ATTACHMENT A Page 1 of 1 T 012 Mayor Council From: Roger Emsley [
[email protected]] . Sent: Monday, December 13, 2010 8:16 PM To: Mayor & Council Subject: Translink lets us down - again Are you aware that Translink has just reduced bus service to South Delta? Once again South Delta has been screwed by Translink? J ~ Their PR spin would have us believe that they are bringing service improvements - not true. <...:' w They are cutting service on 602 603 and 404 (see W M Maps/Transit-Service-ChaD.~ms - but do not look for Delta, we do not exist and are listed under ":t Richmond) . End result - people who were forced to USe Canada line when they eliminated our bus into Vancou ver now ha ve to wait even longer at Bridgeport in the afternoon for a bu s back to South Delta. Not only that but with fewer busses it is not always possible to get on the first bus, and if you can get on you are crammed in like sardines. Well done Translink - guess they actually want us to use our private vehir: !es, siilCe their private partner operator for Canada Line is rno king nruch more money than estimated. It is time that Delta Co unCil final!y said - enough is enough. We need to se e improved service to South Delta in exchange for all til e levies and ta>:e.s that they keep taking out of our pockets. Delta transportation staff have contacted TransLink to provide the rationale for the service changes.