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Il ;Pt»í •π.! Pt*ft m LEGAL NOTICE ;* ■Hail¡AiuLr· AW1 TTiis document was prepare· under the sponsorship of the Commission of the European Atomic Einerg y Community (EURATOM)Sil.i WÄ Neither the EURATOM Commission , its contractors nor any person acting on their behalf : IS!'«»Γ Make any warranty or representationpresentation, expresexpr s or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this document, or that the use; oft any informationinrormanon,, apparatus,, methodmetnoa,, orr process disclosed in this documeni t may not infringe privately owned rights; or Assume any liability with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method or process disclosed in this document. lp ¡li' This report is on sale at the addresses listed on cover page 4. of FF 10 FB 100 DM 8, Lit. 1250. FI. 7.25 When ordering, please quote the EUR number and the title, which are indicated on the cover of each report. ft ■ · A Mil »ÆR :-ffi'u· Printed riflHHH Ιϊβίβι This document was reproduced on the basis of the best available cop <|¡1 'Ar mm EUR 2965.e ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY - ISPRA 1965 by M. de BORTOL1, P. GAGLIONE and A. MALVONI European Atomic Energy Community - EURATOM Joint Nuclear Research Center - Ispra Establishment (Italy) Protection Brussels. May 1966 - 70 Pages - 13 Figures - FB 100 In this report are briefly described the measurements of environ• mental radioactivity performed during 1965 by the site survey group of the Protection Service. Data are given on the concentrations of strontium-90, cesium-157 and other radionuclides in fallout, air, soil, waters, herbage, animal bones and foods. EUR 2965.e ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY - ISPRA 1965 by M. de BORTOL1, P. GAGLIONE and A. MALVONI European Atomic Energy Community - EURATOM Joint Nuclear Research Center - Ispra Establishment (Italy) Protection Brussels, May 1966 - 70 Pages - 13 Figures - FB 100 In this report are briefly described the measurements of environ• mental radioactivity performed during 1965 by the site survey group of the Protection Service. Data are given on the concentrations of strontium-90, cesium-137 and other radionuclides in fallout, air, soil, waters, herbage, animal bones and foods. EUR 2965.e ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY - ISPRA 1965 by M. de BORTOLI, P. GAGLIONE and A. MALVONI European Atomic Energy Community - EURATOM Joint Nuclear Research Center - Ispra Establishment (Italy) Protection Brussels, May 1966 - 70 Pages - 15 Figures - FB 100 In this report are briefly described the measurements of environ• mental radioactivity performed during 1965 by the site survey group of the Protection Service. Data are given on the concentrations of strontium-90, cesium-157 and other radionuclides in fallout, air, soil, waters, herbage, animal bones and foods. EUR 2965-e EUROPEAN ATOMIC ENERGY COMMUNITY - EURATOM ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY ISPRA 1965 by M. de BORTOLI, P. GAGLIONE and A. MALVONI 1 966 Joint Nuclear Research Center ispra Establishment - Italy Protection SUMMARY In this report are briefly described the measurements of environ• mental radioactivity performed during 1965 by the site survey group of the Protection Service. Data are given on the concentrations of strontium-90, cesium-137 and other radionuclides in fallout, air, soil, waters, herbage, animal bones and foods. CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION 8 1. AIR RADIOACTIVITY 10 2. RADIOACTIVITY OF ATMOSPHERIC PRECIPITATION AND DEPOSITION 11 3. RADIOACTIVITY OF WATERS 12 4. SOIL RADIOACTIVITY 12 5. HERBAGE RADIOACTIVITY 13 6. STRONTIUM-90 AND CESIUM-137 IN MILK 14 7. STRONTIUM-90 AND CESIUM-137 IN FISHES 14 8. OTHER ACTIVITIES 15 a) Strontium-90 in c alf-bone s b) Strontium-90 and cesium-137 in vegetables c) Strontium-90 and cesium-137 in total diet d) Control of liquid effluents REFERENCES i8 LIST OF TABLES Table Concentrations of gross beta radioactivity in air at Ispra January. Table 2 Concentrations of gross beta radioactivity in air at Ispra February. Table 3 Concentrations of gross beta radioactivity in air at Ispra March. Table 4 Concentrations of gross beta radioactivity in air at Ispra April. Table Concentrations of gross beta radioactivity in air at Ispra May. Table Concentrations of gross beta radioactivity in air at Ispra June. Table 7 Concentrations of gross beta radioactivity in air at Ispra July. Table 8 Concentrations of gross beta radioactivity in air at Ispra August. Table 9 Concentrations of gross beta radioactivity in air at Ispra September. Table 10 Concentrations of gross beta radioactivity in air at Ispra October. Table 11 Concentrations of gross beta radioactivity in air at Ispra November. Table 12 Concentrations of gross beta radioactivity in air at Ispra December. Table 13 Monthly concentrations of radionuclides in air. Table 14 Gross beta radioactivity, strontium-90 and cesium-137 in fallout. Table 15 Radionuclides in fallout. Table 16 Geographie coordinates of water sampling points. Table 17 Beta radioactivity subtracted potassium-40 in the water of the lake "Maggiore". Table 18 Beta radioactivity subtracted potassium-40 in la• kes, streams and wells near to the Ispra Esta• blishment. Table 19 Strontium-90 and cesium-137 in lake waters. Table 20 Concentrations of radionuclides in lake waters. Table 21 Strontium-90 and cesium-137 in soils. Table 22 Natural radioactivity and stable elements in soils. Table 23 Strontium-90 and cesium-137 in herbage April-May. Table 24 Strontium-90 and cesium-137 in herbage June-July. Table 25 Strontium-90 and cesium-137 in herbage August- September-October. Table 26 Strontium-90 and cesium-137 in milk - Barza. Table 27 Strontium-90 and cesium-137 in milk - Brebbia. Table 28 Strontium-90 and cesium-137 in milk - Ispra. Table 29 Strontium-90 and cesium-137 in milk - Milano. Table 30 Strontium-90 and cesium-137 in milk - Osmate. Table 31 Strontium-90 and cesium-137 in milk - Varese. Table 32 Strontium-90 and cesium-137 in lake fishes - lake "Comabbio". Table 33 Strontium-90 and cesium-137 in lake fishes - lake "Maggiore". Table 34 Strontium-90 and cesium-137 in lake fishes - lake "Monate". Table 3 5 Strontium-90 and cesium-137 in lake fishes - lake "Varese". Table 36 Distribution of radioactivity and stable elements within the body of the fish "Perca fluviatilis" - lake Maggiore. Table 37 Distribution of radioactivity and stable elements within the body of the fish "Perca fluviatilis" - lake Varese. Table 38 Strontium-90 in calf bones January through May. Table 39 Strontium-90 in calf bones June through No• vember. Table 40 Strontium-90 and cesium-137 in vegetables. LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Central ratemeters and recorders assembly of the telemetering network. Figure 2 Daily average concentration of gross beta in air (January - June 1965). Figure 3 Daily average concentration of gross beta in air (July - December 1965). Figure 4 Strontium-90, cesium-137 and plutonium-239 in air. Figure 5 Ionisation chambers and multichannel analysers for alpha spectrometry. Figure 6 Gross beta radioactivity monthly deposition. Figure 7 Strontium-90 monthly deposition. Figure 8 Cesium-137 monthly deposition. Figure 9 Vertical profile of radioactivity in soil. Figure 10 Strontium-90 in milk. Figure 11 Sodium-22 and cesium-137 in milk. Figure 12 Map of the Joint Nuclear Research Center. Figure 13 Geographical area surrounding Ispra. INTRODUCTION (°) In this report are summarized the results of the measure• ments of environmental radioactivity performed by the site survey group of the Protection Service. The personnel of this group, which is super• vised by Prof. A. Malvicini, chief of the Protection Service, is the fol• lowing: responsible for Site and Meteorology Section: P. Gaglione responsible for the chemical laboratory: M. de Bortoli radioactivity measurements: O. Malgarini, E. Lovati chemical laboratory: E. Pecchio, L. Tortora, O. Cadario air monitoring stations: M. Tramontana sampling: G. Brughera, L. Pasqualini secretary: A. Schieppati The work is carried out in a chemical laboratory and in a radioactivity measurements laboratory, equipped for gamma and alpha spectrometry and low-level beta counting. The following reports on the same subject have already been published: CNI - 43 Misure di radioattività ambientale, Ispra 1958 - 59 CNI - 95 Misure di radioattività ambientale, Ispra I960 EUR - 223i Misure di radioattività ambientale, Ispra 1961 EUR - 48 li Misure di radioattività ambientale, Ispra 1962 EUR - 2213e Environmental radioactivity, Ispra 1963 EUR - 2509e Environmental radioactivity, Ispra 1964 Main object of the measurements performed is the constant knowledge of the radioactivity levels in the environment of the Euratom Ispra Establishment, in order to identify and evaluate radioactive conta• minations caused by the Establishment itself. (°) Manuscript received on April 12, I966 The results obtained from the surveillance program indica• te that, also for the calendar year 1965, the environmental radiation ex• posure for the persons living in the neighbourhood of the Establishment was due, almost exclusively, to natural sources and world-wide fallout. During I965 improvement of the radiological monitoring program has materialized in the following realisations: i) completion of the telemetering network for air radioactivi- ty; ii) adaptation and equipment of a vehicle as "mobile station". This unit, in radio communication with the central labora• tory, is foreseen to begin its activity early in 1966. The equipment is conceived for measurements of the gamma