Agilent Vector Signal Analysis Basics
Agilent Vector Signal Analysis Basics Application Note 150-15 Chapter 1 Vector Signal Analyzer This application note serves as a primer on the vector signal analyzer (VSA). This chapter discusses VSA measurement concepts and theory of operation; Chapter 2 discusses VSA vector-modulation analysis and, specifically, digital-modulation analysis. Analog, swept-tuned spectrum analyzers use superheterodyne technology to cover wide frequency ranges; from audio, through microwave, to millimeter frequencies. Fast Fourier transform (FFT) analyzers use digital signal processing (DSP) to provide high-resolution spectrum and network analysis, but are limited to low frequencies due to the limits of analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) and signal processing technologies. Today’s wide-bandwidth, vector-modulated (also called complex or digitally modulated), time-varying signals benefit greatly from the capabilities of FFT analysis and other DSP techniques. VSAs combine superheterodyne technology with high speed ADCs and other DSP technologies to offer fast, high-resolution spectrum measurements, demodulation, and advanced time-domain analysis. A VSA is especially useful for characterizing complex signals such as burst, transient, or modulated signals used in communications, video, broadcast, sonar, and ultrasound imaging applications. Figure 1-1 shows a simplified block diagram of a VSA analyzer. The VSA implements a very different measurement approach than traditional swept analyzers; the analog IF section is replaced by a digital IF section incorporating FFT technology and digital signal processing. The traditional swept-tuned spectrum analyzer is an analog system; the VSA is fundamentally a digital system that uses digital data and mathematical algorithms to perform data analysis. For example, most traditional hardware functions, such as mixing, filtering, and demodulation, are accomplished digitally, as are many measurement operations.
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