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\ THURSOAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1966 V « / ■ f AGE TWENTY-FOUR ilkm rli^B t^r lEn^ning li^raU i Average Dailjr Net Preaa Run The Weather For the Boded Cloudy, ehance of taowerc te- Nevcoahor B, IfOS nl|^t, k w 40-45; moetly cu*- Past Chlsfa Club, Mmnoilal Manchester Bhnblem Club wHl ny and cooler tomorrow," high sponsor a benefit bard party to­ Three New Votere i Temple of Pythian Sistera, will About Town meet tomorrow, at 8 pm. at the 60-56. morrow at 8 p jn . at Uie EUts Only three new voters, all 15,104 Home, Blesen St. The proceeds home of Mra Douglas Lindaay, ------Mani^he$ter— A City of F i f l o f e Chmrm \ 3hrbi«ra from Sphinx Temple unaffiUated, were signed up will benefit the Senior Cittoens 111 Mata St Band will fill the chairs and yesterday In a three-hour, Club. Military whist and set­ (Claaatfled AdvertiaIng on Page 21) PRIC E S E V E | i CENTS offer a musicdl program for voter-making sesslmi in the V0L.^LXX3^yi, NO. 42 (TWBNtY-F6UR PAGES—TWO SECnONS) , MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1986 back will be conducted by Mr. Members of the Town Fire Friendship Lodge of Masons to­ town clerk’s office. ^ and Mrs. EWwMd J. McKeever. DejMrtment will, meet tonight at night »at 7:30 at the Masonic The addition brings to 22,- 7 at the Central Firehouse and The event is open to the public. 504 the numbm* o f electors in Temple. The Master Mason de­ Tickets will be sold at the door. proceed to the Holmes Funeral gree will be conferred. • , Manchester. Home, 400 Main St to pay re­ Starting with December, spects to the late Mrs. Cartle Cub Scout Pack 63 o f Waddell SPECIALS THURS.-SATn NOV. 17-18-lV Chapman Court, Order' of Manchester’s voter - making Pohl, mother Of Ernest Pohl and Corruption in Viet Nam Amaranth, will meet tomorrow School wiU meet tomorrow at sessions again will be held Harold Pohl, both members of at 7:45 p.m. at the Masonic 7:30 p.m. at the school cafeteria. on the first Wednesday of the department New Italian Temple. Refreshments wiU be Cubs arc reminded to bring each month. served by Mirs. Nannie Hilding space projects made the past Manchester Duplicate Bridge liSDA CHOICE month. Thire wUl be a uniform Saig^ Docks‘1 end a committee. OfflciaJs are Members of the* Frank J. Club will sponsor a game to­ inspection. * renrinded to wear colored gowns. Mansfield Detachment of the morrow at 8 p.m. at the Italian EDITOR’S NOTE — 8omc\iW, ^ 'Amid rumors that some ita- Port officials say about 600,- Marine Corps League Will meet Amcrloan Club, 135 Eldridge S t 000 tone of American gom , Uve officlailif 'wUb MUariek' 000' tons of U.S. Agency for In­ tonight at 7:15 at the Holmes Registrations will be taken at military and . economic, ^ o f abbut 10,000 p l^ r e * — $100 ternational Developmtat goods Funeral Home, 400 Main St. to 7:45. The event is open to the through Saigon’s crowded docksX^ — a lAonth are wallowing in the ' — including post exchange and pay respects to the late Mrs. public. ’Those attending are re­ every month. Not all of it reach- \ luxury of. ck^risive vUlas and mllitkry materiel — pass Carrie Pohl, mother of Harodd minded to park in the lot at the es destination. ’This la the ooitly oats, Premier Nguyen' through the Saigon waterfront Pohl, a member. west side of tlie building. final article in a aeries on graft Ky denounced the port on every month. Some experts esti­ m and bribery in Viet Nam based V. 10 as "a den> of thieves.” • mate that thieves' get 20 per Members of the British Amer- Mistress Club of the SIRLOIN on the findings of on Associa- ^ • ing a waterfront visit; the cent of it.' ■ Adriatic Sea icon Club are reminded that Daughters of Liberty, No. 125, ted Press team. pritav minister told Brig. Gen. ‘ U.S. Navy sources in Wash­ cliildren must be regi^ered by meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Pham \ Dang Lon, South Viet­ ington say that figure is too Saturday for the annual Christ- home of Mrs. Robert Dun- SAIGON, South Viet Nam namese director general of Sai­ high, but concede that around 6 Flows O ver mas party to be held Sunday, lop, 90 Oheotnut St (AP) — Goods which cost an gon ■ port,\ that any officials per cent of strictly military car­ Dec. 18, at 2 p.m. at the club- awful lot of U.S. tax money van­ caught stealing henceforth go alone never reaches its desti­ Farm lands house. • •6 ish into thin air — or, some­ would be shotv nation. Eight months ago this times, into shallow water — In “ I’m not speMtlng of you,” Ky FREE! $25.00 Service Con­ figure was 11 to 12 per cent. ’The Junior and Senior Hi the dock area of Saigon. told Lan. “I’m Speaking of the Across the river from down­ ROVIGO, Italy (AP)^— Leagues of Trinity Covenant tract with every fine ’Treas­ A dozen villages in the ure .Shoppe Watch over PORTERHOUSE On Salg* arthritic elbow. PARKING been a soldier since he was a awarded posthumously the Med- In Record Quest Study O i l Lniiia Seat legislative program. Baseball writer Phil OoUier of BOILED ONIONS ,..o. 29c boy. al of Honor, the nation’s highest SAIGON, South Virt Nam o n (AP) — U.S. warships bom­ Johnson may conduct some of the San Diego Union broke tha “Even as a small kid ho had decoraUon, at a date to be an- story in a dispatch from Los the ping pong table covered all nounced. President Johnson ap- barded cargo vessels along a 10 - mil. ol HorUi VIM Ham «* K-Ugl* — aM mid-. crtalaSttar It waa wllims to bulMm, naar tha Taxaa Oa^tol Angeles. MAIN SW EET LIFE the time with his war maneu- proved the awards for the two —^ ' today in a renewal o f the 7th night, and dawn, and on and on. ^ comply with provisions of the hi Austin. For that reason, Moy- vers.” Walter Hibbs said. men Wednesday. Then the Los itageles Herald- STREET k Fleet's new campaign to cut the It was Randy Layne’s attempt committee to seek a formula for U.N. charter. 'The committee ers said, newsmen and photog- Ihcaminer quoted the Dodger CUT GREEN BEANS Bob had assembled an exten- The President also announced o r in l l i c slve collection of miniature sol­ CUT WAX BEANS diers and equipment valued -» “ ■ ‘"“'S’ ‘YSaSr TOWN f r e s h c r i s p a of Honor to Army Spec. 6 The Navy reported 42 cargo nn,..,. ®'"^e'^nr^aa?wL*'6m?ed"byThe proposal was outlined by “ ^cSta'did not mention the er thanTan'Ltonio. thrir” rei S ifig h i'S L ^ ffS * Now’s the time to look forward to several thousand dollars. rence Joel, 38, who lives in Fay- boats destroyed or damaged in Layne salt down ea iiy ThurS' TENDER PEAS At 23, Lt. Bob Hibbs, of Cedar ettovllle, N.C., with his wife and day evening ait the organ at a Senator Attilio Piccloni, head of possibility of seeking a. solution delay the announcement no OWNED Thanksgiving and prepare for the big the bombairdme^ by two de­ the Italian delegation, as the based on the concept of seating Johnson awakened late today, tried to talk him out of P k g . Falls, Iowa, was killed. In action two children,- and 2nd Lt. Walter local music shop, and doesn’t longer. 1 feast with fine quality foods from CELERY HEARTS 29c stroyers ranging 20 to 30 miles 121-natlon assembly launched a Red (^na ■without expelling the told hla doctors, he felt it until.Walter O’Malley returns LO T on in Viet Nam. Although wounded j. Marm Jr., 25, of Washington, north of the demilitarized zone X>lan to stop —If he can last — your friendly Manchester Public 6 n.do twice, he returned to the scene Pa., for heroism in Viet Nam. comprehensive debate on the CHiinese Nationalists — the so- “great.” Sunday Cram. Japan, but he said, PURPLE TOP or YELLOW GLOBE between North and SSuth Viet until 1 a.m. Tuesday. BIRCH ST. M arket...... of an ambush to help bring in a called two-Chinas plan.- This, Cto the second lull day after he had to do It now.” Joe, a.niedic with 17 years Nam. Th.r;:;Plccionl called for a new ap- however, has received wide dls- double operation, Johnson Sandy’s chronic end palnM wounded comrade, and was service, crawled to Wounded L b s . TAYLOR which would include cusslon in private 4alks by Can- still complained of soreness, arthriitdc <5oodliUoii of. his pitCh- TURNIPS 3 39c killed. Americans and gave them blood (See Page Nine) (See Page Sixteen) proach, START Y O U R Army Spec. 4 Danny Fernan­ ada, Italy and others. . however. tag elbow, has troubled him for We are now taking orders for Fancy Top- plasma and first aid after he ' ------The Italian plan provided that White House said the three seasons. Koulax, yhose OCEAN SPRAY FRESH SWEET POTATOES 31e dez, 21, another veteran, o f the had been shot in the leg. He was Viet Nam war, never thought of the study be concluded before President feU asleep about mid- $126,000 saJaiy last season was FRUIT credited with saving the lives of the meeting of the 1967 assem- - even before finishing tllie hdghert for a piteher in SWEET LIFE blmseh as a hero. He had been Grade Now Crop Grade “A” Turkeys . . . CRANBERRIES 1 Lb. Pkg. 2 9 c 18 men. hiv nnH that tho committee his usual Stack of evening read- baseball history, has hdmed fhaf wounded but volunteered for Marm knocked out a OommU' & id made i of C rSns tag - and did not awaken until he n^ht rattae. CAKE WHITE SWEET MIXED PICKLES,. J..69C another tour of. combat duty machine gun neat that had Hen Turkeys, 6 to 15 lbs; Toms, 17 to 24 after a trip home to Los Lunas, itiugd some of the men in hla of the greatest eminence and ‘ ' SWEET LIFE . long international experience.’^ NOW! BOILING ONIONS 11/2 Lb. Pkg. 2 9 c N.M, He was killed on, his sec- platoon and wounded him. Re- lbs. Also—Fresh Capons and Large Roast­ ond tour when he smothered a Piccloni suggested that the\ SPANISH OLIVES Oommunlst hand grenade with (See Page Three) group should be of restricted' U.S. No. 1 — RiCD - size.------— ------\ U,S.I Says Its ICBMs ing Chickens. Please phone 643-4741 — Our New 1966 Crop of FaHey “The terms of reference of DELICIOUS APPLES! : 8 Lb. Bag 3 9 c the ad hoc committee,” he said, Mixail FniH Is Now Here— “would be essentially to make a thank you • " y ^ ■ DIAMOND—I-UIOE . 1 SUNSHINE VANILLA WAFERS.. 12-0*. pkg. S9c thorough, study, with all availa­ EDUCATOR SALTINES ...... 16-oz. pkg. S6p First Photos Due ble and appropriate means and BUY IN BULK and SAVE! BUDDED WALNUTS 1 Lb. Pkg. 5 5 c procedures, of the various as- WASHlNGiTON (AP) — U.B- has begun ^eptoykig antitnla- pects of the factual situation as officials liave stressed that de- system around mejor edtiee. Weekend S-p-e-c-i-al-s Choose From: Cherries, Pineapple, Citron, it is in Chine today, dra^ng the pioyment of,a Soviet antimlMdle “I think ft is important that we MRS. PAUL’g^FROZEN From Orhiter 2 necessary inferences and for- ayatem has' not changed this assume it Is efteettve and, of Diced Lemon and Orange Peel; plus Dried SWEET LIFE—SLICED MRS. SMITH mulating conclusions and pro- i>asic fact in the balattoe of pow- couroe, will be the aseumi>- BONELESS, TOP GRADE, CHOICE BEEF ...... PABADiENA, Oalif. (AP) — grapbe to he snapped ek the poeals—for—an—equitable and ^ The UiiitM States atill can tkta on wlifcdi we base the and Halves of Citron, Red and GiieirCher^ ^^TRW mERRIEC— POTATOES PUMPKIN PIES Flrat pictures oapalKe of pin- point of a 60-tB^l36(Hnrie ortitit practical solution with a view to iiestroy any enemy — even one opment and deployment Of our SIRLOIN TIP ROAST >b $1.19 — prtntli^ spoUi where men may into whkdi the einioeontlt submission to the 22nd General ithat strikes first. i own tatwrcontinental BallisOo ries, Red, Green and Glaced Natural Pine­ land safely on ^the moon are stoered by remote oontrol after BONELESS, TOP GRADE, CHOICE CHUCK FOB A NICE ■ 1 ■ . ■ Assembly.” , Emphasizing the , ojtifenslve, hiiseiiles,” he told newsmen at apple Rings and Crystalized Ginger in Bulk. ^ 12 OZ. $ 4 ^ 0 0 wiheduled to be 'enapped today launch Nov. 7. Piccloni spoke after Cam- the officials reported Thursday the Texas White Hot^. LB. by Lunar Oihiter 2. c At this altitude lunar OrbMier bodia, one of Red China’s main, .^hat the United States still is In line with that, OCttcials POT ROAST n> 79e lea «The photograpihe, expected to 2’e high reeohitfon camera wee . T T sponsors in Asia, had denounced maintaiiiing a better than 3 to 1 - Jk . show surface detaUe ee amaB a s , expected to efaow whether efopee (See I«ce I ^ ) FRESHLY GROUND, LEAN « — olso it- " Nationalist China as a "clique edge in stockpiles of Interccntl- taet acoxM», wiU be among' in the target area are gentle ihstalled by the United States” nental Ballistic Miisriles. BHDCKBEEF.. 79c 2.,. IIJO finames to be taken of a dry enough for ApdUo proginm aqd rejected the concept of two Produotion of such ntiBsUes, We have many Swedish and Norwegian called ihe Sea of 'PranquU- landing oreflt, due to be (jhinas in the United Nations. they said, b^s been pro- FRESHLY GROUND, LEAN i ^ WE RpSERVE THE RIGHT TO UMIt QUANTITIES ^ ikiflinHng about 10:20 a-m. launched in 1968, to lend on Ambassadorl Huot San^bath grammed to assure that Amert- HAMBURB «.69t| 2n.;H J0 D elicacy item s in— Such a s: Brown Beanei; 1 '>1 M T . 1 , I without toppling. spoke for Cambodia a." consults- can rockets could effectively ' Bullcitm I. ' ‘ Processed in a tiny dartoroom Tectank proUems hhared tions continued on new moves to .penetrate any antimissile sys-. Swedish Peas, Potato Starch, Large Salt aboard the U.8 . spacecraft, ihe high ton picturea'tok- break the deadlock. tern the Soviets are capable of AU i LEAN, FRESH GROUND Spme of the picturea w;;ere to. be en by L 1 l i i A u - Herring in bulk, Fruit Mix with Sago and ■ There can be only one Cluna, building. DOUBLE EXPQSUIHB 98 i^o ed wMhin two hours to a gust Us . phD- Sambath said, just hs therfe is The officials acknowledged, ROUND BROUND ■b^ c n o t I e h o w . au rto o e Scan Baked Beans in cans. Soon to arrive^: receliving station at Madrid, togiraphs only one France or one United howev^, thrt Secretary of De- PAHADBNA, Oollf. (AP) OUR OWN m a k e , p u r e PORK Spain. rougijneas' the detaH requtaed , Sftftes. i tonse nobeit S. McNamara ■will Tiiiner Orbitor 2 made He 4 9 Bond-Ost Cheese, Imported Fanner’s Cheese " a U .8 . apace agency epokee- by scienttots tail potetaM ^ e asserted that the question decide within 60 days whether to first toy today »t photo- SAUSABENEAT — ^ »J> « men at Jet PropuletonHuboira- landtag aitea. before tha J21-nati■.. ef Da Nang, '^ e M ari^B'RWe ii^ept . through the area last week searching vil­ accounted in part of the feveriah week Ch*< there ie coneiderahle A k n it Mwite SeliieliiHi of File PRODUOE.aid I^ ^ R Y BOOBS! O P E N W E D h THURSh FRI. m i, 9 P.M. ^ SAT. WLL 6:30 P>L Me tonight. \ poep** MMng *»• Efforts to find a njw approach, evidence that the Soviet Union IC-trome ojEiaiieaoe. ^ Plane oUM tor die jtah^ eteag the moetrti ey tor. . , lager KDd the eouni^side fpr Vi,et Cong guerrillas. (AP Photofax) . • -,1 - • \ . — ■ ■ ‘ ■ ■vl 1 i r .n ^4

, . ‘ y. •

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1^, 1966 P A G E T H S M Pa g e tw o MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18,1966 ■ y . P ' ______ass' . ^ Fund Started Events* Sbeinwold cm Bridge TRADITIONAL Three-W^ Air Ace A lli^eljr VI To Aid Soldier ^ Reminder Fnmi; ^' F I A T TtTTH TH E ODDS Sooth deakr . , .. § In Capital TO WIN IN LONG RUN IMNlOIGIVINGDIin Neither tide Wlaenbie Dies in Auto Crash Jailed in Erroi^ n o r t h ^ ZIPf lt*8.Turkey By ALFRED fipEDiWOLD A 1 1 0 9 DELRAY BEACH, Eta. (AP) LAWTON, Okta. (AP) — , t;? AKQ7 CARTER * WASHINGTON (AP) — The If you want to win in the -Get Together W ith Famib’^ and Friends — Adr Force Ool. James Jabara, Some residents of Lawton want O A 4 to reimburse a Nebraska soldier Office’s latest promotian long run you must make the « 10862 a comibait pilot to three wars APPUANCE SCRVICEl WEST EAST For a Sumptuous Traditional who was mistakertfy jailed 25 Ms ZIP code Is a real turkey play favored, by the odds rath­ who became this pountry fiirst or, ratlter, tliree turkeys. A K 4 * A 5 days in connection with a burgl­ er than the play ^ t is against ^ 1 0 V 1986432 Thanksgiving Dinner at je t a ce , -was killed Thursday ary. Now’s -The Time To Havel The depairtmenrt. expects to Carter VENT YOUR DRY­ 0 108732 O 95 , when a car overturned on the Junclle eJbout lOO miliUcn the odds. Don’t be surprised, 4k Q 1974 4 > A S Church Comers Restaurant and Lounge. Mayor Wayne Gilley has ER! Also: IVe Repair AD] ..^Thanksgiving; ' greeting cards however, if now and then you SOUTH Florida Turnpike. started a fund-raising campaign Other Major Appliances . ,|W » year, and says if you Jhap- fall flat on your face on a A Q 8 7 6 3 2 Special Price for Children Under 12. Jabara, 48-, and his family for Pfe Cecil Boelts, 22, of Auro­ ;pet> to be nuuUdng a card to hand that any beginner would K? S were en route to Myrtle Beach, ra, Neb., who is stationed at the . O KQJ6 10 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE!! wanebody in one of ttie nation’s m ake. Make Your Reservations Nowl S.C., to take a new assignment nearby Ft. Sill. * K 3 -when the mi^iaip occurred cHie. tiiree ooanmunittes called Tur­ Opening lead—ten of hearts. Boelts was jailed Oct. 17 on a BOB “RED” CARTER PlMiie 643-1078 Soott WeH- Narih Etot Please Phone 289-4359... mile south of here. key, you’d beat use the ZIP The scene was the final match 1 O Pan 2 ^ Fait charge of robbing two g;rocery codOL of the great rubber bridge tour­ 2 A Pass 4 4 All Pus Authorities said the career stores. Authorities said the officer -was riding in a compact That wa,y, the department nament held last month at the Music N ightly- charge was dismissed when wit­ Reservations Now oar driven by his daughter, Car­ nesses withdrew their identi­ ■ays, your card te sure to arrive Dancing Fri., Sat. ard Schenken had to make four Schenktn tried to d u i^ y a ^ in g Accepted For ol Aim, 16, -when the vehdcle fication of the soldier as the At the lig^t Turkey. / spades at a crucial stage of hearts, A^cardi^ the To Music by veered onto the right shoulder. robber. ’ ' “ Faced with the holiday ru^ Christm as Parties. . . fte match. Unfortunately for three directed the film, from his own Any paluka would lead trumps the swift nor the tatUe to Uie ed in critical condition. OOL. JAMES JABARA ters and packages. In the case of timkey, it’s Tur­ 860 Main St., Fast H srtfoid — Opposite Conn. Blvd. Firemen in Ft. Lauderdale battle a wind - whipped blaze that destroyed or their parents the money they screen play. Maurice Jarre composed and conducted the music. at once. West would win with strong; but in ths k>ng ™n UntU tWa week Jabara had Orates, 19 Air Medals and. (wo key, N.C., 28393; Turkey, Ky., damaged 16 luxury yachts last night. Cause of the fire, at the Broward Ma­ had to borrow,” the mayor said You pay nothii^ the ace and return a club to » “ Jl®" rina, is still not known. (AP Photofax) been commander of the 31st Distinguished Service Crosses. Thursday. 41382, and Turkey, T ex., 79261, an orbiital test of the Lunar Ex­ the ace. East would lead a ^ith the favorites, ’Tactical Fighter Wing at Home- Funeral arrazigements were 'for the service. cursion Module, a spacecraft No Proof of Premeditation he^rt, and South would ruff Question stead Air Force Base. incomplete. Yota just pay for Change foK Apollo designed to be detached from with any trump except the Partner op ^ wltti 1 NT (18 In Florida Jabara flew t-wo combat tours Jabara was bom on Musko- WASHINGTON (AP) — ’The the main Ai»Uo vehdicle as It three. And that would be that, to 18 points), and the next Medal of Honor’ in World War n. He was en- gge, Okla., Aug. 10, 1923. FOR A n e w 1967 your postage. National Aeronauiiics and Space orbits the moon and carry two Galcuiadon player passes. You hold: STANLEV f V A T E W B l gaged in 108 missions and was additlcn to the daughter, Why do we bother? So you can mail Administration has altered its men to the moon’s surface. Davis Plans Appeal Schenken saw that leading Spades, A-5; Hearts, J-9-84f.4-S- Voted ‘General’ o re d ^ v(rith downing 9 enemy cm-ol, the Jaheras have a son, OLDSMOBILE ApoBo timetable. •j^he second manned Apollo trumps would work if Ekist had 2; Diamonds, 9-5; Clubs, A-6. WARNER 9 I I E H ilia Dozen Luxury Yachts .planes. Janies, and two other daugh­ and shop in one swift stop. OR A Under plans announced mission will involve a rendez- the ace of clubs or If West had What do you sayf TEL. 643-7832 FREE PARKING BIRCH ST. REAR OF THEATER, Of Toy Soldiers In two Korean combat tours ters, Kjathy and Jeanne. Thunsday for the project des- vous with an orbiting lunar Cap- Of Death Sentence both top trumps. The odds were Answer: Bid four hearts. You “Russians” 8:50—“Shot” 7 F.M.—Short Subjects 6:30 he rtiot down 16 M iG ’s and, Counter Is Open Dnrlng Store Hours 9 A.M, to 9 P.M. (Continued from Page One) flying an F86 Sabre jet, becam’e VALUE-RATED Igned to put man on the moon, sule. .Part of the Apollo crew NEW HAVEN (AP) — Arthur they would not tell him where 5 to 3 that he would find one should have a fine play for Destroyed by Flames an unmanned Apollo flight will will transfer to the capsule end o f these twO fa vora b le situa­ game, but slam -should be out ports said he killed 18 Com m u­ the^rst ace of the jet age. He J. Davis, sentenced to death in GloriB. Bos- atao^flew several corn-bat USED GAR, CALL be added following the first hack. No crew has been named- tions. of the question with only 27 FORT LAUDERDALE, Pla. marina is on the south fork of nists. mds- Thanksgiving Day sdons to Vdet Nam. m anned , fHigbt, Bchedtded tor These Apollo spacecraft wUl the edeotric chair in the staying ,t,ervtUe, was the’ daughter of The odds were about 60 to 1 points at most in t^e combin­ the New River. "It’s an ■ awesome honor,” WILTON’S w or (AP) — A wind-whipped blaze GIFTS—CANDY late January. Jabara joined the Army Air ^ sent into orhlt by modified of six persons, wiU appeal the Mrs. Mary McClease, who was that West’s opening lead had ed hands. When you are sure Although some owners use the Danny Fernandez’ father said. FREE GIFT WRAP The unmanned fUgbt wiH be Saturn 1 boosters. that shot flames high into the C orps in 1942 and w as com m ls- RAY DWYER case to the OonneoUcut Supreme one of the victims end the own- been from 10-x, 10-9-x, or some of the final contract, get to it yachts as their winter homes, “For some huinble family to get sionM“^ trh ta HOFFMAN OLDSMOBILE 964 MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER longer combination headed by without delay. air and leaped from one luxury fire „ and police j officials said such an honor is staggering. He wings a year ARTHUR DRUG Oourt, public defender Anthony apartment where the later. His decorations included 565 Conn. Blvd., E.H. ★ PHONE 643-7781 -k ' Hotc Many in Laos? 10-9-8 o f hearts. Since 60 to 1 C opyright 1966 yacht to another destroyed they doubted that anyone was never thought of himself as a DeiMayo has anrounced. slayings occurred. three Distinguished Flying 528-6555 F R E E in-car HEATERS WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. “There was no' proof of pre- Miss BaskerviUe testified dur- Is a better shot than 6 to 3, General Features Corp. about a dozen expensive sea- on board. Some)' o f the boats hero, so I don’t know what he ofSflcdals say at least M.OOO OeMayo' declared tria^ that while she had craft at a river marina today. were in the matfinaEtrii for repairs. would think.” North Vietnamese troops and an following sentencing by (hi«e-Mved wath Davte, be ^ Dozens of other boats were Damage could!dl 1not be estimat- “ Both myself and Bob’s moth- MEADOWS^r undetermined number of con­ Superior Court judges ^niuraday. ®ned and beat her on s^eral damaged. Authorities said about ed at once, but (Was expected t o er,” said Walter Hibbs, “feel ALL IN COLOR struction workers ere in Laos, The Judges found Davis guilty oooasionB. ^ 12'— including a 100-footer — be' in the himdri cIs of thousands very humble — kind of a mix­ mostly guarding end makntain- “ M AOABRO” burned to the waterline. CharKon Heston Wednesday on eix counts of flrat The prosecutor, State’s Atty. of dollars. j ture of being humble mixed Life In The Raw |0PEN 6 DAYS for your shopping convenience the year round! tog the Ho Chi Mtoh trail lead- mmder. They deUtoorat- George Tiernan, urged the death Three persons fled a yacht "Property dsthiage was exten­ with pride and hurt.” K v i ill's ‘‘KHARTOUM” ing to South Viet Nam.'Mam ^ agsin ThuTsday to conaider peralty to arguments before the A du lt and were treated at a hospital sive,” a police- officer said. “I’m • very proud to say the Experts expect them to make the penalty for the stayingn Aug. judges’ deliberations. Oonoern- Entertainment lo r burns. Witnesses s^d they saw “doz­ least,” said Marm’s father, B ob H ope a fMimber of ezned raids to ob­ 26 to a New Haven apartment. th® defense argument that — Plus — As many as 50 firefighters ens smd dozens” of boats go up Walter J. Marm, a retired state “BOY, DID I GET A “Fanny HUl” tain rice €und other food stuffs, The execution date was set as there was no proof of premedl- battled th.e flam es which raged in flames. Wiremen, however, police officer. “To tell ydu the ^ MONDAY thru SATURDAY 9 - 5:30 • THURSDAY and FRIDAY NIGHtS till 9 WRONG NUMBER” Fem ale a n hut say there are no Indioatitons jg ^ tation, ’Tiernan said Da-vis’s "ir- SHOT, THE out of control lor three hours, a dozen truth, I didn’t know what kind of William Holden T om Jones reported that about of a winter oftensive to Laos. Somere. The last execu- resistible impulse started on the DARK "It was one of the worst fires were . destroyed and others a soldier Joey would make. “SEVENTH DAWN” — A lso — Iff The Laettan g ov M ^ ^ sajra ^ Oonneetdeut was that of morning of Aug. 24, when he I’ve ever seen, but we couldn’t heavily damaged, He’d never been, in a light in his n I “ Queen O f HAKIIORU SPRINGFIILD tXPRiSSWAV there are two battahons of Joseph L Tdborsky to 1960. ’Ta- *>uud out that Fanny (Gloria see anyone on the boats, ’ said The cause of the fire was not life'. I never heard him say ‘hell’ RTS f-fl X 91 Nntlh - H A R T F O R D B lood” Chineee Communist trsOpa in borsky, so-caiUed “mad dog kill- BaskerviBe) bad gone.” EXTRA! ’The Newest Pink Panther Cartoon Lt. Jim Brown of the Fort Lau­ known. in all his life. I never knew him North Laos, but Washington of- “ That’s the longest irresistible derdale Fire Department, an 11- rm er” , was accused of a string of Starts Wed.! ’the Big ’Thanksgiving Movie to be mad at anybody.” is now being shown at Keiths’ duHng fflioiels believe these-may be hill East Windsor six murders. Impluse I’ve ever heard of,!’ East Hartford year veteran of firefighting. Lt. Hibbs joined the Army (n tribe -00111118 of Chinese ethnic ori­ BOD TAYLOR Da-vis, 26, was described by ’lUernan said, referring to the DRIVE-IN ROUTE 5 DRIVE-IN ROUTE 5 TREVOR HOWARD AS “What made it bad was that Canadian Rules Altered August 1964- after he was gro^u- gin -who are m em bers o f (he “THE LIQUIDATORS’ public defeiMler DeMiayo as dis­ passing of tiwo days before (he gasoline tanks caught fire,’’ he TORON’TO—New rules (or ated from the State Colfoge of FRANK’S CAFE North Viet Nam army. traught and befuddled after a slayings occurred. said. Canadian football, while keeping Iowa, and had been in Viet Nairi 'National Brand Month’ Ihe. Family Restaurant the 12 men on a side and three CAPITAL FOOTNOTES drinking bout -when he fired the At times, flames could be six months when he was killed. ' ! ^ CORNER MAIN A PEARL shots which killed fi-ve persons irkirk'k^krkirirk seen six miles away. downs that make the game dis­ He had planned to marry Lynne TONY AWARD-BEST ACTOR The fire erupted shortly after tinctive, contain two - major Larson, a State College of Iowa Just ten days left to see a WONDERFUL WORLD THANKSGIVING g irl. midnight at the Broward changes. All backfield men now fiscal year, most of it for farm ✓ N . Y . DRAMA CRITICS' CIRCLE-SPECIAL CITATION' coed, this Autumn. DeMia^ conceded that Da-vis DANCING Marine, where wealthy northern may block anywhere and re­ 'k DINNER k commodities. ’The'Smithsonian InstitiiUon in of IDEA SETTING^and ROOM GROUPS PRBGNT- > ______, was (he killer, but said: “I don’t AT yachtsmen keep their craft dur­ ceivers downfleld can get block­ Irving Senzel, Wasliington has asked fq^ his Hot Hors d’oeuvres, Olives, fed it adds up to first degree u “0ne of the treasures of the American Theatre”/ ing the winter months. The ing help after catc^ g a pasii. ebUecUon of toy soldiers. Celery, Tossed Salad, Turkey tands specialist for 27 years, is ! •i-UfsMipiillsj ED just for you by such famous brands as: Mohawk,; Soup, Stuffed Manicotti, ’Tur­ (he new assistant director of the “THE SPOr . 5 ’ nips, Candled Sweet Pota­ Bureau of Land Management ^ Koehler, Mersman, Kling, Sealy, Howhll, Frigidaire; T___i_ ____ 1- wedoB to ftle an appeal. “It ap- T o The to^ String Beans A' on- for Lends and Minerals. dlne, Turkey, Dressing, Gib- pears we -will have to ask for a RockabiUy Music GREATER HARTFORD'S — liM to loliiiibjiTinf ^ijoyment witk- — and many, many more well known lilies— several let Dressing, Nuts, Fruit, stay of dcecution while the ap­ o f th e HAL HOLBROOK UNDER.21 CLUB Dessert and Coffee. peal is pending,” the xaiblic de­ Country ffings of which are exclusive with Keith's Furniture! fender added. Adults $3.25 ' DeMayor said he -would ap­ FBI. & SAT. NIGHT 9 P.M. to 1 AM. M ARK TWAIN TONIGHT!’ 65 Tolland Tpke.— Next To Western Beef Mart Children (under 10) $1.76 CINEMA 1 peal the -verdict, rather than All legal beverages served 1 Mile South Of Vernon Circle Keith's Is Famous For National Brands For Over 67 Yegrs! GOVERNOR ST. EXIT TO MAIN ST., (he sentence. R oast B e e f ...... $3.95 The prosecution said Da-vis MONDAY, DECEMBER 5 — 8:15 FJH. •We Suggest ReservatioiiB* was angered when his girl SPOT RESTAURANT TOHIGHT OHLY 808 lUMI nJOtl 613 MAIN STREET JORGENSEN AUDITORIUM friend left him, and tried to kill La-Z-Boy Eurekia 1'»De u m w ;:op BY SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT everyone in the apartment when ★★★★★★★★★★★ UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT The An New and Powerful ^ H om e M ade STORES FROM BOSTON STOP AT YOUR The World’s Finest F R U IT C A K E ‘^ A cross -i Vacuum Cleaner ALL SEA'is RESERVED — $2.50 Recliner - Rocker Sm all $1.75 m e Rm b MAIL ORDERS: Make checks payable to the University of with L a rg e $2.75 T E O M C O tO R # "LITTLE JOHH Connecticut and mail to Jorgensen Box Office, Stom , Conn. ■■ FRIDAY 06268. Please enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope. AND THE SHERWOODS GARDENS this Legal Beverages plus “BUpniFOLD” with LAST Telephone: 429-9321 Ext. 807 PLUS HOLIDAY DINING TeL 649-5544 Bock Hudson 2 TMES WOODLAND Kroehler HOUI€LL DINNER n e Finest in Modern 4 - "THE QUIET ONES" "From Grower To You!" HOWELL MODERN DINETTE Metal Dinette Furniture h MISTER SPECIALS SATURDAY CHRYSANTHEMUM THANKSGIVING DAY AT HANG’S FROM NEW YORK A Wonderful World of Furniture Fashions > ROBERTS Plus Our Regular Menu 235 THE POOR BOY POMPONS TURKEY DINNER m , PLUS MANCHESTER’S OWN PLUS—A DOZEN MENU SELECTIONS ^ presented by ^ • Broiled Lobster MAIN CUTFLOWERS . TO CHOOSE FROM! "DARK AGES" Separate or J “NO FAMILY TOO LARGE” ► THE LITTLE A • Shrimp Parisien / STREET Mixed Colors . .’’iNER SERVED IN OUR BALLROOM THEATRE OF 1 SUNDAY 2 P.M. ■ f PAI. 4 LIVE BANDS Mersman QUALITY BEDDING C.ALL NOW FOR RESERVATIONS! ^MANCHESTER. Inc.^ • Saute Frog |*e^s Large Bpnch ONLY Quality Tables Including the famous -The Costume Jewelry “Posturepedic” ' Tonight & Tomorrow^ of the Home!” Accepting Chrysanthemums at 8:30 P.M. ^ TODAY AND TOMORROW! Potted Only ^2.95 ILLING SCHOOL Thanksgiving Armstrong FRIDAY - SATURDAY, NOV. 18 - 19 THEATRE EAST D inner From the Ipoms Your Best Buy In restauremt TICKETTS $1.50^-"^ MMCHESTiER PKRKKDE • M 9 -5 49 1 Cyclamen, All Colors ...... $3.50 Orange Trees with Fruit .. .$3.99 At the door or e ^ ' Reservations LJnolenm, Vinyl ROUTE 6 and 44A, BOLTON—643-2342 Miniature Roses ...... 89c 643-2814^ ACRES AND ACRES OF FREE PARKING Foliage Plants — Philodendrons, Spilt and T ile TeL 643^342 Pansies (Potted) ...... $ 1 .9 9 Leaf, Draceaas, Auracarias, Fothos, SPECIAL Sheffleri, Christmas Cactus, Rubber A zaleas...... $3.75 up ’ Plans, Palms, Etc.

• . • 4 s « e e s'e • • • • « eV MANCHESTER TONIGHT— 1st RUNtLUS 2TOP HITS BIG CHEF HAMBURGERS WeEKGND SPECIAL! WEEKEND SPfiClAi! of Mohawk DRIVE-IN FIANO’S BUY ONE AT REGULAR PRICE FRESH AFRICAN FRIGIDAHie SHOWTIM.K'"*’'’'"'” From BUELLS! r Refrigerators, Washers, RESTAURANT , ■_ 4 5 c ... R anges Plus A Real Fun ONLY Newest Varieties! Large plants and loaded wiUi Riot! Cliff Robertson LUNCHEON BUFFET ea. biids and bhwsbras! A riot of color! GET ANOTHEG FOR JUST 1; (Additional €haire 'A m erica ’s Tuesday to Friday We’re franchised to s ^ We Also Have BUELLS’ SOIL 3 for 92.00 L eading Kling SoUd Cherry, Are Available WHO 5 Piece Set *2 1 9 /■ Maple and Pine IS Now! Salt Hay for Muhdiing. . For the Cemetery: Bustto Baskets and For $34.50 Each) Extra Large Bale 88.75 Pay Only $12.00 Monthly! DOING Vt Bale f 1.95 Logs. Ctdorfnl and attractive. $2.96 op WHAT» Here’s the last word in quality and high styling! iBeal for your family room or dining TO For Tlie "DG-IT.YOUR-SBLFfiRS" Sm U$ For: Sweetheart area. 42” diameter double p^estal table is handsome as it is practical, with smart IT’S 80!: 00! I WHO? VIRNAIVIRNA! clean line. Your choice of finishes on the table and several fabrics on the chair. Re­ Evergreen boughs, rusens, wreath frames, wire, rlbb^i, oiHito. Xoa name It. Let us help sist heat, scratches and stains, too., Coipfortable, foam padded swivel chaiiB are up­ V ■8* y o u ! ‘ ' CHESTS DRIED MATERIAL—Try your hand at arrangements. Exortlent seleottim: Wheat, oats, holstered in hea!vy-duty, wipe-clean plastic. Alj pieces ai^e on slhek tubulhr steel i^des- ‘IVIASQUERAD e ' Funny! cattails, bittersweet, bajdierry, statloe, strawflowers, eaoalyptus. Etc. tal bases in polished chiPme and walnut finish.’'Come in and inspect this set which is N ursery by LANE much finer qu&lity'than illustrated'! . i • . Furniture U astmancolor wii^Aimsnj Fast Moving! LtNCASmi You jcan still plant evergreens, trees and shrubs. Let us and plant Plus Bonus At 6:30 Luscious! UEMikWnilOBEIITfiYAHMKn^ the foundation of your home. Reasonable rates! ^ Have you tiled KelUi’s "One- Never A Poriiing stop shopping?” KiiiSiele'Morgan Ik s f lM ii ThMUri CcsrgeC.8csff e ALL PUBGHAdES IN­ r Prebleffl When Y ^ SPECTED BEFORE /' D E L IV E ltY ! eith Furnitur Shflip at Keith's! •A.B M OfESSiOlUM S 'e ALL FINANCING IS DONE Not wifli Y»|| don’t! m_j ------••__ 'WitoHiiwARSCTcefiMidDlweirf^ GMDEHS B Y K E ITH ’ S A Park Free on Main Street ntA N K oaouR K E -M A LIC E JARRE • R I C H A R D B R O ^ C S e WE’LL COME TO YOUR 1 11 ) M A I N ST. MANCHESTER A OXIJMBIA IlCmJRES REIYASE • IBNAOSIOHf TlCHNKX)Dg|f ★ LET JOHN A W LEON ZAPADKA HELP YOJJ! ★ \ HOMS TO ADVISE YOU! or in Our Own Lot Next TlCmilCOLOR'PROM WAIINER BROa. Mosday thni Friday, “ProfewtoBals” 7:00-8:OOi*Shwta 8dt6 • WE HAVE TERMS TO Opposite the Bennet Junior High School on Lower (South End) Main Street To Store ..» Tonight At 7:00-9:15—Suns. F n «i'2^0 Sat-Snn.. “ProfeMdonals” S:20-4:35-6ffi0-9ffi0 168 WOODLAW S t Z^PEN DAILY TILL 9—PHONE M3-8474 PLEASE EVERYONE! StartaiWed. BURNSIDE Short Sabjeeto 2:16-4:254:40-8:86 ' ‘ ... For Courteous Service, Phone 643-4159 ... . “Texas Across Hie Rtvn“ ■■'C ^Pft PARKir*

* K • 'V,' ‘ 1 « 1 . 1 .. 'V, • I -■- ■ J ■ ■ ■ ' ' -.I ' t. i I A ± ^ V

- I

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18,1966 PAGE ^|TVB 9A G E FO tJB VJ^CHJ^TER EVEOTNG HERALD, MAHCHESTEH^ CONN, FRH)AY, NOVEMBER 18,1966 ToUand 1 U.S. Missiles Adriatic Sea Expert Cooks Talk Turkey Pr^ident, ‘Feeling Great/ Yule Bazaar^ Flapjack Fling Giv«i Support Turkey Is available all year butter, especially Any diy areas, Flies to Texas Tomorrow Flows O ver round but stiU has a particular When turitey la two-thirds done, Mn. Jane Boyle gainst ^Anyoue^ (Cootlaned tnm nga Onaf appeal at Thanksgiving time. " ‘»*^'* * * ' ____Mm._____ Jane_ Boyle, 85, ------of 52 Kick Off Weekend Artivities Farm lan d s ' (OoBUniied from Pag« One) Modem suggestions for roasting ^ Lavv- McKee S t , widow of William A K j b H f T ' j ’b W t l The P ^ d o n t’e recovery to Tollanders will have plenty of fried chicken, mashed potato,' f MAIN S ^ E T — MANCHESTER things to do and places to go buttered com, cranberry sauce, meted Tburaday tbat (fae United (Oontinaed fr illustrated talk Sunday at ^ cautioned them. “I action once a go-ahead is given, ygars he was self-emploved in capital about 45 miles est part of the breast m eat Be the drumstick feels very soft seum to be opened in the Old ------Ass^iation off to a good start in its annual chocolate bar sale. He passes the buck' to Alan He served in the Army Signal don’t want anyone to report I Dux, president of the studtot group, while accepting the first bar. For the buck, he gets two They refused to estimate, how- ^ reconditiontog^ husK southwest of- Venice. “If it sure that the bulb does not touch when pressed between protect- Post Office on the Green early Mantoester Evening Herald Corps In World War n and was * "■ made a nmjor speech. I am pro- bat's. The association hopes to raise $800 for its fund, and It hopes it can sell all of the 8,- ever,------'how-----■■ ------long------this might® take, starts up ^ again and the sea bone. ed fingers, and the drtimstick next year. Tolland correspondent, Bette a member of the Fifth Regl- S'^^Jay School. She ^11 tell of making major The Open House at the new telephone 876-2845. 0()0.bars you see stacked in those cartons. (Herald photo by Saternis.) Dresses, Downstairs Fashion Floor M cNan^, is known to. hsrve he was used car manager for ^ Place in preheated oven. If moves easily up and dovrtr as mental Combat Team in the ****■ e*P«rl®nce8 in Pera iTOt gpe^cbes.’’ bankments will hold up.’’ desired, baste or brush occa- the leg joint gives readily or Tolland High School, from 2 to ■eripous reBMvadons about 'Hie Moriarty Bros,; and. for a year ” *"“ « " ’•« Korean War. He was a member ®u™*” ®t m a partlcdj^t in toe Johnson’s doctors want him to Winds up to 56 miles an hour sionally with pan drippings or breaks, pie, digmified ceremony such as affeoU'veness of any antimissile after that he was an insurance of the VFW. He atteiMjed Souto Peruvlan-Amerlcan ^ ^ CouncU for ws voice as much as pcs- Varied Programs ■ystem and has toJd Congress in agent. and nine-foot waves from the Lnte\®“fn?^k3tTO"S^^ ‘Tonighr Show Affected this be held to commemorate Methodist Oiurch. BJducaUonaJ Exchange. sible, and to make no speechea the awful tragedy which took «be past (bat miainns of Uvea the past seven yeim., APPROXIMATE TIMETABLE side the new school, describea nf inn> imin Ready-to-Oook Approx. Time Internal Temp. a son. Charles dougan of Official ceremonies will be­ Kennedy’s Death chairman of the Maryland State velopment of the Nike X. the Fud OH and Heating Divl- ® ^ land were Inun- Weight at 325 Degrees •When Done Monday at 6:30 p.m. at the been bothering him for years — 1 -V 1 apmg rialted dated and several tiny viUaiges Pounds Hours Deg;rees Thompsonville; a daughter, Mrs. Roads (Commission. That tmraking was echoed church and go to the Inter-City as long ago as 1960, when he gin at 2 p.m. in the gym, ■with NEW YORK (AP) — A Ro­ isolated. At Porto Tolle, flooded 6 to 8 3 to 180-185 Janet Va^ck of Manchester; various school smd town of­ Thursday when officials cau- .h ^ jg partied to the former wnuo™ T^n,»o« Exchange, Hartford, which is was campaigning for the vice man Catholic folk Mass in Med­ since Nov. 5,'houses crumbled. 8 to 12 3% to 4% 180-185 ficials speaking. An Informal Honed tbat because the Sr^ete Barbara Greenwood of Man- 12 to 16 conducted by the Rev. Herbert p resld encrB ut he said It had ford, Mass., and the passing out Soldiers and local volunteers 4% to 5% 180-185 tour of the facilities will fol­ Palestine’s Lions are conabuctlng an a r ^ M U e ^j^^gter. The couple has a 16 to 20 to 6 ^ 180-185 ^® ®®“ ® 8®”® *iring those On Union’s Order of roses toi*'motorists in Mary- evacuated htmdr^ds by boat and low, with members of the stu­ aystem, tt^ d o^ n ot daughter, Beth Anne, 9. 20 to 24 6 ^ to 7 180-185 SlMbury Md Herbert dougan ^ return to Center Ctourch yeafs. It was spotted by his NEW YORK (AP) — Union- Thursday night with members land « « among the programs The lion, which is mentioned g:o by truck along a single road of Manchester; three sisters, ^ bnsiness meeting.

1 u

■ \ •:CT T . ( kANCUBSTBR EVEOTNG HERALD, M^^NCHESTER, CONN.. FRIDAY, NOVEJ^BR 18,19M PAGE S E V E l^ i p a g e a jX MANCHESTER EVENING HERAU), MANCHESTER, \X)NN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18,1966 will meet at 10 a.Ai. tomorrow by late morning through the clearing wU) take , place during day are expected to average be- FOR RENT ’Phone Employes South Windsor at the church.. ' Pica^io Work middle of the afternoon,- but the night, as temperatures to- low norinal, cool, through most Vernon • > scattered Showers are likely to -night return to more seasonal of the period with some modefa- 8 and 18 mm. Movie Pro- \ TULIP TREE TURK€Y FARM The Pilgrim FeUowzhlp., win stors-HMond or eUent, also 1 Indian To Vote on Pact host the; Wapping Community R ecovered from ^ redevelOp late this afternoon readings. Sunshine and patchy Uon around Wedhesday; i* mm. slide projectors. TV-Radio Tonight FRESH, MATnnH (NEVER FROZEN) Cauireh ^ F at 6:80 p.m. Stm- and evening. ' cloudiness w ill prevail on Sat- Some normal high and low g Vr $5,200 Loan RARTVORO (A P ) — Some $66,800 , A cold front now In the Great urday, with seasonably cool tern- temperidures are: Hartford. 48 WELDON DRUG CO. day at- the WsAcott Building. Station Locker I Title 8,906 w o r k ^ at,th e Southern ’The film, '’OlfOt," win be shown Lakes region will .paaa ttarougb peratures. and M, Bridgeport 61 and 36, 787 Bfaln* SL—TSL 64S-8S21 Miss PfSIiADEU>HlA (AP) — A ; XiONDON (AP) — A «UtU> OKd to Plan New England ’Mephione Oo. and a ~aLA8 TONBi7RT Nov, 28^ A epokeemaft for the Philadel- medical student from Bombay, rector of the Housing Authori­ (10) MovU (33) Mass. Hlghltohts ' ly 11 aertf of land for Ui# now (13) Herv Orttfto 7:10 ( 8-13) Wild. Wild West (C) -eptooiM Wacken. TEL. SSI-M16 MIm) Boiaael at Pnrioy The Rev. Mr, WlUlama wlU dii- "the finest fashion store east'of fhe rivers.," also was doubtful today about ty, received word Thursday (18) AUred Hitchcock (40) Green Romet (C) town ball. pfala Museum of Art, where the Representatives of ths unton Mlaa TharMO BolaeUo, IY«noh euia "W onU 'to U ve 1^." The what she will do with the 2,000 ( 8) Mike Dougles (33) SehooU Match Wits ThC funds win bo us6d from 'paJnUng was stoltn, aaid, “Ih e from Congressman Willtam St (80) Rocky and Hit Prieads (103060) Tanan (C) agreed wMIt SNETOO Ndv. 8 on **•<*•*■ la tJ»6 school syatsm, program iii beaid from '8:15 to ^Munds ($7,000) prize money. ptrfnUng to perfectly all right pnge that a preliminary loan 6:15 (31) Prlendly Oiant (18) Subecriptlon TV the propoaed contract, but it ^Bondttimi wan «toc<78 «lemtntary toaob- 8:80 a.nL ' ” I can’t think o f anything to 5:80 (40) Deanle Henece 8:00 (40) Time Ivm el (C) / Report Garda Oat (80) For Your Informetlon (34) Antiques must be sppeoved by the rank abi from all parU of tba UnUM There to no damage to M.” buy with it,” said Roita, 28. "I of $5,200 has been granted the thS M the BoUiki attended an N D ^A (80) Wbirlyblidi 8:Su ( 8-1^ Hogan's Heroes (C) and fUe before tt oan beoome drade reports for the first No anesto were made. Detec­ have atwaya wanted a Mer­ authority. . (24) What's NewT ( 8) Sports World we're crewing ettectfve. propo^, boundsd by SuUlvan ingutuU to Franco this yaar. mariung period wiU be sent tives said a telephone tip led cedes, but I could not take that George C)iase, chairman - of 5:46 (33) Marshal DUIon (34) USA: Writers 6:00 ( 8-40) News 00303360) Han from CNCLB Loeal 47 in Hairtfoed, Bloom­ C. T. LsBONNE ntoe-week program was horn# today with high school Sem to (lhe"k)ckerin‘tbe"oro'y~ t kind o f car back to India. (C) the Authority, said the amount (50) Seahunt field, Widdhor, and Wetbers- th t fim t fortogn l ^ t u t e oCtto- studmU. in the past, tosre Teim taal “My country needs a lot of (18) Merv Orlffto 9:00 ( 8-13) Movie is for prelim lnaiy studies of a (33) Rodty (34) NET Playhouse flsld, tho largest local in the and ASSOCIATES, IN C The n^^town hall project was ed foe elementary school IY m ^ .will ,|to Individual reports from The museum said Thuredey ond growing inoney and It would be unfair of proposed Increase of 26 more (34) Lake Wilderness ( 8-40) Hilton Berts (C) state, turned down the contract approvsd by rsfersndum In ths tooohen. Mtos Botoelle teaohes eat^fubjeot teacher. The re- ttie toief ttireatened in a phone me.< I want to get back right (30) Industry on Parade 9:809:80 00-3023-30) T.H.E. Cat (O units. The town is now Votklng offer hi a ahow-ofdtands vote a Groattr Hartford's DYNAMIC Iniuraneo Nov. 8 e^tion.,Voters approved Uw language to fourth and fifth {toris may be retained by the oaU to bum the art work and aw ay to finish m y studies and 6:18 (33) Club House 10:00 ( 8-40) 13 O'aoek High eat. Manchester third, now in the works, is also (10-30^^)80) Huntley-Brink- 11:15 (10-20-8(1) Tonight (C) the only state the company tain some 21,080 square fe e t Institute program, aimed a t en- ■ehool Guidance office to ar­ plaoe . Wednesday during vlslUng brown eyes and flashing teeth, financed by the state. This will (40) 8n«'rts Final serves, ^ Ths, property, on. which (he abling toochec’s to get a first* range '^ferenoea with teachers. hours. parried off the top prize Thurs- 6:45 ( 8) Pete^-Jennlnfs, News 11 / R6) Movies «T) DOUGLAS EDWARDS be on Grove St 11:2R (40) Country Music (C) However, aU bualneas opera- . town presently holds sn option, bond knowledge o f French ohll- Parents will have an oppor- t e y n ig h t^ Q i ^ regal air that nS-2S' Newi>\ The water color. S^ inchee by Parkade Early in the fall Pltkat met 7:00 World Press Review 11:R0 (23) Tonight (C) tfams. eqtopment maintenance, comprises three acres sad build- The pacticlpanta visited tunlty to meet teachers Dec. ,inctws, to a study Plcaeao had the British audience stamp­ (SO-lOt News. Soffl Weather 11:4R (l«) Snbsorlntlon TV AND THE NEWS - with the Redevelopment Com­ lepett seeytoe, and phone In­ Ings owned by the BcIlsM fam- se^Mols and summer camps In gmoe these meetings w ill of ing approval. (10)8AV» BrandedO ir 'I H ir U (C) \ 1:1RJ .-'- "(40)Wir* A'H Air Forea Filmsssia did for otM pi his m ajor works, stallation would be atopped in ily and t.2 aerss owned by ths'neessstty be quite brief, par* Ih e decision was one of the mission and asked for a parcel BEF, 8ATURU|hir» r8^1VVIIK FOB COHdPLBTR t.IRTTNO W I N F - 1230 O N Y O U R DIAL “ Lss Demodselles D'Avignon” the event 0^ a strike. Russo fapilly, . TheNjrogram centered sroupd -«nts ere encouraged to arrange most popular on record for a of land in the renewal area. ’The ("Ibe CMrls of Avignon’*), a mas woRU> Both union and management The coin for thfl Bellski prop- * nlne-w^k period at L’llnlver- conferencea through the guid- contest which often produces a commissioners voted to offer large oil canvas wMch hanga in Reita FaH a feel that tt the contract is re­ MON., WED., FRI. — 6 P.M . erty to $88,000 while the Rwiab Caithollque de L ’Cuoet In - ^ )ot of Jealousy and accusations, the land but approval as to lo­ ance office. ttM Museum o f Modqm A rt in jected this weekend there would land WlU be $28,800. A M ers, PVaaoe, Mins Betoeilc Legion InsteUs Offloere New York. Reita conceded, however, that cation and price has to come Radla^ r be more tafts rather than an The, alto qxtends some 641 Belgium and other khe was run closi by her run­ front‘ the Federal Housing and (This listing Includes only those news briiedeasts of 10 or IS ■The Abe B. MUler poet and < pointed In 1907, (he water col- immediate strike. feet north on BuUiysm Ave. to ^ intosest in France and ner-up, an equally tall girl from Home Finance Agency. nrinuto length. Some stations carry other shoVt .newscasts.) AuxUlary, American Legion, wlU or of five fe m a le ^ e figures to where the" residential lots begin. credits toward her Mas- hold an lns(aUaUon of offleers valued at about $8,000, Dr. Evan Yugoslavia called Nikica Mari- Recently, First Hartford Real­ WDBC—ISfi* w n o —i66t Bovic, 19. . . ty was given a short-term option 6:00 Long Joan Wad* 6:00 Aftentoon Edition v- Indu.trtol»otol.Dlto»..ed ceremony tomorrow night tt h . Turner, mdseum djreotor, Nikica, a captivating Monde on the entire land in the renew­ 6:UU Mike MlUkrd 6:00 News, Sporta, Weather The council has rsquested that 7:80 p.m. at the Main Bt. Legion M id. 8oipe Ftoaiwo works have McCarthy • Squires 3:uo Ken GriKin 6:38 Americana HaU. The installation' wlIJ be brought slx-agure-prto«. (86-24-36),.was the first competi­ The wedding of Miss Judith al area oontlngent on that com­ .1:06 News, Sign OK 7:80 Newa of the WoHd the capitol improvements com- Guild will meet Monday at the WltOU—616 7:46 Joe Garaglola conducted by the First Dlstriet Turner added that the,pain­ tor to enter the contest from a pany’s successful bid on the pro­ Your PILiSRIM MILLS Is t" V*n *>•* church hail at 8 pm. The pfo- Ann Squires and Terry D. Mc­ 5:00 Hartford Ulghlignta 7:60 Sing Along COnununist country. Teqm, ting bee no rsasto value because Carthy, both of Manchester, posed court house building. Les­ 7:00 News 7:66 Brinkley Reporta InstaUatlm of industrial roads. ^ ,n i will include a flower ar- Ihird out of the 51 competi­ 8:00 Gaslight 8:06 Fop Concert X PViIlowing tho ceremonies, a ’’everyone in the world knows It was solemnized last Saturday at ter Baum, chairman of the Re­ Schw ^ Bm .’ represented by rangement workshop by the tors was hOds Oreeee, Bfl 13:00 (}ulet Hours f.OS ^Ightbeat tui^ey imffle will be held and to oura.” St. Bridget Church. The Rev. development agency, said last WPOP—1416 l i :00 Newa. Sports, Weather Edward Kuahn, made a request valley Plantore Oardm <^b. NOW OPEN af D&L... Plumbi, 21.. Miss, Brazil,. Marlucl night that First Hartford seem­ 5:00 Jim Meeker 11:30 Other Side of the Day BIGGER and BETTER at thla week’s council meeting Beginning Sunday, Mass will wiitn^rs announced. Dancing and John Delaney performed the ManvaUef 1$, was'fourtht and 10:00 HoUlne for consideration o f an indus­ refredimmta will also follow. ceremony. ed to indicate it would be willing 13:00 John Sherman be offered at 5 p.m. at St. Miss Italy, Oigliola Carbonara, trial road to be located in the The p i ^ c la invited. Area W eather The bride is a daughter of to go along with the housing . WINF—1236 Francis of Assisi Church, El­ 28, was fifth. 6:00 News Industrial Park on Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah F. project being in the area. 6:16 Speak Up Hartford lington Rd. , WINDSOR LOCKS (AP) — handsome, distinctive The other two finalists were $:00 Newe FU E L O IL Ave. Each Wednesday and Friday Manehester Evening Herald Squires o f S2 Oxford St. The ’The parcel of land being of­ 6:16 The U S. Weather Bureau says Dence Blair,. |9, of Utah, and Barry Farber Show 2 B4-G FLOORS of Kuehn noted that of the total an afternoon Mass will be cele­ South Windsor^ Correspondent, bridegroom is a son o f Mr. and fered by the redevelopment 6:43 Lowell Thomaa Riiijlt Andhrsen, 20, of Norway. of ten lots in the park, three are Ann Lyons, teL 644-8582. the period of unsetUed weather Mrs. C. D. McCarthy of 241 Hoi- agency is located in the ex­ 7:00 The World Tonight brated at 4:30 p.m. ; It was one of the nicest, quiet­ 7:16 Frank Gifford now occupied by the Mai Ma­ wUl continue throughout the day llstep St. treme southwest corner of the 7:30 — 14.1 — Church Bazaar Set est Miss World contests on Harry Reaaoner chine Tool Ck>mpany and one 17 CAPITALS LARGEST Miss Joanne McDonough of property and ts the spot where 7:35 World of Religion St. Peter’s Episcopal Church before a change takes place to­ record. . 8:00 New* 200 GAL. MIN. C.O.D. other is presently under option w ill hold Its annual Christmas NEJW YORK—In 17 of the Men's Wear and Hamden-was maid o f honor. Mi­ Acromold Corp. formerly was 8:10 Speak Up Hartford night. Nobody pulled anybody’s b i^ for another tool operation. Two Bazaar, "Tho Village Green,” United States, the capital also chael Saverick of Manchester located. ’The land runs between 10:06 Cemment Southerly breezes continue to Ih e o n ly Utan died were thobe 10:20 Speak Up Hartford R. t REGIUS additional lots are also under today from 3 to 9 p.m. and to­ is the largest City. The sts.tes served as best man. H irh and Brooklyn Sts. 11:30 Barry Farber Show- pump mild, moist air into the of relief dt friendly emotion. option to the Mai Company. morrow from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. are Arizona, Arkansas, C61o- Mr. and Mrs. McCarthy are The housing authority has to 12:00 Comment 643-P577 region causing heavy cloudiness The girls paraded first in 12:16 News, Sign OK He commented that he was Comraonlon Breakfast rado, Connecticut, (leorgia, 1964. graduates of Manchester have a site pick^ out before it under the impression that the and shower acU-vity. Skies will bathing suits, then in evening The Father Rosenbergsr , Odaho, IncUana, Iowa, High School. Mr. McCarthy Is can go a h ^ d and apply fo r fed­ FUU BOLTS of R«g. $^.98 remain . mostly cloudy today, Furnishings Dept dress, then in bathing suits council felt that a definite pol­ Massachusetts MlsslBslppi, attepdlng the University of Council, Knights of Columbus, again. The Indian winner said it eral funds to build the project icy should be established on the Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South with scattered shower activity Connecticut, Mrs. McCarthy is will hold a fam ily Comm-unlon was the first time she had ap­ Carolina, Utah, West Virginia ending (luring the morning. B rief a studeBt at Hartford Hospital HARTFORD GIRL KILLED ' periods of sunshine are poMiUe peared in a bathing suit. 3chaub's Restaurant, Rt. 5. A and Wyoming. School of Nursing. The request was tabled and HARTFORD (AP) — An 11- program has been planned. year-old girl was killed by a ATtists! will be added to a future agenda Guild Seta Biuaar car as she crossing Main Street following the recommendation St. Francis of Assisi Ladles Benefit Dance Sdiuh*8 First Station Thursday, night. . we now have of the capitol improvements committee and the approval by Guild w ill hold its annual The first radio broadcasting Police 'said the girl, Mildred Set Tomorrow the council of a rocemmenda- C!hrlstmas Bazaar in the church f • atatlcai in the. South was esrtab- Jutkins of 24 .Earle St., had the famous ASSORTED Uon. ' • ' •...... ' ■ ' hail tonight from 5 to 9 p.m. The Manchester Square piuMe Usbed a t Atlanta,.G a. I t was been running across the street, Postal Service Complaint and tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 5 Club will have a beneftt dance the fiitst radio station in the carrying a bottle of soda pop DRAPERY Ceunoihnan H ow ard F itts p.m. . tomorrow from 8 to 11 p.m. at U U tt^ : States to be established in a paper bag, when she was MAS'FKUS DRESS FABRICS noted at the council meeting Mrs. Edwin Kalat of Gov­ W addell SohooL Proceeda from by a newspaper. hit by the car. .MEDIUMS .GESSO FABRICS that several persona in town ernors Highway Is chairman (be dance will be divided equal­ TLE )<-TE X , V ; ^ k i t s have complained of not being with Mrs. Ann Bordua serving ly: between the Instructors of Values to $1.98 Y A YD. 1/2 PRICE! able to get door to door service as co-chairman. Others on the the Handicapped and Manches­ BE M O DERN WITH, - ^ from the Wapping Post office. committee include: Mrs. Milton ter Asaociation for the Help of NEW MASTERS Fitts said he. was not sure o f Kershaw, Christmas decora­ |letarded Children. tions; Mrs. M ary Kingman, CAN BE BOUSHT HERE the reasons but requested that . Earl Johnston o f Vernon wtU _ E. A. S bb Us Fon baked goods, Mrs. Walter I ^ O E W See us now for a full selection the information be passed on to dall, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. PILGRIM the local postmaster. Bums, white elephant booth; of the finest, most versatile, Russell White on the rotrad JOHNSON M ayor Throwe said he had Mrs. William Donlln, little dances. The event is open to all I easiest to use; most permanent, i FAHERNS elves; Mrs. Roland Aubln, home­ n r,0Rr,0 RViARL( YI. AR LONG EN.iOYfvlF.NT forwarded the complaint to the (trea club members. polymer paints ever made. New local authorities and had been made articles. ^ ■ G IV E IU.KMHE NEW .• MILLS . Committees for the evening I Masters Artist and Illustrator I PAINT CO. ) n o t io n s / told that considerable difficulty, Also, Mrs. Ernest Gabriele, gre Mr. and Mra. Russell Clif­ ^ TRIPLE-ACTION FAUCET! colors. New Masters Economy j is being experienced at the post flower arrangements; Mrs. Rob­ ford, door duty, and Mr, and Colors, and all of the superb 723 MAIN ST. HARTFORD ROAD, » VELVETS office due to lack o f space. ert Brian,- religious articles; lira. George Pole,, refreshment I quality artists materials made Continuing, the mayor said James Burge)" and Paul Page, • SWIVILSl MANCHESTER halrman, assisted by Mr. and BANTLY PIL CO., INC. MANCHESTER... CHENEY HALL CYO booth; Mrs. John Mason, • SPHAYIj' by New Masters — we have he had contacted Robert Bur- F U E L o n , Fabrics Stnoe 1925! 8 CORDUROYS Mrs. Philip Ctomble, J(rs. Raymmid Oolpltts and Mr. • AfRATrS! L them nowl rill, lessor of the Wapping Post raffle; |nd Mrs. Charles Covey.~ S81 Main SL Phone .640-4388 Ofrice, to find out the status of fiahpond; Mrs. Lawrence Keefe, negoOaUems writh the P o rt O f- posters and Mrs. Thomaa Man- j fice department for additional nix, publicity. . spsice...... „ Brownlee Meet Monday Burrill said he had a lease Brownie Troop 788 will meet for the present space with ad<11- 3 p.m. Monday at the parish tlonal space which he has not hail of St. Peter’s Episcopal yet received back from the Bos­ Church, Sand Hilt Rdi Men? WEYENBERGS Shoes am now at ton office of the department. ' School Menus M ayor Throwe said he then The following menus v ^ be contacted Congressman Emilio served in the schools next week : Q. Daddario and learned that Monday, meat and cheese the department is going to toke grinder, potato chips, pickle additional space in town for the chips, buttered peas, fruit and Christinas rush. Box holders cookie; Tuesday, manager’s de­ W ing tip in deliveries will be handled out of cision; Wednesday, no lunch harvest gold in MANCHESTER PARKADE! the Wapping post office. served at Ellsworth, Ell Tsrry, grain or Daddario further said, the Wapping and the high school; mayor noted, that the depart­ lunch for Pleasant Valley, Or­ burgundy Now, at last, the new D & L store in Manchester ment had determined to take chard Hill, Avery St. and Union smooth $ 2 0 School is; Tomato soup, egg additional space in the Wap­ Parkade creates a Men’s Department large ping site on a lease basis. siilad sandwich, potato chips, Regional offteihls 'im Boston pickle chips, ice cream. Eli enough for a man to feel comfortable in... and plan to meet with the council Terry will serve milk on to discuss locating the new Wednesday to be taken care of 'in which he can find superbly tailored Sport post office in the vicinity at the by the teachers; Thursday, area where the new town hall Thanksgiving Day. no school; coats and slacks... rugged and colorful sportswear Friday, no school. Milk is serv­ is planhed. A new building and outerwear . . . tasteful, mlfiit be constructed within ed with all meals. one year. Churchmen M eet famous brand furnishings. adioel Cloaing Members of the First Con- Orcliard H ill School w ill close greghtionaJ Church, Main St. are at 1-20 pm . Monday as part o f attending the Hartford East A s - ^ tho plamied program o f curri- sodaUon (Dhurchmen’s Fellow-4 culum deveioixnent and instruc- ship meet at the Broad Brook ttoaal Improvement. Members of Congregational-Church. " the teaching atafi will meet at. The Jiinior choir o f the church the Pleasant Valley School for look fo r Hits# famous men's brands: Grain xnoc toe Side gorejmoc workshop seaslons. Lunch WlU be aerved to atu- oxford, black, toe slip-oh in FREE! $25.00 Service Con­ denta aa paual cm Monday. Kin- • Alan Paine • Farah _ • Manhattan brown $ 2 6 black grain $ 2 3 tract with every fine Treas­ f(g ^ derg&rben'olaaaes w ill not be af­ @0 ure ■ Shoppe Watch aVer fected b y the early closing hour. $76.00. 4-Tear Uncon(Utional • P u rita n ...... • Haggar • Fleetway The achool wUl cloae at ap- Guarantee. You, lod, wffl have mbra pride and oonlktonee when you wew a Butova gold watch, • Hubbard • Knothe proxlniatoly 1:16 p.m. « i THE TREASURE SHOPPE • Shapely Wedneeday f(m the Thankaglv- that’a Mcausa Butova takea axtraordlni^ pride in its Manchester Parkade • Jantzen • Levi • Swank ing vaoeifalon. .laincb wlU alao be gold wdteheratL For example, Bulova puts more than Come to the new Shoe Dept, at D&L, Manchester Parkade, $2,000,000 In gold Into Butova vfatohea evaiy year... • Lakeland • Harbor Master • Jade East and find out what makes walldng a pleasure when you step out « usee up’ to 5^/« more gold (In gold filled and rolled gold plate watohee) than the UB. Government stsnd- • Mighty Mac • Wembley • Roger & Gallet •, V arda require. Another reeapn )ah)( your Bulova will , .J .J . in a pair of handsomely styled Weyenbetg Massagic shoes. , ratabi Ita lasting b e a i^ year after yitor. • Chief lylorTies ^ • Cooper V -. ■ i ' You can’t beat the c(»nbina1ion of beinglsmartly dress^ Conw In. Let our W e t^ Experts show you our exten-\ R.W. JL ROOFING eivs Butova Gold Colleetton, created by world-fanious • Burlington ei/s ‘ • (T a m p ^ . I and comfortable at the same time./ W E Y E N B E R G ^ Butova dieeignert-priced from $8886. . \ ' MASSAGIC SHOES FOR JV ® aod SHEET METAL COj • Rtoftav # ShMl Hetol Davids^on & LeverifJial... • Horn InpnvMiMt - now bigger-fhan~ever Win a SNOW-PUP Snow Thrower FREE! I DCPBIT WORKMANSHl)r ■ ' 1 This handsome and practical SNO-PtJP may be yours if you ciwlectmle in and registerregistei now at D&L’s new Shoe Dept. No purchase isfer Parkade! necessary . . rso men and wives, too (sorry, no childrdi) sign up nowl Drawingving will be held oin Saturday, Nov. 26th n W M - D o y t ^ ^


. 'I '■■a I K =. ■t i . a.

% - I ilANCHESTBR EVENING HERALD, MANQiESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, NOVfiMBER J8 ,1966 F A G B K I N B MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN^ FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18,1966* F A C E EIGHT V*S» Ship^ Attack Carffp Vessel Losing Captain- ^ boltoh The more the answers to such qucs- -tions have to point toward an Ameri­ • V.; ’ Paid with Head Thorp Sets 2-Hoiur Visit lEwtttns ^Trali can Interest, American sacrifice, Ameri­ can policy rather than toward some na­ MEXICO CSTY-^-Hie enclent ^njea, office equipment end' ------p u b u Sh k d b y t h e mnp^T.rt PRINTINO CO.. INC tive concern, the mote we become the Reds Meyahe had e faime tiiet mlgM aeroepMe. U BlneU 8tr««t Every 3rd Saturday Here Hanchester. Conti. outsider, to the watching world, to the have been the h^reitlon lor Newa that houelnt cowitruc- THOMAS F . FtoOUTON Vietnamese themselves. It would be nwdem berttetbaH. But their U»n In *•**•" ^ “ * Walter Thorp, newly elected gerbread; Tuesday, pizza cae- WALTER R. FERGUSON lowest Idvel in 30 years was a PQbliBhers ironic Indeed if "our effort in Vietnam representative from the 51st wax beans, mixed fruit; game was far less ci'vUtoed. discouraging bit of news. Sbunded Octobor 1. ISHl___ should finally produce the long-sought :es. Wedneeday, chicken and gravy Seven-man teams of ' warrior- The Associated Press average assembly district, will hold of- ; PublUhed Eveiy Bbrentar Except ^ n d a ^ reality of Vietnamese unity, but that it ((joatlaned tram Page One) The U.S. command reported end of the country to the other. with rice, ortinberry aauce, peas, ' nod Holidays Entered at the *,{ priests competed in a game of 60 stocks at noon..was off 1.4 fice hours. In. the fireplace room peanut butter cookies. Xancbeeter, Cono.. aa Second Claaa Mali should be a unity against us. The New aoM scattered ground/ one sabotage attack set off a called "pok-a-tok.” They tried at 297.7 with Industrials off S.O, The_^w^. eCM the destroyers action in South Viet Nam, whdle ^ „ . , - of the Community HaU every school dtomtased at 1 Once we said, In many high policy to elboiw, knee or MCk a ball rails off .1 and uttUtles un­ BUBSCRIPnON RATES third Saturday, beginning Dec. ,p.ih. Wednesday for tbe^Thanks- pronouncements, that this thing in the John R r ^ g and Hamner fired vloUiamese headquarters re- * * " '^ * ^ verv smsdl wall changed. Payable in Advance „ „ moro. ^ aw rowide of five- ported a eeriee of Viet Cong explosions In a U.S. ammOoltlon 10. giving hoHdays. One Year ...... ^ end could only be won by the Vietna­ The Dqw Jones Industrial av- IN inch shells at shpply craft both harassing attacks with mortars dump near Saigon, but a U.S. hoops set 11 feet above the Six Months ...... mese themselves, and that our only role erage^it noon was off 6.29 at Thorp, when he was one of Dental Health Program Three Months ...... S.Jg on the beach and in the watpr. airld mlnee that ranged from one mlMtary spokesman said dam- court. One Month ...... l * would have to be that of helping them Only the captain of each 810.74. two legislators serving Coven- .Collection date for permission age was light and there were no issues severely try, held office hours * every slips and money for the elemen- m e m b e r OF wrin their owni battle. team did the shooting for a Among SELECTED THE ASSOCIATED P M S ? ca su ^ e s. mauled Thursday, Fairchild Saturday for the benefit of his tsry sohori demtal health pro- Tbs Associated Press Is exclusively entltl^ Now we are admitting that only we score—and the first goal won On the politlcai front, Premier the game. But that sometimes Camera extended its loss of cohstituents gram, kindergarten through t o ^ e use ot republlcatlon a*,?" can win this thing for them, and that . patches credited to It or not Space Nguyen Oao Ky anqgtinced six took two or three days. -Then 19% by nearly 5 points; Motor-.^^ With his expanded territory, Grade 8, to Tuesday. Eirvelopea ed In this paper and also the local news pub- their only role can be that of helping changes in-tlto (dylUan cabinet with the child’s name grade and USED CARS the defee^ed^captain lost hto ola added half a dozen points to he says he plans to serve each ' *^AR* r !S u of republlcatlon of special dl» us, behind the lines, win their battle for in an effort to end the’^ eight- teoriier on the outside riwuld be head to ^ e victors’ swords! its drop of 1014, znd Texas In­ town on a rotating, alphabeti­ patches herein are also reserved. ______week^ld'dispute between south­ brought in then. them. struments extended its decline cal basis, starting -with An­ ” The Herald Printing Company, Inc., as- )OUi ern Cabinet ministers and nort^-, of 16% by another point or so. That is pretty close to a 100 percent dover. Holidays will not be in­ Fruit for XhanksglviBg sanies no financial smers dominating the ruling Denials of ruiAors that there gr^hlcal errors appear.nx reversal of the prospective basis on WAflHtNGTGN (AP) —The Conditions have become so cluded. . ‘ Brownies in Troop 616 are re- , and other readtaj! matter in The Manchester military junta. Reports of fric­ ^tocks in Brief would be further, broad price which our leadership took us into Viet­ Federal, Communications Com­ bad that the Loe Angeles. Pdlice to bring to pieces of ’ Evening Herald______tion persisted after a stormy Office hours will be from 10 minded Haw 1966 Gatalha Department blames crowded cuts In Integrated circuitry did fresh fruit for a Thanksgiving ? Full service client of N. E. A. nam militarily in the first place. mission is searching for more meeting of top leaders Thursday NEW YORK (AP)—The stock a.m. to noon. 2-f 2 2-Dr. Hardtop. 8 on tha | Publishers RepresentaUves - W e J u ^ radio Channels in ^ rt for fall- not help the stocks which were bosket to their meeting Monday But. so g;reat is the sense among all broadcast room as everyone night, and further changes were market was lower early this Dog Wardens Set Checic floor. . Mathews Special i^ency — New York. CM- tu'e to gain quick control of the' dumped so hea'vlly in the previ­ aftMmoon. cagD. Detroit and Boston.______of us, big and small, Washington deci­ from Unole Sam to comraerclal thought likely. afternoon but the pace of trad­ ' State and local dog wardens 19W riots in Watts. ing had slack e n e d . ____ ous session. Paper Drive Set " MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCOtAF sion-makers and Individual citizens else­ -television producers, taxi driv­ A bright Upot was Tidewater will begin ’Tuesday to make a /Becimse of complaints’^from -based B62 bombers '.The senior daas of Bolton TIONS. ______. where, that we are trapped Into some­ ers and mpblle Restaurant own­ struck, today in Tay Nlnh Prov­ Fairly sharp losses were oil which advapeed atx>ut 5 door to door canvass in Bolton SAVE users. Congressmen have been High School tWlU sponeor a rag Display advertising closing hours: thing which has gone beyond our own ers flood thqj air waves. ince for the ninth consecutive shown both by blue chips and points on news It has ottered to to be sure that all dogs are 11- For Jtonday — 1 p.m. IVlday. pressuring the POC to relieve' glamor stocks, Including the se­ and'' paper drive Saturday, Dec. For Tuesday — 1 p.m. M onday__ influence and decision, that there is The P d e feels the bIggCst day in support of Operation At­ buy up to 1.1 million shares of censed. pressure for a spot on the oom- the crowded conditions. lected issues which were pound­ 10. Students will pick up papen For Wednesday — 1 nothing anybody can really do about it, tleboro, the 30,000-man hunt by Its stock at $7# z share. Any dog six months old, or in the morning. Townspeople For Thursday — 1 P-™; WoOTesday. mimloaUons dial now is the fast Nobody doubts that the UHF ed so severely Thursday.' A S ^ in t loss by Du Pont and For Friday — 1 p.m. Thur^ay. we accept the turning of one more fate­ U.S. ground forces to flush the older, is required to have a li­ are asked to save all newspor- 196$ Cataliaa For Saturday — 1 p.m. Friday. growing land mobile radio serv­ television spectrum to s^ rse- Viet Oong out of a major strong­ The list waa lower from the declines of more than a point cense. which may be purchased ' Classified deadline: 10:30 Am. e a ^ day M ful comer as If It were nothing at all. ly settled. Nationwide there are pers for this event. 2-f 2 2-Dr. Hturdtop. 3 on the- publication except Saturday — s Am. ice, uses of tWC-ivay radios. hold 60 miles northwest of Sai­ start as It resumed Its retreat by Eastman Kodak and Kenne- at the town clerk’s office, open floor. Beautiful gold color. Some feel the government 121 stations on the 70 channels gon. of the pretrloua session. Here cott dampened the averages. Wednesdays, Fridays and Sat­ The profit ' realized 'wlH be Ready to roll. Friday, November 18 may have to turn to t^evlsdon’s avolltote while 4 9 6 _ a ^ lo n sj^ Only light ground contact was and there some stocks held Xerox lost 4. Polaroid, Boeing urdays* from 9 a.m. to noon, used for graduation acUvlttos in crowded on the 12 Very High Back To Jupiter, By Franklin UJtra B i^ , Frequency channels reported in Operation Attleboro, their own or even posted small and Goodrich 3 each, i^ A , M- and Monays from 9 a.m. to 4 June. to find me room for expansion Frequency channels—2 through but U.S. headquarters an­ gains, but the recovery move­ G-M and Pennsylvania Rail­ IS. p.m. Manchester Evening Herald •2495 Public Money For Industrial Parks Most of the time, we are all fascinat­ as more and more governmen­ nounced that the number of ene­ ment was feeble. road one each. School Menu ed by the unbelievable speed of our sci­ tal agencies and private firms But the FOC has not wanted my killed so far in the month- As trading entered the after­ -HPrices were mix^d In heavy Bolton correspondent, Clema- Monday, tomato soup with The quesUons nagging Manchester reach for a microphone. to cut down the number of UHF old operation passed the 1,000 noon, losses worsened. Declines trading on the Americaii Stock entific progress. crackers, meat sandwich, gln- well Young, toL 64S-898L -public policy with regard to town fi- There are exceptions when it seems Land mobile service Includes channels available for futtue mark. of fractions to 2 or 8 prints ap- E^tchznge. • nancial assistance to the creation of in­ to take our scientists a n . unbelievably fire and police departments, the expansion. 1965 Baanavilla dustrial parks might as* well be stated military and public, service In a recent letter, FOC Chair­ .Convertible. Bucket seats,! long time to cope with the obvious next power brakes, steering and. in the open, so that It can be clearly companies whose need for quick man Rosel H. Hyde said the step. communications is obvious. windows. Air. conditioning.. understood why, official consideration commission is investigating the It was two and a quarter centuries ago L«ss apparent Is the need to aUocatton of some UHF televi­ has now turned to the possibility of es- that Benjamin Franklin stood In the equip city garbage trucks with sion channels to the land-mobile 035 MAIN STREET - TEL 643-5171 - OPEN 9 A-M. -TO 5:80 P.M. ^ ti^bHahing some reliable consistency in rain and with a small key dangling on two-way radios and radio-dls- service. But he Indicated that MUSIC STORES; 17 OAK ST., M^NCITOSTER - 241 AS^^ . M9-7186 •2795 puch a policy. the end of his kite string, and brought Album 6 f Churches By Joseph Sstemis pittched portable pizza and en­ tele'visian industry otflciala have WATKiNS-WBS'r FlINBRAL SERVICE - 142 EAST CENTER STRa.Ji,i The town got Into the business of a tiny flick of lightning down at his APOSTOLIC CHRISTIAN. ELLINGTON chilada parlors. But they are opposed it. BUbsidizlng an industrial park In a spe­ personal command. there none the less. Even the Hyde itoted also the exteittto cial Instance. One ftae Industry was It was only the other day that the Archdiocese of New Yori^ has a which the FOC to concerned radio setup. 1966 Baanevillt threatening. In a nice way, to leave Patent Office at Washington was final­ over the future expansion of . A segment of the FOC says I Convertible. Bucket seats,- town. One fine developer was willing ly called upon to issue patents covering Today in History television activity on the 'UHF power steering and brakes, to have the town help him set up an 'that the only available space for channeb. Re said federal re­ auto, tranabnasion. processes for harnessing and bringing By The Associated Press. these seiylces is now currently I industrial park In which the fine Indus­ quirements for UHF recei'Ving into humaA service the energy Franklin Inside Report Today is Friday, Nov. 16, thie Open Form occupiedhy the. government and equipment on all television sets try could be located. The town has now discovered and pioneered in leading 322nd day of 1963. There are 43 by . oommerrial UHF television unquestionably has "stilhulated O F MANCHESTER •1995 retained the industry; the developer In peacefully to earth. days leJt in the year. chaimeto 14 through 83. development of' both commer­ question has his industrial park which ’’ There apparently Is little There are now two patents issued to Rowland Evans Jr. and Robert D. Novak Today’s Higtiliglit In History "Beyond Gall Of Duty” unique blending togethor of th* cial and educational broadcast­ is, aside from the spate occupied by cover the harnessing of lightning. One governmental and private sec­ Chance the f CC will be able to ing facilities and a critical stage this first industry, his to have and to On this date In 1953, the U.S. To the Editor, free the government-held fre­ in this development 1s now has been Issued to the United States break the will and morale of N^-vy' dedicated its 1.2-millilon-.- tors of our citizenry. Thus, thto Need an extra bed hold, to lease or to sell; the towh stands MY THO, SOUTH VIET NAM Through the medium of the quencies. The Defense Depart­ being reached. 1961 Ghavrelal i Army, which has a process for seeding the insurgency. tvatt transmitter in the Cascade past effort has been one, which 7—Ahead of . us now, stark Open Forum we would like to ment has most of them and con-, ‘‘An adverse action now could 2-Dr. Hardtop. Super Sport, to gain back its own Investment In the thunderheads -with "needles” of meta- In the neighboring district Mounitains in the State of Wash- Is noteworthy and one of which express publicly our sincere ap­ tends they are needed for mili­ ha've serious repercussiMis and V-8, power steering a n il .creation of this industrial park through lized nylon. The Army expects to be against -the limpid blackness of Cho Gao, for example, t^ere are Ington. The transmitter can con­ we can all be proud to have preciation to the staff of the tary matters. might defeat the wbob pro­ brakes, auto, trana. Beautiful | ’{the taxes which will be paid on the able to do several things with this the Mekong River, the tracers indications of serious' disinte­ tact vessete all over the world participated in. for the holidays? Manchester Memorial Hospital Thank you, That leaves only the XOTF gram.” a blue. .additional grand list being created , process, like piqtting’ out fires in jun­ arclied out from the barely vis­ gration within Xht' Communist without the aid of relay stations. for the dedicated service which channeb and, even though they Hyde promised continued "ef­ .th era infrastructiire — the minutely Lemuel E. Miller 3rd gle with rain, blotting out radio Inter­ ible river bank like phosphor­ On ’This IHite the nurses and other staff mem­ are sparsely populated 'with tel­ forts toward a solution” of the f, This composite piece of action left organized ' system of govern­ Vice President Choose one of these one- ference, and even calling down strokes escent arrow tips. in 1890, the battleship Maine bers there rendered during the South School P.T.A. evision stations, any decision to problem- •1695 j some nagging* questions In its wake. ment toat operates out of sight of'xlightnlng on enemy positions and They fell short of the Navy -was launched. The Maine was extended illness of a member of Chairman allocate them—even If It’s only of-a-kind convertible First, does the town stand ready to and wholly independent of the , two or three channels—for the ammunition dumps. patrol boat which returned the blown up in Havana Harbor in our family,- the late June Eng­ Globe Hollow School Crnnm. 'do the same thing for any other Indus­ regular, govemm«t. The infra­ 1898 just before the outbreak of two-way ntdio users would be Paper Underwear? The \Atomic Energy Commission, fire front one of its ttaee' .50 structure is a series of parallel land Madsen. solos at a discount try which threatens to leave Manches­ which haq the other patent for light­ the Spand^-American war. In light of the richly-deserved painful to the FOC. The com­ 1966 Pertlaa caliber machine guns,^ sending communities or sections of mission for years ^ has been ST. LOUIS—^It’s now possi­ 'll te r? ning control, wants to be able to direct In 1903, a treaty between the reputation which the hospital Star CMef 4rPoor Sedan,. a gtream of tracqr'hulleta back. “government” a t the pro-vincial, Herald trying with some success to de­ ble for Americans to dress from Second, would the town stand ready Unlited States and Panama was has long enjoyed, the profession­ ■ ..a Power steering and brakesi‘1 just enough lightning to open the clouds It was midnight on the Me­ district and -village level. Each head to toe in disposal paper ratified, gi'ving the United al competence which these nurs­ velop them for commercial and aiito. trans. V ^ ta with reS- | to do the same thing for some other for just enough rainfall in one area kong, the sudden exchange section has a responsibility of clothing. One firm makes paper Choose a new convertible sofa torfor your livinglivin room, States control of a 10-mlle-wlde es displayed was not unexpect­ Yesterdays '^educational use. interior. i industry which might be willing to come or another. carae'with the swiftness and ■taxing, propaganda, civil af­ shoe covers ‘to prevent dirt and 249. strip of land for a canal. ed; however, the many acts of The FOC even battled for the family room or study . . . and you hava an additional *to Manchester, if lured with sufficient With these patente, somebody has fi­ ^-fiiry of the briefest tropical fairs, military conscription. dust in hospital operating In 1936, Italyrwas faced with personal kindness which they 25 Years Ago legislation which now requires bedroom for the Holidays. Chopse. one of these dis- public generosity? nally put to some practical use the dis­ ' storm, then ended. In Cho Gao today, impossible economic san^ons because of tclevtoiiOn set menufactureirs to rooms. Reg. $269.00 Eclipse Innerbed Love performed went far beyond the Superintendent of Schools Another makes academic Third, does the town stand ready to covery Benjamin Franklin made ^ e k In our own boat, perhaps 100 demands are coming down from its invasion of Ethiopia. include on ajl their receivers Seat with box pleats, two cushions, continued, one-of*a-lcind models and you ll .sava.. All call of duty and deserve public Arthur H. lUing assumes hto :help any other private enterpriser to yards behind the target of at­ the provincial to the village In 1939, Adolf Hitler conferred faoiUtiea for receiving ell IJHF ceps and gowns of paper for twin size innerspring mattress. Cov­ In the 18th centuryi an'd^^ so doing, recog;nltior. The staff members post aa president of the Man­ subject to prior sale, so hurry! finance and set up an industilal park tack from the Viet Cong on level for new Viet Cong- con­ -with the Italian and Spanish channels. {graduation ceremonies. Paper caught up with Jupiter, who ^was using to whom. we are indebted are chester Chamber of Commerce. ered with gold textured fabric. the river bank, the gunner scripts, for taxes, for rice to ^foreign ministers in Berohtesga- But in the past few years dresses, coveralls and even In addition to tho sofas sketched, there are: Simmons- to r himself? thunderbolts a few millenlav before too numerous to list indl-ridual- Elmore Hohenthal to general grabbed for an M-79 grenade send North where the hea-vlest den. police, fire departments and swimsuits are on the market. 1961 Bannevilla ’ Fourth, does the prospect that the Franklin was bom. ly, but each of them has the chairman of the Thank^-ving Hide-A-Bed Lawson Love Seat $179; Early American /\la-uncher and pumped .three fighting Is now taking place. In 1M3, Secretary of State businesses have come to depend And samples of papef under­ 4-Dr. Hardtop. Power steer-« .town itself may eventually recover Its heartfelt gpiatitude of our be­ Eve Dance at Cheney Nall, Wing Sofa $229; Lawson $229; and 80" Contemporary / quick rounds in the direction of The re^ t Is a i)erceptible de­ Cordell Hull addressed a joint on radio lor their operattone. wear have been developed. ing and brakes, auto, trans.,, own investment In the form of future reaved family. Their kindness which is held by Hose and Lad­ air conditioning. the attackers. “Thoomp, cline in morale. session of Congress on the deci­ Since World War n the land model $389. Also: Eclipse Innerbed Wing Sofa $199; 82 ■additions to its grand list mean that Three Strong 'Words and dedication -will not be.goon der Co. No. 1, SMFD.-^----- thoomp, thoomp.” The sound of Furthermore, old resistance sions m ^e at the M<»c^ mobile radio service has grown LUXURIES IN SUBURBS Traditional model $229; Lawson $199; and Contam-. .there is no reason or ground for con­ Backyard burning of refuse and pa-/ groups of the early 1950’s who eign MinSters Conference. ' forgotten. from practically nothing until NEW YORK—Suburbs are the explosions waa muffled by Sincerely your, 10 Years Ago porary $199. cern over how great an economic fa­ pers by Meriden residents was indicted' the thick cover of jungle that were the backbone of the war today there are more than 230,- providing a fast-growing mar­ •2195 Ten Years Ago Howard T. Madsen and family ket for luxury products. Close vor the public money may be doing Wednesday as the chief cause of ato crowds down over the edge of with the BYench and have been ’nils date 10 years ago waa a 000 authorizations for such sys­ Envoys of 12 NATO nations George J. England and family to 60 per cent of discretionary some private enterprise or individual? pollution here. the bank offering perfect con­ the backbone of the Communist Sunday; Tlie Herald did not tems in the United States of and Israel stalked out of a Mos­ income is available to suburban The General Manager and the Board The practice was criticized as cealment even in daytime. Our infrastructure ever since, are publish. . ___ _— these, 166,000 are for business. cow reception because of com­ ttunilies compared with less of Directors are now engaged in dis­ “decadence of the worst order.” own patrol boat, sentimentally getting tired. Some of them are ■ II I. ■ ...... Each s:^ em oan range from ments by Soviet Communist “Unique Blending” than . 40 per cent in the city. 19M Oomet cussion of some code for such town oper­ The indictment was presented to the named "PT-109,” swung in a just quitting, others are defect­ a ringle base atatlcn and one 3-Dr. Sedan. 8-oyl-> stand-1 Meriden Board of Health by Dr. Tel­ ing. party chief Nikita Khrushchev mobile unit in a delivery tnick Dtocretloiuiry income is family ations which could be ai>plied to all in- bit toward the bank when ,-we To the Editor, ard shift ford Workman of the State Health De­ If the government would take accusing Britain, France and to several base stations and—as earnings above 37,000 a y ear- ■ dustrles, all proposals for industrial reached that point several sec­ Israel of in his words “having The parents and - teachers of A Thought for Today partment who said that 1,475 tons of onds later. The bow gunner political advantage of this cor­ South School P.T.A. wish to in the case of yellow cab of CW- ths level considered necessary parks, and all industrial park enterprls- cut the throats of Egyptians Sponsored by the Manchester to buy awential goodz end serv­ particles fell on this city the past year.' 'inch armor shield, his index rosion, as it is taking military extend our appreciation to you cago—more Chan 700 mobile •1195 i '«rs. Of this tonnage 110 tons were from advantage on the Mekong Riv­ while pretehding to restore or­ Council of Churches units. ices. finger caressing the trigger der.” and your education editor for That there should be some uniformity, emissions of motor vehicles; 31 tons guard, but no more shots came. er, there might Indeed be rea­ your fine support at the recent Users of these mobile radio Five Years Ago “HJ who increases his know­ and a minimum of opportunity for spe­ from industries; 97 tons from residen­ son to hope. Unfortunately school bond referendum. systems have been oomplaining tial fuels, and 937 tons from burning. Liater on the routine patrol The return to the Dominican ledge adds to the fullness of that their channels are eo cial privilege or favoritism of any kind, such is not yet the case. You have provided ' a most Reg. $369.00 80” Simmons Hide-A- The state expert also said that the up and down the Mekong, a Republic of two brothers of life.” (Ethics of the Fathers crowded that base station Inicr- is the obvious desirable objective. , 1966 Publishers Newspaper notable example of oommimity Bed with kick pleats, 3..cushions and 1961 Dedgs Dait «■ air pollution falling on Meriden is sipgle shoe from a large caliber Syndicate slain dictator Rafael TrujiUo, LieSEn DRUB There will always be those who plead responsibility in providing the 2 : 8 ) ference to blotting out oomfnund- oversize 64” wide innerepring mat­ Oonvaitlble. V-8, auto, trans.- Meriden-made and not that of other rifle creased the wake of the prompted a warning by the cations. PARKADE citizens of Manchester -with the Life Is measured not by the tress. Olive-gold-rust quilted print! their cases more eloquently and effec­ cities because of its geographical loca­ PT-109 not' more than half a Undted States that it would not Interference to greatest In Thought for Today Information necessary to vote number of years but. by its OPEN tively than others. There will always tion—"a bowl.” “What you send: up mile from home base at My sit idly by and allow the Tru­ richness and fullness. These are metropoUitan areas where there 239, •1395 Tho a few minutes before we intelligently on the issue. |7:45 A.M. to 10 P.M. ■’be enterprisers who are more enterpris­ oomes down here,” he said. Follow your '■honest con- jillo family to resume dictator­ attained by the knowledge we may be several hundred sta­ landed. Although this incident I would also like to take this ing than others. But at least there Meriden’s problem to a throwback to viotiqws and be strong. W. M. ial control of the Dominican Re­ acquire about ourselves and tions on each channel. Reg. $259.00 Simmons Early Ameri­ Itself was quite unimportant, it opportunity to express our ap­ ought to be one basic formula to apply^ its early formative years when the Thackeray,' British essayistt. public.. about the world. The rtiore ws can Wing Hide-A-Bed, maple wood illuminates a larger picture of preciation to those many citi­ to all of them., With all due deference’ Sanitation Department required that 1811-1863. One Year Ago know about man and life, the trim, full size mattress. Brown-gold- the utmost significance to the zens and organizations who 19in Catalina ■ to the pragmatic success of the one refuse and cans be placed in separate U. S. Air oa-valrymen and better we are able td fjulfill rust-and-beige print cover. containers. Immediately . inhabitants hidden war. in the Mekong Del­ North Vietnamese regulars re­ ' voted and supported us in our 4-Dt. Sedan. Power steer­ ■ Instance in which the town has airpady,- Today’s Birthday our destiny on this earth. took to burning rubbish and to this day ta. newed their fl-ve-day-old battle 'effort. ing and brakes, auto, trans. functioned, there should be no more im­ Dr. Leon Wind, Rabbi almost every backyard has an inciner­ The PT-109 is part of an ever- Song WTditer Jqhnny Mercer to for oantrol of the la Drang Val­ ^ The Globe Hollow School was \ 3 to choose from. petuous improvisations, But the fact ator, most being oil drums. growing force of river patrol 67 years old. ley in South ‘Viet Nam. projiosed and sought by a Temple Betji Sholom that such distinct economic favors h^ve The repeal, of the two-garbage can boats that travel 25 knots and Your In this instance been done for private r^uirement in later years failed to draw less than one foot. Tbeir m r n r r m w ’ •1395 Interests while the town was serving its eliminate the smudge pots and to this mission is to interdict the trans- 935 MAIN STREET - AT WATKINS own tax. interests constitutes a moral day Meriden residents keep feeding the ■ portation arteries of the Com­ obligation on the town ^ stand ready, Incinerators despite the -willingness of munist guerrillas who for years TELEPHONE 643-5171 •with some kind of established formula, the .Sanitation Department to collect have eluded capture and avoided 1962 Olds. 86. to handle future propositions of the their papers and other flammable large! contacts with the Viet F i s c l i A t i 4-Dr. Hardtop. 8-cyl., power «ame general nature. refuse. Nam army by hiding in the my­ pqbliiberfPnltl(e}i*M VeerenengFKevipaper a ^ A ^ Anyone steering and brakes, auto- The pollution report compiled with riad waterways. Beyond that, SpidleMt0, 19€6 Reg.. $199.95 Contemporary style Simmons tfans. the assistance of the local Health De­ their purpose is also to keep Hide-A-Bed with two cushions and full size As If It Were Nothing: At AU partment should make residents think open the major canals and riv­ Simmons innerspring mattress for two. Cov­ twice now before putting a match to ers that coimect the rice-rich for •1195 The next major development In our their Refuse. Habit is hard to break but, Delta' -with the capital city of ered with blue textured modem fabric. policy in Vietnam is now being openly according to the air pollution expert, it Saigon. m ust. be broken if Meriden is to see- snacks? •predicted as if it were merely another Although only a "beginning I piece of routine, and nothing to con­ daylight again -without wheezing on a has been made, these U.S. Navy muggy or.-hazy day! ! Reg. $249.00 Simmons Hide-A-Bed in con­ 1962 Faid sider very important at all. craft have undoubtedly disrupt­ The citizens should Implement the temporary style with two seat cushions and Oslaxie Convertible. V-8,. I t is a prediction that ve'ry soon ed the movement of 'Viet Cong Set of four first pha^e willingly and voluntarily if full size Simmons innerspring ihattress'for auto, trans., power steering American troops will have taken over units. No longer is. the Mekong with rack and brakea , we are to atop poisoning the air we a sanctuary offering a haven ■Sll the acljual f a t i n g to Vietnam, with the hidden bed. Ckivered with gold plaid.. breathe. ,' '. \ and a hfgh!yvay to tl(e\ enemy. 37.50 native ^ u th vWtnmihese armed I As to the city adminlstratioh, It Thus, one more implacable in­ 1.1 'A should update its collection System to •945 forces relegated t|o the business of oc­ strument of rtulitary pressure - include trash. Other cities are- doing iC cupying and pacifying-Oiose portions of has been imposed on the Viet Pferfect gift for the Early American Immfe A side effect would be the end of the ■ - the country the Ahierican fighting men Cong. that wants to keep everything in p erf^ t have made secure from enemy attack. clutter whiqh defaces many a backyard. harmony. These mellow Olde Pine snack ^ Also,, study should be made of the need Since last June, there has not Fnan one angle, this seems a practi­ been a single ^ major contact bles have 12 x 15-inch' tops, stand for. stronger antiralr jpollution ordi­ inches high and cpme ip sets of four. They cal division of the task, since our fight­ nances. with either of t-Wo main force Here’s the quick way to fumisl) yoiir family ing men fight very well and courageous­ And why not put Into next year’s Viet CoHg( battalions that are fold compactly for storage as shown in amaU room, game room, study and youngster’s PAUL ly antji efficiently, v^ile the South Viet- budget the funds necessary for the pur­ . believed| to be In this province. 1 sketch. Storage rack (not shown) inqiuded^ rooms I with dual purpose Hollywood beds. N ew , studier-construction, too. They rip just _ iism e se are somewhat spotty, and mild chase of a vacuum sti^eet sweeper which This does not mean that,V-O ,. Made by Steam s & Foster, they’m 80 inches A/7 3 f7. iH. control of one-6ilrd of the half- one of hundreds of pine acceggories you’ll see jtai their fr^nt line performances. could gather leaves which are no long- wide for comfortable daytime sitting. Cov­ DODGE But froni almost every other angle, I er for burning. million people who live in the at Your Gift Galleiir. L*rg«r size $47.50. province is weakened. The gov~ Instant low ered in 'a rich brown plaid, each outfit in­ THURSDAYS is one more disillusionment for i According to Dr. Workman, there are 1 ■ ermhent has simply not extends cludes a box spring on legs and innerspring ^Americsns a t home and one more invlr three! magic words whicl^ are keys to Check Your Gift Gallery prices with mait FRIDAYS a successful anti-air pollution cam­ ed its control to the hamlets as mattress. - ^ ^ ^ PONTIAC 'tatiosi to unfriendly appraisals sbroad ' order-house pricea. Usually they’re the same priced beds! paign. ' ' it has to the Mekong River. But on fes, jind"you pay no postage. We gift INC. ■Cf our role in Vietnam. ' They are strong and vigorous words the mounting pressure on the ■V Whose war to. this? Whose country is ' wxap,_tbor^^" ^ —_ -TOoncepi, commitment, action. There enemy symbolized by the 24- 87S Mata S t, ManchMter ^ihlar Who to It who really csres about., to nb other way If Meriden to to enjoy iiour river patrol is neverth^ i ^tba outooineT clean air again. — MERIDESf RECORD less one elemeilt in the effort\to 5

/. B M O H

,» -r '-r V :■ •/

■ ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CX)NN^ FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18^1966 PA G E E U B V m ■f-- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18,1966 P A G E TEN Hebron First Suit Wlwn tiM OccasiMf Colls for (■>, ' Think of thn v v-rr" Town Asked to Purchase Filed Oyer Parkhjil-J oyce ,-V $17,000 Fire Tank Truck Bad Starlac Flower Shop NEW YORK (AP) — The par­ The. fire department needs a Coach Noah Vieira at Rham Frank Oakeler, Proprietor C c lld o r ents o< ' a nine-month-old ' g$ri 601 MAIN ST„ MANCHEffraM new truck, the board of finance High Schck)! no later than 7:30 (Next to Hartford Natloiuil was told this week. ' a.m. ' have sued the Borden Co. for Bank) First selectman Ralph C. There is a ilonday Night $560,(X)0 claiming its Starlac o YES—WE DEIIVER o Bojington. chairman of the Clinic each week for boys older brand dry milk product’ Phones: 649-0701 — 640-1448. fire tank truck investigation elementary school age. which was removed from the committee, told the board in a Extension Meeting Set market earMer (his month' — letter that the study commit- The annual meeting of the made the child lb, {ee had concluded a need exists Tolland County Extension Coun- M. ------... ■ for the tiuck. The letter was tonight at 8 at A Borden spokesman said It Lady Hamilton received by the board Wednes- the Tolland County Agricultural was the first suit filed since the day night Center. A special item of busl- company withdrew the product The committee recommended he the revision of the Nov. 1 following the discovery 24 Diamond Watdi a sum not to exceed 517,000 be Present constitution and by- of salmonella bacteria in a Star- Cilldov appropriated to buy the truck, t^ws. lec sample by the Food and The letter requested the board '''ho participate in the ex- Drug AdminJsiU'whon. Pharmacy of finance to consider this rec- programs, are Mr. and Mirs. Richard Fiel Sr. Our Reg. low ommendation with a view to members of the Council and are also named in their suit filed Prioi $219 lasy pre.senting the appropriation to attend this important Thursday in Bronx Supreme Diamond Rings Oreilt] request to the next town meet- Oourt the Borden Food Oo„ and I DIABETIC DETECTION ITIST Following the business meet- a Bronx branch of Daltch Shop- ChooM from • lirgi tdacUon of IMamaiid Btags Ing. tiMModoao savings AH 14K gold moanttnpi. __ftMomd la 14K n U The finance board took no there will b ^ a «Pee>al pro­ weJl, a supermarket chain, I , IREE OF CHARGE I eaao wtth aecnricy ol a S action on the roquest and vot- pram featuring Mrs. Rhea I^w- where they bought the Starlac- riod inoveiiuBt. General Electric ed to write the study commit- ^on,home demons ration agen salmonella bacteria can cause A. Solitaire Ringi tee asking for more detailed in- '** Hart or un y, w disturbances of the digestive % Caldor joins your American Diabetes Assoc. Inc. and % The Conn. State Board of Health in making “DIABETIC % Ct. oompaiable value 145.00 TIM 14K Diamond formation on the equipment ® P tract, but the FDA said it had iff. Ct. comparable value 170.00. 99.51 Deluxe Toaster Oven proposed in the commUtee's fa T^nnie not found anyone with an Ibness 5 DETECTION TESTS” available during Diabetes Week, Tef ioif Cook^arie Set 199.50 recommendation.^ ^ Hartford, working with people attributable to the product when J thru Nov. 19 - AT CAIDOR PHARMACIES! * % Ct comparable value 295.00 in the inner city. it recommended the withdraw­ Valiant by Wearever % C t comparable value 500.00 949.00 Watch Band Boyington reported the need Robert Bernier Jr. will show 689.00 al. CHECK DI AHI■:TE^S . . . ..UHE IHESE FACTS \ 1 o t eompaxable value 950.00 for an addiUonal sum of $19.40 ^nd give a repoh on the ^ The Fiel suit charged their \ to the tax refund account to National Youth Conference on daughter, Christina,* suffered Mtait Excetslve Thtnt less of- Weight Chonget In V*rtien 1 88T Imm Peegh Rm» i7 0 cover a refund due a taxpay- Natural Beauty EUid Conserva- Frcgucnl Urinotlon liching Cut* 8 Strotchc* > fttabtloe WHh Hem Our Bog. low \ B. Wedding Ringi Our Reg. low $ i "severe nausea,* • vomiting, tyitamai [ Censtont Hunger Tirg toiily Heal Slowly 1 el Theee Sywftamel M u 12.97 Price 12900 laair **'• . . , . tion. / cramps, diarrhea and pain’’ 6 Diamond 14 C t TW. vaL 05.00 M.M Qraditj The board approved payment jp y ^ host families will be Meet Relatives of Drobelics Older Women (offer 4S, Mir Auyem at A«y Ap caused by the Starlac and un­ likely li People over 40 - three out of fiva -IveaYew- 5 Diamond H O tTW . vaL 179.00 The ummato b eeamdane^ ey rity. dsfiag of $100 on a $200 bill from the honored during the evening. A derwent "constant and continu­ Hflve Ih 1 Ovtrweighrpeople ore women) ssa^gas ra^^^a and versatDify to provide me meat m toeat. auditing firm of Doherty and second featui^e of the program Set eonslets of: 1 qt. saitee pon, 8** A y C Mens Diamond Ring so fine fflamoadi; 1/1 C t total tag, wermiag and1 baUng. Cfarome Iplated bodf ous medication and hospitaliza­ B E ALEUT! BE t e s t e d : pan, 10** skillet, 11” wpiaze griddle, McGarry and Co. for addition- ^hl be the' presentation of a tion, treatment and examina­ 49.09 wdgbt BmOt attadm to moit wtth atar eod plasUe entvtag bandlei. al work in connection with the certificate to the Vernon Na- ns^on spatula and spoon. 75.00 value wetdwi. tion’’ in a Bronx hospital be­ ^ DIABETES CAN BE CONTROLLED ■AST CREDIT TIRMS ARRAHQID audit for the 1965-86 fiscal tional Bank fpr their support tween Oct. 16 and Nov. 3. J Diabetes is a chronic condition. The sooner It is dls- year. ^ the National 4-H Foundation. * covered the better are a person’s chances of living a It was voted to transfer $20 Mr;s'. Victor Rychling of Bas- £ full, productive, satisfying life. The three principal from the contingency to the ket'Shop Road is a member of Fatal Crash ^ means of control are: (1) carefully planned diet, (2) Caldor^s C aldor’f Caidor*f Medicated CaidorV Caldor’a Caldor’a tax refund account to cover the directors of the council. i regulated exercise, and (3) injection of insulin which * \ . Boyington’s request and $100 ------Astronauts’ Vi€liv of Texas Base N PRESTON (API — Two cars J the body lacks. There are also medicines taken by Rose Water & from contingency to the town/ Manchester Evening Her- collided head on today on Route mouth which are sufficient in some cases. Diet and Antacid Tablets Foaming Bath Oil audit account to cover the aid Hebron Correspondent Mrs. This is how the coast of Texas looked to Gemini 12 Astronauts Jim Lovell and 12, killing 19-year-Qld Thomas i exercise are the first essentials of treatment. Often Nylon Tootlibnisli Roll-On De^orant Skin Cream board’s action. Marjorie B. Porter, tel. 228-9116 Buzz Aldrin as they circled over the country. The photo was made looking F. Bepce of Gales Ferry. S they are all that are required. Glycerm Lotion jf. .... The board received a l e t t e r ------— nortli from Corpus Christi (bottom center).to Houston (top right). It also State police said that Bence J MANY PEOPLE HAVE DIABETES was - driving northbound at the Regi from the auditing firm giving „ ffiQOn Fo,.!, shows Padre Island and Galveston Island (white lines off mainland) and 't Today 4,000,000 Americans' have diabetes. Of these, K i q * Large an estimated cost of $1,450 for Moves Lost bach Galveston Bay near Manned Spacecraft Center. (AP Photofax) time of the collision with the J 1,600,000 do not yet know they have it. About 5,600,000 Q uortsia the audit of the 1966-67 fiscal WASHINGTON — Taxpay- car driven by James. Dennis * more Americans now living will develop diabetes dur- eaeh J L ^ toA s * 59 Eft " Pope of Port Saint Joe, Fla., 29 year. , ers who paid their own moving i ing their lives. One person in four — nearly 50,000,000 Sold only s p« pack • . • t pedc DM by e( oar. e » 59 a sailor stationed at the U.S. Jf- Americans — is believed to •■be a “carrier” of diabetes. • on wtthi FooHmII Awards Given expenses were allowed to claim Once, pilgrims Used to climb spend on food goes for protein F h f.n o . Thy ft and peUll SIwnv bof ih. Bottle oMOO Assorteil TtsgSRxioai The Most Valuable Trophy an .exemption for the first time 7 M onasteries the ste?p faces on shaky lad­ items. Here are tips on cheap Submarine Base in Groton; J Tbese can transmit diabetes to their offspring, though for Midget Football was award- in 1965, based on 1964 income, ders or were pulled up in nets •proteins: Five cents’ worth of Pope was taken to Lawrence i they may never develop the condition themselves. ed to Steve McGuire at the The 290,000 returns that Claim- In Greece Perch by means of a windlass. To­ dry beans can provide one-third and Memorial Hospital for treat­ League'^ recent annual banquet, ed such costs reported $93 mil- day a tourist can ascend a of a day's protein for a young ment of his injuries. . The Best All Around IJ^ayer Uon spent, or $320.70 a move. On Tall Pillars narrow path hewn oiit of stone. man. Four ounces of American Both drivers were alone\in Manchester—1145 Tolland $ trophy went to Kevin Vieira and .------■ cheese or three-fourths of a their cars when the crash oc­ Turnpike—Exit 93, J the Most Improved Player Tro- “SCRATCH, NO FRACTURE” KALAMBAKA, Greece- -pjp§ CHE.^P PROTEINS cup of cottage cheese will give curred. I Wilbur Cross Parkway * phy to Danny Keener. BOSTON (API — Michel Sas- Among the most fantastic sights WASHINGTON — About 40 a person a meal’s worth of pro­ Bence resided on Sunset Road The Best A Lineman Trophy .son, a member of the Boston in Greece are Thessaly’s mcm- cents of every dollar Americans tein for 9 to 12 cents. In Gales Ferry. was presented to Donald Dzienis Symphony, took the valuable, asteries mounted atop rocky pil- ______and the Best B Lineman Tro- 200-year-old bow for his violin to lars rising up to 1,800 feet in phy to Ray Stone. The Best A Beth Israel Hospital for what he Back Trophy was awarded to called “an emergency diag- the air. David Schwanke and the Best nosis.” • They were built in the trou­ B Back Trophy to Donald Ray. He feared a mark bn it indi- bled 14th century to provide re­ Powm^ Hockey OUidc Tomorrow cated a crack and asked Dr. fuge for religious hermits from Polaroid Elementary school boys wish- Peter Lavender, neuroradiolog- the violence of the plain below. 210x lUg to attend the hockey clinic ist, to X-ray the bow. Of the original 23, only seven at the University of Connecti- Dr. Lavender read the Xray; remain, including the Church of cut. tomorrow morning are returned with the diagnosis: the Transfiguration on top of an ExecutiTeCift Outfit jYoor Choice of ^Royce IMonf’ Bicycles asked to meet Midget Football “Only a scratch, no fracture.” almost. perpendicular rock. Astronwnical Telescope With 109 89 Bay Cmlt 20*’HiRiferBiejde DelnstoWidiGoitaterBnlcei 26** 3-SpeedBicy^ Cernani Tarma 89 » X in M L » X tm wlda!N0>^ 91X“ ‘l ift • •whftetdl - — tfais; “Slone * - laddta j --- Rogee-lbtle --.■sf 2 4 " Mad: tiro; Moae pota saddle: r te> ftDQWp raer eaUpar handlabniiae: I I x IS ft^ VMi 299 Conura .149J7 Laifa H i * — If tine. Stona itniiHt* ohrone> Itan and tatatM for tha aetira fasQf. 8n tba fleetor. CfaoeMUbmd that, taaftOMr, ptatoditam *gn,flOL mooH ol Anttar. flw lipgi o( Satam, eometa. AidadM color padc euMre, Isam Vaad eum U dcataal Ooaspiita inta klpod w d li paga treiiitat. fUm, davdo^ ttawr, adf-ttaur, W ffim, Color f l u i ,dOIM / iladi bidbe a d por> UnaaaeubM M k i b - Polaroid Girls iitert,.:' 5-; r. P raniuii TnbdiMB ; \ c Will Demonstrate m / !.•

New POLAROID SNOW TIRES A ^ ‘ '99 - .i( 5 ! ^COimPAK” 7 fu! •Ncfta^ Iflt tjn x u y jix ii s s x tt TTal— m TTaiTNirtW { CAMERAS u o x it tWxM iJN x U rjooxiM Mlxli IXOxlS 15pe.SlTerplate & TJKZU 191X11 U O X ll Have your photo taken e.w xii I A^iabet Safety Rlocks in full color. See all the Crystal Piouli Set latest developments in ND nU O M H BIQDIBBD the amazing new Polaroid THE QUICK-SIZE Our Reg. low Oar Rag. Luo cameras Unlimiled Time Gnmnleo Met 1.39 Priea U 9 ^ Polaroid Demonstratiem MANEUVERS LIKE MAGIC ib i***8 ” AfShut a l road haiM i and aMiiiufaBtarais Ev« 7 cm ereata flgaroiL antaiNliL Friday, Nov. 18, 6 PM to 9 PM. Sat., Nov. 19, 11 AM to 4 PM — jtataft^atan|io^^ wwi. 11 UMwCBUig eqnuH poDcn cibn. SI ioUd wood anboMcd safety Mocha, bouMN, lettan and moaalcf witti cokefu* eepM tadN wlta aOiNMnagirb^ roundid odgN and ea m n , harmlw jflaste tfloa. DtvolopN tmagfawBoB and eo* ------— ------eote% oomplete alplialwt ordtosUoBa SS’396 Sport Coupe offers new tooks and a lot of fun for 19671 mmmtm ta BUtOh bNIlL M ^ POLAROID FILM SALE— Quantity Savings! FkMte FroDt Ante Nat Big cars ride nice, small cars handle eaqr. ^ Our Hog. 9.49 Typs 1 -Roll 2-Rolls 3-Rolli ^^RoHs 5-Rolls Bwvy M f M om n i t e . Otato 2 9 Quick-Size rars| do both. ptatafrM floor pNtodkaAiKci* # 1 0 8 3 .8 7 e o . 3 .7 7 e o . 3 .6 7 e o . 3 .5 7 e o . 3 .4 9 e o . odeotaii # 1 0 7 1 .9 9 e a . 1 .9 4 eo . 1 .8 9 eo . 1 .8 4 eo . 1 .7 7 e o . The new 1967 Chevetle is a little less than a full-size cat. # 1 .4 9 e a . 1 .4 7 e o . 1 .4 4 e o . 1 .3 9 e o . 1.3 7 e o . t • > I 20 A little less long, a little less wide, a little less heavy. A little less effort to move through traffic and tuck into tight Wood Sketdi Box 1 parking places. 12” x l 8r •»«»«• A New Polaroid #104 Color Camera Yet Chevelle's Full Coil suspension serves up a full-size ride:, TMMM M A hat will 0 1 9 With Trade-In of incredibly smooth, never harsh. Almost luxurious. oonmnlinMlalor ouBVti D e h m panel, tadndeo wood pOlitto. v Yoiir Ol(^ Polaroid The 1967 Chevelle is long on new features. To name a few: ^ a whole new look in the front and the rear; quicker Metal TeaSet irnd 'Eraj ^iii Working Condition starting; pushbutton seat belts; dual master cylinder brake ^ Save an Extra 50% OFE Travel Bar TV Music Box system with warning light; GM-developed energy-absorbing with Aeceaooriea *T« trato MMitI steering column; 4-yvay warning flasher for emergencies; Wciim: 03 Set widi Easel #War#9S 89 • stereo tape available; many more. «Hi C^vas Panels 197 AM $S t* tra4« Oor Rog. Uwf Our Reg. Low Our R cilm r ■rica. So be greedy. Enjoy the agility of a small car without giving Price 4A9 2 v U**xl6*>pMkorft Hat 1.95 67e Price 2J9 hkHSn . I up the comforts of a big one. " ' lT**xS0**pMtko{S II#12.15 3 You get fuU color orints in Enjoy a Quick-Size Chevelle! 9^,xir*pM kort .951 Urge.ftm eencu. Ranlvee ■■ flw COpi k S a ta n k trm ere dl mcbl wih 60 seconds. Black land white tSwwiai MniMjflflft

M . ■ , I ■y /

r . , j V • ... , . . • "V I p a g e t w e l v e MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHEST^. CONN., ERlDAY, NOVEMBER 18,1966 , Section^ Tu)o FRmAY, NQVladiER 18,1966 ;^anrI)TBt?r lEttihtag l | m U i FRIDAY/NOVEMBER 18,1966 / Pages 13

open and parts removed, p(^* ports about the society. Wlthoot Corruption in Viet Nam ages of tire tubes rifled. Jesuits Accede elaborating he went on td urge . Amettoan aouroea said they the Jesulte not to wimken th«U>y' ^Sunday gt High School Town CD Staff believe pilfered post exchange To Papal A pp^ tradition of absolute a ^ e i^ .'v goods are atieafaed out nested in to tiid pi^Hicy^ Takes Pai*t in. Docks Swallow U.S. Goods VATICAIf o m r (AP) — The ■hie Jesuit communique Junk which Is removed from the 86 East Center S i (CoaUnned from Fkga On<>) dock atea in civilian tfudts.. Jesuita, lUMt powerful religious the society had made d . "'td- National Test Order In Roman Oatholiclsin, newed commUmeitt. of, iqpecial 'Stassen TslJk Close! Bve, too. They go down to the loaded, there was a somewhat outside one of the .msln At Summit S i brisker atmoephere. U.8. Anny entrances to the docks — sn ettded their kihgest general obedience.” Manchester’s Civil Defenss harbor bottom and retrieve noncoms were in evidence and entrance poUoed by the Viet­ meeting in hlstoxy today with a WEEKEND CASH-AND-CARRY SPECIAL staff will participate in a Nh* goods chucked overboard by things were moving. namese •— Kee a bend in the formal restatement the obee Paul MELBOURNE, Australia Dr. Harold E, Stassen, attorney^ forpier American' Nov. 28 torough Dec. l, called VL (AP)' — A 'gang of thlevee stood to assess the adequacy of local tinload. loaded, not an American AID cans, ‘"Robber’s Curve." public official and former university president, will official was In sight. The port The M,00(>-man Society of Je­ in one of Melboutne’s b u at^’ .69 and ^ t e readiness plans. They seem to work harder on Hera, swarms of Vietnamese toeak Sunday at 8 p.m. at a communit;^tol4e “Month of adviser said this was a common' hang around and watch for sus, the Jesuits, was clearly afreeits Thursday night, ham­ There \rill be no public par* An Khanh than they do on the occurrence. truoka pulling out. admonished by.the pontiff two mered a five-inch hole In th e' Concern” program at Bailey AuditoriuTn, Manchester ticipaticn and the conditlcma Saigon docks. “U the MPs aren’t looking,” days ago. He told them they concrete waH of an antique High SchooL ’ ------^ ------and toe alerting of C^lvU Defense One recent day along the Sai­ Vtotnamese civilian trudce, must adhere to bte strict papal OPEN TILL 9 P.M. THURSDAY A^D FRIDAY under contract to haul aid' an American official said, " th ^ dealer'e ehop and eecaped wUh I the many of teneten personnel will be simulated. gon wharves, Vietnamese steve­ obedience imposed four centu­ jewels worth $66,000. ^ u th Methodist Church wlU which result in strife and are Manchester's Emergency Op­ dores squatted in the shade. A goods, stood about empty. Those go at those trucks like locusts.” A civilian poUce source told a ries ago by their founder, St. The men posed as construe-, give the inv^tlon, and the Rt. potential oaums of )eonfltot and erating Center in the Municipal forklift operator slumped, snor­ that were loaded often- were Ignatious Loyola. Rev Msgr. Mward J. Reardon, war. Chief among these sourcee, piled with a jumble of boxes, reporter waterfront thefts occur tion workers on a new building Building will be activated dur­ ing, in the .seat of his machine. in full view of jmUcemen and In a communique issued at going up beside the antique James’ Church, Rapbi wind, sad, are poverty, ing the exercise, to Eissess the Nearby, a ship's crane slowly secured by a single nope or not the end of their meeting, the ^11 give toe benediction. Rabbi UHteracy and racial ln> q^tty at ell. MPs patrolling the docks. sho^. They i»ed a eledgeham' simulated situation and radio­ lowered a cluth of^broWn card­ Jesuits also announced unprece­ mer and' crowbar to Wtoto of Temple ^ Sho- m many perts .of the'vw Si logical reports,. to assess 'sim­ board boxes, an AID shipment, With some 20 Ships moored to “The police ahe watcMng, an MP ie watching,” said the Series Speaker dented changes in the regula­ way into the shop, m a r l o w s torn is chairman of the obser- “These are problSRU.” Mxadd- ulated damage, and to test Civ­ toward the dock. A few workers buoys in midriver, one ship tions of their order. yacetylene equipment ^ ed. "Wllto which. American citi- il Defense Shelter plans. stirred, then listlessly began berth at dockside was empty. source in labored ElngliSh. “All of a sudden, a crate of Dr. Hilda Standish of West The changes will allow a .them and cut open (he "StncN 1911 — EVERYTHING Manchester Youth Choir.'of xena should be concerned and Town CD Director Edwin Ed­ hefting several of the boxes. Nobody was hurrying to bring a Hartford will speak Sunday a t greater voice for the lower safe. 1966, and a combined High for whjeh possible . eolutionh wards said today that the ex­ freighter alongside the quay. champagne — maybe 200 bottles for tho Family and Homal" The others watched. — drops In the river. It’s lost. 7:30 p.ih. a t Luther Hall, Eman- ranks of young Jesuit priests School and Ctourch Choir wiU should be sought” Rabbi Wind ercise will provide needed train­ An American port adviser, In. open spaces between the uel Lutheran Church. A well- Jesuit seminarians, and «dll urge! citizens to ing for key personnel in the cargo sheds, piles of cracked “But, no. At night, divers go an veteran of many years on the down. And the champagne ends known lecturer on social hy- commit the order to dose coop- hittend Sunday's prognun, the areas of ’ emergency communi­ U.S, docks, shook his head dis­ wooden cases, piping, and rust­ giene, she will appear at the oration, with local btshops and NOW cations, alerting, situation ed and broken equipment lay in up on the black market.” culmination of the ‘*Month (tf gustedly and said: “L/Ook at Patrol boats police the crowd- second session of "Love, Sex national conferences of bishops, Homemade at Marlow’s with Concern.” . analysis, fallout effects, and op­ that! This is the way It is every apparent discard. Some of the and Life,” a six-part series for Pope Paul, addressing the erational reporting. cases bore the words ‘‘Fragile . ed river, but observers say any purchase you Dr. Stassen w u b to n ^ West day. If this was in the states, there aren’t nearly enough of all Manchester young people of Jesuit’s le^slftUve assembly that cargo would be moving — Handle With Oare.” make; you may use St. Paul, Minn., and . received them. high school age. The event is Wednesday said he was sur- either these fine a B. a ! degr^.S M ’LL. B. ek smartly. Thcre’d be a gang boss There were plain signs of pil­ open to parents of* those at- prised and grieved by some re­ ferage: a carton which had con­ One Amertoan freighter, the charge plans! the Unlveratty of Mliinesota. getting these people off .their Pecos, was boarded some weeks tending. The series is arranged ■ RAVIOLI Mrs. Mclnemey He' was ^lu^Hted to the Min­ tails.” tained medicated powder, dis­ Waleome Hare jpst say “Charge It” carded and empty, boxes con­ ago by a bend of Vietnamese by the Rev. Eric Gothberg, as­ nesota, bar in 1929 and began In another dock area, where who frightened (he watchmen sociate paistor in charge of \ To Head Chapter military cargo was being un­ taining small motors ripped H. PASQUMLINI practice at South St. Paul. into locking themselves in the young activities. In 1930 and 1934 he was elect­ Mrs. Heidd Mclneimey, laa- deckhouse. The raidera made After her talk Dr. Standish SM Avery S t, Wapping. ed attorney for Dakota Coun­ .^age department head at Man* off with W sewing machines. will show a fHpi on reproduc­ Walcoma Hera Downtown Main Street—Maricnbeter ty; and in 1937, as head cf the Chester High School, will as> The hundreds of Vietnamese tion. There will be a question Open 6 Days—Thursday tlU 9 , Minnesota Young Republican sume office as president of th# barges ferrying goods from and answer period, for teen­ TEL 6U46M League, he became a reform Connecticut Valley Chapter of ships in mldriveir to (he docks agers only, after the film, dur­ WILTON'S candidate for goventship. At 31 toe American Aasoolation o t are a major problem. Entire Proposed University of Connecticut Health Center in Farmington ing which parents will meet in G ift Shop he was governor of Minnesota, Teachers of German tomorrow. barges have vanished. Some the sanctuary for a talk by the a post to which he was 're-elect­ She wilt' be installed during may have been hijacked. Others |964 Main S t, Manchester | ed twice. He was the youngest A federal grant of $11,133,666 from the U.S. Public Health Serv­ office space. Rising behind it and curving to the right is a 10- toe chapter's fall conference, Rev. Mr. Gothberg. Open Dally 9 to 9! probably were delivered into (he Four discussion groups of governor ever elected in his na­ ice has been awarded to the University of. Connecticut to be story unit which will contain faculty offices and research labo­ which win be held at. Manches* hands of black market rings, teen-agers will be formed aft­ tive state. A decade later, be add^ to other grants for the construction of the new Health ratories. The 10-story rectangular unit at far right, beyond the ter High, beginning at 9:30 a.m. enforcement officdals said. er the question and answer pe­ THE waged an ambiUotis campaign Center now under construction in Farmington. It is the largest right end of the low structure, will contain auxiliary research with coffee. The general session Since early summer, the mili­ riod. Counselors for the groups for President of the United facilities. The USPHS grant brings to more th^n $17 million will get underway at 10. tary ' command has assumed BRAND N E W award' ever received by the university. Plans for the facility in­ are Mr. and Mrs. Carl Torsten- States, and had he won the nom- clude a school of medicine, school of dental medicine, a 200-bed the amount of federal funds received so far for the project. Last Speakers a t the edl-day con­ widening responsibility for sup­ spn, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Car­ 1 9 i 7 Harold E. Stassen tnadion and election .woidd have spring a ^.9 federal grant was received from the Health Serv­ ference wrlll include Prof, porting port clearance of AID expandable teaching hospital and associated facilities. The low George W. Kreye, chairman of ter, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard John­ VOLKSWAGEN ------been the youngest chief execu- structure in the center and right foreground of the contem­ ice. In addition to the grants more than $14 million in federal goods. t son and the Rev. and Mrs, Goth­ ^ He lort the toe laing;uage department at In time, and with enough rcr e r ^ t is open to toe public. ^ «,„unation to -nioimui E. Dew- porary structure will house, three floors of administrative and funds has been requested to help pay for the construction. Boston University, who will dis- sources, this may cure many of berg. Dr. Standish will later The purpose of tho Month of S address parents. '''* ■ cuss “The Development of Ger­ the difficulties. Oonoerm, which begtto lart He tried again to 1962 for the . man Soript”; and Hlllmann von Qualified experts say there Before becoming a full-time month under toe eponsoreMp of nomination, after having eerv- “ “ oomtoat with toe the all-day session; and there lecturer the guest speaker was will be opening statements by Bible Institute "Haiiem, representing toe Ger­ must be strong action at a high RESTAURANT the concerned clergy of Man- ^ president of the Unlver- decorations Digan to Speak at man Consulate in Boston, Mass., level to halt bickering here be­ director of the Maternal Health D.lux« -Sedan Chester, is to bring to the atten- gj^y Pennsylvania tor four advimced from Heutenant Commissioner 'William J. San­ Center. She is a graduate of ders of the State Department . who will speak on “Alms of tween U.S. Army port author­ Looking for a ploeo to dine with o lovdy Colonial otnioSphere, fino tiion of the citizens of Manchee- years. Once again he lost this commMider to a captain. He Head Guest at Munich’s Goethe Institute.” ities and certain AID officials. Wellesley College and Cornell of Education and Commissioner University Medical College. Aft­ time to Dwight D. Bisefto^er. as On Teen Drinking Problem ' George Bmmerllng, vice prin­ Secretary of Defense Robert ?1715 food and cocktails????? ’ " At the start of the Eksenhow- a«riAant chief of stafif to Adm. Wilfred Bloomberg of the State Calvary Church er her internship she went to DEL. IN MANGHESTEB Department of Mental Health. cipal at Manchester High, will S. McNamara indicated, durlpg or administration Stassen sue- vyiiliam wniiam iiaiseyHalsey Jr.,jr., command Robert J. Digan, attendance tend the conference, which is bttog greetings from the facul- Shanghai, China, where she Hquipped with turn signals, Visit tho • '______ceeded Averell'Harriman as ^ o f the Third Fleet, and for a supervisotv-'lor the Manchester being sponsored by the (Seneral Principal speakers will in- The Rev. Maurice Q. Spencer, . his recent visit here, tljftt' he, For A New wants the port cleared — and taught obstetrics as a mcidical leatherette seats, heater, de­ NEW COLONIAL DINING ROOM — POCKTAH. LOUNGE 1967 head of toe Mutual Security A d -/^ ® was with Adm. Raymond schools, will be 6ne of the Teen-o^ Alcohol elude Dr. pl^on D. :^con, dl- president of Long Island Bible ^nier© will be a luncheon la missionary. She set up private froster, seat helto, 2-speed what McNamara wants, McNa­ mtolstration, wrWito 8ub6eSien(< A. Spruance’s Fifth F l ^ . speakers at a statewide confer- eatah fn^lS^M m on teachers’ cafeteria from.. mara most usually gets. practice when she returned to electric wipers, 2 back-up OLDSMOBILE 1.. /WiHL Rm WWm Wh oth«r actlviUes, * oua/tewme wiixc* commission was estab- Alcohol Studies; and Dr. Milton a. « ^ a. aa. 4.^ t aravirra/i kw Some specialists in dock oper­ the United States, and has also lights, windshield washer, THANKSGIVING DAY OR A S tam n was chosen vice preei- “Educational Involve- lished in 1961 to investigate in- Silverman, a special assistant in preacher Sunday at tho ^ ^ been an anesthesiologist a t O/S mirror, overriders, tool VALUE-RATED ations believe that the only way kit, 12-volt system. tiS T p o if S ^ S ^ y th i J e / iS J dent of the Northern Bapttot ment to Teen-age Alcohol Use,” tidento of driving into the U.S. Department of Health, U a.m. worehlp service of Cal- J S . Mclneiney, who has been in thousands of stores to move the cargoes swiftly is to Hartford Hospital. Dr. Standish USED CAR, CALL and ^when thait^ tode^mdent Oonventkm to 1941, and to 1942 to be held Monday, Dec. 6, at York to p u r e ly al- Education and Welfare. vary (3hurc4i, 647 E. Middle serving as ^ professional bring in American stevedores is the mother of five children. DINNER MINU ageicy r e v e r b to thTwate was choeen president of Its In- toe State CJapitol to Hartford, cohoi, and since toen, ^ t o toe Dr. Bacon will speak on^ Tpke. group’s vice president, has and service establishments and American civilian manag­ • ROAS’T ITJRKEY—Dressing, Cranberry Sauce, Giblet Gravy RAY ^ p a ^ e n t , P f e s k l ^ Risen- temational CouncH of Religious D ig« will be one of two per- ^ i ^ e m m t ^ ^ v e r n w Historical Envelopment of Al- ^ g ^ ^ ^ Ma^^er High ers, and that the only way to take over the whole task Of TEDTRUDON • BAKED SUGAR CURED HAM—Raisin Sauce suppress the stealing is to have guarding the docks and ware­ VOLKSWAGEN • ROAST SIRLOIN OF.BEEF—Au Jus DWYER THE CONNECTICUT BANK Americm security 'agencies houses. \ • U. S. CHOICE SIRIX^IN STEAK—Onion Rings HOFFMAN OLDSMOBILE [SLe^Sristant ^ T b SsIc^ praraed belief that religion sch^l s y ^ m s to cope i^to the use by Con- eral ^vern m en t's Philosophy ^ ^ u S w 2 w t a S S S S r a ago. She ta of TaloottvUle • (SPECIAL PRICES FOR CHILDREN) 665 Ctonn. Blvd., E.H. armament PoUcy. ^ ^ ^ S l^r^nTto l^tour M Lew- tion ^ S n^TanTlTfhr olcS^SSrct a«d taught there right AND TRUST COMPANY/1 \ k28-6355 In Ms csjMLCRjr m ‘'$#ccet*nr ,*VG2ttog the poaribUity of aa- taken According to Arthur M. Lew- tion. on Long Island It has never before coming to Ametica Phone M9-28S8 Make Yonr Reservations Now-^€all 872-*0269 of Peac^’ auswm other worid war.” - ki to ‘f™® 1®. commi.slon chairman, the. A new alcohol education cur- « h“ ^ tvas named MHS Route 83 (Next To Glenney’s Lumber Co.) Ellington, Conn. duly ot kdvtelil6 th* Preaidtat At the present time Dr. Stas- ^ b to m will be Miss A ll^ commission "has become con- riculum guide for teachers and ^ h o ^ T h e ch u r a r s p o ^ language department head thin FLETCHER GLASS OF HANCBiBRKlElt on what stops m l^ be taken sen is a partner to the law firm Duckworth, deputy superintend- -rinced that this is a major com- administrators will be present- ^ ^ «inmer. 65 OLDSMOBILE on both sides of the Iron Cur- of Stassen, Kephart, Sarkis and ent of schools in that commu- munity concern which requires ed by Dr. Ruth V. Byler, a con- “ e ng Island ______D'YNAMlC 88 HOLIDAY COUPE tain to Insure peace Kostos of Philadelphia, Pa. nity. special consideration in planned sultant in {he State Department “ xnsoLuie. 'When You Think of Glass^ Fully equipped Including ra­ through disarmament. ' ------— Dlgan’s talk wiH center ways.” of Education. ^ ^ Draftsman*S Error dio, heater, auto., power Later, Secretary of ^ -«■- s around the methods by whlrii The intent of toe conference, Ernest A. Sheppard, chief of Bible In^Rute, tosplay ob- - Think qf Fletcher** steering, fibccellent conation. John Foster DuUes took con- C A m o l l C M o t h c r S his department and the Man- Lewis says, is to emphasize “toe toe alcoholism division of the rA toterert from his native Nome, Alaska, gets its name One owner. Uol of Staasen’s actlvitiw and , i riiester police work together-^importance of our schools in toe State Ilepartment of Mental India, at toe 7 p.m. eerv- from Caipe Nome, first so-called he reported to him tTi9t«td of I P f i r m N c W C l T C l c ond attempt to involve parents development of sound under- Health, will describe the com- toe. on a chart dated 1849 and said 54 McKEE STREET •2295 to the President. Stassen con- when alcotml is a factor in ju- standings and attitudes about munity conditions and support A male quartet of ministerial to have been a dtaftsman’s mda- L O V E ^ t tlnued to hold Cabinet rank A new Catholic Mothers Cir- venlle deUi^uency. alcohol use among Connecticut’s that he sees necessary for the students at toe school will sing take for the query “ 7 Name” on Most everyone will fall in love with it at 54 Other Makes and Models and attend National Security eje, toe Gate of Heaven, was Several hundred Connecticut young people.” most meaningful school alcohol at both services and at a youth-toe originai chart, according to TUB ENCLOSURES & SHOWER DOORS to Choose From. Our Used educators are expected to at- Governor Dempsey will greet education programs. service at 6 p.m. the Ekicyclopaedia Britoiinlca. first sight and sound. And no wonder! KLH Cars Are Displayed to a 2 ^ * fonned last night at an organi* from $25.00 to $45.00 Heated Shrowroom. President desired bis presence. . *7: * _____ FIRST combines the best quality components with Thera had been unsuccessful moves toward disarmament in Now Is the tinie to bring In yonr seraehs ts be tepsired. long-time erigrtne®tihg skill , t o bring out the past and in the beginning OA St. Twelve membera of toe Storm window glass teplaoed. "the ultimate Jn pure musical sound! Stassen was cautioned by new group and Mrs. Norman L E A R N W H Y IDENTICAL-SIZE DIAMONDS T H IS YEAR skeptics that he faced a hope- Button, leader of toe combined AUT6 GLASS INSTAaED SOUND SEE t h e m .NOW AT NORMAN’S! fHllilliil less task, but he had faith that Catholic Mo^ r a Circles, attend- GIVE YOURSELF a way could be found to avoid ®4 B*e event. GLASS FURMTURE TOPS A World War IH through global Philip Lamedolo of M People seldom see disarmament. Coleman Rd. was elected lead- IN MIRRORS (FiniilaM mil Door) for the discriminating music listenert in 1950, after writing to So- o* 11*® Others elected it till its turned on. MAGNIFICENT Viet Prime Minister JoseJ* are Mrs. Robert Kaualaskus, co- THE PERFECT PIOrORE FRAMING (all tyga*) It*» That Small Stalin asking for a meeting to leader; Mrs. Constantino, sec- FM Stereo Tuner, MAGNAVOX... halt the “drift toward war,” retary; Mrs. Donald Bums, I Moscow denoimced Stassen as a treasurer; Mrs. James Cunning- WINDOW and PLATE GLASS Stereo Record “shameless war-monger with a ham and Mrs, James Kost, rep- Qualify thiiBt for self-advertisement.” resentatives; Mrs. Carles Player and Stassen had resigned the Jfin. Avery, contajrt /bhalmian and ■ COLOR TV Stereo Speaker nesota governorship during his Mrs. Albert Roussel, publicity, $300 $595 $700 third term to serve in the The name ijor the new circle Then they can’t see System! Navy, and shortly before the '‘•ms taken from the litany of the He fdrgot! No, she forgot! Well,.they both forgot. STEREOSYSTEMS I - war ended he served as a dele- Blessed Virgin Mary, V 'SI GHRYSLERS AND DODGES _ 1 anything else. It’s Our PrMe ^ SF.K I'llFM M' gate to the San Francisco ae- Mrs. Dutton explained the It Sounds That Big and Joy! curtiy conference that wrote the functions of Mothers Ctrcles and TOR IMMEDIATE DEUVERY United Nation’s charter. In ac- said there are now 17 groups NORMAN’S cepting the appolntiiocnt from in the Combined Mothers Cir- Most Models In Stock TlwKU HoddEleiea Preeident Roosevelt, he went on cles. Mrs. Fraidce Funke and WE NEVER FORGET! IN( . inactive duty so as to parUci- Mrs. Edward Rlstau, chairmen 11.') H.VRTFOltl) 1(1). pate in the conference as a of toe organisatton of Combined OUR AUTOMATIC J civilian. Mothers, sponsored the new clrr M AN( HFSi FU During his Navy service Stas- cle. FUEL OIL DELIVERY IS CERTAIN MICHAELS WILL TELL $200 $300 i$ 4 0 0 The Meadofvs Nursing Home YOU EXACTLY WHY! We record the average ^temperature for each dayj'' It’s the KLH Model Twenty high performance stereo music system. compute the number of degrees the average is below Here’s a portable rbeord play­ 333 BIDWEU STRBET MANCHGSrER. CONN. 65. Tlien we combine this temperature data with er that’s really i»rtitole. your known rata of file! use to determine exactly Just 28 pounda And it’s worth everypenny. And more. And everything is factory-balanced; designed to The new KLH Model Twen^ delivers aii Die sound how much fuel your burner uses each day to keep But It does away with the work as one. 19S2 CHRYSLER 1965 VAUANT you’ii ever need in your home. There’s no special installation needed. You just j you as warm as you want to be. No matter what the old wives’ tale that you need Here's big performance without the bulk bf connect the speakers via convenient jacks, to the weather, all you have to do is lean back and relax. New Yorker 4-Dr. Sedan. Model 270 2-I>r. big hunks o< qquipmait to get Sedan. Auto, trana. big sound. costly, non-performing cabinetry. Master Control Center. Plug in the system and You’U never have to rely on your memory or your *1295 Tha Model Twenty's tuner is sensitive, highly you’re ready to go at 16,33Vh, 45 or 78 rpm’s. tank gauge (which may be inaccurate) to tell you It’s th e 'K U l Model Eleven. ^active and drift free. It has an accurate zero- Listen to the Twenty today for the sound you 19S2 CHRYSLER ' 1965 D O D G E A component stereo record center toning meter and a special light goes on to want tomorrow. when it’s time to fill the tank. We know whmi it Nevrporb 4-Dr. Sedan. RAH, Coronet 4-Dr. Sedan. 'V-8, playing system in a hwdsome show when you're receiving an FM Stern broadcasL , The-KLU Model Twenty complete with oiled wal- starts getting low and we refill it without any bother auto, trans., $0fi!5 auto, trana. *1495 auitcaae. The Twenty’s solid-state amplifier has a peak hut cabinet iinish-4399.95. double power. '"www to you. And w^ refill it with Mobilheat fuel oil, It has everything you need power output of 100 watts. (The KLH Twenty Master Control Center measures (juality (becked 21 times between the refinery and 1965 CHEVROLET to enjoy stereo or mono records. Tha Twenty has a customhuilt automatic turn­ 18^'Vf X 4"H X M 'D . Each two-way speaker sys­ . your furnace. Remember, there’s a big difference in Bel Air 4-Dr. Sedan. V-8, 1963 D O D G E table special!^ desioiad for KLU by Garrard, w|th a tem mea^res 23ik’’H x x 9‘'[L) - niueftrartod above are three same-size diamonds in each row’. Yet look at the 4rDr. Sedan. 6-cyL, OOAE ' It's got KLH quality. ' famous Pickering V-IS hiagnetic' caHridiR with distributors. We’d like to show you ju^ how big *1795 Std. trana.,'RAH. '"WoP nirougbout. diamotid stykiti gre^ difference in pribiilig. You can buy al|| three diamond qualities at Michaels. • 1-. ' 4 The Twenty, has a. pair o( KUMesigned fullipef- that difference can be. Ihere are specially designed SoVYhether or npt you are about to choose a dlanxiind. stop in and let ua show 19SIOLDS.9S - 1964 VALIANT ,KLH full nmge speakers; ‘a forinanca kxidspeaker systems. you ejtecUy why prides vary so in three diamonds of the same size. R^a a 4-Dr. Hardtop. tftO K station Wagon. $ f ( | n i distortion-free solid state ampli­ — IJv RAH, full power ^ V 9 9 RAH, auto, trana. '"■•iww fier; an automatic turntable fescinating dennonstration and an important piece of factual infbmnation for i b i l custom-built for KLH by Gar­ anybody who*e ever going to buy a diamond In hla or her llfetimaa rard; magnetic cartridge with AOl M oto Usod CcHS rt Groat diamond stylus; Inputs for timer ) 24-HiOUR Intenrive'care by skOlsd g i ^ • PKACETUL aad tranquil living in a Nevf and tape recorder, and-many uate, reglaiterad nuraea Kngland ooantryalde, yet mimifea fn m Mobilheat tbs nailB parkways. othtr features. '« ' »THEStAPElUTlC diets and. bilaaoed Ai»d .you wont he(ri trade meals. ; • SSUIpntIV’A.TB and ,. ttaiee-bedrooms ahoes or muscles. It’s . that »COMPLETE physical md eccupattooal avaUaUs. . MORIARTY BROTHERS light. So la tbs prloe. Just therapy depaitmenta YI99.9S. » POST-OPERATIVE — Chronically ill —- leereatton piegiam. 801 CENTER STREET Oonvaleacwt and retired peiawia. EASY PAYMENTS INVITED TELEPHONE- 643-5135 OF MANCHESfER ■ IIIIBiii 44S HARTFORD \ROAD OPEN 9 to 9 — SAT. to 6 Louis A. DeCapoSj A6i»tfBbtgrt«r---Td. 648-1174 L’VBRSMITHB aiNCK ‘WOO riMNHMI. M OAKLAND ST., BIANCBBSTBR— S4S-2n> (OVir PA!^tX>ailD: M A Q , ^ DOWNTOWN MAIN STREET,'"MANCHESTER— PHONE 643-274I

T. \- ,,' I V ■■ ' r " ^7 , I ■ ' ' ' ■ , " ■ . . y . \' p a g e f i f t e e n MANCHESTER EVEiHNG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18,1966, MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY^ NOVEMBER Ig, 1966 PACE '•FOURTEEN Richard OaUnat said the date Legion Editor wiu he confirmed in the near Pat Harris New ‘Racket’ Coventry Co-Editors Sports Editor Colum bia future, Tins t oi Sharon Douton Steve Cone TUs jyear, dw blcli sebonl lu r, [>.i%sril Plagues Drivers. . JtomOstrout Selectmen Appoint Panel choir the OlH I*' ^Mil'll Free Diabetes Testing Kits Heading Sou^ there wfil also 'tt£ a brass bsid » j iHuJ \ as aoeocqfeiaiment The bgwlbg prr I Of nuir't To Study Sewerage System t r •. t Available at Five Locations BOSTON (AP) — The Ameri- o f the catristahas tree in fMht ; VOL. XXX, No. 10 Friday November 18 — 11 1^ 1. ^ k Autombbile Aneoctation ha* . o f the townr w « also talte 'VMabetes. Detection Week” TOe KeUers oeM iu tM tomied n waming on a new The board o f selectmen an- KolodzleJ. They' are place ai the carol sing. wHl be held here through Sat- 17th wedding anniversary with ••racket” plaguing northern mo- nounced last night the names Calsse, W alter Greene, Grorge and tfanuts wllt^lw served in the urday, according to the local the Parkers over the weekend, driving to EVrfala. of those to sevre on a study Savoie and Stuart Hillman, boajd'room, for idl the oarolara. Public Health Nursing Agen- - Auction Items Needed Robert 8. Kretschmar said committee for sewerage In the Calsse wIU serve full-time, ^ We give our used cart Elect Joe Amaio President of 1967 Class Columbia lions are stiU look- iphiggday speed traps, to tovitn of Coventry. while the other three are part­ Lddior Costa D rop a 16-point inspection. « .. li ^ _ ___ •!__ The strips are eupplled with­ ing for items for the liona auc- tmwaiy driver ex- The seven members ere Mrs. time constables. Raymond Vic- ___ Several weeks ngo senAOdf out charge and have simple di­ tlon. Thoee wishing to donate oeeding a by a mile or eo Dolly IPemald, Arnold CarlsOn, tor will servo as an unpaid ijb W YORK—The direct la- W hat m ore do you*want? homerooms held nbminaiUooa rections printed on each packet. were asked to call Ray Judd or p^j. jkmit, e ^ are in operation Gene Boylngton, Lucius PetUn- volunteer. bor cost o f Industrial sales A 100% guarantee? for class dfficeirs. The twelve ' After taking the test, persons Bill Burnham. , ' jn Vtoghilo, South Carolina, giu jr„ Harvey Morris, Ray- The selectmen also announced dropped in 1966, a Rnandal seniors with the highest numbOT ■hould send the strips to the ------Georgia and Pkirlda. mond Burnham and Samuel P. last night that the emnual study dwws. The 432 industrial *Whai a L ife’ Met j State Health Department lor Blanchester Evening Herald in Ludowid, Ga-, he said, Allen. v ClAistmas Carol sing vriiJ be Anns sOrveyed spent 27.1 per You hove It. of votes were named last week. processing.^ Columbia correspondent, Virgin- drivers now are being trapped work o?**-the committee, held, as usual, in front of the cent of combined sales directly Any oied cor we get as o trode-1n Niot eon poi^ During X period, Tuesday, toe Those having poslUvIe results ia Carlson, teL 228-9224. by a phoney oar repair racket expected to take about three town hall, probably ‘‘about De- on wages, compared With 27.5 the Vdlksvwjgen 16-point Solely ond Perfoiwaece »• With Enthusiasm homerooms voted for four offi­ win be notified and urged to He said a woman’driver from years, is to„ ______Investigate______urban oember 6”. First Selectman per cent in 1964. specHon> we completely reeondlNon and gooronlee cers. The five with toe highest vote are ius Hollows: Joe Amaio, contact their personal physi­ Medford reported she Mopped renewal and the feasibility o f >00^ . Many new faces were present Adding to the confusion and cians. for gas end an ‘‘tmder’ the combining this program in con- We'n repair or replace onymojor mechowow on toe stage Thursday evening, comedy were a variety of teach- . president; Dave-' White, rice 24-Hour Court president; Jo-Ann Boudreau and Diabetes is a condition usual­ hood” check. Then her c m junction with a sewerage sys- Nov. 10, when toe Sock and ers Includlngs Miss Pike, por- port* for 30 days or 1000 miles. Sue Magowan co-treasurers, and ly found in middle-aged and old­ wouldn’t start, and the aibtend- Buskln Drama Club presented trayed by Doreen DeCtormler Starling in NYC And we got oR kinds as frade-lw oe new Volki* Marion Garrison, secretary. er groups averaging about nine ant told her she needed a new ..... , .. ,, Its fall play, “What a Life.” '67, who constantly complained bi-weekly wogens. Fords. Chevys. Ptymoulhs. All of these officers show ex­ cases in every 100 population, The graduating class of 1966 about the heating system, and NEW YORK (AP) - Starting ^ meeting, the selectmen also an- Even old Volksvragens. ceptional leadership ability, in­ according to Mrs. Fox. For Thanksgiving took with it many of MHS’ ac- Mary Buck, ’67, as an energetic ,.o Jan. 1, the Criminal Courthouse ^ atreot she said the ‘’re- nounced other appointments. genuity, imagination and per­ Persons related to known dta . ho.wlnlo. • n a i « 4 . • fiw * o il. e m r i e * tors, but ’Thursday’s perform- gyrn teacher, who bounced her • bnl. %it«* • .iMMeol iirVM severance as is apparent by toe betics and those over 40 were in Manhattan will be open 24 pa^j.” ,,,88 completed in 18 min- Alan Olsen o f Lane ance is evidence that there Is basketball through the office, hours dally to permit arraign- utes, and she was presented a serve as d ^ warden for toe dubs they belong to and their urged to take the test, still a lot of talent left In MHS. Mr. Vecchito, an immigrant fjdost common symptons are ment of. suspects. One^ judge1. j __ bill Kill! tor*nr S4S.1B.S4S IS ^town, replacing his father, Ar- schedules in schqol._Joe takes Sophomore M ark Ahlness Italian and distressed parent English, Trigonometry, Physdea excessive thirst, frequent urina­ the new program ‘‘can convincingly played the lead whose daughter could not be tions, constant hunger, weight '62 CADILLAC -- *1595 and U.S. History. Dave is tak­ change the whole f ^ e of admin- A udubSn Society J role of Henry Aldrich, a stu- located was played by Bill ing English, Comparative Gov- loss, itching, tiring easily, 4-Door Hardtop All power. Black— dent at Central High School, Stackpole, '68, adding to the en- vision changes and slow healing istration M ^stice for every many localities. Charles Bradley Wrights emment. Physics and Trigono­ who always seemed to be get- tertainment of the audience, of outs and scratches. large city in the country.” ^ u p s ^ ^ U - metry. Marion follows a sched­ ting himself into trouble. John Rounding out the cast were The court now is closed from ^ National ^ *‘®®: '63 o L d SMOBILE *139S ule of English, Chemistry, Trig­ Orientation For Oubs Paula Rivard Roy, ’68, portrayed George Alan Rice, ’69, as Bill, a wit- Cub cout Pack 02 will meet about midright unto 9:30 a.m. of Audubon Socie- nation conimlsslon. T h e seat F-86 4-Door Sedan. V-8, anto. tiaiin.. radio. WWTe. Extra Dave Rublnow onometry and Spanish. Jo-Ann Bigelow, Henry’s rival for good ness to the instrument robbery, Monday for orientation meet- and Night Court. wWch o^rates runs imtil September 1970. clean. takes English, German, Compar­ ______Four constables have been grades and for toe chance to Karen Bradlau, ’68, as Mary, a ative Government, M od ern tag at Yeomans Hall, According ^ Legion of Honor take Barbara Pearson, por- student mistaken for Mr. Vec- to Cubmaster Roland Laramie. <11®9 misdemeanors and WOMAN DIES IN FIRE reappointed, on toe recommen- '64CHEVROLET Problems and Art Appreclaition. trayed by senior Paula Rivard, chltto's daughter, Barbara Har- Sue is taking English, Comparar All new members- and last year’s minor offenses. DEEP RIVER (AP) — Elsie daticai o f Police Chief Ludwig 2-Door Hardtop. V-8, auto, trana. PS., radio, bow Justice Bernard Botein, pre- Webster defines “rube” as Describe Paula Rivard in one to toe school dance. rison, ’69, as an ambitious tick- tive Government, Modem Euro- Cub Scouts were requested to be . . . , , Staedele, about 4S0, died WWTe. Sharp. siding justice of the Appellate ^ smoke Inhalation in her home !,"a n awkward, simple, uncouth, word? Well, more than aiyr- 'The setting for toe entire seller, and Jackie St^-sko, I pean History and Chemistry. present with the parents. j , „ thing else she’s determined, play was toe principal’s office '57, as another member of the I The officers feel that as much S Local Exhibits Division, an enthusiastic sup- River Street Thursday, au- and unsophisticated person.” to do what? To '63 VO LKSW AG EN «119S at Central High, with principal, faculty. prestige as there is to their po­ thorities said. Thanksgiving Doy The Willimantlc Rotary Club Model 161 Conv. Coupe. Blade top, blue. The lexiographer didn’t have produce the best Somanhis in Mr. Bradley, portrayed by Bill With the help of a somewhat ment program, said In an inter- Miss Staedele apparently fell LARGE SELECTION sition, there ,1s four times as Arts and Crafts Festival today WHITMAN’S Dave "Rube” Rubinow in mind toe history o f' MHS, to visit Brinldamour, ’68. Seniors Rox- bungling .detective played by much work. They believe that and tomorrow at Windh®;i ^®'^ Thurad^ that the asleep on a ’living room couch gram would have far-reaching SCHBAFFT’S when he penned this description. Europe (to learn what other sinne Spafford and Don Larsson John Leggitt, ’68, Miss Wheeler “The spirit of toe whole class Technical School boasts three on which she had been smoking, '60 OLDSM OBILE *69S effects. CANDY CUPBOARD First, Dave is not simple. He cultures are like), and to lead were also present as Miss Shea, was finally able to locate her should be raised to toe point local participants; Evan Kull- they said. 98 Conv. Coupe. Green, matching roof. AH power. Sharp. Botein said it would have an ARTHUR DRUG has successfully followed a very a full and meaningful life, Mr. Bra Princeton, after all, and with Cammencement Committee, Porter School menu next ( AP) — Viet Cong guerrillas are white top. Real shaip. ' ' Pagani,. »E>—“ • ...... o...... Monahan, -..V.and ------Hunt Mr.- - Vater -* ■ are voted as favorite being accused of stealing too Barbara’s decision to go to the planning toe Senior Sports week: Monday—^Ravioli with heating war drums in the Me- chose the people who were to SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19 Membership in toe National teachers because “They respect school’s band instruments, dance with Henry, even if she be treated on, the HOPE. Most Dance and Senior-Faculty game. meat sauce, peas, carrots, apri- nn<4 voontlnr an> M H S T a len t The U.S. Navy’s river patrol '65 CH EVRO LET *1695 Honor Society and regular ap- yout* opinions and don’t force much to toe distress of toe ex- did have to loam him J.30 for Dr. Diskan of the cases treated were or- The treasurer will collect class cots; ‘Tuesday—Chicken chow THE F I^ T OF FIVE. Nova Statioo Wagon. 8 cylinder, standard shift, rafflo. force reports the drums, taipro- ; pearances on honor rolls further you to accept theirs.” citable music teacher. Miss car fare. mein, rice, npodles, __ vised from bamboo logs, relay ^ illustrate his academic prowess. Diversified Interests are re- Wheeler, portrayed by Elinor Judging by the laughter and Rnuns u n s in Tiwos w os T Earner Diskan it stands for were occupied, each case tak- Mrs. Kelson’s art students. One TTiomas, was christened Sun­ FOR A NEW 1967. Dr. Elmer DiSKan lu sianas lor _ ,______Iq •'inert with HUefeh. "GALAPAGOS — WILD EDEN" , iin i. wrestling, and ..W.Whas spent------rFrench ruiiuii v^iuu.Club. A2A s» i a» Sock cuxu and day at St. Columba’s Church. ■63 FORD *1285 'many hours in the intramural Buskin member for three years, Godparents are Mr. and Mrs. OLDSMOBILE Galaxle Conv. Coupe. V-8, auto, trane., radio, WWTS. Sharp. j. basketballhocir»t>,nii program.7^rr, '* attend college, and probably ^nd her mother, Mrs. Felicia Ri- ed, fn d o f toe Classes she at- ^ u b . ^ li^Tto wious pL-ts of ^ r®d paint. One is a foot the season finale to he held on go on to law school, hoping to -rpite. tended. Lorrame Obuchowski, 67 weeks,_ toe reft , cf the staff manv^cities to lect^ dis- with toe toes outlined in pen Thanksgiving Day at Windham. be established someday in a jjy norton, ’67 For a month Betty lived with ~ ^tays for toe ton months, tribute milk, and inoculato toe and ink, and the other Is the working hard for Coach J|ra '64 VO LKSW AG EN *1545 law ifirm. a Parisian family on toe Right Ample provision has been are salaried. When they arrived es^cially the young- arm of a bandleader.. The Leg- Brezlnskl have been Stwe Karmann Ghla Conv. Serviced by na sinoe new. He also has tome very def- . ------———r ------.. ^ Bank of Paris within easy walk- made for student parking both in Nicaragua, each staff mem- ^ g^tt creations are gay, bright, Banas, ’67, quarterback Robljlo irite ideas as to the prom* Mrs. Jay E. Rubinou^ 48 PR- h o w ing distance o f the Eiffel Tow- on and off the street. Students ber w m assi^ed a corater- ^ • __ .^1? his slides and- Wg^y imaginative. Snydet, Dick Jagoutz, Bqt- . ^ing young sophisticate can Wn St. ____ ^She took three courses while may park on E, Middle Tpke part who would work ^^to him After Sue Goldberg, '68 ferton, Dave Walto, and Errtle '60 FORD —- *695 i^ch his goals. He vyould In- • Barry Sandals based in Paris- the art history on the west side of Brookfield for toe purpose of teaching and on his unique ej^nence. l^ ■ ------— Tupper, all '68, Squire Wagon. 9-pass., anto., PS, radio. vent a time machine Which _ , i . rf^raeftoe lYench novel, St. and in the entire sotith park- teai^ng toe Ni^raguan people., f ‘f least 10,000 inoculations, but Stan Sloesberg. 'J« would allow him to buX 600 A large ,U b ^ shares of Suez Canal^Wk. about occupations, toe armed toe FreAch play. Extensive ing area off Brookfield(st. Pupils HOPE Svine^ HOra to wShSgten. got toe biggest one of all; I ^ ■ J services, and catalogues of reading was required, but the who use this area m^t secure to as hoine^i^ but toe b ^ g f btaTelf ?f?iraiting to was inoculated with HOPE.” ’ Students planning to ^ e '61 VOLKSWAGEN *395 bury it, and return* w v ' - - ^ ^ v» Station Wagon. 2-tone green, 9-pnsmger. As b . ent a millionaire 600 times over, schools and colleges may be "S. I...' == srf HO- S .5 G / i a / r i ^ TEL^ISION CENTER OF MANCHESTER Sophistication plus imagination! found In the guidance office 63 VO LKSW AG EN *595 ■ Dave Rubinow Is one mbe who reading room. Students may ^ ^ i e m T t" to” t o e 'l^ e r ‘ right “hand as medically efficient. ing he had generated an eve- me seconu hu-- received in Princeton is Dec. KNOWN FOR VALUES Pickup, %'Ton. White. Frnncaise. Miaiqr of her slides comer of the windshield.

'65 VO LKSW AGEN *1795 . ^ ■■ dv. Karmann Ghla Conv. CbapeTEIae...... Now enjoy color TV in anyroom ! .V g-l'-Gl'iWi* '63 VO LKSW AGEN Station Wagon. Red and white. Lppk. iliiipiiliiiis : | ^ i i •64 CHEVY MONZA Conv. Coupe. Green. Anto. trans.,,radio. '64 PONTIAC LeMnns V-8, 4-speed trans., Conv. Conpe. '57 CADILLAC ’ ^95 2-Door Hardtop. 2-tone green. Look at this. Sharp. .M'/'h, . 1965 NIMROD CAMP TRAILER GORDON J. SIMONS Sleeps 4, Teiit, Etc. —'Televlflon Dept. Mgr. J^nst in time for hunting season. •795 “ “ — — — ■ Simon’s Says: l o c a l b a n k . WhMi baying a Malor AppU- •ftriod piees? ttyUng in genuine cherry veneer FINANCING ARRANGED -a n ^ , don’t be ipitied by sup­ NO SET DOWN PAYMENT 19" rail SCREEN COLOR TV posed 1 yr. wananties or guar­ antees.. At Grants our senlce H l-n SOLID STATi STIREO CONSOLE urini 25/MO VOLT PICTURE p^ttc^ are plean cut and do- ^signed, to protect you the cus­ p im AM/FM & STEREO FM RADIO j Aulomatte color ooneiy tomer. to r edreuit lets ybu m ove A maitetpface d styling and opimdl . ^ ^ ^ n n lliis set from loom to now Full fldeliiy 6-speakar sound; 6 sepa- ' V lt » w v rate tone ooqtrols;. i^uze l-s^ieed room without picture dis- THE ONLY DIFFERENCE tdiiion. Easy tuning, fine Between Grants Appliances FM sound. 180 sq. in. ^ 3 8 8 “® I NO MONir DOVtfN...128 imeUIr and the other top brands OP TO SO MONTHS TO PAY I vaewingacea. no nONEY OOWM...X50 WMl Is the label and. T rudoh ■MOUnONTIB'iroPAT OUR LOW PRICES VOLKSWAGEN Bigelow and Miss Shea. Elinor Gibson, ’67 and John Leggtttli . Lively characters in “What a Life” Include (from left to \ '■ «■ ’68 portray «.»>Miss nunWheeler__1.,,. and 4U.„toe tlzkfietMtive, az>94«>a eavlall*while 9$*^tto fOurt^ Quality—Service right) Kathy Albair, ’69, ,as Mrs. Aldrich, Mark Ahlness, On The Manchester-Vemon Town Line—Route SB scene shows Mark with Paula Rivard, ’67 as Barbara. F mA „ ’69 as her son Henry and .Bill Brindamour, '68, Mr. Bradley. SHOP .TOLLAND TURNPIKE—TALCOTTVILLB further detail see story above. (H^ald photon by OfUm.li * ?60 Y ears ^ Th« aecond sc^e* ahowa Don t#axssatt, *67 as Mr, Nelson, GRANTS 0^ Experience . Wndweter 640-28SS^^-

- '/ T ■

' \ lA i n


^AGE SIXTEEN INCHEStBR EVENING IMatAIJ), MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18,196« ■V bulldkog and cimtests may be Andover Coventry removed hi whole or dismantled, Events in World V^moh In South Africa and the wMte Behool Lunch Meana Anii'Liu Posters minority regime in Rhodesia. School limohes for the three TOKYO (AP) — President Uu Novotny has left tor New Del­ loeal puMic achools for the fb st Shap-ohi of Oohmlunist China Sunday Eve GOP Women to Teel Pulse’ hi, India. . . Town Has Until Dec. 1 three days of next wtek and Communist party General (achoolB cloM Aaxly Wednaaday MVBSAVG Secretary Teng Hsiao-ping have BUY HOUSEHOLD DCTERGHn IN W IK Church Film In Local Government Study for the Thanfcagtvlng weeketid). been accused In lengthy Red Terrorists Captured “ To Join Refu^ Disfcnct BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) — . __ ^ o Monday — American chop auey, from Oyr Foetory Offico! (Noto hojin Guards posters In Tientsin of 9if«7or James Throwe of non Junior Women’s CUub will • Low Suds Laundry Detergent...... 2 0 lb. tub fS.w Government forces hdve cap­ The Coventry Republican gatlonal Church, and the Rev. garden salad, buttered opposing Mao Tse-tung’s cultur­ Introductory Special Only tured 30 members of the Com­ South Windsor has asked Ver- attend a workshop tomorrow hj On Poverty Women’s Club is undertaking Mr.-Beldan of the First Church, vegetable, bread and butter. al purge,, a Japanese corre­ , ji - * V. 1 w it Plainvllle sponsored by the a survey to "feel the pulse" of The special service is open to orange - g is^ fru it ambroria; • Linnid Dish Detergent ...... r *...... ***' *■ ,' «?’oq munist terrorist bkpd that at­ non to indicate by, Dec. 1 K it membership of the Con- A film which has been shown • All Purpose C lean er...... ao’io spondent reported today. tacked a police/Unit last Satur­ independent and Republican vot­ Tuesday — Chicken fricassee • Machine Dishwasher D etergen t...... 10-lb. tub Writing from Tientsin, the will Sign the charter for the necticut State Federation of oh both educational. and com­ ers in town regarding -^heir League Rally Sunday ■ puttered rice, Jullenre car- day in n or^ e^ t Thailand, press North Central Refuse District.’ Women’s Club. Reports will be • Spray Window C lean er...... - • -P *' K**- correspondent of the Tokyo reports sald/here today. mercial television will be pre­ thoughts concerning phases of The Walther (League of rots, bread and butter, frosted T h ^ prices reflect a SAVINGS of 85-40% over comparrtle paper Asahi said the posters The board of representatives made on such national projects Report:^laid the terrorisfts, sented .Sunday evening at 7:30 the town’s locab government, Prince of Peacie Lutheran spice cake; Wednesday — ham premium qnaUty retail! Items cash 'n carry only. No samples. . . . . ■ _ as Hope. Care, Operation have been displayed for more believed'io number about .200, has been hedging on s.gnmg the reports Mrs. Donald C. Smith, Church has its rally Sunday loaf, pineapple aauce, scalloped 100% Betoild Guarantee* _ _ than 10 days. at the First Congregational split itito smaller groups and charter which would brmg the Church. president evmlng In the church. potatoes, yegatible fticks, bread The report said the indictment : Sunday worship services here and butter end apple betty. SYNDET PRODUCTS, Iim . w e ^ attempting to flee to the Announces "The Captive", Is part of a The survey will ask about against''- Liu covered 80 double- S.B. district into being. The matter Locgi members attending are iwarby hills or cross the Me­ interest and talents are at 10:lS a.m., with the Rev. Schedule for Wednesday’s MM ST. (Ext.), MANCHES'rBB, CONN. has been discussed but not re- j^^s. Paul PhUippe, Mrs. Hugh scries enUtled "This Tangled residents' size newspaper pages, that kong River to Laos. and determine the extent to William H. Wllkens, pastor, de- early closing: Coventry High, Opposite PAW Guard Hoope solved at several meetings of collins, Mrs. Will Burrows, World." The filni portrays pov­ against Teng was 15 pages longy which each would participate in llvering the sermon. Sunday 12:88 p.m.; George Hersey Come to the “Red Door” '• ^ ^ ^ the board. Mrs. Robert Skowronek, Mrs. J. erty in modem Aniierica. Retail Hours: 9 A.M.-12rtK) Noon Monday thro Snwrday and no effort had been made ,to local governmental activities. School Is at 9. . Robertson, 1 p.m.; Coventry take them down. This coul^n- Some of the representatives Alan Schuerman, M ra Robert The public was invited to at­ Mrs. a a r a Hladky, Mrs. Jo- ^he Lutheran Church will Grammar, 1:20 p.m. dicate they were approv^ by A C L V ^ e t O f feel the charter would give the Hatch and Mrs. Douglas Bunce. tend the showing. Refreshments seph L. Shanahan and Mrs. Hen- pnve a Thanksgiving Day Ma- Onb ^ ^ ^ g Mao and Defense M in i^ t Lin district too much power as it Airman SchwieltsCr ate d will be served after the presen­ Another Step Forward in ry Sherman comprise the 10:15 ajn . Thureday Coventry Lions Club mepts Plao, Mao’s heir apparont. gives it autonomy in financial Airman 2-G Darid SchWeiUer, tation. R p;p^ Draft matters as well as gives it the goj, Mr. and Mrs. WilUam To raise additional funds for "Political Education Commit- (pjov. 24) in the church. * P-”*- home of Paul Si^ ed by the Red^uards, the tee” which will steer this ven- Fire Auxiliary Sale W. Judkins, president on Na­ NOTICE power to condemn land foe use. schweHzer of 95 South St., was completion , of ^ the social room ^ posters accuse Liu’and Teng of .,-'V(Fe s x HARTFORD (AP) — Other board members were selected alrmcin for the month ^ church, a bazaar will be ture, Mrs. Smith said. This com- The North Coventry Volun- than Rale Drive, EFFECTIVE DEC. 1 . representing capitalis^.,.4ii John D. Pemberton, head of the of the o{Hnk>n that these powers g f September, staged Dec. 10. Although final mittee meets at 8 p.m. Monday tear Fire Department Auxihary Tbe club Is sponsoring a opposing the ^ r e a t proletfirlan American QvU Liberties Union, at' the home of Mrs. Shanahan R having a combination Christ- "Free Sportsmen’s Show" at 8 must givw m order to have gchweitzer is stationed in La- plans are ndt yet complete the OUR SERVICE DEPARmENT cultural revpHitl^’> '^ criticized the Selective Service 62 Years of Progress on Flanders Road to Implement mas and food sale from 9 .a.m. P-^- Nov. 29. at the Nathan the (listnct funetKm. presented a affair will offer a white elephant ■ Similar ^^i^ctments against draft Thursday as “one of the sale, a food booth and seasonal this survey. to 2 pjn. Dec. 3 in the Church Hale Community Center. There the two/pld't3ommunl8ts were most severe, if not the most The letter from Mayor certificate in recognition of out- W ill BE CLOSED ON SATURDAYS. items for Christmas. The GOP Women’s Club has CommunHy House. Mrs. Rich- will be a film on hunting, boat- put W l)y Red Guafds in severe,______wholesale ______deprivations - w Thibwe said if he did not hear standing performance of duties, been invited to the local Repub- aid Cooper is general chairman, iug and fishing. Light refresh- jPeklng recently but were less of civil liberty we tolerate to from Vernon’s Mayor Thomas ^ The Pilgrim Fellowship -will OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS ihinently in e ...... displayed. serve a simple luncheon and ar- lican Town Committee*'meeting 4-H Vacancies ments will be served * t m P7 day.’’ McCusker by Dec. 1 he would ^ „ ^ „ e n t s have been assume/the town was not rn- list Gordon MacEionald will do at 8 p.m. Dbc. « in the Board The Stttoh-Its 4-H Chib has oharg^ The p u b lic ^ s invited, TILL I I Pemberton said that compul­ made with the Manchester charcoal sketches, ideas for ex- Room Of the Town Hall. several vacancies. This is a sew- Meeting ReMb^uled / Air Wreck Probed sory military service is “ar through S e rv ic e * .. . VciTKm initiated the use of its o< / BERLIN (AP) — A team of after the North East v panding the scope and fun of the The women’s group has an ing club for beginners in 4-H. The Fragment SALES DEPT. OPEN AS USUAL threat to the Integrity of con­ rifle range by the Rockville project would be welcomed by open meeting planned for Jan-., Further fo rm atio n may be ob- Second C ong^atlonm Chi . American aeronautical experts science," as well as an infringe­ S High school team. / ■ has begun a study of 16 truck- was dissolved when the pastor’s wife. Mrs. Raymond uary, when Atty. John W. All^n tained. from Mrs. WUlism Miller me«^ N o v .^ ment upon physical liberty. Charged on WArrant |/ loads of wreckage from a Pan /Jilanchester and Bolton lost in- Bradley, Jr. will discuss "Rome I^ile" and of Brewster Street, club leader, stead of w ed n ^ ay , in TED TRUDON In an address sponsored by Jam es R. Oorckme Jr., 18, American World Airways cargo ^ terest 4-H Panel to Meet its relationship to e tbwn char- Clubhouse Auction Church Community House on the University of 'Connecticut of Mountain Spring Rd., was ar- A meeting of the 4-H Town ter and expla^ how such an Waterfront Heights Assocla- Rt, 44A. / J jet for clues that might tell why student Bar Association, Pern In favorMayor of the McCusker, board signing who was x^egted last night on a warrant v o lk sv /a g En Comittee is scheduled Monday instrument is established. Uon is auctioning its 40 by 40 the plane crashed Tuesday in berton said the proposed uni- the charter to create the dis- jggued by Circuit Court 12 / Allep -tvas chairman of a foot chibhouse and its contents Manoheeter Evening Herald TOLLAND TURNFINE, TALCOTTVILLE / Fast Germany. versal national service for those Electronic Data JK»aw'’nSt” ‘n 4 S E ’ «l‘ t o with b to d i o t t o j ; ., ; ,'- ” ; “00 t t o S CTmmluk»;";SUli”pto ot iiSO ot t o b»ol. Ut.. O o i^ Pieces of the Boeing 727 and who don't qualify for the draft the bodies, of its three American u even worse-than the present S It W w«i th. r.™» .1 “lilt » fP-t >« “>• B-tb •' *"> “ ™ “• crew members were tumqd system. ed ki 4-H work and desiriiig Selectmen. The, report went to Signed. dirturbancertj^ba at the Beef Oor- over to U.S. military authorities " it would be a tragedy and more information on the wide a referendum June 24, 1965, and Signing the oharter -will not ral onRt,^83, Nov. 12. Oorclone was defeated. Thursday by Soviet troops. • a disaster if we jumped from range of activities, it,1 includes necessarily mean that the towns posted a $10() bond for appear- • j . Six new members of the GOP The plane, on a mall run from a system where there is a com- will immediately build an in- ance in Rockvlil? Circuit Court ^9 attend^ Women's Club are M n. Hladky, Frankfurt, crashed three miles pulsion for some part of an age cinerator. A district must have 12, Dec. 12. Offle^-^bert Ahn- HoUda]^ Decorations from the Wests>Berlin border a group to service to one where Decorations for Christmas will Mrs. Sherman, Mrs. Walter El- at least two towns signing the ert made the arresU few minutes before it was to the whole group would be com- be the major acti-vity when the well, Mrs. Joseph Walker, Mrs. charter. Sohoel Menus land . in the French sector, 14 pelled,” Pemberton said. department auxiliary meets Robert Kennoni and Mrs. Maude ’The town of Vernon has been carried no passengers. He pointed out that the as- The Savings Bank of Manchester will soon install X®?.®." 8 p.m. at the fire- Mmphy. . sum'pticm that these people without dumping facilities for Monday: Meat balls in sauce, house. Refreshments will be Mark several years and has bad to buttered rice, keinel corn, salad; Passport Returned would be made to serve because the most modern electronic data processing served by Mrs. jolm Haloburdo 'The Coventry Public Health DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania Jt vrould do them good, is • not rely on other towns. Tuesday: Vienna sausage, mash­ and Mrs/D|ivid Hudak. Nursing Association has been ed potato, creamed corn; (AP) — The Tanzanian govern- consistent with a free society’s system available to savings institutions anywhere Presently officials arc con­ The auxiliary is holding a sale conducting a mall drive for ment today returned American principles. sidering going into Ellington to Wednesday: Tomato and veg­ of baked goods toiporrow from operating funds since October. etable .soups, clam chowder, mi.ssionary John Andrew Hallo- Even if something is good for in the world. This modern space-age computing use that town’s proposed .landfill 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. dt^toe fire­ So far the returns total 66 per crackers, tuna salad and peanut way’s passport to him with apo­ someone, he should still have a refuse area. They are awaiting house. / cent of the budgeted goal of $l,- butter sandwiches. Dessert, logies and rescinded an order free choice to take advantage of marvel is shown being compered to the hand- cost figures from the owners of 250, reports Mrs. Thomas J,. for his expulsion. the help, he said in his speech the proposed area, Earl Park­ milk, bread and butter served Manchester Evening Herald (^ane, publicity chairman. with all meals. The missionary, who manages at the University of Connecticut copied ledgers of 1905. The system will be in op­ er and Irving Sweet Andover correspondent, Law­ Mrs. Crane poinhi out that the Lutheran (Church hostel In School of Law. Maple Streeit School —Mon­ Women’s Board Meets rence Moe, teL 742-6796. the association provides for Dar es Salaam, was told Mon­ Pemberton noted that the 1941 day: Beef stew, cornmeal eration at all five S.B.M. offices in January, I9A7 The executi-ve board of the townspeople skilled nursing day to leave the country by Sat­ renewal of the draft passed in Bubmfcan Woman’s club will sandwiches; Tuesday: • 1 s ssrvice, medical supplies, health urday. Congress by only one vote. “We and will be tied directly in to the Burroughs meet Tuosday at 8 p.m. at the g r ^ ^ a n s cole slaw, O r f f a H * G F l l l ( l c r ” supervision, well-child confer- ’The Home Ministry refused to should be shocked how easily home o(f Mrs. Robert Houley, 75 -J^ a n b rc ^ . Wednesday: _ ® _ ..— ^—_ -J— , ences and immunization clinics. disclose the reason for the ex­ each subsequent renewal has Computor Center. MerlineDr. Charot*! hamb^ on rolls; po- ]\ear l-D aV M aTK In order that these services may pulsion. A delegation of top J . . been passed,’’ he said. , tato chips, • oairot and celery be continued and expanded, it Church officials called on Home in Record Quest is important that the goal be Minister Lawi Sijaona today. NEOOTIA'nONS RESinVfE a parent-teacher group at the t t « i. i ^ achieved, ishe said. Immediately after that the min­ BOSTON (AP) — NegoUatlons VeniOT Center Junior H igh will (Coiitlnued from Page One) Anyone who has not yet fcon- istry reversed itself. will resume Monday on a con- be hold Monday at 7:30 p.m. in Macaroni shells with hamburg. tributed w u urged to send do­ k Trumbull wants to surpass the _ ^ tract between Stop Shop and the school cafeteria. Tuesday: nations to John Greene, RFD.3, Joint Communique First National stores and the The meeting is the result of Vegetable soup, meat or butter 103-hour, 2-minute and 5-second Trowbridge Rd. mark which he said was set ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia Amalgamated Meat Cutters and a survey made of some 1.350 ^dwmhe,. ^ September by Le« Lee of Holiday Sermon Topic (AP) — The Viet Nam war Butcher Workmen of North pairs of parents who were i>oUed Northeast , "A Day of Giving Thanks” could be ended on the basis of America. The talks were re- at recent conferences. About hath, mashed potatoes, Jacksoi^le, Fla. vrill* be the sermon topic of the the 1954 Geneva agreement and cessed Thursday, 475 indicated a desire for a par- butter^ cabbage, carrots, ap- , WiUiam E. Beldan, pastor respect for the rights and inter- At stake Is a new contract ent-teacher organization Tuesday: Hamburgs of First Congregational Church, ests of the Vietnamese people, for 4,(XX) workers at Stop k Shop many ih i^ te d a wiUingness to p S e s '^ T ^ t ^ Emperor Haile Selassie and meat departments in Oonnecti- ship hour. serve as officers or on commit- Sm ; "Mo^gtow” at the Czechoslovak President Antonin cut, Massachusetts, and New tees. time, ”irtie church Bible Study Group Novotny ssild in a joint commu- Hampshire, and for 10,(XX) First Masons Set Meeting ’Thanksgiving recess, half-day- meets at 8 p.m. ’Tuesday in nique today. National employes in all depart­ ■: / no lunch served; _____I^ rii® (he stint, w a itre s s Fayette Lodge of ‘Masons will Kingsbury House.----- Issued after a five-day irlsit ments in those three states plus ..to Ttod., M 7:30 p«. ot 5^' S llyS There will be an Ecumenical by Novotny, the communique Maine. Service of Thanksgiving at 8 said he and Selassie “ag;reed The old contract expired Nov. Bettei’ Customer the Masonic Temple, Orchard S t p.m. Wednesday in the new St. the war constitutes a serious 12, but the union decided against Hamburg on bun or chodee of “^'y '>«’”y P « ^ ' ^ » Mary’s Roman Catholic Church threat to world peace and inter­ calling a strike, following a Singing Group to Rehearse soups, pudding and cream. container of oxygen will be on A rehearsal of the - newly Hall on Rt. 31, sponsored by national security." management pledge that the ■ SclKXds will be cloeed“the lait- the two local Oohgregatlbnal The two leaders condemned contract terms would be retro­ formed, singing group of the t«r part of the week for Thanks- prevent hailucinafions. Churches and the local Roman ai>artheid — race separation — active to Nov. 12, Vemon Junior Women’s Club gi'ving recess. The idea for the marathon will be held IXiesday at 8 p.m. began alter the ow n er of the Catholic Church. at the home of Mra. John Oar-'" ’Ike Herald’s Vernon Bureau ^ijon M : ^ Shop told Igyne of Taking part will be the Rev. . — the reported record m Florida. Bernard J . Foster and the ter, 81 Deerfield Drive. This is Is at 88 Park St.,^Boekvllle. P. ..j ^ ^ open to ail club members. Rev. Robert Lynch, both of St. Women a t Workshop O. Box 827, tel. 87S-S136 or 643- Layne- Mary’s: Dr. Allison Heaps, in­ Several members of the Vei^ * 711, , - ^ ______And-now he’s trying.' terim pastorbf SAcdhd Cpngre- Through 62 years of banking service to the Man- Chester Community, S.E^. M. has always“eaferTded old-fashioned, personal service to its customers for their every banking need. The same prompt, HO NEED TO HUNT friendly and effective service will be offered our customers when we install this extremely fast and ^7 ! FOR A QUALITY accurate system. All types of transactions will be handled at each teller station. The teller will ■ not have to leave his window to obtain informa­ - V USED car::, p tion and ledger cards; thus, even faster and more personal attention will be afforded to each cus- W f YE GOT THE ONE YOU'RE LaOKING ■W ...... toitier.. ‘ !T~ FOR RIGHT NOW ON OUR OK USED CAR LOT. 64 CHEVROIiT $2045 64 CORVAIR $1395 66 CHEVROLET $2945 Impala Super Sport Convertible. V-8, Monza Convertible. 6 cylinder, Auto., Bel Air Station Wagon. V-8, auto., auto., radio,! heater, power steering, radio, heater, bucket seats, white- power steering, radio, heater, white- whitewalls. walls. walls. Remaining he\V car warranty. 62 FORD $1095 65 VOLKSWAGEN $1395 64 CHEVROLET $1775 Deluxe Sunroof. 4 cylinder^ 4-speed, Galaxie Sport Coupe. V-8, auto., radio, radio, heater, whitewalls.' ^ Impala Convertible. V-8, standard, Diamond Solitaira 8100 beater, power steering, whitewalls. ladio, heater, whltewalla You Get Personal Service from People 62 CHEVROLET $995 o r 81,000. 65 CHEVROLET $1845 Bel Air 4-Door. 6 cylinder, standard, 62 CHEVROLET $1345 Bel Air 4-Door. 6 cylinder, auto., ra­ radio, heater, whitewalls. Impala Convertible. V-8, auto., radio, There hs» been a 10% dio, heater, whlteWalls. heater, whitewalls. increase in Diamonds at You Know when you Bank at S. B. M. .. to. M M Uw dlslmond mines. Antio- 65 CHEVROLET $2345 Man's Diamond Ring 8200 ipating this increase, Mr. 64 CHEVELLE $1745 Ihiipala Super Sport Convertible. 327 65 FOR^ $1995 8.0.M B . purchased over ^100,000 In Diamonds, which are V-Is, 4-speed, radio, heater, bucket Malibu SWper Sport Convertible. V-8, Falrlane "500” Sport Coupe. V-8, 4- offered for Christmas sale at the original low prices. Tbs seats, whitewalls. Remaining new car Treasure Shoppe.Is never knowingly undersold! 4-speed, radio, heater, bucket seats. warranty. speed, radio, heater, vdiitewalls. Msmbor of PsJsssI PsposK I PARKADE OFFICE 63 MERCURY 63 GHEVROLET $1245 63 CHEVROLET $1425 Comet 4-Dobr. 6 cylinder, auto., radio, Bel Air 4-Door. 6 cylinder, auto:,'ra­ heater, whitmans. dio, heater, whitewalls. B ank OPEN

□ . 1 SATURDAY MOlWiNOI; fS a ^ c A J ' MAIN OFFICE i|A8T BRANCH WEST MUMCH 923 Main Street, E Center St,Cof. Lenox ^ ch eeter Parkade Him 'Jffwdon Rir GoMratfom SOUTH WINDSOR OFFICE StilHvan- Avenue Shopping Center BURN8I0B OFFICS purmide AvwMte at Ctwich Street, Enk Hartfort MANCHESTER PARKADE k

.. r ■'/ /


■'" ■ "’ '"TH E

Irish m Point Favorites BATURPAT m Herald Angle i m ( 9) Notre Dome vs. EAST LANSING, Mich. plus stronc defansss — that Ui« game Mke this, you ^ ' t tell. large part ot the nhUon — al> MicAlgaa State ®y . la (AP) — Notre Dame ruled outcome may hinge on who One team -may get a quick though not all — by ABC-TV. SK)0 (SO) Roller Derby sparu Briefs [ Central Loom s Tough Again !c: makes the fewest mistakes," br^eak — an intercepted pass or Other areas will get it by de- EARL YO ST an uneasy 4i^-point favo­ S:S0 ( S) Gadaboqt ( S) Countdown to NEW YORK (AP) — By EARL YOST While toe coach feels ^ the top-placed Fighting Irish. the thing wide open. Then both, Pro scouts wiU be out in clust­ Kickoff hell League. six field goals from Gaio won’t have the consistency of A here Saturday in the battle The Pittsburgh Steelers Cleveland, trying to atay alive Added Polish “We’ll start off press- "Although both are hlgh-scor- or one or the other, might rack ers. No teams ^ the country ( 8) NCAA—u s e vs. Tepiremian, their left-footed Notes from the Little Black Book year ago, - he feels that toerf with two impressive sc^po in the Bast, enteitaina Washing­ Spiced Mith Emotions and running. If the df XU top-ranking ii o !■ it: XU unbeaten X u XU teams, I„thlnk-^s-^»rfght-«^P-a-blg-sco^eT"------have more prospective No. 1 UCLA Boccer-type kicker from Cyp*'**i - , V WICHITA, Kan. (AP) — The in g will be more depth, especialfy' already dangling from the ton — the first of two games in Five new schools will appears on the East Catholic is ineffective ^OtDail uoiiatns that both weU develop into a defensive The blue ribbon battle, creat- draft choices. (80) Bowling X T ' X j X j »> n ___ u T«i.« V,..,:/. National Baseball Congress is fast break underneath, capable of playiq^ belts go for the Eastern five days for tbe Browns. lest week. But the Colts’ Lou High basketball schedule this season, Windham. East “When------I first camd to Harvard, Coach John Yqvic- , „ „ „ „ ^nd we sfc concede may be decided by game. Then it’s a* question of Ing more national interest than BiOO ( 8) Race of the Week iu and we start making er- on a college level. The weather forecast is for ___ They’U meet Dallaa.in the Oot- Michaels, a conventional a- quick early break. which geU the big break." any college encounter in a cou- cloudy skies and temperature 5:80 (SO) AJFL Report Conference grand slam Hartford, Stonington, Waterford and Naugatuck-. Coach sin says, "I didn’t pnderstand how one game could be franchised sand-iot leagues. rors, We’ll cut it down Schedule - wise, the tou gh e^ they face the Dallas ton Bowl on Tban^vkig ^y. etraight-awey _ hooter, leads the The prise is No. 1 ranking and Duffy Daugherty, loose and pie of decades, kicks off at 1 ;30 around 40 degrees. The field is 6:00 (80) NFIL Game of the Don Burns’ Eagles open Dec. 6 at home,against Pen- so important. But I know now.” Congress President Ray Du- and play differently, Bill slate In history faces toe DeV- n o w b o v s in a National tn other gamea, Chicago visits n FL In scoring with 82 points. Hero are two schools — Yale the probable national college joke-cracking coach of the No. 2 p.m. at Spartan Stadium before covered as protection against Week: Rams vs. Giants ney High of East Hartford. Both East’s games with " mont said today the 1967 rules Detrick told newsmen last ils, 23^games. "I would like tq^ Baltimore is ^ Wlnlese Atlanta, which has championship. Michigan State Spartans, agrees an expected sellout crowd of predicted light raih dr snow Fri­ SUNDAY TTOloauFootball LeagueLieaeue game Sun-oun ^ ^ straight, could South Catholic High will be staged at Central Connecti- Haiwart — whose football yp against a team with only will require umpires to shine night after to put his Cen- win “''ll# games,” Detiick sai|L 1'these teams are so much that a tight, hard-hitting cmitest nearly 79,000 imd a broad televi­ day. U:00 ( 8) Pittsburgh vs. cut :8tato College In ,New Brit- .------^------teams don t play toe most su- lineman under 200 pounds their shbes before every sane- tral Connecticut squ ad "We design our attack to beatT alike — both big, well-balanced is. in prospect, but he warns; Bx 1 _ V .. '**** have a chance against the Inju- aln. . . . Chariey Loftus'I’ nifty ro ll-. rams or United States. _ Maryland State’s elephant- tioned game. through a lengthy drill. sion audience. Thus, a fast-footing and a dry Penn State ,, The ateelers had lost five Mlmiesola plays at Los Angelea —.jidden Giants, everyone. We’re sheioting for with good passing and running "In an emotionally' packed footbaU may be expected. Yals-Prineton football gams olav*^ll^^ uo “^® Dame-.g^^ .Hlwks, as a pubUclty re- - " “It’s a lot easier to slow wins in every game.” It is being beamed live to a 1:00 ( 8)' Time Out for straight when they suddenly ^ gaj, Ffancdeco entertains ' ‘ the ...___X *h tourney play will plqk up Mlchlran State. But their meet- i . . . . {iTOlll fls’rtithA«-n nallssH TT. program last Saturday featured Michigan State. But their meet- i . . . . Sports turned on Cleveland and Philadelphia. Dtok Southern called Harris Hired down an attack if necessary,” “■While our schedule is much the state’s most successful col- ( 8) Yale FootbaU defeated the Browns 16^ two aevelSd boasts a potent of- jSSlfTyilto: "Yale Salutes Alblc Booth.” In- meS^^of'*wto“‘toe ^ tougher, we hope to improv^t 1:15 ( 8) NFL-Aitlanta eluded in toe art work was a JJL s SrttoSixth ^ a ® * “ 8 Southern defeated arch-rival ATLANTA (AP) — Luman mentor said. L(wt year the even more In the future, 'we Case *• - - emoUon. Central Connecticut State last Harris, former, manager of the Blue Devils won 23 of 26 starts i l i i S vs. Giants first place « . K .,,, picture of AJble B<)oth with i m would like to play a t least tWo 8:30 (SO) AFXr—Patriots B ob' O'Connell of Manchester. ^ The Harvard'Stadium at Cam- week 40-13 "and I’m afraid that Houston Astros, has been l)ir®d and wound up with district A. ! or three major New England toe Cardlnala ixMk a 30-9 rap­ mentlng t^ p^ing of F r^ feterce^ five times and Chester Midget and Pony Foot- bridge. Mass, will be packed of our boys don’t realize by-toe Atlanta Braves to man- “ „ o r r ' Ends, Dallas vs. Kansas City ping. Now Dallas, with a The latter is a former Yale teams. ' We want to "play trfa for only 83 yards passing In mm 8:45 ( 8) NFL—Eagles va chance to move into a flirt- yards r u n n ^ oM Grom 6M tor ^ b .« ..(W a l npU dn .11-Ivy 1 ! «t tte f r " " * ' ' “ ■ " " * £ “ * «i>i*ln. M - Rl.hm«r.pl. Ilk. our .ly l.." best small college teams avail­ 49ers. place tie wWi Idle St. Louis, second end fourth place among ^ o.n«r. . • ■ SrH^oif»... will k. ». *>„•. 7^^!, .Xid* D.wok pl.y.» able. It’s not easy scheduling Gains Tackle doffed In toe direction of Steve some, especially when you ar*** runs into the red-hot Steelers. NFL rushers and Ryen has o .i mil V«ulhAotMlyCo»n,llt..oJll,. „„oV, H.r.»A'. '" a’ ^ I ; " wk« .Iw. Ik. 2 , ° '"‘j’ m Hemenway. The a winner.” iv HOUSTON, Tex. (AP)—Tackle The Cowboys, one-half game thrown 19 touchdown.passes. *WUtoeI. iCuback Rain- Fracchla, ardent lo Yoyicsin. The staff that sruess* Tangerine Bpivfi game Dec. Baltimore Orioles for part of Odds Staggering behind the Cardinals, got a pay- Green Bey, tied tor the West- l » w bebn Manchester High fullback gain The holiday tourney, Dec. 29i* Ralph Neely is officially a cal fisherman. cs right technically and the jq Orlanda, Fla. Tangerine 1961, was fired at Houston fol- Plndlnr replacements for Jim lift for their game ern Conference lead wlthBaltl- pWaa quar^backi^ ed the headlines with a six- BILL DETRICK 30, should be a pip. Dallas Cowboy today and of­ Against Leading Thursday when Giey leairned more, had a week off to con- and tt will am toue tort tou(>hdown performance against ^ l^ '*;h iro“ nla«®*in *toe^’’re'l:cn® ^ e oto'toe*^®^1f officials have already lowing the 1965 season. Muraski *^and^ Gene Reilly are ficials of the American and Na­ r9 T5 Thursday campaigqi with a gaudy 135-29 that tackle Ralph Neely now temptte Ita 20-17 loss to Min- ^ ^ le e flirt vis** to Bm winless iBristol Central High, & ckeq liforgan SU^ ------^ the biggest gaps. ir... ino- '.1 tional Football Leagues say the M artoas Vineyard Stripped ner. have said they will choose the "W e won’t be as cute as last won-loss log. METS GAIN ON MOUND Teams Meeting The big junior can give his Bass Fishing Derby. .New Eng- Sauad Named deal that brought it about, sig­ belongs to them with no strings nesota. Bart Starr is leading toe Francisco in s e ^ Coach ^t-m Cozza o^ ^ale ^^er squad from among South- SquaG liamCG ______gtronger______un. Co-captains Bob Plosky, Stan a t S d . - NFL in passing, but the Packers B ^ e set a 49er rerord mates a big assist for the rec- ... nals a new era. "The hay is in the bam ," said . , * . , , land Basketball Association will also is concerned with emotion. Oinnertirnt 'rs-ai NEW YORK (AP) — Witlf ord Central SAVANNAH, G a .(A P ) - der toe boards,” he added. This Pelcher, Paul Zajac and Charlie Neely, former University of Ara Parsegihlen. Neely had been toe subject of may have to go ^ tingz upTe^Wrt t^o ®P®« emotions were hurt" SJinScut (7 2^ ams"te“; go^r^^'orbriregrof Texai wrt o ^ X BokusU Vre' returning letter- their roster showing 10 pitcl^ Oklahoma star, had signed con­ About all that wae left for a long end bitter battle in the Honiurg. who is nursing a neck m o tie with Chicago last Bua * stopping short" of toe Hartford with Ray Me- in a disappointing loss to Prince- (s-i), Vermont (6-2), u.______------.-.uT— *.. men. the first three starters. ers who accounted for a total oF ers, stopping , , . . . . 1 . , V, j ------Springfield has been named as one of toe * scrimmage, an old fashioned I*'® three starters. .__ tracts with both the Cowboys of Notre Dame end Michigan State courts b e t w e e n Dallas and injury. ______. . victories ih'’ goal line on runs. Kenna’s Explorers facing Men- ton last week, he says, and and Temple (7-2). Shrine Bowl teams which will rough! and tumble affair with Little Mike Moore of Plain- the NFL and the Houston Oilers w«re the finishing touches as .* a ♦ den with Gene Reilly. The adds, emotion^ bounceback is sixteen seniors, including Dick battle for the national junior no quarters asked or given. ville has moved Into Reilly’s,spot 1966, the New York Mets fig- of the AFL.' However, be was the two top-rated college foot- league will play 12 minute Nocera, will see their last college championship here Nov. Detrick is starting his sev- and much is expected from y*"® . ,r® adjudged Houston property by .ball teams awaited their mom­ Here *n There quarters this campaign. But it la THE GAME at Har- scheduled college action against 25. enth season as head man. His' Ge&»)ge Benoit from Bristol and the 1967 seasons. When tM 8 the courts. - entous clash Saturday jn East Nine Grid Deaths Sandy Nilell Is 8100 richer ♦ * "’ vard>rfd Cozza says'Tm confl- Maryland State (6-2). Nocera _ first lieutenant is Eddie Ros- Howie DlckenmOn of Norwich, Mets opened the 1966 campaign At a meeting Thursday Lansing, Mich. after he tossed a 201 single P n n ta a n d Paaa<-a

. '■/ ■ r ' V '-. \ ^ . ' ^ k ■■■ 1 . - J ^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18,1966 PAGE TWENTY-ONE PAGE TWEN3T MANCHESTER ^ EVENING HERALD, jiANCHEST^R, CONN^ FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18,1966 —----- r—------b y FAGALY and SHORTEN Help Wantod-^Mah ~ Help W antiM faM ^ BY ROtJSbN OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLB BidldliitY-CQiitnctiBC 14 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW LITTLE SPORTS MAN NBEDED In Manchester FURNnUM itolesAlm.fuU to Monetary Matters ISI QUALinr Uarpontiy — Rooma, weO.,HO MAN WHO S*HS ME dorm ant porches, faaaementB, We-AMoGOrALOliar vicinity te do Janitorial work, part-time. Apply Marlowli, IS MMSPEtiSABLI.] KNT IMfORIMT? AY Him FEUUAY 10:80 AJM. BATUIIDAt t AJM. too m tJ L Can 648-8144. 31 Beam of light 62 Garden tools 30 S t * of grass Island group CALL cleaning, porter service, ALU FULL 22 Coloring agent 63 Indian weight 22 588 (Roman) 42 Personal ADOmOND —ramodeUng. ga- Roferencos, drlvor’s Ucenso. rMTELLlN'VA' 23 Aromatic 64 One (comb, M ^ h y tonlan god pronoun PLEASE READ YOUR AD ragea. rao rooms, bathrooina ■VOU'LLHAVE > THIS IS TH' beverage form) 25250 (Roman) 45 Interior HEALY BUILDING TO TAKE THE 25 Mohammedan DOWN 25 King of larad 45 Sturdy tree CleaelSeS or **WMrt Ads” ate 8elm ever tiw phwMM.a tiled, kltcbens remodeled. Can Maintenance Service BtfooM ciosen (Bib.) 47 Ready money coiiveplwiica. Tlia advartlaer ehnmld mad Ma ad tka n B S T NEXT CARi Judge IBack of neck 48 Exchange Leon Cteoiynala, RuOdor, 649- HEALY BUILDING 28 Chide 2 African seaport 27 CartUleate of DAY HTAPPRABS and RKFOBT EUUtOBS la tiaia far On 4291. Part-time Openings for 3 Narrated debt cemium vehemently tacr^ bird of .BKct taeertlaa. H m narald la reaDoaaiblM far naly ONB la^or. 31 Written order 4Femele sheep 38 Insurance raot or aniltted Insertion for aaj admOaMaent aad thea, mmlf Morning and Evenings Maintenance Service to a bank 5 At that place contract . CUSTOMER 8 satisfaction our Solomonic 28 Man's 51A ^U te to tha axteat of a ~maln Rood** hwarttoa. Brton wWeii «a aol guarantee. Any type of romod* 33 Harem room 6 62 Operatic - i — 524-0620 3i^YeUovir bugle 7 Greek mount nickname ,> IrsaMi tlM valoa of tho advartlaaawat w tt daf ka oorfoeted ky ellng is our speciality. Let us 524-0620 plant 8 Protective cloth 30 Level 53 Premeditate "malm ■oad'* ' I 36 Research room 8 Repeating 32 Leg Joints 54 Too ' estimate your plan. No obliga­ (coU.) 0 River in Siberia 38 School subject 68 Worm tion. Call Herm Prechette, 643- ITnoV/ WHATS WGOMG VATU 87 Negative iretix 11 Feminine title SCHOOL BUS driver port-tim e MEN — part-tim e for Janttorial i i lo B rra o ) 1567. Wesley R. Sm ith Con­ GOING ON SICK LEAVE? THE 1 2 3 4 0 0 1 8 0 i6 i1 struction C9..' 234 Center St. ROSS FINDS OUT HOW LITTLE hours 6 ;4S-8:45 a.m. and 2-4 work^and flodr waxing, open­ 643-2711 p.m., good wages. Equal op­ ings available memnings and 875-3136 CARPENTRY — Omicrete work HE IJEALLV NEEDS TOU! 12 i0 14 portunity employer. Silver evenings. -General - Cleaning ' anything from cellar to roof, Lane Bus Line, 49 Brainard Service, 46 Oak St., 649-5334. inside and out, no suiistttute for Place, Manchester. IS TT quality work, satisfaction guar­ ANPREW jn y m n s r e w C3e'^ - Tranble Reaching Our AdYertisar? PALO ALTO, CAUK ^ HOOPL& anteed, competetive prlcoA no 10 01 - ;/-/8 ______. ALLY OOP BY HAMLIN A 6 0 - 6 0 = 10 Job too email. D A D Carpen­ TOOL DESIGNERS MALE PRODUCTION 29-Hanr Answeriag Senrice try, days 643-1804, evenings OHWi ROC... OOP OOP? MY GOSH,, ITS OOOLA! SHES/------S , MY gosh, 648-8880. Top rates and overtime, WORKERS JUST c u r LOOSE ARE WE EVER / YEH? GOT INTO A "(OU V I CAN'T Free to Herald Readen Floor Flnisltliv; 24 Help Wanted-—Paaaio 35 Help Wanted—Male 36 full benefits and profit FROM THE GLAP TO GET ( WHAT^ SITUATION / CAN SEE A s EEAKIY- CARPBJ'fTRT—39 years expo- sharing. ■you BACK A UP? 8 HE CAN'T ( FDRTOURSaE-) THING/ W a Z7 Wkal kifomiaftoa aa advertoearaaetaT CANPHIL Floor covering, 73 COUNTER GIRLS wanted, LATHE HANDS and gur.eral HERE/ Ma aaaaar at tti rienen, complete remodeling, Openings in several cate­ 35 additions, roc rooms, concrete Birch St. Wall to wall carpet­ part-time,' evenings and week­ machinists, paid hospitaliza­ CARNrV AL BY DICK TURNER 5T ing. linoleum. Free estimates. ends, apply in person. Bess tion, holidays and vacation MANCHESTER gories on .all three sbifts, work and garages. References no previous experience nec­ . EDWARDS - given, free estim ates. Call 643- Expert installation. Call 643- Eaton Donut Shop, 150 C rater plan. Apply Metronics, Inc,, TOOL & DESIGN 36 1218 o r 649-2885. 8t., Manchester. 640 Hilliard St. 130 Hartford Rd., Manchester essary, will train. We-offer 2 6 » . ______* ANSWERMD SERVICE 649-5263 pay rates ranging from 42 Ca S b NTRT — AlteraUons SNACK BAR manager, good FIRST (XASS mechanic. Ap­ $2,310 to $3,692 per hour and additions, Rec rooms, ga> Bonds—Stocfc»— working conditions, salary. ply Bourne Buick, 285 Main plus 4% and 1% premium 44 46 S4945M - 875-151S Apply Topp’s Snack Bar, St. See Service Manager or FULL-UMB auto mechanic, on second and third shift. k ' ' . rages, ceilings.. Roofing, gut­ Mortfiiages 27 experience on front end ma­ aad leara yA » iwaaaa«a. YottNI kaar fron aar ters, siding, painting. Work- Windsor, or call 246-9972. Call 649-4571 for appointment. Frii^e benefits include 8 63 54 JMr WoM adtkoct r,ie^Dac all ovoulag at tko MORTGAGE LOANS — first chine helirful, top wages paid paid holidays, first dollar 47 48 mansliip guaranteed. A. A. e x p e m e n c e d ” d i e MjUCER to an experienced qualified second, third, all kinds realty, hospital and medical cov­ Dion, Inc.. 643-4860. full-time plus overtime. An man. See Mr. Sloan, Sloan Ga­ 56 58 Autmnobilco For ^ h 4 statewide, credit rt'.lng unnec­ FULL-TIME erage after the first 30 55 essary. Reasonable, confiden­ equal opportunity employer^ rage, Route 83 Vemra. n Apply Gayle Mfg. Co., Inc., days, pension plan, gener­ i : iW Wwu. I..,. T.M, UtTufi^, OH., g r 1961 CHRYSLER New Yorker, tial, quick arrangements. Alvin SALESGIRL ous vacation plan and paid 59 K2RALD 4-door hardtop, All power, ex­ Rooflnc—Sidkne 16 Lundy Agency, 527-7071, 883 1068 C Tolland St, East Hart­ ford. funeral leave. We pay, PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER ST 64 cellent condition. Must sell, BIDWELL HOME improvement '^aln 9t., Hartfoid, evenings 100% of group Insurance 16 BOX LETTERS $650. 649-0890. 233-6879. ° For our men's department COLONIAL BOARD Co. —Roofing, siding altera­ Good steady position, dis­ FULL-TIME —Men with Jani­ premiums. This is steady SHE SA«S -SIZE AND IF 'tOU THINK Bl® tions, additions and remodel­ torial experience and floor MOM SAV s PONTIAC 1964, Tem pest GTO, SECOND MORTGAGE - Un- count privileges, paid holi­ Company stiU hiring skUled year ’round -work with a HAS NOTHIN® THOUGHTS 'rOU CAN BE For Yuor ing of all types, Exc i^ent waxing experience, good wages BY J. B. WILLIAMS nice clean car .excellent condi­ limlted funds available for sec­ days and vacation. and unskilled. Male open­ progressive company. Ap­ Tt> DO WITH T NINE FEET TALL// OliT OUR WAY workmanship. 648-6406. and benefits. Apply General plications accepted dally B E I N ® ,B j ® y Infonnatioa tion, very good tires. Must ond mortgages, payments to ings on all shifts. Excellent Cleaning Service, 46 Oak St., between 10 a.m. and 3 p,m. HEASKEPAOUES NO,HE eOTHISANSWER— sell. Priced a t 31,525, 644-1912. R.W.A. r o o f in g and Sheet- suit your budget. Elxpedient wages, full-time. 6 days T 1ONON 5 H0 PPRO I THAT WAS ATRUMPEP-UP IBB RBRALD aot service. J. D. Realty, 643-5129. 649-5334. Interviews on Tuesday. Ap­ I CEDUftEANPTHE r OUESTIOW JU S T TO FINP OUT 1969 CHBWROLET Impala, metal Co. Roofing, sheetmetal, D &L per week, shift differential. BULL CU T HIM WHAT KIMPOFAMOODTHE Baeioao tlia Wtei. of home improvements, expert ~ t ■ ' ply to stafMlard, new motor, excellent BRIDGEPORT anr' lathe hands, Blue Cross,. CMS, Life In­ OFF SHORT— BULL'S IN.' HE VWAMTSAPER” ' hay adtrertiaar naing boa workmanship. Days 523-9986, Manchester Parkade CHESTER DREW SONAL FAVOR FROM TH E a J ? Mtara. Roadara anawar^ body, can be seen at 82 Oliver Bnsineas Opportunity 28 full and part-time, benefits, surance, paid holidays, oth­ A COMPLETE MAN, BUT HE'S FOUND OUT lag bUnd boa ada wbo Rd. evenings, 742-8648. group insurance, paid holidays er fringe benefits. Apply ROGERS CORP. •vO' v\ BLAWKTHAT THIS AIN'T THE TTVIE AMP RESTAURANTS — large and vacation. Apply at H A PLACE TO 6 0 dadn' to srotoot tbali PAYROLL CLERK — exper­ TIME.' small, with or without liquor B Tool A Engineering Co., 12 Manchester Division IMTOn? Identity oaa foDow tbla ienced in maintaining records procadurt: Roorins and Chtninevs 16-A I'cense. Phllbrick Ajgency, Prospect St., Manchester. and ability to work wHh fig­ COLONIAL BOARD CO. Mill and O akland Streets NO MONEY DOWN Realtors, 648-8464. HOOFING — Specializing re­ ures. Write Box G Herald. 615 Parker St., Manchester Bncloao yojr reply to tbs ’63- Rambler, 4-door 3645. GAS STATION attradants, full Mrs. E. S. Loftus Manchester, Conn. boa to aa aa'solapo — pairing roofs of all kinds, new AUTO AGENCY, new and PART-TIME evenings for office or part-time. See Mr. Sloan, addnaaed to tba Claaal* roofs, gutter work, chimneys used cars. For details call '63 Falcon Wagon ‘ 695. cleaning, General Cleaning Esso Service Center, Route 83, • 1M6 br NU, Im. •ad Ifaaager, Mandieeter cleaned, repaired. Aluminum Paul J. Correnti Agency, 643- m lUg UA Ml. Off. i \\\ ^ 1KB siding. SO years’ experience. Service, 48 Oak St-, 649-5334. Vernon. Bvaatac HeraM, togetbar '62 Comet, 2-door 645. 5363. arttb a marao Hating tbe Free estimates. Call Howley PART-TIME service station at­ WAYOUT BY KEN MUSK eompanloa you do NOT '60 Comet Wagon '-^95. 643-5361, 644-8333. tendant wanted. Apply in per­ want to a*o your loltor. \ ' SUNOCO 7-3, 3-11, RN or LP^I, part-time. son Boland Motors, 369 O e^ r Tour tottar arfD bo do- '60 Chevy W agon 245. R(X)FING- REPAIR of roofs. SERVICE STATION Laurel Manor, 648-4519. SALES CAREER St., Manchester. r Jd if tha adaartlaar la The best in gutters and con­ COUNTER WAITRESS, full yooYa memtloeiod. V ! ductors. Repair of chimneys, Available Now The Sun Life of Canada of­ SOLIMENE MOTORS or part-time. Apply Topp's • r aot tt an.1 bo boadtod to too. Call Coughlin, 643-7707. fers an exceptional oppor­ / / - / f l the uaual manaar. Inter-State Location Snack Bar, Windsor, or call RETIRED MAN - a wawiw.SK.Tl4. w or w. on. 367 Oakland St 643-0507 tunity to ambitious aggres­ 246-9972. Sunny Dollar Promotion sive men over the age of 25 FOR PART-TIM* “I hope you like that attache case, Dear! It has room Heating and Ptambing 17 Bring Record Sales MACHINE OPERATORS want­ ■wishing to improve their maintenance w o t o for 10 sandwiches!" Lost and Ftoontf FORD — 1966 Country Sedan, BOTTI PLUMBING and heat­ Days CaU Sun Oil Co. 568-3400 ed for 6 days, 40 hour -week, present earnings.' passenger power steering, APPLY . . . I/DST Passbook No. 97946 10 ing repairs, alteratkuie elec­ $1.60 per hour to start. Will power brakes, autom atic V-A Evenings Mr. D. Smith Savings Bank of Manchester. tric and gas hot water heat­ train. N. P. Hallral)eck Co., . Gan 643-4376. 236-0413 Tbe man we want must b» MCDONALD’S DRIVE-IN Application made for pay­ ers. CaU 643-1496. Bunker Hill Roed, Andover, married,' p-wn a car and .en^ THE TR1AI m e n t GOOD OPPORTUNITY —com­ 742-8051. 46 W. Center S t,, Man„ 60 Hillierd 9t. iJ)le. F o r interview, oaO A quality,heating oil delivered ers, sales and service, banded Storage , 20 PART-TIME CASHHDR — UA representative. Alfred Amell, FULL-TIME MAN for carpet 643-9674 or 64S-'ilS5 automaticallyl Burner service 24 /F/e Motocjrc3c»—BIcycliB 11 Restaurant—^Main St. loca­ Theatre, East 649-5491, Mr. WESHORE HAVE ENJOYEDTHISUTTUE 110 Biyan Dr.. Manchester. MANCHESTER Delivery. Ught tion. Owner retiring. Pric­ work room. Apply Mr. Thr- hours a day! An aasy-payment m 55 THAI^______A A0NVINCIKI6______AR6UMENT______/ trucking and package delivery. Daly. _Vl^rr, DAU6HTER,BUTY0U KWOWHOW WONl- 644-8141 or 643-4913. 1966 GREBVES^TM F S Woods ed for quick sale. geon, Watkins Bros., 935 Main plan! Gat thein all-Gat Sunoco e ST FOUK6 1S-VERMA ESTATE ing, Monday through Friday, WANTED p open Monday, Nov. 21. ■ 'G e t 8297 between 6-7 p.m. learn merchandising aspects of BY DICK CAVALLl ' your holiday haircut early. Sleep out 875-6974. drug store, good salary, fringe MORTY MEEKLE Fainting—Papering 21 643-5129 643-8779 Clean, Late Modd II BY ROY CRANE LIBRARIAN — Booth Dimock benefits and excellent, future. BUZZ SAWYER Business Services INSIDE and outside painting. 'Write Box T, Herald. OfO^ ^ Peroonabi 3 Library, some library exper­ USED CARS i U N O ^ C A N T V/E 016016600/2 e O hKO CHEO RTH E S W E E T O ffered 13 You name your own prlcb. SWIM POOL dealers wan^d, in ience, and typing, but library I - I CANT make HERE, IlLTAKE OFF MV SKIWY VOICE OF REASON^ Special rates for homeowners PONT GIVE DON'T HITMe, D lF F E l2 0 ^C B e IN A RIDE WANTED to Pratt A SHARPENING Service —Saws, ground, $595. and up. 'C ^tact degree not require^. 25-30 hour" Top Prices Paid up.MiMi. we IT, BUZ. MV FEET SHIRT AND WELL WRAP THEM, NASiy/VIOLENCE (ZEfiEONABLE WAV, 65 or over. 649-7868, 875-840L BUT WE'VE ear to make ' Whitney, first shift, from vi­ knives, axes, shears, skates, Fox Pools, Inc., 1895 Whiteford iV^ek, Saturday and 4 after­ For All Makes . HAVE ONUY AREKIUIN6ME. NEVER SOLVES LIkCE OENniEM EN-^ Rd., York, Pa. Phone (717) HKATINO o n e . THAT BAY BY DAYII6HT,MIMI. cinity Green R^l. Call 649-2585. rotkry blades. Quick service. TOP QUALITY work at low­ noons, 3 evenings. 742-6316. LARGE BUNDLE ABOUT FOU? ANYTHING.'/ 766-8324. MILES TO 60, Capitol Equipment Co. 88 Main est prices, interior and exteri­ CARTER C H E V R O L E T St., Manchester. Hours daily WOMAN to collect, egrgs, part- or painting, top grade paint tim e, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Millear INC. W. 0. GLENIKY GO. •n s THE SEASON OF 7-5. Thursday 7-9, Saturday 7- J I R E P L A C t 336 N. MAIN ST. used, free estimates. Call Ray_____ Schools and ClUBM 33—FartfiTX^roktr^ 7 4 ^ 2 ^ M a i P ^ 4i-643-7968r BeUlveau, 649-2110. y, , , . —,— -r= :------—----- — ’ TEL. 649-6268 649-52S& T H A N ^ I ^ G ^ _____ *______CERAMIC’S,/12iXVAIVU.V,« ^O AND .. _ mosaicsJllVOCblUO_ ... 'IXrrb’hiT WOMAN A‘KT to supervise 08/ year WOOD y PROFESSIONAL Oeaning — JOSEPH P. Lewis custom paint \ I ' Carpets, furniture, walls and ,Gus Kamienski, factory Ingf Interior and exterior, pa- exciting^ hobby and malce your ^ 649-7891. floors — ,aU cleaned In y«>ur perbon^g, waUpaper re- own gifts. CaU 872-0392 for in- ______representative of ELEC­ home, fully insured. CaU Higble n TROLUX OORP. is grate­ ■ movedl Wallpaper hooka on re­ formation, anytime. ------Servicem aster, 649-8488. ------■■ — '■ — Help Wanted—Male *6 ful to all for 16 years of quest Fully insured. Free ee- t r a i n e e s vacuum cleaner patronage. RENTAIJ3—Power rollnr,'cbali tlniataa.- Oan 649-9668 W . G. GLENNEY CO. Help Whnied—Finnale 35 c a r e e r opportunity -with so. (OVER 21) ' e IMi W NEA, he. For further sales and Mrv- saws, trail roUer aerator, Windsor public schools. Perm- 336 NORTH MAIN .ST. PAINTTNG BY Dick FOntalne, 3-11, NURSE’S AIDE, fuU-Ume, Ice call me at Rockville, k.wn vac, rototiUert Also sales Interior and exterior. Paper anent fuU-time. custodial em. OPPORTUNITY WITH PUBLIC CONTACT BY LESLIE TURNER 875-6361 or H artford, 236-1 and aervlca on all lawn wjuip- part-tim e. L aurel M anor,-649- ATTRACnVlE SALARY AND BENEFITS CAPTAIN EASY hanging and waU po.per remov­ 4519. ployment, good working: condi­ :MICKY FINN BY LANK LEONARD 4251. ment Capitol Rqulpmaot, SS al Dutch ^oy and DuPont.' tions and exceUent benefits.': ^ A PPLY TO Main S t. 648-7958. 'THgy HAVBACU5V6RTE«TIM6T lOOKITTHAT HANG IT QuaUty workmanship. CaU REGISTERED profession- Contact Mr. Penna ^or inter­ HARTFORD NATIONAL BANK THEY ALL HAD LAB WHERB A BOMB RUN C^PADBLAME GAL, ALURIMWB DIOCS SERVICE, snow plow­ evenlnjgs, 246-9693. ' ai nurse, 7 a'.m. - 3 p.m., Sun­ view, 644-1534. ^^EQI^TIAAE? BE 5IMULATBP— JE TOO BUS)'*ttKKIN' IBBUReTD WANTBD-RIDE from Burt Cor­ ing, carpentry, rec rooms, re­ day differential and Frtday. T0 5BE80TSHEB ATTRACT TWIR ners Shopping Plaza, 6 p.ni., EXTERIOR AND ints^or pi^it- Progressive nursing home. AND TRUST COMPANY P O M -jlp f! UNWBLCOM& modeling, general repairs, to A rthur Drug. 649-0602. 4ng. WaUpaper -books, paper- References, 875-9121. FIRST MANCHESTER OFFICE ATTBNTlONl painting, Interior and exterior, hanging. CeUings. Floon. Ful- 596 BIAIN ST., MANCHESTER, CONN. rubbish removal, moving, ma­ r i d e w a n t e d —Morse Road, ly insured, workmanship guar- DH3NTAL ASSISTANT needed Septic Tanks Equal OppmtnnltY'EmpIo;^r Kanrtiester, to Park Ave., sonary. Call 643-4636. anteed. Leo PeUetter, 649-6326. fo r orthodontist’s office. Some AND EVERETT W . East Hartford, 7:16-4 p.m. STEPS, sidewalks, stone walls, If no answ er 648-9048. , experience preferred. Attrac- (M9-9344. Pluggad Sewers fireplaces, flagstone terreces, PADmNG-Interlor : and exl ■ VAN DYNE AU concrete repairs. Reason­ terlor, very reasonable, free WEBUCLY PAY checks are fine, able prices. .643 0861. Machine Gleaned BUILDER AnfaiilibbDsi Fnr Sale '4 estimates. CaU Richard Mar- But, getting tired of the grind? P lanning To Add A Room? Un, 649-9286. ihe long hours? (Xeaning Septic Tanks, Dry Wells, NEED GAR? Your credit turn­ SALES AND Service on Artens, Sewer Lines toBtaned—Cel­ Garage, Rec Boom, Hahn Eclipee, Jacobson lawn ^Quse weekends? Why not ed down? Short on down pay­ INTERIOR AND extariot lar Waterproofing Done. Remodel Kitchen ? ' mowers. Also 'HomeUte chain switrtim to Avon? Choose your ment? Bankrupt? Repossess- painting, waUpaper removed, Free Eetlmatee 'alon? Don’,f despair! See Hon- sa-wa and International Cub own hours. Earn up to ^5 an fully insured Rane Baiangor, hour servicing the \terri(lc de­ MeKINNEY BROS. Planning Service- . est|Douglas. Inquire about low- Cadet Tractors. Rental equip­ 641|-0512 or 644-0804. \ m and for our CShrlstmas Gift 1 Sewerage Disposal Co. Available V eet down, smallest payments ment- and eharpening service ------;------— ------■ Line in your / neighborhood. Phone 246-4781 (M R . A B ER N BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY DAVY JONES BY LEFF and McWILLIAMS ' anywhere. No small loan or fi­ oq all makes. L 4c M Equip­ ------p.----:------L-. Call 289-4922. lo r BEST RESUL1$, 1 . 1 >, nance company plan. Douglas ment Oorp., Route 88^ Vernon, Floor finishing 24 876-7609 Manchester Exchange Motors, 383 M ^ - ______OH, HOW I'L L TAKE A FIX ON THSV-MUBfVE —Enterprise 1946: FLOOR 8AMDINO and reflsdalh TBRRIDLB.h THIS SPOT AND eivfi THE HEARD THE PILCT ing (apeclallzing in older BUT YOU POSITION TO THE COAST S O S , TOO. H » E OUCH! PIP YOUR GUARP SKIPPER. THEY COME NOW. STUDBBAKBR — 1959, good REMODEUNG - Inteator end floors), cleaning and waxing LOW COST. TOO! i Ve s o t BEST, PAVY. condition, $200. CaU 643-8741. exitiertor painting. Specialising floors. Painting. Paperhang­ 90METHiN6 in swirl oeiBngs. Ask for Fred ing. No Job too smaU. John USED CARS CASH RATES (15 WORDSl INM/ 1968 TEMPEST convertible, re­ or John. 64S-146S. VeifaUle, 649-6750. WANTED TRUCK DRIVER EYEi A COMPLETE O n * D a y ...... 45c 3 Days ...... S l i l T built 326 engliie and transmis­ BEU ECnO N S ix D a y * .... .$1.90 , 10 Day* .... . $ 3 . 0 0 sion, extra rear rad, bucket H o n a e lu r ta ------Part-time mornings or afternoon, or ftill-time. seats, stick sWft, new tires, Offund IS-A $800, OaU 742-7726 after 5. LEGAL BOURNE BUICK Good salary, or commission, on gallons sold. IMMEDIATE\ ACTION REWl^VINO of iNnm moth ’'The Honae of Call before 10:30 weekdays (9 A Jf. Saturdays). Tea .r^rrr;’-.,’. .• .• : 1 .- jBr.: •' .. • • hoIeA Zippers repaired. Win­ NOTICE Onstomer Satlstactlen’’ can start an ad or caiitel an ad nm e day. I960 OLDSMGBILE 98, power ^ dow phadea made to measure Ptibllc Sale — 1966 Triumph 28S MAIN ST. ■toering, blue. OaU 649-6259. COOPERATIVE OIL COMMNY , •: J . air sSto Venetian bUnds. Kays TR4A, many extras. At, River- M A N ^ S T E R ' EuRtttttg IfEraUi - f I H t !5TeeinrrBir55u3^ made you wait Tape re- side Truck Sales, Inc., Vernon, 315 ^BOAD STREET ' CIV44 kf IhM helm 1960 (JHBVROLBT — 6 cyUnder 246-5832) 649-4571 643-2711 daasified Dept. ■ ^ d a rd transmisskm, good oozderu for issd. lUrlow*# 88T 10 a.m. November 10. Per order floaditiqo. $885. 6to-6T6i. j . M«inj 6to-S82L - ^ - V ernon N ational. B ank. I' i. ,\ MOM “I “1 3


MANCHESTER EV^NINGTTERALD.-JVIANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1966 Honsea Fbr Sale 72 Suburban For Sale 75 Suburban For Sals 71 PAGE TVVENTY-TWO Apartments—Flafih— Apartments—Plate— H ooms PWr Reit 6S Houses Pst Sid* 72 Houses For Sale' 72 Apartm ents-pflato'- - * *•*.«•, AS VACANT CAPE on tbS west TWO FAMILT - 7-6 In buelneaa 80TOT WINDSOR - 6 rotm lioLLAND - RslS^*RalWIV« Hooschold Goods 51 WAnUd—To Boy 58 ______smOLBTenements ’ 6i Tsnemanfii 68 HOUSE, $ W anted— Articles For Sale 45 Household Goods 51 Tenements o3 hi range. dUOwaaher, wall to aide. Cotnpletely redecorated, wne two, one hAock from Main Sjdlt, plue rec room, I»^«>. b**™®™*' IM ng room, ONE BEDROOM S room apart- GREfiT DUPLEX apaitment*, Rockville, on bus Unt. $125. » . . . . . ^------. a» lot 60x391. swimming pool. Assumable 6)4 1)6 baths, 2 efir Male or l emale 37 clocks; silver, waU carpeting, asmmable all 6 rooma finished. T. St, 3HMr garage, . garage, SCREENED LOAM (or the bes» SINGER automSUc'zig * sag h. G. E. ^ p S n l L p s cS eci: r e DEOO^TED 8 room a^r^ ment, choice central, secluded 4)6 ibomA 1)6 baths, 2 en- montM^. AUred D. Heckler. per cent mortgage. Bel Air cabinet, like new, does every- space mortgage, price $28,50a Pbil- Croriutt, Realtor, 643-1977. .Imn^ediate occupancy. Call wooded .kit. In exceptloari MANAGER needea In Pet De­ In lawns and gardens. Deliv­ ment, second floor, modem location, adjults, rtferenees. tranoeS, Mvlng room, dining 743-6819, 6 :WM|;I0 p.m. Real Estate, 643-9332. tk'ng, originally over *300, take­ temperature control With fan. ible Items. Any quantity. The brick Agency, 649-8464. L a p ^ Agency, 649-6261. nelgMb<^oo«»», 8 or 4 bedrooms. Pasek Realty. 289-74 . FOR BETTER cleaning, to keep TTIE THOMPSON HOUSE, lar. J. D. Real Estate Oo., 648- Ob., 64S-S129. Randi with two garages late 4-room Itanch, modcTB colors gleaming, use Blue Lus­ have the largest selection in all Cottage Street, centrally lo- .range, reArlgerator, dispoaiU, rage. Wooded lot Moderately ’ Copper plumbing, hot water SALE or refit, smaH 4 dream kitchen, la ^ e land- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS PART-TIME HELP FOUR YEAR old deluxe auto­ LOOKING Mr anything In wal 6129. ibne ohUd. $145. 649-8666, 6«»- plus all buUt-ins for only priced at $16,200 with good fi- heat. Lovely landscaped tre carpet cleaner. Rent’’ elec­ finishes, maple, walnut, tna- matic washer, 560. Snow tires ' sated, large, pleasantly fur­ estate rentals — apartments, $32,900 means you should room modern^-house. Bolton scaped lot( lake prlitileges. Bd 8 AJA. to 5 PJl. hogany, and the price is right. nished rooms, parking. Calf 4643. nanclng available. Call Jarvis »ud fenced yard for children. tric shampooer, $1. The Sher­ on Ford rims, 515. 649-1921. homes, multiple dweUlngs, no ATTRAOnVB 4 room apart- Snbmbun Fi»r Runt IM call Mr, Bogdan now be­ Lake. C6U^^-6919. .Air Real Estate, 643-9333. ‘ There Is an opportunity to win-Williams Oo. Marlow’s Purhiture Dept., 861 649-2358 for overnight and Realty Co., Realtors, 643-1121. Nice residential neighborhood. fees. Call J. D. Real Estate, ROOMS T o ieco rs.^ COVENTRY - Lake St.. 6^Sim fore It’S too late. Treed lot Belflore Agency, 643-6121. add to your present in­ Main St„ 649-5221. BEDROOM, dihing room sets. permanent guest rates. ter, i^ri^g couple. No chll- center. Call COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. CARPETS AND life too can be 643-5129. duplex. Includes electricity and three baths, too! Call TWO FAMILY — Duplex, 4-4, ______come. Rapidly growing re­ Power tools. Hi-FT, Boston dren^. 649-48l9.x^ 649-9177, ew England Vignettes MONPAX X%ni FREBAX 10:S0 A .M .S A T U K D A X 9> AAf. tail food chain has open­ beautiful if you use Blue Lus­ BIGGEST BARGAIN CLEAN comfortable rooms, ^______and stove, $06. Also 8 rooms, 649-6306, dose to schools, shopping and TRUCK DRIVER — Fuel rocker, plant stand, dishes, BRAND NEW bus. Verplanck area. Call year 'round employment ings for men to w6rk parti tre. Rent electric shampooer, ' IN TOWN free parking, gentlemen. Call t h r e e ROOMN for rent, $90. nKim i.mnm anart- floor, electricity and itove A W miscellaneous items. 649-7386. The BARROWS «and Helen Palmer, Leonard Agen­ benefits. Apply in xtmon. time, evenings or week­ $1. Olcott Variety Store. TAKE YOUR TIME before 7 p.m. 649-0826. Scran­ NOW RaiNTINQ h „ t c a MS. ment, heat stove, refrigera­ ends. Apply ■ in per-son, ton Motel and Cabins, 160 Tol­ 9601 anytime. « « 6139. WALLAOB^CO^^ cy,'* Realtors, 646-0469 or 649- Fogarty Brothers, 819 Broad Scholar. Back from Sicily; XOITR COOPERATION WIIX W%tAt PAYING BLONDE STEP end table, 58. PICTURESQUE tor, laundry and Janitor, on nr. appreciated 1/IMfc I I Cumberland Farms . Store, TAKE SOIL away-the Blue Lus­ land Tpke., Manchester. Manchester Parkade 3877. SL tre wny, from carpets and up- 1, 2 or 3 YEARS Vanity chair, 52.50. ' Miscel­ J^IDEJNTIAL LOCATION MANCHESTER — S room bus Mne, near stores, auhilts. gj^ST HARTFORD — 4 rooms, 109 Center St.. Manches­ laneous.- Call anytime,. 742- Manchester 649-5306 Tells Tale of Mafia Racket hol.stcrj’. Rent electric sham­ TO PAY LARGE ROOM with kitchen - apartment, first floor, appll- CaQ 649-5249, 649-76il0. iieat and hot water, first floor. ______IdANCHESTER - 2 family. 5-5 room older ter, or call 649-8300. 8261. One bedroom apartments, wall home,.^l'i6 baths, new siding, pooer, SI. Paul’s Paint and “SUPER DELUXE” privileges, gentleman or mar­ ances, heat and hot water In- FLOOR, 5 room apart- TEN ACRES, stately 7-room flat,^ 2-car garage 2 heating BOSTON (AP)—New England that till they hear from , Ru­ Conrimied From Preceding Pago Wallpaper Supply. to w^U carpeting, outside bal­ system ^ excellent location. lot $14,500^ Philbrick pert,” Bebee said. 3 ROOMS of f u r n i t u r e t w o b a r r e l -t y p e occa- ried couple. 643-MOO, after 4:30 eluded, small quiet building. stone 1840 Colonial, hot water conies, free gas heat and hot Buy now,''pnly $16,900. Hayes^ Lgency, Realtors, 649-8464. Help Wanted— Male 36 Help Wanted— Male sional chairs, 55 each. Uphol p.m. ^ ______Hayes Agency, 646-0131. s to M Ini*. S « n # .a * « d * x T m A C r r v * SH room apart. ^*at. weUtotcOT- Dr. Olindo Dragone of Amer- ^ KIND WORDS FREE WHEELS — Buy two ALL 100% GUARANTEED water and gas for cooking. Agency, 64(^0l3f^, new snow tires at regular stered swivel rocker, 510. 643- .room for work- Stove, refrigerator, garbage FOUR ROOMS, with hot wa­ only. p. saartoml. M tm O x a™ .. lean Internaticnal College ki After the shouting was over, FUBL OIL drivers for local. ’TRUCK DRIVER — exper- ONLY $433 Lots For Bale 7S company, top wages. Apply at fenced, we will train a reli­ BOOKKEEPERS price, get two new wheels 2616. ing g;irl, private home. Phone disposal. Resident superintend- ter, $85. J. D. Real Estate, Main. heat hot water, all utilities NEWER 6 room R an ch ,^ ’ ______Springfield, Mass., Is back from Martin Unsky, legislative as- $14.08 DOWN is.,.'bulit-toa 340 Tolland St, East Hart­ able man for fuel, oil and gas­ free. Cole’s Discount, 451 Cen­ In room, board optional. Cen- ent located comer of Edgerton 643-6129. FOUR ROOM cold flat, e^cotid and parking. $100. monthly. |ig,9oo —.5 room flreplaced for larger room^ — ujasutAuunjDESIRABLE ouiiaing building 101 lot m*' in - ^v— y***" — “ Fidhright------scholar— in Biauun aistant w> to j*itioott»:uuoci,K. Massachusetts x*. LL $14.08 MONTH tral. 643-6745. jind Hemlock Streets. Immedl- Ideal for working couple or Ranch; extra large lot, Ideal eluding disposalTlnterqom, 80’’ Borers Tract. Delightfully Western Sldly and he has a tale Elliot L. Richardson, hod a feW ford, 289-5431. oline delivery. Year ‘round ASS’T. BOOKKEEPERS ter. 643-5332. floor, central, near bus line. job with all company benefits. — JUST LOOK — Musical Instruments 53 ------■' ate occupancy, 5125. monthly. FOUR ROOMS, centrally lo­ newlyweds. Call 336-0564 or children. Call Irene Kwlat, attic fam/lOO . amp clrculL^ woodfed. City water and gas terror to tell—about the Ma- words tor the embattled TWO PAIRS of skis with bind­ CaU 648-6873. Call 528-2151. — YOU GET — Call cated, call 643-5118 between 649-1953. Leonard Agency, 646-0469 or breakMsf 2-zone heat, master available. Buy now and build politician. Some experience de.sired. ings, 5i0*each. 643-9266 after MARTIhDTBNOR sax, excellent LARGE FRONT room, central 8:80 a.m. and 4:80 p.m. Will train — advancement 16-PIECE BEDROOM MANNARINO ■ ------742-8349. contrfilcontiOl lighting, 2-car garage later. Only $5,500. Call Doris In Sicily, he says, the Mafia He told an audience in Boston FULL-TIME 5 p.m. condition, $250. Call 649-1041, ly located, parking. 643-2669. ______,nfid rec room are only a few opportunity—good starting 18-PIECE LIVING ROOM MANAGEMENT CO. 3)6 ROOMS, furnished or unfur- F u n ilsh ed ApSTtBlClltS 63-A Smith, JaTvis Realty Co., Is a way of life. His contact that voters"often complain they 5 :7 p.m. Wanted To Rent 68 I.iHiutvi'lf STREET — In ttS'"' features. Below cost. 'Volver- SALESMAN salary—ideal working con­ LADY'S new 7 diamond wed­ 12-PIECE KITCHEN LARGE NEWLY furnished ' ' 289-7396 nlshed, oil heat, reasonable, Realtors, 643-1121. with the society had to do with never see a poUtican until eleo- r o o m s , furnished, w a n t e d -BINOLB house. 44i center of town. 5 room ^ g a - ton Agency, Realtors, 649-2813, DRIVER SALESMAN ditions — vacation—excel­ ding ring set. 35 millimeter — WITH — front room. Private entrance, what Americans would call the tion time. paniing, aouus, good locaaon, bath, an utilities, suitable f«rfor ------Toome,leasooahle rent 876- low, garage, loaded with ex- — :------lent benefits. -Kodak Retina I, case, filter. FLUTE, CASE and gland, good bus line. 649-7702. 648-6389. MANCHESTER — TWO B-zone proteoUon racket. But, he said, "the poUticlan* To take charge of our ELECTRIC WE HAVE customers waiting^ one or two adults. Parking. 1591. tras.^T. J. Crockett; Realtor, MANCHESTER — $16,900. Two lots, all utilities, good location, x man stopped Wm one day, claim that the people come Established route, good sal­ . Men's bowling shoes, TVsC, condition, $30. 649-1827. for the rental of your apart­ family, 6-5 flat, convenient lo­ men’.s department. Good REFRIGERATOR FIVE flOGM. apartment, re­ 272 Main S t 643-1677. trees. Hayes Agency. 646-0131. pragone recalls, "and said he around only when they want • steady position, discoimt ary, plus fringe benefits, case. ,3 cellar storm windows. ment or home, J D. Real cation on bus line, aQ city util­ RADIO & APPLIANCE TV SET ROOM wlh kitchen privileges. cently redecorated. Appliances ' fiad seen my children in the favor done.” Bte said that com* privileges, paid holidays permanent position with 87,5-6974. Estate, 643-6129. ATTRACTIVE 3 room fumtohed Boslneas Property $18,200 jt ^MANCHESTER 6 ities. Bel Air Real Estate, 643- DIST. Inc. AND RANGE Mrs. Dorsey, 14 Arch St. Included. $115 per month. J. Suburban For Sale 75 yard and they were very nice plaint is the more legitimate. and vacation. opportunity for advance- Antiques 56 apartment. Large closets. Pri­ For Sale 70 room Ranch,lumch, basement,I fire- 9832. KEEP CARPE7T cleaning prob­ Free Delivery in Conn. D. Real BsUte, 643-5129. ------kids.” Llnaky’s boss was elected at* njent. Only reliable man 95 L«ggett St., East Hartford RENT MAN In need of rentals. vate entrances. Adults. No plate, family kitchen, near lems small — Use Blue Lustre Free Set-up by Our Men WANTED ’TO buy —historicF.l Have-tenants willing to sign ROOMINO HOUSE, centraQy FERGUSON RD. I f you are 100 YARDS over Manchester said, 'This Is a rather tomey general of MassachUp with good driving record 528-6581 pets. FarUng. Retereoces. 643-^ DUS, shopping, school. Hutch­ D &L wall to wall. Rent electric Free Service by Experts maps, papers, flasks, bottles, lease, plus escrow. 649-4342 or APARTMENT for rent — 2 located, annual income $5^8p4; looking for extra value at a line in Bolton. 6 room rough country sHtd I hope you setts. need apply. Wanted— Rooms— ^Board 62 rooms, heat and parking, cen­ ins Agency, Realtors, 649-6324. shampooer 51. Larsen's Hard­ Free Storage Until Wanted ink wells, glass, plates, etc.; 4860. expenses $1,205. Prlteir at fair price check this custom 2-car garage. Owner wUl hold ^ time. Jtowever, Manchester Farkade. 649-3568. ' ______tral. Will redecorate. CaQ 643- second mortgage tor serious An Equal Opportunity ware. Plea.se Note: Appliances are re- antique jewelry, books, paint- ROOM WITH board In private $22,900. Paul J. >OorrenU MANCHESTER — Six room Co- built Ranch with 3 bedrooms, you retdly ought to be^ con- PICKS VEST WATOHDOO 0727, after 4. 2)6 ROOM furnished apart­ MANCHESTER • Employer conditioned and guaranteed for- ings, furniture, clocks; home near Ea^i Side and West SEVEN ROOM apartment with ment, heat and hot water, cen­ Agency, 643-53^ lonlal, 1)6 baths, modem paneled family room, 1)6 ^ Fltds and the welfare of yow W ^ ., says he has the bert ARE YOU LOOKING for a new after 4:30 p.m., M9-1717. person. Accidents do happen.’ ” wateb^^in the world — a COAT & APRON Diamonds— W atches— On Display at Main Store '4196. Write Box “ D” , Herald. month. J. D. Real Estate, 643- first floor, quM residential 8404, 12 noon - 6 pm . dishwasher and disposal, 3 bed­ and attached garage, Priced job, there is an opening in heat ____ JjkM P op Bute 71 Jewiilry 48 Phone for Appointment ^HZI^ZZZIIZIiniZIIZ^ZZZI 6129. ______area. Availlable December 1. rooms, $19,900. Philbrlck in mid-twenties. Call Jarvis VERNON — 7 room Cape, large The man told Dragone of on slnmk; .^ treating department on the 73 Summit St., Manchester YOUNG BUSINBSS man under INDUSTRIAL ZONE from 8-28 Agency, 649-8464. ------. ----- iin^ skunk, "Tofam y" hy ASK FOR “CARL” A partm ents— ^Flata— $120. 643-0367. ______- - Realty Co., Realtors, 643-112L kitchen, fireplace, count^ size available "guard service” and ^ ^ ^ first shift. No experience nec­ WATCH AND JEWELRY re­ Htfd. 247-0358 or 527-9036 W earin g Apparel— ^Furs 57 TO RENT—One 3 room apart­ 30 will share modem apart­ acres, centraQy located. J. D. nnioniAl —2 v e ^ ' ------;— — — ^ — ;------lot in an area of fine homes “aid it shmdd be^honsldered Hke name, is demented and M i ^ Tenements 63 essary. Apply in person. K3ock pairing. Prompt service. Up to See It Day or Nnight ment and one 2 room apart­ COZY 3 ROOM apartment ment with same. CaQ 643-M71 Real Estate, 643-6129, 643-8779. WETHERELL ST. Heres a jj Agency, American community chest, teys the a^mal m^te a Oorp., 1272 Tolland Tpke. Man­ $20. on your old watch in BLACK PERSIAN lamb jack­ ment with heat, stove and re­ range and refrigerator, heat before 9 a.ni. or after 10 p.m. ______— ‘ Items, one full and iw buy u. thereuincv ever wex wasvtaa one \xxxa Qtg 0181 Dragone says he paid $50— $60— house bouse pet. But what Miller Ukes AR’TIST for decorative cabinet If you have no mgans of trans­ 5% ROOM MODERN apart­ chester. trade. Clo.sed Mondays‘| F. E. et, black mink collar, size 12- frigerator furnished. Call 643- and hot water. Ideal for new­ half baths, family room off in a brand new 8 room Ranch ______1. "and then I was asked for a beat is what the sight of Tom- design, part - time. Gunver portation, I'll send my auto for ment, excellent condition and Local retail store is looking -‘ Bray, 737 Main St.; State 14, practically new, $175. 643- 5118 between 8:30 a.m.-4:30 lyweds, two working girls or Houses For Sale 72 kitchen, lot ISO x 200, garage, on a )6 acre lo t 1)6 .baths. ViURNON seven room split special Easter Offering, another my does to unwanted visitors, Mfg. Co., call 649-2889. you. No obligation whatsoever. location. Adults preferred. Ref­ $26,500. PhUbrick Agency^ for. full and part-time per­ Theatre Building. . Or use your own car and get 5 .5825. p.m. workii^ couple. 4 Pearl at. $90. BualnesB Loeatioas .VANCHBSTER — 8-bedroom Equipped kitchen. Ready for level, 1)6 baths, paneled rec- $so.” He said he paid both Some, while making their e » erences exchMged. $115 per month. Call 643-9353 or- 649-8464. occupancy now. Call Nick reation room, patio, comer times and suffered no accidents, its, may have challenged rec* DEAN gallon.s. o f,gas even if you don't monthly. 643-6930, 649-5765. ,Tor Rent 64 Colonial, dishwasher, buQt-lns, sons. Various working LADY’S WINTER coat, inter­ THREE ROOM apartment, liv­ 649-0641 for appointment. ConverUno, Jarvis Realty Co., lot, assumable mortgage, $19,- ' “ We didn’t know anyone who o r ^ tor the 100-yard dash./ MACHINE PRODUCTS buy. disposal, 1)6 baths, alumimun MANCHESTER — Recent 4- hours available. ^ Garden— Farm— Dairj- lined. size 18, detachable fur 4 Vi, ROOMS, $125., 3V4 rooms. ing room, kitchen, bedroom rTORE — center of Manchester, siding, storm windows, sewers, bedroom Colonial, large kltch- *|toaltor8, 643-1121. 700. Call 876-2826. did not pay," he says. "The ------NIGHT WATCHMAN A_L—B—E—R—T’—S collar, worn very little, rea- BDC ROOM duplex, convenient 165 Adams St., Manchester Products 50 $115, heat, hot water, stove, and bath, electric range, re­ w ir tj remodeled More, fpoifl only $19,900. Hutchins Agen* en, 2 fireplaces, screened ■ - ■ - , ■ ■ ------——— U.S. government people FOUR QABAZABDftt 43-45 ALLYN ST., HARTFORD .sonable. Call 649-3990. refrigerator, parking, 15 For­ frigerator, heat, not water, no location, $116 monthly. In q u ^ and interior, reasonable rent* TWO FAM.TLY — 4-4, expand- EAST HARTFORD — 3 family Maimed they did not pay, but In a world that aboun^ in the Light Janitorial duties. Apply in Person STRICTLY fresh eggs for sale. cy, Realtors; (549-6324. porch, Immediate occupancy, OPEN NIGHTS TILL 9 P.M. est St., off Main St„ 646-0090, pets. Available now. Call 186 Center St., after 6 p.m. els. Brokers Invited. 622-Slli. able Ranch style, Sanders St^ 14^ item^ contacts told me they did." commonplace, it is ndpb to note Ideal for retired individual. Tomaszewski, Box 363, South reduced tor fast sale. Hayes ed lot, convenient location. Income return, separate heat­ Has Immediate Openings 643-5675. McKinney Bros., Inc., 643-2139. that the University o f lUwde Is* Steady employment. Call 361 Center St., Manchester Rd., Bolton, open daily, 649- FOR THE children it's Mar­ CENTRALLY located I8 room b u t t b of offices presently *1 PRINCT^ Agency, 64^31 Leonard Agency; Realtors, ing systems. SeQing In upper Full-time Day and Night Shifts Wanted— ^To Buy 58 flat,flat. garage,Korage. available Decern- gylted for professional purpose roemn, fourui p<^oe, _ x ...______*HOW OOUID THEY?’ land has four Qahatards. for appointment. 6472. low’s quality furniture depart­ baths, large closets, cedar MANCHESTER—5)6 room cus- 646-0489. 20’s. For further Information Jay G. Bebee, town clerk in There is Jasem find Abdtdlah WE BUY and sell antique and ber 1. CaQ after 6, 643-6787. Is now available In the State ' Hardinge Chucker ment. Musical and non musical closet, oO hot water heat, tom buUt Ranch, flreplaoe. oQ teQ the R.F. Dlmock Oo., 849- yt., caUed the Benning- Qabazard, who are farothece, PULL YOUR OWN Thanksgiv­ rocking chairs. Table and used furniture, china, glass Theater Building. Can be sub­ MANCHEJSTER — assume 5)6 (Set up and operate, also MEYER & IRONING done in my home. ing turnips, $1 a bushel. 612 s u m m e r ST. —duplex, large dinette, Jalousied poiich, 2-car hot water heat, paneled rec ner cent morteake with oav- ______) “ a com- and Fadel and Hussain Qabas* chair sets, toy boxes, all rea­ silver, picture frames, old Compare Anywheres kitchen, and Qving room, 2 divided If necessary. For in­ garage with riectrle doors, room, call now. Hayes Agency, trainees) Call 643-2997. Keeney St. sonably priced. Lay-a-way now coins, guns, pewter, scrap formation caQ Theater mana­ ments of $m ^ 6 rOom older SOITTH WINDSOR —Executive munlty’s vote early election aid, who are their oousine. Jo* MENDELSOHN DIV, bedrooms, full bath, basement custom buQt Immediate ocen- 846-013L ■ 8 room custom buUt Ranch, Nov. 8. eem and Fadel are sophomoree; for Christmas. Marlow’s Inc. jrold, watches, old jewelry, ger, 843-7832. home, in immaculate condi' Turret Lathe garage, 2 porches, enclosed- poney, mM 20’s. 849-4498. He was told Ctov. FfaiUp H. AlbduUah and Hussain are fresb* 643-6426 861 Main St. hobby collections, paintings, $16,900 — 6 ROOM Ranch, fire- tion. 3 bedrooma, formal din­ air- conditioning, breezeway, (Set up and operate) Situations Wanted— Household Goods 51 EXCITING NEW COLONIALS Pleasant smI dean. One child INDUSTRIAL Space — 4,000 garage and aQ the extras that already had been declared men. attic contents or whole estates. t o T flo o r ^w te. CONCORD RD. — beautiful place, ceramic bath, ahmil' ing room, new rote and siding. Bridgeport Millers Female 38 USED GAS apartment size Furniture Repair Service, 643- accepted. $116. 649-3666, 649- gquore fee*. you would expect in this truly re-elected iiy a televieion not- The Qabazaids come from WHIRLPOOL washer and dry­ AT SENSATIONAL LOW, LOW PRICES 4342. x_« Win WMnch, large living room, for- num storm windows, attached garage, St James Parish, $16,- (Set up and operate) range and used electric refrig­ 744E. ^ cabinet Utch- garage, Manchester. Hutchins «». Wol^on Agency, Real- fine home. Out te state owner worit and a news service. Kuwait, a natton m Asia Minor GAS STATION attendant want­ MOTHER DESIRES babysitting er, used one year, $200 for the wants fast sale. Hayes Agen- “I “«« they can say which Is also noted for odl. pair. Call 649-1042. erator, 649-3098. N Tool Makers and Machinist ed part-time, and week-ends. ■ day.s, in own home, with nice HOUSEHOLD ^ot^ antiques, fenced in yard. Excellent care. SPRUCE ST. —3 rooms, heat­ cy, 646-0131. Apply Sunset Service, 565 E. CLEAN, USED refrigerators, MARLOW'S HAVE door mir­ bric-a-brac, clocks, frames, S60 Main St., 648-1108. DUPLEX — 14 rooms, 5 ga- MANCHESTER - 4 room men before an awards hmebeod Bullard Lathe Operator 643-2392. ed, parking, $90. 644-0332. Middle Tpke. ranges, antomatic washt s, rors, all sizes. . Reasonably glassware. We buy estates. ion B. Robertson, Realtor, space, centraQy house, city water, sewer, con- 'VERNON New York. She received the EXPERIENCED care of small with guarantees. .See them at priced. Call 649-5221 or visit Village Peddler, Auctioneer, located, aluminum siding, hot venlent loitetico, new furnace, COMPLETTELY REDONE Albeit Lasker Public Service All Benefits children, live-in and assist B. D. Pearl’s Appliances, 649 Marlow’s Inc., 861 Main St. 420 Lake St., Bolton, 649 3247. ment, 4 large rooms, base­ NBW TWO lemUy flat — 8-IL water .2-sone heat, 4 bedrooms only $11,500.-C ^ now, Etoyes This six room Cape Cod Is Award in Health for ber woric in with household duties, com­ Main St. Cell 643-2171. board rodiaiUcn, aluminum parking. 643-0302. each side. PhUbrick Agency, Agency, 6464(m. neat as a pin ready for a the Cited te menial retardoticn. Equal Opportunity Employer PART-TIME 23” CONSOLE T.V., 3>,i years Bowers school area, large V ' P e o p l ^ panion for elderly woman. storm windows, Venetian kitchen, 22* Qving room, sep­ 649-8464. ROLLINO PARK area—cholce new owner. > Priced to be "The fact that the President WHY PAY 30-50 per cent more? old, excellent condition, $75. •W/ . ->s (Kennedy) was wUling to take WORK AVAILABLE Write Box W, Herald. NOTICE ►J .. - blinds, firepliste, cabinet kitch­ arate furiioees, rity utiQUas. k o c k LEQXJE — 7 room con- Cape te 6 rooms, big yard in a sold quickly, at. $16,500. Our low overhead (no rent or 643-0824. Houses For Halt 6S on interest end moke a commit* en, formica oouaters, electric Also o l t e 2-famUy. CaQ t^ po^ ary Spht LeveL Modem fine residential area. Immedi­ Near schools, shopping and ^ I . MAN FOR full-time work. Ap­ employes) means low discount PUBLIC HEARING Vo range and refrigerator, off bus. Assume the mortgage ment in. this field bas done a lot 0 11 a.m. to 2 or 3 p.m. MANCHESTER — 349 Bast Cleeaynskl, Builder, 649-429L ate occupancy. T. J. Crockett, ply in person Manchester Rug Situations Wanted— prices on quality new furniture. IRONITE ironer. $25, a n d ADDITIONAL '' kitchen, large Qving room with for imgreas in (his eiraa.” she street Ughted, 2-car inking, Center S t, $160 monthly. 4 Realtor, 648-1677. and $115 pays aQ. Mr. Bog­ Cleaning Oo., Contact Russ Male 39 For savings, service, and satis­ baby's crib and mattress, $5. APPROPRIA'nONS beautiful country location, 15 KANCUBSTBR — new 10 room cathedral ceiling, one fuQ and n told newsmen. Cali 649-62.59. bedrooms, 1)6 batlri, fsrage. dan, 649-5306. Collins. , • Apply faction, without high pressure BOARD OF DIRECTORS mlnutee from Manchester, Cbladal in prestige nelghbor- two half baths, family room, vx«nni»iTRR — neulv new Mrs. Sfariver Is the wife te Mi^N FRIDAY --job shop, op­ salesmanship, visit us today. 1-1 Immediate occupancy- 'Week- $28,000. PhUbrick B & W TOWN OF MANCHESTER, heat, hot water, included- $126, »»o«. priced toM apartment, collect. ing tor $11,500. Vacant. T. J. worth it T. J. Crockett, Real­ JHelp Wanted— standard, champion blood a public hearing will be held in the Report on Audit • of the nice neighborhood, children ac- ^______M ek Agenqr. M94484. Gen. EUenhower have to cUp hie hair ckiee. partment. 5 day week, ex­ day. November 22, 1966, at Alexander Jarvis, builder .of fine homes for over thirty years MANCHESTER Crotecett, Realtor. 843-1677. tor, 643-1577. * Male or Female 37 lines. Also Weimaraners. Room 565A, State Office Build­ School Cafeterias, Student And 8:00 p.m. on proposed addition­ is offering these exceptional garrison colonial homes at a cepted, no pets, $115. monthly. vERNON — Manc^iestor »ne, 8 wa n w • ______' AUGUSTA, Oa. tAP) — Sanders, a ninth grade pupU, cellent starting pay, paid Southington 1-628-6573. ing, 165 Capitol Avenue, Hart­ Special Activities Funds for truly unbelievable low price, $19,400. Only one block to Main Citil 643-7718, 429-4465. bedroom Ranch. IH h*ths, 8TRANT ST. H erts a dandy ‘^ E DOLL” HOUSE vacation, group, health and GENERAL OFFICE position, al appropriation as follows: investment property, a 10 M^eXOESTER “ VERNON 6 room Cape, fuQfull Former PrePresident Dwight _ D. regtatored ^ NcrthoUle Sgta ford, on Friday, December 2, the year ending June 30, 1966, To; General Fund Budget Street they are convenient to the downtown business area, large buUt-in kitchen, immed­ Just listed! 4 room Bunga­ ial, nice location, ideal for dormer, modem kitchen, Eisenhower tees off today in the School in Warner Rcbin last life insurance. For appoint- knowledge of bookkeeping and GROOMING and boarding all room, 2 family duplex com- 1966 at 9:30 a.m. upon applica­ are now on file in the office of 1966/67, Town Counsel-- the best route to East Hartford and Hartford, and all shop's- iate occupancy, $160. monthly. low in one of Manchester’s large family or in-law situa­ garage with breezeway. Large fiiret round te a Owo-woek goMng October, hut was told by Printe- • ment call, 643-5335. typing ability a must. Full- breeds. Harmony Hills, H. C. Features and appointments are unsurpassed. Excellent F.H.A, pleU ^ modem hi' every de­ tion of The Connecticut Com­ the Town'Clerk, and the same Fees Account ...... $1,500 Lawrence F. Flano, Reoltoff nicest areas. This Uttle tion. Mitten Agency, Realtors. treed lot, 82’ swimming pool, vacattai. Pa* Milton Sutberlin be would time, 8-5, 40 hours. 643-2103. Chase, Hebron Rd., Bolton,' financing available. Don't take our word for all of ttis, come Sido Interest tail. TVs is an excellent in­ \ pany to extend it.s bus route in is open for public inspection. to be financed by an .in­ dream house ideal for the 648-6930. Inquire at Tabco Mfg., 53 Elm 643-5427. out this weekend and see for yourself. Our furmshed model 646887L come pirodueer. CaQ Jarvis $19,900. PhUbrick Agency, 649- Eiseimower ociived at the ^7* ^ leave until be got d Manchester from the junction This legal notice is given in crease in estimate of mis­ young or as a TeUrement hwiimif., St. will be open Saturday and Sunday from 1 - 5 P.M. Realty Oa, Realtors, 648-112L boma Priced at $14,500. to MANCHESTER — Owner mov- 8464, Augusta National Country Club AKC ENGUSH Setter, female, of Main Street and Wells accordance with Section 7-394 cellaneous revenues. DIRECTIONS: Main Street south to Charter Oak Street, seQ. CaQ Mr. Gordon at tog from state leaving this 8 ------Dnumal Cat>e te ^ orange ■ belton, whelped May Street, along Wells Street, of the General Staftltes. William R. Schaller, ICANCHBSTER — h e u bus. y^ar old tri-level home for BOLTON — unusual__ , cape or Washington for tor a a talk with Sanders, te OentorviUe, LUMBER YARD East on Charter Oak to Model Home, Paillettr Trim 64^-5306. Ga., contend the Ix^’e kng bair 24, excellent blood lines. 649- Spruce Street and Charter Oak Edward Tomkfel, Acting Secretary Older 6 room Ootc^al, 2-car some hicky buyer. Like new five r o ^ on three levels p^^^^dete Johnson, SALES Street to Main Street. B & W many extras, carport, lake TALLYMAN 3971 or 875-7406. Town Clerk'' ' Board of Directors garage, enclosed porch, quiet condition, with built-ins, 1)6 XT ^ ox. It to the 44th vlett hero tor the *■ _hls movte Piiblfe Utilities Manchester, Conn. Manchester, Conn, JARVIS REALTY CO. Mieet. Only. $16,900. Bayes The BARROWS and baths, 3 bedrooms, formal din- prlvUeges C^.iXE. Must b , Mb ftat atoce ^ ^ Full-titpe po.sitions avall-i MIX BREED toy puppies, 6 WAUxACE Co. Permanent job opening in es­ Commission Dated at Manchester. -Con­ Dated at Manchester, Con- 643-1121 643-9323 (Model Home) Agency, 6464)181. tog room and a famUy room suffering a heart attack tost ^ tablished wholesale lumber able for commi.ssion .selling.^ weeks old. Rea.sonable, 643- George J. Griffin, necticut, this 18th day of No- necticut. this 14th day of No­ Manchester Parkade NarombU in Wa cottage on the Check our excellent com-'’ 0473, between 6-7. 80 Wells St. for $22,900. Good value. W ol-______Migh School in Maona^^___ yard— Executive Secretary vember 1966. vember 1966. MANCHESTER — 2-lamlly 5-8, Manchester 649-6308. verton Agency, Realtors, 649- SOUTH WINDSDR— 5 room country club grounds. pany benefits and profit Steve recently—oppneed H 3 bedrooms, permanent siding. 2813. Ranch, 8 bedrooms, large -nfe ftxmer ^ d e n t orriv^ • 40 hours per week guaranteed sharing plan. Avoid city •himtmim storms ond screens, FOUR ROOM Ranch, lazga two ______films for the "Stage 67” ebi^ LOOKING FOR good homes, congestion. • near bus One, exeeQent oondl- car garage, Bowers SchooL m a NCBCBISTER — Bowers kitchen. Asking $15,900. Mute ^ and “ G unsZke ' • Some overtime. cute kittens. Call 649-6480. be sold, foreclosure ImmlnenL « Augutea s Municipal Airport • Good starting pay tkm,'* $17,800. Wolverton Agen- $16,000. T. J. Crockett, Real- school, 7 room Cape, 4 bed- Hayes Agency. 646-013L by a smaM mtotary w iO rgete 8 -»fNo-experienee necessary...... cy. Realtors, 649-3811. tor, 643-1577. roonp, flreplaced U v i^ room, 'G e m in i Crete SEARS ROEBUCK & CO. MALE SEAtrTX)Tnt“ sianTese-kit=^| H TighTllliHwnnioMiHrTinrBacr “FORCET IT.” Come To MANCHESTER from nearby Ft- Gordon and DAYTON, Ohio (AP) — Gem- •-Outdoor work Manchester Shopping Parkade ten, excellent pedigree. Call PRIVACYra.Txi.wx -_ Wooded c u s t ^ BXXX1..XSPLIT LEVEL______- 6)6 _____ n x ^ ,_ modem « Wtteien, family - rornn. RoRTH . COVENTRY -$15,900, repreaentatives te the teub. to! 8 eatnonauta Air Force Lt, -• Pension plan 643-1921, after 5 p.m. 875-0647. Manchester, Conn. Ranch, fireplace, foyer, dtoh- g bedrooms, modem kitchen. N*y®* Agency, room Randi. Garage, A p ^ b t e Dleetdioww g o ^ David R. Scott and NeU A. • Medical plan MOTOR SALES, 512 W. Center St., Manchester, WHERE FINANCING A GAR IS NO PROBLEM and The was^r, dls^sal. waQ to waQ w lto^t-tos. treed lot. reo place,------.aluminum------storms.------Con- "will " " trip to Asia and other parts Armstrong returned a very sne- • Other benefits ' tidering rental wltii option to te the world was discussed dur- ^ llahric te AKC COLLIE puppies. Call 875- carpets,'3-car garage, Hutchliw room, one car garage, patio, p^iGHT ROOM Cape, 2 baths. Agency, Realtors, 649-6834, $19,600. PhUbrick Agency, dormer, iificreation room, Itiy. Pasek, Realtors, 289-7476, tog the meeting with Johnson, vvirigbt Potteraon Air ForcA . , .. CALL MAN OR WOMAN with interest 9243. Deals Are Fabulous. ^-8243. but BiQ D. Moyera, presWentite ^ S S ^ O h i o . i W in selling that would like an ' ------^ Realtors, 649-8464. garage,------troto, large lot. Only REX LUMBER CO. opportunity to earn a aubetan- NORTH COVENTRY- ^ ^ ^ ‘‘“y- 'n»y had token it with piANCH up In Green Manor. $18,900. Hutchins Agency, tial income in a local furniture MONGREL PUPPIES for sale. BEST BUYS Six rooms, garage, carpeting. ______Realtors, 649-5324. like new, 5)6 289-93T9 — 8-5 store, many years tm Main St. 643-4294. Ranch, built-ins, fireplace, as­ The fabric came frbm this 40 hour week, fringe benefits. Assumable $13,000 inortgaga n e a R WADDELL School. wing of the singto-engine Doug* FREE—Two adorable gray kit­ sume. low interest mortgage W. WUlard Wirt* Write Box B Herald. B'y Belfiore avaQSble. T. J. Crockett, Rete- d e a n 6 room Cape, four rooms _ las btptone "New Orteons,” tiie tens, housebroken, double BIG DISCOUNTS NOW tor,v 643-1577. with $2,700. Hayes Agency, COLUMBIA, 8.C. (AP) - c^te X e t o ^ ^ ^ ^ DRIVERS—For local fuel com­ -LAND finished. Shaded back town. SUR'VEY interviewers,-hours 6 paws, g’ weeks old. 21 'Hart­ 646^0131. pany. Top wages. Apply at 1. 176 acres — 10. minutes jdANCHESTER — New Ustlng. 640-6572. world, tt^anted a crew te two Tolland St., F.ast Hart- P-m. to 9 p.m., car needed. ford Rd.. 643-4468. PLUS 2 FIRESTONE TOWN AND COUNTRY SNOW TIRES from Manchester. VERNON' — 4 custom built Mwua* x?^T. rvew* im In —* an open — cockpit;-ww-w—^*-*i, wbeo tt made ------^----- Call before 3 p.mr,-523-9758. 6)6 room Ranch, 1)6 baths, ga* MANCHESTER — 8 room, 7 / H«vxJi«nmxmM tio m 'ford, 289-5431. WHITE FRENCH poodle, min­ 2. 100 acres — practlcaQy on rage, fine nelghborho^, be“^ year oM b o »e wMh hUf acre/< *‘°“ ' development) h om • historic 1934 flight to lYs Ranches and Raised Ranches. an aveaoga speed te 71 iature, AKC and .shots. 10 Manobester-Olastcafimry line. tifully landscaped ^ larid, Keeney 9t. airta. |20»- WE HAVE AN opening In oyr Kitchen bullt-lns. ceramic tiled ^ m i l e s per hour, WILL CARE for child In my weeks old, • beautiful clear SEVERAL •600. Hayes Agency, 646-0181. jqq f^ if 648-9601. '.'jie\VIy Organized coating de­ baths, landscaped wooded lot. ^ woge-ond Gemini 8 aafronaute home weekdays. ,643-8437. r eyes, $85. 649-4063. WITH PURCHASE OF ANY USED CAR FROM >500 UP. parcels to the area suitable for partment, excellent opportun­ P apartmenU, stores, and other «ceH«nt 4- $20,000-$22,000 with exeeQent ^ to JToranc. ity for advancement. No ex­ uses. Call us for an appoint- b i^ c n wite lyUt-ine, Ranch, foil oeHar, many financing availabto. Dimook ~ ™ speed te 17,000 mph. perience nece.ssary, as we will m K rH\ ment to diaeusg your needs. I f b ^ , **•**'• “ “ brutes from town, train. Many liberal benefits. EFFECTIVE NOV. 18th THRU 30th 1966. we don’t havo it, wtiU locate *^y Agenqr, Realtowi, BOLTON — Four room Ranch plaJte bnougM by the D e p ^ - 'Apply in person Klock Com­ THIS YEAR Was NOW It tor you, t with big troes. close to ------1 ■■ ■ BIRCH MT. Bischyne 4-Door S^an, stand­ 64 OLDSMOBILE $2395 n»46H Green Manor Ranch with new^ — g.famQy centraHy located, 4- lake. Only $14,900. T. J. 62 CHEVROLET $1395 $1195 ard trans., 6-cyt. R&H. Dynamic 88 4-Dr. Wagon. PS, The oirtOt gentle con- 5224 _ly painted^ -exterior. Nicely . MANCHEKTBR —N ^ listing.______garage,______large lot, excellent Crockett. R ector, 643-1577. brc., a D a r t in g a u to m ^ e Impala Convertible. V-8, auto., PB. V-8, automatic. ^ repair ffirm, and iibs operotora, Was NOW PS, PB. touia and softly rolled coUar xdd sparkle te this lacy blouse landroaped. Oaraga Immediate Brick front 6-room CSape income. OaH MltUn Agency, HOLIDAY SPECIAL —Vernon, Raymond Mclver Ctontan and flatters the half slae figure pe^ ^ neckline trim te shining oocupan^. “2 foU baths, (uQy plastered, -Realtors, - 643-6930. MAGNIFICENT h o m e: s it e s 66 OLDSMQBILE $3595 $3195 one car garage, wooded l o t , ______yxxhA St. 6 rooin CotoUte, 1)6 James Oocbett denton Jr., wMi PENNY SAVED IS A $2495 «2095 fecUy. BrighUn with a contrast parties! The pattern stitch is NEW LISTING •A Delta 88 Convertible. PS, PB, 65 FORD $2395 $1895 64 OLDSMOBILE near biu, schDol and shopping. MANCHE3STBIR — new 7 room 1»ti)S, buUt-ins, garage, va- unlawtfulliy withboldhig $19,788 MAGNAVOX... B6LT0N.MANCHESTER I^NE, 1^, V-8, ajuto., factory ‘ air i^oi)d., Fairlane'500 4-Dr. Sta. Wagon. 98 Holiday Spdan. PS. PB, txhn or *PP*blua just os easy to crochet os tt is to pjight room home one block eant. Florida owner says in mintmum wages snd ovsg- K vV -' PENNY CARNU < ' 4 ' 'T V SeQing for $18,000. CaQ the R. Raised Ranrii, 3 bedrooms, one bwner. a ■Vig, automatjq, ,R&H. V-8, automatic.' , 5 ' V\ bnlt! \ fr^ BmtetsScbotel 1)6 baths. ’’Sell” , $18,$00. Ken Os^insl^, time hom employee end wiCb V - Pattern No. 8884 has both cro- twd-car F. EMmock Oo., 649-8348. I family room, 3 | firoplocea, '' for b iillt ^ . 2)6 beiths. Realtor, 643-1833. ‘ fadkire to keep required records Qualify Prestige Area 63 CHEVROLET $1295 ?6^bi2T8)4 Chet ^l^t directionstor^s Q Q L D ^ GLENDALE RD...- Open dally 'tS ’ 66 OLDSMOBILE $4495 $4095 65 OLDSMOBILE $2595 «2195 Dynamic 88 Convertible PS, Blscayne- 4-Door Sedan. 6-cyI. to 47. Sine 14, ™ .mfLll ^32-641. medium (36-38) ,amnyfatnilv „ first and Sundays. M Newaw 6-room e-room ... ^ ^ large weU 1__landscapeda____ -.a BOLTON- 5 - excellent value. Eunice Shriver COLOR TV Only two 4 bedroom, 8-room Colonials left. Will Toronado, factory air .condition­ xin^Ito* (40-4S) inclusive. floor. Recently repapered. A Ranch with carport, unique ^ 649-0486.- Builder. , Transferred owners. Plenty of YORK (AP) — Eutece ing, PS, PB, auto., one owner, PB, V-8, automatic. standard, R&H. \ .Jo order, send 35c to coins to; uniqu* offering at $18,900. kitchmi-famlly room arrange- — ^------— room Inside and out. T w o faurtw r h M lOMi xi^ build to your plans or select a one acre tree- 2 to choose from. *1195 Suei Borhe^ Cabot, Manchester Eve- DcHi’t wait on this . 8 P.M.; Sat. and Sun., 2 p.M. to 6 P.M. MANCHESTER OLDSMOBILE Can Helen Palmer, Leonard with heated porch, oU base- empkpfto at the wUMf House^ .Oil ^ Open Eves, till 0 J 'I S r ? H s i i ^ M \\( lIKSn If tU*Toa cue SAVE money by LAWRENCE F. FIANO - 512 W EST CENTER STREET 643-2411—643-1511 Exc^t Thurs. nnd Sat. tin § Ideaal f49-?ftlY with The Hayes AKM><>y msm « w r . 55 Eh $ Center St, Phone ;aI=C'C:^6 f:*t: i:r 'iz-'t f ■^) t ■ \ . ‘V V '\ ' I rf . . FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18,1966 ’V. f. PAGE TWENTY-JGUR Avorafe Daily Net Press Run The Weather For the Week Ended Variable eloudinesa'and ooel The 21at annual Festival Jobless. Oaims YW Groups Plan NovemSer 6,1960 .. today; high In AOp? cl«M, cold A b o u f T o w n of Harrnony, sponsored \ by AUCTION tonight, • low in 20s; mamf <• the Hartford Chapter of Drop Slightly Christmas Fair and cold tomorrow, high agaia ; S t B rid ^ CJhurcERSsary SPEBSQSA, will be held Nov. SATURPAY. NOV. 19. 1966 — 10:00 A.M. 15,104 abou t 40. . The Christmas Fair df the ^ 7 . j^ety will sponsor a Food Sale 25 at B p.m. at Bushnell Me­ Local unem|doyment oompeh- YaomcNis Hall, Columbiq, Conn. Manche$ter— A Ciiy of Village Charm Manchester YWCA will be held r **' . Sunday at St. Bridget School morial, Hartford. Proceeds will satlon payments, deeaaiwing up ' H i’ .- ■ - . cafeteria after all- Masses at benefit several projects includ­ Tuesday, Dec. 6 at the YMCA- Rain or Shine (Classified Advertisins on Pejce 9 t PRICE SEVEN CEN ie and down for the pert few VOL. LXXXyi, NO. 43 CTWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1966 the'church. Donations for the ing the Connecticut Eye Bank YWCA buUding, 770 Main St., Annual Uons a t* Auction-Sofas, Chairs, CWm , and Visual Research Founda­ weeks, showed a alight drop of •pie may he brought to the East Hartford, from 10 d.m. to Washing Machines. TVs, Beds, Lawn Mowers, Toys, l^eterla Saturday from 7 to 8 tion. Those wishing to obtain six lart week, aoooiding to a SnowHlower (like new). Tools, Water Heater, some Antiques, 3 p.m. The fair'W ill be held as pan. Sunday moinlng. Those tickets which will be credited to report isrtied by the Connecti­ New and Used Artloleft, Full of Surprises. a joint event with the CHaston- wishing further information the foundation may contact cut Labor Department. Lunch Available By The Lionesses may contact Mrs. J. Edward Mrs. Henry Starkweather, 186 hury and Enfield YWCAa this A total of SOe checks was paid Bobert'HendrIckson, Auotloneep—Seats For All McKeever, ftl Washington St Lake St'. locally dwing the week ended year. Free baby-sitting will be Nov. 12, compated with 308 available at the sale. Sunset Rebalcah Lodge will All handcraft articles, decora­ .checks issued during the week Luncheon will be served at meet Monday at 6:45 p m. at tions and aprons for the Christ­ ended Nov. 6. About 60 p er two sittings, noon and 1 p.m. Odd Fellows Hall. After a short mas Fair at North Methodist cent of lart week’s claims were Reservations must be’ made,In .business meeting, the group will Church are due this week. They from women. advance at the. "YWCA offl.oe at attend at 8 p.m. .an Assembly may be left at the church office Caaims filed throughout th^ the Community Y, 79 N- Main officers night at Princess or with oi\e o f the m em bers o f state last weejr dropped exact­ St., or at the Bast Branch YW­ ORANGE HALL Rebekah liodge, Hartford. the fair committee. ly two, from 11,002 for the week CA office, 364 W. Middle Tpke., Cambodia Crossed Bordicr * Loring photo Burkam p photo ended Nov. 6 to 11,600 for the over W. T. Gfonte at the Man­ PoilWh N ational Alldance wUl Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. week ended Nov. 12. Engaged chester Shopping Parkade. meet Sunday at 2 p.m. at 77 Merritt of 54 Woodhill Rd. re­ Engaged • New Haven led the state lart Luncheori reservations will N orth S t. cently attended a meeting of week with 1,606 claims, and was The engagement of Miss Do­ doss Nov. 29. The engagement of Miss the National Association of toUowed by Bridgeport with lores E. Johnson of Manchester Chief Petty Officer Clartt S. Linda Louise Sturtevant of Members of the Manchester Rusk Holds Kidnaping, County 4-H Agents at Syra­ 1,389, W aterbury w itj) 1,106 and to Pfc. Gary P. r the first 10 months of serving with the U.S. Army Viet Nam, invaded a faim- the University of Bridgeport’s Co., Ihic., Main St. Mr. Du- 1966, local benefits have totail- a sUenoe in the ground war in Medical Corps In Viet Nam. ing community and fought College of Nursing. Charme, also a 1964 graduate ed <526,318, com p ared w ith Viet Nam will be matched by a ' T ' / y No date has been announced a brief battle with Vietna­ ’ J of Manchester High School, is $917,648 paid ou t dutttag the silence in the air war — at least employed at Bakdi Pontiac for the wedding. TRIM THE mese militiamen near the Officers elect of World War I fiirst 10 months of test year. for Christmajs and the lunar ;F/CiRVVAY Barracks and Auxiliary will re- Buick Inc., Warehouse Point. - .' On a statevrids basis, the sum frontier, a Vietnamese hoase Simday at 2 p.m. at the No date has been announced o f $1,324,996 w as paid out la rt metropoliean areas to lessen Gm /rits New Year. , ^ military spokesman VFW Home. Members of the in­ for the wedding. month., ‘' 1 congestion has been much dis­ Brt Rusk added at a news charged today. stallation committee are re­ cussed in the United States. It KNOWN FOR VALUES conference Friday: “ I would not He said SO Cambodian soldiers minded to attend the rehearsal. originated . in Britain in 1898 TREE SALE! want to hold out the expectation penetrated 600 yards Inside Cub Scout Pack 144 of Kee­ BRITON PROPOSED TOWNS S BOTH STORES S ney St. School will meet to­ LONDON—The Idea of byild- with pioneer town planner that a prolonged pause in the Vietnamese terrorists late Frl- bombing might occur.” Friday, kidnaped a Vietnamese Firat District of the American night at 7:30 at the school. Ing "new towns” outside the Hbeneoer Howard. •OPEN TONIGHT* He said there have been no 5 civilian and stole 14'cattle. They Legion Auxiliary will meet Sun­ P’ilms will be shown. This is Orbiter 2*s first photo from the moon. It was taken from an alti­ . x, i > indications from the other side returned into Cambodia alter a day at 2:30,p.m. at the Volim- tude of about 30 miles and shows a 500-meter crater (center). The picture as to what would happen if the short clash with a local militia S till 9! S teer Firehouse, Farmington The French Club of Manches­ covers an area of about 2.7 x 2.7 miles. North is at the top and the sun is at bombing were stopp^. But he imit near ^ toe frooUer, - tot Ave., Keimaingtan. ter will meet tonight at 8 at i r ALUMINUM PRODUCTS ★ the right at an angle of about 15 degrees above the horizon. (AP Photofax) Orange Hall. There will be en­ •at drew a disUnetJon between the Crippled Jet Lands Without Trouble spokesman said. t • Combination Wlndqws ond Doow Will last for years! idea of a general pause — like The border-crossing was an­ Cub Scout Pack 152 of Bow­ tertainment, and refreshments • calendar • the one that lasted 37 days over After a tense hour of circling to use up fuel, a Delta Airlines pilot landed a nounced as fresh fighting broke ers School will meet tonight at will be served. A meeting of the Door Canopies, RoD-up Awnings, Cu v m Awnlng^pal^ the lart Ohrirtmas sesison — crippled jet so smoothly at Fort Worth, Tex., that passengers hardly no­ out this afternoon In War Zone C 7 at the school. Boys are re­ board of directors will be held 2 towels only 77e 2 Re-covered. Take Dowli' Service and Storage. Boat OMvas A t an incredibly low Orbiter Presses Search and what might happen this ticed the difference. Capt. J. D. Irvin set the airliner, carrying 94 peraons on between imits of toe U.S. 26th minded to bring their cub ap­ at 7:30. Repaired or Made New To Yonr Pattern. All Wwk Chrirtm as. the runway despite a jammed right landing gear. A slight lurch to the rififht Infantry Division and en* plications. Grommets — Eyelets — Fostenem. Carefully emphasizing his and a brief fire were the only incidents. No one was injured.^'Airport offi- trenched Viet (Jong., . , The Women's Guild of Trinity ^ e r s Custom Mode for Commercial and words, Rusk said that what Covenant Church'Will meet to­ hig Compbund For Tents, Boatcovers and Canvas. We Do cials (above) are checking out the damaged gear. (AP Photofax)______The fighting erupted a few GranthoUday prim For Moon Landing Sites might happen during ^ch spe­ ’ hours after (3uam-based BS2 night at 8 at the church. Host- Resoreenlng of Aluminum Screens. cial days as Chrirtmas and the e.sees are Mrs. Paul Jacobsen, bonibers staged two raids today Mrs. Wendell Either and Mrs. MANCHESTER AWNING CO. PABADENA, Calif. (AP) — There was a possibility, how- not considered as promising as ~ lunar New Year - - peri^ . on Viet Cong positions In Wat William Smyth. Membera are America’s Lunar Orblter 2 ever, that the area was so pitted some of the other 13 potential would depe^ „ Zone C about 60 miles northwest swept on toward new scientific by smaU craters that it would landing sites Lunar Orblter 2 namese and to some~ extent on o f Saigon. reminded to bring harvest offer­ EST. 194&—195 W . CENTER STREET—649-8091 un-iiKE r/2 FT. the Communirt ^Big4 ’Brake Auto Output BAHLER-MOSER DAIRY The giant Stratoforta, in ings. goals today after radioing , the not serve as a prime target for will scan during the coming a MANCHESTER PARKADE moat valuable pictures yet In astronauts expected to fly to the week. guerrillas. third raid today, also bombed UUE SPRUCE 1REE the nation’s search for safe moon within the next two or Nonetheless, he said, the The Tet, wWoh covers a three- North Vietnamese training ar* Open 8 AJIL to 9:30 PAL (Closed Sundays) landing sites on the irtoon. three years. three photographs, snapped at a ^7 •as'and gun positions 20 m iles HAS 168 BRANCH TVS The spacecraft’s first photo- “Roughness may be a limiting height of 30 miles, are the most ^ uShers on the As Sales, Profits Tumble northwest of Plei Djereog Spe* Yeor of the Sheep” in the SWEET Let Pero Manchester's Only and O ld ^ MUMtUt graph — snapped Friday mom- factor,”■ Dr.~ ~Thor Karlrtrom, • of - yaiuable yet of the lunar ter- cial Forces camp in the central HOUDAY PRICED Chinese lunar calendar. Produce Stand, Plan Your Thanksgiving Dinner ing and released by the National the U.S. Geological Survey at rain. - highlands. NATIVE TURKEYS At his first news conference In DETROIT (AP)— The four crease and about the Viet Nam (JhevroJet-Fteher Body assem­ CIDER Aeronautics and Space Adminls- Fle^staff, Arte., told a news Their detail, showing craters bly plant at Lordrtown, Ohio, to ORDER NOW a p p l e s FRESH FROM THE COOLERS: M ^ , two months, Risk avoided tak- major auto companies Gener- war. _ Except for toe new fighting la For Thanksgiving tratlon Friday night — showed a conference at Jet Propulsion Cortlands. Russetta, McGowan. R ^ as small as three feet across, ing flat position against a holi- „ ^ ^ . "We know full well we arc rearremge aiseemhly lines for the War Zone C sectot In Tay Keg and Spigot Sales, broad crater-pocked equatorial Laboratory. far exceed details in al Motors, Ford, r ora, Chrysler^.iirysier andai.u behind the industry’s ohailges in toe raiUo of car types KATIVE: CaulifloweTf Spinach, Dandelions, T.i^« day truce provided the other Nlnh Province, only minor R entals . Boston Lettuce, Salad Bowl, Endive. Escarole, Leeks, Beets, "GOLDEN HARVESr plain flat enough for upcoming He said the photographed graphs made by ailing Lunar aide stopped shooting. But Iw American Motors — are slicing g^les record, but this still produced. Work is to resume ground action was reported. Open Every Weekend Purple Top and Yellow Globe Turm ^ wuhm 16.88 Apollo vehicles to tend on with- area, in the dry Sea of Tranquil- Orbiter 1 in August and by the did rule dot any one-sided g«s- production, BTRSur firims-have'winds’*up as the second best Jon. 3 on two shittB. - For a ninth consecutive day, Until New Years V^ETABLES: Belgium out tipiilnH over:------' 1 By, on the'lunar equator, was NO MONEY DOWN / Soviet Luna 12 test month. tore by the United States to stop reported lagg^ing sales and de­ year In automotive history, and Jan. 9—Pontlae assembly tei monsoon rains and low ceiUnga FRESH-NOT FROZEN Sweet Potatoes, Yanis, White Onions, BUttemut, Acorn Pontiac, ddsmobile in Lansing, 1.25 weekly Some of the first U.S. ■ Orbl- bombing Nora Viet N ^ profits. there is nothing to get alai™bd sharply cut U.S. air strikes over and Hubbard Squash. and Buick in Flint, Mich., plus FRt;iT: Florida Navrt Tang^^ TM g^. ter’s pictures were blurred and ,.0*11 some assurance of reoipro- about,’’ he said. North Viet Nam. BOLTON Oranges, The industry, a key force In Pln^Doles 'Cantaloupes, Indian River Grapefruit, R^> So realistic in its deep blue col­ the others yielded details no oal action. Ford, Chrysler and American GM Assembly Division plants at U.S. idiots flew only 32 striko ★ Phone 643-4446 ★ the U. S. economy, was jolted Kansas City, Kan.; liiiden, CIDER MILL Whlt^, Blue Grapes. or! 168 tapered pre-rfiaped brandh smaller than 24 feet across. • Rusk said the military prob' v, ^ 1 ■«» Motors confirmed they are low­ missions, concentrating all ot Rt. 6 and 44A — 648-6389 Pears, NPerslmmons and ITOESH SWEET CIDEB. tips have 3 W long needles for e®* Fit LBJ wm Work, The Soviet pictures were Uk- lem as to be Iaeed.in Souto Viet Friday when Gener^ Motors ering production quotas for this N.J., and Wilmington, Del. them against targets about 4B tra fullness. Flameproof^-cau b« en at a much higher altitude — Nam ‘soley due to the fact that revealed it would cut Its auto month. One industry trade The stock me/rkrt reacted Fri­ miles north of toe demlUtarteed CALIFbRNIA LETTUCE ...... output by 8 .1 per cent. day to GM’s tlien-peodliig an­ zone and in toe southern, end of used safely with lights. Steel red about 62 miles — and had even tjie otSrer side has not been wUl- paper said toe auto makers CAULIFLOW ER...... -2 less detail. ing to undertake serious dtectw- GM. the nation’s largest auto have trimmed 68,000' cars from nouncement, as well as the North Viet Nam. and green enamel finished stand. builder, said the cutback would B A N A N A S ...... - 2 2 B ^ Lunar Orbiter i was deliber- skins or to come to the confer- this month’s production sched­ over-all State of the industry Just two miles north of toe Rest at Texas Home start with a 3.7 per cent reduc­ Nestle’s Deluxe Cocoa. Reg. 8 9 c ----- 1% lbs. ately crashed on the moon prior ence table, or to engage in a ules. GM sank below 70 for toe first demilitarized zone, the U.S. do* AS FEATURED IN GDOD HDUSEMEEPJMO tion in December and an addi­ Royal or Sealtest Ice Cream ...... Vi gal* 9 9 ^ WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi- atiqn ha4 kept him in the Beth- to the second Orblter launch conference or to start paoking Spokesmen for Ford and time tote year on toe New York stroyers Hamner and John R. denl Joteison checks out of th« esda hospltirtjfor 13 days, tional 4.4 per cent in January. Stock Exchange^ faJUng 1% Craig bombarded an inland ra* Nov. 7 to avoid possible conflict peace.” . undeteri^ined n u ^ b«' of Oirysler saW ; thete wmpanles “If It’s Emly, Natlvb; or Out of Season — We Have It” hoepital today m d lM^^ for his 'Dils time Johnson speart only of radio signals. On another subject, the secre- have not yet decided how many (See Page Three) (See Page Three) Texas ranch to work, rest and six days in Washington for his workers will be laid off assem­ U.S. scientists are hunting for Czechoslovakda on ^ b ly lines as 11 o f its 23 assem bly cars to build in December or recover from the dual opera,tion operation. He returned to the three-bv-fcir-mile sites with relations with the Undt- "T H E K IN G plants around the nation reduce January. But a continuation of be underwent Wednesday. / White House Monday after 10 96V6I*Cll SDO^S on whlch States would be affected if lagging sale — the firms report­ OF “He has the usual ache^ and sometimes, hec^ to ’m as ,, ^ 3^ in case ‘s ^ solution to their output, GM said. ' “These are rugged days for ed sales in the first 10 days this PRODUCE!" pains Mi,^ed 'very hard for in GM said it eventually would They’re on Display back to Texas. “They are quite There te nothing on the schedule ^ Karlstrom said consular access” to the Co., said, this week: “Nobody is ^ trim more than 1,600 cars a day ------. , Incased he te going to the now that would require his re former Czerti singing toe blues around here. Ahead of Lunar Orbiter 2 are arrorted while retuim- There is a pause In toe market, from its current daily produc- NEW YORK (AP) — Six thou-tlque” doesn’t even have to b* f ranch and get some rest,” said turn to toe 'White Houro. fijrther scientific goals tlon of about 20,000 autos. ssmd years of man's arte and very old — so long as it’s ftm. Holiday Staples... press secretary Bill D. Moyers. But. Moyers said he may be liig from a travel conference in but.it is nothing serious. There It said the cutback would handicrafts were on display at If a young man wants to put a Get a hecMl sta^ with your holiday shopping and buy The President plans to leave back anyhow, “to an Indefinite (See Page Slve) Moscow. is uncertainty,., about a tax in- start Dec. 6 at four assembly Madison Square Garden this loaf of pumpernickel broad In a staple Items j»plght tUl 9 or Saturday 8 AJVI. fill 6 P.M .; his $46-a-day suite at Betoesda period when nothing appears on plants In four states. Previously week, with toe result that a bat- huge clamp; squeeze it, harden Naval Hospital in suburban the calendar, you had best wait scheduled overtime will be eli­ tered coffee can te an antique — it with a special plastic process S-A-L-E M IN C E MEAT. Maryland about mid-day, going, for the unexpected,” he said, and two plastic fried eggs on a and call it a work of art It may minated, GM said, and toe daily From S & W , Borden and Crosse & Blackwell directly to Andrews Air Force/ Johnson had a final throat rate of output will be reduced. skillet is art. not really he art, but It’s fun. Extra Full Scotch Pine 7-Ft. Base, Md., to board the presi- checkup from Dr. Wilbur J. A wonderful assortment of- candied fruits from M ore The promoters of toe Naticmal A out-phig tobacco tin may Tree with 111 Branch Tips dential jet without stopping at Gould, and the White House re- 5 & W. Plum Pudding and Hard Sauce from Crosse Friday Meat Ban Lifted, Cutbacks scheduled by Gener­ Arts and ^ Antiques Festival not be really old, but It looks SATURDAY ONLY! -HouDAT m a p toe White House. ported that “toe healing process _ would be toe last to take eitherold, and It’s ideal for a ooover- 6 Bla^well. al Motors, end the dates, ctre: Easy to assemble. 3*/^" long « i, - a a The medical team assembled has been very good.” needles. With steel red and ^ lIcO O D ec. 6—Chevrolet assembly, arts or tottfioas seriously. In aation-plece cookie csn. for toe presidential operation His voice was reported ptemte at WdBow Run, Mich.; St. fact; they label their show "Btoi so while a dealer who dls* Remember, if you buy a Pinehurst frozen Cackle- green enamel finished stand. was breaking up, its members strengthening — and for the NO MONIEV DOWH Catholics to Make Choice - Louis, Mo., and Atlanta, G a., h» A rt and M an’s A rticra fto plays a 3,(XX>-B.C. E gyptian c la y COMPARE AT «30 bhij Capon (6 to 8 lbs.) or roasting chicken, to Reg. 814.99 1JS wMkIy* I heading home less than four first time since toe operation he and the GM Assem'hly Division Through 60 Centuries, bowl may gmmble about jmfle send front label from either to days after the surgery in which was able to use the telephone, WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. ptent at Arlington, Tex. Ih this show, "art” doesn’t taiking over, meet of the 800 oth* 7-FT. SPARKLING ALUAIINUM TREE they removed a smaU growth Christian said he made one call,' Romin'’ Catholics now must D ec._ 27-2^Closing of the have to be artistic, and an Van- er dealers happily sell Junk to . Cacklebird, Box 601 from Johnson’s throat and re- perhaps two. WITH'105 POMPON BRANCH.^ decide for themselves whether satisfied customers — while the 100% W OOL B i^klyn, N. Y. 11202 HOtIDAY ftICEU paired an Incisional hernia on The President still has four to eat meat on Fridays. young "bread artist,” John Heavy gauge aluminum foil, toe... right .. o ------side of his abdomen. stitches in his , right J side, ______whereBut. if they decide to discon- S7roher, sells pretzel earrlnga and you will receive $1.00. , wide cut. Each branch has ^ 1 1 . 8 8 The hernia erupted in the scar surgeons repaired toe rujrtmed i;ooo-year-old tradition Sad Viet Tribute apd Swokar brooches." » w ’ .ifthnson’s rail bladder scar. They are to come out in a A# 17*vtli4aar BKwflnaVl/«A fVlOV OFA A 20c coupon good on your next Cacklebird pur­ foil pompon. 4" needles, left by; Johnson’s gall bladder of Friday abstinence, they are 'J '^ is having its day be­ nomoNiydown operatiem pet. 8, 966. That oper- week or so. chase, is on most Cacklebird items, including the -'iJW'wMbiir urged strongly, by their bishops cause of an amendment to th* I CornjHb Hens which we feature this week 79c to substitute soipe Otiier form of U. S. tariff law for which NJL voluntary penahde, i?/oodjr Caps ,Mage)T, director of the festtyal. each. '' ... In an hlstorloV decree an­ was a leaditeg lobbytet. In Connectiev^ nounced Friday nigtit, the Na­ The amendment saya that tha It will be worth your while to shop Pinehurst this week­ tional Conference ot Catholic term “antique,” once applied SPORT end tpr Bishops releiised the imtion's 45 Grid Coach Career only to items made before 1680, OSCAR MAYER SLICED million Cathbllcs from i^ndato- can now be applied to "c|lriecta Many to Continue ry Friday abstinence om most DENTON, Tex. (AP) ^ It made In traditional rtylea and Fridays of the year. ’’ (See Page Three) COATS The change 1s effective Dec; 2 Texas State University today — drying Odus Mitchell smiled lb — toe first Friday of Advent and time for retirement of aiid recalled, the writer an ha but since in most dioceses the Odus Mitchell, veteran foothoU read the letter, no-meat rule te lifted on toe day Lowest Price In' A Year coach at toe big, sprawling “At North ’Texas,” said after Thanksgiving, most U.S. X25 Plane Sets prairie school, . ■* old coach, “Cteorge w as PINEHURST LEAN, JUICY WEST HAVEN (AP)—“Most which members of toe church catholics, may join fellow BOX OF 12 SOLID COLOR But a letter, a blood-stained ideal guy. He was one of the S p e e d M a r K people seiid Uiey were In. the can Intelligently decide their churchmen in France, Italy and 21/4* GLASS ORNAMENTS message of praise end apprecia- moat popular and respected • ROUND STEAK 6B0UND habit of eating fish on Fridays, own form of penitence.” Canada in eating meat next Fri- tton to MitcheU from a wounded players among, teammates EDWARDS AIR > FOROB and would continue doing so.” Monslgnor Grlffto felt that the day. , i ' Marine Corps captain, high- whom I ever coached.” BASE, Oailf. (AP)—Air Fore# sole 77c TJhat’s the report of one res- action was thr^dld: Declaring Frencn, Italian and Canadian lighted and saddened the day. Hq road on: “my company’s Maj. WiUiaan Knight has set a U. S, Choice, of course. Lb. 99c \ taurant manager in Connecticut that church raenibers, must de- bishops 'freed Catholics In those .fisss,". ' ' -J' Mitchell, excited over ending spirits always remain arid new speed redord in^rthe XU stunning tree decorati^ after toe subject of eating meat clde for themselves what peni- countries from the rule of ab- Chiick or . Block Chuck Pot Roast 15-LIGHT INDOOR SET 42 years erf coaching, barely no- attain our mission of destroying rocket plane, rtreaking to 4,U9 at true holiday savinl^. 25-LIGHT OUTDOOR SET 3 in 1 Blend 39c to 49c WITH NEW SPRING CLIPS on Fridays was the chief topic tence to observe; admitting that atinence earlier this year. Their tloed the brownteh-red rtain on the enemy. I was taught toe -miles an hour alter toe annoimcement by Ro- Roman Catholic Arch- national conference, niade sev- trying to make tods g'^ e to ^ ^n,hat an hohor k was and miles an lM)ur,ieet to 1962 by to# field and Land 0* Lakes, tnfkeys for ilyeekend se­ GRANTS on connector, spring dips. man Catholic Bishops to Wash- diocese of Hartford was not eral cxceptionB to their decree', lection. Fresh Aberle-LaBroad, Conn, Turkeys ar­ your honor,” said Hetitag’s Irt- to i«.W bten itoe of' yotu:^ 1^ A.' Walker, _ Handsomte i hopsack sport coats and toi^OT 'toat the church ban on available lor comment. The They said (SathoUca still ;nust tor. hoys. I only hope that I can Knight’s record flight begaa , rive Monday lioon. Aating meat on Fridays te being jj^ad of toe nationwide Roman abstaUi and fast — limit toe plaids, check and solid color blazers ■ U l "If it -were aiiy way possible, g fi-aoUon of your at 45,000 feet, when the XIB wad Retain your empty bottles to As and remeinbor onr special discarded, to be retained oifly catholic fraternal organization, consumption of food in general I would attend the b^l game, typg influence on my nien, helpdropped: froto under the wing of.. ■ jin group. Beg. 36 to 46, short 36 to- feature on Cott Ginger Ale and Plavors, 4kgto. 89c (con­ MANCIfESTER PARKADE v during licnt. Knights of Columbus, John W. — on Ash Wednesday, toe first I Just to let you know how much I them all their Ufe.” a B62 bomber over Mud lain, tents). Case of 12.02.67. The reasons lof the action moDevitt of New Haven, had day of Lent, and on Good Fri- Archbishop Hannan announces the abolition of the think of you end what you con- . •.! the letter with my )Nev, 42, long 38 to 46. were outlined by the Rt. Rev.^ comment other than saying day, toe Friday before, Easte:^, Roman Catholic Church’s rule against eating trtbuted to maktog me become ^jj^ert out,” said MdteheU. “’Then Thecraft also oaMted oxperik Msgr. Joseph R. Griffin, rector subject belongs to the and other Fridays In Lent meat on Fridays at the National Conference of a m an. ; I got down to where Ms friend mental pstebM of • SHgjht Charge For Alteratioiu, Pinehurst Grocery, Iric. M A IN STltEET, M ANCHEStER o i at Roee Church In Meriden. ]jiahope. The btehofw said in their pas- Catholic Bishops, in session all, week in Washing- — "w ie’ve been to the fi^W for 46 "In this aoUon the church ^ ^ __ days and casuakiies heea (See Pago Three)' | ^ (8 o * P og a > Mknowleges a modem age In (See Page Thiqr) , FH* *wo) t(^. (AP Photof^) >. - . 1 , r . v \ :^

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