Official Journal C 348 Volume 42 of the European Communities 3 December 1999

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Official Journal C 348 Volume 42 of the European Communities 3 December 1999 ISSN 0378-6986 Official Journal C 348 Volume 42 of the European Communities 3 December 1999 English edition Information and Notices Notice No Contents Page I Information European Parliament Written Questions with answer (1999/C 348/001) P-3365/98 by Paul Lannoye to the Commission Subject: GMO marketing approval dossier: C/NL/96/10, Directive 90/220 (Supplementary Answer) ......... 1 (1999/C 348/002) E-3555/98 by Cristiana Muscardini to the Commission Subject: St. Teresa di Lerici sailing school (Supplementary Answer) ............................ 2 (1999/C 348/003) E-3561/98 by Klaus Lukas to the Commission Subject: UNRWA and missing EU funds (Supplementary Answer) ............................ 2 (1999/C 348/004) E-3825/98 by Gérard Caudron to the Commission Subject: Commission charged on payments in euros .................................... 3 (1999/C 348/005) P-3869/98 by Petrus Cornelissen to the Commission Subject: Duty-free and tax-free sales ............................................. 5 (1999/C 348/006) E-3959/98 by Raimo Ilaskivi, Marjo Matikainen-Kallström and Jyrki Otila to the Commission Subject: Equality of treatment with regard to various services (continued) ........................ 6 (1999/C 348/007) E-3967/98 by Paul Rübig to the Commission Subject: Cost assessment for European legislative acts ................................... 7 (1999/C 348/008) E-3970/98 by Juan Colino Salamanca to the Commission Subject: Noise pollution and roads ............................................. 8 (1999/C 348/009) P-4009/98 by Alexandros Alavanos to the Commission Subject: Participation of Greece in programmes for the elderly .............................. 9 (1999/C 348/010) E-4058/98 by Anita Pollack to the Commission Subject: EU funds for the South-East of England government region (Supplementary Answer) ............. 9 (1999/C 348/011) E-4072/98 by Ralf Walter to the Commission Subject: PHARE-CBC/Interreg ................................................ 10 EN Price: EUR 29,50 (Continued overleaf) Notice No Contents (continued) Page (1999/C 348/012) E-4079/98 by Manuel Escolá Hernando to the Commission Subject: Petrol supplies in Spain ............................................... 11 (1999/C 348/013) E-4100/98 by John McCartin to the Commission Subject: Duty-free employment ............................................... 12 (1999/C 348/014) E-0003/99 by Alexandros Alavanos to the Commission Subject: Delay in funding of programme .......................................... 12 (1999/C 348/015) E-0030/99 by Nikitas Kaklamanis to the Commission Subject: Suspension of Commission official ......................................... 13 (1999/C 348/016) E-0042/99 by Kirsi Piha to the Commission Subject: Suspension of Commission official ......................................... 13 Joint answer to Written Questions E-0030/99 and E-0042/99 . 13 (1999/C 348/017) E-0040/99 by Hanja Maij-Weggen to the Commission Subject: Trade in cat and dog fur .............................................. 14 (1999/C 348/018) E-0053/99 by Markus Ferber to the Commission Subject: Assistance for Bavaria from EU funds 1994-1998 (Supplementary Answer) .................. 15 (1999/C 348/019) E-0061/99 by Ursula Stenzel to the Commission Subject: Urban issues ..................................................... 16 (1999/C 348/020) E-0064/99 by Carlos Robles Piquer to the Commission Subject: Community approach to nuclear energy ...................................... 17 (1999/C 348/021) E-0068/99 by Esko Seppänen to the Commission Subject: Double taxation of pensions paid from Sweden to Finland ............................ 17 (1999/C 348/022) E-0069/99 by Roberta Angelilli to the Commission Subject: Exclusion of capital companies from agritourism grants in Sicily ........................ 18 (1999/C 348/023) E-0072/99 by Umberto Bossi to the Commission Subject: Italy’s Istituto Poligrafico .............................................. 19 (1999/C 348/024) E-0087/99 by Roberta Angelilli to the Commission Subject: Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato (IPZS) (Italian State Printing Works and Mint) ............. 20 Joint answer to Written Questions E-0072/99 and E-0087/99 . 20 (1999/C 348/025) E-0086/99 by Manuel Escolá Hernando to the Commission Subject: Private sector funding for the Madrid-Saragossa-Barcelona stretch of the high-speed railway ......... 21 (1999/C 348/026) E-0104/99 by Graham Mather to the Commission Subject: Joint Relex Service .................................................. 21 (1999/C 348/027) E-0109/99 by Ernesto Caccavale to the Commission Subject: Unjustified banking charges levied by Italian banks following the introduction of the euro .......... 22 (1999/C 348/028) E-0123/99 by Patricia McKenna to the Commission Subject: Aircraft pollution .................................................. 24 (1999/C 348/029) E-0137/99 by Carlos Robles Piquer to the Commission Subject: Community policy on promoting energy crops .................................. 25 (1999/C 348/030) E-0151/99 by José Barros Moura to the Commission Subject: Implications of the ban on exports of bulls for bullfighting ........................... 26 (1999/C 348/031) E-0156/99 by Phillip Whitehead to the Commission Subject: The new EMEA Procedure for Notification of Parallel Distribution of Centrally Authorised Medicinal Products 27 (1999/C 348/032) E-0157/99 by Nikitas Kaklamanis to the Commission Subject: Incorporation of Community legislation by Greece ................................ 27 (1999/C 348/033) E-0164/99 by Ludivina García Arias to the Commission Subject: Existence of documents interpreting Directive 96/92/EC which have not been forwarded to Parliament ... 28 (1999/C 348/034) E-0165/99 by Ludivina García Arias to the Commission Subject: Interpretation and further legislative development of Directive 96/92/EC .................... 28 EN Notice No Contents (continued) Page (1999/C 348/035) E-0166/99 by Ludivina García Arias to the Commission Subject: Established rights of undertakings following the amendment of rules and the introduction of liberalisation measures ............................................................ 28 Joint answer to Written Questions E-0164/99, E-0165/99 and E-0166/99 . 29 (1999/C 348/036) E-0167/99 by Ludivina García Arias to the Commission Subject: Lawfulness of the medium and long-term fixing of charges for electricity for SMEs and domestic consumers 29 (1999/C 348/037) E-0179/99 by Irene Soltwedel-Schäfer to the Commission Subject: BSE research J overcoming the species barrier .................................. 30 (1999/C 348/038) E-0184/99 by Hiltrud Breyer to the Commission Subject: Food which does not contain genetically modified ingredients ......................... 31 (1999/C 348/039) E-0192/99 by Robert Evans to the Commission Subject: Ariane ........................................................ 32 (1999/C 348/040) E-0193/99 by Robert Evans to the Commission Subject: Grey whales in Mexico ............................................... 32 (1999/C 348/041) E-0199/99 by Laura González Álvarez to the Commission Subject: Threatened extinction of the wolf in Asturias (Spain) ............................... 34 (1999/C 348/042) E-0204/99 by Manuela Frutos Gama to the Commission Subject: Protection for small and medium-sized electricity consumers as a consequence of liberalisation in the energy sector ............................................................. 35 (1999/C 348/043) E-0205/99 by Manuel Escolá Hernando to the Commission Subject: Funding of restoration schemes in Aragón .................................... 35 (1999/C 348/044) E-0206/99 by Manuel Escolá Hernando to the Commission Subject: Aid for Objective 1 regions in Spain ........................................ 36 (1999/C 348/045) E-0207/99 by Heidi Hautala to the Commission Subject: Payments to national organisations ........................................ 37 (1999/C 348/046) E-0215/99 by Alexandros Alavanos to the Commission Subject: Air accidents ..................................................... 38 (1999/C 348/047) P-0223/99 by Daniela Raschhofer to the Commission Subject: ‘World Vision Austria’ and the misappropriation of funds ............................ 39 (1999/C 348/048) E-0313/99 by Klaus Lukas to the Commission Subject: World Vision Austria ................................................ 39 (1999/C 348/049) P-0559/99 by Karl Habsburg-Lothringen to the Commission Subject: Possible misappropriation of EU funds (World Vision) .............................. 40 Joint answer to Written Questions P-0223/99, E-0313/99 and P-0559/99 . 40 (1999/C 348/050) E-0237/99 by Antonio Tajani to the Commission Subject: Italian secret services report on the euro’s use for money-laundering purposes ................ 41 (1999/C 348/051) E-0241/99 by Ulf Holm to the Commission Subject: Aid to Bangladesh following the floods ...................................... 42 (1999/C 348/052) E-0244/99 by Ulf Holm to the Commission Subject: The EU’s sustainable development objective .................................... 43 (1999/C 348/053) E-0248/99 by Paul Rübig to the Commission Subject: Motorway link west of Wels, Austria ....................................... 44 (1999/C 348/054) E-0254/99 by Riccardo Nencini to the Commission Subject: The Spea Autostade project and MonteBeni (Florence) .............................. 44 (1999/C 348/055) P-0258/99 by Joan Colom i Naval to the Commission Subject: Alleged ESF fraud in Catalonia (Supplementary Answer) ............................
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