Keysight 35670A Dynamic Signal Analyzer
Keysight 35670A Dynamic Signal Analyzer Versatile two- or four-channel high-performance FFT-based spectrum/network analyzer 122 μHz to 102.4 kHz 16-bit ADC Technical Overview 02 | Keysight | 35670A Dynamic Signal Analyzer - Technical Overview The Keysight Technologies, Inc. Versatile enough to be Key Specifications 35670A is a portable two- or four-channel dynamic signal analyzer your only instrument Frequency 102.4 kHz 1 channel with the ver sa til i ty to be several for low fre quen cy range: 51.2 kHz 2 channel instruments at once. Rugged and 25.6 kHz 4 channel portable, it’s ideal for field work. analysis Dynamic 90 dB typical Yet it has the per for mance and range: func tion al ity required for demanding With the 35670A, you carry several Accuracy: ±0.15 dB R&D applications. Optional features instruments into the field in one Channel ±0.04 dB and ±0.5 optimize the instrument for trou- package. Fre quen cy, time, and match: degrees ble shoot ing mechanical vibration amplitude domain analysis are all Real-time 25.6 kHz/1 channel and noise problems, characterizing avail able in the standard in stru ment. bandwidth: control systems, or general spectrum Build on Resolution: 100, 200, 400 & and network analysis. that capability with options that ei- 800 lines ther add new measurement capability Time > 6 Msamples or enhance all mea sure ment modes. capture: Take the Keysight AY6 Add two chan nels (four total) Source Random, burst 35670A 1D0 Computed order tracking types: random, periodic 1D1 Real-time octave chirp, burst chirp, where it’s needed! measurements pink noise, sine, UK4 Microphone adapter and swept-sine Whether you’re moving an in stru ment power supply (Option 1D2), around the world or around the lab, 1D2 Swept-sine mea sure ments arbitrary (Option portability is a real benefit.
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