HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies ISSN: (Online) 2072-8050, (Print) 0259-9422 Page 1 of 10 Original Research Black Christ and Cross-Roads Jesus for white South African Christians Author: A significant factor undermining real racial reconciliation in post-1994 South Africa is 1 Wilhelm J. Verwoerd widespread resistance to shared historical responsibility amongst South Africans racialised as Affiliation: white. In response to the need for localised ‘white work’ (raising self-critical, intragroup 1Studies in Historical Trauma historical awareness for the sake of deepened racial reconciliation), this article aims to Stellenbosch University, contribute to the uprooting of white denialism, specifically amongst Afrikaans-speaking Stellenbosch, South Africa Christians from (Dutch) Reformed backgrounds. The point of entry is two underexplored, Corresponding author: challenging, contextualised crucifixion paintings, namely, Black Christ and Cross-Roads Jesus. Wilhelm Johannes Verwoerd, Drawing on critical whiteness studies, extensive local and international experience as a
[email protected] ‘participatory’ facilitator of conflict transformation and his particular embodiment, the author explores the creative unsettling potential of these two prophetic ‘icons’. Through this Dates: incarnational, phenomenological, diagnostic engagement with Black Christ, attention is drawn Received: 05 Oct. 2019 Accepted: 09 Mar. 2020 to the dynamics of family betrayal, ‘moral injury’ and idolisation underlying ‘white fragility’. Published: 30 July