Correspondence of Sir Isaac Newton and Professor Cotes

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CORRESPONDENCE SIR ISAAC NEWTON AND V PROFESSOR COTES, ~ INCLUDING LETTERS OF OTHER EMINENT MEN, NOW FIRST PUBLISHED FKOM THE ORIGINALS IN THE LIBRARY OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE; TOGETHER WITH AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING OTHER UNPUBLISHED LETTERS AND PAPERS BY NEWTON; WITH NOTES, SYNOPTICAL YTEW OF THE PHILOSOPHER'S LIFE, AND A VARIETY OF DETAILS ILLUSTRATIVE OF HIS HISTORY, BY J. EDLESTON, M.A., FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. LONDON : JOHN W. PARKER, WEST STRAND. CAMBRIDGE : JOHN DEIGHTON. M.DCCC.L. r fflambritige, StlnteS at tjt amocrsltj) Dress. CONTENTS. *.* Words, op parts of words, enclosed within ( } have, with one exception in p. 213, been added by the Editor for the purpose of illustration or to supply omissions in the original MS. PACE Preface ix Synoptical View op Newton"s Life xxi Notes xli Newton's Dividends and Weeks of Residence lxxxii Exits and Redits Ixxxv Buttery Bills lxxxvi Lectures on Optics xci Algebra xcii Motion xcv System of the World xcviii LETTER I. Bentley to Cotes, May 21, 1709 1 II. Cotes to Newton, Aug. 18, :5 III. 4 IV. Cotes to Newton, April 15, 1710 8 V. 30, 12 VI. Newton to Cotes, May 1, u VII. Cotes to Newton, 7, 16 VIII. 19 IX. Cotes to Newton, 17, 20 X. 20, XI. 24 XII. Cotes to Newton, June 1, 25 XIII. 27 XIV. Cotes to Newton, 11, 2iS XV. Newton to Cotes, 15, 30 XVI. 31 IV CONTENTS. LETTER PAGE XVII. Newton to Cotes, June 31, 1710 . 32 XVIII. Cotes to Newton, Sept. 4, . 33 XIX. Newton to Cotes, 13, XX. 34 XXI. Newton to Cotes, 30, 36 XXII. Oct. 27, . 37 XXIII. Mar. 24, 1711. 38 XXIV. 40 XXV. Cotes to Newton, 9, 41 XXVI. Newton to Cotes, 18, . 43 XXVII. Cotes to Newton, 23, 44 XXVIII. July 19, 50 XXIX. Newton to Cotes, 28, 51 XXX. Cotes to Newton, 30, . 52 XXXI. 54 XXXII. Newton to Cotes, Feb. 2, 1712 . 56 XXXIII. Cotes to Newton, 7, 57 XXXIV. Newton to Cotes, 12, . 59 XXXV. Cotes to Newton, 16, 61 XXXVI. Newton to Cotes, 19, 66 XXXVII. Cotes to Newton, 23, 68 XXXVIII. Newton to Cotes, 26, . 73 XXXIX. Cotes to Newton, 28, . 75 XL. Cotes to Newton, Mar. 13, 79 XLI. Newton to Cotes, 18, . XLII. 81 XLIII. 8, . 88 XLIV. Cotes to Newton, 14, 91 XLV. 15, . 93 XLVI. Newton to Cotes, 22, 94 XLVII. Cotes to Newton, 24, . 98 XLVIII. 26, 100 XLIX. Newton to Cotes, 24, (? 29) . 103 L. Cotes to Newton, May day, LI. May 3, . 106 LII. Newton to Cotes, 10, 113 LIU. Cotes to Newton, 13, . 114 LIV. 25, 116 LV. Newton to Cotes, 27, . 117 CONTENTS. LETTER PAGE LVI. Cotes to Newton, July 20, 1712 .... 118 LVII. Aug. 10, 121 LVIII. Newton to Cotes, 12, 122 LIX. 16,(?14) .... 126 LX. Cotes to Newton, 17, .... 127 LXI. Newton to Cotes, 26, 129 LXII. Cotes to Newton, 28, .... 132 LXIII. Newton to Cotes, Sept. 2, 134 LXIV. Cotes to Newton, 7, 136 LXV. Newton to Cotes, Sept. 13, 139 LXVI. Cotes to Newton, IS, .... 140 LXVII. Newton to Cotes, 23, 141 LXVIII. Oct. 14, LXIX. 21, 143 LXX. Cotes to Newton, 23, .... LXXI. Nov. 1, 144 LXXII. 23, 145 LXXIII. Newton to Cotes, Jan. 6, 1713 LXXIV. Cotes to Newton, 13, .... 146 LXXV. Newton to Cotes, Mar. 2, 147 LXXVI. Newton and Bentley to Cotes, Mar. 5, 1713 148 LXXVII. Cotes to Newton, Mar. 8, 1713 ... LXXVIII. Cotes to Bentley, 10, .... 149 LXXIX. Bentley to Cotes, 12, . 150 LXXX. Cotes to Newton, Feb. (? March) 18, 1713 151 LXXXI. Newton to Cotes, Mar. 28, 1713 154 LXXXII. 31 156 LXXXI II. Cotes to D* Clarke, June 25, 158 LXXXIV. Newton's Paper of Corrigenda and Addenda, Dec. 1713 160 LXXXV. Cotes to Newton, Dec. 22, 1713 166 LXXXVI. Newton to Keill, (respecting a proposed answer to a Leibnizian paper) Apr. 2, 1714 .... 169 LXXXVII. Newton to Keill, April 20, 1714 .... •170 LXXXVIII. May 11, 174 LXXXIX. 15, 176 " Since the sheet containing note * p. 171 was printed off, I have seen a paper by Btinkley on the origin of the error in Newton's 1st solution of the resistance problem (Rojal Irish Transactions? 1810, p. 45) in which the mistake is traced to its true source. VI CONTENTS. LETTER XC. Cotes to Newton (after Apr. 25, 1716) XCI May 13, 1715 . XCII. Halley to Keill, Oct. 3, XCIII. Newton to Keill, May 2, 1718 . XCIV. Newton to Arland, Oct. 22, 1722 . XCV. Cotes to his Uncle Smith, Dec. 31, 1698 . XCVI. Smith to Cotes, Aug. 30, 1701 XCVII. Cotes to Smith, Sept. 9, XCVIII Feb. 10,1708 XCIX Nov. 30, 1710 . C. Cotes to Ewer, Dec. 26 or 27, 1710 CI. Cotes to Halley (exact date uncertain) CII. Cotes to Jones, Feb. 15, 1711 CIII. Jones to Cotes, Sept. 17, CIV. Cotes to Jones, 30, CV. Jones to Cotes, Oct. 25, CVI. Cotes to Jones, Nov. 11, CVII. Jones to Cotes, 15, CVIII. Cotes to Jones, ...... 25, CIX. Jones to Cotes, Jan. 1, 1712 ClX.(bis) Newton to J. Smith, May 8, 1675 CX. Cotes to Jones, Jan. 1712 CXI. Jones to Cotes, Feb. 6, 1713 .... CXII. Cotes to Jones, 13, CXIII. Jones to Cotes, Apr.
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