Serving the Stqte The Weather· University of Iowa Pal'ily eJoucly aDd cooler WdaY. Cloudy and oeea­ Campus and alonal .bowers aDd JIM _b eballl'e In­ Iowa City atun FrIda,. Rlcb toda,. owan 6&; low, 47. HlP WedDel­ day, 10; low, 51. Eat. 1868 - AP Leaaed Wire - Five Cents Iowa City. Iowa. Thumday. Apri! 23. 1953 - Vol 97. No. a7 , > • Firemen BoHle 9-BuilCiing Blaze Reds ITo Return More POW'S * * * 9 Buildings, Officials Plan 1. Ambulance Awaits A~c.ide~t Vidim Revise Lisl 1 (ars Burn Investigation . 'To uceed. Of Atrocities 1s1 ·Pledge Iii Local Fire WASHINGTON (JP) - Sen. Styles Bridges (R-NH) sald Wed- PANMUNJOM (Tl)ursday) (N) Three buildings were destroyed nesday administration officials -The Communlsta today prom- and six more badly damaged in a have agreed to collect all possible Ised to free more than the 605 raging fire about 9 p.m. Wednes- evidence of Communlst atrocities Allied sick and wounded J)ledged day evening In the block between in Korea tor possible war crimes originally for the historic first Bloomington and Market sU. prosecution In the future. prisoner exchang~ of the Korean All available Iowa City firemen This report came after Bridges' war. and equipment were called to the appropriations committee had They also said they would TC- closeted Itself lor two holU's wit11 lease Friday 40 Americana, fOlJr I( officials of the state and dcfense Britons, four Turks, one Dutch, one Canadian and 50 South Ko- scene where flames roared as hlgh departments. reans. as 100 leet In the all' at times. Bridges said the witnesses con- The transfer Friday will bring . firmed "the general Informatlon 1 . Those bulldmgs destroyed ill tile about atrocities and speaking gen- to 119 tbe t(lt9 of Americans re- tire werc; orally said they were probably to leased, just about alllhe Reds ut- A 20 b 40! t t 51 b !ginaIly had promised. Presum- y 00 wo- ory arn a large extent sadly and unfor- ably, however, more Amflflcans owned by Don Alberhasky, 912 tunately correct accounts." wlll be released in accord with the t7h ave.; a two-story 15 by 20 loot He was referring to the spread- latest Coml1)unlst promise, storage shed owned by Miss Mar- ing reports !rom sick and wound- The good tidings came amid garet Schlndhelm, 218 E. Market, ed U. S. prisoners rcleased by thc (Dall, town P ... lo) thunderous reverberations as a ' IOWA CITY FIREMEN POUlt WATER Into a 'wo-story bam, one of the nille buJldlDl'S that were and a storage shed owned by Prcd Communists under the agreement JUAN REYNERQ, 24, DIED A 1\ r~u1t or IllJuri receivecl wben big gun duel shook the hills eltller deatrored or badly damaged by fire Wednesday nlwht. The fire was clIJcovered about 9 p.m. Stenocher, 209 N. Linn. reached at Panmunlom. the truck be wa. lIr1vlnl' overturned one-balt lillie west of Ttfnn around the Panmunjom plain • IIHl \\'&s brougM under control abont 10 p.m. In addition to the buJldlnrs, three cars and a truck Buildings domaged in the fire Brldl'ea calls Meetinr on U.S. hlrhway 6 Wednesday. lIere he Is bel~ carried to an am- where the disabled captive ex- 1I'UIJ destroyed br the flames, No esUmate of the damage could be made by Fire ObJet Al Dolezal, were: Bridges called a hurried meet- bu.lallce. 't1U'ee other persoJlS were Injured In the aceldent. Tbe change rolled into its 10uMh day. bat It was ex~cted to toP the ~lOO,OOO mark. A two-story brick; building Ing ot the committee so that sen- truck was carrylnr 32 tnollient workel'll from Laredo, Tex., to U America. Freed ------. -------------------~_;_---.,..__--___,__:__:-.- owned by Shuppert; a garage ators could get a rill on what the I\{orrlson, JII. to work In the onion fields there. Fourteen Ameritans, live Aus- . ~OOO for SU I :F~:~~~~!:~ ~~~~:2n}}3 ~ :~:~~~::at::~d ::::5d:::::m::: BUIII'dllng' Funds OK'd for S-UI. ~a~:~~K~~~;:r::~:~~~d(r~~~ S9/131 , .Budget BI-II Paul Sgennell; a two-story 20 by officials "agreed to broaden their CST Wednesday). Fifty South Ko- • • 40 toot barn owned by C. F. inquiry with a view to keeping rean disabled were to be .reieBlJcd Re;ds now ·Forwa ' rd. ' ed to' Senate fftV, r Approval ~~~~~er~:~:s~f:termined. Fire chic! ~~~ag~ot Al Dole:zalS h~~~ ~~f;::~r~:c~t~~n~a~~;Ob!h~ta;:.~At another point hc spoke ot Teleyllsllon Expansllon Stalled la~it~nhavc returned t~~or1~I~fhe 79 dlsabled Amerl- said Wednesday night that damage prosecutions "if and when the can 'Prisoners of war. M could be more extensive but in- time comes we arc in a position DES MOINES (JP)- The Iowa Rear Adm. John C. Daniel said DES OlN}\:S (.IP) - The Iowa spection would determine that to- to take some affirmative action:' house Wednesday passed one scn- Ames, sought unsuccessfully to the Reds at a brief liaison mect- hO~ the. senate late Wed- appropriations from the general which also Includes some receipts. day At present UN forces are unable ate bill to appropriate funds for attach to the bl11 the provision tor Ing Wednesday agreed to release ~~l a~ $9b~~1s~~~nl the b~dget fO~ lund. If the receipts lor the bi- AIter the house had refused to A'lso destroyed and damaged In to bring the perpetrators to book. building improvements at state a $800,000 home economics build- more disabled captives than they the !cxt 'ble~nlumor :~fCh y~:~~s ennium l'un higher than the esti- Increase the ligures for SUI, Unl- the tire were three automobiles Inquiry To Be Broadeoecl board of education institutions but at Iowa State. had pledeed in the exchan!le thls July l' mates the additional receipts also versity hospitals, and the Psycho- an a truck belonging to Newton The New Hampshire senator got stalled on another by debate The second pill would appropri- agreement. On] $ '829 0 ' I would have to be used before the pathic hospital, Rep. Carl H. Rlng- Weller of 101 East park road. He said the offiolals agreed to broad- ~~d tele:lsion ~t~tion$ . The ho~e ate $3,414,338 for bUilding im- C The Amerl~an B~~adcastlng y 7, ,5 ~ of the tota board dips into _the money from genburg, Ames, got the house, on is the owner ot Weller Motor en thciT inquiry after the com- I no comp e e action on e provements at SU~, ~owa State, ompany quote one 0 .. ts repre- would. be appro?Tlated, to SUI by the general 'fund. In the lauer case a 54 to 40 vote, tQ boost the Iowa Service at 207 N . Linn. Weller also mittee "strenuously urged war second ~e!ore lunch. Teachers college, the Oakd!\lc sentativCJl at panmunj?m as say- t~ lta~ tr.orn . lts geperal futld. whatever money was left over State college approprlatlon from lost some automobile supply par~ crimes procedures be followed In Rep. Harold Nelson, Sioux City, sanatorium, the COlll/'c Bluffs ~ t.he R~ds t wou~d re~ea8e fO : t remainder of the tota~ would revert to the general fund. the geneTal fund by $292,000 a which he had stored In the Alber- securing cvldence while In!orma- attempted to arnQl'ld the second School (Qr the Dcaf, and the Vln- Denfrs ,,~ f ~~r d~I~~ ang~'tl ' ~g ~ade u~ by r~ceipts of the If the receipts should be less year 101' various types ot research. hasky barn. tion is current on these atToci- meal~rc to provide $375,000 [or a ton school. an e't Cd" eM' Ge aLeon San° - wlVerslty.I ti " telcvislon transmitter and studio Th to i th· bJU 1 cer, quo e aJ. en. e , The * . than the board estimated, the Losetl Raise for SUI No estimate ot the damage could cs. t SU dOl e aena n lS a 50 Cho as layin, th~ additional r~ ,.7,829,500 aru>rQPJ;la~ed by board could ask additional funds Schwengel lost on a 63 to 31 be tnade by DoJetal ~ ortlllu' Cl!I Sen.. Karl Mundt (R-SO) and a I n~ $IOf'O 0 for a t~ e- cnlled for the funds to be taken patTlates WoUld .include "tho~e I- ;1A~.<~tUS~ f.all~ .far st'ip:t ;P~ j tjJ.e trom the state budget and' fioan- vole an attemll~ to boost f3UI'a th~ '1irl! wbJ h sta~ on the east ~n. Wan n M,a~~op. ~DjWa!lh l ) ;1:I«?n e stu o~e on y a~ Iowa IS ate from the ~rea s ur1 res\!Tv~ - jlccount . f ~tured Wit!)ln tI\e ~ n:\0nth lb \~M,j8a lQq estect: Py t!p: ' Jit4tc cial controi committee. It t)1e total from tile general lund bY corAcr ' bf the !\lbcl-haS](Y bam ~fl W~ \¥r!r1n¥ a~p 1?9~ l~rn up ., pcb rs c g. • llowcv, the house amcn.~ l the the ,Itlrce battles a~oun« old II ;:) 6f, ~d CIl}I?ll, ~A; '~ a ; ~lY~. ~olnmitt~e refused tIle ~ 'req st th ~ $3~1I,988 a year 'for vilr1ou~ Po/-' coUld not be d¢tebnlned:: a?y pe,w -1 ,Ol9rm~tlqp ,on Itpe at.t/Qi '\1 Ijep. W'/.oe. llendr~, ~! ita, . !Jot ~ so .. to llB.e gener ~l :tu,QdI ' if Baldy and Vegas and t'ars n bl1h !-'-.-.,.;.;~ "'I' 'l..J! ,'1 • '.;',/ Institutions would have to Jsta,y ~ses ·.
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