May 31, 2020 Pastor Fr. Jose We would like to extend a warm welcome Panthaplamthottiyil, CMI. to all of our new parishioners! Parochial Vicars Fr. Arul Yagappan, MSFS Fr. Bartlomiej Lukasz Gadaj Website: Mission Chapel Retired Associates Church, Rectory Office, St. Stephen’s Chapel Fr. John McElroy School & Ministry Center 2400 E. Highway 100, Bunnell, FL 32110 Fr. Mel Hemann 4600 Belle Terre Pkwy. Palm Coast, FL 32164 Church Hours Fr. George Sankoorikal Phone: (386) 445-2246 • Fax: (386) 445-7808 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday – Friday Fr. Fred Parke (Pastor Emeritus) School: (386) 445-2411 Rectory Office & Ministry Center Fr. James May (Pastor Emeritus) Emergency Phone: (386) 283-3420 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday – Friday (after hours ONLY) Holidays Pastoral Ministry Perlito (Tom) Alayu Deacon Bob Devereux Masses Deacon Jose Homem Mother Seton Church Deacon Ed Wolff Deacon Mason Wiggins Saturday 4 pm; Sunday 8 am, 10 am Business Manager and 12 noon; Elizabeth Foran Weekdays : 7.00 am and 8.30 am. Office Assistant

Mrs. Elaine Leonard Seton Hall Bookkeeper Saturday 4.15 pm; Leanne Rossi Sunday 8.15 am, 10.15 am and 12.15 pm Receptionist Carmen Cruz-Pritchard Spanish Mass Custodian “Your Gift Today is Our Treasure 5 pm on Sunday. Mr. Juan Quintero for Tomorrow” Portuguese Mass Maintenance 6 pm on first and third Jose Valverde May 24 Offertory…………..…$16,044.25 Saturdays. School Principal Online Giving……….....$3,602.00 Brian Wheeler Ascension of the Lord…..$2,141.00 St. Stephen Church Total…………...…$21,687.25 There will be no Mass- Director of Home Mission…..$995.00 es at St. Stephen until Christian Formation Grand Total……….….$22,782.25 further notice as we are Katie Allio entering the Summer Thank you & God bless! Season. Director of Youth Ministry Please remember that you may still donate to our Sacrament of Donna Roane by using Online Giving. Reconciliation Jeremy Vest Go to by appointment

Music Director Don Roy myParish App Online Giving Daily Readings, prayers &  Saves envelopes (saves parish $) Bulletin Editor much more!  No need to write checks (saves Phyllis Jenkins Go to the App Store or Google YOU $) [email protected] Play and search for myParish. Or  No missing donations while on vacation Cover search the internet, for the ability to find info on all  More efficient form of stewardship Pentecost Catholic churches within the Diocese of Go to and click Courtesy of St. Augustine. Online Giving link.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton , Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 2 May 31, 2020 From the Desk of Fr. Jose Set the World on Fire with the Holy Spirit Pentecost was primarily a thanks- St. , founder of the giving feast. The people of Israel , chose St. Francis offered the first fruits of their har- Xavier (1506-1552) to be a pioneer vest to God on this day. Later it missionary. The primary duty of also became a thanksgiving feast was to serve the Por- for the Law given by God to Moses tuguese Christian settlers in Goa. on Mount Sinai. All the able- However, St. Ignatius knew that bodied Jews were expected to Francis Xavier could do much more; come to Jerusalem to celebrate this he knew the potential for mission feast of Pentecost. work among the people of India as well as in the countries of South and It was on this Jewish feast of Pente- Southeast Asia. Hence, while send- cost the Apostles of Jesus were ing Francis Xavier to India, St. Igna- gathered together with Mary, the tius said to Francis Xavier, “Go, set Mother of Jesus, to pray for the promised gift of the Ho- the world on fire!” And this is precisely what he did. ly Spirit. It was also the fiftieth day after the resurrec- He tried to set the world on fire with the Holy Spirit. tion of Jesus. While they were praying, the Holy Spirit He not only preached the in India but also in came down on them in the form of tongues of fire. And Japan, Borneo and the Maluku Islands and brought tens what a miracle! They all became empowered by the Ho- of thousands of people to Christ. ly Spirit. As the followers of Jesus, today we are called to spread Until the Holy Spirit came down on them the Apostles the message of Jesus through our word and deed. In were very frightened and unsure about their future other words, we are asked to set the world on fire with mission. However, after the descent of the Holy Spirit the help of the Holy Spirit. However, we are often very they became unafraid and courageous and began to timid to talk about our faith in public. The Apostles, preach the good news of the kingdom of God. With too, were also like us before they were anointed with preaching of the message of Jesus on the day of Pente- the Holy Spirit. On this feast of Pentecost, let us ask the cost, the “Church” officially came into existence. And Lord to fill us with the Holy Spirit so that we will have the Church has been preaching the message of Jesus the courage and the conviction to proclaim our faith in with courage and conviction all over the world since our daily lives. With the Holy Spirit in us, we will never this first Christian Pentecost. be afraid. On the contrary, we will be filled with peace and strength which will help us become effective wit- When a request came in 1540 from King John of Portu- nesses to Jesus by setting the world on fire. gal through John III to send missionaries to India, Congratulations to Our Graduates Twenty-one of our beloved students graduated from ing and the solid Catholic our school with flying colors last week. They are Nata- formation they have re- lia Alicea, Alessandra Belanger, Jessica Camacho, Kira ceived I am sure they will Casane, Gabriella Case, Haylee Castronovo, Claire Col- face them successfully and lins, Andrew Costa, Isabel Doshier, Bryan Duran, Car- become model citizens and men Garces, Lindsey Graybosch, Joanel Lorenzo, committed Catholics. I Madelina Manimbo, Nevaeh Murray, Nathan Quartier, hope and pray that they Megan Snyder, Madreeka Toussaint, Gabriella Velez, will be able to continue Mary Wheeler and Spartak Zatikyan. I congratulate all their Catholic education in of them as well as their parents. high school and later in college.

As the graduates go on to high school and beyond I They are the future of the Church and we trust them to wish them the very best in their studies and in life. Of take the beacon of their Catholic faith to the coming course, there will be all kinds of challenges for them in generations. Let us always remember to keep them in the future. However, with the excellent academic train- our prayers.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 3 May 31, 2020

Funny Stories

Humor for hard times: The newly-elected secretary for the Deacon Board at church submitted this report: 1. October the something Deacon's meeting. 2. P r e s e n t we r e m o s t o f t h e ; one was absent. 3. Chairman Tad asked Luke to say something, and he did. 4. New officers were needed; some of us were arm- twisted into taking the positions. 5. S o m e o l d b u s i n e s s w a s remembered, and most of it had been approved. What wasn't was not important. 6. We tried to think of some new business, but it was decided that we're too old to be new. 7. Some of the deacons were getting tired so we decided to get out of the meeting. ‒ via Rev. Dr. Karl R. Kraft Dover, DE

Collection Plate: The pastor of a small church exhorted his flock to give generously when the collection plate was passed. "Give," he pleaded, "as though it was going right back into your own pocket." After the service, the pastor chided one of the members: "George, I noticed that you let the collection plate go right by you in spite of my appeal." "Well, Reverend," the man replied. "I figured as long as the money was going back into my pocket anyway, it didn't need no round trip." ‒ via Orville H. Griffin Ohio Baptist Messenger Four legs: A mule he has two legs before and two he has behind. You stand behind Before you find What the two behind be for. ‒ via Rev. Philip H. Steinmetz Marietta, GA

Apple Juice: In a Wagner, SD hospital, a student nurse gave one of Fr. Jim Friedrich's parishioners a small plastic container and asked for a urine sample. After the nurse left the room, the parishioner reached for a bottle of apple juice, half-filled the container, and then buzzed for the nurse to return. Container in hand, he reported to the nurse, "It looks to me like this needs another run through the system," and chugged down the supposed urine sample. "Laughter is the best medicine, right?" commented Fr. Friedrich, pastor at St. Catholic Church in Wagner, SD.

Greyhound: "My husband and I adopted a new greyhound who is 4 1/2 years old and has been in a kennel all his life, so being in a home is an adjustment and process. I don't remember when I said, 'No!' so many times in my life! "While at a women's circle meeting at a Methodist church, one of the women mentioned how she had a hard time saying 'No' to people. I suggested, 'Get a new dog! You'll be saying 'No!' more than you thought possible." ‒ Rev. Barbara Bartholomew Grace Lutheran Church Wadsworth, OH

The subject of reincarnation came up at a church meeting. One overweight woman in the group said, "This idea of reincarnation sounds great. I would like to come back as a size seven." ‒ via Rev. F. A. Boddie, St. Stephen Church Port Huron, MI

With prayers, Fr. Jose

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164 , page 4 May 31, 2020 Sunday Readings Explained- 45 Fr. Tony Kadavil

Feast of Pentecost, Acts 2:1-11; I Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13; John 20:19-23 Role of the Holy Spirit in the Life of the Believer Introduction of Jesus. The Paschal mystery -- the Passion, the Death, the Resurrection, and the Ascension of Jesus -- culmi- nates in the sending of the Holy Spirit by the Father (at Jewish Pentecost: Both the Jews and the Christians the request of His Son), on Jesus' disciples. The feast now celebrate Pentecost, though not for the same rea- also commemorates the official inauguration of the sons. Along with the Feast of the Passover and the Christian Church with the apostolic preaching of St. Feast of Tabernacles, Pentecost was one of the major Peter, which resulted in the conversion of 3000 Jews to feasts of the Chosen People. During these three great the Christian Faith. Pentecost is, thus, the official birth- Jewish festivals, every male Jew living within twenty day of the Church. But years ago, This Rock Magazine miles of Jerusalem was legally bound to go to Jerusalem reported that there are now 34,000 Protestant denomi- to participate in the feast. The word Pentecost is Greek nations which means that, on the average, more for pentecostes which means “fiftieth.” The feast re- than sixty-nine new denominations had sprung up eve- ceived this name because it was celebrated fifty days ry year since the began in 1517. after the Feast of the Passover. Another name for the

Jewish Pentecost is Shebuot or "The Feast of Weeks “(the So, whose birthday is it anyway? You could say, Pente- "week" of seven Sabbaths between Passover and Pente- cost is the birthday of the Church Jesus established cost, in thanksgiving for the Passover freeing of the nearly 2,000 years ago. Today’s Scripture readings re- Chosen People from Egyptian slavery and their return mind us that Pentecost is an event of both the past and to the Promised Land). the present. The main theme of today’s readings is that

the gift of the Holy Spirit is something to be shared Originally, this feast was a thanksgiving festival for with others. In other words, the readings remind us the completion of the harvest. During Passover, the that the gift of the Holy Spirit moves its recipients to first omer (a Hebrew measure of about a bushel), of bar- action and inspires them to share this gift with others. ley was offered to God. At Pentecost, two loaves of bread were offered in gratitude for the harvest. Later, the Jews added to the Feast of Pentecost the element of First Reading, Acts 2:1-11 Yahweh’s Covenant with Noah, which took place fifty This portion of Acts describes in detail the miraculous transformation that took place during the first Christian days after the great deluge. Still later, they made this Pentecost, thus fulfilling Jesus’ promise to his apostles feast an occasion to thank God for His Sinaitic Cove- that they would receive “power from on high.” nant with Moses, which occurred fifty days after the There was first “a noise like a strong driving wind.” Then beginning of the Exodus from Egypt. there were “tongues as of fire” resting on the disciples,

and each of them was filled with the Holy Spirit. The Christian Pentecost: For Christians, Pentecost marks first manifestation of their reception of the Holy Spirit the end and the goal of the Easter season. It is a memo- came when the apostles began to proclaim the Good rial of the day the Holy Spirit descended on the apos- News of Jesus, and everyone there (regardless of their tles and the Mary in the form of fiery tongues, many different native languages), was able to under- an event that took place fifty days after the Resurrection stand them “in his own tongue.” St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 5 May 31, 2020 The Jews in the crowds came from sixteen different ge- which is often fiercely judgmental and vengeful. ographical regions. The miracle of tongues on Pente- cost thus reverses the confusion of tongues wrought by Role of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer God at the Tower of Babel, as described in Genesis 11. and of the Church: How beautiful is the thought that Later, the describes how the Holy the Holy Spirit lives within us! Paul reminds the Spirit empowered the early Christians to bear witness Corinthian community of this fact when he asks, "Do to Christ by their sharing love and strong Faith. This you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s "anointing by the Holy Spirit” also strengthened the Spirit dwells in you?" (I Corinthians 3:16). It is the Holy early Christian martyrs during the period of brutal per- Spirit who develops our intimacy with God. "God has secution that followed. sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts crying, ‘Abba!' ('Father!’)” (Galatians 4:6). "God’s love has Second Reading, I Corinthians 12:3-7, 12-13 been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit Who has St. Paul explains how the sharing of the various spiritu- been given to us" (Romans 5:5). "No one can say, ‘Jesus al gifts of the Holy Spirit enriches the Church. He re- is Lord,’ except by the Holy Spirit" (I Corinthians fers to the varieties of gifts given to the Church as com- 12:3). Moreover, we know that it is the Holy Spirit ing from the same Spirit Who activates all of them in Who teaches us to pray (Romans 8:26). By the power of Christians for the common the Spirit, we also know the good. They are described as Lord Jesus through his Church. the gifts, fruits and charisms of the Spirit. They may take dif- Pentecost Sunday is the birthday ferent forms like prophecy, of the Church. It is the Holy teaching, administrating, doing Spirit who enlivens, enlightens, acts of charity, healing, and guides, and sanctifies the speaking in tongues. These Church. The Psalm refrain for gifts, fruits and charisms may this Sunday says it so well: be given to different persons “Lord, send out your Spirit, and like apostles, prophets, teach- renew the face of the earth.” We ers, healers and so on. Paul know Jesus through the Sacra- lists the fruits of the Spirit in mental Mysteries of the Church, his Letter to the Galatians and Holy Spirit is at the heart of “What the Spirit brings is … love, joy, peace, patience, the Sacramental life of the Church. , Confirma- kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self- tion and Holy Orders are the Sacramental Mysteries control” (5:22). He continues, “Since the Spirit is our through which people receive the seal of the Holy Spir- life, let us be directed by the Spirit” (5:25). Paul insists it. It would be impossible for us to receive Jesus in the that these spiritual gifts are to be used in the present Eucharist without the descent of the Holy Spirit at the time for the benefit of others, for the common good, Epiclesis of the Divine Liturgy. Even the forgiveness of and for the building up of the Body of Christ. sins comes through the Holy Spirit (John 20:21-23). The Holy Spirit both confirmed the apostles in Holy Orders Gospel Reading, John 20:19-23 as priests and empowered them to forgive sins by His Here we join the Risen Jesus, as He gives his apostles a power, a work which He continues today in each of our foretaste of Pentecost on the evening of Easter Sunday. priests. Entering the still locked Upper Room, Jesus greets them, sends them to carry on the mission given him by Action of the Holy Spirit in the daily lives of his Heavenly Father, and empowers them to do so by Christians: The Spirit is that Paraclete (a Greek word breathing upon them and saying, “Receive the Holy that is translated as Counselor, Comforter, Helper, En- Spirit.” On the day of Pentecost, Jesus fulfills his prom- courager, or Enabler), Who quietly works in us and ise to send the Advocate or Paraclete on them – “Power through us every day behind the scenes in the basic ac- from on high.” The gift of the Spirit would also enable tivities of our lives and the lives of the people around them to fulfill Jesus’ commission to preach the Gospel us. He is there in all his fullness wherever people wor- to all nations. Today’s Gospel passage also tells us how ship and pray in the name of Jesus. When we believe Jesus gave to the Apostles the power and authority to and trust in Jesus, we have that Faith through the Holy forgive sins. His, “Receive the Holy Spirit,” was imme- Spirit’s work in us, for the Holy Spirit is filling us. The diately followed by, “For those whose sins you forgive, Holy Spirit leads us to turn away from our sinfulness they are forgiven; for those whose sins you retain, they and reassures us that we are still loved in spite of our are retained.” These wonderful words, which bind to- sin. He teaches us that Jesus died on a cross just for gether inseparably the presence of the Holy Spirit and those moments when we rebel against God's way. He the gift of forgiveness, are referred to directly in the confronts us and urges us to take a good look at our- Sacrament of Reconciliation. But they have a much selves and where we are heading, to make a U-turn, to wider meaning. Those words remind us of the Chris- leave the old behind and try something new. He’s not tian vocation we are all have, to love and forgive as we afraid to challenge us and stretch us to go and do things have been loved and forgiven, in the world of today, for Christ – things we have never done before or even

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164 , page 6 May 31, 2020 imagine ourselves doing. He’s the One Who says to us, its; d) by listening to the Voice of the Holy Spirit speak- "Stop being so self-focussed. Stop looking into yourself ing to us through the Bible and through the good counsel all the time! Stop being depressed by what you see! And of others; e) by fervently praying for His gifts, fruits and stop fooling yourself into thinking that what you see in charisms; f) by asking Him to renew our lives through a yourself is enough to get you through! Look up, look daily fresh anointing; and g) by living our lives in Him away, look to Jesus and let Him turn your around; let as lives of commitment, of sacrifice, and of joy. We are Him take control!" “The feast of Pentecost celebrates the called to love as Jesus loved, not counting the cost. As unseen, immeasurable presence of God in our lives and Saint Paul exhorts us, "Walk by the Spirit, and do not in our Church – the ruah that animates us to do the work gratify the desires of the flesh. If we live by the Spirit, let of the Gospel of the Risen One, the ruah that makes God’s us also walk by the Spirit" (Galatians 5:16, 25). will our will, the ruah of God living in us and transform- 2. We need to cultivate the spirit of forgiveness. ing us so that we might bring His life and love to our The feast of the Pentecost offers us the chance to look at broken world. God “breathes” His Spirit into our souls the role which forgiveness should play in our dealings that we may live in His life and love; God ignites the with others. Thus, we are challenged to examine our “fire” of His Spirit within our hearts and minds that we sense of compassion, patience, tolerance and magnanimi- may seek God in all things in order to realize the coming ty. Learning to forgive is a lifelong task, but the Holy of His reign.” (Connections). Spirit is with us to make us agents of forgiveness. If we Holy Spirit, the Helper is always quietly at work: are prepared on this day of Pentecost to receive the Holy We see Him in the sincere concern of a friend for our Spirit into our lives, we can have confidence that health; in the generosity of those who give us so much our lives will be marked by the Spirit of forgiveness. help; in the inner strength we discover in times of crisis; 3. We need to observe Pentecost every day. "It will in those moments when we ad- always be Pentecost in the Church," mit that we have been wrong; in affirmed Saint Oscar Romero, Arch- the making of a tough choice; of El Salvador (canonized in the resilience of people who October 14, 2018 by ) face one bad thing after another on Pentecost Sunday 1978. He con- without turning away; in tinued, "…provided the Church lets the times when we have dared the beauty of the Holy Spirit shine to love even though it was hard forth from her countenance. When to do so. The Holy Spirit, the the Church ceases to let her strength Helper, is quietly at work: in rest on the Power from above which our taking on responsibilities Christ promised her and which he that we once thought beyond gave her on that day, and when the us; in our refusing to let the Church leans rather on the weak greed of society take over our forces of the power or wealth of this soul; in our giving thanks al- earth, then the Church ceases to be ways, even though times have newsworthy. The Church will be been hard; in our rising above past failures and putting fair to see, perennially young, attractive in every age, as past hurts behind us; in our finding a central core of long as she is faithful to the Spirit that floods her and she peace in the midst of turmoil; in an adult patiently teach- reflects that Spirit through her communities, through her ing a child self-esteem and self-control; in the person sit- pastors, through her very life" (The Violence of Love, The ting quietly beside a hospital bed; in a parent praying for Plough Pub. Co., Farmington, PA: 1998). Romero’s declaration reminds us -- as does today’s Gos- a troubled son or daughter. The Spirit calls us to repent- pel -- that Pentecost is not just one day, but every ance, to turn our lives around; He calls us to Faith and to day. Without breath, there is no life. Without the Spirit, take up our cross and follow Jesus. Wherever we look, the Church is a field of dry, dead bones. The Venera- we see the Holy Spirit, helping us to become what God ble Fulton J. Sheen once said about the Church, "Even made us to be, and to be truly great -- humble servants of though we are God's chosen people, we often behave more one another. Likewise, the Spirit promotes Jesus in our like God's frozen people--frozen in our prayer life, frozen lives; He gathers us around the cross of Jesus; He chang- in the way we relate with one another, frozen in the way es our lives, helping us to be more patient and forgiving, we celebrate our Faith." [Bishop Fulton J. Sheen was de- to seek new beginnings in our relationships with one an- clared Venerable by Pope Benedict XVI in June, 2012.] other and to let the power of God's love have the final Today is a great day to ask the Holy Spirit to rekindle in say over the conflicts we get into. He is available to us us the spirit of new life and enthusiasm, the fire of God's every moment of every day as we face the choices be- love. Let us repeat St. John Henry Cardinal Newman’s tween being self-centred or being the God-centered peo- favorite little prayer, ple whom God has created us, and the Spirit has called “Come Holy Spirit:” us, to be in Christ. “Come Holy Spirit Life Messages Make our ears to hear 1. We need to permit the Holy Spirit to direct Make our eyes to see our lives: a) by constantly remembering and appreciat- Make our mouths to speak ing His Holy Presence within us, especially through the Make our hearts to seek Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation; b by fortify- Make our hands to reach out ) And touch the world with your love. AMEN.” ing ourselves with His help against all types of tempta- tions; c) by seeking His assistance in our thoughts, [Cardinal Newman was canonized October 13, 2019 by words, and deeds, and in the breaking of our evil hab- Pope Francis).

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164 , page 7 May 31, 2020 4. We need to be Spirit-filled Christians: Spirit- filled people acknowledge their weaknesses, ask for the he_keeps_me_singing.htm strengthening, anointing and guidance of the Holy Spirit every morning, ask for His forgiveness every evening, and Spirit of God is the melody that energizes the pass on that forgiveness to those who sin against them. Church: In the last years of his life, the great cellist and Spirit-filled people are praying people. Paul encourages conductor Pablo Casals suffered greatly from rheumatoid us, "Pray on every occasion as the Spirit leads. For this arthritis and emphysema. At 90, he was badly stooped, reason, keep alert and never give up; pray for all God's his head thrust forward, and his breathing labored. He people" (Eph 6:18). Spirit-filled people are praying and needed the help of his wife, Marta, to get dressed in the worshipping God in their families and parishes. They try morning. Marta would then help him shuffle into his to grow continually in their Faith, and they seek out every studio where he would, with great difficulty, arrange opportunity to discover Christ and what it means to be himself on the piano bench. Casals would then manage to children of God. Spirit-filled people are people who allow raise his swollen, clenched fingers above the keyboard. A the Spirit to change their lives through their daily reading visitor describes what he saw next, one particular of the Bible and their morning: “I was frequenting of the not prepared for Sacraments of the miracle that Reconciliation and was about to Holy Eucharist. Spirit happen. The -filled people speak fingers slowly words that heal, unlocked and restore, make people reached toward happy and build the keys like the people up instead of buds of a plant tearing them down. toward the Spirit-filled people sunlight. His pass on the love of back God to the people straightened. He living around them seemed to by their acts of breathe more kindness, mercy and freely. Now his charity. Hence, let us fingers settled ask the Holy Spirit for on the a spirit of love instead keys. Then came of resentment or the opening bars hatred, a spirit of helpfulness instead of non-cooperation, of Bach’s Wohltemperierte Klavier [Well-tempered Clavier], a spirit of generosity instead of greed, and a spirit of played with great sensitivity and control . . . He hummed gentleness in place of our spirit of ruthlessness. as he played, then said that Bach ‘spoke to him here’ – and he placed his hand over his heart. “Then he plunged into a Anecdotes Brahms concerto and his fingers, now agile and powerful, "Well, Chippie doesn’t sing much anymore.” It raced across the keyboard with dazzling speed. His entire happened in Galveston, TX. A woman was cleaning the body seemed fused with the music; it was no longer stiff bottom of the cage of her parrot Chippie with the canister and shrunken but supple and graceful and completely vacuum cleaner. She was not using an attachment on the freed of its arthritic coils. tube. When the telephone rang, she turned her head to pick it up, continuing to vacuum the cage as she said, “Having finished the piece, he stood up by himself, far "Hello," into the phone. Then she heard the horrible noise straighter and taller than when he had come into the of Chippie being sucked into the vacuum. Immediately room. He walked to the breakfast table with no trace of a she put down the phone, ripped open the vacuum bag, shuffle, ate heartily, talked animatedly, finished the meal, and found Chippie in there, stunned but still alive. Since then went for a walk on the beach.” (From Anatomy of an the bird was covered with dust and dirt, she grabbed it, Illness as Perceived by the Patient: Reflections on Healing ran it into the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and held and Regeneration by Norman Cousins). Like music that the bird under the water to clean it off. When she finished inspires and exhilarates, the Spirit of God is the melody that, she saw the hair dryer on the bathroom sink. She that energizes the Church, uniting our many different turned it on and held the bird in front of the blast of hot voices into the song of the Love of God. God has formed air to dry him off. A few weeks later, a reporter from the us into a community, or Church, an instrument for newspaper that originally published the story went out to bringing His life and love into our world. the house to ask the woman, "How’s Chippie doing now?" She said, “He just sort of sits and stares." Today’s Gospel But what makes our Church more than just a gathering of tells us that it was what happened to the apostles. They all good people is His “Breath” infusing the Church, His were traumatized by the arrest and crucifixion of their Mystical Body, with the music of His Divinity. Today we master and bewildered by his post-Resurrection celebrate that presence. In Jesus’ breathing upon the appearances and his command to prepare for the coming assembled disciples on Easter night the new life of the of his Holy Spirit. Many of us can identify with Chippie Holy Spirit, the community of the Resurrection — the and the apostles. Life has sucked us up, thrown cold water Church — takes flight. That same Holy Spirit continues to on us, and blown us away. Somewhere in the trauma, we “blow” through today’s Church, giving life and direction have lost our song. Hence, we, too, need the daily to our mission and ministry to preach the Gospel to every anointing of the Holy Spirit to keep us singing songs of nation, immersing all of humanity in the music of God’s Christian witnessing through agápe love. http:// love, the symphony of the Resurrection. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 8 May 31, 2020 Daily Readings Explained Fr. Tony Kadavil June 1, Monday, Blessed XVI addressed the issue of the rela- Virgin Mary, Mother of the tionship between Roman Catholic Church Mariology and ecclesiology quoting Genesis 3:9-15, 20; Acts 1:12- the theologian Hugo Rahner, SJ, that 14; John 19:25-34): Mariology was originally ecclesiolo- gy. The Church is like Mary. The One of the most recent archi- Church is virgin and mother, she is tectural additions to Saint Pe- immaculate and carries the burdens ter's Square is the mosaic of of history. She suffers and she is as- Mary "Mother of the Church," sumed into heaven. She is carrying with the inscription Totus Tu- the mystery of the Church. That is us, yet another sign of Saint why in 2018 Pope Francis decreed John Paul II's great love for that the Memorial of the Blessed Vir- Our Lady. On Saturday, gin Mary, Mother of the Church be March 3, 2018, Pope Francis inserted into the Roman Calen- declared that, henceforward, dar on the Monday af- the Monday after Pentecost Sunday would be celebrat- ter Pentecost and that it be celebrated every year. The ed as the Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother decree was signed on 11 February 2018, the memorial of the Church. The Memorial was to be observed annu- of , at the 160th anniversary of ally. It has been added to the General Roman Calendar, the Lourdes apparitions. The decree was issued on 3 the Roman Missal, and the Liturgy of the Hours with March 2018. the Holy Father’s wish that this new feast day foster Marian piety and the maternal sense of the As St. Augustine once said: “Mary is more blessed be- Church. Pentecost was the birth of the Church – the cause she embraces Faith in Christ than because she Mystical Body of Christ. As Mother of Christ, the Head conceives the flesh of Christ.” As St. Ambrose taught, of the Church, Mary is also the Mother of the Church, “The Mother of God is a type of the Church in the order for she was with the apostles for that great event. of Faith, Charity, and the perfect union with Christ.” She serves as the ultimate role model for all In , Mother of the Church (Mater Christians in her willingness to cooperate with God’s Ecclesiae) is a title, officially given to Mary at the clos- will. So, while we rightfully acknowledge her as the ing of the , by Pope St. Paul Mother of God, the , we also acknowledge VI. The title was first used in the 4th century by her sanctity and her willingness to do God’s will. This Saint Ambrose of Milan. The same title was used by is why another ancient name attributed to her will offi- Pope Benedict IV in 1748 and then by Pope Leo XIII cially appear on the Church’s calendar for the first time in 1885. Pope St. Paul VI made the pronouncement of this year. “The Cross, the Eucharist, and the Mother of the title Mother of the Church during his speech upon God are three mysteries that God gave to the world in the closing of the third session of the Second Vatican order to structure, fructify, and sanctify our interior life Council on November 21, 1964: "For the glory of the and lead us to Jesus.” (Cardinal Robert Sarah, Prefect of Virgin and our consolation, we proclaim Mary the Most the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Disci- Holy Mother of the Church, that is, the Mother of the pline of the Sacraments). Let us honor May the Mother whole , both the faithful and the pastors.” of the Church by imitating her virtues of faith, humility Later, the title was used by Pope St. John Paul II, and is ant total surrender. also found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church which states that Mary joined in bringing about June 2 Tuesday, St. Marcellinus & Peter, Mar- the birth of believers in the Church, who are members tyrs: Mark 12: 13-17 of its Head.” (CCC #963). “At once virgin and mother, Context: Today’s Gospel describes how Jesus ingen- Mary is the symbol and the most perfect realization of iously escaped from a trap set for him by the Pharisees. the Church.” (CCC # 507). Tax issue: The Jews were forced to pay three separate Pope St. John Paul II used the encyclical “Redemptoris taxes to the Roman emperor: the ground tax, the in- Mater” (March 25, 1987), to explain how Jesus gave his come tax and the census tax. Here, the ques- mother to the care of and how she be- tion concerned the census tax. If Jesus said that it was came the mother of the whole Church. The Pope said, unlawful to pay the tax, the pro- Herodians and “in her new motherhood in the Spirit, Mary embraces their allies would report him to the Roman officials each and every one in the Church, and embraces each who would then arrest him as a revolutionary. If Jesus and every one through the Church." Pope Benedict said that it was lawful to pay the tax, the insurgents

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 9 May 31, 2020 and their supporters would turn against him, and he Jesus is calling us to come out of the tombs. Our tombs would be discredited in the eyes of the people who are the closed-in, sealed-off areas of our hearts where were against paying taxes to a pagan emperor on Life in the Spirit of God has died because we haven't let religious grounds. Jesus minister to us through others. Such ungodly persons are lonely. They try to fill their inner emptiness The defense goes on the offensive. Jesus defeated their by packing their lives with money, promiscuity, scheme by asking his challengers to show him “the coin addictions or workaholism. 2) Jesus the Liberator is of tribute” – the coin they would give to the tax- ready to free us from the tombs of our evil addictions gatherer. Rather than answering their question directly, and habits. Let us give Jesus a chance and experience Jesus asked them a question, thus turning their trap the joy and freedom of the children of God. inside out and upside down: “Whose image [eikon in Greek] and inscription are these?” “Caesar’s,” they June 4 Thursday: Mark 12:28-34 said. Jesus then said, "Give back to Caesar what Context: A scribe who believed in both the written belongs to Caesar -- and to God what belongs to Law and the oral tradition was pleased to see how Jesus God." In other words, we give to the emperor the coin had defeated the Sadducee who had tried to humiliate because his image is on it, and we give to God our own him with the hypothetical case of a woman who had selves because we are created in the image of God married and been widowed by seven husbands in (Genesis 1:26). By this answer Jesus reminds his succession. Out of admiration, the scribe challenged questioners that if they are so concerned and careful Jesus to summarize the most important of the Mosaic about paying taxes to the state, they should be much Laws in one sentence. In the Judaism of Jesus’ day more concerned and careful about their direct service there was a double tendency: to expand the Mosaic of, and obligations to, God, their Creator and Lord. Law into hundreds of rules and regulations and to condense the 613 precepts of the Torah into a single sentence or few sentences. Life messages: The episode teaches us the nature of our obligations to God and to our country, and it shows us how, with God’s help, we can be ideal citizens of Jesus’ novel contribution: Jesus gave a both earth and Heaven. 1) Since everything is God’s, straightforward answer, quoting directly from the Law we must give ourselves to Him 100%, not just 10% on itself and startling all with his profound simplicity and Sundays. 2) We should be generous in fulfilling our mastery of the Law of God and its purpose. He Sunday obligations and find time every day for prayer combined the first sentence of the Jewish Shema prayer and worship in the family, for the reading of the Bible from Deuteronomy 6:5: … Therefore, you shall love the and the proper training of our children in Faith and Lord, your God, with all your heart, and with all your morals. 3) As citizens of a country, it is the duty soul, and with all your strength" with its of Christians to pay for the services and the privileges complementary law from Leviticus 19:18: “You shall that government provides, like paved roads, police and love your neighbor as yourself." Thus, Jesus proclaims fire departments, banks and other necessities. that true religion is to love God both directly and as 4) Another way of giving to Caesar what is Caesar’s is living in our neighbor. Jesus underlines the principle to participate actively in the running of the that we are to love our neighbor as we love ourselves government, electing the most suitable candidates and because both of us bear God’s image. influencing them through frequent contacts. For, to honor God’s image is to honor both Him Who June 3 Wednesday, St. Charles Lwanga and made it and Him Whom it resembles. Besides, our companion martyrs, Mark 5: 1-20 neighbors, too, are the children of God our Father, Context: Today’s Gospel episode demonstrates Jesus’ redeemed by the Blood of Jesus. Love for our neighbor power over the devil in a Gentile town of the Decapolis, is a matter, not of feelings, but of deeds by which we east of the Jordan, called Gadara (Matthew), or Gerasa share with others the unmerited love that God lavishes (Mark and Luke). A demon-possessed man (two men on us. This is the agape love for neighbor that God in Matthew), came out of a tomb-filled desolate place. commands in His Law. Jesus then uses the parable of The demons, recognizing Jesus as the Son of God, the Good Samaritan, as reported in Luke’s Gospel, to show them what God means by “neighbor.” begged Him to send them into a herd of swine. The possessed man’s demons named themselves Legion (ca 5000 men), indicating their number. Jesus did as the Life Messages: 1) We need to love God whole- evil spirits requested, and the now-possessed swine ran heartedly: Loving God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, means that we should place God’s will down the slope and drowned in the sea. The frightened people of the city asked Jesus to leave their city. The ahead of our own, seek the Lord's will in all things and people considered their swine more precious than the make it paramount in our lives. It also means that we liberation given to the possessed man. If we have a must find time to adore Him, to present our needs selfish or materialistic outlook, we fail to appreciate the before Him and to ask Him pardon and forgiveness for our sins. 2) God’s will is that we should love everyone, value of Divine things, and we push God out of our lives, begging Him to go away, as these people did. seeing Him in our neighbor. This means we have to help, support, encourage, forgive, and pray for everyone without regard to color, race, gender, age Life messages: 1) We need to come out of our tombs: wealth, social status, intelligence, education, or charm.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 10 May 31, 2020 June 5 Friday: John 10:11-16 and challenges the abuses in Context: It was winter, probably the "organized religion" of his the time of the Jewish Feast of time. After engaging in de- Dedication, and Jesus was walk- bate with the Sadducees, the ing on the east side of the Temple Pharisees, the Scribes, and the in Jerusalem. The Jews gathered Herodians, Jesus contrasts the around him and asked him if he external signs of honor sought were the promised Messiah. In- by the scribes with the hum- stead of giving them a straight ble, sacrificial offering of a answer, Jesus told them that he poor widow and declares that was the Good Shepherd and ex- she has found true honor in plained to them his role as such. God’s eyes because of her to- tal commitment to God’s ser- Role of Jesus as our Good vice with a humble and gen- Shepherd: Introducing himself erous heart. as the Good Shepherd of his flock, Jesus makes three claims in Attack on pride and hypocri- today’s Gospel. 1) He knows his sy: The scribes of Jesus' day sheep and his sheep hear his were experts in the Law of voice. Jesus knows each one of Moses, scholars to whom peo- us, our needs, our merits and our ple turned for a proper under- faults. He loves us as we are, standing of God's will as be with all our limitations, and he revealed in Scripture. But in expects us to return his love by today’s Gospel, Jesus moves keeping his words. He speaks to us at every Mass, from the scribes' erroneous theology to their bankrupt through the Bible, through our pastors, our parents, our ethics, reflected in their craving for pre-eminence both friends and the events of our lives. 2) He gives eternal in the synagogues and in the marketplaces and banquet life to his sheep by receiving us into his sheep- halls. The scribes considered that the respect given to fold through Baptism. them by the common people in public places He strengthens our Faith by giving us the Holy Spirit in was their right because of their learning in the Law, and Confirmation. He supplies food for our souls in the this made them arrogant and proud. Holy Eucharist and in the Divine words of the Holy Bi- So Jesus publicly criticizes their behavior as a ceaseless ble. He makes our society holy by the Sacrament of grasping for honor. Jesus also accuses the scribes of of- Matrimony and the priesthood (through the Sacrament fering long prayers to God as a means of asserting their of Orders). 3) He protects his sheep by placing them in piety. Jesus denounces the shameless profi- the loving hands of his mighty Father. Without Jesus to teering of the scribes at the expense of widows. They guide us and protect us, we are easy prey for the spir- often acted as trustees for the estates of wealthy wid- itual wolves of this world; these include Satan, as well ows and diverted the Temple fund intended for the as the seven deadly sins of pride, avarice, envy, glut- support of poor widows to buy expensive robes and tony, anger, lust and sloth. temple decorations.

Life messages: Today’s Gospel challenges us to be Widow’s mite: While watching how rich people put good shepherds to those entrusted to our care and to be their offerings for the support of Temple worship and good sheep in Jesus’ sheepfold, namely the Church. the poor in the Court of Women, Jesus publicly ex- pressed his admiration for a poor widow who put in 1) We become good shepherds by loving those entrust- her tiny gift of two leptons as her offering. While the ed to us, praying for them, spending our time and tal- rich put in much, and the moderately well-off put in a ents for their welfare, and guarding them from physical decent amount, this poor widow offered to and spiritual dangers. God everything she had. In other words, she gave her- self totally into God’s hands with the sure conviction 2) We become good sheep in our parishes a) by hearing that He would give her the support she needed. and following the voice of our pastors through their homilies, Bible classes, counseling and advice; b) by Life messages: 1) We need to appreciate, support and taking the spiritual food given by our pastors through encourage the widows of our parish because they regular and active participation in the Holy Mass and are often active participants in all the liturgical celebra- by frequenting the Sacraments, prayer services, renewal tions and parish organizations, and volunteers programs and missions; c) by cooperating with our pas- in visiting and serving the sick and the shut-ins. 2) tors, giving them positive suggestions for the welfare of While we judge people by what they possess, Jesus the parish, encouraging them in their duties, occasion- measures us on the basis of our inner motives and ally offering them constructive criticism and praying the intentions hidden behind our actions. He evaluates for them; and d) by daily prayers for good pastors. us on the basis of the sacrifices we make for others and on the degree of our surrender to His holy Saturday, Mark 12:38-44 will, gifts that cost us more than just opening our purs- Context: Jesus here confronts the Temple authorities es.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 11 May 31, 2020 Vatican Announces ‘Laudato Si' Anniversary Year

The Vatican announced that it will commemorate the The for Promoting Integral Human Develop- fifth anniversary of Pope Francis' encyclical on the envi- ment said that amid the current pandemic, "Laudato ronment with a yearlong series of initiatives dedicated Si'" can "indeed provide the moral and spiritual com- to the safeguarding and care for the Earth. pass for the journey to create a more caring, fraternal, peaceful and sustainable world." In a statement released by the Vatican press office May 16, the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Devel- "We have, in fact, a unique opportunity to transform opment announced a "Special Laudato Si' Anniversary the present groaning and travail into the birth pangs of Year" from May 24, 2020, to May 24, 2021, which will a new way of living together, bonded together in love, emphasize "ecological conversion in action." As the compassion and solidarity and a more harmonious rela- world continues to deal with the coronavirus pandem- tionship with the natural world, our common home," ic, the dicastery said, the encyclical's message is "just as the dicastery's statement said. "As Pope Francis re- prophetic today as it was in 2015." minds us," it said, "'all of us can cooperate as instru- ments of God for the care of creation, each according to "Truly, COVID-19 has made clear how deeply we are his or her own culture, experience, involvements and all interconnected and interdependent. As we begin to talents.'" envision a post-COVID world, we need above all an integral approach as everything is closely interrelated Recalling the fifth anniversary of his encyclical after and today's problems call for a vision capable of taking reciting the "Regina Coeli" prayer May 17, Pope Francis into account every aspect of the global crisis," the state- expressed his hope that the message of "Laudato Si'" ment said. will encourage people to take upon themselves the shared responsibility of caring for the Earth. Among the events set to take place throughout the year are prayer services and webinars dedicated to environ- "In these times of pandemic, in which we are more mental care, education and the economy. The dicastery aware of the importance of caring for our common also detailed the rollout of a "seven-year journey to- home, I hope that all our common reflection and com- ward integral ecology" for families, dioceses, schools, mitment will help to create and strengthen constructive universities, hospitals, businesses, farms and religious behaviors for the care of creation," the pope said. (By orders. Junno Arocho Esteves, Catholic News Service)

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 12 May 31, 2020 Readings for the Week of May 31, 2020 Sunday Solemnity of Pentecost In Memoriam Sunday We remember all our Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104:1, 24, 29- departed brothers and 30, 31, 34; 1 Cor 12:3b-7; 12 sisters with love and - 13; Jn 20:19-23 gratitude. Monday Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Monday, June 1 Mother of the Church 7:00am Max Toussaint Eternal rest Gn 3:9-15, 20 or Acts 8:30am Tim Davidson 1:12-14; Ps 87: 1-2,3 and

grant unto them, 5, 6-7; Jn 19:25-34 Tuesday, June 2 7:00am Guillermina Martinez O Lord, and let Tuesday Marcellinus and 8:30am John Wneh Sr. perpetual light shine Peter, Martyrs 2 Pt 3:12-15a, 17-18; Ps Wednesday, June 3 upon them. 90:2, 3-4, 10, 14 and 7:00am Siobhfan Mulroy 16; Mk 12:13-17 8:30am Josie Araneta May they rest in Wednesday Memorial of Saint Charles Lwanga and Companions, Thursday, June 4 peace. Martyrs 7:00am Angelo Coscia 8:30am Enrico S. Passaro 2 Tm 1:1-3, 6-12; Ps 123:1b- Amen 2ab, 2cdef; Mk 12:18-27 Friday, June 5 Thursday 2 Tm 2:8-15; Ps 25:4-5ab, 8- 7:00am Special Intentions of 9, 10 and 14; Mk 12:28-34 Gus & Cielo deLeon Friday Memorial of , 8:30am Perpetual Mass Intentions Bishop and Martyr 2 Tm 3:10-17; Ps 119:157,

Saturday, June 6 160, 161, 165, 166, 8:30am Joseph G. & Agnes C. Merz Jr. 4:00pm Robert Dombrowski 168; Mk 12:35-37 6:00pm (*) Antonio C. Bairos & parents Saturday Saint Norbert, Bishop 6:00pm(P) Christian Sousa Mass Schedule 2 Tm 4:1-8; Ps 71:8-9, 14- 15ab, 16-17, 22; Mk 12:38-44 Sunday, June 7 Mother Seton Church: Sunday Solemnity of the Most Holy 8:00am Rose Keane Saturday 4 pm; Sunday 8 am, 10:00am SEAS Parishioners 10 am and 12 noon; Week- Ex 34:4b-6, 8-9; Dn 3:52, 53, 12:00pm Fr. Antonio Bico & family days : 7.00 am and 8.30 am. 54, 55, 56; 2 Cor 13:11-13; 5:00pm (S) Obed Figueroa Jn 3:16-18 Seton Hall: Saturday 4.15 pm; * St. Stephens Sunday 8.15 am, 10.15 am and 12.15 pm

Spanish Mass: 5 pm on Sun- day.

Portuguese Mass: 6 pm on first and third Saturdays.

St. Stephen Church: There will be no Masses at St. Ste- phen until further notice as we Prayer Garden are entering Summer Season. Our Prayer Garden is a peaceful place for prayer and meditation. Purchasing a brick in the Prayer Those who stay home and par- Garden for someone who has died is a wonderful ticipate in the Mass through way to remember that the person is still with you television or social media may in thoughts and through prayer. The purchase of come to receive Holy Com- a brick is $100.00; please consider honoring a munion at 1:30 pm on Sunday in the church. Confessions are loved one. Contact the Rectory Office for more by appointment only. details.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 13 May 31, 2020 Ten Candles Burning in the Holy Of Holies Please Pray for Our Sick Alexander Lumag Judith Stephens Anthony Schettino Karen Murphy May 30— May June 5 Ariana Marcette Kent Hamlin Ashley Clarke Kimberly Joyce Barbara Johnson Larry DeCamillo IN MEMORY OF: Barbara Wisniewske Linda Perkins Bob Plante Lisa Cass Roseann Bradley; Donald C. Price; Sheila Smith; Bobby Phillips Lisa D’Aleo Ruth Morrissey; Ava Knaebel; Enrico Passaro; Bridget Harkin Liz Campbell Carol Dandeneau Liz Gentile Peg & Paul Mohn; Bill & Paula McBride; Cash Krempecki Liza Sousa John Shierling Charlene Carbino Louis Culmone Charles Whitney Margaret Berkley Courtney McCormick Marie Donahue FOR INTENTIONS OF: Dana Piettro Marie Martinez Ken Knaebel David Carr Marie Piscitelli Diane Pallone Mary Gaudio Donald Major Mary Doris Kolesar In our Holy of Holies, we have ten candles always Doris Damminger Mary Wright Drude Riba Mary Zuccaro burning around the tabernacle, just as in the temple Edna Diamond Mervin Winters in Jerusalem there were ten lights always burning Elena Smalley Michelle Pinto around the Ark of the Covenant. They indicate the Elizabeth Cataldo Mina Bico Estelle Bauer Paul Plante presence of our precious Lord in the Blessed Sacra- Eugene Tantodonato Ray Ramey ment. Fran Brown Raymond Lawson Frank Ruby Remington Walczak Gary Lesnick Robert Dowling The candles used are seven day candles and may Gene Diamond Ron Czier be purchased either in memoriam or for the inten- Geri Wilson Rosemarie Modica Haidy N. Segouia Rosemary Wilson tions of a loved one for a $10 donation through the Jack Leger Rosita Hogwath Seton Shop. This space lists the names of those for Ilda J. Frazao Roy Johnston Jack Verrette Ruth Tiano whom candles have been purchased. Jacueline M. LaGrange Sally Lombardo James DeCastro Salvatore Catapano Janet White Sharon Harrington Jason Urban Sharon Rains Jeannie Corra Sonja Savage Please Pray for Our Military Jennifer Sousa Staci Hammons Joanne DeSouza Tera Frassrand Although we pray for all of our military, space does Joanne Mulligan Terry Lilly not permit everyone’s name to be printed. John Anthony Rivera Thomas Bradley Please advise when a person above is no longer John Verboon Thomas Sokolowski deployed so we can remove their name from our list. John Walczak Vincent Positano Jorge Fundora Wendy Bentzley Joseph Bartolotta William Dunn Joseph Bentzley Yvonne Roper 1st Lt. Brendan Leonard (US Army) Joseph Pavon ENS Amanda Langhauser (US Navy) Please contact the parish office if you Sgt. Patrick Prevot (US Army) wish to have the name of someone SSGT Christian Rodriguez (USAF/Iraq) listed for 4 weeks. Lt. Col. Robert A. Forte (US Army/Iraq) PFC Jack Tollas (USMC/Afghanistan) As a courtesy please notify the office when the name can be removed or if Lt. John Reidy (US Navy/Submarine) you wish to have the name continued. SSgt. Charles Salerno (USAF/Germany) Blaine Isom (US Air Force/Afghanistan) Mass on TV Sgt. James Allgor (US Army/Kuwait) for the Homebound Michael Alexander Alvarado (USAF) ETSN Luis V. AlmaJose (US Navy Submarine) Sunday Mass-8:00am MM3 Holden Garrison/ (US Navy) Kyle McCrossen (US Army/Iraq) DIRECTV—Channel: 370 Lt. Col.Eric Geyer (USMC) — Terisa Toussaint (USMC/Iraq) DISH Channel 261 Erin & Ben Walker (Iraq) Spectrum— Channel 169 2nd Lt Christian San Miguel (US Army) ATT U—Verse—Channel 562 Stephen Hayes (US Air Force/Iraq) Sirius Radio—Channel 130 /XM St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 14 May 31, 2020

During this pandemic where many businesses are closed, the abortion facilities in JAX are still operating. Please pray for the workers and abortion doctors that their hearts will change.

Pro-Life Breaking News: Pro-Abortion Documentary “AKA Jane Roe” Falsely Claims Norma McCorvey Wasn’t Truly Pro-Life was shown on FX on May 22, 2020. You may have heard about this so here is some information.

A new documentary film AKA Jane Roe features an interview with an elderly and frail McCorvey just before her death. Although the full, unedited version has not been released, the documentary purportedly shows McCorvey making some stunning claims. As the pro-abortion Daily Beast writes: “This is my deathbed confession,” she chuckles, sitting in a chair in her nursing home room, on oxygen. Adoration Sweeney asks McCorvey, “Did [the evangelicals] use you as a trophy?” “Of course,” she replies. “I was the Anyone interested in spending time with Our Big Fish.” Lord in Adoration should call Gilda Sadio at “Do you think you would say that you used them?” 386-263-7935 for availability and information. Sweeney responds. “Well,” says McCorvey, “I think it was a mutual thing. I took their money and they took me out in front of the cameras and told me what to say. That’s what I’d say.” She even gives an example of her scripted anti-abortion lines. “I’m a good actress,” she points out. “Of course, I’m not acting now.”

This is unlike what McCorvey said publicly. Whether McCorvey is telling the truth or has been coerced and used by abortion advocates looking to Formed combines Catholic movies, Children’s undermine the pro-life movement is a very real question. There’s significant doubt about the veracity of movies, audio an books as well as retreats and a so-called “deathbed confessional” if only because bible studies all rolled into one! Norma was consistently pro-life for decades but publicly and privately. The greatest part is that we have a parish sub- scription and it is FREE to all in the parish! All For more information check out LifeNews.Com and the you have to do is log in to following website: Here is how this works: - in your web browser type in: Respect Life Ministry Meetings have been cancelled - Click on Register. Parish Code: KJNM8Q until further notice.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 15 May 31, 2020 Sacraments

Baptism Every First and Third Sunday of the month after Noon June 1 Mass. One preparation class is required. Classes are offered The Blessed Virgin Mary, every second Monday of the month at 7 pm in the Rectory Mother of the Church Meeting Room. Please contact the Rectory office in advance. Holy Matrimony Please contact the Rectory office at least 8 months to The feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, on the Monday fol- wedding. lowing Pentecost, who is both Mother of Christ and Moth- Anointing of the Sick er of the Church. If you or your loved one is in need of the Sacrament of Anointing please call the Rectory office. We also have June 2 dedicated Eucharistic Ministers to bring Holy Communion Saints Marcellinus and Peter, to the sick and the homebound. Martyrs Died 303 Devotions Peter and Marcellinus are two Roman martyrs who suffered under the Diocle- Eucharistic Adoration tian persecution, about the year 303. Their names are men- 6 am to 12 midnight every day except during the time of tioned in the Canon of the Mass Mass. Exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 9 am on First Fridays till 8.15 am next day. June 3 Rosary 8 am on weekdays; 4:30pm on Sundays (Spanish) St. Charles Lwanga Miraculous Medal Novena and Companions, Martyrs After 8.30 am Mass every Tuesday. 1860-1886 Charles Lwanga was a Ugandan convert to Religious Education the Catholic Church, who was martyred for his faith and is revered as a saint by both the Catholic Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) Church and the Anglican Communion. Classes for Grades 1-8 on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 6.15 pm to 7.30 pm. For more information, please contact June 5 the Director of Religious Education at the Rectory office St. Boniface, Bishop and Martyr (386-445-2246; extension 112) 672-754 Children’s Catechism Classes Saint Boniface was an English Benedictine All children from 1st through 8th grade who are not who made it his life's mission to convert attending should be attending PREP the Germanic tribes to Christianity. classes. Children preparing for the Sacrament of the Eucharist or Confirmation need to attend a two-year June 6 catechetical program. St. Norbert, Bishop First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion 1075-1132 Children preparing for the Sacrament of A bishop of the Catholic Church, founder of the Reconciliation and the Sacrament of the Eucharist Premonstratensian order of canons regular, and need to attend a two-year catechetical program which is venerated as a saint. includes six Sunday classes of Sacramental preparation prior to each Sacrament. Confirmation Formation Please place your canned goods in the collection bins found in Children preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation the gathering space of the church. need two attend a two-year catechetical program which includes three Sunday classes of Sacramental Outreach Ministry preparation and the annual Confirmation retreat. For more information about Catechism, First Holy 597-3359 Communion or Confirmation, please contact Katie Mon, Wed, Fri Allio at 386-445-2246 extension 112. 10am - 12pm

(RCIA) May 24 Please call the Director of Christian Formation at the Rectory office if any non-Catholic is interested in joining the Figures next bulletin Catholic Church (386-445-2246; extension 112). Classes will begin in October. Pantry shelves are VERY LOW. Outreach appreciates any and all donations. Holy Orders and Religious Life If you believe that you or someone you know has a Pantry Needs: vocation to the priesthood or religious life, please contact Canned soup, jelly, baked beans, pasta & rice Thank you for your continued generosity!

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164 , page 16 May 31, 2020

Class of 2020

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 17 May 31, 2020 PreK-8th Grade

New students may qualify for a FREE Catholic school education, Call 386-445-2411 f or more information.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164 , page 18 May 31, 2020 Ministries Need to update this list? email [email protected]

Prayer And Devotional Groups Queen Of Peace Prayer Group Bingo Seton Shop Adoration: Contact: Katherine Gribbin Contact: Cathy Hrickewicz Contact: Sue Shierling Contact:[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Bible Study Regina Pacis & Medjugorje Prayer Grp Black Catholic Guild Spiritual Life Committee Contact: Pedyne Joseph 386 445-2246 Contact: Carole And Bob Storme Contact: Elaine Toppin Contact: Carole Storme Bio Ethics [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Contact: Deacon Ed Wolfe Rosa Mystical Prayer Group Extraordinary Ministers Of Seton Hall [email protected] Contact: Lucy Pono Holy Communion Contact: Larry DeCamillo Charismatic Prayer Group Rosary Cenacle Prayer Group Contacts [email protected] [email protected] St. Michael’s Ministry English Language Contact: Betti Masi Contact: Marie Estabrook 386 447-0847 Home Sweet Home/Cleaning Ministry Contact: Mike Tennyson [email protected] Rosary Makers Contact: Hilda Rausini [email protected] Spanish Language: Lydia Figueroa Contact: Salud Gaoat [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Sunday Hospitality Ladies Guild Contact: Charlie Salerno 386 503-6288 Cursillo/Ultreya San Lorenzo Ruiz Contact: Sylvia Reyes Contact: Deacon Tom/Necitas Ushers Contact: Alise Mckinney: [email protected] Contact: Jamie Burns [email protected] [email protected] Lectors [email protected] Marina Medina (Spanish Coordinator) Spanish Prayer Group Contact:E.Leonard [email protected] Greeters Contact: Alba Dimas [email protected] Contact: Jamie Burns Divine Mercy Prayer Group [email protected] Contact: Dave DiNardi [email protected] St. Nino Prayer Group Contact: Margarita Serrano [email protected] Welcome Station Contact: Teresa San Ramon 224 659-6044 [email protected] Men’s Club Contact: JerryKuchman St. Padre Pio Prayer Group Evangelization Contact: Charles Salerno [email protected] Contact: Hilda Rausini Contact: Denise LaFrance [email protected] Youth Ministry [email protected] Mother Seton Outreach Contact: DonnaRoane Sunday Scripture Prayer Group Knights of Columbus Contact: 386 597-3359 [email protected] Contact: Mike Tennysen Contact: Pat Eccleston Jeremy Vest [email protected] [email protected] Multi-Cultural [email protected] Contact: Marina Medina Faith Formation Teams Of Our Lady Contact: Katie Allio [email protected] Lectio Divina Group [email protected] Contact: Irma V. Catalan Contact: Nate & Barbara Flach Music Ministry [email protected] [email protected] SEAS Support Groups Contact: Don Roy [email protected] Lord of Miracles Our Lady Of Perpetual Help Bereavement [email protected] Contact: Zonny Carbonna 908 403-9194 Contact: Teresa San Ramon 386 445-2246 Contact: Pam Cowles Prison Ministry Natural Family Planning Lay [email protected] Contact: Deacon Bob Contact: David And Marcela Medina Contact: Ramonita Fiorentino Alzheimer’s Caregivers Support [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Contact: Pam Cowles Respect Life [email protected] Perpetual Adoration Secular Health Ministry Contact: Gilda Sadio Contact: Debbie Womack Contact: Dave Flynn [email protected] [email protected] Contact: Pam Cowles Portuguese Prayer Group [email protected] Sacristans Contact: Deacon Jose Cancer Support Group [email protected] Service Groups Contact: @seaspcfl.Org Seton Library Contact: Louise Kummer Prayer Network Altar Servers [email protected] Contact: Harriett Acocella Contact: Joseph Bartolotta Contact: Elaine Leonard Hospital Ministry [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Contact: John Merced: 732-778-0363

Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday June 6/7 4:00 PM 4:15 PM 8:00 AM 8:15 AM 10:00 AM 10:15 AM 12:00 PM 12:15 PM Church Hall Church Hall Church Hall Church Hall Lectors Bill Sue Mel Sharon Lee Jim Corinna Fred Klinkenberg Hahn Gaoat Cox Bentzley O’Connell Martinez Troike

Eucharistic Team # 3 Team # 4 Team # 5 Team # 1 Ministers

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 19 May 31, 2020 KRQE Affi liate

Service Department Open Mon - Fri 7:30am - 5pm Sat 8am - 12pm



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