1 (4) STOCKHOLMS TINGSRÄTT PROTOKOLL Aktbilaga 120 Patent- och marknadsdomstolen 2019-07-01 Mål nr Handläggning i PMÄ 8836-19 Stockholm

Handläggning i parternas utevaro

RÄTTEN Tingsfiskalen Viktor Kamlin, även protokollförare


Sökande 1. DigiRights Administration GmbH Weinbergstr. 59 642 85 Darmstadt Tyskland

2. Gamma Entertainment, Inc 3300 Cote-Vertu, suite 406 Montreal, Quebec, H4R 2B7 Kanada

Ombud: Advokaterna Jeppe Brogaard Clausen och Emelie Svensson NJORD Law Firm Pilestræde 58 DK-1112 Köpenhamn Danmark

Motpart Com Hem AB, 556181-8724 Box 8093

Ombud: Bolagsjuristen Per Svanteson Tele2 Sverige AB Torshamnsgatan 17 164 94 Kista

SAKEN Informationsföreläggande enligt upphovsrättslagen; nu fråga om säkerhetsåtgärd enligt 26 § lagen om domstolsärenden ______

Dok.Id 2043771 Postadress Besöksadress Telefon Telefax Expeditionstid Box 8307 Rådhuset, 08- 561 654 70 måndag – fredag 104 20 Stockholm Scheelegatan 7 E-post: [email protected] 08:00–16:00 www.stockholmstingsratt.se

2 STOCKHOLMS TINGSRÄTT PROTOKOLL PMÄ 8836-19 Patent- och marknadsdomstolen


Gamma Entertainment, Inc och DigiRights Administration GmbH har i ansökan om informationsföreläggande yrkat att Patent- och marknadsdomstolen vid vite ska förelägga Com Hem AB att ge Gamma Entertainment, Inc och DigiRights Administration GmbH information om namn på och adress till de som var registrerade som användare av de IP-adresser som anges i bilaga 1-27 vid de tidpunkter som anges i anslutning till respektive IP-adress. Gamma Entertainment, Inc och DigiRights Administration GmbH har vidare yrkat att domstolen, för tiden till dess ärendet avgjorts eller annat beslutas, vid vite ska förbjuda Com Hem AB att förstöra de uppgifter som avses med yrkandet om informationsföreläggande (säkerhetsåtgärd). Gamma Entertainment, Inc och DigiRights Administration GmbH har till stöd för sin ansökan åberopat bl.a. skärmdumpar från hemsidor.

Com Hem AB har bestritt yrkandet i fråga om uppgifter om sådan kommunikation som är genomförd tidigare än 21 dagar bakåt i tiden från dagen för ett eventuellt interimistiskt beslut eftersom sådana trafikuppgifter har utplånats. Com Hem AB har i övrigt överlämnat frågan om säkerhetsåtgärd till rättens prövning.


Enligt 53 c § lagen (1960:729) om upphovsrätt till litterära och konstnärliga verk (upphovsrättslagen) får domstolen, om en sökande visat sannolika skäl för att ett upphovsrättsintrång har begåtts, ålägga den som i kommersiell skala har tillhandahållit en tjänst som har använts vid intrånget att ge upphovsrättsinnehavaren eller en licens- tagare information om ursprung och distributionsnät för de varor eller tjänster som intrånget gäller. Ett sådant beslut kan bl.a. innebära att en internetleverantör åläggs att ge sökanden information om vilken abonnent som hade en viss IP-adress när den användes för att olovligen tillgängliggöra eller kopiera upphovsrättsligt skyddat material via internet.

3 STOCKHOLMS TINGSRÄTT PROTOKOLL PMÄ 8836-19 Patent- och marknadsdomstolen

Enligt 26 § lagen (1996:242) om domstolsärenden får domstolen, om det är av synnerlig vikt, för tiden till dess att ärendet har avgjorts, besluta om sådana åtgärder som säkerställer det som ärendet gäller. Inom ramen för prövningen av om en sådan säkerhetsåtgärd ska beslutas ska domstolen väga parternas intressen mot varandra och beakta hur ingripande beslutet är för den som förpliktas samt hur viktig säkerhets- åtgärden är för sökanden, dvs. åtgärden måste vara proportionerlig.

Vid den summariska prövning som nu ska göras anser domstolen att Gamma Entertainment, Inc och DigiRights Administration GmbH har lagt fram utredning som ger tillräckligt stöd för att de filmer och låtar som omfattas av ansökan om infor- mationsföreläggande har upphovsrättsligt skydd, att Gamma Entertainment, Inc och B1 Recordings GmbH är ursprungliga rättighetshavare till verken och att B1 Recordings GmbH genom avtal har gett DigiRights Administration GmbH rätt att beivra upphovsrättsintrång i Sverige. Vidare anser Patent- och marknadsdomstolen att Gamma Entertainment, Inc och DigiRights Administration GmbH även gjort sannolikt att det vid de tidpunkter som anges i bilaga 1-27 har begåtts intrång i nämnda rättigheter från de angivna IP-adresserna samt att Com Hem AB kan ha information om vem som har begått intrången.

Enligt 6 kap. 5 § lagen (2003:389) om elektronisk kommunikation är huvudregeln att trafikuppgifter ska utplånas eller avidentifieras när de inte längre behövs för vissa i lagen angivna syften. I den utsträckning Com Hem AB utplånar eller avidentifierar de i ärendet aktuella uppgifterna riskerar den slutliga prövningen av yrkandet om informa- tionsföreläggande att bli meningslös. Det kan vidare inte sägas innebära någon större olägenhet för Com Hem AB att bevara uppgifterna i avvaktan på den slutliga prövningen.

Mot denna bakgrund får det anses vara av synnerlig vikt och proportionerligt att, för tiden till dess att ärendet avgjorts, förbjuda Com Hem AB att förstöra de uppgifter som avses i ansökan. Beslutet ska dock inte omfatta information som är äldre än 21 dagar 4 STOCKHOLMS TINGSRÄTT PROTOKOLL PMÄ 8836-19 Patent- och marknadsdomstolen

räknat från dagen för delgivning av detta beslut, eftersom det har framkommit att Com Hem AB utplånar trafikuppgifter efter 21 dagar.

Förbudet bör förenas med vite. Den nivå på vitesbeloppet som Gamma Entertainment, Inc och DigiRights Administration GmbH angett framstår som väl avvägd.


Patent- och marknadsdomstolen förbjuder, för tiden till dess frågan avgjorts eller annat beslutas, Com Hem AB vid vite om 200 000 kr att förstöra information om namn på och adress till de abonnenter som var registrerade som användare av de IP-adresser som anges i bilaga 1-27 vid de tidpunkter som anges i anslutning till respektive IP-adress. Beslutet omfattar inte information som är äldre än 21 dagar räknat från dagen för delgivning av detta beslut.

HUR MAN ÖVERKLAGAR, se bilaga 28 (PMD-21) Ett överklagande, ställt till Patent- och marknadsöverdomstolen, ska ha kommit in till Patent- och marknadsdomstolen senast tre veckor från den dag då klaganden fick del av beslutet. Prövningstillstånd krävs.

Viktor Kamlin Bilaga 1 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name File Hash ISP Client Port Title SwarmSize Audience First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: d162771d058579c 09.06.2019 09.06.2019 d162771d058579c An Angel In Blue: 1 9fe996d87a7e995e Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.4.50 34616 7 7 22:35:51 20:35:51 9fe996d87a7e995e Naughty In Public f35a9a2cb.torrent f35a9a2cb SHA1: 2403263ca91486d 13.06.2019 13.06.2019 2403263ca91486d An Angel In Blue: 2 6c871ad4f57cbbf1e Com Hem AB Unknown 56918 7 7 04:33:52 02:33:52 6c871ad4f57cbbf1e Naughty In Public 9696f2ef.torrent 9696f2ef SHA1: d162771d058579c 13.06.2019 13.06.2019 d162771d058579c An Angel In Blue: 3 9fe996d87a7e995e Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.4.50 34616 5 5 19:41:44 17:41:44 9fe996d87a7e995e Naughty In Public f35a9a2cb.torrent f35a9a2cb SHA1: 2403263ca91486d STOCKHOLMS TINGSRÄTT 16.06.2019 15.06.2019 2403263ca91486d An Angel In Blue: 4 6c871ad4f57cbbf1e Com Hem AB Unknown 56918 14 14 00:41:26 22:41:26 6c871ad4f57cbbf1e Naughty In Public PMD:P 9696f2ef.torrent 9696f2ef SHA1: d162771d058579c 15.06.2019 15.06.2019 d162771d058579c An Angel In Blue: INKOM: 2019-06-26 5 9fe996d87a7e995e Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.4.50 34616 4 4 11:06:56 09:06:56 9fe996d87a7e995e Naughty In Public f35a9a2cb.torrent f35a9a2cb MÅLNR: PMÄ 8836-19 SHA1: 2403263ca91486d AKTBIL: 90 18.06.2019 18.06.2019 2403263ca91486d An Angel In Blue: 6 6c871ad4f57cbbf1e Com Hem AB Unknown 56918 5 5 03:53:59 01:53:59 6c871ad4f57cbbf1e Naughty In Public 9696f2ef.torrent 9696f2ef Bilaga 2 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name File Hash ISP Client Port Title SwarmSize Audience First Name Last Name Address Zip City DABEACE8418051 SHA1: 19.06.2019 19.06.2019 27E0A6661D8E00 dabeace84180512 7 Com Hem AB Unknown 26085 An Honest Living 108 108 09:42:57 07:42:57 51E017B29426.torr 7e0a6661d8e0051 ent e017b29426 SHA1: bd74295411f44299 20.06.2019 20.06.2019 bd74295411f44299 8 3c5d9965716ce02d Com Hem AB qBittorrent 18609 An Honest Living 8 8 14:32:21 12:32:21 3c5d9965716ce02d 6f4d71bf.torrent 6f4d71bf SHA1: dca63746a45cee64 21.06.2019 21.06.2019 dca63746a45cee64 9 91884d57d28a10c Com Hem AB Unknown 47733 An Honest Living 91 91 13:27:36 11:27:36 91884d57d28a10c ac2d7f5ad.torrent ac2d7f5ad STOCKHOLMS TINGSRÄTT PMD:P

INKOM: 2019-06-26 MÅLNR: PMÄ 8836-19 AKTBIL: 91 Bilaga 3 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name File Hash ISP Client Port Title SwarmSize Audience First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: 70981291fb0afcd7 15.06.2019 14.06.2019 70981291fb0afcd7 Boss's Bratty 10 78aed36f9d02e01a Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 61148 16 16 00:46:30 22:46:30 78aed36f9d02e01a Daughter 93d47fb0.torrent 93d47fb0 SHA1: 70981291fb0afcd7 15.06.2019 15.06.2019 70981291fb0afcd7 Boss's Bratty 11 78aed36f9d02e01a Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 61148 20 20 03:09:26 01:09:26 78aed36f9d02e01a Daughter 93d47fb0.torrent 93d47fb0


INKOM: 2019-06-26 MÅLNR: PMÄ 8836-19 AKTBIL: 92 Bilaga 4 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name File Hash ISP Client Port Title SwarmSize Audience First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: 38f0892696d0a14d 27.05.2019 27.05.2019 38f0892696d0a14d 12 5b22d51853b7e9b Com Hem AB qBittorrent 8999 Breaking The Vow 88 88 13:44:53 11:44:53 5b22d51853b7e9b c2e5fd94d.torrent c2e5fd94d SHA1: 9666a2dd6ac08a5 27.05.2019 27.05.2019 9666a2dd6ac08a5 13 b6b8ee84e678104 Com Hem AB Azureus 14263 Breaking The Vow 209 209 16:09:01 14:09:01 b6b8ee84e678104 6d419df32e.torrent 6d419df32e SHA1: 38f0892696d0a14d 28.05.2019 28.05.2019 38f0892696d0a14d 14 5b22d51853b7e9b Com Hem AB qBittorrent 8999 Breaking The Vow 66 66 03:01:29 01:01:29 5b22d51853b7e9b c2e5fd94d.torrent c2e5fd94d SHA1: 38f0892696d0a14d STOCKHOLMS TINGSRÄTT 29.05.2019 29.05.2019 38f0892696d0a14d 15 5b22d51853b7e9b Com Hem AB qBittorrent 8999 Breaking The Vow 63 63 03:43:29 01:43:29 5b22d51853b7e9b PMD:P c2e5fd94d.torrent c2e5fd94d SHA1: 38f0892696d0a14d 30.05.2019 30.05.2019 38f0892696d0a14d INKOM: 2019-06-26 16 5b22d51853b7e9b Com Hem AB qBittorrent 8999 Breaking The Vow 52 52 03:18:14 01:18:14 5b22d51853b7e9b c2e5fd94d.torrent c2e5fd94d MÅLNR: PMÄ 8836-19 SHA1: 38f0892696d0a14d AKTBIL: 93 31.05.2019 31.05.2019 38f0892696d0a14d 17 5b22d51853b7e9b Com Hem AB qBittorrent 8999 Breaking The Vow 62 62 03:01:51 01:01:51 5b22d51853b7e9b c2e5fd94d.torrent c2e5fd94d SHA1: 01778bb7706a79b 01.06.2019 01.06.2019 01778bb7706a79b 18 664e6da966d2746 Com Hem AB Unknown 12515 Breaking The Vow 8 8 13:13:48 11:13:48 664e6da966d2746 21cf84684b.torrent 21cf84684b SHA1: 38f0892696d0a14d 01.06.2019 01.06.2019 38f0892696d0a14d 19 5b22d51853b7e9b Com Hem AB uTorrent 1.8.20 46761 Breaking The Vow 47 47 11:54:13 09:54:13 5b22d51853b7e9b c2e5fd94d.torrent c2e5fd94d SHA1: 38f0892696d0a14d 01.06.2019 01.06.2019 38f0892696d0a14d 20 5b22d51853b7e9b Com Hem AB qBittorrent 8999 Breaking The Vow 38 38 02:58:28 00:58:28 5b22d51853b7e9b c2e5fd94d.torrent c2e5fd94d SHA1: 88a994ae175ecb4 01.06.2019 01.06.2019 88a994ae175ecb4 21 e9347b7de094fa65 Com Hem AB Unknown 13663 Breaking The Vow 10 10 16:39:29 14:39:29 e9347b7de094fa65 92e9f6b82.torrent 92e9f6b82 SHA1: 38f0892696d0a14d 03.06.2019 03.06.2019 38f0892696d0a14d 22 5b22d51853b7e9b Com Hem AB qBittorrent 8999 Breaking The Vow 45 45 14:43:51 12:43:51 5b22d51853b7e9b c2e5fd94d.torrent c2e5fd94d SHA1: 38f0892696d0a14d 04.06.2019 04.06.2019 38f0892696d0a14d 23 5b22d51853b7e9b Com Hem AB qBittorrent 8999 Breaking The Vow 39 39 02:46:51 00:46:51 5b22d51853b7e9b c2e5fd94d.torrent c2e5fd94d SHA1: 38f0892696d0a14d 05.06.2019 05.06.2019 38f0892696d0a14d 24 5b22d51853b7e9b Com Hem AB qBittorrent 8999 Breaking The Vow 38 38 02:50:12 00:50:12 5b22d51853b7e9b c2e5fd94d.torrent c2e5fd94d SHA1: 01778bb7706a79b 06.06.2019 06.06.2019 01778bb7706a79b 25 664e6da966d2746 Com Hem AB Unknown 12515 Breaking The Vow 1 1 13:12:41 11:12:41 664e6da966d2746 21cf84684b.torrent 21cf84684b SHA1: 01778bb7706a79b 07.06.2019 07.06.2019 01778bb7706a79b 26 664e6da966d2746 Com Hem AB Unknown 12515 Breaking The Vow 1 1 16:43:42 14:43:42 664e6da966d2746 21cf84684b.torrent 21cf84684b SHA1: 38f0892696d0a14d 07.06.2019 07.06.2019 38f0892696d0a14d 27 5b22d51853b7e9b Com Hem AB qBittorrent 8999 Breaking The Vow 20 20 09:33:47 07:33:47 5b22d51853b7e9b c2e5fd94d.torrent c2e5fd94d SHA1: 38f0892696d0a14d 08.06.2019 08.06.2019 38f0892696d0a14d 28 5b22d51853b7e9b Com Hem AB qBittorrent 8999 Breaking The Vow 34 34 03:45:22 01:45:22 5b22d51853b7e9b c2e5fd94d.torrent c2e5fd94d SHA1: 01778bb7706a79b 09.06.2019 09.06.2019 01778bb7706a79b 29 664e6da966d2746 Com Hem AB Unknown 12515 Breaking The Vow 4 4 12:01:41 10:01:41 664e6da966d2746 21cf84684b.torrent 21cf84684b SHA1: 38f0892696d0a14d 09.06.2019 09.06.2019 38f0892696d0a14d 30 5b22d51853b7e9b Com Hem AB qBittorrent 8999 Breaking The Vow 35 35 04:38:15 02:38:15 5b22d51853b7e9b c2e5fd94d.torrent c2e5fd94d SHA1: 01778bb7706a79b 10.06.2019 10.06.2019 01778bb7706a79b 31 664e6da966d2746 Com Hem AB Unknown 12515 Breaking The Vow 1 1 11:32:55 09:32:55 664e6da966d2746 21cf84684b.torrent 21cf84684b SHA1: 38f0892696d0a14d 10.06.2019 10.06.2019 38f0892696d0a14d 32 5b22d51853b7e9b Com Hem AB qBittorrent 8999 Breaking The Vow 48 48 02:02:43 00:02:43 5b22d51853b7e9b c2e5fd94d.torrent c2e5fd94d No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name File Hash ISP Client Port Title SwarmSize Audience First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: 01778bb7706a79b 11.06.2019 11.06.2019 01778bb7706a79b 33 664e6da966d2746 Com Hem AB Unknown 12515 Breaking The Vow 3 3 02:11:37 00:11:37 664e6da966d2746 21cf84684b.torrent 21cf84684b SHA1: 38f0892696d0a14d 11.06.2019 11.06.2019 38f0892696d0a14d 34 5b22d51853b7e9b Com Hem AB uTorrent 1.8.20 46761 Breaking The Vow 26 26 17:59:08 15:59:08 5b22d51853b7e9b c2e5fd94d.torrent c2e5fd94d SHA1: 38f0892696d0a14d 11.06.2019 11.06.2019 38f0892696d0a14d 35 5b22d51853b7e9b Com Hem AB qBittorrent 8999 Breaking The Vow 34 34 05:40:38 03:40:38 5b22d51853b7e9b c2e5fd94d.torrent c2e5fd94d SHA1: 01778bb7706a79b 12.06.2019 12.06.2019 01778bb7706a79b 36 664e6da966d2746 Com Hem AB Unknown 12515 Breaking The Vow 3 3 02:25:36 00:25:36 664e6da966d2746 21cf84684b.torrent 21cf84684b SHA1: 38f0892696d0a14d 12.06.2019 12.06.2019 38f0892696d0a14d 37 5b22d51853b7e9b Com Hem AB qBittorrent 8999 Breaking The Vow 22 22 05:48:47 03:48:47 5b22d51853b7e9b c2e5fd94d.torrent c2e5fd94d SHA1: 01778bb7706a79b 13.06.2019 13.06.2019 01778bb7706a79b 38 664e6da966d2746 Com Hem AB Unknown 12515 Breaking The Vow 3 3 13:31:07 11:31:07 664e6da966d2746 21cf84684b.torrent 21cf84684b SHA1: 38f0892696d0a14d 13.06.2019 13.06.2019 38f0892696d0a14d 39 5b22d51853b7e9b Com Hem AB qBittorrent 8999 Breaking The Vow 21 21 08:18:56 06:18:56 5b22d51853b7e9b c2e5fd94d.torrent c2e5fd94d SHA1: 01778bb7706a79b 14.06.2019 14.06.2019 01778bb7706a79b 40 664e6da966d2746 Com Hem AB Unknown 12515 Breaking The Vow 3 3 10:15:07 08:15:07 664e6da966d2746 21cf84684b.torrent 21cf84684b SHA1: 01778bb7706a79b 15.06.2019 15.06.2019 01778bb7706a79b 41 664e6da966d2746 Com Hem AB Unknown 12515 Breaking The Vow 3 3 02:17:59 00:17:59 664e6da966d2746 21cf84684b.torrent 21cf84684b SHA1: 01778bb7706a79b 16.06.2019 16.06.2019 01778bb7706a79b 42 664e6da966d2746 Com Hem AB Unknown 12515 Breaking The Vow 2 2 10:20:32 08:20:32 664e6da966d2746 21cf84684b.torrent 21cf84684b SHA1: 01778bb7706a79b 17.06.2019 17.06.2019 01778bb7706a79b 43 664e6da966d2746 Com Hem AB Unknown 12515 Breaking The Vow 2 2 10:48:12 08:48:12 664e6da966d2746 21cf84684b.torrent 21cf84684b SHA1: 01778bb7706a79b 18.06.2019 18.06.2019 01778bb7706a79b 44 664e6da966d2746 Com Hem AB Unknown 61566 Breaking The Vow 1 1 12:13:43 10:13:43 664e6da966d2746 21cf84684b.torrent 21cf84684b SHA1: 01778bb7706a79b 19.06.2019 19.06.2019 01778bb7706a79b 45 664e6da966d2746 Com Hem AB Unknown 61771 Breaking The Vow 3 3 11:07:56 09:07:56 664e6da966d2746 21cf84684b.torrent 21cf84684b SHA1: edf7309eb9ebbaba 19.06.2019 19.06.2019 edf7309eb9ebbaba 46 3f409358066e77af Com Hem AB Azureus 28280 Breaking The Vow 11 11 10:53:29 08:53:29 3f409358066e77af edf6f92d.torrent edf6f92d SHA1: 01778bb7706a79b 20.06.2019 20.06.2019 01778bb7706a79b 47 664e6da966d2746 Com Hem AB Unknown 61806 Breaking The Vow 3 3 10:27:11 08:27:11 664e6da966d2746 21cf84684b.torrent 21cf84684b SHA1: 01778bb7706a79b 21.06.2019 21.06.2019 01778bb7706a79b 48 664e6da966d2746 Com Hem AB Unknown 12515 Breaking The Vow 2 2 12:55:56 10:55:56 664e6da966d2746 21cf84684b.torrent 21cf84684b SHA1: 01778bb7706a79b 22.06.2019 22.06.2019 01778bb7706a79b 49 664e6da966d2746 Com Hem AB Unknown 12515 Breaking The Vow 2 2 10:38:57 08:38:57 664e6da966d2746 21cf84684b.torrent 21cf84684b SHA1: 01778bb7706a79b 23.06.2019 23.06.2019 01778bb7706a79b 50 664e6da966d2746 Com Hem AB Unknown 12515 Breaking The Vow 3 3 11:29:06 09:29:06 664e6da966d2746 21cf84684b.torrent 21cf84684b SHA1: 38f0892696d0a14d 23.06.2019 23.06.2019 38f0892696d0a14d 51 5b22d51853b7e9b Com Hem AB qBittorrent 21150 Breaking The Vow 13 13 16:37:01 14:37:01 5b22d51853b7e9b c2e5fd94d.torrent c2e5fd94d SHA1: 9666a2dd6ac08a5 23.06.2019 23.06.2019 9666a2dd6ac08a5 52 b6b8ee84e678104 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 33870 Breaking The Vow 24 24 20:37:28 18:37:28 b6b8ee84e678104 6d419df32e.torrent 6d419df32e SHA1: 01778bb7706a79b 24.06.2019 24.06.2019 01778bb7706a79b 53 664e6da966d2746 Com Hem AB Unknown 12515 Breaking The Vow 2 2 10:55:15 08:55:15 664e6da966d2746 21cf84684b.torrent 21cf84684b No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name File Hash ISP Client Port Title SwarmSize Audience First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: 38f0892696d0a14d 24.06.2019 24.06.2019 38f0892696d0a14d 54 5b22d51853b7e9b Com Hem AB qBittorrent 8999 Breaking The Vow 25 25 04:06:09 02:06:09 5b22d51853b7e9b c2e5fd94d.torrent c2e5fd94d Bilaga 5 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name File Hash ISP Client Port Title SwarmSize Audience First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: 2dd7007af252dddb 20.06.2019 20.06.2019 2dd7007af252dddb Clearing Their 55 f1cfcdccce8fa8d53 Com Hem AB Unknown 58573 52 52 04:28:03 02:28:03 f1cfcdccce8fa8d53 Schedules 6b28f40.torrent 6b28f40 6544AC749D2D1D SHA1: 20.06.2019 20.06.2019 FE408A35AEA509 6544ac749d2d1dfe Clearing Their 56 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 54806 4 4 12:09:36 10:09:36 FAA9023D769C.tor 408a35aea509faa9 Schedules rent 023d769c SHA1: f500fe0d56d81a51 22.06.2019 22.06.2019 f500fe0d56d81a51 Clearing Their 57 bc68dadcae461a10 Com Hem AB Unknown 23575 8 8 12:29:21 10:29:21 bc68dadcae461a10 Schedules af2f2777.torrent af2f2777 SHA1: f500fe0d56d81a51 STOCKHOLMS TINGSRÄTT 23.06.2019 23.06.2019 f500fe0d56d81a51 Clearing Their 58 bc68dadcae461a10 Com Hem AB Unknown 60055 2 2 07:33:10 05:33:10 bc68dadcae461a10 Schedules PMD:P af2f2777.torrent af2f2777 INKOM: 2019-06-26 MÅLNR: PMÄ 8836-19 AKTBIL: 94 Bilaga 6 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name File Hash ISP Client Port Title SwarmSize Audience First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: 3377ce1a38f985ad 07.06.2019 07.06.2019 3377ce1a38f985ad 59 d6a1886163ef9216 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 52439 Favorite Uncle 432 432 16:07:26 14:07:26 d6a1886163ef9216 8c5bb19b.torrent 8c5bb19b SHA1: 2e359c0f70d1b731 08.06.2019 08.06.2019 2e359c0f70d1b731 60 c104a43609841c64 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 53611 Favorite Uncle 111 111 11:51:39 09:51:39 c104a43609841c64 51ced6d9.torrent 51ced6d9 SHA1: 3377ce1a38f985ad 08.06.2019 08.06.2019 3377ce1a38f985ad 61 d6a1886163ef9216 Com Hem AB Unknown 55602 Favorite Uncle 224 224 17:48:44 15:48:44 d6a1886163ef9216 8c5bb19b.torrent 8c5bb19b SHA1: 432f290bf9412fae5 STOCKHOLMS TINGSRÄTT 08.06.2019 08.06.2019 432f290bf9412fae5 62 0744a5ec9f438bbd Com Hem AB BitComet 23601 Favorite Uncle 11 11 08:58:16 06:58:16 0744a5ec9f438bbd PMD:P cf5dca4.torrent cf5dca4 SHA1: b1269d5df114785d 08.06.2019 08.06.2019 b1269d5df114785d INKOM: 2019-06-26 63 6b94fd2de6507847 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 57204 Favorite Uncle 93 93 12:25:51 10:25:51 6b94fd2de6507847 b5ce2ee4.torrent b5ce2ee4 MÅLNR: PMÄ 8836-19 SHA1: b1269d5df114785d AKTBIL: 95 09.06.2019 09.06.2019 b1269d5df114785d 64 6b94fd2de6507847 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 57204 Favorite Uncle 39 39 14:46:11 12:46:11 6b94fd2de6507847 b5ce2ee4.torrent b5ce2ee4 Bilaga 7 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name File Hash ISP Client Port Title SwarmSize Audience First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: 280984350b279a7 17.06.2019 17.06.2019 280984350b279a7 Transmission 65 ebce638b336377d Com Hem AB 51414 Fearing The Worst 8 8 03:53:26 01:53:26 ebce638b336377d 2.92.0 7a8c030c70.torrent 7a8c030c70 SHA1: 280984350b279a7 18.06.2019 18.06.2019 280984350b279a7 Transmission 66 ebce638b336377d Com Hem AB 51414 Fearing The Worst 5 5 04:35:45 02:35:45 ebce638b336377d 2.92.0 7a8c030c70.torrent 7a8c030c70 SHA1: 280984350b279a7 19.06.2019 19.06.2019 280984350b279a7 Transmission 67 ebce638b336377d Com Hem AB 51414 Fearing The Worst 13 13 02:17:31 00:17:31 ebce638b336377d 2.92.0 7a8c030c70.torrent 7a8c030c70 SHA1: 280984350b279a7 STOCKHOLMS TINGSRÄTT 20.06.2019 20.06.2019 280984350b279a7 Transmission 68 ebce638b336377d Com Hem AB 51414 Fearing The Worst 8 8 03:00:59 01:00:59 ebce638b336377d 2.92.0 PMD:P 7a8c030c70.torrent 7a8c030c70 SHA1: 280984350b279a7 21.06.2019 21.06.2019 280984350b279a7 Transmission INKOM: 2019-06-26 69 ebce638b336377d Com Hem AB 51414 Fearing The Worst 7 7 05:55:47 03:55:47 ebce638b336377d 2.92.0 7a8c030c70.torrent 7a8c030c70 MÅLNR: PMÄ 8836-19 SHA1: 280984350b279a7 AKTBIL: 96 22.06.2019 22.06.2019 280984350b279a7 Transmission 70 ebce638b336377d Com Hem AB 51414 Fearing The Worst 6 6 05:32:40 03:32:40 ebce638b336377d 2.92.0 7a8c030c70.torrent 7a8c030c70 SHA1: 280984350b279a7 23.06.2019 23.06.2019 280984350b279a7 Transmission 71 ebce638b336377d Com Hem AB 51414 Fearing The Worst 5 5 05:49:13 03:49:13 ebce638b336377d 2.92.0 7a8c030c70.torrent 7a8c030c70 SHA1: 280984350b279a7 24.06.2019 24.06.2019 280984350b279a7 Transmission 72 ebce638b336377d Com Hem AB 51414 Fearing The Worst 10 10 02:51:41 00:51:41 ebce638b336377d 2.92.0 7a8c030c70.torrent 7a8c030c70 Bilaga 8 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name File Hash ISP Client Port Title SwarmSize Audience First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: c37549e4e02bd09f 29.05.2019 29.05.2019 c37549e4e02bd09f I'm An Anal 73 7bcd28e7916f306b Com Hem AB qBittorrent 13377 32 32 19:49:08 17:49:08 7bcd28e7916f306b Nympho, Doc! ec02cf1b.torrent ec02cf1b


INKOM: 2019-06-26 MÅLNR: PMÄ 8836-19 AKTBIL: 97 Bilaga 9 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name File Hash ISP Client Port Title SwarmSize Audience First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: c11933d56b66af3b 23.06.2019 22.06.2019 c11933d56b66af3b 74 90dde00b8245c6a Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 31051 Mom's Tough Love 5 5 00:03:08 22:03:08 90dde00b8245c6a 4170b724a.torrent 4170b724a SHA1: c11933d56b66af3b 23.06.2019 23.06.2019 c11933d56b66af3b 75 90dde00b8245c6a Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 31051 Mom's Tough Love 2 2 04:10:24 02:10:24 90dde00b8245c6a 4170b724a.torrent 4170b724a


INKOM: 2019-06-26 MÅLNR: PMÄ 8836-19 AKTBIL: 98 Bilaga 10 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name File Hash ISP Client Port Title SwarmSize Audience First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: 3132e8186b108d0 02.06.2019 02.06.2019 3132e8186b108d0 Obsessed With 76 b21da57fcb3d3cb6 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 30341 46 46 11:31:52 09:31:52 b21da57fcb3d3cb6 Pussy 8c4fab6f5.torrent 8c4fab6f5 SHA1: 3a1d1bc48ea7276 03.06.2019 02.06.2019 3a1d1bc48ea7276 Obsessed With 77 9aae1e6571048c8 Com Hem AB uTorrent 5.4.30 33993 403 403 01:10:22 23:10:22 9aae1e6571048c8 Pussy 4807e1d343.torrent 4807e1d343 SHA1: 3a1d1bc48ea7276 02.06.2019 02.06.2019 3a1d1bc48ea7276 Obsessed With 78 9aae1e6571048c8 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 63062 435 435 16:35:30 14:35:30 9aae1e6571048c8 Pussy 4807e1d343.torrent 4807e1d343 SHA1: 3a1d1bc48ea7276 STOCKHOLMS TINGSRÄTT 02.06.2019 02.06.2019 3a1d1bc48ea7276 Obsessed With 79 9aae1e6571048c8 Com Hem AB Unknown 37096 385 385 18:28:07 16:28:07 9aae1e6571048c8 Pussy PMD:P 4807e1d343.torrent 4807e1d343 SHA1: 8fd819b75c0c4b29 03.06.2019 03.06.2019 8fd819b75c0c4b29 Obsessed With INKOM: 2019-06-26 80 78bc9f0cb1fa9650c Com Hem AB Azureus 42064 19 19 02:59:11 00:59:11 78bc9f0cb1fa9650c Pussy 1acf242.torrent 1acf242 MÅLNR: PMÄ 8836-19 SHA1: ab6f43ffb1350b964 AKTBIL: 99 04.06.2019 04.06.2019 ab6f43ffb1350b964 Obsessed With 81 a105f530d736463b Com Hem AB Unknown 29756 81 81 18:38:18 16:38:18 a105f530d736463b Pussy 543d97d.torrent 543d97d SHA1: 1d7f1a6b1b8a1340 06.06.2019 06.06.2019 1d7f1a6b1b8a1340 Obsessed With 82 2360b2d500f9015a Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.0 49602 13 13 03:09:06 01:09:06 2360b2d500f9015a Pussy 7aaec92c.torrent 7aaec92c SHA1: 3a1d1bc48ea7276 06.06.2019 06.06.2019 3a1d1bc48ea7276 Obsessed With 83 9aae1e6571048c8 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 50312 58 58 10:19:19 08:19:19 9aae1e6571048c8 Pussy 4807e1d343.torrent 4807e1d343 Bilaga 11 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name File Hash ISP Client Port Title SwarmSize Audience First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: 9c1d833a82ee501 19.06.2019 19.06.2019 9c1d833a82ee501 Overprotective 84 efffbbc4bfa320ac7e Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 31051 25 25 17:00:52 15:00:52 efffbbc4bfa320ac7e Parent 2361257.torrent 2361257 D400495D0ADE79 SHA1: 19.06.2019 19.06.2019 0FC8A2AC0316D1 d400495d0ade790f Overprotective 85 Com Hem AB Unknown 1071 17 17 13:12:49 11:12:49 B4C8E04B1B7E.to c8a2ac0316d1b4c8 Parent rrent e04b1b7e


INKOM: 2019-06-26 MÅLNR: PMÄ 8836-19 AKTBIL: 100 Bilaga 12 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name File Hash ISP Client Port Title SwarmSize Audience First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: f5f54857c0d5df8da 19.06.2019 19.06.2019 f5f54857c0d5df8da 86 e199e8057ab1beb Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 24783 Paternity Tested 33 33 16:13:30 14:13:30 e199e8057ab1beb 39863377.torrent 39863377 SHA1: f5f54857c0d5df8da 20.06.2019 20.06.2019 f5f54857c0d5df8da 87 e199e8057ab1beb Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 53026 Paternity Tested 44 44 04:13:41 02:13:41 e199e8057ab1beb 39863377.torrent 39863377 SHA1: f5f54857c0d5df8da 22.06.2019 22.06.2019 f5f54857c0d5df8da 88 e199e8057ab1beb Com Hem AB Unknown 56691 Paternity Tested 36 36 11:41:46 09:41:46 e199e8057ab1beb 39863377.torrent 39863377 SHA1: 66c19c3860f45197 STOCKHOLMS TINGSRÄTT 23.06.2019 23.06.2019 66c19c3860f45197 89 dc27638ff8333d97 Com Hem AB qBittorrent 8999 Paternity Tested 16 16 22:34:14 20:34:14 dc27638ff8333d97 PMD:P a9d92440.torrent a9d92440 SHA1: d41041fcdfaff5786 23.06.2019 23.06.2019 d41041fcdfaff5786 INKOM: 2019-06-26 90 46ad9cb9dc145084 Com Hem AB Unknown 61442 Paternity Tested 5 5 22:00:35 20:00:35 46ad9cb9dc145084 8a7b445.torrent 8a7b445 MÅLNR: PMÄ 8836-19 SHA1: f5f54857c0d5df8da AKTBIL: 101 23.06.2019 23.06.2019 f5f54857c0d5df8da 91 e199e8057ab1beb Com Hem AB Unknown 53901 Paternity Tested 39 39 03:45:57 01:45:57 e199e8057ab1beb 39863377.torrent 39863377 SHA1: d41041fcdfaff5786 24.06.2019 24.06.2019 d41041fcdfaff5786 92 46ad9cb9dc145084 Com Hem AB Unknown 57274 Paternity Tested 7 7 03:34:31 01:34:31 46ad9cb9dc145084 8a7b445.torrent 8a7b445 Bilaga 13 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name File Hash ISP Client Port Title SwarmSize Audience First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: 1dce31b8b04fa96e 06.06.2019 06.06.2019 1dce31b8b04fa96e Relieving The 93 5925f94535ac70a1 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 54895 33 33 17:59:21 15:59:21 5925f94535ac70a1 Pressure 9c927bba.torrent 9c927bba SHA1: 16e1f485a5677ce8 07.06.2019 07.06.2019 16e1f485a5677ce8 Relieving The 94 bd5c2edf958ebc9e Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 58655 12 12 20:34:38 18:34:38 bd5c2edf958ebc9e Pressure 97ac4723.torrent 97ac4723


INKOM: 2019-06-26 MÅLNR: PMÄ 8836-19 AKTBIL: 102 Bilaga 14 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name File Hash ISP Client Port Title SwarmSize Audience First Name Last Name Address Zip City C3CFF153AE3AD8 SHA1: 06.06.2019 06.06.2019 F240512A7B5DE9 c3cff153ae3ad8f24 Rough Day, 95 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 50403 6 6 10:19:49 08:19:49 DFEF74C01313.tor 0512a7b5de9dfef7 Sweetie? rent 4c01313 SHA1: c1949ef0fe4ae6ab 14.06.2019 14.06.2019 c1949ef0fe4ae6ab Rough Day, 96 1a36e155e193446 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 31051 2 2 03:47:35 01:47:35 1a36e155e193446 Sweetie? 0c829a9d0.torrent 0c829a9d0 SHA1: c1949ef0fe4ae6ab 16.06.2019 15.06.2019 c1949ef0fe4ae6ab Rough Day, 97 1a36e155e193446 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 31051 4 4 00:00:56 22:00:56 1a36e155e193446 Sweetie? 0c829a9d0.torrent 0c829a9d0 SHA1: c1949ef0fe4ae6ab STOCKHOLMS TINGSRÄTT 22.06.2019 22.06.2019 c1949ef0fe4ae6ab Rough Day, 98 1a36e155e193446 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 63563 1 1 15:47:25 13:47:25 1a36e155e193446 Sweetie? PMD:P 0c829a9d0.torrent 0c829a9d0 SHA1: c1949ef0fe4ae6ab 23.06.2019 23.06.2019 c1949ef0fe4ae6ab Rough Day, INKOM: 2019-06-26 99 1a36e155e193446 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 31051 1 1 03:46:29 01:46:29 1a36e155e193446 Sweetie? 0c829a9d0.torrent 0c829a9d0 MÅLNR: PMÄ 8836-19 AKTBIL: 103 Bilaga 15 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name File Hash ISP Client Port Title SwarmSize Audience First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: 2059a82c40e0842 28.05.2019 28.05.2019 2059a82c40e0842 Transmission 100 b7c010f8328588eb Com Hem AB 51413 Sisters-In-Lust 21 21 14:53:07 12:53:07 b7c010f8328588eb 2.84.0 d40067b31.torrent d40067b31 SHA1: 2059a82c40e0842 29.05.2019 29.05.2019 2059a82c40e0842 Transmission 101 b7c010f8328588eb Com Hem AB 51413 Sisters-In-Lust 20 20 13:27:55 11:27:55 b7c010f8328588eb 2.84.0 d40067b31.torrent d40067b31 SHA1: 2059a82c40e0842 30.05.2019 30.05.2019 2059a82c40e0842 Transmission 102 b7c010f8328588eb Com Hem AB 51413 Sisters-In-Lust 22 22 19:24:48 17:24:48 b7c010f8328588eb 2.84.0 d40067b31.torrent d40067b31 SHA1: 2059a82c40e0842 STOCKHOLMS TINGSRÄTT 31.05.2019 31.05.2019 2059a82c40e0842 Transmission 103 b7c010f8328588eb Com Hem AB 51413 Sisters-In-Lust 25 25 21:29:57 19:29:57 b7c010f8328588eb 2.84.0 PMD:P d40067b31.torrent d40067b31 SHA1: 2059a82c40e0842 01.06.2019 01.06.2019 2059a82c40e0842 Transmission INKOM: 2019-06-26 104 b7c010f8328588eb Com Hem AB 51413 Sisters-In-Lust 22 22 12:38:21 10:38:21 b7c010f8328588eb 2.84.0 d40067b31.torrent d40067b31 MÅLNR: PMÄ 8836-19 SHA1: 2059a82c40e0842 AKTBIL: 104 03.06.2019 03.06.2019 2059a82c40e0842 Transmission 105 b7c010f8328588eb Com Hem AB 51413 Sisters-In-Lust 20 20 09:11:02 07:11:02 b7c010f8328588eb 2.84.0 d40067b31.torrent d40067b31 SHA1: 2059a82c40e0842 06.06.2019 06.06.2019 2059a82c40e0842 Transmission 106 b7c010f8328588eb Com Hem AB 51413 Sisters-In-Lust 18 18 05:34:23 03:34:23 b7c010f8328588eb 2.84.0 d40067b31.torrent d40067b31 SHA1: 2059a82c40e0842 06.06.2019 06.06.2019 2059a82c40e0842 107 b7c010f8328588eb Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 59217 Sisters-In-Lust 29 29 11:09:31 09:09:31 b7c010f8328588eb d40067b31.torrent d40067b31 SHA1: 3a6a75c35bd0ab4 15.06.2019 15.06.2019 3a6a75c35bd0ab4 108 a0bc54637d3e79fff Com Hem AB uTorrent 2.2.10 43836 Sisters-In-Lust 44 44 16:04:36 14:04:36 a0bc54637d3e79fff 4b5de45d.torrent 4b5de45d SHA1: 2059a82c40e0842 16.06.2019 16.06.2019 2059a82c40e0842 Transmission 109 b7c010f8328588eb Com Hem AB 51413 Sisters-In-Lust 13 13 19:44:41 17:44:41 b7c010f8328588eb 2.84.0 d40067b31.torrent d40067b31 SHA1: 2059a82c40e0842 18.06.2019 18.06.2019 2059a82c40e0842 Transmission 110 b7c010f8328588eb Com Hem AB 51413 Sisters-In-Lust 10 10 13:16:28 11:16:28 b7c010f8328588eb 2.84.0 d40067b31.torrent d40067b31 SHA1: ffbfb68f5af055e294 19.06.2019 19.06.2019 ffbfb68f5af055e294 111 b1bee9c89f8507a1 Com Hem AB qBittorrent 8999 Sisters-In-Lust 3 3 19:30:25 17:30:25 b1bee9c89f8507a1 463c1f.torrent 463c1f SHA1: 2059a82c40e0842 21.06.2019 21.06.2019 2059a82c40e0842 Transmission 112 b7c010f8328588eb Com Hem AB 51413 Sisters-In-Lust 6 6 22:17:29 20:17:29 b7c010f8328588eb 2.84.0 d40067b31.torrent d40067b31 SHA1: 2059a82c40e0842 23.06.2019 23.06.2019 2059a82c40e0842 Transmission 113 b7c010f8328588eb Com Hem AB 51413 Sisters-In-Lust 14 14 09:51:10 07:51:10 b7c010f8328588eb 2.84.0 d40067b31.torrent d40067b31 Bilaga 16 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name File Hash ISP Client Port Title SwarmSize Audience First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: 6cba3dd8ebed8aa 28.05.2019 28.05.2019 6cba3dd8ebed8aa Transmission The Look Mom 114 4b893e325a3786b Com Hem AB 51413 37 37 15:00:01 13:00:01 4b893e325a3786b 2.84.0 Can't Resist 735e7eca06.torrent 735e7eca06 SHA1: 6cba3dd8ebed8aa 29.05.2019 29.05.2019 6cba3dd8ebed8aa Transmission The Look Mom 115 4b893e325a3786b Com Hem AB 51413 30 30 13:13:58 11:13:58 4b893e325a3786b 2.84.0 Can't Resist 735e7eca06.torrent 735e7eca06 SHA1: 6cba3dd8ebed8aa 30.05.2019 30.05.2019 6cba3dd8ebed8aa Transmission The Look Mom 116 4b893e325a3786b Com Hem AB 51413 17 17 19:19:44 17:19:44 4b893e325a3786b 2.84.0 Can't Resist 735e7eca06.torrent 735e7eca06 SHA1: 6cba3dd8ebed8aa STOCKHOLMS TINGSRÄTT 31.05.2019 31.05.2019 6cba3dd8ebed8aa Transmission The Look Mom 117 4b893e325a3786b Com Hem AB 51413 28 28 21:37:41 19:37:41 4b893e325a3786b 2.84.0 Can't Resist PMD:P 735e7eca06.torrent 735e7eca06 SHA1: 6cba3dd8ebed8aa 03.06.2019 03.06.2019 6cba3dd8ebed8aa Transmission The Look Mom INKOM: 2019-06-26 118 4b893e325a3786b Com Hem AB 51413 28 28 09:19:15 07:19:15 4b893e325a3786b 2.84.0 Can't Resist 735e7eca06.torrent 735e7eca06 MÅLNR: PMÄ 8836-19 SHA1: 6cba3dd8ebed8aa AKTBIL: 105 06.06.2019 06.06.2019 6cba3dd8ebed8aa Transmission The Look Mom 119 4b893e325a3786b Com Hem AB 51413 21 21 05:34:22 03:34:22 4b893e325a3786b 2.84.0 Can't Resist 735e7eca06.torrent 735e7eca06 SHA1: 6cba3dd8ebed8aa 16.06.2019 16.06.2019 6cba3dd8ebed8aa Transmission The Look Mom 120 4b893e325a3786b Com Hem AB 51413 18 18 19:41:27 17:41:27 4b893e325a3786b 2.84.0 Can't Resist 735e7eca06.torrent 735e7eca06 SHA1: 6cba3dd8ebed8aa 18.06.2019 18.06.2019 6cba3dd8ebed8aa Transmission The Look Mom 121 4b893e325a3786b Com Hem AB 51413 9 9 13:14:38 11:14:38 4b893e325a3786b 2.84.0 Can't Resist 735e7eca06.torrent 735e7eca06 SHA1: 6cba3dd8ebed8aa 20.06.2019 20.06.2019 6cba3dd8ebed8aa The Look Mom 122 4b893e325a3786b Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 52887 15 15 22:55:29 20:55:29 4b893e325a3786b Can't Resist 735e7eca06.torrent 735e7eca06 SHA1: 6cba3dd8ebed8aa 21.06.2019 21.06.2019 6cba3dd8ebed8aa Transmission The Look Mom 123 4b893e325a3786b Com Hem AB 51413 13 13 22:15:11 20:15:11 4b893e325a3786b 2.84.0 Can't Resist 735e7eca06.torrent 735e7eca06 SHA1: 6cba3dd8ebed8aa 23.06.2019 23.06.2019 6cba3dd8ebed8aa Transmission The Look Mom 124 4b893e325a3786b Com Hem AB 51413 15 15 09:51:12 07:51:12 4b893e325a3786b 2.84.0 Can't Resist 735e7eca06.torrent 735e7eca06 Bilaga 17 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name File Hash ISP Client Port Title SwarmSize Audience First Name Last Name Address Zip City 0CDCA06C6523B6 SHA1: 12.06.2019 12.06.2019 8E5BC794C305F2 0cdca06c6523b68e Transfixed | S1 E10 125 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 28706 24 24 18:48:55 16:48:55 FFC73523C8EA.tor 5bc794c305f2ffc73 | The Tea Party rent 523c8ea


INKOM: 2019-06-26 MÅLNR: PMÄ 8836-19 AKTBIL: 106 Bilaga 18 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name File Hash ISP Client Port Title SwarmSize Audience First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: 5419456762442f41 Transfixed | S1 E14 14.06.2019 14.06.2019 5419456762442f41 126 94c27a2bfcd91576 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 23721 | Romantic 63 63 12:58:08 10:58:08 94c27a2bfcd91576 653173ff.torrent Getaway 653173ff


INKOM: 2019-06-26 MÅLNR: PMÄ 8836-19 AKTBIL: 107 Bilaga 19 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name File Hash ISP Client Port Title SwarmSize Audience First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: e0ecfbe6f630fec19 27.05.2019 27.05.2019 e0ecfbe6f630fec19 127 cbb24216dff39c4ea Com Hem AB qBittorrent 8999 Undress Rehearsal 11 11 19:47:53 17:47:53 cbb24216dff39c4ea 2f0889.torrent 2f0889


INKOM: 2019-06-26 MÅLNR: PMÄ 8836-19 AKTBIL: 108 Bilaga 20 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name File Hash ISP Client Port Title SwarmSize Audience First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: a90ab3c66060a8ff 05.06.2019 05.06.2019 a90ab3c66060a8ff Unfinished 128 1f35a3ac597e2690 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 61148 30 30 05:48:44 03:48:44 1f35a3ac597e2690 Business dc21f972.torrent dc21f972 SHA1: a90ab3c66060a8ff 07.06.2019 07.06.2019 a90ab3c66060a8ff Unfinished 129 1f35a3ac597e2690 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 49621 34 34 19:35:36 17:35:36 1f35a3ac597e2690 Business dc21f972.torrent dc21f972 SHA1: a90ab3c66060a8ff 08.06.2019 08.06.2019 a90ab3c66060a8ff Unfinished 130 1f35a3ac597e2690 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 23721 50 50 03:25:58 01:25:58 1f35a3ac597e2690 Business dc21f972.torrent dc21f972 SHA1: a90ab3c66060a8ff STOCKHOLMS TINGSRÄTT 19.06.2019 19.06.2019 a90ab3c66060a8ff Unfinished 131 1f35a3ac597e2690 Com Hem AB qBittorrent 8999 32 32 18:50:53 16:50:53 1f35a3ac597e2690 Business PMD:P dc21f972.torrent dc21f972 SHA1: a90ab3c66060a8ff 20.06.2019 20.06.2019 a90ab3c66060a8ff Unfinished INKOM: 2019-06-26 132 1f35a3ac597e2690 Com Hem AB qBittorrent 8999 9 9 18:46:15 16:46:15 1f35a3ac597e2690 Business dc21f972.torrent dc21f972 MÅLNR: PMÄ 8836-19 AKTBIL: 109 Bilaga 21 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name File Hash ISP Client Port Title SwarmSize Audience First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: 625fec6b9e717586 06.06.2019 06.06.2019 625fec6b9e717586 Transmission 133 f7fb29839a56d609 Com Hem AB 51413 Yoga Rivals 14 14 05:42:05 03:42:05 f7fb29839a56d609 2.84.0 370d54d5.torrent 370d54d5 SHA1: 625fec6b9e717586 06.06.2019 06.06.2019 625fec6b9e717586 134 f7fb29839a56d609 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 49855 Yoga Rivals 18 18 10:17:48 08:17:48 f7fb29839a56d609 370d54d5.torrent 370d54d5 SHA1: 625fec6b9e717586 16.06.2019 16.06.2019 625fec6b9e717586 Transmission 135 f7fb29839a56d609 Com Hem AB 51413 Yoga Rivals 6 6 19:42:35 17:42:35 f7fb29839a56d609 2.84.0 370d54d5.torrent 370d54d5 SHA1: 625fec6b9e717586 STOCKHOLMS TINGSRÄTT 18.06.2019 18.06.2019 625fec6b9e717586 Transmission 136 f7fb29839a56d609 Com Hem AB 51413 Yoga Rivals 2 2 13:15:09 11:15:09 f7fb29839a56d609 2.84.0 PMD:P 370d54d5.torrent 370d54d5 INKOM: 2019-06-26 MÅLNR: PMÄ 8836-19 AKTBIL: 110 Bilaga 22

Bilaga X - Bakermat - Baby - IP-adresser

No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name File Hash ISP Client Port Title SwarmSize Audience First Name Last Name Address Zip City 1 14.06.2019 03:32:18 14.06.2019 01:32:18 VA - Ministry Of Sound Ibiza (2017) [Mp3~VBR].torrent SHA1: 4158082e0e16d7903fab7c2f8688d0ddfb01a3e6 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 58490 Bakermat - Baby 19 19


INKOM: 2019-06-26 MÅLNR: PMÄ 8836-19 AKTBIL: 111

Sida 1 av 1 Bilaga 23

Bilaga X - Blad2 - IP-adresser

No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name File Hash ISP Client Port Title SwarmSize Audience First Name Last Name Address Zip City 2 29.05.2019 02:52:17 29.05.2019 00:52:17 [SoundPark.red] VA - Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ñ Ñ Ð Ð Ð Ñ Ð Ñ Ñ Ð Ñ Ñ Ð Ð Ð Ñ Ð Ð Vol.torrent SHA1: 0f5abd8ba1e374a9bac29b492b5afee5d6179996 Com Hem AB uTorrent 5.5.20 37430 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 42 42 3 30.05.2019 05:09:44 30.05.2019 03:09:44 [SoundPark.red] VA - Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ñ Ñ Ð Ð Ð Ñ Ð Ñ Ñ Ð Ñ Ñ Ð Ð Ð Ñ Ð Ð Vol.torrent SHA1: 0f5abd8ba1e374a9bac29b492b5afee5d6179996 Com Hem AB uTorrent 5.5.20 38105 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 87 87 4 09.06.2019 16:56:47 09.06.2019 14:56:47 [SoundPark.red] VA - Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ñ Ñ Ð Ð Ð Ñ Ð Ñ Ñ Ð Ñ Ñ Ð Ð Ð Ñ Ð Ð Vol.torrent SHA1: 0f5abd8ba1e374a9bac29b492b5afee5d6179996 Com Hem AB uTorrent 5.5.30 41782 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 85 85 5 10.06.2019 04:58:33 10.06.2019 02:58:33 [SoundPark.red] VA - Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ñ Ñ Ð Ð Ð Ñ Ð Ñ Ñ Ð Ñ Ñ Ð Ð Ð Ñ Ð Ð Vol.torrent SHA1: 0f5abd8ba1e374a9bac29b492b5afee5d6179996 Com Hem AB uTorrent 5.5.30 39985 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 63 63 6 28.05.2019 06:07:15 28.05.2019 04:07:15 110 Hits 2019 Vol.2 (2019).torrent SHA1: 96e47a5e283359810a9d3d0a53c7907ddae0c0d3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 50124 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 38 38 7 29.05.2019 06:18:53 29.05.2019 04:18:53 110 Hits 2019 Vol.2 (2019).torrent SHA1: 96e47a5e283359810a9d3d0a53c7907ddae0c0d3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 50124 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 43 43 8 30.05.2019 07:19:56 30.05.2019 05:19:56 110 Hits 2019 Vol.2 (2019).torrent SHA1: 96e47a5e283359810a9d3d0a53c7907ddae0c0d3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 50124 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 60 60 9 31.05.2019 06:44:07 31.05.2019 04:44:07 110 Hits 2019 Vol.2 (2019).torrent SHA1: 96e47a5e283359810a9d3d0a53c7907ddae0c0d3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 50124 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 51 51 STOCKHOLMS TINGSRÄTT 10 01.06.2019 08:56:05 01.06.2019 06:56:05 110 Hits 2019 Vol.2 (2019).torrent SHA1: 96e47a5e283359810a9d3d0a53c7907ddae0c0d3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 50124 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 76 76 11 02.06.2019 09:50:36 02.06.2019 07:50:36 110 Hits 2019 Vol.2 (2019).torrent SHA1: 96e47a5e283359810a9d3d0a53c7907ddae0c0d3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 56710 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 52 52 PMD:P 12 03.06.2019 06:02:23 03.06.2019 04:02:23 110 Hits 2019 Vol.2 (2019).torrent SHA1: 96e47a5e283359810a9d3d0a53c7907ddae0c0d3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 50124 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 32 32 13 04.06.2019 06:39:50 04.06.2019 04:39:50 110 Hits 2019 Vol.2 (2019).torrent SHA1: 96e47a5e283359810a9d3d0a53c7907ddae0c0d3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 50124 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 39 39 14 05.06.2019 07:38:49 05.06.2019 05:38:49 110 Hits 2019 Vol.2 (2019).torrent SHA1: 96e47a5e283359810a9d3d0a53c7907ddae0c0d3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 50124 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 42 42 INKOM: 2019-06-26 15 06.06.2019 09:20:07 06.06.2019 07:20:07 110 Hits 2019 Vol.2 (2019).torrent SHA1: 96e47a5e283359810a9d3d0a53c7907ddae0c0d3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 50124 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 49 49 MÅLNR: PMÄ 8836-19 16 07.06.2019 13:37:33 07.06.2019 11:37:33 110 Hits 2019 Vol.2 (2019).torrent SHA1: 96e47a5e283359810a9d3d0a53c7907ddae0c0d3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 50124 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 71 71 17 08.06.2019 08:28:42 08.06.2019 06:28:42 110 Hits 2019 Vol.2 (2019).torrent SHA1: 96e47a5e283359810a9d3d0a53c7907ddae0c0d3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 50124 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 56 56 AKTBIL: 112 18 13.06.2019 10:28:51 13.06.2019 08:28:51 110 Hits 2019 Vol.2 (2019).torrent SHA1: 96e47a5e283359810a9d3d0a53c7907ddae0c0d3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 49517 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 32 32 19 14.06.2019 10:59:44 14.06.2019 08:59:44 110 Hits 2019 Vol.2 (2019).torrent SHA1: 96e47a5e283359810a9d3d0a53c7907ddae0c0d3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 49491 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 39 39 20 15.06.2019 09:47:47 15.06.2019 07:47:47 110 Hits 2019 Vol.2 (2019).torrent SHA1: 96e47a5e283359810a9d3d0a53c7907ddae0c0d3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 50124 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 33 33 21 16.06.2019 14:06:21 16.06.2019 12:06:21 110 Hits 2019 Vol.2 (2019).torrent SHA1: 96e47a5e283359810a9d3d0a53c7907ddae0c0d3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 49487 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 34 34 22 02.06.2019 19:13:36 02.06.2019 17:13:36 110-hits-2019.torrent SHA1: d7ef78ca1b9e4b777e6993d373665d66aa4bd449 Com Hem AB Azureus 52113 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 104 104 23 03.06.2019 03:23:06 03.06.2019 01:23:06 110-hits-2019.torrent SHA1: d7ef78ca1b9e4b777e6993d373665d66aa4bd449 Com Hem AB Azureus 63279 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 61 61 24 27.05.2019 12:30:31 27.05.2019 10:30:31 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 14419 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 4 4 25 28.05.2019 07:50:57 28.05.2019 05:50:57 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 14419 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 2 2 26 29.05.2019 08:30:43 29.05.2019 06:30:43 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 62529 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 3 3 27 29.05.2019 11:24:13 29.05.2019 09:24:13 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 36868 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 3 3 28 30.05.2019 07:58:30 30.05.2019 05:58:30 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 14419 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 3 3 29 30.05.2019 17:44:48 30.05.2019 15:44:48 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 36868 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 4 4 30 31.05.2019 08:28:20 31.05.2019 06:28:20 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 14419 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 2 2 31 01.06.2019 09:20:09 01.06.2019 07:20:09 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 14419 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 2 2 32 02.06.2019 09:16:48 02.06.2019 07:16:48 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 14419 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 2 2 33 03.06.2019 08:05:18 03.06.2019 06:05:18 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 14419 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 3 3 34 04.06.2019 08:05:57 04.06.2019 06:05:57 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 14419 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 4 4 35 05.06.2019 07:52:08 05.06.2019 05:52:08 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 14419 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 4 4 36 05.06.2019 05:47:28 05.06.2019 03:47:28 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 60592 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 4 4 37 06.06.2019 07:58:27 06.06.2019 05:58:27 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 59274 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 3 3 38 06.06.2019 09:54:47 06.06.2019 07:54:47 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 61605 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 7 7 39 07.06.2019 11:59:46 07.06.2019 09:59:46 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 36868 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 3 3 40 07.06.2019 12:32:13 07.06.2019 10:32:13 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 14419 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 3 3 41 08.06.2019 08:42:40 08.06.2019 06:42:40 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 50051 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 5 5 42 08.06.2019 09:37:16 08.06.2019 07:37:16 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 50306 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 6 6 43 09.06.2019 09:18:01 09.06.2019 07:18:01 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 49771 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 3 3 44 10.06.2019 19:26:11 10.06.2019 17:26:11 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 36868 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 1 1 45 10.06.2019 09:15:52 10.06.2019 07:15:52 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 49280 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 3 3 46 11.06.2019 16:13:12 11.06.2019 14:13:12 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB Unknown 50878 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 3 3 47 11.06.2019 08:46:58 11.06.2019 06:46:58 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 60955 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 2 2 48 12.06.2019 09:28:14 12.06.2019 07:28:14 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB Unknown 50878 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 4 4 49 12.06.2019 18:18:03 12.06.2019 16:18:03 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 49351 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 3 3 50 12.06.2019 09:07:43 12.06.2019 07:07:43 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 49739 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 4 4 51 13.06.2019 18:01:20 13.06.2019 16:01:20 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 57495 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 3 3 52 13.06.2019 09:03:30 13.06.2019 07:03:30 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 61130 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 1 1 53 14.06.2019 16:07:31 14.06.2019 14:07:31 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 58035 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 4 4 54 14.06.2019 08:40:49 14.06.2019 06:40:49 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 57448 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 1 1 55 15.06.2019 08:19:54 15.06.2019 06:19:54 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 58762 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 2 2 56 15.06.2019 09:17:37 15.06.2019 07:17:37 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 63176 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 4 4 57 15.06.2019 15:53:37 15.06.2019 13:53:37 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB Unknown 58167 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 6 6 58 16.06.2019 13:42:51 16.06.2019 11:42:51 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 64979 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 3 3 59 16.06.2019 08:37:08 16.06.2019 06:37:08 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 53636 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 3 3 60 16.06.2019 08:56:01 16.06.2019 06:56:01 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB Unknown 60594 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 3 3 61 17.06.2019 18:46:39 17.06.2019 16:46:39 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 60125 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 3 3 62 17.06.2019 08:13:09 17.06.2019 06:13:09 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 55524 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 4 4 63 18.06.2019 20:27:31 18.06.2019 18:27:31 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 36868 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 3 3 64 18.06.2019 09:10:53 18.06.2019 07:10:53 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 61598 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 2 2 65 19.06.2019 09:04:08 19.06.2019 07:04:08 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 56281 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 3 3 66 20.06.2019 08:50:41 20.06.2019 06:50:41 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB Unknown 65018 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 2 2 67 20.06.2019 21:25:34 20.06.2019 19:25:34 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 60946 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 2 2 68 20.06.2019 12:03:43 20.06.2019 10:03:43 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 56571 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 4 4 69 21.06.2019 05:28:16 21.06.2019 03:28:16 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 58982 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 3 3 70 21.06.2019 12:19:20 21.06.2019 10:19:20 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 61020 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 2 2 71 21.06.2019 19:14:03 21.06.2019 17:14:03 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB Unknown 18687 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 2 2 72 22.06.2019 02:09:31 22.06.2019 00:09:31 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 36868 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 2 2 73 22.06.2019 13:58:17 22.06.2019 11:58:17 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 14419 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 3 3 74 23.06.2019 08:46:08 23.06.2019 06:46:08 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB Unknown 65018 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 4 4 75 23.06.2019 14:02:51 23.06.2019 12:02:51 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 62711 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 2 2

Sida 1 av 3 Bilaga X - Blad2 - IP-adresser

76 23.06.2019 12:21:52 23.06.2019 10:21:52 Absolute Music vol 85.torrent SHA1: f3f318ed8381d914ec5723592b3eb573d71e03e3 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 50548 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 6 6 77 06.06.2019 09:32:51 06.06.2019 07:32:51 VA - Best Music of 2018 (Mp3 Songs) [PMEDIA].torrent SHA1: cc3820a441fc4dd919643cfb1ce20f66c0f93718 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 64240 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 118 118 78 16.06.2019 22:46:37 16.06.2019 20:46:37 VA - Best Music of 2018 (Mp3 Songs) [PMEDIA].torrent SHA1: cc3820a441fc4dd919643cfb1ce20f66c0f93718 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 49869 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 118 118 79 21.06.2019 09:33:10 21.06.2019 07:33:10 VA - Bravo The Hits 2018 (2CD, 2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter].torrent SHA1: bee772b1add0bed6bfc874034c72854140b04bc6 Com Hem AB Unknown 40612 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 9 9 80 21.06.2019 03:17:15 21.06.2019 01:17:15 [ArenaBG.com]-VA - Club Sounds (Best Of 2018)-3CD-2018.torrent SHA1: 1dfc2d078bc2c6dacd7777f94a18a91fdc3024fc Com Hem AB Unknown 40612 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 3 3 81 28.05.2019 13:11:43 28.05.2019 11:11:43 Energy NRJ Hits 2019mp3.torrent SHA1: 175cf24f4a3aaff84e34ee9246d2b867b8b8170b Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 30673 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 173 173 82 29.05.2019 02:31:11 29.05.2019 00:31:11 Energy NRJ Hits 2019mp3.torrent SHA1: 175cf24f4a3aaff84e34ee9246d2b867b8b8170b Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 30673 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 66 66 83 30.05.2019 07:01:06 30.05.2019 05:01:06 Energy NRJ Hits 2019mp3.torrent SHA1: 175cf24f4a3aaff84e34ee9246d2b867b8b8170b Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 30673 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 45 45 84 31.05.2019 02:08:00 31.05.2019 00:08:00 Energy NRJ Hits 2019mp3.torrent SHA1: 175cf24f4a3aaff84e34ee9246d2b867b8b8170b Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 30673 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 61 61 85 01.06.2019 20:56:47 01.06.2019 18:56:47 Energy NRJ Hits 2019mp3.torrent SHA1: 175cf24f4a3aaff84e34ee9246d2b867b8b8170b Com Hem AB Unknown 24874 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 60 60 86 01.06.2019 02:38:30 01.06.2019 00:38:30 Energy NRJ Hits 2019mp3.torrent SHA1: 175cf24f4a3aaff84e34ee9246d2b867b8b8170b Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 64578 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 50 50 87 15.06.2019 08:19:08 15.06.2019 06:19:08 VA - Energy Hits 2019 (2CD) (2019).torrent SHA1: d31f398134e6e3f2305cca86167774c3e3e0f870 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 26031 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 10 10 88 16.06.2019 11:17:35 16.06.2019 09:17:35 VA - Energy Hits 2019 (2CD) (2019).torrent SHA1: d31f398134e6e3f2305cca86167774c3e3e0f870 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 26031 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 26 26 89 17.06.2019 04:53:09 17.06.2019 02:53:09 VA - Energy Hits 2019 (2CD) (2019).torrent SHA1: d31f398134e6e3f2305cca86167774c3e3e0f870 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 26031 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 19 19 90 18.06.2019 05:00:01 18.06.2019 03:00:01 VA - Energy Hits 2019 (2CD) (2019).torrent SHA1: d31f398134e6e3f2305cca86167774c3e3e0f870 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 60451 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 1 1 91 19.06.2019 04:59:14 19.06.2019 02:59:14 VA - Energy Hits 2019 (2CD) (2019).torrent SHA1: d31f398134e6e3f2305cca86167774c3e3e0f870 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 26031 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 4 4 92 20.06.2019 04:54:06 20.06.2019 02:54:06 VA - Energy Hits 2019 (2CD) (2019).torrent SHA1: d31f398134e6e3f2305cca86167774c3e3e0f870 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 58833 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 1 1 93 21.06.2019 21:35:27 21.06.2019 19:35:27 Energy NRJ Hits 2019mp3.torrent SHA1: 175cf24f4a3aaff84e34ee9246d2b867b8b8170b Com Hem AB Unknown 65518 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 19 19 94 21.06.2019 05:03:20 21.06.2019 03:03:20 VA - Energy Hits 2019 (2CD) (2019).torrent SHA1: d31f398134e6e3f2305cca86167774c3e3e0f870 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 56814 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 4 4 95 22.06.2019 16:57:31 22.06.2019 14:57:31 VA - Energy Hits 2019 (2CD) (2019).torrent SHA1: d31f398134e6e3f2305cca86167774c3e3e0f870 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 62384 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 18 18 96 23.06.2019 10:07:41 23.06.2019 08:07:41 VA - Energy Hits 2019 (2CD) (2019).torrent SHA1: d31f398134e6e3f2305cca86167774c3e3e0f870 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 63531 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 3 3 97 24.06.2019 05:57:01 24.06.2019 03:57:01 VA - Energy Hits 2019 (2CD) (2019).torrent SHA1: d31f398134e6e3f2305cca86167774c3e3e0f870 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 53513 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 2 2 98 01.06.2019 21:27:19 01.06.2019 19:27:19 Europa Plus ЕвроХит Топ 40 10.05 (2019).torrent SHA1: e085c9fdaaefa5a8a7eef9e1602bb379964415de Com Hem AB Unknown 49103 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 73 73 99 02.06.2019 02:08:45 02.06.2019 00:08:45 Europa Plus ЕвроХит Топ 40 10.05 (2019).torrent SHA1: e085c9fdaaefa5a8a7eef9e1602bb379964415de Com Hem AB Unknown 48130 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 155 155 100 08.06.2019 23:26:53 08.06.2019 21:26:53 Europa Plus ЕвроХит Топ 40 10.05 (2019).torrent SHA1: e085c9fdaaefa5a8a7eef9e1602bb379964415de Com Hem AB Unknown 48526 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 33 33 101 15.06.2019 19:46:24 15.06.2019 17:46:24 [Sound-Park.ru] VA - Ð Ð Ñ Ð Ð Ð Ñ Ð Ð Ð Europa Plus (14).torrent SHA1: 4369360611d2a0b4dc536971b53bc68a61727266 Com Hem AB Unknown 61137 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 17 17 102 28.05.2019 12:35:11 28.05.2019 10:35:11 VA - Hot Parade Dance Winter 2019 (2CD) (2019).torrent SHA1: 9d45cacef5908ecfc458275c371b203ee9694c0c Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.4.70 45768 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 12 12 103 02.06.2019 15:13:38 02.06.2019 13:13:38 VA - Hot Parade Dance Winter 2019 (2CD) (2019).torrent SHA1: 9d45cacef5908ecfc458275c371b203ee9694c0c Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 51976 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 12 12 104 03.06.2019 13:29:18 03.06.2019 11:29:18 VA - Hot Parade Dance Winter 2019 (2CD) (2019).torrent SHA1: 9d45cacef5908ecfc458275c371b203ee9694c0c Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.4.70 45768 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 5 5 105 03.06.2019 14:31:12 03.06.2019 12:31:12 VA - Hot Parade Dance Winter 2019 (2CD) (2019).torrent SHA1: 9d45cacef5908ecfc458275c371b203ee9694c0c Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 47821 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 6 6 106 04.06.2019 02:01:12 04.06.2019 00:01:12 VA - Hot Parade Dance Winter 2019 (2CD) (2019).torrent SHA1: 9d45cacef5908ecfc458275c371b203ee9694c0c Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.4.70 45768 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 22 22 107 07.06.2019 12:48:40 07.06.2019 10:48:40 VA - Hot Parade Dance Winter 2019 (2CD) (2019).torrent SHA1: 9d45cacef5908ecfc458275c371b203ee9694c0c Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.4.70 45768 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 7 7 108 08.06.2019 04:25:08 08.06.2019 02:25:08 VA - Hot Parade Dance Winter 2019 (2CD) (2019).torrent SHA1: 9d45cacef5908ecfc458275c371b203ee9694c0c Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.4.70 45768 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 7 7 109 10.06.2019 12:37:08 10.06.2019 10:37:08 VA - Hot Parade Dance Winter 2019 (2CD) (2019).torrent SHA1: 9d45cacef5908ecfc458275c371b203ee9694c0c Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.4.70 54544 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 4 4 110 11.06.2019 11:30:38 11.06.2019 09:30:38 VA - Hot Parade Dance Winter 2019 (2CD) (2019).torrent SHA1: 9d45cacef5908ecfc458275c371b203ee9694c0c Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.4.70 45768 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 10 10 111 12.06.2019 12:41:59 12.06.2019 10:41:59 VA - Hot Parade Dance Winter 2019 (2CD) (2019).torrent SHA1: 9d45cacef5908ecfc458275c371b203ee9694c0c Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.4.70 45768 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 5 5 112 13.06.2019 03:28:12 13.06.2019 01:28:12 VA - Hot Parade Dance Winter 2019 (2CD) (2019).torrent SHA1: 9d45cacef5908ecfc458275c371b203ee9694c0c Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.4.70 52433 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 18 18 113 14.06.2019 04:59:02 14.06.2019 02:59:02 VA - Hot Parade Dance Winter 2019 (2CD) (2019).torrent SHA1: 9d45cacef5908ecfc458275c371b203ee9694c0c Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.4.70 45768 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 2 2 114 15.06.2019 05:03:24 15.06.2019 03:03:24 VA - Hot Parade Dance Winter 2019 (2CD) (2019).torrent SHA1: 9d45cacef5908ecfc458275c371b203ee9694c0c Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.4.70 45768 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 5 5 115 16.06.2019 05:13:03 16.06.2019 03:13:03 VA - Hot Parade Dance Winter 2019 (2CD) (2019).torrent SHA1: 9d45cacef5908ecfc458275c371b203ee9694c0c Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.4.70 45768 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 4 4 116 17.06.2019 09:54:34 17.06.2019 07:54:34 VA - Hot Parade Dance Winter 2019 (2CD) (2019).torrent SHA1: 9d45cacef5908ecfc458275c371b203ee9694c0c Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.4.70 51113 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 7 7 117 18.06.2019 03:23:26 18.06.2019 01:23:26 VA - Hot Parade Dance Winter 2019 (2CD) (2019).torrent SHA1: 9d45cacef5908ecfc458275c371b203ee9694c0c Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.4.70 61242 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 9 9 118 20.06.2019 11:02:36 20.06.2019 09:02:36 VA - Hot Parade Dance Winter 2019 (2CD) (2019).torrent SHA1: 9d45cacef5908ecfc458275c371b203ee9694c0c Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.4.70 56574 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 4 4 119 11.06.2019 14:28:32 11.06.2019 12:28:32 Kiss FM Top 40 09.06 (2019).torrent SHA1: 6193d0b9cca3d65daaf01567bcec6a43aa03643e Com Hem AB uTorrent 5.5.30 37019 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 185 185 120 09.06.2019 15:07:42 09.06.2019 13:07:42 Kiss FM Top 40 16.09 (2018).torrent SHA1: 8925b873262d3fa0d22395b1cf3f1d461fca20f8 Com Hem AB Unknown 53672 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 2 2 121 10.06.2019 19:42:04 10.06.2019 17:42:04 Kiss FM Top 40 16.09 (2018).torrent SHA1: 8925b873262d3fa0d22395b1cf3f1d461fca20f8 Com Hem AB Unknown 56744 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 2 2 122 11.06.2019 06:01:49 11.06.2019 04:01:49 Kiss FM Top 40 16.09 (2018).torrent SHA1: 8925b873262d3fa0d22395b1cf3f1d461fca20f8 Com Hem AB Unknown 61137 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 1 1 123 14.06.2019 06:19:54 14.06.2019 04:19:54 Kiss FM Top 40 16.09 (2018).torrent SHA1: 8925b873262d3fa0d22395b1cf3f1d461fca20f8 Com Hem AB Unknown 61137 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 1 1 124 15.06.2019 20:58:23 15.06.2019 18:58:23 Kiss FM Top 40 16.09 (2018).torrent SHA1: 8925b873262d3fa0d22395b1cf3f1d461fca20f8 Com Hem AB Unknown 61137 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 1 1 125 16.06.2019 09:24:49 16.06.2019 07:24:49 Kiss FM Top 40 16.09 (2018).torrent SHA1: 8925b873262d3fa0d22395b1cf3f1d461fca20f8 Com Hem AB Unknown 61137 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 1 1 126 29.05.2019 02:51:52 29.05.2019 00:51:52 Kiss FM Top 40 31.12 (2018).torrent SHA1: 01fba072fea6155ecd41d504eba73671455f7590 Com Hem AB uTorrent 5.5.20 37430 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 6 6 127 30.05.2019 05:03:53 30.05.2019 03:03:53 Kiss FM Top 40 31.12 (2018).torrent SHA1: 01fba072fea6155ecd41d504eba73671455f7590 Com Hem AB uTorrent 5.5.20 38105 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 29 29 128 09.06.2019 16:54:22 09.06.2019 14:54:22 Kiss FM Top 40 31.12 (2018).torrent SHA1: 01fba072fea6155ecd41d504eba73671455f7590 Com Hem AB uTorrent 5.5.30 41782 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 38 38 129 10.06.2019 04:05:14 10.06.2019 02:05:14 Kiss FM Top 40 31.12 (2018).torrent SHA1: 01fba072fea6155ecd41d504eba73671455f7590 Com Hem AB uTorrent 5.5.30 39985 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 20 20 130 27.05.2019 19:26:09 27.05.2019 17:26:09 Лучшие из лучших. Горячие хиты радиостанций. Часть 15 (2018).torrent SHA1: c07efc8d702a0bbbdf435843fa7a5b98fb70227b Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 42303 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 67 67 131 28.05.2019 13:02:18 28.05.2019 11:02:18 Лучшие из лучших. Горячие хиты радиостанций. Часть 15 (2018).torrent SHA1: c07efc8d702a0bbbdf435843fa7a5b98fb70227b Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 3112 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 43 43 132 29.05.2019 21:23:57 29.05.2019 19:23:57 Лучшие из лучших. Горячие хиты радиостанций. Часть 15 (2018).torrent SHA1: c07efc8d702a0bbbdf435843fa7a5b98fb70227b Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 42303 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 44 44 133 30.05.2019 16:00:44 30.05.2019 14:00:44 Лучшие из лучших. Горячие хиты радиостанций. Часть 15 (2018).torrent SHA1: c07efc8d702a0bbbdf435843fa7a5b98fb70227b Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 42303 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 59 59 134 31.05.2019 19:25:24 31.05.2019 17:25:24 Лучшие из лучших. Горячие хиты радиостанций. Часть 15 (2018).torrent SHA1: c07efc8d702a0bbbdf435843fa7a5b98fb70227b Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 3324 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 64 64 135 01.06.2019 17:27:37 01.06.2019 15:27:37 Лучшие из лучших. Горячие хиты радиостанций. Часть 15 (2018).torrent SHA1: c07efc8d702a0bbbdf435843fa7a5b98fb70227b Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 42303 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 52 52 136 03.06.2019 20:52:13 03.06.2019 18:52:13 Лучшие из лучших. Горячие хиты радиостанций. Часть 15 (2018).torrent SHA1: c07efc8d702a0bbbdf435843fa7a5b98fb70227b Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 42303 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 197 197 137 04.06.2019 09:42:39 04.06.2019 07:42:39 Лучшие из лучших. Горячие хиты радиостанций. Часть 15 (2018).torrent SHA1: c07efc8d702a0bbbdf435843fa7a5b98fb70227b Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 42303 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 43 43 138 05.06.2019 19:22:05 05.06.2019 17:22:05 Лучшие из лучших. Горячие хиты радиостанций. Часть 15 (2018).torrent SHA1: c07efc8d702a0bbbdf435843fa7a5b98fb70227b Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 42303 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 71 71 139 10.06.2019 20:30:50 10.06.2019 18:30:50 Лучшие из лучших. Горячие хиты радиостанций. Часть 15 (2018).torrent SHA1: c07efc8d702a0bbbdf435843fa7a5b98fb70227b Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 42303 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 65 65 140 11.06.2019 10:34:35 11.06.2019 08:34:35 Лучшие из лучших. Горячие хиты радиостанций. Часть 15 (2018).torrent SHA1: c07efc8d702a0bbbdf435843fa7a5b98fb70227b Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 3804 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 50 50 141 12.06.2019 19:21:07 12.06.2019 17:21:07 Лучшие из лучших. Горячие хиты радиостанций. Часть 15 (2018).torrent SHA1: c07efc8d702a0bbbdf435843fa7a5b98fb70227b Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 42303 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 47 47 142 17.06.2019 19:13:27 17.06.2019 17:13:27 Лучшие из лучших. Горячие хиты радиостанций. Часть 15 (2018).torrent SHA1: c07efc8d702a0bbbdf435843fa7a5b98fb70227b Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 42303 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 45 45 143 18.06.2019 11:44:59 18.06.2019 09:44:59 Лучшие из лучших. Горячие хиты радиостанций. Часть 15 (2018).torrent SHA1: c07efc8d702a0bbbdf435843fa7a5b98fb70227b Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 3981 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 34 34 144 19.06.2019 18:32:50 19.06.2019 16:32:50 Лучшие из лучших. Горячие хиты радиостанций. Часть 15 (2018).torrent SHA1: c07efc8d702a0bbbdf435843fa7a5b98fb70227b Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 3636 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 122 122 145 09.06.2019 22:53:01 09.06.2019 20:53:01 VA - Ministry Of Sound - The Annual 2019 (2018).torrent SHA1: 8ec85e12f3c546eccbeb139d4fdbcb1340c24a71 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 49869 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 22 22 146 16.06.2019 22:51:34 16.06.2019 20:51:34 VA - Now Thats What I Call Hits & Remixes 2019 (Mp3 320kbps) [PMEDIA].torrent SHA1: a2002cc0697e732842a991806afca3ea2d643eb8 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 21936 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 18 18 147 18.06.2019 19:33:55 18.06.2019 17:33:55 VA - Now Thats What I Call Hits & Remixes 2019 (Mp3 320kbps) [PMEDIA].torrent SHA1: a2002cc0697e732842a991806afca3ea2d643eb8 Com Hem AB qBittorrent 23853 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 20 20 148 19.06.2019 02:40:29 19.06.2019 00:40:29 VA - Now Thats What I Call Hits & Remixes 2019 (Mp3 320kbps) [PMEDIA].torrent SHA1: a2002cc0697e732842a991806afca3ea2d643eb8 Com Hem AB qBittorrent 23853 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 51 51 149 21.06.2019 07:40:56 21.06.2019 05:40:56 VA - NOW Thats What I Ca1l Muic! 101 [2018].torrent SHA1: 2c2eff41d497fcd03f9ac3ab7934429365e397a7 Com Hem AB Unknown 40612 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 26 26 150 19.06.2019 18:23:06 19.06.2019 16:23:06 [Sound-Park.ru] VA - NRJ Dance Hits CD.torrent SHA1: edc9fc70e42bb3eaa2ba843bdbcf94da536bca45 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 37039 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 28 28

Sida 1 av 3 Bilaga X - Blad2 - IP-adresser

151 27.05.2019 15:15:53 27.05.2019 13:15:53 [ www.Torrent9.uno ] VA - NRJ Extravadance (2019)(WEB.MP3.320KBPS).torrent SHA1: 3667a9c7238a455db63677172a23110e720a458a Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 44208 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 100 100 152 28.05.2019 17:56:30 28.05.2019 15:56:30 [ www.Torrent9.uno ] VA - NRJ Extravadance (2019)(WEB.MP3.320KBPS).torrent SHA1: 3667a9c7238a455db63677172a23110e720a458a Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 62361 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 102 102 153 30.05.2019 23:59:39 30.05.2019 21:59:39 [ www.Torrent9.uno ] VA - NRJ Extravadance (2019)(WEB.MP3.320KBPS).torrent SHA1: 3667a9c7238a455db63677172a23110e720a458a Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 13422 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 226 226 154 02.06.2019 17:25:07 02.06.2019 15:25:07 [ www.Torrent9.uno ] VA - NRJ Extravadance (2019)(WEB.MP3.320KBPS).torrent SHA1: 3667a9c7238a455db63677172a23110e720a458a Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 51000 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 76 76 155 04.06.2019 01:05:01 03.06.2019 23:05:01 [ www.Torrent9.uno ] VA - NRJ Extravadance (2019)(WEB.MP3.320KBPS).torrent SHA1: 3667a9c7238a455db63677172a23110e720a458a Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 62173 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 208 208 156 30.05.2019 05:46:23 30.05.2019 03:46:23 [Sound-Park.ru] VA - Shazam Ð Ð Ñ -Ð Ð Ñ Ð Ð Russia Top (2).torrent SHA1: 8931663f7da34f48e24e3bd7716f64896c2219a5 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 35368 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 122 122 157 01.06.2019 12:14:47 01.06.2019 10:14:47 [Sound-Park.ru] VA - Shazam Ð Ð Ñ -Ð Ð Ñ Ð Ð Russia Top (2).torrent SHA1: 8931663f7da34f48e24e3bd7716f64896c2219a5 Com Hem AB 6933 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 171 171 158 02.06.2019 04:03:16 02.06.2019 02:03:16 [Sound-Park.ru] VA - Shazam Ð Ð Ñ -Ð Ð Ñ Ð Ð Russia Top (2).torrent SHA1: 8931663f7da34f48e24e3bd7716f64896c2219a5 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 56328 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 79 79 159 04.06.2019 21:43:17 04.06.2019 19:43:17 [Sound-Park.ru] VA - Shazam Ð Ð Ñ -Ð Ð Ñ Ð Ð Russia Top (2).torrent SHA1: 8931663f7da34f48e24e3bd7716f64896c2219a5 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 51215 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 145 145 160 05.06.2019 19:26:27 05.06.2019 17:26:27 [Sound-Park.ru] VA - Shazam Ð Ð Ñ -Ð Ð Ñ Ð Ð Russia Top (2).torrent SHA1: 8931663f7da34f48e24e3bd7716f64896c2219a5 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 52763 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 165 165 161 11.06.2019 20:37:49 11.06.2019 18:37:49 [Sound-Park.ru] VA - Shazam Ð Ð Ñ -Ð Ð Ñ Ð Ð Russia Top (2).torrent SHA1: 8931663f7da34f48e24e3bd7716f64896c2219a5 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 39118 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 125 125 162 09.06.2019 22:53:11 09.06.2019 20:53:11 Shazam World Top 100 18.09 (2018).torrent SHA1: 54091ac3e2e9b09b810c67dd7128a2138adf7c18 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 49869 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 7 7 163 14.06.2019 02:53:10 14.06.2019 00:53:10 Shazam World Top 100 18.09 (2018).torrent SHA1: 54091ac3e2e9b09b810c67dd7128a2138adf7c18 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 60590 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 10 10 164 17.06.2019 00:35:24 16.06.2019 22:35:24 Shazam World Top 100 18.09 (2018).torrent SHA1: 54091ac3e2e9b09b810c67dd7128a2138adf7c18 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 49869 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 6 6 165 09.06.2019 11:52:28 09.06.2019 09:52:28 [SoundPark.red] VA - Shazam World Top September.torrent SHA1: bd449609274192ed818e561b47a94a9473a3cb6f Com Hem AB Unknown 61137 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 12 12 166 10.06.2019 07:41:51 10.06.2019 05:41:51 [SoundPark.red] VA - Shazam World Top September.torrent SHA1: bd449609274192ed818e561b47a94a9473a3cb6f Com Hem AB Unknown 62469 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 9 9 167 13.06.2019 05:09:53 13.06.2019 03:09:53 [SoundPark.red] VA - Shazam World Top September.torrent SHA1: bd449609274192ed818e561b47a94a9473a3cb6f Com Hem AB Unknown 59451 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 2 2 168 14.06.2019 06:08:05 14.06.2019 04:08:05 [SoundPark.red] VA - Shazam World Top September.torrent SHA1: bd449609274192ed818e561b47a94a9473a3cb6f Com Hem AB Unknown 50522 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 7 7 169 15.06.2019 17:56:08 15.06.2019 15:56:08 [SoundPark.red] VA - Shazam World Top September.torrent SHA1: bd449609274192ed818e561b47a94a9473a3cb6f Com Hem AB Unknown 61137 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 6 6 170 16.06.2019 09:05:34 16.06.2019 07:05:34 [SoundPark.red] VA - Shazam World Top September.torrent SHA1: bd449609274192ed818e561b47a94a9473a3cb6f Com Hem AB Unknown 61137 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 10 10 171 01.06.2019 16:05:39 01.06.2019 14:05:39 VA - So Fresh The Hits Of Summer 2019 + The Best Of 2018 (2018).torrent SHA1: 7fb6cc56e630c68a27172817f0f6b2b56345845b Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 23184 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 12 12 172 30.05.2019 20:23:32 30.05.2019 18:23:32 Spotify - Top Tracks of 2018 (2018) Mp3 (320Kbps).torrent SHA1: 154d209d2ae2a61a84b4a3d1d03e700cc8b1c225 Com Hem AB Unknown 6881 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 25 25 173 16.06.2019 23:03:32 16.06.2019 21:03:32 Freemusicdl.club - Top 100 Worldwide (Chart 01.05.2019) (2019) mp3 320 Kbps.torrent SHA1: dd2b6f7ffffaa59e85fb9a03fed980ca1a38f6a1 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 64792 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 2 2 174 16.06.2019 23:34:11 16.06.2019 21:34:11 Top.100.UK.13.03.2019.HiRes.FLAC-Tycoz FreeMusicDL.Club.torrent SHA1: 479ea3138714ab9bf067cb1c9f3c33cf23e6d8bf Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 21936 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 4 4 175 17.06.2019 10:02:57 17.06.2019 08:02:57 Top.100.UK.13.03.2019.HiRes.FLAC-Tycoz FreeMusicDL.Club.torrent SHA1: 479ea3138714ab9bf067cb1c9f3c33cf23e6d8bf Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 21936 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 7 7 176 02.06.2019 18:16:45 02.06.2019 16:16:45 [Sound-Park.ru] VA - Top Shazam (1).torrent SHA1: a5672fb96c08e141746fe6e021b88202718a9d01 Com Hem AB Unknown 53357 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 2 2 177 03.06.2019 20:13:42 03.06.2019 18:13:42 [Sound-Park.ru] VA - Top Shazam (1).torrent SHA1: a5672fb96c08e141746fe6e021b88202718a9d01 Com Hem AB Unknown 57664 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 3 3 178 17.06.2019 00:31:54 16.06.2019 22:31:54 Various Artists - UK Top 40 Dance Singles(17.11.2018).torrent SHA1: e2ab8dc5d084755bb3643fbaa3c2dc02077aa5b8 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 21936 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 2 2 179 17.06.2019 04:32:56 17.06.2019 02:32:56 Various Artists - UK Top 40 Dance Singles(17.11.2018).torrent SHA1: e2ab8dc5d084755bb3643fbaa3c2dc02077aa5b8 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 21936 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino - In My Mind 1 1

Sida 1 av 3 Bilaga 24

Bilaga X - Gaullin - Moonlight - IP-adresser

No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name File Hash ISP Client Port Title SwarmSize Audience First Name Last Name Address Zip City 180 19.06.2019 18:13:27 19.06.2019 16:13:27 Le Son Dancefloor Summer (2019).torrent SHA1: 83dac252b5d3ad1be8379fb058023f1699e42713 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 20956 Gaullin - Moonlight 60 60 181 19.06.2019 02:46:06 19.06.2019 00:46:06 Le Son Dancefloor Summer (2019).torrent SHA1: 83dac252b5d3ad1be8379fb058023f1699e42713 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 60590 Gaullin - Moonlight 37 37 182 15.06.2019 21:34:41 15.06.2019 19:34:41 [Sound-Park.ru] VA - Megahits Sommer CD (1).torrent SHA1: ea612c373f276864177389fe54f50a69b147e05a Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 60767 Gaullin - Moonlight 60 60 183 14.06.2019 18:09:45 14.06.2019 16:09:45 VA - We Love Summer (2019) Mp3 320kbps Songs [PMEDIA].torrent SHA1: fbe25d7240e6a3500da7a2f23afb7a44f786034e Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.4.20 13246 Gaullin - Moonlight 23 23


INKOM: 2019-06-26 MÅLNR: PMÄ 8836-19 AKTBIL: 113

Sida 1 av 1 Bilaga 25

Bilaga X - Blad4 - IP-adresser

No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name File Hash ISP Client Port Title SwarmSize Audience First Name Last Name Address Zip City 184 27.05.2019 12:07:30 27.05.2019 10:07:30 B9DFFF012A30ABD327FC6C258F78B5328384E7D8.torrent SHA1: b9dfff012a30abd327fc6c258f78b5328384e7d8 Com Hem AB Unknown 57983 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 17 17 185 27.05.2019 20:12:33 27.05.2019 18:12:33 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 58799 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 10 10 186 27.05.2019 11:27:07 27.05.2019 09:27:07 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 57274 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 13 13 187 28.05.2019 11:30:45 28.05.2019 09:30:45 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 57274 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 20 20 188 29.05.2019 14:43:55 29.05.2019 12:43:55 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 57274 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 15 15 189 29.05.2019 08:36:38 29.05.2019 06:36:38 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 57274 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 12 12 190 31.05.2019 00:03:59 30.05.2019 22:03:59 B9DFFF012A30ABD327FC6C258F78B5328384E7D8.torrent SHA1: b9dfff012a30abd327fc6c258f78b5328384e7d8 Com Hem AB Unknown 60819 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 41 41 STOCKHOLMS TINGSRÄTT 191 30.05.2019 02:58:55 30.05.2019 00:58:55 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 57274 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 11 11 192 31.05.2019 10:14:48 31.05.2019 08:14:48 B9DFFF012A30ABD327FC6C258F78B5328384E7D8.torrent SHA1: b9dfff012a30abd327fc6c258f78b5328384e7d8 Com Hem AB Unknown 61137 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 11 11 PMD:P 193 31.05.2019 03:06:40 31.05.2019 01:06:40 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 57274 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 12 12 194 01.06.2019 13:53:11 01.06.2019 11:53:11 B9DFFF012A30ABD327FC6C258F78B5328384E7D8.torrent SHA1: b9dfff012a30abd327fc6c258f78b5328384e7d8 Com Hem AB Unknown 49593 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 16 16 195 01.06.2019 09:40:39 01.06.2019 07:40:39 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 52820 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 14 14 INKOM: 2019-06-26 196 02.06.2019 21:50:46 02.06.2019 19:50:46 B9DFFF012A30ABD327FC6C258F78B5328384E7D8.torrent SHA1: b9dfff012a30abd327fc6c258f78b5328384e7d8 Com Hem AB Unknown 61137 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 12 12 MÅLNR: PMÄ 8836-19 197 02.06.2019 09:29:42 02.06.2019 07:29:42 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 57274 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 18 18 AKTBIL: 114 198 03.06.2019 14:13:31 03.06.2019 12:13:31 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 52728 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 28 28 199 03.06.2019 10:57:19 03.06.2019 08:57:19 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 61719 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 12 12 200 04.06.2019 10:06:27 04.06.2019 08:06:27 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 57274 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 9 9 201 05.06.2019 02:02:50 05.06.2019 00:02:50 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 61620 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 18 18 202 06.06.2019 08:54:10 06.06.2019 06:54:10 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 57274 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 7 7 203 07.06.2019 20:22:44 07.06.2019 18:22:44 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 51763 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 14 14 204 07.06.2019 09:45:38 07.06.2019 07:45:38 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 57274 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 13 13 205 08.06.2019 12:33:59 08.06.2019 10:33:59 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 57274 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 36 36 206 09.06.2019 04:39:36 09.06.2019 02:39:36 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 57274 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 23 23 207 10.06.2019 18:34:01 10.06.2019 16:34:01 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 57274 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 24 24 208 11.06.2019 09:57:02 11.06.2019 07:57:02 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 57274 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 19 19 209 12.06.2019 02:22:04 12.06.2019 00:22:04 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 57274 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 29 29 210 13.06.2019 05:23:57 13.06.2019 03:23:57 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 57274 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 20 20 211 13.06.2019 21:19:06 13.06.2019 19:19:06 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 57274 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 19 19 212 14.06.2019 12:57:03 14.06.2019 10:57:03 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 57274 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 20 20 213 14.06.2019 07:12:59 14.06.2019 05:12:59 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 52962 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 29 29 214 15.06.2019 11:27:32 15.06.2019 09:27:32 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 57274 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 17 17 215 16.06.2019 18:09:57 16.06.2019 16:09:57 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 57274 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 14 14 216 17.06.2019 02:00:19 17.06.2019 00:00:19 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 57274 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 30 30 217 18.06.2019 02:04:42 18.06.2019 00:04:42 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 58111 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 20 20 218 19.06.2019 06:54:44 19.06.2019 04:54:44 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 57274 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 29 29 219 19.06.2019 23:42:50 19.06.2019 21:42:50 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 57274 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 48 48 220 20.06.2019 07:13:15 20.06.2019 05:13:15 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 57274 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 4 4 221 21.06.2019 13:26:31 21.06.2019 11:26:31 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 57274 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 9 9 222 22.06.2019 09:29:25 22.06.2019 07:29:25 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 51855 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 23 23 223 23.06.2019 20:31:23 23.06.2019 18:31:23 Maitre Gims - Ceinture noire (Transcendance) [2019].torrent SHA1: e1ec2284e1ab0c279b70ecbef275e8d4b5ba2ef3 Com Hem AB Unknown 59733 Maître Gims, Super Sako & Hayko - Mi Gna (Remix) 16 16

Sida 1 av 1 Bilaga 26

Bilaga X - Blad5 - IP-adresser

No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name File Hash ISP Client Port Title SwarmSize Audience First Name Last Name Address Zip City 224 12.06.2019 19:34:26 12.06.2019 17:34:26 [SoundPark.red] VA - Music for Car.torrent SHA1: 90f415a6fac7756f5c7dbf37adff1554ad308eb5 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 61216 Sigala & Ella Eyre & Meghan Trainor feat. French Montana - Just Got Paid 22 22 225 19.06.2019 11:49:06 19.06.2019 09:49:06 [SoundPark.red] VA - Music for Car.torrent SHA1: 90f415a6fac7756f5c7dbf37adff1554ad308eb5 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 49268 Sigala & Ella Eyre & Meghan Trainor feat. French Montana - Just Got Paid 2 2 226 20.06.2019 13:42:31 20.06.2019 11:42:31 [SoundPark.red] VA - Music for Car.torrent SHA1: 90f415a6fac7756f5c7dbf37adff1554ad308eb5 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 61216 Sigala & Ella Eyre & Meghan Trainor feat. French Montana - Just Got Paid 2 2 227 21.06.2019 16:56:15 21.06.2019 14:56:15 [SoundPark.red] VA - Music for Car.torrent SHA1: 90f415a6fac7756f5c7dbf37adff1554ad308eb5 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 61216 Sigala & Ella Eyre & Meghan Trainor feat. French Montana - Just Got Paid 1 1 228 23.06.2019 11:15:15 23.06.2019 09:15:15 [SoundPark.red] VA - Music for Car.torrent SHA1: 90f415a6fac7756f5c7dbf37adff1554ad308eb5 Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 49320 Sigala & Ella Eyre & Meghan Trainor feat. French Montana - Just Got Paid 4 4


INKOM: 2019-06-26 MÅLNR: PMÄ 8836-19 AKTBIL: 115

Sida 1 av 1 Bilaga 27

Bilaga X - Blad6 - IP-adresser

No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name File Hash ISP Client Port Title SwarmSize Audience First Name Last Name Address Zip City 229 14.06.2019 03:57:10 14.06.2019 01:57:10 Billboard Hot Dance Electronic Singles Chart (02-06-2018) Mp3 (320Kbps).torrent SHA1: ba0ef0b24c32a4f0f4afd287e363acf6a331ec4f Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 56473 Sigala feat. Paloma Faith ‎- Lullaby 6 6 230 08.06.2019 23:41:17 08.06.2019 21:41:17 Hit‎Music‎(весна‎2018)‎от‎Мяу.torrent SHA1: 933c92c4d53e5fca626fd0246de3bd91ba5ee6a5 Com Hem AB Unknown 51798 Sigala feat. Paloma Faith ‎- Lullaby 2 2 231 09.06.2019 19:02:07 09.06.2019 17:02:07 Hit‎Music‎(весна‎2018)‎от‎Мяу.torrent SHA1: 933c92c4d53e5fca626fd0246de3bd91ba5ee6a5 Com Hem AB Unknown 56564 Sigala feat. Paloma Faith ‎- Lullaby 6 6 232 27.05.2019 11:59:16 27.05.2019 09:59:16 CD138523531147A90D7CE55626C7C62A8727281F.torrent SHA1: cd138523531147a90d7ce55626c7c62a8727281f Com Hem AB Unknown 16908 Sigala feat. Paloma Faith ‎- Lullaby 78 78 233 28.05.2019 11:33:47 28.05.2019 09:33:47 CD138523531147A90D7CE55626C7C62A8727281F.torrent SHA1: cd138523531147a90d7ce55626c7c62a8727281f Com Hem AB Unknown 16908 Sigala feat. Paloma Faith ‎- Lullaby 59 59 234 29.05.2019 03:40:46 29.05.2019 01:40:46 CD138523531147A90D7CE55626C7C62A8727281F.torrent SHA1: cd138523531147a90d7ce55626c7c62a8727281f Com Hem AB Unknown 16908 Sigala feat. Paloma Faith ‎- Lullaby 53 53 235 30.05.2019 02:20:01 30.05.2019 00:20:01 CD138523531147A90D7CE55626C7C62A8727281F.torrent SHA1: cd138523531147a90d7ce55626c7c62a8727281f Com Hem AB Unknown 54243 Sigala feat. Paloma Faith ‎- Lullaby 75 75 STOCKHOLMS TINGSRÄTT 236 31.05.2019 10:15:08 31.05.2019 08:15:08 CD138523531147A90D7CE55626C7C62A8727281F.torrent SHA1: cd138523531147a90d7ce55626c7c62a8727281f Com Hem AB Unknown 16908 Sigala feat. Paloma Faith ‎- Lullaby 58 58 237 01.06.2019 09:28:21 01.06.2019 07:28:21 CD138523531147A90D7CE55626C7C62A8727281F.torrent SHA1: cd138523531147a90d7ce55626c7c62a8727281f Com Hem AB Unknown 16908 Sigala feat. Paloma Faith ‎- Lullaby 50 50 PMD:P 238 02.06.2019 13:41:40 02.06.2019 11:41:40 CD138523531147A90D7CE55626C7C62A8727281F.torrent SHA1: cd138523531147a90d7ce55626c7c62a8727281f Com Hem AB Unknown 55515 Sigala feat. Paloma Faith ‎- Lullaby 89 89 239 03.06.2019 19:42:05 03.06.2019 17:42:05 CD138523531147A90D7CE55626C7C62A8727281F.torrent SHA1: cd138523531147a90d7ce55626c7c62a8727281f Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 31407 Sigala feat. Paloma Faith ‎- Lullaby 81 81 240 04.06.2019 18:11:11 04.06.2019 16:11:11 CD138523531147A90D7CE55626C7C62A8727281F.torrent SHA1: cd138523531147a90d7ce55626c7c62a8727281f Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 53775 Sigala feat. Paloma Faith ‎- Lullaby 70 70 INKOM: 2019-06-26 241 04.06.2019 18:58:46 04.06.2019 16:58:46 CD138523531147A90D7CE55626C7C62A8727281F.torrent SHA1: cd138523531147a90d7ce55626c7c62a8727281f Com Hem AB Unknown 16908 Sigala feat. Paloma Faith ‎- Lullaby 65 65 MÅLNR: PMÄ 8836-19 242 05.06.2019 07:12:08 05.06.2019 05:12:08 CD138523531147A90D7CE55626C7C62A8727281F.torrent SHA1: cd138523531147a90d7ce55626c7c62a8727281f Com Hem AB uTorrent 3.5.5 56787 Sigala feat. Paloma Faith ‎- Lullaby 66 66 AKTBIL: 116 243 05.06.2019 03:33:06 05.06.2019 01:33:06 CD138523531147A90D7CE55626C7C62A8727281F.torrent SHA1: cd138523531147a90d7ce55626c7c62a8727281f Com Hem AB Unknown 16908 Sigala feat. Paloma Faith ‎- Lullaby 61 61 244 06.06.2019 02:11:29 06.06.2019 00:11:29 CD138523531147A90D7CE55626C7C62A8727281F.torrent SHA1: cd138523531147a90d7ce55626c7c62a8727281f Com Hem AB Unknown 54458 Sigala feat. Paloma Faith ‎- Lullaby 67 67 245 07.06.2019 03:46:40 07.06.2019 01:46:40 CD138523531147A90D7CE55626C7C62A8727281F.torrent SHA1: cd138523531147a90d7ce55626c7c62a8727281f Com Hem AB Unknown 16908 Sigala feat. Paloma Faith ‎- Lullaby 117 117 246 08.06.2019 04:38:16 08.06.2019 02:38:16 CD138523531147A90D7CE55626C7C62A8727281F.torrent SHA1: cd138523531147a90d7ce55626c7c62a8727281f Com Hem AB Unknown 62458 Sigala feat. Paloma Faith ‎- Lullaby 56 56 247 08.06.2019 11:54:39 08.06.2019 09:54:39 CD138523531147A90D7CE55626C7C62A8727281F.torrent SHA1: cd138523531147a90d7ce55626c7c62a8727281f Com Hem AB Unknown 16908 Sigala feat. Paloma Faith ‎- Lullaby 66 66 248 09.06.2019 17:33:04 09.06.2019 15:33:04 CD138523531147A90D7CE55626C7C62A8727281F.torrent SHA1: cd138523531147a90d7ce55626c7c62a8727281f Com Hem AB Unknown 58285 Sigala feat. Paloma Faith ‎- Lullaby 49 49 249 11.06.2019 19:57:36 11.06.2019 17:57:36 CD138523531147A90D7CE55626C7C62A8727281F.torrent SHA1: cd138523531147a90d7ce55626c7c62a8727281f Com Hem AB Unknown 16908 Sigala feat. Paloma Faith ‎- Lullaby 73 73 250 13.06.2019 07:49:24 13.06.2019 05:49:24 CD138523531147A90D7CE55626C7C62A8727281F.torrent SHA1: cd138523531147a90d7ce55626c7c62a8727281f Com Hem AB Unknown 16908 Sigala feat. Paloma Faith ‎- Lullaby 50 50 251 14.06.2019 04:43:18 14.06.2019 02:43:18 CD138523531147A90D7CE55626C7C62A8727281F.torrent SHA1: cd138523531147a90d7ce55626c7c62a8727281f Com Hem AB Unknown 16908 Sigala feat. Paloma Faith ‎- Lullaby 40 40 252 15.06.2019 14:16:27 15.06.2019 12:16:27 CD138523531147A90D7CE55626C7C62A8727281F.torrent SHA1: cd138523531147a90d7ce55626c7c62a8727281f Com Hem AB Unknown 16908 Sigala feat. Paloma Faith ‎- Lullaby 53 53 253 16.06.2019 05:31:00 16.06.2019 03:31:00 CD138523531147A90D7CE55626C7C62A8727281F.torrent SHA1: cd138523531147a90d7ce55626c7c62a8727281f Com Hem AB Unknown 52959 Sigala feat. Paloma Faith ‎- Lullaby 48 48 254 17.06.2019 20:05:02 17.06.2019 18:05:02 CD138523531147A90D7CE55626C7C62A8727281F.torrent SHA1: cd138523531147a90d7ce55626c7c62a8727281f Com Hem AB Unknown 61291 Sigala feat. Paloma Faith ‎- Lullaby 53 53 255 18.06.2019 21:55:42 18.06.2019 19:55:42 CD138523531147A90D7CE55626C7C62A8727281F.torrent SHA1: cd138523531147a90d7ce55626c7c62a8727281f Com Hem AB Unknown 16908 Sigala feat. Paloma Faith ‎- Lullaby 49 49 256 19.06.2019 14:42:20 19.06.2019 12:42:20 CD138523531147A90D7CE55626C7C62A8727281F.torrent SHA1: cd138523531147a90d7ce55626c7c62a8727281f Com Hem AB Unknown 16908 Sigala feat. Paloma Faith ‎- Lullaby 145 145 257 20.06.2019 19:48:12 20.06.2019 17:48:12 CD138523531147A90D7CE55626C7C62A8727281F.torrent SHA1: cd138523531147a90d7ce55626c7c62a8727281f Com Hem AB Unknown 58587 Sigala feat. Paloma Faith ‎- Lullaby 54 54 258 21.06.2019 02:20:00 21.06.2019 00:20:00 CD138523531147A90D7CE55626C7C62A8727281F.torrent SHA1: cd138523531147a90d7ce55626c7c62a8727281f Com Hem AB Unknown 16908 Sigala feat. Paloma Faith ‎- Lullaby 135 135 259 22.06.2019 02:14:52 22.06.2019 00:14:52 CD138523531147A90D7CE55626C7C62A8727281F.torrent SHA1: cd138523531147a90d7ce55626c7c62a8727281f Com Hem AB Unknown 56359 Sigala feat. Paloma Faith ‎- Lullaby 68 68 260 23.06.2019 10:06:21 23.06.2019 08:06:21 CD138523531147A90D7CE55626C7C62A8727281F.torrent SHA1: cd138523531147a90d7ce55626c7c62a8727281f Com Hem AB Unknown 16908 Sigala feat. Paloma Faith ‎- Lullaby 50 50

Sida 1 av 1 Bilaga 28

Hur man överklagar PMD-21 ______

Vill du att beslutet ska ändras i någon del kan Lämna aktuella och fullständiga uppgifter du överklaga. Här får du veta hur det går till. om var domstolen kan nå dig: postadresser, e-postadresser och telefonnummer.

Överklaga skriftligt inom 3 veckor Om du har ett ombud, lämna också ombudets kontaktuppgifter. Ditt överklagande ska ha kommit in till dom- stolen inom 3 veckor. Tiden räknas från den 5. Skriv under överklagandet själv eller låt ditt dag som du fick del av det skriftliga beslutet. ombud göra det. 6. Skicka eller lämna in överklagandet till Vilken dag går tiden ut? Patent- och marknadsdomstolen. Du hittar Sista dagen för överklagande är samma veckodag adressen i beslutet.

som tiden börjar räknas. Om du exempelvis fick

11 del av beslutet måndagen den 2 mars går tiden ut - måndagen den 23 mars.

• 2018 Vad händer sedan? Är sista dagen en lördag, söndag, helgdag, mid- sommarafton, julafton eller nyårsafton, räcker Patent- och marknadsdomstolen kontrollerar det att överklagandet kommer in nästa vardag. att överklagandet kommit in i rätt tid. Har det kommit in för sent avvisar domstolen över- klagandet. Det innebär att beslutet gäller. Så här gör du Om överklagandet kommit in i tid, skickar 1. Skriv Patent- och marknadsdomstolens domstolen överklagandet och alla handlingar i namn och målnummer. målet vidare till Patent- och marknads- överdomstolen. 2. Förklara varför du tycker att beslutet ska ändras. Tala om vilken ändring du vill ha Har du tidigare fått brev genom förenklad

och varför du tycker att Patent- och delgivning kan även Patent- och marknads-

• Producerat av Domstolsverket, Avd. för domstolsutveckling

pt överdomstolen skicka brev på detta sätt.

- marknadsöverdomstolen ska ta upp ditt överklagande (läs mer om prövnings- tillstånd längre ner). Prövningstillstånd i Patent- och marknads- 3. Tala om vilka bevis du vill hänvisa till. överdomstolen Förklara vad du vill visa med varje bevis.

Skicka med skriftliga bevis som inte redan När överklagandet kommer in till Patent- och Beslut (under rtg) att delge marknadsöverdomstolen tar domstolen först

– finns i målet. 21 21

- ställning till om målet ska tas upp till prövning.

PMD 4. Lämna namn och personnummer eller


för överklagande


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Patent- och marknadsöverdomstolen ger prövningstillstånd i fyra olika fall. • Domstolen bedömer att det finns anledning att tvivla på att Patent- och marknads- domstolen dömt rätt. • Domstolen anser att det inte går att bedöma om Patent- och marknadsdomstolen har dömt rätt utan att ta upp målet. • Domstolen behöver ta upp målet för att ge andra domstolar vägledning i rätts- tillämpningen. • Domstolen bedömer att det finns synnerliga skäl att ta upp målet av någon annan anledning. Om du inte får prövningstillstånd gäller det överklagade beslutet. Därför är det viktigt att i överklagandet ta med allt du vill föra fram.

Vill du veta mer?

Ta kontakt med Patent- och marknads-


- domstolen om du har frågor. Adress och

telefonnummer finns på första sidan i beslutet. • 2018

Mer information finns på www.domstol.se.

• Producerat av Domstolsverket, Avd. för domstolsutveckling



Beslut (under rtg) att delge

21 21



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