OUR VISION for and the Clyde Valley


Our vision for Glasgow and the Clyde Valley | 1 The Climate Ready Clyde project and Adaptation Programme are managed by Sniffer. Sniffer is a registered charity delivering knowledge based solutions to resilience and sustainability issues. E: [email protected] • T: +44 (0)131 557 2140 • Scottish Charity No SC022375, Company No. SC149513. Registered office: Edinburgh Quay, 133 Fountainbridge, Edinburgh, EH3 9AG Introduction

Scotland’s climate is changing. We have also seen this in Glasgow and the Clyde Valley. Over the last few decades it has become warmer and wetter. We have had an increase in rainfall, especially in winter, and more heavy downpours. This can be very challenging to deal with, especially when heavy rainfall causes flooding.

As a region we are already taking as we set out a vision for our future This document sets out the challenges action to deal with changes in climate with a changing climate. that we face, our vision for a future but we know that much more needs under a changing climate, and our to be done. The climate change we Making our vision of a Climate Ready commitment to working together to expect in the future is far greater than Clyde a reality depends on a co- develop a regional Climate Ready anything we have experienced in the ordinated response from across the Strategy and Action Plan by 2015. past. We must work together to meet region, with leadership from the public this challenge. sector, businesses and communities. Fortunately, Glasgow and the Clyde The measures that we take to build Valley has a long history of working resilience to climate – both current together to address challenges. and future – will reduce the direct The Climate Ready Clyde project impact from climate-related events draws upon this spirit of partnership, (e.g. flooding or heat waves), and bringing together a diverse range of have benefits for our economy, organisations with this shared vision. environment and society. People are It is a first step to a strategy and an at the heart of a Climate Ready Clyde action plan making us climate ready.

Our vision for Glasgow and the Clyde Valley | 3 4 | Our vision for Glasgow and the Clyde Valley The challenge

The emission of greenhouse gases is changing the global climate. We are already experiencing some of this change in Scotland but we can expect far more in the future. To meet the challenges posed by our changing climate, we need to understand how climate can and will impact on our lifestyles, our work and our services.

As well as an increase in total rainfall, Flooding has a devastating impact RAINFALL we are also likely to see more intense, on people, homes and businesses. heavy downpours which can make It causes damage and disrupts the In Glasgow and the Clyde Valley we it difficult to predict surface water infrastructure and day-to-day services know about rain! You have probably flooding, especially in urban areas. that we rely on. noticed that it has been raining a lot lately, with some very heavy downpours causing flooding and widespread disruption. In fact, it is not just the last few years that have been wet. Over the last few decades we have seen a trend of increasing rainfall, especially in winter. This trend is expected to continue in the future, with autumn and winters likely to become wetter through the 21st century (Figure A overleaf).

Our vision for Glasgow and the Clyde Valley | 5 “By the middle of this century an average summer is likely to be drier.”

The projected changes in rainfall patterns are likely to pose an on-going challenge to the Glasgow and Clyde Valley region. It is more important than ever that we take action and build upon the good work already underway across the region to make us more resilient to flooding.

Although increased rainfall is likely to be our biggest challenge, the climate projections also indicate that by the middle of this century an average summer is likely to be drier as new weather patterns are established. If not carefully managed, this could have implications for our water supply and the needs of residents, Figure A: UKCP09 Climate Projections for the Clyde River Basin showing mean precipitation. The blue bars show baseline, the green bars show the range of the UKCP09 projections for 2050s, while the arrows indicate direction of change. key services and businesses.

6 | Our vision for Glasgow and the Clyde Valley TEMPERATURE

Most of us love those rare hot days! The prospect of temperature rise might seem like something to embrace. But it will pose a wide range of challenges to Glasgow and the Clyde Valley and we need to make adjustments to cope.

Over the last few decades temperatures in the west of Scotland have been on the rise, increasing by 1°C between 1961 and 2004. This trend will continue in the future. Climate projections show that it is very likely that average temperatures will rise by at least a couple of degrees by the 2050s (Figure B). This would mean Figure B: UKCP09 Climate Projections for the Clyde River Basin showing mean temperature. The yellow bars show baseline, the green bars show the range of the UKCP09 projections for 2050s, while the arrows indicate direction of change. that temperatures in Glasgow and the Clyde Valley are likely to become more similar to those currently experienced in the south of England – and it is “The average temperature will rise by at possible they could even go beyond least a couple of degrees by the 2050s.” these temperatures.

Our vision for Glasgow and the Clyde Valley | 7 We could benefit from a warming climate that encouraged greater use of the outdoors and a healthy and active lifestyle. Milder winter conditions could also reduce the need for heating and reduce the number of cold-related deaths. However, it will also pose significant challenges. For example, we will still need to use our existing buildings that have been constructed with past climate in mind. If they do not perform well in future climate conditions, they may need costly retrofitting or even have to be replaced.

Urban areas in the region may feel the heat most acutely in the future. This is due to the ‘urban heat island’ effect which leads to higher temperatures in densely populated urban areas where energy use is high, hard surfaces are prevalent, and vegetation is scarce. already has one of the most significant ‘urban heat island’ effects in the UK and this is something we must address to avoid problems as temperatures rise in the future.

8 | Our vision for Glasgow and the Clyde Valley THE RISING SEA

“Glasgow made the Clyde and the Clyde made Glasgow.”

The is the heart of this The public sector, businesses region and it is Glasgow’s connection and communities across the to the sea which provides us with region need to work together to our rich and proud maritime and effectively address the challenges industrial heritage. However, it also from increasing rainfall, rising poses a risk with potential to cause temperatures and sea level rise. flooding and increase pressure on Although the climate projections do drainage systems across the region. not extend to changes in wind, high These risks will be exacerbated by sea winds can cause a lot of disruption to level rise which has been accelerating buildings and transport infrastructure in recent decades. Relative sea level – as well as health and safety. is projected to rise by up to 70 cm This also needs to be factored into by the end of this century. adaptation planning.

“Relative sea level is projected to rise by up to 70 cm by the end of this century.”

Our vision for Glasgow and the Clyde Valley | 9 10 | Our vision for Glasgow and the Clyde Valley The vision

Although changes in our climate will result in new and difficult challenges, we can work together to create a future where Glasgow and the Clyde Valley is one of the most climate resilient regions in the world.

PEOPLE AT THE CENTRE “People and communities will benefit from

By 2020... actions to adapt to climate change” Work to include green networks and sustainable urban drainage Community-led projects to engagement has, for example, at the heart of community reintroduce permeable surfaces made insurance more available regeneration and land use plans is and create natural wetland areas in the most ‘at risk’ areas. having a transforming influence, are springing up across the region, most notably in communities that making a valuable contribution Communities are well aware of previously suffered decades of decline. towards reducing the risk of what to do and where to go for help In particular the 2014 Commonwealth flooding. Communities that are when severe weather events happen. Games athletes’ village is an most at risk of flooding are aware Extra help is available for vulnerable internationally recognised example of the risks that they face and groups thanks to support networks of how the games legacy is also are involved in helping to make developed by voluntary sector promoting climate resilience that will decisions about how these risks organisations, local authorities have benefits for generations to come. should be managed. Their proactive and the emergency services.

Our vision for Glasgow and the Clyde Valley | 11 By 2050... by providing natural shading and Communities across the region are cooling. Green spaces make it easy transformed as a result of investment for people to enjoy outdoor activities in green networks incorporating during warmer, sunnier days. Warmer sustainable urban drainage, as well as winter temperatures and improved large-scale flood prevention schemes. home insulation have also helped This investment is paying dividends as to reduce the number of cold-related people enjoy and use green networks deaths and illness among vulnerable and benefit from jobs created as groups. business and investment is attracted to the region. Community enterprise companies and local food cultivation projects Temperatures have increased across are part of day to day life across the all seasons and green networks region. This helps to build community are now playing an increasingly resilience and create opportunities for important role in helping people local action to improve resilience to to keep cool during the summer climate change.

“This investment is paying dividends as people enjoy and use green networks and benefit from jobs created as business and investment is attracted to the region.”

12 | Our vision for Glasgow and the Clyde Valley WE STRIVE FOR ECONOMIC RESILIENCE

By 2020... Glasgow and the Clyde Valley is “Adapting to climate change will help secure existing benefiting from its growing reputation as a climate resilient region where investment and generate new opportunities.” climate risks are understood and acted upon. Businesses understand small businesses develop continuity By 2050... that climate change presents risks plans and recover quickly if they are Glasgow and the Clyde Valley is well and opportunities, and take a robust affected by severe weather events. established as a climate resilient region. but adaptive approach to these. It is now one of Europe’s leading Investments in climate resilient Green networks incorporating destinations of choice for visitors, infrastructure and its maintenance, sustainable urban drainage are at investors and people. The region has combined with business continuity the heart of local communities. Road developed extensive climate resilience planning, mean that disruption to and infrastructure networks are now knowledge and expertise providing business is minimised even when also much more resilient thanks to employment opportunities to the local severe weather events occur. innovative drainage solutions and workforce. Business leaders across significant investment in upgrading the region continue to play a leading Local businesses based in communities sewerage networks. These measures role in identifying ways that new and that are at particular risk of flooding are have made the region a more resilient emerging climate risks may impact on regularly consulted about local flood and attractive place to live and work, the sustainable economic development risk and have a say in how local risks are drawing increasing numbers of people in the region. They are playing a crucial managed. Support is available to help to the region. role in keeping the region climate ready.

Our vision for Glasgow and the Clyde Valley | 13 Businesses are at the forefront of developing expertise and technologies WE WORK WITH NATURE, NOT AGAINST IT in urban design and buildings, and water management. These skills are in demand internationally. By 2020... increases in autumn and winter rain Changes in climate are beginning to and in some places parks and playing Business districts across the region are have a marked impact on the types fields have been designed to safely hold ‘water sensitive’ with excellent land of plants and trees that are growing flood waters when water levels become drainage and innovative technology in the region’s parks, woodlands and dangerously high. We protect vulnerable that allows reduced water use and reuse pathways. New species are appearing coastal areas from development, and of storm and waste water. Temperatures and some of the more familiar species create natural wetland areas to protect have risen and investment in natural are becoming less common. We areas further inland. ventilation systems for buildings and have taken steps to help our natural green roofs and walls into our urban environment adapt to changes in Pioneering work is underway to areas is paying off. This helps to keep climate by carefully managing how it introduce trees, plants and green offices and business premises cool and is used and developed. spaces into urban streets and town avoids the need for energy intensive air centres that are hundreds of years conditioning systems. The natural environment is playing a old. These new trees, plants and vital role in helping us cope with changes greenspaces will help absorb rainwater, Remote access and home working in climate. Natural wetlands and reduce pollution and keep places cool are part of business as usual. Many woodland expansion are helping absorb as temperatures increase in the future. companies have well established plans in place to cope with disruption to transport or infrastructure. This does still happen occasionally as a “We will protect our natural environment and result of extreme weather events. use it to help us adapt to climate change.”

14 | Our vision for Glasgow and the Clyde Valley By 2050... Our natural environment is changing as Rainfall has increased markedly during a result of warmer temperatures across autumn and winters and the street all seasons and changes in rainfall trees, plants, green roofs, walls and that have occurred over the last few spaces introduced in the 2010’s are decades. Some species have become playing a crucial role in helping to less common and others are emerging. absorb water and manage flood risk. Green spaces and networks that are It’s also warmer and these features in place across the region are helping are providing natural shading and our natural environment to adapt. cooling during the summer. Natural Research is playing an important role wetland areas are commonplace in in protecting habitats that are at risk. urban areas. This helps to manage the For example, increases in temperature risk of flooding by storing flood water and periods of dry summer weather and reducing the speed of surface are causing changes to wetland areas. water flowing into rivers and drains. New research is helping us to find solutions for these habitats to cope as The cost of implementing and temperatures continue to increase. maintaining this ‘urban nature’ has been more than covered by Periods of warmer, drier weather have savings made through avoiding flood also increased the risk of wildfires damage and reducing the need for in the region’s woods and forests. air conditioning in the summer. The Emergency services, local authorities, greenest areas of our towns and woodland managers and volunteer cities are also attracting significant organisations have established inward investment as businesses and networks to raise awareness of the residents are attracted to invest and risk of wildfires and support rapid live in these locations. responses when fires happen.

Our vision for Glasgow and the Clyde Valley | 15 16 | Our vision for Glasgow and the Clyde Valley The journey

The journey has already begun. Over 40 different organisations, businesses and community groups are taking part in the Climate Ready Clyde project.

The project, initiated by Adaptation Scotland, has laid the foundation for CELEBRATING SUCCESS strategic partnership working on the issue of climate change adaptation in the region. Participants have worked We have good reason to be proud and natural flood risk management to develop a shared understanding of our progress on making Glasgow techniques to protect over 1700 homes of the challenges and opportunities and the Clyde Valley able to cope with and businesses. The scheme has already the region faces as a result of climate current weather and future changes in saved flood damage estimated at change. They have been instrumental climate. Here are just a few examples £11million and will ensure that the area in driving forward action on a of work that is already underway: it protects remains a viable place to live strategic approach. Project members and work for generations to come. have contributed to and supported White Cart Water Flood developing this vision for a Climate prevention scheme The White Cart Water Flood prevention Ready Clyde. They recognise the scheme is just one example of the importance of working together to The White Cart Water is Scotland’s pioneering approach to flood risk make the vision a reality. We hope largest flood prevention scheme and management that is being developed that many others can now join these was completed in 2011 at a cost of by in partnership organisations to take important steps £53million. The scheme combines with the Metropolitan Glasgow on the journey. world leading engineering solutions Strategic Drainage Partnership.

Our vision for Glasgow and the Clyde Valley | 17 Seven Lochs Wetland Park Destined to become Scotland’s largest urban wildlife site, the Seven Lochs Wetland Park is an exemplar of green network planning. The Wetland Park area includes the upper catchments of four watercourses. Wetland creation and management within the park has the potential to help reduce flood risk in areas downstream of the park – Climate ready development the heart of plans. Delivering these including areas of historical flooding. and regeneration plans successfully will leave a legacy The park also includes Community of climate resilience for generations Growth Areas, which will see over 4300 Glasgow City Council and partner to come and will be an example that new homes built by 2025. organisations are working to place others will follow. climate resilience at the heart of land The Wetland Park project will use planning for the east end of the These examples show what we are demonstrate how integrating new city. The award winning east end capable of achieving. However, this green infrastructure into developments, local development plan, now part is just the start of what needs to be such as green street layouts, surface of the Clyde Gateway regeneration done if the region is to become more water and habitat links to region, and the 2014 Commonwealth resilient to current weather and future surrounding wetlands can manage Games village are two examples climate. Our shared commitment to flood risk effectively while delivering of sites where green networks and taking visionary action will ensure that better places to live, work and play. sustainable urban drainage are at this early work will be built upon. “The Seven Lochs Wetland Park is an exemplar of green network planning.”

18 | Our vision for Glasgow and the Clyde Valley ”We must build a shared understanding of the risks and opportunities we face, collaborate to implement actions, and share responsibility.”

Commitment to take • Provide a focus for timely action. • Allow us to monitor and action together The decisions we are making evaluate progress and track now will influence how we cope emerging risks and opportunities We must work together to achieve our with current weather and future as our climate changes. We will vision of a Climate Ready Clyde. We changes in climate. The strategy develop meaningful indicators must build a shared understanding and action plan will co-ordinate to help us tailor our strategy and of the risks and opportunities we and drive forward new and existing action plan appropriately. face, collaborate to implement actions to meet shared challenges actions that will benefit us all and and make sure that we benefit share responsibility for adapting to from any opportunities that We hope that you – climate change. No one organisation, emerge. the communities, businesses business or community will be able to successfully adapt to climate change • Champion the excellent progress and organisations that are alone. We can become climate ready that we are already making the very heart of the Glasgow by working together. towards becoming climate ready. and Clyde Valley Region – We will use the strategy and action will join us on our journey In order to meet the challenges, we plan to develop our reputation as a will develop a shared Climate Ready world-leading climate ready region to make this a thriving, strategy and action plan by 2015. and we will seek to maximise vibrant climate ready region. This important step will: potential economic benefits.

Our vision for Glasgow and the Clyde Valley | 19 ClimateReadyClyde

The Climate Ready Clyde vision is endorsed by:


Climate Ready Clyde is being developed in partnership with a wide range of organisations, businesses and community stakeholders. To find out more and get involved with the project: Visit: www.adaptationscotland.org.uk Contact: [email protected]

20 | Our vision for Glasgow and the Clyde Valley