Congressional Record-House. Ma.Roh 7
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3460 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. MA.ROH 7, wiscoNSIN. Mark H. Moody to be postma ter at Waterbury, in the county James Harris to be postmaster: at Prairie du Chien, in the of Washington and State of Vermont. county of Crawford and State of Wisconsin, in place of Ira D. wiscoNsiN. Hurlbut. Incumbent's commission expires April 10, 1906. David c. Owen to be postmaster at Milwaukee, in the county of Milwaukee and State of Wisconsin. CONFIRMATIONS. WASHINGTON. Executive nomination confirmed by the s~nate Mat·ch 6, 1906. James N. Scott to be postmaster at Kennewick, in the county of Yakima and State of Washington. ' CIRCUIT JUDGE OF HAW AIL William J. Robinson, of Hawaii, to be third judge of the cir cuit court, first circuit, of the Territory of Hawaii. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Executive nominations con{i1·nwd by the Senate March 7, 1906. WEDNESDAY, Jfarch 'l, 1906. CONSUirGENERAL. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Amos P. Wilder, of Wisconsin, to be consul-general of the Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. HENRY N. CoUDEN, D. D. United States at Hongkong, China. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and MARSHALS. approved. Claudius Dockery, of North Carolina, to be United States COAL TO CITIZENS OF NOME, ALASKA. marshal for the ea tern district of North Carolina. Mr. CAPRON. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for Charles B. Hopkins, of the State of Washington, to be United the present consideration of a joint resolution which I send to States marshal for the western district of Washington. the Clerk's desk. POSTMASTERS. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Rhode Island asks ALABAMA. unanimous consent for the present consideration of the follow Ida 0. Tillman to be postmaster at Geneva, in the county of ing joint resolution, which the Clerk will report. Geneva and State of Alabama. 'l'he Clerk read as follows : ARKANSAS. Be it enacted, etc., That the Secretary of War be, and is hereby, au thorized to cause to be sold to the citizens of Nome, Alaska, at its William L. Jefferies to be postmaster at Clarendon, in the actual cost to the United States at the place of sale, such limited quan county of Monroe and State of Arkansas. tities of coal for domestic uses as, in his judgment, can safely be spared from the stock provided for the use of the garrison at Fort CALIFORNIA. Davis, Alaska. Austin Wiley to be postmaster at Arcata, in the county of Humboldt and State of California. The SPEAKER. This is in the form of a bill : Be it enacted, etc.- KE~TUCKY. If there be no objection, the title will be amended. Is there E. S. Moss to be postmaster at Williamsburg, in the county of objection to the present consideration of the bill? ,Whitley and Sta1:e of Kentucky. 'l'here was no objection. MASSACHUSETTS. 'l'he bill was ordered to be engrossed and read a third time; Walter N. Beal to be postmaster at Rockland, in the county of and was accordingly read the third time, and passed. Plymouth and State of Massachusetts. On motion of Mr. CAPRO~, a motion to reconsider the last vote William F. Darby to be postmaster at North Adams, in the wa laid on the table. county of Berkshire and State of Massachusetts. By unanimous consent, the title waS' amended to make ft Joseph M. Hollywood to be postmaster at Brockton, in the read: "A bill (H. R. 16305) authorizing the Secretary of War county of Plymouth and State of Massachusetts. to sell certain coal in Alaska, and for other purposes." MICHIGAN. INDIAN APPROPRIATION BILL. Ramsay Arthur to be postmaster at Schoolcraft, in the county of K-alamazoo and State of Michigan. Mr. SHERMAN. I move that the House resolve itself into Charles Brown to be postma~er at Vicksburg, in the county the ommittee of the Whole House on the state of the Union of Iialamazoo and State of Michigan. for the further consideration of the Indian appropriation bill ; Seymour Foster to be postmaster at Lansing, in the county and pending that, Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that of Ingham and State of Michigan. general debate be concluded to-day, and that the time be con Glover E. Laird to be postmaster at Mendon, in the county of b·olled by the gentleman from Texas [Mr. STEPHENS] and my• St. Jo e:ph and State of Michigan. self in equal parts. Richard B. Lang to be postmaster at Houghton, in the county The SPEAKER. The gentleman from New York asks unani of H ughton and State of Michigan. mous consent that general debate upon the Indian appropria Albert A. Worthington to be postmaster at Buchanan, in the tion bill be closed to-day and that the time be controlled half county of Berrien and State of Michigan. and half by the gentleman from New York [Mr. SHERMAN] and ~~SOT A. the gentleman from Texas [Mr. STEPHENS]. Is there objection? Joseph Cowin to be postmaster at Adrian, in the county of 1\ir. STEPHENS of Texas. I have no objection to that ar Nobles and State of Minnesota. rangement, Mr. Speaker. John P. Matt on to be postmaster at Warren, in the county of There was no objection. Marshall and State of Minne ota. The motion of It!r. SHERMAN was agreed to. Accordingly the House re olved itself into the Committee of NEW MEXICO. the Whole House on the state of the Union for the further con Robert W. Hopkins to be postmaster at Albuquerque, in the sideration of the bill H. R. 15331-the Indian approp.!U.ation county of Bernalillo and Territory of New Mexico. bill-with Mr. CURRIER in the chair. NORTH CAROLINA. 1\ir. SHERl\IAN. Mr. Chairman, I yield one hour to the gen W. M. Currie to be postmaster at Maxton, in the county of tleman from South Dakota [Mr. BURKE]. Robeson and State of North Carolina. Mr. BURKE of South Dakota. Mr. Ch~rman, as a member Elizabeth H. Hill to be postmaster at Scotland Neck, in the of the committee that reported this bill I desire to submit a few county of Halifax and State of North Carolina. ob ervations on tbe bill and upon the general subject of Indian RHODE ISLAND. legislation. In South Dakota we have a population of some H. Elmer Freeman~ be postmaster at Phillipsdale, in the thing more than 20,000 Indians. I have been a re ident of that county of Providence and State of Rhode I~land. State about twenty-four years. I have resided in the section of the State adjacent to the Sioux Indian re ervations, and TEXAS. therefore in di cussing the subject of Indian legi lation I am Frank Leahy to be postmaster at Rodgers, in the county of going to ·speak from the standpoint of one who knows omething Bell and State of Texas. about the Indians from actual contact and ob ervation. Charles McCormack to be postmaster at Plainview, in the Mr. Chairman, whenever legislation is sugge ted in this House county of Hale and State of Texas. for the benefit and adYancement of the Indians, or to open for Lola Weand to be postri:laster at Fort Sam Houston, in the settlement Indian re ervations that are not used by the In· county of Bexar and State of Texas. dians, there are certain people throughout the East that show VERMONT. signs of hysteria and expre s alarm and fear that the " poor Julius 0. Belknap to be postmaster at South Royalton, in the I Indian," as they say, is again about to be robbed or outraged. county of Windsor and State of Vermont. I propose to show, Mr. Chairman, that instead of tte Indian • ·1906. CONGRESSIONAL RECOR.D-HOUSE. 3461 being mistreated, that he bas been most generously treated, the Interior to negotiate au agreement with the Indians for a treated better in many respects than our white citizens. sale of these unused lands, and there have been many such The bill before the committee, as suggested by the chairman, agreements sent to this House that were negotiated under the is n·~w in form. The com..mittee considered that the old form, provision I have referred to in the original allotment law. which had been in u e many years, was not such a form as Mr. STEPHENS of Texas. Mr. Chairman, can the gentleman presented the different subjects that the bill covers in the most point out one negotiated by the present Secretary, where be has intelligent manner, and therefore they have adopted and pre allotted lands to the individual Indians? sented here a new form of a bill which I am certain, as stated Mr. BURKE of South Dakota. I most certainly can. In by the chairman yesterday, will meet with the approval of the South Dakota be has sent to this House one referring to the l\Iembers of the House when they become familiar with the sale of a -portion of the Rosebud Reservation, that portion lo· changes and the new form. cated in Gregory County,' and another relating to the Lower The bill contains appropriations for absolute gratuities of Brule Reservation. $585,000. About that amount is appropriated every year as a Mr. STEPHENS of Texas. That was not done in response gratuity. The bill contains au item for the support of schools to the act of Congress passed twenty years ago, was it? of $3,558,405, and, as the chairman of the committee stated yes Mr. BURKE of South Dakota.