Christ Our Savior Roman in the Diocese of Pittsburgh May 23, 2021 BONIFACE CHURCH SAINT CYRIL CHURCH CHURCH 2208 East Street 3854 Brighton Road 720 Arch Street Pittsburgh, PA 15212 Pittsburgh, PA 15212 Pittsburgh, PA 15212   Sunday Masses             

  Daily Masses     %&  '(   %&) 


  !"#   !"  "'$#7 vtu‡‚S‚hq Qv‡‡†iˆ tuQ6 $! ! Qu‚r)# !&%  $$! Ah‘)# !# $&& $$$!   Fr. Nicholas Vaskov, Pastor Fr. Dam Nguyen, Senior Parochial Vicar Fr. Lawrence DiNardo, in residence Fr. Louis DeNinno, in residence Fr. Ferdinand Okafor, in residence Gery Pielin 

Entrance Hymn: Come, Holy Ghost Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest,  Thou font of life and fire of love, And in our hearts take up thy rest; And sweet anointing from above; Come with thy grace and heav’nly aid  And sweet anointing from above. To fill the hearts which thou hast made;  To fill the hearts which thou hast made. Praise be to thee, Father and Son,  And Holy Spirit, with them one; O Comforter,  And may the Son on us bestow to thee we cry, The gifts that from the Spirit flow; Thou heav’nly gift of God most high; The gifts that from the Spirit flow.

Reading I: Acts 2:111 When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, language. they were all in one place together. They were astounded, and in amazement they And suddenly there came from the sky asked, a noise like a strong driving wind, “Are not all these people who are speaking and it filled the entire house in which they were. Galileans? Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, Then how does each of us hear them in his native which parted and came to rest on each one of language? them. We are Parthians, Medes, and Elamites, And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit inhabitants of Mesopotamia, Judea and and began to speak in different tongues, Cappadocia, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim. Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the districts of Libya near Cyrene, Now there were devout Jews from every nation as well as travelers from , under heaven staying in Jerusalem. both Jews and converts to Judaism, Cretans and At this sound, they gathered in a large crowd, , but they were confused yet we hear them speaking in our own tongues because each one heard them speaking in his own of the mighty acts of God.” Responsorial Psalm: Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth. Reading II: 1 Cor 12:37, 1213 Brothers and sisters: is given for some benefit. No one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit. As a body is one though it has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though many, are There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but one body, the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same so also Christ. Lord; For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one there are different workings but the same God body, who produces all of them in everyone. whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free persons, To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit and we were all given to drink of one Spirit. Pentecost Sequence:Come, O Holy Spirit Come, O Holy Spirit come! And from your celestial welcome guest; home Sweet refreshment here below; Come, O Holy Shed a ray of light divine! Come, O Holy Spirit, Spirit, come! come! In our labor, rest most sweet; Grateful coolness in Come, O Father of the poor! Come, O Source of all the heat; our store! Solace in the midst of woe. Come, O Holy Spirit, Come, within our bosoms shine! Come, O Holy come! Spirit, come!  You, of comforters the best; You, the soul’s most  O most blessed Light divine, May that Light within Bend the stubborn heart and will; Melt the frozen, us shine, warm the chill; And our inmost being fill! Come, O Holy Spirit Guide the steps that go astray, Come, O Holy come! Spirit, come! In your absence, we have naught, Nothing good in  deed or thought, On the faithful who adore And confess you ever Nothing free from taint of ill. Come, O Holy Spirit, more, come! In your sev’nfold gift descend; Come, O Holy  Spirit, come! Heal our wounds, our strength renew; On our Give them virtue’s sure reward; Give them your dryness pour your dew; , Lord; Wash the stains of guilt away; Come, O Holy Give them joys that never end. Come, O Holy Spirit, come! Spirit, come! : John 20:1923 On the evening of that first day of the week, The disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. when the doors were locked, where the disciples Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. were, As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” for fear of the Jews, And when he had said this, he breathed on them Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, and said to them, “Peace be with you.” “Receive the Holy Spirit. When he had said this, he showed them his hands Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and his side. and whose sins you retain are retained.”  Or Gospel: Jn 15:2627; 16:1215 Jesus said to his disciples: he will guide you to all truth. “When the Advocate comes whom I will send you He will not speak on his own, from the Father, but he will speak what he hears, the Spirit of truth that proceeds from the Father, and will declare to you the things that are he will testify to me. coming. And you also testify, He will glorify me, because you have been with me from the because he will take from what is mine and beginning. declare it to you. Everything that the Father has is mine; “I have much more to tell you, but you cannot for this reason I told you that he will take from bear it now. what is mine But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, and declare it to you.”  I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of hand of the Father. He will come again in gloryto heaven and earth,of all things visible and invisible. judge the living and the dead and His kingdom will I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,the Only have no end. Begotten Son of God,born of the Father before all I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of ages. God from God, Light from Light,true God life,who proceeds from the Father and the Son, from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial who with the Father and the Son is adored and with the Father; through Him all things were glorified,who has spoken through the prophets. made.For us men and for our salvationhe came I believe in one, holy, Catholic and apostolic down from Heaven,and by the Holy Spirit was  Church.I confess one for the forgiveness incarnate of the Mary, and became man. of sinsand I look forward to the resurrection of the For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, deadand the life of the world to come. Amen.  he suffered death and was buried,and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into Heavenand is seated at the right 

Preparation Hymn: O Breathe on Me, O Breath of God O breathe on me, O Breath of God, Fill me with O breathe on me; O Breath of God, My will to life anew, yours incline, That I may love the things you love, And do what Until this selfish part of me Glows with your fire you would do. divine.   O breathe on me, O Breath of God, Until my heart O breathe on me, O Breath of God, So I shall never is pure; die, Until my will is one with yours, To do and to But live with you the perfect life For all eternity. endure.   Communion Processional: God’s Holy Gifts Refrain: God’s holy gifts for God’s holy people;   come now to share the banquet of Christ.   Feed on his love with faith and thanksgiving.   Know in your heart that he died for you.

Communion Processional: Spirit and Grace Refrain: In the bread, blessed, broken and shared,   Christ is our life, whose presence we bear.   Come, O Spirit, make your grace revealed in this holy meal.

Recessional Hymn: Creator Spirit by Whose Aid Creator Spirit, by whose aid  O Source of uncreated light, The world’s foundation first were laid! Alleluia! The Father’s promised Paraclete; Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Give us thyself that we may see Thrice holy Font, thrice holy Fire, The Father and the Son by thee. Our hearts with heav’nly love inspire. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!  Or Recessional Hymn: One Spirit One Church Refrain: We are a pilgrim people, we are the Church of God.   A fam’ly of believers, disciples of the Lord.   United in one spirit, ignited by the fire.   Still burning through the ages, still present in our lives.

This week, the Sanctuary Candles in our Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel church buildings are lit in honor  Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in of the following intentions:  battle. Be our protection against the  Saint Cyril Church:  wickedness and snares of the devil; May  God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do Kelly Bookser thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan, and all Please call the parish office to schedule the evil spirits, who prowl through the a sanctuary candle in honor of a loved one or personal intention. world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.  From the Desk of Father Nick As the Church celebratesPentecosttoday, we often think of the many images associated with the feast day. We imagine the Apostles gathered with Mary in the upper room, awaiting the coming of the Advocate, the Holy Spirit that Christ had promised to send them. Ormaybe we are inspired by the image of the Apostles going out among all those who had gathered from all over for the feast in Jerusalem and, enlivened by the Spirit, speaking in tongues so that everyone could understand them. However, the most vivid image associated with thePentecostevent is the tongues of fire that came down and rested upon the heads of the Apostles and Mary. Fire is a powerful reality. Too much and it can destroy everything it touches. Too little and the slightest breeze can snuff it out. But when contained and nurtured it provides light and warmth and is even able to put things into motion and sustain them for great distances. The tongues of fire of the Holy Spirit that are received atPentecostare images of the life of Christ that is now at work in the Apostles. Christ had told them before his death that, while he had been able to do great things, it would be better for them when he was gone from them so that those great things could now be done through them. It is amazing to think how, enlivened by the Holy Spirit, what the Apostles were able to do in order to bring the light of faith and warmth of God’s love to others, and to set in motion the life of the Church that exists to this day in order that we might truly know God in our midst. This same gift of the Spirit is ours through Baptism, Confirmation, and the many encounters we have with God where he fills us with his grace. And the same great things that were done through the Apostles can be done through us by the power of the Holy Spirit. We can bring light and warmth to the lives of others and set into motion a path to life that is eternal. Ask each day for a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit to give us the life of God to continue his work in the world. Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.  COVID19 UPDATES Last weekend at the Masses we announced that, following the new CDC and State guidelines, Zubik is permitting those who are fully vaccinated against the COVID19 virus to no longer wear face coverings while in our churches. Of course, it is up to each fully vaccinated individual whether or not they choose to follow this new guideline, and those who are not yet fully vaccinated are asked to continue to wear a face covering at this time. In addition, a number of restrictions have been relaxed and things will begin to return back to a slightly more normal state. First, beginning Monday, May 31 (Memorial Day), we will be able to return to 100% capacity in our churches. During that week we will remove the ropes from most of the pews in our churches. We do plan, however, to keep a section of each church with every other pew roped off so that those who desire to maintain a greater social distance and wear masks can choose to do so. This section will be clearly marked and will still allow for us to accommodate increased numbers of attendees in our churches. The next few weeks will also see a return of holy water in the fonts at the church entrances, the presentation of the gifts at the offertory; and hymn lyrics printed in the bulletins. These things will allow for greater participation of the faithful during the Mass. Finally, we look forward to planning social activities in our parish that will allow us to connect and reconnect with one another. Look for information in upcoming bulletins and let us know if you have ideas for how we might best draw together in friendship and fellowship.  God bless! Fr. Nick  REFLECTION The Holy Spirit The doors of the upper room were tightly closed. The disciples hid themselves inside for fear. Suddenly and surprisingly, a strong wind penetrated the enclosure. The doors opened and Jesus stood in their midst, offered them His peace and breathed on them with the gift of the Holy Spirit. Since then, we celebrate the birthday of the church on Pentecost Sunday. The church continues to grow, learning to breathe herself, speaking and walking by herself. Without the Holy Spirit, the church cannot live and be refreshed! As air is to breathe, so the Holy Spirit is to live! The Church is lifeless without the Holy Spirit! Jesus breathes the Holy Spirit into His disciples not only to assure the continuity of divine vitality in the life of the church, but also to endow her with spiritual renewal and divine revitalization for years to come. It is with the refreshing breath of the Holy Spirit that the fearful disciples become courageous enough to reach out and overcome the hardships and challenges in their lives.  As any human institutions, the church has been historically plagued with many shortcomings and mistakes: Incompetence, corruptions, scandals, mismanagement and other vices. If the church were purely human or political, she would have disappeared a long time ago. Her strong standing and enduring sustainability testify to the divine guidance and presence of the Holy Spirit that sustains her.  The Holy Spirit also constantly renews the church, challenging her to be a humble servant, inspiring her to be the light and salt of the earth, opening herself to learn from others and compelling her to grow in joy and holiness. Upon launching Vatican Council II in 1963, John XXIII was questioned and doubted by many religious leaders, , journalists and laity about what or if anything could be accomplished. While listening carefully to their questions and concerns, the old pope opened the window nearby and fresh air rushed in. All were revitalized as they inhaled the invigorating fresh air. Today the Holy Spirit continues to be available to our parish family. How strong and confident we become depends on our willingness, our humility and our openness to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  Covid 19 has been detrimental to our health, communal gathering and even our breathing. May the air, the oxygen of the Holy Spirit, rejuvenate and refresh our faith community and our families. As we slowly and gradually remove our face masks, may we also remove and overcome any obstacles that prevent us from receiving the gifts of peace, openness and courage from the Holy Spirit.  Come, Holy Spirit!  Fr. Dam D. Nguyen 

Mass Schedule for the Week of May 23, 2021 Date Time Location Intention Offered By

4:00 p.m.  St. Cyril Barney Kontrik His Children (Vigil)

9:00 a.m. St. Boniface Living & Deceased Parishioners

Sunday, May 23 Pentecost Sunday Acts 2:111 10:30 a.m. St. Peter Andy Greer 1Cor 12:3b7, 1213 or Gal 5:1625 Jn 20:1923 or 11:00 a.m. St. Cyril Nell Marciniak Family Jn 15:2627; 16:1215

Monday, May 24  9:00 a.m. St. Cyril Rose Marie Stehle Family Memorial for the  Blessed Virgin Mary,  Mother of the Church  Gn 3:915, 20/ Jn 19:2534 12:05 p.m. St. Peter Dolores Lennartz

9:00 a.m. St. Cyril Joy Baltos The Lazzara Family Tuesday, May 25 Sir 35:112/Mk 10:2831 12:05 p.m. St. Peter Joseph Stiger, Jr.

Wednesday, May 26 9:00 a.m. St. Cyril Ange Bilotta Peter & Joan Bellisario Memorial of St. , Priest Sir 36:1, 45a, 1017/Mk 10:3245 12:05 p.m. St. Peter Joseph Stiger, Jr.  Thursday, May 27 9:00 a.m. St. Cyril Fred Garcia Family Sir 42:1525/Mk 10:4652 12:05 p.m. St. Peter Joseph Stiger, Jr.

Friday, May 28 9:00 a.m. St. Cyril Mario Mattucci Delia Mattucci Sir 44:1, 913/Mk 11:1126 12:05 p.m. St. Peter Charles J. Gehring Lynn A. Fischer Saturday, May 29 9:00 a.m. St. Cyril Joseph Stiger, Jr. Sir 51:12cd20/Mk 11:2733 4:00 p.m. St. Cyril Living & Deceased Parishioners (vigil)

9:00 a.m. St. Boniface Dorothy Sulkowski Family

 10:30 a.m. St. Peter John & Stella Savoca Family Sunday, May 30  The Solemnity of the  Most Holy   Dt 4:3234,3940 11:00 a.m. St. Cyril Philip Schipani Family Rom 8:1417 Mt 28:1620 

For Our Beloved Deceased:

Morna Evans Edward Schacht, Jr. Marie Carcara Florence Wolfe Frances Title  Mary Jane Tarasovich

May those who were united with Christ in a death like His,  also be one with Christ in His resurrection.

Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat Feast day M May 25 17791865

Born to a winemaker in Burgundy, France, Madeleine was educated by her older , Louis, who was studying for the priesthood. He strove to repress her emotions and instruct her as if she were a seminarian. Her extensive formation, unusual for the time, paid off, as Madeleine was prepared for the rebirth of French Catholicism after its persecution during the . In 1800, she and three companions began the Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Madeleine was appointed at 23, and over the next 63 years, she oversaw the establishment of more than 100 houses and schools in 12 countries. Her order was approved by Rome in 1826, and she was canonized in 1925.

Madeleine Sophie Barat lived in turbulent times. She was only 10 when the Reign of Terror began. In the wake of the French Revolution, rich and poor both suffered before some semblance of normality returned to France. Born to some degree of privilege, Sophie received a good education. It grieved her that the same opportunity was being denied to other young girls, and she devoted herself to educating them, whether poor or welltodo. We who live in an affluent country can follow her example by helping to ensure to others the blessings we have enjoyed.

Parish Food Bank The Food Bank for Christ Our Savior Parish is located in the garage adjacent to Northside Catholic Assumption Academy, 3854 Brighton Road. It is held on the 2nd Monday of each month from 3:30 to 4:30 PM. The next Food Bank date is June 14, 2021. The Food Bank is hoping to reach more people in need of our help. We have staples such as canned goods, cereals, pastas, and fresh fruits, vegetables, and breads courtesy of the St Vincent de Paul “Spark of Hope”. Call the parish office with any questions. Cash donations are accepted in the offertory basket at any time or can be made through a link on the parish website. Food is collected in the Food Bank bin in the vestibule of each church. Any in date food items can be left there. We are unable to use any out of date or opened containers. Thank you for your help!  Pentecost  Pentecost marks the occasion of God sending the Holy Spirit upon Jesus’ disciples after his Resurrection. The book of Acts describes how the disciples were gathered together in one place on the day of Pentecost. The Jewish feast of Pentecost (Shavuot or the Feast of Weeks) was a day that commemorated the giving of the law to Moses, a day soon to be marked as well by the giving of the Holy Spirit.   On Pentecost, the Holy Spirit gave the disciples the strength to fulfill their commission to spread the Good News of Jesus. The Solemnity of Pentecost, which crowns and fulfills the Easter season, is a good time to pray for a deeper indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Prayer to the Holy Spirit The following prayer was recited by Pope Benedict XVI in a homily on November 7, 2006. This is a prayer to the Holy Spirit.   Let us invoke him  so that he will irrigate, warm and straighten,  so that he will pervade us  with the power of his sacred flame  and renew the earth.  Let us pray for his with all our hearts at this time, in these days. Amen.   Copyright © 2021, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. All rights reserved. 

Quote from Pope Benedict XVI, copyright © 2006, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, State. All rights reserved. Used with permission


 Father Michael Decewicz, director of Addiction Recovery Ministry, will give a presentation on Wednesday, May 19, at 7:00 p.m. in Madonna of Jerusalem Church, 201 9th Street, Sharpsburg, PA 15215. He will speak about the 4th Station of the Cross, where Jesus meets his mother, in relation to the suffering of the family of someone with a substance abuse disorder. 

Easter Scripture Study with Father DiNardo The fifty days from the Sunday of the Resurrection to Pentecost Sunday are celebrated in joy and exultation as one feast, indeed as one “Great Sunday.” These are the days above all others in which we sing the great “Alleluia.” During this Easter season, Father DiNardo will offer the study of the Sunday readings, with a special focus on the . The scripture study class will take place on Monday evenings from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM through May 24, 2021. You are invited to Church for the scripture class or by Zoom. The Zoom links can be found on the Parish Website at

Mission Cooperation Sunday is on June 5 & 6 in 2021. Normally, a missionary comes to visit the parish and speak during homily time at Mass.Because of Covid19 re- strictions this year, there will be no in person talks. The mission group of the Sisters of Mary Immaculate vision and mission are of their community is the holistic development of families, especially women, girls, and children. We try to fulfill this mission in the Church, by reaching out to the people in their spiritual, moral, and material needs in towns, villages, and rural areas of India and Africa through visits to families, the sick, and homebound; pastoral, medical, and caring ministries; formal and nonformal education and other developmental activities. The people need your prayers and financial support. Please realize that while the appeal is not in person the need is greater than ever. The poor have been hit especially hard by the pandemic. So now more than ever be as generous as possible. Thank you.

We are very excited to congratulate our teen parishioner, Robert Heflin, for his recent advancement in Boy Scout Troop #348, led by Scoutmaster Bill Kuntz and Assistant Scoutmaster Mike Conroy. The convocation held at St. Paul's Cathedral on Sunday, May 16, 2021, awarded Robert his Ad Altare Dei Religious Emblem! This 9th grader is not only excelling in the Scouts, but also assists our parish as an  Altar Server and as a teen Classroom Assistant in our Religious Education Program. We are very proud of you, Robert! 

To the members of Christ Our Savior Parish: Mt 25; 4045 “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of these least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Thank you just doesn’t seem adequate in expressing our thanks for your generosity. The donations of household items to Bethlehem’s New Start Furniture Ministry is such a blessing. The response was overwhelming. Dozens of families will benefit from the giving you expressed. It is so easy for us to take for grated the stuff we have been blessed with, but when you realize that stuff belongs to God and we are just the stewards, then it’s easier to pass along to others. Thank you for opening your hearts.  Prayers & Blessings to you. Larry Nugent

Christ Our Savior Parish Day of Service

Saturday, June 12 9:30AM  TBD (June 19 rain date) The Gospel calls us to love our neighbor, and one way we can express this love is through service. As you know, many seniors live on their own or are caregivers, and it can be difficult to keep up with a home. On this day, we will serve our senior parishioners by providing yardwork, painting, and cleanup to the exterior of their homes. If you would like to participate, please complete and return the attached form to the Parish Office by June 4. Beginning next week, we will also have a SignUp Genius on our parish webpage. If you have any questions, or would like to request help for that day, please contact Mary Swindal, Pastoral Associate, 4127611552 x7 or [email protected]. As always, we appreciate prayers that this day will bring God’s love and presence to one another. “For it is in giving that we receive…”. Thank you!   Name:  ______

Phone #: ______

Email: ______

# of people from family who can help: ______

Work preference (list top 3):

No preference: ______yardwork ______painting ______cleanup______

Please let us know if you are willing to share expertise in any of the following areas:

Tree removal: _____ House painting: ______Landscaping: _____ Debris Hauling: ______

Please let us know if you might be able to help with a pickup truck during the day. ______   Christ Our Savior Parish Staff Council Members

 Business ManagerN4127611552 Pastoral Council Finance Council Teresa Flaherty  [email protected] Jeanine Ayers Karen Smay Brown  Sacraments and Records Patricia Harding Judy Bendtsen Michelle Cloonan  Mary Byrnes Rich Kielar Religious Education OfficeN4127340505  Steve Gorzelsky  Ken Knochel Sacramental Preparation   Bob Greca Mary Kushik Jean [email protected] Jan Greca Vince Lewandowski  Bernie Greer Hugh Mulvey Faith Formation  [email protected] Jay Marano Shirley Novak  Sue Zientek Catechetical AdministratorN Kristen Frankovich  [email protected]  Sacramental Program ManagerN Sacraments Jennifer [email protected]  Baptism: Please contact Jean DiDonato for Music Ministry  information of the requirements, conditions and Theresa Hammond  options for . Classes for first time parents   [email protected] David Butler [email protected] can be taken before or after their child’s birth.   Pastoral Associate   Matrimony: Arrangements are to be made at least Mary [email protected] six months in advance of the wedding date. Please  contact the parish office. Maintenance  John Dey   Sick and Shutins: The Sacraments are available to  Clergy Email Addresses those who are unable to celebrate Mass due to Fr. Nicholas Vaskov……...... [email protected] sickness or age. To make arrangements for visitation Fr. Dam Nguyen……………[email protected] to your home, call the parish office. Fr. Lawrence DiNardo……[email protected]  Fr. Louis DeNinno………[email protected] Sacramental Sponsor: To be a Sacramental Fr. Ferdinand Okafor..…[email protected] sponsor, one must be a practicing Catholic and a Deacon Gery Pielin………..…[email protected] registered member of a parish.

Stewardship Update for May 16, 2021  May ‘Second Collections’ Offertory: $8,796 CRS: $599  Parish Share: $1,538 Ascension: $945 May 23: Building Fund Building Fund: $95 Peter’s Pence: $10  Votives: $191 St. Anthony School: $10 May 30: St. Vincent de Paul School Support: $464 Holy DaysN$205 Social Services: $15  Flowers: $20 

Thank you for your generosity!

Pregnant? Talk to someone 24/7  1800712 HELP (4357) or text “HELPLINE TO 313131.  For free help near you, 

24RHour Child Abuse Hotline….1R800R932R0313      Diocesan Vicm Assistance….1R888R808R1235  Northside Catholic Assumption Academy

ENTER TO LEARN Principal: Rosanne Kwiatkowski  [email protected] LEARN TO SERVE Administrative Assistant: Helene Kocay   [email protected]

Our FifthGradersatNorthside Catholic Assumption Academyhave been very busy!  They have been growing as disciples of Jesus Christ while learning about the virtues of faith, hope, and love! They are adding, subtracting, and multiplying decimals in Math classes! They are also focused on learning different parts of speech and improving their writing skills!  We plan to finish the year strong and healthy!For more information on our preschool through 8thgrade school, give us a call to schedule a tour at 4127615043.  Northside Catholic Assumption Academy is selling $10 raffle tickets for your chance to win $1,500 in cash and $1,500 in scratch off lottery tickets. For more information, please contact our PTG at  [email protected] or call Nicole at 4124780887.

Are you looking for a Christ centered, academically challenging, safe environment, and welcoming school for your child? Come and see Northside Catholic Assumption Academy! We offer full day 3 and 4 year old preschool programs, as well as the traditional half day two or three days a week. Our preschool through 8th grade boasts small class sizes M our largest class is 24 and the smallest is 13. Your child will receive individualized attention so that he or she can thrive! Our teachers are more than just certified by the state and accredited by the Diocese. They are dedicated teachers with an average of 20 years of experience in the Diocese. Our school is supported by the Extra Mile Education Foundation and has low tuition  $3,600 for one child and $4,200 for two or more children and generous financial aid. For more information on our school, give us a call at 4127615043 or email [email protected].  Loo Money

NCA Academy Cash and Scratch off Ticket Raffle  Do you like money? Do you like PA Loery Scratch off ckets? How about a chance to win both?!? For the last raffle of the year, we decided to go out with a scratch! Each raffle cket is $10 and has 2 four digit numbers. The winner will receive $1500.00 cash and 1 book (or enre roll) of each of the following: (30) $20 ckets (60) $10 ckets (60) $5 ckets All stubs and money will be due no later than June 1, 2021. Winner will be based off the PA Loery evening PICK 4 on June 7, 2021. Below you can fill out a request for the number of ckets you would like. Any requests over 10 ckets will need paid for in advance. You can request as many as you would like unl ck- ets are sold out. Please keep in mind that you will not be able to request more ckets unl all stubs and money have been returned to school from any previous requests. The 2 families that sell the most ckets will receive a $100 gi card for Giant Eagle. All proceeds benefit Northside Catholic Assumpon Academy. We are grateful for all the won- derful families that supported our fundraisers through the difficult year we all faced through the pandemic. THANK YOU! *Please be aware that any returned checks will now have a $40 fee. Any quesons contact Nicole at (412) 478R0887 or [email protected]


 Family/Student Name______  Number of ckets ______  O’Brien’s Funeral Home 3724 California Avenue | Pittsburgh, PA 15212 412.766.1680 Bernard M. O’Brien, Director

3-P-4-3 For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • 14-1701 Shirley Novak, Esq. Hughes Funeral Home, Inc. Stephens Memorial Chapel • Wills R. Dennis Hughes, F.D., Supervisor Edward F. Latkovic, F.D., Supervisor • Estates Lawrence H. Bock, F.D. R. Dennis Hughes, F.D. • Criminal Law 1501 Lowrie Street • Troy Hill • Family Law (412) 231-4193 Two Traditional Community Funeral Homes (412) 231-1285 • Personal Injury in one Convenient Location • Home Appointments FREE Consultation W/Ad All Home Repairs MRB Landscaping • Cement Installation • Retaining Walls • Fence: Chain-link/Wood & Snow Removal 412-281-4383 • Tile/Wood Flooring • Lawn & Landscaping • Snow Removal 5%5% DiscountDiscount Grass Cutting • Leaf Removal • Carpentry Repairs • Roof Repairs • Painting • And More withwith thisthis adad Tree Removal • Mulching • Pruning Residential & Commercial - Licensed & Insured BRIAN BUBASH • (412) 995-8430 Richard 40 Years Experience [email protected] Parishioner Moratto 412-277-4116 “No Job Too Small” Stephen M. Brady Funeral Home Inc.

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Chuck Schellhaas, Parishioner C. Matthew Schellhaas, FD Robert D. Schellhaas, Jr., Supervisor Ryan D. Schellhaas, FD 388 Center Ave., West View PA Catholic Funeral Plan Accepted 412-931-5497 Protective Pre-Planning Available 3-P-4-3 For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • 14-1701