.D. J. THEODORE HEARD, M.D. THOMAS F. TEMPLE. STANDING COMMITTEES. Monthly Visiting Committee, whose liuty it is to visit and inspect the histitiitiofi at least once in each month. 1898. 1898. January, Edward Brooks. July, . Thomas L. Livermork. February, William Endicott, Jr. August, . Edward N. Perkins. March, . Charles P. Gardiner. September, George H. Richards. April, Joseph B. Glover. Occober, . William L. Richardson. May, J. Theodore Heard. November, Thomas F. Temple. June, Henry M. Howe. December, S. LoTHROP Thorndike. Committee on Education. House Committee. Charles P. Gardiner. William L. Richardson, M.D.
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