Serving the Stqte The Weather· University of Iowa Pal'ily eJoucly aDd cooler WdaY. Cloudy and oeea­ Campus and alonal .bowers aDd JIM _b eballl'e In­ Iowa City atun FrIda,. Rlcb toda,. owan 6&; low, 47. HlP WedDel­ day, 10; low, 51. Eat. 1868 - AP Leaaed Wire - Five Cents Iowa City. Iowa. Thumday. Apri! 23. 1953 - Vol 97. No. a7 , > • Firemen BoHle 9-BuilCiing Blaze Reds ITo Return More POW'S * * * 9 Buildings, Officials Plan 1. Ambulance Awaits A~c.ide~t Vidim Revise Lisl 1 (ars Burn Investigation . . . 'To uceed. Of Atrocities 1s1 ·Pledge Iii Local Fire WASHINGTON (JP) - Sen. Styles Bridges (R-NH) sald Wed- PANMUNJOM (Tl)ursday) (N) Three buildings were destroyed nesday administration officials -The Communlsta today prom- and six more badly damaged in a have agreed to collect all possible Ised to free more than the 605 raging fire about 9 p.m. Wednes- evidence of Communlst atrocities Allied sick and wounded J)ledged day evening In the block between in Korea tor possible war crimes originally for the historic first Bloomington and Market sU. prosecution In the future. prisoner exchang~ of the Korean All available Iowa City firemen This report came after Bridges' war. and equipment were called to the appropriations committee had They also said they would TC- closeted Itself lor two holU's wit11 lease Friday 40 Americana, fOlJr I( officials of the state and dcfense Britons, four Turks, one Dutch, one Canadian and 50 South Ko- scene where flames roared as hlgh departments. reans. as 100 leet In the all' at times. . Bridges said the witnesses con- The transfer Friday will bring . . . firmed "the general Informatlon 1 . Those bulldmgs destroyed ill tile about atrocities and speaking gen- to 119 tbe t(lt9 of Americans re- tire werc; orally said they were probably to leased, just about alllhe Reds ut- A 20 b 40! t t 51 b !ginaIly had promised. Presum- y 00 wo- ory arn a large extent sadly and unfor- ably, however, more Amflflcans owned by Don Alberhasky, 912 tunately correct accounts." wlll be released in accord with the t7h ave.; a two-story 15 by 20 loot He was referring to the spread- latest Coml1)unlst promise, storage shed owned by Miss Mar- ing reports !rom sick and wound- The good tidings came amid garet Schlndhelm, 218 E. Market, ed U. S. prisoners rcleased by thc (Dall, town P ...lo) thunderous reverberations as a ' IOWA CITY FIREMEN POUlt WATER Into a 'wo-story bam, one of the nille buJldlDl'S that were and a storage shed owned by Prcd Communists under the agreement JUAN REYNERQ, 24, DIED A 1\ r~u1t or IllJuri receivecl wben big gun duel shook the hills eltller deatrored or badly damaged by fire Wednesday nlwht. The fire was clIJcovered about 9 p.m. Stenocher, 209 N. Linn. reached at Panmunlom. the truck be wa. lIr1vlnl' overturned one-balt lillie west of Ttfnn around the Panmunjom plain • IIHl \\'&s brougM under control abont 10 p.m. In addition to the buJldlnrs, three cars and a truck Buildings domaged in the fire Brldl'ea calls Meetinr on U.S. hlrhway 6 Wednesday. lIere he Is bel~ carried to an am- where the disabled captive ex- 1I'UIJ destroyed br the flames, No esUmate of the damage could be made by Fire ObJet Al Dolezal, were: Bridges called a hurried meet- bu.lallce. 't1U'ee other persoJlS were Injured In the aceldent. Tbe change rolled into its 10uMh day. bat It was ex~cted to toP the ~lOO,OOO mark. A two-story brick; building Ing ot the committee so that sen- truck was carrylnr 32 tnollient workel'll from Laredo, Tex., to U America. Freed ------. ------~_;_---.,..__--___,__:__:-.- owned by Shuppert; a garage ators could get a rill on what the I\{orrlson, JII. to work In the onion fields there. Fourteen Ameritans, live Aus-

. ~OOO for SU I :F~:~~~~!:~ ~~~~:2n}}3 ~ :~:~~~::at::~d ::::5d:::::m::: BUIII'dllng' Funds OK'd for S-UI. ~a~:~~K~~~;:r::~:~~~d(r~~~ S9/131 , .Budget BI-II Paul Sgennell; a two-story 20 by officials "agreed to broaden their CST Wednesday). Fifty South Ko- • • 40 toot barn owned by C. F. inquiry with a view to keeping rean disabled were to be .reieBlJcd

Re;ds now ·Forwa ' rd. ' ed to' Senate fftV, r Approval ~~~~~er~:~:s~f:termined. Fire chic! ~~~ag~ot Al Dole:zalS h~~~ ~~f;::~r~:c~t~~n~a~~;Ob!h~ta;:.~At another point hc spoke ot Teleyllsllon Expansllon Stalled la~it~nhavc returned t~~or1~I~fhe 79 dlsabled Amerl- said Wednesday night that damage prosecutions "if and when the can 'Prisoners of war. M could be more extensive but in- time comes we arc in a position DES MOINES (JP)- The Iowa Rear Adm. John C. Daniel said DES OlN}\:S (.IP) - The Iowa spection would determine that to- to take some affirmative action:' house Wednesday passed one scn- Ames, sought unsuccessfully to the Reds at a brief liaison mect- hO~ the. senate late Wed- appropriations from the general which also Includes some receipts. day At present UN forces are unable ate bill to appropriate funds for attach to the bl11 the provision tor Ing Wednesday agreed to release ~~l a~ $9b~~1s~~~nl the b~dget fO~ lund. If the receipts lor the bi- AIter the house had refused to A'lso destroyed and damaged In to bring the perpetrators to book. building improvements at state a $800,000 home economics build- more disabled captives than they the !cxt 'ble~nlumor :~fCh y~:~~s ennium l'un higher than the esti- Increase the ligures for SUI, Unl- the tire were three automobiles Inquiry To Be Broadeoecl board of education institutions but at Iowa State. had pledeed in the exchan!le thls July l' mates the additional receipts also versity hospitals, and the Psycho- an a truck belonging to Newton The New Hampshire senator got stalled on another by debate The second pill would appropri- agreement. On] $ '829 0 ' I would have to be used before the pathic hospital, Rep. Carl H. Rlng- Weller of 101 East park road. He said the offiolals agreed to broad- ~~d tele:lsion ~t~tion$ . . The ho~e ate $3,414,338 for bUilding im- C The Amerl~an B~~adcastlng y 7, ,5 ~ of the tota board dips into _the money from genburg, Ames, got the house, on is the owner ot Weller Motor en thciT inquiry after the com- I no comp e e action on e provements at SU~, ~owa State, ompany quote one 0 .. ts repre- would. be appro?Tlated, to SUI by the general 'fund. In the lauer case a 54 to 40 vote, tQ boost the Iowa Service at 207 N . Linn. Weller also mittee "strenuously urged war second ~e!ore lunch. Teachers college, the Oakd!\lc sentativCJl at panmunj?m as say- t~ lta~ tr.orn . lts geperal futld. whatever money was left over State college approprlatlon from lost some automobile supply par~ crimes procedures be followed In Rep. Harold Nelson, Sioux City, sanatorium, the COlll/'c Bluffs ~ t.he R~ds t wou~d re~ea8e fO : t remainder of the tota~ would revert to the general fund. the geneTal fund by $292,000 a which he had stored In the Alber- securing cvldence while In!orma- attempted to arnQl'ld the second School (Qr the Dcaf, and the Vln- Denfrs ,,~ f ~~r d~I~~ ang~'tl ' ~g ~ade u~ by r~ceipts of the If the receipts should be less year 101' various types ot research. hasky barn. tion is current on these atToci- meal~rc to provide $375,000 [or a ton school. an e't Cd" eM' Ge aLeon San° - wlVerslty.I ti " telcvislon transmitter and studio Th to i th· bJU 1 cer, quo e aJ. en. e , The * . than the board estimated, the Losetl Raise for SUI No estimate ot the damage could cs. t SU dOl e aena n lS a 50 Cho as layin, th~ additional r~ ,.7,829,500 aru>rQPJ;la~ed by board could ask additional funds Schwengel lost on a 63 to 31 be tnade by DoJetal ~ ortlllu' Cl!I Sen.. Karl Mundt (R-SO) and a I n~ $IOf'O 0 for a t~ e- cnlled for the funds to be taken patTlates WoUld .include "tho~e I- ;1A~.<~tUS~ f.all~ .far st'ip:t ;P~ j tjJ.e trom the state budget and' fioan- vole an attemll~ to boost f3UI'a th~ '1irl! wbJ h sta~ on the east ~n. Wan n M,a~~op. ~DjWa!lh l ) ;1:I«?n e stu o~e on y a~ Iowa IS ate from the ~rea s ur1 res\!Tv~ - jlccount . f ~tured Wit!)ln tI\e ~ n:\0nth lb \~M,j8a lQq estect: Py t!p: ' Jit4tc cial controi committee. It t)1e total from tile general lund bY corAcr ' bf the !\lbcl-haS](Y bam ~fl W~ \¥r!r1n¥ a~p 1?9~ l~rn up ., pcb rs c g. • llowcv, the house amcn.~ l the the ,Itlrce battles a~oun« old II ;:) 6f, ~d CIl}I?ll, ~A; '~ a ; ~lY~. ~olnmitt~e refused tIle ~ 'req st th ~ $3~1I,988 a year 'for vilr1ou~ Po/-' coUld not be d¢tebnlned:: a?y pe,w -1 ,Ol9rm~tlqp ,on Itpe at.t/Qi '\1 Ijep. W'/.oe. llendr~, ~! ita, . !Jot ~ so .. to llB.e gener ~l :tu,QdI ' if Baldy and Vegas and t'ars n bl1h !-'-.-.,.;.;~ "'I' 'l..J! ,'1 • '.;',/ Institutions would have to Jsta,y ~ses ·. \ - J~hn ~gge~s 0 e of'th ilrst'e1e cltles ~,ard : :Mag;nu~~11 wj!~ s~ far t e nouse chnngc cA i'lre op a,vallqbl.c. . I'.' " ncar PllnmunJom on the westetn The figure, however, jIoIl#S sub- within wha't money they had. ' It ' n I C ks S d Ito . ( t',- 1,) 't Ilt d th as fd ,sa?, I\.e pl~n t 'jlavl! Ilni ideA ,§}JI televLslon to $200,!>oO. Nelsun , h (" r ,'. It "1-- . front. I,' ' I ~tial1y ·abqv.9 the ' ouqt set • ep. ~au 00 ey. pen e , w esses 0 I ll . even, sa , e ot the ptlrpose scrved" by' (hI! men withdrew his prOpoSal for the • (' Le ~ ~ ~~ b. ¥{,))j ~~ Be d Su~t Chanl'9 , was Unsucl=ess!ul in attemptS to flames seemed to spread 1D a heaTings I I" ~ stj.\dlo at the Teachers cottege I ' . 11 I S· t ' e '!' quoted as ,aying: "1 ..wy @~/u~Bet lritesma'g I \ s:~:: . f..l Scl\Yt ~~ D,wen- increase the University hospitals' m~tter o~ 15 mlnutqs_ ' "I tb~k it is imPortant,~ said The fir.~ bill ~assed would ap~ owa I (C ena e fu~~lthe~~:k t~hJnt,oJ~j~~r t~~~ ~IQ ': .. 1'lea,C\~ley ~ai ,~ecom- i ~ and . Ernest Pa1met Jr., tnon ~y by $210,760 II yeat trOI1l_the Tyro SUI students alld il com- Bridges, "that the C6riimun~'ts propdllte $1,035,000 tor building • persohnel whom our side lsPre 3- p1e~ ~ that SUI be given $7,442,- Ft. Madls9~, 8lt~mpted to change ~ener~l !uhd·hThe vo:e was 55 47. paJUon discovered the blaze when knGw that these records are bemg improvements at SUI, at Iowa V f Sf f' triaUng this ~Ime include n6t c!lY $00 for each yeal' ot the next bj- the new regulallons. They pro- e said the ospitals needed ~he they were walking through the made, and that there Is iOIQg to State college, and at the Iowa all sick ami injured captured per- t 0 es a e ennium In addition to tbe unlver- posed that .the ov~rall budgets set ex ra money to meet competition alley. They were Jim Andersen, be a complete job." Braille and SI,ht Saving school sonnel held in POW camps of OUr , lity's receipts [01' the period. u~ for the mstitutlons be ':1e~ely a tor personnel from the nCaTby LI, Springsted; Jack Kuehnle, IA, "This nation," he asserted, at Vinton. The !renate measure p I I side, but also those captu· d re- $1087195. for ISC directive to the board but It It be- Veterans hospital. . Dubuque, and John Sweeney, "cannot tolerate such carrylngs on. called for ta.king the money from enslon Plan cently by our side at the hont. • '. came necessary to exeeed the Cooksey also lost by a 65 to 31 Iowa City. And I trust we wlll not do so." the $30 mlllion stale treasury re- M~ Tb.. n )Dlo~ AI the lIame llme. the house set overall budget the board could do vote an attempt to increase the serve fund. The house amended . 'Therefore the nu be Of pe Ip ~ budget of $10,871,956 for so and then giv~ the ~ext legisla. general .fund al~ocation to the Psy- G the mellSure so as to use state gcn- DES MOINES (JP) _ The Iowa sonnel to ~ repatr:te~ by o~ ~wa State college at Ames for ture a report on Its act,ions and the chopathlc hospital by $76,919 a Me rath Resllgns' .lin P~ofesl eral funds unless the governor and senate agreed 00 a close vote late side is more than the estimated !11th of .the next two ye~l's . . S~te reasons for .them. The Schwengel- year. He said the extra funds I' comptroller certify th a t not Wednesday to set up a supple- figure of whicb your side hall been appropriations to that lOstltullon Palmer mohon lost 54 to 46. could be used to advantage for enough money is available in the mental state pcnsion plan for proviously informed. wpuld mount to $7,92~,478 yearly Then Schwengel attempted to greater research. JUS Ed II &lid eI ( f general fund. those public workers who wi1l go HAs to the exact figures of the thlc wlth strike out of Ole measure over- Ask BooIIt for lSTO t The bill calls tor a $900,000 under the [ederal social security siele and. injured captured person- ~tg rr~od, ;~am i th~ ~e '0 ' uea Ion g U II I rona un ~ r e ng o~~a ne all budgets ~nd t~c prOVIsion for Reps. Earl Miller, Cedar Falls, • • medical Te$Carch center at SUI, law next July. nel whom our .side will repatrlllte, om ~he colleGe s evenues. . b~dget and fl~anclal coptrol oom- aoc! Arch McFarlane, Waterloo, . a $600,000 veterinary diagnostIc The action is noL final beeausc your side will be Informed daUy AlUo(ethcr, ~hc house ~et thO mlttee a~locatlOns to the board if then attempted to get an incre se Earl J, Mc9,r~th, lormer ,dean of laboratoty at Iowa State tollege the house has to approve the ~cn- accordin, to the agTe~ment of budCe!$' lbr the 10. state mstltu- need. ThlS lost 66 to 29. for the Teachers college. They the SUI colle~e ot liberal arta, n- and D '$83,000 home and furnish- ate plan 01 financing whatcver both sides." t!ons u.Qder the junsdl.ftlon of the The $25,154,400 figure for funds asked a boost of $130,000 a year ~~gned as UPlte~ States ~quni~- ings 'for the superintendent of the costs wlU be Involved. There was When the Reds first set their riat~ board oJ ~?iJcatlon at $31( to come from the state general for salary increases and additional lorte~ or education Wednesday In Vinton Institution. not any clear Indication ot what figure, Daniel protested that It was I 20~ , 192 , Q year 10 tbe next bl ~ fund is $449,235 higher. than the teachers and woo on a vote of 6" protest ag.ainst cuts In the. budget Rep. Carl H. Ringgeoberg, these costs will be until the legis- "incredlQly small" and asked them elUll~: original bill proposed. Along the to 36. They had pointed out that ~f the oUicc of educ8ft>n. accord- lature adjourns. . .. to recheck their prison camps for iowev~r, t~e totnl wbich would way increases were given Iowa the bill gave boosts of 25 to 22 per I~g to the Associated -';'Tess. B h G Tho senate made certain that all mOre AlIIlld sick an~ wounded . .r 0011\' from the state general fund State college, Iowa State Teachers cent resp,ectively for SUI and Iowa MMcG~ath ~as d~~~ Off:~ ~lx!;a: • ritis eographer public employes, Including school The Red,. had resisted Daniel's "'ould be $25,154,400 a year. The college, Council Bluffs School for State but only 7 per cent for the as:: 1 ; SUI t 0 teachers. state and local workers, request until today. ~~~8r~ e ta~ · dltterence would be made up by the Blind. and the Vinton Braille Teachers college. vem 't~ 'Itheth U °lt e T TIk t UNESCO will bave to participate in the new . .. a paSI Ion w e ntvers y 0 f ' ,!ecelpts receIved by the varlOLlS Sight Saving school. Aller that Rep. Guy G. Butler, Chicago at that time. McG1'8th was 0 a a ' ?lan unless they SWItch. to private U• 50 Cit·Izen Hea dS · iDItItu'Uons. W Governor'1I Total MOre Rolte, attempted unsuccessfully to sworn in as education commis- C f t SUI Jobs. Ge U · . i SUict Coniro. The governor had recommended get reconsideration lor S~JI be- sloDer on March 19. 1949, by lorm- on erence a Gov. "':illlam S . .Beardsley W~d- rman "Ivers tv; Tlie house set up :for the first an overall total ot $23,924,000 a cause of the changes made In Iowa er dean of the SUI law school, the nes:Jay slgn~d a bill that will gIve W·II S k SUI time a strict control ove~ expendl- year for the Institutions. This took State. and the Teachers college, late Supreme Court Justice Wiley Nev!l1e Scarfe, world famous soc131 security coverage to those of I pea at t~. by the board of education. Into account some instltutonal re- but hiS move lost 5~ to 4.1.. Rutledge. geographer, wlll be a principal the 80,000 public employes who The first United States citizen The bill provIdes for~se of the ceipts. The institutions now are Rcp. G. M. LudWIg, TIUm, lost Instead of testifying before a speaker at the ' regional UNESCO have not yet retired. ever to head a major: German uni- boir.d's e3t1mated receipts before receiving $20,809.919 annually, by a vote of 59 to 35 an attempt senate committee, as scheduled, to co91erence on the improvement of T~osc who have .retired will ver8ity wl11 lecture at SUI May 6 ------to boost the amount from the gen- defend thc oIfice ot edUcation teaching for international under- cootmue to draw their state pen- on the subject "Germany's Role in r-__--:: _:--______~------.I?ral fund for the Oakdale sanator- budget _ which he said he saw in standing, to be held at SUI May sions and thosc no longer publicly the Current European Sttui,le I f lum by $35,916 a year for general flnal 10rm only Tuesday - Mc- Land 2. He was the British dl- employed who have contributed for Power." purposes. Grath marched to the White House rcctor of press censorship during to the old state fund established Werner Richter, rector (ptesi- Wor Id News Brle S $18,000 for Nelson with a letteT of TCs)gnation and World War II. in 1946 wil~ be eligib~e lor re- dent) ot the University of Bonn, · Condensatl·on of Late Developments It was pointed out during the protest. He did not see President Earl J. McGrath Now dean ot education at the funds ot thClr contributlOns. was ousted ~m his University A discussion on SUI's appropriation Eisenhower. Raps Budget Slash University of Manitoba in Winni- For the average state or local of BerUn professorshIp by the '------...... 'crom the general fWld that Dr. Len $14,110 Job peg, Canada, Scarfe will addres government employ;e who contin- Nads I 1938. During the next 10 PARIS (JP)-The top military and political leaders of the North Norman B. Nelson, recently ap- Th\!n the angry educator per- ... the UNESCO conferees in a Joint ues on. his present Job the. net ef- years he taught in American col- ~tlaDtic treaty nations meet today to pump more guns and planes pointed dean 01 the SUI medical sonally carried carbon copies to far~ a~d education, of which hiS session with the 31st annual con- fect wIl! be: . . leges and became a U. S. citizen, Into a defense program they hope will get still' softer words out of school wlll be paid $18,000 a year. press association and newspaper oUlce IS a part. Mrs. Robby had no [erence of teachers o[ hist<1ry and He Will pay socl~1 security tax In 1949 he accepted a professor- RU~la. U.S. military leaders espeCially were demanding a beefed up Dr. Nclson, on leave from the Uni- offices and went home _ out of a c~mment; n~lther, for the present, social studies. He will speak pn of '1., per cent s.lartlng July 1. The ship at Bonn and the next year bUilding program, and with some reluctance, European natlons ap- versjty of Southern California at $14,800 a year job. did the White House. the tople "Oeography, HIstory and rest will be paid tor him back to was elected to head the (amous old J)ea,r¥ willing to go along. Foreign and detense ministers ot the 14 Los Angeles and now directC1r o[ The letter told Eisenhower that The proposed budget (or educa- the Improvement of Intcrnatlonal Jan. I, ~950. I • university on the Rhine. COlll1tles will attend the meeting. Almost the first thing on the pro- the University hospital in BeiTut, budget slashes already !\pvc Iton In the fiscal year starting next Understandlna." He wall pay 3 , ~ per cent of hlF A3 undersecretary for higher gram today wlll be a careful study, led oft evidently by Secretary of Lebanon, is to report in Iowa City "markedly damaged the morale of July was not made public. Mc- Before his six years of war ser- salary iuto the I'toposed Dew state education In pre-Hitler Prussia, State John Foster Dulles, of what the Russian peace gestures mean on July 1. a highly competent professional Grath gave reporters an example vice as chief press censor Searte (und. . Richter prepared a .series of me- and what NATO should do about them. Here are the overall annual staff" and the proposed new bud- which he said was typical - ~ was an outstanding tea~her of I! .he Withdraws any pension thods tor secondary schools. By I ••• . budgets lor the various institutions get ~UJ "further damage" the fed- four milUon dollar, or 24 per cent, (eography. He is credited with CO,ntTlbutlons made to the state he the time he reached the age of 45 IlaLIN (R")-A five-hour meetln, of the four occupation pow- and the amounts which wlll come eral program supporting educa- ~Iash in the ,18,400,000 item wbich helping to 'make geography the will get onlY 2 per cent interest. he held five honorary d~ trw Wednesday night faUed to produce any agreement on measures !rom the general fund: tion. former President Truman pro- most populeT of all subjects in the from German univenltles At the ~ =~~~ air s:~etrt ov~rdG:rmany,. Th~t~as t~e ~hir~ :eetl~g::: sur, $9,131,000 and $7,829,500; McGrath informed the President posed for vocational education, British curriculum. When he was Student Council Meatin'g invitation of the British 'govern- Prtnce 8n~ \'!:~'la. :t !:sedec~~p:oes:e~um:e:h~ ~e:tln' '~tB: ~at~ Iowa S.tate, $10,871,956 and $7,- he could "not i.n ~ood conscience Eisenhower Req1leli I, Low on~y 27 years of age he was ap- Postponed Until Monday l'I\ent he haa appeared as ~est to be fixed later. The four-power sessions were proposed gbY the So- 928,478, Teachers college, $3,17~,,,: be a ~ty to carrying out such n ~ater the. appropr~atlons . eom- pomted to head England's most leHurer at Oxford, Cambrid,e and Vieti. . 730 and $2,952,730; Univcrslty policy,' and wrote: mlttee supplied additional !iaures prominent ,eography school, the Tonigbt's regularly scheduled Edinburlb univeniUe•• • •• hospitals $5,221,300 and $3,832,700; PrcKesia Budce$ Cllt on the office of education budget. University of NottlnBham. meeting of the Student Council *IOUL (.If') - Ten small, shar,!) clashes were all that broke the Psvcbooathic hospital, .$437,400 "I therefore submit my reslg- They showed that ih~ Truman re- Because of his research work in bas been postponed until 4;10 p.m. K088E'S BOOK PUBLlSIDf) Cilm of ~he Korean battlefront Wednesday on the third day of the and $375,68~; bacteriologIcal lab- naUon at this time in order nol to quest for veterans educational the teach In, of geography the Monday, Peter Van Metre, L4, Prof. Gt!orp L. Moue, of the ex_ge ot !\Is'bled prisoners at the truce town of Panmunjom. In oratory, $222,300 and $198,300; have to undergo the embarrass- services was $292,000; the Eisen- United Nations Educational, Sci- Waterloo, Council president, an- hlatory depa~ent, Ia author of : ~ air, u.s. Sabre jets picked three scraps with Russian-built MIGs Hospital-School for Handicapped ment of trying to defend before bower revision asked $92,000. entitlc, and Cultural organization nounced Wednesday. . boole entitled The Reformation, hili! over l10rtnwest Korea but faiJed to draw blood before the Red Chlldren, $293,900 and $293,900; the senate appropriations com- For "salaries and expen5ell," chose Searfe to head an Inter- The Council will meet In the published thl8 week by Henry leta fled to S$tety in Manchuria. Other Sabres, modltied to !!alTY School for Deaf, $549,164 and mitt~ at 11 a.m. today a bU~get Truman asked $3,250,000 and Ei- national seminar on the subject study room in the basement of Holt '" Co. The book diacuuea bombs, dumped high explosives on a CommunIst supply center in the $539,164; BraUle and Sight Saving which I consider Indefensible. senhower $2,928,000. For payments held recently at McGW university. C;chaetfer hall. The meeting has the great rellltoU8 leaden of the HaejU peniDiula above the . western front, fifth air force said. Navy school, $334,962 and $329,962; and McGrath thus set oft the tlrst to school dhtrlcts, Truman 1'8- Canada. The leminar was attended been postponed because It I:on- 16th century: Martin Luther. John carrier, laUDChec1 tbe\t lilanea for sweep, in North Korea, while war- Oakdale lanatoriwn, $965,480 and public flare-up in the newly qUeited $70 mUllon and ElseD- by more thaD 50 experts from 22 Uicted with the annual I'inkblDe c.Jvtn and Ulrleb zwtnaU and .IZIe1lecINwtIl XoreaD couts. ~73,l18o. · created department. of health, weI- hower $66,500,000. natioQl. cUnner slated for 8:30 toDilbt. the Reformation in Bnll.nd, I • I p prU 23. 1953 LETTERS 'Life Line of the British Empire' The Daily Iowan TO THE EDITOR J~terpreti~ c...... "". &e ."...... I.. .. kUe.. &e ,... IUlte,. All I ...... THURSDA Y, APRIL 23, 1953 .... I.d...... ••• riUe. oIw_t._ the ' New ______~--~-~------_=--~_=--- ~~~~----- , .•• ~.~.. -"~~~ ~'UM PuDlitlI@CI caau~ SWlda" and ...... ~... , .:. ~.. T ... D.II, ,...... 11 ..... uu. oro - _~.... L·..... _ ... Monday .nd !top] bohdal'l by 8tu hill originalh '.\':\s introdlllC·d ."'itlt the intention . oflmerce, S mc a I' ee s '. my apprecIation I canhot pass conquest. When that is do~per. , . .. ' I 1 I tI . One or the cars aSSigned to the over Dave Koch who threw the ~Ivmg the additional n'\ ('lilieS to tlw SlI( I (('p cte 10\ ' i\ pn· com merce department, and fre- spotlight of publicity on the whole haps something can hjlppe t lllllr)' rO;\l\ IUlld. lh(\ ~ t,lt(' i~ fllr Iwhill(l III tllC' maintcll:lncc of IQuently used by him, as it was by matter. Indo·Chlnese liberty. 'this pllil 'C q its ro;.I<1 ,construction .llf(Wrnm '. hl(, directly to a his predecessors, is a CadiUnc the Yours sincerelY, Perhaps the two things might ' I '\ . I ' 1'>1 . ~ government got for ftee. The red- Charles Felt, C, et along better if they went land ISJ lQ)1;lg ',r f ,f If." 1,1 I w p)'lInar~ roa, ~, I('m Ca ll'le~ 65 pC'r em Is confiscated the machlne from S-306 Hillcrest in hand. The Fr!?nch hav~ tOadt c~· t of [0\\ 11 s h~IHk .lt nhtalll.' only to per ('('nl of tht· nppropri· a rum runner. concessions alrel\(l)' . to the n4l~: 'ations om, ' n to tlw ('nUn' 1'011(1 program. 800 tl en'er' 8 CUdar we desire for independence. But tli ' 'J'I ' I ' 1 I I I . f' This ilas been the sy tern for P 'd t f I ,.',._ people, uninitiated into ther , t~- . , I. '.) gas hi:\. " ... ' wil' intt'lle ~ to ~ rI'C cl ~ m lIll ortlll1a~ Iyears. Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, resl en 0 owa niques either or self-govet'~t19t r ,'lI'III01l. But all ;\\licnHIl1!'nt tad.( d onto the 11I1I TlIl'sdn WIll i/or instance, also lIsed a cor form- or of international affairs. 1RJi\~I, li II) \h ~\(litional rc '\'l"IlIl"'S all11o~t half lIlle! half bctwc('n erly owned by II bootlegger. tel def¢nd themselves, can. b4f'!1b hfl ., I~ f ' \. It h I I Actunlly we laxpayers pick up Deaf Assocl'all'on , ' be cast loose into the turb~~ce or \,p pt mary I It :1111 t " COil( a l') f(;H program - a rmgram a pretty pdnny this way. Ak ShiP b GENE RAi l NOT ICE 5 the present emergency. ' I ~ " . (\ ~,I I pllt I\~ h, :1, 1JIW"' sliortagc allli \\ 'h is moving Iiong A check Tuesday showed tho ~ S C 00 ro e . L. Asks American delp (;\I' a lwlid 0\ sdwc:1ull'. U.S. government iR confiscating GENERAL NOTICES ahou14 be depoaltecl with the city edU.or 01 The Dally Iowan in the neWll'oom The King, however, did rriait Th hill ('m1('<1 un a .. too mallv bills befon' it hau - l>tuh" automobiles at thc rate of around DES MOINES (.4')- Upbra.iding hl Ole CommuuleaUoDl Center. NoUcea must be submitted by 2 p.m. the day precedlDf first Dubll- his way to the window Jik.~ tilt I ' . • one a day. the Iowa legislature for indlreer- old-time damsels in distr' to IIlatl'd by a strug~lc b tweell rural and urb,lIl rrpresenlutlv s. The people in charge or surplus ence to the "shocking condition"" caUon; they wUI NOT be accepted by phone, and mu t be TYPED OR LEGIBLY WRITTEN and shout to America for hclo .. ~nd • . ' '. ~ SIGNED b, a ,.upon Ible person. ~ .. Ilw long drawlI out battlt> OYl'r til(' ()leo\11ar~aTl\Il' and rt'· sized and oban?on d pro~rty say .at the Iowa School !qr t~e Deat, somehow ~r other the atmoililere apportiolllll 'nt III ';1 llr art' oth('r exumpll's of what (.'all hapP'11 the conflscat d Items fall mto four Council Bluffs, the preSident 01 THE YMCA WILL HOLD AN II 0 R T STORY CONTEST' ALL TUDENT MARKETING seems a ltttle cleared ~nd freth· . . . classes: the Iowa Association of Deaf All Association meeUng and elec- Open to all undergraduates. $50 club members may obtain their er for It. A square f~cmg ot tht \W(,UlIS(, Sl'('tlonal IIIt('r('~ts lake precedcnc OVl'r the good of the 1. Automobiles, usually seized Tucsday night called for. ~ com- non of officers at 8 p.m. Thurs- ~rlze. Submit ma~uscripts to Eng: tickets for the spring banquet. at problem might be health1cr for ·tatt'. I from bootleggers. mlttee to study the condlttons at day, April 23, In the YWCA Con- lIoSh office. Deadlme, 5 p.m., AprilI the marketing department OfflCI1. all cOl1cerned. , ... If tlw 1 ('~bJalur{' continllc this ntter disr('garcl for thp best 2. Narcotics, taken from dope the school. terence room at the Iowa Memor- 24 . Important: Use an assumed The banquet is to be held April His people, he told th~ ~ world, . .,. f , . ,,' ". , Charles Loughran ot Davenport, ial Union. Rev. John CraIg of the name on envelope marked "Oc- 23 at 6:30 p.m. In Amana. Tick- consider the Communist-led Viet. () .the slate. the II Iowa In lh fnture e.1I1 ('x peet .1Il even 3. Liquor. trom moonshiners. president of the association, said Congr gational chu1'Ch will speak tave Thanet Short Story Contest." ets arc $1.75 a person. All mem- minh a force for independence, 1111'111<,1' illcrC'as(' ill the lIumb('r of p('rsol1s moving clsc\\ llC'rl' to 4. Fi rearms and miscellaneous In a prepared statement that "hls- on "Th~ Christiap in the Unlvel'- Enclose a smaller envelope with bel'S arc invited to bring their and they dislike the FreDcb ~on. lI1a~(' their Iivin~ . knicknncks. tory will record that the 55th gen- ~ity." Refroshments will follow the same IIssumed name .on it but wives. fiancees or (girl friends. trol so much he doubts he could , --4 jl\, HJJ 't Il Items Sold erpl a~cmbly of Iowa has dellb- iscussion. All men arc cordially within the smaller envelope en- Transportation will be supplied. mo/Jilize them if Cambodia """8$ I I I,ll I , om~ of thIs Is sold, some is eratcly plied additional handicaps nvited'l l: 11 1.11 J'\ I I r m tlle llJ'f'V, 1)ar.f ~IlfI ' .addresi Pl!. H: W: Ruegy, o~ the University invadec\ a~ Laqs hilS b~n. ~e l~!\Y! Drawn from orkers' Lan U '..1, dll fIro~ed and some Is kept. on the neglected children at the I I • l'tftt ',., I I) I ije ,l>t, I."lYIW!~ · lt~ West, Of. IllinOIS marketing d?partment France has got to g\ve CalTJ~Q4 ia I ' ,I 1 .,!' I l Wh~n II particularly. cl?ssy nu- Iowa School/or the beat." APPLICATIONS YOR BUSI- nnstorc! 'Martiri. Tnomas Mabr~ Will be a guest at the dmner. the same standIng In the tl'l;ncli I N ~OmObJle comes alongl It IS turned "tn spite of the overwhelming ess man~t Df t3lu 1954 Hawk- ttt --.-- I . ----- , Unlan that India ' and Pakis!llJi " 'no d!.ls ew Wo'rds OV~l' '9 a, cjepyrt,mel\t ~cad I¥h~ .qt'''~r,:cte Iml hjlve placed before . ye will. b~ 1i~e~~ t '4plil 5 p.m., rtlARllmD , ~TI)D"rn-~ "1VlN~ FOR INGL~ STUDEN.TS AT have in the Brijish Common. La , orJ ' BJt' , A, . U /" , I liS tleen.'iI~kln ,J&isnotb r' OOr.' ttiem,' Loi.ighr~n. said, :'!.he Iowa April 3l1.f\n 1I60t'l\ '20S Communi- ». SUI housing ate urged to con Wesley foundation on Apnl26, at wealth if a revofutlon js •• tQ, be b- k I • i NarcotIcs, with the exception of !e~U!I.~~ors . h~vt; , r.e!\IS~d.. ..lo .ex- cnUons Center. ~ancHdates fWnt·~ taet: '\.he studlmt council's housin 5. 'p.m., the speaker. will be Robert avoided. Labor n gotiations and govcrn- l:u:.toin. II.J'llK . b~ l-he jf(I~>ern~ I a.mln (he snoCidng condlhons Interviewed by the Board of Stu- committee If (l) ~ou feel you are ~. Armstrong. He IS an ?utstand- Othcr S~tes l" Quleter h'''' m nt. It is stockpIling 'l'Ial'c;otlcs which pow prevail at Iowa School ent PublicaI' Q..... t eron., t· tea fairly by th" mg layman from Sl. Paul s Metho- Th bl h' h k I m \\\nl TuUn"\', nt \' I\t'idl~. addinG C( I ~ r a t;;(\ I '~ te und jm"act of lit k iI' _...... '-, '''11 .,. I h h' d R id esc are pro ems w IC allP 1 ,,0 ..., ..' ~ ~ .. just as t S s oc P 109 "''''' Il ''''1 .(or thc Deaf May 7 Studenlol Who lIIe open. ut holl ing 'Olftl:e or (2) you d st cure In Ce ar ap 5, a t 1 t Ca b d' b t t Vi lllc\u\'esquc words to the languall.e, tn larlte nUl r nl I anrun, commu· p~t s things In or,~e~' and ,:nakes ling to their work. By this new swapped {or indust.rial di~monds. a letter to each member of the tions should include blographi- Pakistan dinner Aprl.l 25th at 5:30 -- - nism cannot be de!eatcd at th~ ~tnor repairs; pirating, the technique, (II st used last year in Then the. c, too, Will go mto the Iassembly. setting torth the major cal data and should be accom- In Wesley h~use. ThIS .will ?e the Meat Packers Plan front)f it Is spreadmg const~nt lY practice ot luring workers {rom France by Pari~ian taxi drivers, stockpil(\. detects at the Iowa School lor the panled by a written statement last of a series ?f forelgJ? dinners .. behind the lines. Somethi?g musl one job to. another job with higherl city traffic \vas hopelessly snarled., Deaf. from the registrar giving cumula- for tthhe yeahr·ATI~ke2ts. Will be .on Action Aga,nst Cudahy be dOQe to let IndO-China fetl • " "We h be i eel b th U d In sale roug prJI 3 In the offIce that independence will come when pay in a tight labor market; and 'Invasio? another .new labor . S t I f' f av,~ en gnor y e vo gra II po t average. of student affairs and at Inter· CHICAG (JP) - Delegates from it is sate "bull·cook," a housekeeper in a ~erm , acqUIred a specialized mea.n- ena e nyeS Iga ors ;,egiSlatu~e, Loughran a ~ d e d. national house at 75 cents per CIO .united packinghouse workers . !umber camp who does the heavy ~nu~t;or ~~~:e I~twl l~S t::S~deot~1 ~~: l~~e~ et:ld~~~ l::~~~:' :as o~~ TIlE 23d AN~~ IOWA ticket. Students, townspeople, and local~ in ':line states met Wednes- POW'S GET MAIL work for the cook. 'b y'th d t ( I startling tnat the state board ot HIgh School Art exhibit and com- faculty are urged to attend. day In Chicago to discuss what the I I cn e e mass scen 0 un on In Europe (r,'II'c,'zed d t' t h t " panton Art Education conference union termed "cll!nrcut contract SEOUL (JP)- Fast work was re- pe~ a Ized Voeabulary ~emb rs on n~n-~nion mines. e uca Ion wen on t e de ensive. will be held April 24 and 25 i.l THE SUI AMATEUR RADIO violations" by the cudahy Pack- sponsible Tuesday for some allied The speCialized vocabulary, CCH Danbury Injunction was recent- WASHINGTON (J?)-Two house/ the Art bullding. Guest speakers club will meet April 23 at 7 p.m. ing company. sick and wounded prisoners get· says in a foreword, is drawn Irom {fy eo.lned by ,the labor p~ess to Republicans returned rrom Europe p ,.,. , C include Paul Burlin, St. Louis, na- in room 206 EB. All old and pros- A union spokesmen said the ting leiters [rom home ~ they en· statutes, judicial opinions, adminl- desct:tbe . a Violently anh-~nion Tuesday and c .. Jtici~ed th~ eff~t 0 I lea overage tionally known artist; Max Scho- pectlve members arc urged to at- delegates were "pretty upset" tered the 121st Evacuation haspi· strlltive interpretatons, the labor c Ul't .acllon. Th referen~e IS to of operations there ot two JOVestl- PbS feel eo, visIting professor ot psycho- tend to plan the trip for license about grievance claims by union tal near here. An ,army postal press, and from the langung of a elise irl Danbur,", Conn., In 1908, gatol's tor a senate subcomr'nlttee ro e ugges logy, Coe college, and William eXamlYlIl!i6n. workers at Cudahy's main plant, spokesman said "quile a number" the worl\ers. It addS: Iin ,Which the court ol dered work- headed by Sen. Jo epp McCarthy Beaimer, heaP of art 'tducatio~ at Omaha, Neb., and probably of letters were delivered to the "Since labor problems are the ers homc:s and savl ~gs seized ~ (R-Wls.). WASHI~GTON (JP)- The nll- River Forest. IiI. This year's con- THE GRAI>UATE CLUB OF would take concrete action, possi- men as they arrived at the hospi· concern of the great ~IISS ot Am- 1 ~at!s1'Y a S~43,OOO Judgment m , The two, Rep. Jaml'!s G. Fulton tional cha,.rman .of Americans for ference will emphasize the role of the Lutlieran Student association bly Thursday. Hc did not say what tal after being brought by hell· el'icans, the termS employ:!d com fav~ ot the~r employer. bCRt-p(a ·) ~nd} Rep·tRth°bert J. kCo~- Demdocrtlltic Aicilon ca,I,led !Whed- art education at the adolescent will mee.t Thursday April 23 at sort of action would be taken. copter from Freedom Village. 'n Ian t e t R-ya., spen ree wee S In nes ay or an nvesti ga"on 0 ow level ".. --- bubb II ~. up f.rQlll . g 0 rc- Western Europe on a general in- the American press has been rc- . 6:30 p.m. at the Lutheran Student s pectabJ. h~>: WJlI'I the lI ~Ua; -in- CED(,\R RAPID REOLA SIYlED vestigation trip tor the house for- porting politics. house. G. Eve~ett Arden, pro[es- exhaustibIlity or o~r oation s 11- WASHINGTON (JP) - The gov- eign affairs and house adminis- Francis Biddle, the ADA chief, FILMS ON INDIA ~L BE SOl' of c~urch history at Augustana paclty for word-comnge. J ust l?st ernmern Tuesday decertified Ce- tralion committees. made the sugge,Uon in a letter to presented by t~e Art Gwld at 8 TheologIcal . seminary, Rock I~­ ~ear , a U.S. s u~reme c~urt o~Jn' (jar Rapids as a critical defense Both said they found "detrimen- James R. Wluips. mana&!n, edl- p.m. Thursd.ay In t~e art ~udlt?r- land, lil., Will speak on the BasIC Ion referred to gadgets, and It Is Ihous ing area. The acUon removt!s tal effects" of the recent trip to tor of the Washington Post and l\lm. -r:he films Will proVide m- ~roblems of AmC!rican Lutheran­ pro~abl Y only a maH~ of time I authori~ation for the rent control Europe of Gerard David Schinel chairman of a Freedom of Infor- formatIOn . about .Indlan culture Ism. until Je~al Phra~eology IS expand~ progran} in Linn county. The of- and Roy M. Cohn, chief consultant mation committee. and ar:, WIth particular reference d to mC!lu~e , ,aero s .the board I fic!! or defense mobilization said a and chief counsel,. respectively, for Biddie wrote that while charges to musIc,. d~n~ing and han?ic.rar~. APPLICATIONS ARE NOW U N I V ~ R SIT yeA LEN DAR anq 'zeal strike. r,esurvey sho\ved an influx of de-Ilhe McCarthy subcommittee in- and countercharges involving po- The publlc IS lIIvited; admlsslon IS being accepted rrom those who 'II; "At the moment, the COinage of I rense workers was not going tO vestigating the foreign In10rma- Htical reporting "have perhaps free. --L-. arc interested in serving on the TlruRSDAY, APRIL 23, 1953 VOL. XXIX, NO. 141 I I new terms is going on at an BC- be as large as expected. tion program. reached the point of absurtiity, 1953-1954 Central p1.lrty commit- UNIVERSITY CALENDAR Items are schedllled ------they nonetheless seriously impugn ZOOLOO~ SEm::"'AR WILL tee. Details and the necessary lD the P,HldeJi". office. Old Capl&oI the high standards of journalism meet. on FrIday. April 24 , at 4:10 forms may be obtaine<\ from the I • Marines- CI ose In on A-Bom b BastI Cor which the American press is p.m. ~n room 204, ZB: The .speak- main desk at the Iowa Memoridl Tbursda)', April 23 card party, Iowa Union. known throughout the world." er WIll be Dr. Beatnce Mm~z of Union or from the head of your 12:30 p.m. - University club, 3:30 p.m. - Baseball: Westel':l ------_ . -- t?e Whitman laborat~ry. Unlver- individual housing unit. Applica- Luncheon and ProlJram, Iowa Illinois, here. sity of Chicago. She will speak on: tions must be turned in at the Union. Wednesday, April 29 "Re&!nt Studies on Sex Develop- union desk by Friday, April 24 , 3:00 p.m. - Graduate college . l' • ment in the Bird Embryo.': at 5 p.m. and department of marketing lec- 8.00 p.m· -. A.A.U.P. mee m.. WSUI PROGRAM . house, OJ d Capitol. ture, Pro.f H uegy, U . 0 f Illl nOIS, Thursday April 30 lOW ~ MOUNTAINEERS . HILLEL WILL HOLD ITS "Expansl~nist Philosophy - A 6:30 p.m. _ Triangle club party, CALENDAR Amana dInner hike, Sunday, Apnl 1 F'd . ht i thO Basic Attttude of American Mar- U . Til .....'. A ••II t3, UIII 26 Hike eight miles leaving Iowa regu ar n ay nlg serv ces IS k tI g" n~te 0 C mono ' :00 Mornlna Chapel . :15 Ne.... M~morlal UnIon at' 1:15 p.m., or Friday at 7:30 . .The services will en. ~Ida;, April 24 . Friday, May 1 ' :30 Mo.dleyal Enlland 18 miles (arrangements to be be conducted thIS week by Sigma 3:30 B b II' M' RegIOnal UNESCO conferenct1, ' :20 I"rnny )'or Your Tboullhts made later) Program of slides ~Ita Tau sorority. No "Oneg t h p.m. - ase a. lOne- Iowa Center for Continuation • :. The Book.hel{ ' :45 Baker's Dozen and movie; following dInner. Shabbat". and Sunday.supper this 50 7~OO e;.~. _ Art Education con- Stu~y and ca.mpus . lO oM Ne.... Please make rel\ervations by leav- wMeekk·tHLllel Foundation, 122 E. ference, films and lecture, Dr. lt, 2·OO and"'18 . 0h~ tp·m. - Thirty· 10:30 Muste You Want t 11 :00 Sonll' In ~ Atr in" money at Wilson's Sporting ar e. M S h "Th Int 11 t I Lrs annu.. IS ory cont.. enct. 11 :15 Mwdr Album \ P • • ax c oen, e e ee ua Old Capitol II :lIe Let', Go 'r0 Town Goods store by closmg hme Wed- Temper of Contemporary Art," . · . II :45 From t ho. EdItor'. Dell< nesday, April 22. Please specify THE THIRD EDmON OF mE Art auditorium. 8.00 p.m. - Seals swlmmm' J t :5I Prayrr for Pe""" which hike and give your phone International Center news Is now Salarda)', April 25 field t G 'Id f'lm5 I2 :M Rbylllm RambJu Sh~~O hOU S~ 1~ , 30 Hew. number (at WIlBon's). For further ready lor distribution. Foreign 1:30 p.m. _ Baseball: Minne- Bus'ter k:'to;co~edi~1 Art laud: 12:45 OrIl.n.l..... information, call Joan Cox, 5020, stUdents living In the town area sota here (two games) S turd Ma 2 1:00 Mu~cal ClIau 1:110 To BuUd a Nallon between 11 :30 and 7:30 evenings. may pick up their copies, at the " . . . a ay, Y 2:10 Muto.rworlu of Music International Center or in the of- 2:15 p.m. - Art Education con- Regtonal UNESCO conference. 3:00 T..,. &Ole"" Sbow PH.D nENCH READING EX- fice of student affairs ference, "Art Education and the Iowa Center for Continuation 3:11 )lUll. of Manhaltan tI' Bealme~, 3:30 Newl min III be . i Tb ",Adolescent," William Art Study and campus. ,:.. Vincent ~E ~ay, ~:: 2~ trom 3' :;,e.~ p.m~~~ CATHOLIC STUDENTS ARE building. . . Tueaday, May 5 . 4:00 low. Union Badlo HOW' 4:. ' Tea Time "'eloctl.1 room 221A ~haeffer hall Only Invited to attend the third lecture 3:15 p.m. - Art Education con- 7.30 ,p.m .. - Society for Ex~ 5:" Children'. Hour Jhose will be admitted to the ex. of the "Marriage and the Family" ference lecture by Paul Burlln, mental BlOlogy and MedICIne I:W N.... I :. Sporta Time amination who make appUcation series at the Catholic student cen- "Th~ Creative Artist," Art build- me~ling, room 17~ Me? lab. . ':00 Dlnn... How by .1~1nt the sbeet posted outalde tel' Sunday, at 5 p.m. Msgr. J . D. Ing. 7.30. p.m. - D_bate. Uniyersl~ ' :116 1Iew. 307 Schaeffer hall betore Tuesw Conway of the center will speak Tuesday, %8. of vs. l)wa, senate, 0 7:00 Green Room Ap~U ~l1mO~!I _"' •• &"~ a.r.JU· J'Mvltl 'fHEIR TIlENCHES yarda from zero at Yueea Flat to boarcl 7:10 DBC Wodd Tbta\r. day, May 28. The ned examlna- on "Church Law and Marriage." 1;30 p.m.-The UnIversity club, Capitol. beUcopten will leap Irea them Z.ooO yarda elORr Ie the I.C .. atomic blast Smoke from the ' :00 Camp.. Shop Hon will be during -the lecond Supper wiU be served after the (For Information rerardlnr, dates buon4 thll IICltetlaIe,.-. u.a, t . :. Newt larrest fire ball thai lar in the atomic teI&a drlU:I overhead. It:. SIGN 0"' week of summer ,session. lecture. 8H reaernUolII lD the offlee of the President, Olcl Capl... )

\> • THE I;JAILY IOWAN- Iowa CIl}" .a.-Tbun., April %3, 1t53-Pa.e I India-Pakistan Dinner Students Welcomed into Pharmacy Group Mrs. Carlrae Is New .Featuring Chicken . lAlumnae President Mrs. Richard Carfrae was elect­ ITo Be Held Saturday ed president of the Alpha Chi Chicken curry will be one of Omega alumnae group at a break­ the main dishes featured at the fast meeting, Sunday, at the home India-Pakistan dinner, Saturday of Mrs. E. J. Liechty, 322 Black­ at 5;30 p.m. at Wesley house, 120 hawk ave. N. Dubuque. The dinner is spon­ MIss Patricia Hauser was elect­ sored by the University Women's ed vice- president and altruistic association and International Cen­ chairman; Mrs. Shirley Wilkins, ter. secretary; Mrs. William Gustafson, Other items on the menu will treasurer, and Mrs. William Hol­ include rice pillan, vegetable cur­ land, PanheUenic representative. ry, purees and cocoanut ehatn!. Tickets for the dinner are '/5 cents and reservations may be made at the office of student af­ rairs or at International Center by Friday noon. Mrs. Sudhindra Bose, wile oC Dr. BO$e, former professor of the Orleotal studies department, will be the guest of honor and will speak to the group. Films on In­ dia and Pakistan, provided by the Indian embassy, will be shown. Indian music will be played dur­ ing the dinner.

MDJDERS OF MORTAR BOA}J D GAVE SKITS promoting l\(other's day weekend ad lv lUH at ..'. fraternity houses Tuesda§ and Wednesday, evening. Pat Thoma , A4 , Traer, (left) played a. Miss Holmes Heads ... IIDlnvlted mother, Sally Irish, A4, Forest Cit y, (right), a. happy one who came, and ally Tflies, A4 , Greenfield, was master of eeremonie In a kit given Tuesday evenJ llI' at the Alpha Professional Women Ta ~ Ornera house. They also distributed !\lother's day weekend prognms. l\lortar Board wiU com­ Miss Blanche Holmes w~ elect­ WE LEY BROW ', 1'4, KEOKUK, pruldent of Rho Chi , naUo"al pharmacy honorary orrantu Uon. ~j ts tour of fraternities tonight.. ed president or the Iowa City IlO n&TatuJ ates five new memben after the, were i nitiated Wednesday n1rht. The mem bers, Ie" to Business and Professionlll Wom­ rlrnt, are l\Iaurice Gintz, pa, Iowa City; Harold Black, Pt, P a rnell; Shirley AlbreclIt, P 3, Ha ' ley; en's club, Monday at /I meeting at Louis Dlslnrer , P3, Oxford Junction, and Brown. A dinner (or tbe tnitlat~s wa held at Amana. the Je(ferson hotel. Dean LouJs Zo."t of !he collere of phannacy pve the member hlp respon e foUowl11l' the dinner. ,Miss Hartle Engaged 18 SUI Catholic Students Miss Stella Scott was elected vice-president; Miss Vera Steele, 1o William King; .m, secretary; Miss M~rgarct Fox, 7V A tten d Newman Mee t treasurer, and MISS Gertrude Paulus, treasurer. ·WiII Wed in Summer Eighteen Catholic students trom Mrs. Wallace Maner, hostess at St[I will attend the 13th annual gel, national direclol' of the Li- the International Center, spoke to province convention of the Ne~- turglcal movement, \ ,111 address the group' on "The World at )'qur man club in SL Louis, Mo., F'rl- the convention on "Living the Door." She dlscu.

we Style ' 0 . 300 White Clo\'clk Cush-N-Crcpo sale $8.95


I Young Women In White . . and I:'UCkIES • Style No. 4 J 1 ••• who Iceep conslan' vigil W hite Glovelk TASTE BETTER! ••. who require a shoe ,ho' $9.95 Cleaner, Fresherl Smoother! gives cons'an' comfort, ,oo! .' • Ask yourself this question: Why do I smoke? You know, yourself, you smoke for enjoyment. And you get enjoyment only from the ~ of a cigarette, Luekies taste better- cleaner, 'fresher, smoother! Why? Luckies are made better to taste better. And, what's more, LuckTe;"jire made of fine tobacco. Style No. 406 L.S./MF,T.- Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco, White Kid and So, for the thing you want most in a ciprett!'''' Nylon Mesh for better taste- for the cleaner, fresher, smoother $9.95 taste of Lucky Strike ..• Be Happy-GO LUcKYI

ompar. wh." .hopp'''': Style No, 414 eCLlNICS ARE SOFTER ... mor. comfortablel White CloveIk Where', rour '\",'e1 eCLINICS SUPPORT YOU ... help reduce fatigue. It', easier than you think to $9.95 make $25 by writina • Lucky -CLINICS ARE SMARTER ... alway, in good taltel Strike jin&le tik. thole you see -CLINICS ARE PRICED RIGHT ... in \hil ad. Yes, we Deed jin&\el Accept no aubatitutea. Your franchised Clinic dealer -and we pay $25 (or every ODe in Iowa City is the we ute\ So eend sa many Ulul to~ Happy-Go-Lucky, P. O. $8 95 and $995' 9016'1, New York 46, N. Y. CIGARETTES (U ~ liIe la Dot in .lock, W8 can order it for you)


\ Major Scoreboar~ .

AMERICAN LEAG E N TIONAL LEAGUE , W L r €'L GB w L Pd... ~t." y.,k .. f t .73M Sl. Le.I. I ! .111 I . L.DII .. 3 .~ II l'bU.Oolpbl • . .• 1 ~ .11' ~ , BrDoklyn . 1 S .~;t White Sox found the home Obloa,o .. I .GlI7 '. Clf'W'el.ancl ~ t •IWJO lolll ..• •• ku .. . S ~11 "' II' New York ..... 3 .4It l . PbUodrlpbla I 4 ranJe for the firsl time this .* : • r " Be"en .. 3 4 . 1'!9 ~. ~ lDeiGnati • ~ .4" LI S 50n Wednesday. clubbing W'ultl"l'lon .. ! ~ S' ~ PIII,ba"b .. ! .w t Phi/lies Beat Bums, Take 1st OdroU I 1 . l!.t l Cblco,o J •3 .~ : Briefs- Into the seats, but again needled I .... ( w.... t •• , •• R ••111 Wedn. d.y'. n ...1t ._~ ...Had a short chat with umpire Bobby Austin after the 1 30me clutch reUe! pitching PHILADELPH1A JP) - Karl bl ..... 9, D,l,olt 7 1'1. L.. t. '" C' ndnn.U S Harry Dorish 10 carve out a 9- Drews tightened ur> after a Brook- .... Y.~k O. Bo Ion ! Mllw&QIt~. IG. Cblca,.. • Luther game. Austin, :lmong other things, win'be remembered fOl I PbU.del,hla •• W.,1lIn,1en ... J)hUadelpbla • BrD.kly o ... tossing ou the Bradley ba.seball conch last Friday-the lirst time victory over the . Iyn rally Wednesday night and 4On11 pm .. l.hod.I •• ) N .... York I. PIUsblU," 2 most people around here have ever seen a colleg coach ejected. The Tigers pushed across pitched the Philadelphia Phlilies Tod.y·. Plkb ... t 5 4 i th Dod To.oy·, Plttbrr. B,ookl,11 .1 Pbl\Jt •• lp"lo C al.~11 Austin learned not to take any extracurricular remarks Crom runs In the bottom of the o a - w n over e geTS. PItU .... I'ItI•• 1 w. bln,lon - Sbaa l, Pod, .. I B. I) or Milliken C... ) n. aM. players. coaches or managers the and twice had the potential l\Cter allowing three runs on Jour IO·t) n. M.. I .. On (1·1). ••. Now York al PII.lbat,b - Co,,." ("I) Class AAA American association i ..n t9-U). ., ConnoUy tU·O) Ya. Poll.l c,.o). In (act, he \\ as slated to move llP out the I"lI'e. the fourth. his second lour-base 10n ly ,om .. l.h ••• led.1 (O nly ,om.. I.h. duled ). to the American league durin( Vern Stephens. Sherman ,..n ,m'C't·'·:-:-:·' )Iow of the season. The victory ------one of the war years but wa} nd belted home .tnock~d the Dodgers out or first homers aod a double Wednesday singled. tripled and in the eighth cnlled to s rvlce himself. th oU Milt Jordan, Tiger "'II~ -rilE ;llace In the National league as thel ls the Braves plastered the Chi- smashed a drive over the ]eft navy. before he could report. naldng his fir t big league start. 1I0r- ~o-YOGIMs "'eN PhUs took over. t d . t I • * * * cago Cubs. 15.6. to launch a "ne V i center san s. apprOXlma e y 4~O H now makes his home in Lollar's blast came with one on, ARE rARey, 7"00- . hb .. . lr feet. .he others with none on. Ro;;k rsland. Ill .• and is rated OD( ~-rC!lEL PAIGE, Cards Tie for 1st nelg or r1va y. . I Mathews crashed a three-run of the t09 Officials in 1Iny sport it In all. thc White Sox plied up OF 7'IIE ~r. l.OUI5 Sauer returned to the Cub hne- homer and second baseman Jack the mid west. 15 hits, four of them by Lollar. 8ROW#ti, Srll.L ST. LOUIS (JP)- Vinegar up tor the first Ume since break- Dittmer hit a three-run homer in Besides being a buehan am or! the Inept Tiger pitching. De­ POEt;II'r Gllorl /lIt; Mizell needed help only to get th ing a little [lnger March 16. He a six-tally Milwaukee third. I pire. Austin I a regular membel 'roit has used 24 hurler.i this sea· A 6E, WlfE11!ER 17"5 last out as the steady beat of " of the National Basketball associ. ;on while losing seven or eight extra-base hltllng attack by th lames. the last five in a row. TlIe""~ ON 7"/IE St. Louis Cardinals deteated Cin ation refereeing staff and is aNa. !fO,rFIf Oft tional Football leagu official. 8080 cinnoU, 8-3. here Wednesday r/lE to go Into a first place tie. • Austin's umpi ring mate in the * * * It/Uc/{ NEWSOM, Miz 11. making his first start a three 10wa home games to date Mize Hit Wins /l!ORE O~ -rile" - SUI JUNIORS- PNI£'ADE~PH/A the eason, held the visitors hall been Jim Ryan. who is wel\· AHC/~Nr even hils. shutting them out known In mldwe t circles liS an NEW YORK /l.ot) FOR Kluszewski, pitched II fourth bail. phone or stop in at our office. walking in a run, then retlrcd one of the lhrl' -game lowa-Mlnn . ota ~ IICS CO Olin up Friday and The victory gave the Yanks un- tJROOKL.YN Jim Greengras to end the game. \ . bUlunlay. Ci lll, a Junior, h ,.~ yet to ue ciut!:Jtcd in Bil! 'l'cn competi- disputed pos ession of (\rsl plue WAY 8ACK tion. in the American league. IN 1929. III' \Ion rive rnm~ I t year In tonrer ~ nce pia to t:e witb GerTY Loren Babe, whose first major Giants* Beat* * Bucs Lawrence T. Wade SmJth of IllinOis and Pnul Ebert (th bask l a I ('lI- .\ mcrican) oj league homer In the seventh hod PlTTSBURGH lIP) - Bob Hof· Savinqs 6. Loan Bui1dinq Ohio Stat .. for the b 5t won-lo t reew·d. ':; -U. In all cunfl l'ence gameE given the Yanks a short lived lead, man smashed two homers. a dou­ Phone 8·3631 hilt te ~m compiled a .0-.0 7-7 r cord. 'ame through with a tWD-run. sin- t.EONARD. ble and a single to lead the New Glel led the BIg Ten In , trrk.e-outs \\'11'1 41 An(1 fe VC5t walks, 8 gle In the big eighth when Hector OF "flIE York Giants to a 4-2 win over the'I!-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He w s named to the AIl·Amcl·lcan i('cond temu as picked by 1hc (Skinny) Brown was knocked out CNICAGOO CUSS" Wh'o~ I . AmerICan As.oriati un of College Base;)all C oa~ lrc s and also won 8 R hi Ulted f . ch hi . ./-3- -rIfE lIe7*EI?,411 REller eXPER7" Pittsburgh Pirates Wednesday ~ ~'-""""''''''''''''~''' first t am all-conferencc berth. . asc, or a pm ttel' flAP 7"1f£ 210'1> LowE,r E?"AI'fNep- , night. Jim Hearn gave up tour '" ,.~."""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~ ThL season Gi I h o~ won thl· e and dr'pped on e, allowing 27 1':1 the eighth. held the weak-hlt- R(JII AfARK Or II/~ CARE/fF( IN hits 10 receive credit for the vlc- ~ hi In 33 1/ 3 fnolng:!. strfkhl, out 42 and gi ving only 16 walks. Hi!; Sox In check with five hits In 1952 -A 5I1APPy' 2.15 latest feat was a 2-0 win o\·er lowa State In ,cv 11 Innings when he eIght innings for his Hrst win 0)/ ______D'_.'_l'in _'_"'_• ..:.' _"_''''.:.....'_Rl_"_''_• ..:,'N_'4_1C_" _. gavc up only 1 '0 hit and let only two run ncr;; r aeh second base. the year. ?~'£:h::~:~f';:":Yth~rt ~ BRE ·ME RS * * * Tom Gorman !intshed up for The Jack Kramer-Frank • edeman tennIs tour Is cbeduJed Raschi allowing two singles in the Braves Blast Cubs ~ top in ROl' k Island for a night of matlhes next Monday. They will ninth. No More Heavy Bouts in '53! (Al) - play In Rock] I, nd Armory a l 8:30 p.m .• according to Haw" tenn~ Dom DiMaUio made bls CHICAGO Third base- ~ ~ 14'14 tf/.;,ut wdI. N... -I··"" .._IJ"-K~ 8~ ' ht A . Th' Y man Ed MDthews la hed across six ~ UCI l' ~ conch Don Klotz. appearance of the year as a pin RoC ky M ay N0 t FIg gain IS ear runs on two or Milwaukee's fO.Jr ~ * hitter in the ninth, d livering Delta Sigma Delta won* .he ali-unive* rsity indoor volleyball title single. He missed most of If He Beats Walcott May 15 - -- ~ ;s your headquarters for 'T',· ... · rf ~ .. "Ierh l n·· .... I\ lrh~ 'T' 1I ()tn(,I!~, 21-10, 21-16. This is the last tralnlng because of an eye InUa HOLLAND, Mich. (JP)- HeDvy------. - --- - ,.••••••••••••••••• ~ of the Intramural indoor t itles to bp determined this season. Hillcrest matlon. weJght champion Rocky LaStarza would Uke to right each II It'. PARSONS~U."0. >J " .." I "'" ...)I.,<),ltdu lI liUc oV,'r Pil·a rd. 15-21.21-10.27-25. may not defend his title other. How do I know?" and in I Office Equipment ~'O this year It he whips Joe Wal the next breath he went on' • Rent JI d S ~ ARROW All yes will be on Texas* A *& M's *mu~cle man, Dan-ow Hooper * * * in Chicago May 15 . . ..,., upplv »» ''l'ho wl.11 seek 'ctorles in th(' . h~t put nnd .d L~ cu s in the Drake Re­ A/s7, Nat54 . • . "You know. we're thlnking /11 . ODe or • lor • lays I' :ldllY and Saturday . II 'on both cvrnts in both the 'Texas and His manager, Al Weill. Isn t goin./( 10 the Pacific if Rocky win·, • o~ Ran. as Relays eorJic·r thls . I WASHI'NGTON JIP~ ing exactly that, but some of onolull.l, Gu m, ManUa. To~O . • TY1Je- THESIS Hc is exp ctcd to .. n •• ""·"" ton ralll4B tor!C1\J run thlngs he Is saying adq \lJl to I got It teleghim Jasl' week ftO!f\ writer-. SUPPLIES SHIRTS - SPORT SHIRTS j'"-Ineh sin ce; he' has Ollt ill the rUnth inning abo~t that. . a rdUow In ManUa-who I1)cnlioll~ alllo ' s • Byrd WedQes~af nlght FIMt- 'o aU. />lnce traimng 20,oo!! for an exhlbltlb'l'l' tti~\·e Wiele · • .,.. SI7lQ tS,.. HANDKERCHII:FS Scheib camt! olh lif' thj;· resumed here aiter a lth one a! our sparring part- ullecUon Paper l' to preserve a 7-4 victory for rest for RockY's injured nen.. •. 01 BoDd • Phil d ~I ~li. ,W 11 1 has shown a , . II.. .' I , paPer tor Carboa Cft Mk ~ iIo.li6 . lOr the difference' about the Yi~lll gave, tbe dellruta Impres- ...... Paper AND TIES whl J ac~ Jensen next opllonent.' , '~!) th t .s~c,\ trjp i ~ m' •• • in. -01 'Wa$hlngton. Will it be Ejz;.ard Charles, Or m ~l)t btl qUlt~ lCil;~rely p e'as , Cheek our • RfbboJll I I\'s got oQe run Wth secpna, RoJDDd Lastarza? !Ina of course, profJia'ble, • ChcircoaJ 1n tM Uitrd two rn tnc'!our'('b Weill shrt.igged, ' and thoughl n qharlts nnd La$tarza 81" cut- LOW PRICES. and 'slngle r~ in the filth and minute before answering, then relitly ranked second allo third I PARSON'S OmCE Ppr} ~Y : J ~ixt h . The winners ou{tdt lhe behind Walcott as heavyweightl Equlpment and SuPPUea Liqh.t G~ aU(maIIS. 11.7. ',cl,arles, maybe, But on contenders by the National Boxing. 12.2 Iowa ave. Dial Z5'1l I other hand. maybe Charles association. I...... itA World-Beater For Comfort" Oil White NATS ' BUY VOLLMER Students Say Of Arrow Bi-Wag WASHINGTON (Jf? - Th e Washington Senators 0 $1295 to $179& purchased outfielder Clyde Vol~­ SLE~DERIZE .. mer trom the Boston Red Spx. The acquisition of Vollmer, a 31- o. year-Old righlhanded power hit­ ECONOMIZE. E ERS MEN'S STORE ter. ended the Sen a tor's search wltlt No".Fatt."'"g 28 South Clinton a replDcement for GlI Coan, outlielder who fractured a =====:=====:.=::-:::======-'1in his leg in spring training. q ...I-( ·I.,., When "­ ...... , passing . RewIS ~LDING ('.... kl.11 I ..ollt!. Now enriched .... ith every Vitemin end Miner.1 needed means !:Jour for good health ••• HARIS Y.t •. IT COSTS LESS! life's at stoke .0. I 'GOIE BALLS ARE ~ BUFFET Flnt A"e. at IINI MJu1Mlppi • Rock Ialad • RETURNS and panic LIFETIME WHITE * TUESDAY * • 2000 Units Vitamin A leads ~ou APRIL 28th! • ..00 Units Vitamin 0 • 1 Mgm, Vitamin 8-1 -to the lake ... • 2 Mgm. Vitamin 8-2 • 10 Mgm. Niacin don~ jump! • 10 Mgm, Iron 11 . • 0,1 Mgm. Iodine just ... Recent surveys on America's campuses show that Arrow Bi-Way is gaining in popularity every day. The reasOn: the low-setting, no-neckband collar that gives extra free:­ dom at the throat fOl' extra comfort. Available at Arrow dealers. ARROTV SHIRTS 1111 give ~ou(self a • SHIRTS· nES • UNDERWEAR, HANDKERCHIEFS· SPORTS SHIRTS RESISTS SCUFFING, BRUISING, STAINS ~-briak Tile Place f(1 go for Brands You K1tOlt) Penny for Penny ••• .WMn IlOU IuJoe to tUl/ 11011' SP1!.LDING does it apinl Adds ,",hut 6"'" white of any b4ll of till VITA-SKIM is your head ••. bead straiaht for a "TJII '11, .. , cup of coleel Colee can help • MICHAELS STERN SUITS Illpectncular new perrnorll!1lt yoa ever played. n Best Food Buy Tod.yl . you think better • , • for coffee MALLORY HATS FORTUNE SHOES whiteru!S8 to the IUDC·. ercat- Proven by "torture te.ta," '.lI ,ently .wnulatel your mind. WEMBLEY TlES • c.t Irolf n~ JIJI. SPIlldiDa LInmu: WIIlT£ ~ ··CllPPY It can Wp you w(]W1t belt.. New iDETrMJ: W1UTP.. ".xc1W1ive . Iiata IC:Ilftiq; 1md.eea, .wna ... •• , for colee helpr eftIcH!Dcy. ARROW with SpaldiDf. is the bright;:", won't yellow or chip ••• Dept LA F~tL~! You'l11_ better enr)'. way l1-;;==:;;;;::;:s~,===::::;:::=;7 ~ ... after Ii colfee-bretaJt1 SHIRTS • UNDERWEAR whitut whjte ... the fou,:JJul. ita IJIUkliq aheen for life. IODEL-SAIITARY • ,..,. 'III' F• ..,... Pan-American Colee Bureau, FARM DAIRIES liOWalI St.,N~Y(]Wk5,N. y, ."In, •::. BALDWII Brazil· Colombia· Corta Rica From. You Grocer Cuba 0 Domfnlcan Republio ""lie __ ..... or Call 1113 Ecuador • £1 Salvador For Bo. Dellvel'7 S. g!lFR~~S Guatemala • Ilondur .. SPALDING 0 129 So. Dubuque St, . Sell tlae Pace ba Golf ' ..8-2241 Mexico Veoezuela .'_ , I '5 F -/ T B Sh Meier Appointed I m S 0 e OW!1 Chairman in Study On Indian Culture, Art Of Vote Counting Five shoTt films illustrating the ---- "ultuTe and art of India will be plcted in the other [iJms are SUIProt. psych~logy Norman C.dep~Ttment Meier oC h;'~1the iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !~Iij~~:ii= tonight at 8 p.m. in the arts and handicrafts practiced been appomted chamnan of a Piano and yocnl recilals will be art auditOl·ium. .. India,. and the ways In which ~c5mmittee to stud~ ways of ~peed- presented Sunday by students or Sponsored by the Art GUild, \D traditJonal festivals are eel bratcd. Ing up vote count In Iowa City. the SUI deoartment of music. The with. In?lan students . The appointment was made by • pllno recitals are at 4 p.m. and t S~JI, the showmg .IS .open ~o the I _~ 'd city manager Peter F. Roan. I WAN AD T the "oeal recital is at 7:30, a11 In public and no. admls~ l on w1l1 be Roe E edeg Presl ent Voting machines, wbich had . T RA ES I Apcptment for Rent Miscellaneous for Sale Automobiles WWlted N~rjh music hall. ;harged . .The films were obtained County Dental Group been under consideration for • I Of FOR rmt: Phone 1I-:utI2. one room furn- TYP£WRlTrR. by owner. Mart" Marlin. WANT Junk Chevrolet.. PhQlle 8-WI. The afternoon program includes rom the Indlsr,t emb~ssy. Johnson county as a means Oae day ...... ___.. 1Ie per word Isbt'd 8parlm.. ot. One block !rom D!.IplJllyed al Wikel Typewrllcr Shop. "Concerto In D minor" by Mozart, Eac ~ of the i~lrns Will r un about Dr. J ackson H. Roe, 1207 speeding up counting, are a Three da)'I_. __. 1Zc per word buoi"e dl.trl"t. Desirable for One or Pholl4 5148 after 6. two boyS. S3t Pt'I' month ,.,Jth utiUtles Rooms tor Rent played by J ames DeLancey, Al, en mlrl!tes .wlth a~ explanatory mour ave., was elected president issue at present, as far as Five da,...... _ .. 15c per word paid. BAUSCH Lomb Mic"""""",,. Phon~ Ctdar Rapids. Corinne Gornto. AI, :~mml'nt~1 Y In English. One of the of the J ohnson county dental 50- !>oard of supervisors is concerned, T da .... _ _-" 1781 . S!lII CLE and double room for rent. Dial II th e tent f a I en YI-- ...... _ .."" per Wvnll '" 5:>211. surnsvllle, N.C., will play two n15. S 10NS e nac m 0 c ety Monday evening, succeeding Marvin A. Stahle said FOR RENT : Phone 1-3»2. one block "'om bWllnHl dJrtricL One room fu m- ELECTRIC Sewlnl Machine and re--ftlll- seI«tions by Brahms, "Bal1ade in 'lasslcal cl~n,ce, th7 K athak, by Dr. L . B. Higley oC the SUI dent3J Wednesday. One mGnUJ ...... 39c pel' w .... Ished apartmenl with private bath and erato.; D IIl.i 6580 a(ter 5 p.m. ROOMS for clrls. Phone 4154. utillUes furniahed. ~ per month. - G minor" and "intermezzo in A lnf oC India s le~dmg artists. I.n college. Sentiment in favor ot the ma- MlDlmum cbarCe 510 I IROO.1II8 cra4uate l tuct.nta. p- e - minor." I.notbler Of. thle. films thts lrfaldl- Other officers elected were Dr. :hines developed in Iowa City CLASSI FIED DISPLAY - B"NDlX el ec:trlc clothe. dryer. flO. 10 .'to . .. IOna muslca IDstrumen 0 n- . APARTMENT. 12'1'1 S. Cllnton. D!.I I 115&"1. clay IUSranlee. Dial 8-42.. . :lC~~ Be!s~er,. A \ .. Tr l ~h,,, wi lIa are shown and played. A: E. H o~~oimt,b, 2 ~0 ~ . D~~~ue, . last November's g~neral One Inser tlon ...... _ .. 98c per inCh/NE wt 3room furn1Jbed apartm nt. PrI- 1 I k . LARCE room for ~Ia on bill line. call p Y oncer"o In maJor Among the subjects to b& de- vlce- presl en a n r. am .I~n when one Io~a City Five insertions per month, va te bath. Launru-y- (acllltles. 2 bloeb WW ba Is. Hoe -Eye-Lolln. utII. • 1I0wl nnd Waltz-La plus KoUemann, 17 S. Johnson st.. sec- d id not report until 26 hours after prins tio 88 in h from CAmpUI. ~ . AnJlable May I. Dial CANA.RIES. Parakeets. Col .... SeedS. D1a l l ----::-:--:--::-::-:---:----:-~ \tpte," "Passe pied," and retary- treasurer. the polls closed. e er n...... C per c 8813. 2M2. Help Wanted .."(5 cake Walk" by Debussy Spee' ell Wrif,·ng --- Ten In~ertlo;'l' oer m onth. InJRNlS H1!:O apartmen l for r,",l. Down- lIolanda Ringo, A I, Iowa City, will , per inserllon .. __ .80c per inch lo"n. tnnulr" Royal Cale. Loat and Found WANTr o : Rewonslble man with sal•• L e.xp.. to manaae an tmpottant pia "Baga telles" by Tehercp!)inco T0 Me' R d Daily In8ertions d uring month, deputmenlr~t.nC'e In a well esUlblf.h~ buafn eacners eet t RENT A GAR rtmen ,04 oncerto In A minor" b) r I per Lnsertion ...... 'l Oc per inch T~~~ 3. t. May 1. Adulta t.05T: ..,d billfold. Reward. Dial 8-0032. In Iowa City. AU apJ)lfcaUonl WUl be V ecor = kept confJdentinl. Your J)'e nl employer Grieg. Iown high school teachers 01 T . wlJl not be conlActed. Write Bo)( 10. Beverly Jean Bartunek, A4 speech and writing will meet at HERTZ lIr1n~ Aherit... ,,1110 .. IN Coralville. Unlurnllhed • room ypmg Dally lownn. I'h DollT Jowan B ..l u •• Oil... apartmenl. prh'ale bath. Stove • .,d _.,--_,.,-______, Knoxville, a soprano, will present SUI Friday and Saturday to dis- BIRTUS DRIVE.UR.SELF Ba. .... nt la. 1 Rail •• reCrl,erotor fu rnl.&hed. SmaU chJld ac- THUIS Q'pl",.. !'xperlenced. "'2108. PART-Urn. help. Mad H.tter Tn Room. the vocal recital. Nettie Detels. cuss effeetive teachi~ g of commu. cepled. Immediate po_on. DIal 15" .IJ, lda Grove. will play the pianc nication kills. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Quinlan, SYSTEM Ca II 4191 or 2DII1. Brukey Coblnet Shop. ~I S tyJ)ln,. Dial a-.3108. WANTED - plumbers. Year around work. ~oute 4, Iowa City, a girl Tuesday 1tXP£RT typln,. nl1 Apply In person at Larew COm pony. ICCOmpan Imen. t Cl arence Derrlck, ot the educ:l- 1t Mercy hospital. • IBACHELO R aparlm~ta. lOt N. Dllbll4ue. __. ~= ______MIs Bartunek will sing the fol- t1ol}al testing service of Prinee- IAHER BROS. Dial 1·2851. EX.PE1U ENCEO typl.... 111M. loWing selections, "Deh vienl, non ton, N. J., will bc the main spcak- Mr. and Mrs. Vincent All tson , tant...I r,'"N'" , on so :'IU cosa son, and er for the t h'II' d annua I conven- ~oralvl1le,. a girl T uesday at Mer- 30~.. S. Gilbert Pe-"'D~'...... -:n'-'-Vl 'cea E t V I DEPENDABLE r , "Alleluja" by Mozart. Other num- lion. He will discuss the value of ~y hospllal. X ra a ues :I btrs on the program arc "Ocr tests in teaching students to 1)(- ? Mr. and .Mrs. Eu~ene Roe, Just Phone 9696 GARACE lor rett at 532 S. Van BIl- KEYS mode. Camblel 5 10..,. at ., "ussbaum" and "An den Mond" fectively communicate the i r -, Iowa City., a gll'l T uesday ren. ~ ""r month. Dial fIIll! . USED CARS •' :.vI h I ALTERATION, r epair OIl _ n'" women', by Sthumann, "Villanellc des pet- thoughts both in writing and ' ercy osplta. Autos for Sale _ Used clolhin,. The lI'amlq TaUoc Shoppe. Firestone Stores itlcanards" by Chabrier and "Les speaking. Mr. a nd M~s. Le? Harapnt, IlV% i. COHee .. D ~ _*-'01__1 _. __ _ 1948 Plymouth 4 door .Iilles de Cndix" by Delibes. The teachers will meet In the Route 2, Iowa City, a gl.Tl Wedncs- + .rllii-:tfJ NOW' '3'1 FORD v-So Cood con dillon. Phone SEW:NC, ~k ln', Dial 8-0U O. 2l" Table Model 1948 Jeep (two) Also featured in the soprano's Iowa ccnter for continuation study iay at Mercy hospital. U~'IPJ tL -- • &11)2 alt'r S. Television program will be "Chacun Ic sait" under the joint sponsorship of the Mr. ;'i~d Mrs. John Bucklneham, • __ .-_.- _. . 11148 nUICK Spec:I.1 ....:I.n ttl>. Orlclnal Music and Ra<1! o / 1947 Packard 2 door br Donizettj, "One Fine Day" by SUI communication skills pro- (own City, a girl Wednesday at Positively Encla Saturday Nlte t own. r. %8.000 Inllc •. Phone 6388. Reg. $297.95 1947 Ford 2 door /'UCcini, "Bo;1t Song" by Grieg, gram and the extension division. \1 rcy hOSPital. . t:e. Phon ... RADIO. le l e~on , ' J)pllahC" 11 Now $243.95 'Two Sisters" by Hageman, "The Mr. ~nd Mrs. J ohn ShOW1nq Only At This Jackson Electric COmpany. re"", ,, ______1947 Willys Station tilrhtingale nnd thc Rose" Celll'st To Present [owa City, a boy Wednesday SpeciaU}- Equipped Theatret Uke nel¥. ---'------..__- Siint-Soens and "Swiss Mercy hospital. Baby Sitting We will pay you c a sh Wagon Son,%y Eckert R 'f I M d Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Randolph for your Used Cara 1946 Plymouth 4 door ublic is i~Ylted to both 1'e- eel d on ay Towa C~ty, a g.irl Wednesday A.M. babJ ,ltUna In my h"rD~ . Phon •. All makes a nd models 1946 Pontiac 2 door ' fd~ . Leonard Rose, a former' solo UniverSity h ospllals. NEW 3 bedroom boUle with lB'oce. N..... 8-110t. KENNEDY AUTO MAR1 ': elJi~t with thrce of the nation'~ 1 --- C1ly KIIh. Own« ml'vlnc· Cau 8-1"'. --....}.-partm---e-n-t -W--an- t-e-d--~ 1940 DeSoto Coupe Cothmerce Professor leading symphony orchestras. will DEAT!I • 708 Riverside Dr ive present a recital fit 8 p.m. Monday Lcster F redcrlckson, threell.!::=~~~=~~~~:!:~~11 Loans Dial 7373 1936 Packard 4 door PI s Rotarv C'ub Talk in Macbride auditorium. The p~r. l m.ollths, Aldora. nt University hos- COLLEGJI: Inlwclo. and wUe deojre to ------, I LOANS on dl.monds, IUM, lulP'.. ren\ furnished opartnlcnt for 1853 These cars are Packard Prof. George S. Peck of the SUI tor\'nancc is sponsored by the Civir pita S. typewrite.... ""no .net J)4!ncll lleba .ummer _Ion. No pete or· "hlldrf:n. Ignition and Willys trade-ins " of '11 k t M' . " walchel. Hoek-Eye Loan. Contact: Jam" 8 . rullon. Sta ... T~ach- ro II .ge commerce W I spea a US I ~ assoCH1 ... on. I era Coil •• Brockport. New York. CARBURETORS \hr !owa City Rotary club lunch- Rose joined Ute NnC symphol1v Ed dSR ' tN SEE THEM AT lO~ln the Hotel J efferson (It noon or.ehestr(l in 1938 ilnd later played war ose.Says Instruction G ERATORS STARTEIiJ t~\'~ with the Cleveland symphony and Good M I· lad to Used Cars .Briggs & Stratlon Motors Beck will speak on monetary New York Philharmonic sympho- lI'rt'et anr::~~kY~~~O~ com- PYRAMID SERVICES DARE MOTORS matters, including rcmarks recall- ny orchestras. Jill' to our SHOP frOnt time to For Sale 220 S. Clinton Dial 572:, 219 S. Linn Inf the twentieth anniversnry of Mitchell Andrews. son of time - you are always wel- Dial 5543 (Oi orf the gold standard. lIc G. G. Andrews, 2. Melrose come - It Is our pleasant will also discuss the relative ad will accompany Rose in his privUe, e to furntsh YOU 1951 Chevrolet vantages and disadvantages of the hCl·e. Andrews has been Drug-s. Mpdl e lne ~, VII.aml.ns .. door $1015 Istandnrd. panist and aSsisting artist for and the filllnl' of your PRE- , . the past two years. SCRIP:rION - 1951 Ford A grnduate of Univer.slly 4 dqof I $J01~ Tot Pr..... bool. Dial 1-17111. ~chool, Andrews received a music: ' li-c#l 'JiV,lIiard in , I ~9~2 Ford 00Iw.uble Yoi'll' il" 1951. ANNOUNCING with radio. heater. , '1.1' Fordomalic, othel\lextra. M. f. Calhoun, DVM I ~ I Added • , I . " " , I" X ~ .. O ~evro et ' rud~ ...1, ,Formerly, of Titonk'.Q, Iowa,

"Marthe Is weak. Francois Is headatronq. Both are impul­ sive, ardent. fooUah, caUoua younq lovers. Marthe fxqeta her husband. Frcmeola forqeta school cmd parents. They ~!. All Ule Reckless Leg-ends of - FOI'~lcn Le(ion . . . This Is are c:rculll". wildly. crueUy Infaty,ated. They do DOt care ( UJe whom they hurt and they hurt everyon.e, mom 'Of all them­ IIEAT ADVENTUREI selves. An. honeat drama, cmd a d1adnqulahed one. told with power and conviction." BAILEY • NEW YORK SUN TIMES W~T ~NEDID '>CU GU-.s ON Tl-IAT 't.OI

. Intimate as a wife recordt:,. in a bedroom!" •

'. J Pace '-TIlE DAo.y JOW N-hwa eu,., Ia.-Thun., Apr" %3, .'S3' . P.hillips Eleded Mus;c Group Plans · Alb PI [Professor, Alumnus Clapp's Work Played- Vice-President Membership Driv. Iowa CIty Teen- ge 0 aniContribute Arlicle SUI Orchestra Performs Lions The annuaL.membershlp drive Of Club the ]owa City Civic Music Ilion will be launched Feat ured ;n . Rea de r' s Di ge sf :To Chemical Paper B ~o !&ll! m,'t"t.:' c~"'t *Sult. from ,.::~7::dth~ s~tl~::;'tm.nt when the group opens its had· An article by Prof. Karl Kam-" "The Fire Bird" by Stfavmsky, livision maintenance and ,,,,,rtf'!'" in the lobby of Holfl How the ]owa City Woman's mcrmeycr of the department of The firm and majestic strains ofladCQuately described by the title. ation was elected vice-nrf!slclentl I b! d lent h d d· A Nicolai's "Church FestIval Over- The contrast in the work was'.. . ~o~ 4'190~~g,,/~:-~~e:n~ ~~~ted U-Hi~ Stu ents A mire rt chemleal engineering and Dr. H. ture" resounded through the Iowa rtHng. of the Iowa City Lions club m 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. dally until Sa.I. in nn articl in the May issue of E. Huckins Jr., an SUI alumnus, Memorial Union Wednesday even- vigorous second movement election meeting at noon Wednes- urday, May 2, when the drive will Reader' Digest. appears in the April Issue of ing as. Prof. Phillip Greeley Clapp characterized by tremendous day. be closed. The rtlele. called "TIl e Teen- Chemical Engineering Progress. Ide the SUI svmphony orchestra train and an extreme concentra- J. E. Herriott, 206 Melrose court, Mrs. Kirby Wharton,. represen. Agers Get Summer Job" and The nrticle "The Separation of thro~h its fifth concert of the lion of energy depicting the dy- was elected president at the same tative of the National CIVic Mw!t written by J b'nr Finan, was eon- 'r Po M _ 'eason. ""IT it· dam'e of the Fire Bird. meeting. Other vice-presidents 'rl?'ani?ation, Is ('xpected to be denseTop Men" a,e odic;olly ond turn of . the teen-agers themselves. dustrlal cngineering at SUI. told makes it possible for the director one ,wilch, . "Among our teen-ogera it Is nOw the group that the average of nursing 6crvice to lot each White Dinner Jackel wecning City Clubl .• , caule they',. ... Ad.,.rtl•• d lit fa. hlonable to work," she said. of Increase In worker see the total job correctly made ••• b.".r styl.d •• , E~ ~ • "aneher Approves Jdea which can be expected done and to know the I'n,.trihll from and th& pric. is 01 right 01 the fil. SUI President Virgil M. Honch- workers to put forth tion he is making to that job. er said In the article, "It Is Im- fort is about 20 per cent. ing the IndIviduaL. employe l'AREW (O~ pOs~lble to ovcr-cmphllshe thE' trilll engineers havc shown Information helps keep his lII~'nllt: l . PLUMBING,... HEATING value or worlc In a youngster's a much more crtecUve way to high, Miss Schmitt eltplained. the men's shop Reddick Shoes, Inc_ 4c'C'clopment." crease output is by nnalyzlne 105 E, College ACROSS FRO!( CIT!' mu ·U.S. secrelary ot labor Martin routines to cut out 9681 - Phone - Hil \'! rkjn' domfn ~tetl , "'I'l1e l.qwa and delays. ~e ex~lairled. City Woman's club proj ct d$lon- ., AcUvU C\I8n U,~d . strates to youngsters how our Vse of an actlvl.\-y cpar,t to ~nomY J \YOrk~ . and what it has not only distribution of to oft r thern. Those who learn among eJTlploYei Qui hoWItt> condw:t. Jthem+~lv in the amou!lt. of tiWG 1m. Jnl'UM groomed for evel.cjs~ I cc~'io~ I" • allulJ. world, flod Lhe,r pl~<;u In ta k may &li~e th~ aprr»p4i,u''''!fJf the field of worjc Bn~ cjlScovbl' picture revealing ~ hat it t.alt~ \0 succ ed and tn~r empl~e , mul'U D ' , · , · I fCWrn, to, school with, a n w all- compl.Qte .or~ fi'Nldation lor th v,Qlue of equca- done before he . C~D "~:(lrnu .. pH ' ~ aJ: ~e:- a r ill Blouses tioD to. the)r.;fu\ur IIves.'1 I gon sals'. ' ,. Since every~hing w~ do C9[IS1Slts l •.. our most flattering tops for summer skirts of a rcla~ively !CoW . ~unqb .. .. S'UI ./4J Gradua',e, motion , and tile mpU4n ,rudy .. -- - .., .. - part can aS81~ a time value - Completes Course these motions, he can teU in t.' vance what the best method Maj. Richard T. Feddersen. Deegan said in explaining Iowa City. a 194t graduate of vslues of moUon study. SUI, is 1 of 30 select service The expert can asslgfl these SLENDERIZE ..• o meers who completed a two- time values by determining the week special associate COllrse of number of "positions" 9,Ild move­ ECONOIIJZE ... the Command and General StaH ments involved, po lUons being college at Ft. Rlley, Kan., on Aprn points at which a start Is made or with Ho".Fanen/ng 17.1 an abrupt change in direction is Te course is designed to prc- necessary. pare thc oftlcers for general staff By having his audience wrlle 1. "Double-Talk" •.• our and division livel cpmmand work. their names at maximum speed . ITA.­ colton broadcloth blouse It Is divided into three "early for one-balf minute and, counting • .wtdI tlMlIr-stitiehed -Dar.nd.. , .. phaSes. with home study required the increase over the U~e~ they in addition to the annual course had WTHten their names JQ the '. • JIIJ\¥l1 pocket over a bigger ...... It at Ft. Rile,.. same amount of \tmc at ora1oary ·· ··SKl. ~ . . pooketl.. :twig lwown, yellow ' 'Feddersen completed tbe second spero, Deegan demonst.~ated Now enrieh.d with eviry , or white. 30 to' a&. A Bobbie, phase or \llBlruction at Ft. Riley. point tbat only about a 20 per Vitamin .nd Mineral n,ed.d ' Brooks. 3.98 " • ; lie is the holder of the Bronze increase can be obtained br ,put­ Star medal with two Oak Lea! 1illg forth maxirT)um, effort. for 900d h.. lth , • , • .' 1'. clWltets DistinguIshed Unit em- HandwrUln, Time Useful Y.t •• IT COSTS LESSI I r· -I.. ,, '. i I blem, a'nd the Combat Infanlry- I'U you can predict tbe time in- 2. "Scalloped Belll1ty ' " our man badge. volved for something as compli- sltle\leless cotton broadcloth blouse with convertible ~,'~ :~ ~: ' J " SCIIUoped Odllar and pOcket :. Navy , yellow or ,yhitc, . .~ ~ - SO to 36. 2.98 ~ This Is the Age of Mincles • 2000 Unit. Vit,min A S. "Plaid Capers'" ... combed • 400 Units Vit.min 0 cotton sleeveless blouse with In- Men's Clothing • 1 Mgm. Vit • ."in 1-1 two-tone double woven • 2 Mgm. Vit.min 1-2 square design. Blue, red or ~ grey on white. 32 to 38. 2.98 • 10 Mgm. Nieei" ~ • 10 Mgm. Iron • 0,1 Mgm, Iodine 4. "Winged Top" ..• cotton broadcloth blouse with . open wing collar. clouble­ ~ 1 breasted. 8 tiny pearl-liko 5. "Peter Pan Prlncess ~ .•. 0IIt ~ . buttons. Navy. white or coHon broadcloth sleeveli:a black. 30 to 36, . 2.98 blouse with neck-hugging Peter Pan collar . , . frOllt adorned with dainty em­ ~ broJdery. Blue, melon white. 32 to 38. 3.98 ~ Blenda 01

~ ' :;~;; 6. uCurvacious Capers" , .• '.nny for ' ..."y". fine combed cotton ba VITA.SIUM il y.ur curving chevron and sti!3 .... ~ Buy Tod.yl trim. Convertible PeteP Pia ~ :==See &beIe Suit., collar. A BobQie BroOks: • ~ Spori Coat.. Navy, light blue. pink Or white. SO to 36, S.98 .• ~ .. ' Slacks Today! .IODEL ....ITIRY FARM DAIRIES Frem .,.... Groeer or O~tl'3 ~8REMERS Ittr ..... DeIlnrJ • ~ • """"' ..... _ N...... _ ._

~~, ~~~