Protestors Across Nation Gather at 'TEA Parties'

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Protestors Across Nation Gather at 'TEA Parties' INDIE MUSICIAN’S COLOR ME SPRING TIME: BEARS COME OUT DEBUT ALBUM FAILS STUDENTS INVITED TO PARTAKE IN HINDU SWINGING WITH WIN TO PLEASE CELEBRATION TODAY AT BEAR PARK AGAINST UTSA PAGE 5 PAGE 3 PAGE 6 ROUNDING UP CAMPUS NEWS SINCE 1900 THE BAYLOR LARIAT THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 2009 Math professor distinguished by colleagues By Nick Dean lent blackboard skills with the Staff writer use of technology to teach his students. I am very proud of Synonymous to dominating the teaching successes of our a basketball game or scoring a mathematics staff at Baylor touchdown, John Davis has hit University and, in particular, a home run in the math realm of John’s extraordinary abili- and been awarded the Distin- ties as a teacher,” Littlejohn guished Teaching Award from said. “Mathematics was, is, and the Mathematical Association always will be one of the most of Amer- difficult subjects for students to ica. comprehend. To teach this sub- T h e ject well — and have students pro- recognize teaching excellence cess that in the mathematics classrooms b r o u g h t — is always a challenge. John Davis to Davis has been exemplary in be hon- meeting this challenge semes- ored as ter after semester at Baylor.” a distin- Davis said that the award g u i s h e d was motivated by his peers. professor “I am honored and humbled required Davis because this award required B a y l o r both former students as well Protestors across nation Depart- as several of my colleagues in ment Chair of Mathematics the department here to write on Lance Littlejohn to nominate my behalf,” Davis said. “That him for the award. Colleagues means a lot to me.” of nominees and current or for- He has also been put in the mer students then wrote letters pool for t he Mat hemat ical A sso- gather at ‘TEA parties’ of support to enhance the offi- ciation of America’s Deborah cial nomination. and Franklin Tepper Haimo “John Davis is a phenom- Awards for Distinguished Col- By Joe Biesk ing “revolution is brewing.” enal teacher. He communicates lege or University Teaching The Associated Press Burnett added: “This country very well with his students and has been on a spending spree effectively combines excel- Please see DAVIS page 7 FRANKFORT, Ky. — for decades, a spending spree Whipped up by conservative we can’t afford.” commentators and bloggers, In Boston, a few hundred tens of thousands of protesters protesters gathered on the Bos- staged “tea parties” around the ton Common, a short distance country Wednesday to tap into from the original Tea Party, Institute inducts the collective angst stirred up some dressed in Revolution- by a bad economy, government ary garb and carrying signs spending and bailouts. that said “Barney Frank, Bernie The rallies were directed at Madoff: And the Difference Is?” law school dean President Barack Obama’s new and “D.C.: District of Commu- administration on a symbolic nism.” day: the deadline to file income Texas Gov. Rick Perry fired By Nick Dean bar. taxes. Protesters even threw up a tea party at Austin City Staff writer Toben’s what appeared to be a box of tea Hall with his stance against the qualifica- bags toward the White House, federal government, as some in The American Law Insti- tions are causing a brief lockdown at the his U.S. flag-waving audience tute’s membership includes more than compound. shouted, “Secede!” law professors, lawyers, judges apt for Shouts rang out from Ken- In Atlanta, thousands of and, now, another Baylor Bear. induction tucky, which just passed tax people were expected to gath- Dean of Baylor Law School to t he i n st i- increases on cigarettes and er on the steps of the Capitol, Brad Toben is one of 63 recent- tute, Asso- alcohol, to Salt Lake City, where Fox News Channel con- ly elected inductees of the ciate Dean where many in the crowd servative pundit Sean Hannity institute. of Baylor booed Republican Gov. Jon was set to broadcast his show The American Law Insti- L a w S c h o o l Huntsman for accepting about Wednesday night. tute, a leading organization in Leah Jack- $1.5 billion in stimulus money. The tea parties were pro- America of producing scholar- son said. Toben Even in Alaska, where there moted by FreedomWorks, a ly work to help in the improve- “We are is no statewide income tax or conservative nonprofit advoca- ment of the law, selects mem- extremely proud of the des- sales tax, hundreds of people cy group based in Washington bers on qualities including ignation. We all know how held signs and chanted “No and led by former Republican character, ability, contribution incredibly talented Dean Toben more spending.” House Majority Leader Dick to the legal industry and pro- is,” Jackson said. “He has a bril- “Frankly, I’m mad as hell,” Armey of Texas, who is now a Stephen Green/Lariat staff fessional standing. liant mind and incredible work said businessman Doug Burnett lobbyist. Top and Above: Patrons gathered Wednesday at the Suspension Bridge The bylaws of the institute ethic with the highest integrity at a rally at the Iowa Capitol, Organizers said the move- at Indian Springs Park in Waco to protest government spending and taxa- limit its elected membership and standards.” where many of the about 1,000 tion. People were openly invited to speak in front of the crowd. Some came to 3,000 lawyers, a small per- people wore red shirts declar- Please see TEA page 7 dressed in costumes, and many bore protest signs expressing their views. centage of the total bench and Please see LAW, page 7 CLs see it all in residence halls When cans can’t ... She’s a heel By Ashleigh Schmitz to hear Christmas carols, and pull off a prank Reporter they seemed to be coming from “When the video to “Single the shower. We went down to “As a practical joke my resi- Ladies” came out, the girls on Community Leaders live in try and figure it out. It turned dents thought it would be fun to my hall and I absolutely loved residence halls and receive a out that the girls showering were play a trick on someone while it! We especially loved the par- scholarship for their housing harmonizing to “Rudolph,” “The they were in the shower. Tak- ody of it with Justin Timberlake and meal plans, but one perk of Christmas Song,” “Here Comes ing every single trash can on the on Saturday Night Live, and the job the Campus Living and Santa Claus” and others. We just hall, they piled and stacked them watched it over and over again Learning Web site leaves out is stood there listening, while one in front of the shower door. Little on my computer. We thought all the funny incidents they wit- of the girls in the hall went to get did they know that this partic- it was hilarious! Then my girls ness by living in the dorms. A her camera to record it. We were ular resident takes 45-minute decided to take it even further. few shared their favorite stories. already laughing, but when the showers. After about half an hour They would probably hate me girl with the camera handed it of waiting outside, cameras and sharing this with everyone, but Singing down the drain to me and started dancing and camcorders in hand, they gave one of them went into her room acting out the lyrics between up and decided to remove the and put on her bathing suit and “Last year when I was a CL in the showers we lost it! We joked trash cans. As the last one was high heels, to copy the Beyonce North Russell there were about about making a Christmas CD, being removed, the kid finally look as best she could, and two four girls that were really good but decided their singing should came out and caught the guys at others put on heels as well. friends and would usually show- be left in the shower.” the end of their prank. Owned!” We then proceeded to make Photo Illustration by Shanna Taylor /Lariat staff er at the same time after running – Plano junior Erika Lehman, – Marietta, Ga., sophomore Ash our own version of the video. I A favorite memory of being a CL for the Arbors Apartments for Spring senior around the Bear Trail. One day CL in Collins Residence Hall Anderson, CL in Martin Residence Deandre Upshaw is when the men for whom he was community leader were I had my door open talking to a Hall Please see CL, page 7 drenched by the women they were supposed to be meeting at Penland. The couple residents and we started men had dressed up and were pelted by water balloons. VOL. 108 No.1 © 2008, BAYLOR UNIVERSITY 2 The Baylor Lariat OPINION Thursday, April 16, 2009 TV viewers should make conscious effort about habits Television took the place of Watching TV should be con- slows brain activity and suffo- become a part of them and thus has become a significant form radios in the living rooms of fami- sidered an activity that is guided cates natural creativity and curi- begin to blur the line between of advertising, often placing a lies across America. With that by a child’s parents. point osity. There is preliminary evi- wrong and right. specific soda brand or brand of transition, parents were given Children don’t understand dence that television viewing by Not only does TV encour- chips within an episode, some- another responsibility: Protect that the majority of media outlets of young children may even cause age violence and reduce chances times even constructing the plot their kids from the crude content that are open for consumption, attention disorders, a 2004 study for healthy, less aggressive rela- around it.
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