Serving the State The Weather

University of Iowa Mo&tlr eloll4b' .."Ui oe· euional llc'lat ra1a tMa,. Campus and Partly eloudJ aDll a!»' IIII1eIa ehaDce bl t_pera· lowo City owan ture ThursdaJ. HIP to· day. 65; low. 45. EDrh • TuHday, 51; 1_, 51. Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire - Five Cents Iowa Citv, Iowa, Wednesdav. Mav S, 1953 - Vol. 97, No.~ lsb _ e e ·ounel ,ee Ions l 20'Candidafes In Race Submerged Lands Bill For 10 Campus, Posts For the sccond tlme In less than two months the SUI student body will march to the polls today to choose seven members of the Studcnt Council. Seventeen candidates are in the race tor the Coun­ Passes Senate" 56-35 cil posts. WASHINGTON (iPJ - The sen­ At stake are one Inter·Fraternity council, one married student, ate ended Its longest deba te in 15 two town men, nnd three delegate-at-large posts to the Council years Tuesday by passing the Eis­ A Dubious Record enhower-backed bill to establish JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (JP) - Mrs. Comella Foster * * * The election of three members .tate ownership of the all riches claimed the world's fasting rp.cord today and said she had lived on at the board of trustees ot the )ylng under coastal waters. The nothing but water and soda for the past 79 days-and is still going. Polling praces student board of publlcaUons will toll cal\ vote was 56 to 35. Mrs. Foster, a Johannesburg housewife, planned to keep up the Polllnl' places In tOda,', all. be held in conj unotion with the Betore approvinlJ the bltterly- diet tor two more days, then take a little milk. Eventually she hopes Council election. '.ought legislation, the senate re- tor a big plate of her tavorite kipJ?ers. She has lost only 48 pounds. camltUi elecUoDII are &II follows: Polla 0 .._ at II • jeeted a dozen last-ditch amend- The last claimant tor the t3$ting title was Willy Schmitz, a Ger· (I) Currier hall lIlents aimed at cancelling or lim- man professional hunger artist. He ended a fast of 79 days and three (I) WHUawn Polis are scheduled to open at lUng what the opposition caUed a hours Jan. 12..' (5) IIIl1crect 10 a.m. lind will close lit e p.m., II iipntic "giveaway" of federal • (f) Quadraac1e change tor ,POllln, Umes durin, ' property worth billions Inlernat,Oonal C u S,pree (5) Sehr.effer hall the last eledlon when the votina The bill now goes to the house, PI.'of's (8) University hall opened at a a,m. which passed its own version of (7) Iowa Memorial Union Voting bdiMls have belm set up the legislation five weeks ago. A To Present Awards conCerence committee may have to At A I DO (8) ThIrd noer of the at eight places on the campul. , be appointed later to iron out dif- nnua ,nne, London Airman Flies Hoaltltal, near 'he ImJ)hl- They arc loeated in Currier, Hili. UJester. Cerences in the measures. Awards to the two students who Under 12 Brid ges (Doll, I ..... n PIlOt.) * * * crest, Q\.Iadrangle, Westlawn, Leaden Commend Vote have done the most to turther in- JAZZ BAND CAMPAIGNING and last· minute speech-maklnr hJrhlirhted Tuesday', acUvlty for C 01 C 0d Schaeffer hall. the Iowa Memorial Administration leaders com- ternational understanding will be LONDON (iP) - A jobless pilot the all-campus Student Counetl election today. Dick Darrah, C3, Knoxvllle, and BIU LUke, E3, ounel andl ales Union, and on the third !loor of mended the vote as "just and presented at the annual Inter- ot World War I jockeyed a rented Knoxville, made their bid for Town M,en seats on the Iteps of Old Capitol backed up by Larry the General hospital. equitable" recognition of 150- national club banquet Saturday at plane under a dozen or more Barrett's Dixieland combo. Council members to be chosen Include three dele,.ate-at-Iarre posta, two The lonowinr candJdates ar.old claims the states have the Maytlower night club. Id . li Th from Town ~Ien, one rrom MarrIed Students, and one from the Inter-Fraternity councU. Three are Today's election will be ade to valuable submerged lands Dean of Students L. Dale br ges along the rlpp ng ames student board of publicatIons members will also be elected. runnlnc' tor leatl on the Shlde,ntlunder the new 17-pace election Eying olf their coastlines. Faunce will present the Bose Tuesday afternoon in a dramatic Counell in today's code adopted by the Student B' t t h f ht th b~ll d th f . tud t.... s\van song to flyln". , • eleetlons: u senll ors w 0 oug e aVfar to e ore)gn s en w.n- " SUI III U CI hAlSe ° P rf I Council at It. April 17 meeting. through 27 days of acrimonlo s ner and the Seashore award to the Maj. Christopher Draper, whose - InOIS • as - nnua nlor a y (~~e:r:!e bea~:,. Under tbe new code all bullet debate in what majority leader American student winner. I I Robert TaU ot Ohio called "an R. H. McCleery, former inter- stunt at 61 start ed and de ighted P f I Red Sh Id H T 8 H Id M 22 (1) Jacllie J"ewla, N2, Burllul'- balloting, that is ballots which are national president of the Inter- thousandS. basking along the river eace U S ou ave 0 e e ay ton not completely filled out, will be Iowa Senators Split national association at YWCAs, banks, said afterward he felt ab- (2) Fnnk L. Myen, AS, Sbel· counted. Vote on Tidelands Bill ~~gi:~~~" ~cc;~~~:u~e~a~~~ ~:I;:~Yt~a::~!~~:::!s~as ready Free Speech Debater Says Ai Memorial Union (3) ~S~:..E. Newcomer, The ~~~t~~m:::; !~ mark WASHINGTON (iP' - Sen. Inglon, la., advertising spec. ialty , ) C h did I } b in tId 3 "I shall never be allowed to tly The annual senior commence- (f arroJl Ramse1er, A3, teen ot a Iplr te campa gn, Burke Hickenlooper , (R-Iowa) us essman, ~as r~ve. e .10 0 Mobl k voted with the majority and Sen foreign countries studymg mter- again," he told newsmen - a bl'f Americans who believe in com· ment party given by SUI for the es which reached it. pea Tuesday. Guy Gillette (n-Iowa) voted national relations. sad and yet proud. "It was my munism should be allowed fre the justice department would c'.o seniors and graduates receiving (5) K. B. Rao, G, Jazz band" lOUd speakers, and against the submerged lands bin All students are urged to attend last flight ever." speech but those who advocate th~ necessary prosecuting, Cook ~::n~~ i:e~~~es Io~~1 ~:m~~~~ (6) ~~a. SeldJn, Lt. Council campai,n literature have flooded Tuesday. ~~~sot;:,n~~~'b:I~~:~~as!~7~t:~ Draper swung under the arches overthrow of our government said. Union, E. K. Jones, class adviser Bluff. the campus In the iast few days honest to God filibuster" said the office of student affairs belore 4 at 90-mJles-an-hout In a single- should be controlled, a speaker "Investigations are a necessary said Tuesday. (1) Bill StaUt', Ll, Dilbuque as candidates staged a last-ditch battle would be carried on In the p.m. Friday. engine Auster with a 36-toot wing in the- SUI-University oC Illinois evil," Allerton, the second speak- Theme of the party is "Senior Town Men'. candidate: (Two attempt to gather votes. , Ti t ti ill I.. f . h d 'd " d M C rth ' , I ,-" I h lid . to be elected) Todays election was neees- courts ~'nd into the el"cUon cam- ranspor a on w "'" urOis e span. sjrmposium said Tuesday ni,ht. aI', sal, an c a YlSm IS on Y CruUle, w t pans be nc rna e J)' tl) DIck Darrah. C3 Kn xvtlle' d ft th . i pldgn of 1954. ,to, those n~eding It. Both stud~nts T Ii la . . . a passing fancy" representaUves from each Of the , 0 sltate a er e CO\IJlcll vo ded The party lineup 6n the final \\:':th cars ,and' those needing rides he- tUe p ne was used 10 The symposIUm, comprislOg ~wo . colleges Jim Ollfallan C4 lnde (2) Donald F. Daul'llioll, LI. the election 01 tour 01 Its mem- vote was 35 'Republicans and 21 ,sl:lOuld meet at the 'International World War !I for artlnery spotting SUI and two Illinois students, was Allerton that the ~iggcr pendende, Wis., is ov~rall' chair: Mt. Ayr bers followln, a seri4;' of protelts D~mocrats for the bill and 25 Center at 6 p.m. Saturday; and 'hed_ehopplng missions. held in Old Capitol with Pro!. problem Is disloyal Amencans. man. (3) CharlH W. Larew, C3, Iowa on th legality ot certal'1 election Democrats and nine RepUblicans . , Clearance space under the spans Carl A. DaUinger of the speech There. are almost 25,000 Com~~- Larry Barrett's . orchestra will (f) ~:~ Lilte, ES, Knoxville methods. a' PoRI Crea.ied against it. Sen. Wayne Morse May I Magazine X' ranged from 32 leet at Hammer- department presiding. Robert A1· nists IU the U. S. who. belie\ e provide ~a."ce musIc and t~e com- (5) Jerry Po urn e II e, Al In addition, the Council created (Ind.-Ore.) also opposed it. smith to 47 feet at London Bridge. ierton At Council Bluffs and communism and capitalism can- plete faCIlities of the UnIOn wlll Sprlq1leld, Ohio three dele,ate-at-lar,e posts in Tan RepOrts I1nrH . To Feature ,Pa,ocIy Norto~ Me~vinskY, A3, Am~s, re- not live side by side. This group be at the disposal of the seniors, Manied Student'. Its membership. These three seats Tatt reported that through last. ' presented SUI while Lee Cook must be controlled, he said. gr~du~tes ~nd J1\h~lr dat~. Free (One to be elected). will be !Uled today for the first Friday opponents of the bill had The next ISsue of Magazine X, EI'se' nhower Asks and George Phillips represented A committee at committees reOres , menths WI t e ~erlve 'J (1) Hel\J')' Hochstetler Jr., time. spoken 970.872 words against it, which will go on sale one .week Illinois. ' . urm.g e n ermlss on, uG.n- low& City The protests were begul) by The while proponents had defended it tro~ toda~ at the regular price of SS 810III"on lin AI"d COQk, who was the first speak- Which would be talr trial deter- ita Bethke, A4, Cherokee, cha!r. (%) Rlehard S. Levitt, L3, Daily Iowan and the Young Demo- with 270,542 worlis. ~~I~~' :I~et:,s d!:~:n~ :afI:'~~ er pOinted out that there Me mine loyally was suggested by man of the senior class memOrial Moinel crats who clted many contlictlng As the long debate drew to a "Hairy: The Magazine for Real A:nericans who believe in com- Allerton. "~lthough pink toes girt committee, will present SUI (3) WIlliam McCUntGck, practices in the March 25 elec-, Sen. Hubert Humphrey (0- Men." For Forel"gn Ailioes munism and people who are try- would be trod upon, our Jlbertles With the present from the class 10W& Cit)' tlons. As a result of their objec- M ) t Id hi 11 ing to replace the present gover:l- w~uld be preserved," Allerton of 1953. In' e r-Frdemlty candJdaiea: lions. thc Student Council re- !?n.There 0 Will. Sbe co a eagues:day of reckon- beFeatured a sel'ies in ofthe photographsmagaz.ine will of ment wI·th communism. "There Is said. Next week aU seniors and grad- (One to be eleeted). vised Its entire election code. ing when the American. people Peggy Van Patten, A4, New Vir- WASHINGTON (R') -President no harm in allowing the first Consldel'll 2 Problcntl uates receiving advanced degreee (1) Jack L_ry, C3,DelMoinH realize we have only legalized the ginia, imitating Marilyn Monroe Eisenhower Tuesday asked con- group free speech, but the second Two problems- protecting our will r7celve. a progra~ from the (2) MIke MulroDe)', C3, [Itacl· Commerce Group scandal of Teapot Dome on the in her various pin-''''' poses. gress for $5828000000 in a new group should be controJled and civil liberties and protecting our- alu~m office whlch WIll be their .... er 11 oar of congress." Students interested-I" in selling to reign aid ' program, , whlch he I'Iml . ted ," h e sa id . sel ves agalns' t worId -conquenng. admittance to the ];larty " DOa~d- of PubU~oJII 10 Honor Leo d ers Humphrey declared it was Magarine X should contact the . , SUC'l'es" Revisions communism- were considered by to be elected: (Three memben). "nothing short of preposterous to Magarine X Office, room 208, .at called a bulwar~ for America s Cook sUi/fested that the pres- Phillips, the third speaker. Bryan Receives 'J'wo lor two·year WIDI: 0 tatandl lead ahd ch say a particular state has owner- the Communicattons Center. own defense agalOst "the threat ent investigating committee sys- Do we want our rights or our (1) carole BraiDenJ. AI. Des u ng erl S 0-

ship or control of the bottom of ! of Soviet a,gression." tem should be .revamped. The FBI security, what are the proper pro- Dentistry Citation MolDeI lars in the It'hool ot commerce the ocean" F T' k A 'I 'bl Eisenhower coupled his request wou~d determm~ the facts COll- cedures congressional investigat- (2) W1Wam Vonlavea, AI, Ma· durinc 1952-19118 will be honored Control' of the submerged lands rae IC ets val a e with a sharp warning to the cernmg comm~msI?' report these ing committees should be allowed Dr. A. W. Bryan, dean emeritus ..n Cit)' at the all~ommerce awarda din- wjlS c hot issue in last year's presl- For Toniaht's Concert Kremlin that the United States facts to the Justice tlepartment to fol)ow, and should we allow ot the SUI dental college, received One lor a one·,esr term: ner T~lday at the Iowa Memor- dentlal campaign. Eisenhower Tickets::re stlll available for and congress. Congress wO:Jld people to teach that communism a citation from the Iowa State (1) Dean Norma.n, A4, Cedar, I U I cilme out for state rights, and he the spring concert of the SUI baod pI~ns a ~ubstantlal step-up in pass appropriate legislation and is the best torm of government, Dental society Tuesday in appre. Raltlda la non. stood behind the state ownership tonight in the main loun,e of' the military aid to Communlst-threat- were questions which Phillips elation ot his service to the pro- The annual dinner. sponsored bl11 when it was sponsored In the Iowa Memor4al Union. Free tick- ened southeast Asia, notably in Search Begun for Plane asked for· audience consideration. fession. He has served 21 years a~ House Kills Provision by the col1e,la~ Chamber of senate by 40 senators. ets'may be picked up at the Unidn embattled French Indochina. •••• The final speaker, Mezvinsky, dean ot (he college and 40 years ••• Commerce, will feature a talk by Three tlll~S tile Supreme CQurt desk, according to band director He prodded ~ussia. new to Mlsllng In Austrian Alp,s pointed out that we do not have In dentistry. On Appropriations Bill Prof. Richard 1.. Kozelka. dean of has ruled that the federal govern- C. B. RIghter. prove the good fa:,th of Its ~~c~nt VIENNA, Austria (iP)-The U.S. complete liberties. "Fearful, scan- Bryan was awarded the citation . the University ot Minnesota ment has paramount riltlts in the The, aI-piece concert band will peace overtures by deeds 10- air force, U.s. army and Austrian dalized; emotionalized charges oy at a banquet during the conven- WASHINGTON (iP)-The house of business and pre,sJdlmt territory. Former President Tru- play nine numbers, including stead of words that have been police searched Tuesday for a men like Senator McCarthy are tlon of the society in Des Moines jolted its Republican leadership of tbe American AssocIaUon of man subsequently vetoed two bills "Rhapsody for Band-J'erlcho" by flowing out of Moscow during the U.S. air force training plane miss- hurting our liberties," he said. Tuesday night. Tuesday by knocking out 01 the Collegiate Schools of Business. aimed at givin, the states develop- Gould, and "Ballet Suite - The last two months In the ing in the Austrian Alps with an The actual threat is not nearly New officers of the society were .tate, justice and commerce Awarda to be made Includ . 1) ment rights. Gods Go A-Begling" by Han!lel. era under Premier Georgi Malen- air force colonel and major as dangerous as tear, Mezvinsky also elected during the day. Dr. part~!nt a~proprlationa bill a Alpha Kappa PlI, for the h~est ~ ______. kov. aboard. Their names were not said. He pointed out that the H. W. Stonebrook, Eldora, was prOVISion livmg department heads senior male avera e' 2) Phi Gam- ,- ... Security MealUl'e Sourht given. cause is a mass media which pub- moved up lrom president-elect to "absolute discretion" to fire em- N high til ~ 1 ' Bri' f In Q' ipecl~1 message to con- The planes left the U.S. army lishes emotionalized publicity and president. Dr. J. E. Berney, Dav- plo~s. :.i e~3) De~:a :n o~ ~m~le :C:i ": 'or ews ..e.S gre5s, the President decljlred: headquarters city of Salzburg ear- a public which thrives on this enport, vice-president, became Bombarded. by telegrams senfo; male avera:::.) COlle~a~ W Id N "The basic purpose ,at this pro- Iy Tuesday morning for Graz in emotion. The solution, he said, Is president. vete.rans' organizations who Ch mber of Commet d fo , A Condensation of Late Developments' gram is simply the long· term see the British occupation zone. It had that the people should demand Dr. LeRoy N. Larson, Ft. Dodge, pressed fear the provisIon lea~ershiP ee awar S r '-_:-,-__~_~ ___.... _____ -'- __~ ____I curlty of the United States living radio contact with an army alr- and read the lacts. was elected vice-president. Re- damage the veterans' New m~~rs III be d itted PANMUNJOM (A» _ (Wednesday) The Reds today Ilngrlly reo In the shadow of the Soviet threat. field at Linz, but after 9:45 a.m. A discussion by the speakers elected as secretary was Dr. H. J. system In federal employment, to the Order of Mus a m I jected an Allied proposal that could free Korean war prisoners Im- "The blunt, sober truth is that the Linz airfield heard nothing and questions from the audience, Wilson, Des Moines, and Dr. R. D. hOU8e killed the provision 181 honorary l1'OuP. and siu:=':.~ mediately alter an armistice and let them setUe where they choose. we cannot atford to relax our de- more. followed the talks. . Feldman, Ames, treasurer. J68. be Invited to jOln Beta altmma "At the moment I should say progress is z4;ro," said Lt. Gen,'Wlll1atn tenses until we. have seen d.ear, Sicma, aU-commerce honorary. K. Harrison rr. after the mt'eHn,. The Communist. discussed Har- unmistakable eVidence of genume- 10 Re,o"n Th,os Wee'-end- rison's proposal during a one hour and 46 minute recell before their Iy peacetul purpose on the part of !'II K Marines Malee Spok::::;~;:: I;;.an:e t;:e:~agon, -laced with a barrage of ~0:r!m~eeor:p~r:!~i;d~e:n:OOt~~tT'~rumothaalent8~ai~8hkraee - Ha, nibu rg Woma n Named SUI 'Mother ' of Year' 1sf Afom Landing crltlclsm over Its prorram to rid 'American pJ:'isoners of war ot any L ~ nd _ Communist taint, rang down a curtain ot secrecy T~esday nllh\ on in his farewell budget for the 1954 Mrs. Harold S. Martin, Ham- CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. (AI') inquiries about who started the Idea In the tlrat place. However, a !llcal year beginning July 1. burg, has been named "Repre- is a member of the Scottish High- Methodist church in Hamburg for -Twenty-four thousand men of U.S, army spokesman soUJI~t to fott-peda,l any, 'idea that. the pro- So... Dealre Cut sentative SUI Mother" for 1953. . gram of psychiatric treatment lor, suspect GlI was compulsorY'. The l'{evertheless several conares- She Is the mother of two sons landers, the UniverSity chorus and 27 years and is now youth direc- the third marlne division .la~ed ashore hen Tuesday In hiltory's spokesman said the program, was merely offered to returned prison- slonal Jeaders 'made .it cleal" that both graduates of the university: Central Party committee, and is tor for the church. She tauCht flm atomic-patterned lanelln.. en and If they didn't want to take mental treatment, they were free the flfUre was higher than they and a djlughter, Marge, A3. active in the University Women's public ~chool Jt1UJic for four years The vut mock warfare ma­ to go home.' .are willln, to ,0. Chairman Chip· Chosen by Mortar Board, hon- association, You n g Women's after rraduatlon from college. neuvers are desltned to teach the • • erfield (R-Ill.) of the house for- ora"ry organization for senior wo- Christian association, and Wesley Mrs. Martln has been a Sunday troop, how to overcome an enemy BERLIN UP) - The Welltern Allies Tut!4day night handed ~he eign allairs committee told news- men, Mrs. Martin wl1\ speak at a foundation. She Is a member ('Of school teaeher and choir director equipped wIth A-bombl. Rus_lans a series of counter proposals for guaranteein, air safety men: Mother's day luncheon Saturday PI Beta Phi, social sorority. of the Methodist church, is a put Before the landinp 711 pounds over Germany. The Soviets took thf!m under con.i~eratl~ln. askinl "It Is almost certain that after In 'the Iowa Memorial Union and Mrs. Martin's sons, Bob Rnr president of P. E. 0., and has ot TNT were Nt oft at the ahore­ for time to consult their superiors. Russian, Brltllh, French and, U,S. hearin, all the evidence, the com- wUl be a (\lest at a tea Sunday In Dick, received degrees from SUI been active 1n .-H work, Fremont ~ line to simulate an atomic bomb air expert. held the tourth of a 8erles of meetlnp proppsed by the mlttee will find certaIn economies the home of President and Mrs. in 1949 and 1952, resoectively. county aid for the aced, and Red blast. • Russians alter a Soviet jet attack on a British bomber near the East· possible." Vlrsrll. M. Hancher. Both dau,hters-in-Iaw are alSo Cross pr~ms. She has directed ., West yerman border 'killed seven British airmen. ~ Mrs. Martin will present tro- graduates of SUI. Bob and his a number of operettas for bene- ACBUON PaACI'ICJlIfO lAW . o - • IKE'S PET IS CANARY phles Sunday evening to winning wite, the former Jean Throck- fits for benefits in Hambur, and WASHINGTON (.4") - Former 8TOCIUIOLM. Sweden (~Thoulands of Swedlah housewives WASHINGTON (JP) - An or- choral groups In the finals of the morton, Chariton, now live In has served as counselor and Secretary of State Dean AcbelOn returned empty handed from meat and bread .tor'ls Tuesday. A anfl!-colored canary Is the KI- University Sing, clOSing event of Denison. Di~ whose wife 1& the teacher for the Methodist Inter­ hal ,tartecl llracticin, law in strike and a lockout virtually paralyzed the natlon'a food Industries. aenhower's only White HoUle pet the Mother's day weekend spon- former Mar,e Kurtz. Iowa Citv mediate Bumm.r camp. W&IIhlPlton apln. He returned A panic buy In I apree, .tarted Monday, ,wept whelves clean not only -ao far- despite many offers ot lored by . Mortar Board for is now in service, stationed at Ft. Mrs. Martin'. husband, a Ham­ Monday to hla office with the ot meat lind bread. but nour, mar,arlne, chocolate, yeast and irillny all kinds of an,imals, blrdl and mothers of all SUI Iltudents. Belvoir, Va. burg bu.inell ma.n; Ion Bob, and firm.o[ Covinlton and BurllnC af­ other Items. About 30,000 workers and Ales people are .tfeeted \>y tilhes. Tht' 1Itt1(' ,olllbird Is The Hamburg w~a .. lIaa had A Iraduate of Simpson college, the latter's wire will accompany Mrs. Harold S. Martin ter a.Carlbbeail ftcaUon anclleV­ the combined atrike Ind lockout, whIch iabor .ourcu predicted will hoUBed in tl)e iolarlum on the top children attending SUI for the last where she majored in music, ~rl. her tq Iow~ . City for the Mother's WiJ18 HOMr ' era1 weeka ~nt on htl nearby will b. I lon, on., floor of the execuUve maPilon. ei,ht year,. Her dau,hter. Mar.~, Martin has been organist of the day ~ekend even~. , Maryland farm. I

race !-oTHE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa City. la.-Wed.• Mal' 6. 1953 ( The Dairy Iowan Letters to tt;e Editor- . I

WEDNESDAY. MAY 6. 1953 Campaign Charges Flv As Ejection (a...... r ...... Ie •••"_ ...... _ ... ~, .:. a ... T .. Dall, ..... Pro. K. 1' ••11&11, peloll.... I...... lIe ..... lIe III... ,. All Ie."" ill I .....tall.. ..,...... I. "'e rea' .f DAlLY JOWAN I:DITORlAL STA...... 1•• 1...... •••• 111.. II"Da•• ," tion today as members-at-large. sire and interest to st repre- J ...... _ • ~.h •••••• ow .,U.I ..., II"Da.__ I ...... , It .,.. f ...... U . ... K41tDr , .. . . ••.•. . ••••.• WUlitlm Clabb, 0."... not.U.e •••••.... ta"I- •..,,. L ...... , .... _._ "'0 2. These three men will "eI' sent the campus on our Student ••• ,... L ...... , ... "U,... .. Manaclna Edltor ...... Jooeph Meyu , ••'u.)" oJ Th D.n, I...... Til. capable, hard-working Council Council. _, II.... : ...... 11 ."L Ne ... EdItor ...... J,m J"oster ,.... •••••••• 'h. .I .. h. ,. ....rt.., be Sid· a d Sk ·f h ve lUll. New. Eelilon ... JOAnn Paekey ••• eel •• pr ....I ..... I...... , mem rs. . e ~ n al e a James Sherman C4, Mulorl. Brebm. Ron VallJne •• III...... bJ...... • •••1 .. '. .r proved thm ability as leaders in .' CaD "191 City Ultor ...... Ron Butlor ,,111111.1. Id...... C ...rtll •• t" ... tIt doz n ampus organiza 332 Ellis ave. Pu/ ~.!~~..=~..,~~ • Ina ...... AlIt. City EdItor ...... Fred Thoma. 1I11l11 •• , .... "'••• III ••••• I."..... a eas a e c - ~\uII.uftlJ'th.Io._~ n":.. forprl~:'~~"! ::''::.'!~t .=~,,~~o::~ .. ".:.;:~' l:lf; ~~tas:::~rEdiic;r · :.: ::: . ~a~le~Jao~ :::.. ~.~::.. "I~··;" &D:.,:."!~ ~ tions . . R~O. a 5s~~~nt lr~m ~i~ TO TilE EDlroa.- _...... I ...... 1: .. 11.... 1 .lIIe•• on In U,e c ••· Society Edltor ...... Saran Adam. 0"1,,1.,, ...."ro.... •• .... • ...IArtI, orgaDlze a, mem er la . To -opaper u tileD u all AP DeW. ...."l.. tt ••• Co.Ie.. Edllorlal As.Wanl .. ... VIr,lnl. Vavra r...... f Til. II.U, 1.... 1t.1 youth forum which was supported Today there is being held a ~~ . ------1------1 ChIef Phot.olraphor ...... BUl Turner TO THE EDITOR. by the prime minister of India campus-wide election tor po~i- KIl..... Subocrlptlon rates - by carder In low. DAILY IOWAN BUSINESS STAPP . Iand U.S. Ambassador Bowles. lions on the Student Council. It AODIT o~uaU(1 City. 25 • eau w«kly or .. per ye.r In Bu.ln ... Mannler .Charles R. Goolelner In reply to the attack from the 3. These three men are not the is being held because a large sec- rcmcDLAnONI ~:~:".:o~B;:.'t"'ln fc;:~.• ~ ~1.J:~. .:,r., "" ..• S~~ . Pr~I~~ President's house (V. M. Hancher candidates of any bloc or clique. tJon of the student body felt that p~~ Ccrll ...82151 , If ,... •• ••• Heel.. ,,;year; All I1x other montho. maD .u'*'t"lpUona.p; three montha. $10.00 IS e ana ~ . ar ara 0 _ II. 102 Church st.) I must admitl Th.e groups to. whichI they belong the previous .election.s did not dele and ,...• DaII, I ....., , .... _ per yea,; .IX montho. ".10; 1hne DAILY IOWAN CIBCllLATION IT .... P' that after smoking out this ma- thIS year or WIll be ong next year represent the WIll and mterests Cif ;;~==_~~~~~.~h~.~.~.=U~N=.~~~.~.=~~"~_m_M_Uu~.~"_~ ~CI~~;u;~~U;~;;~~D~q~.;r.;. ;..; .. ; . R;O;~~n;Q~O;~~ili~I~~~~~~~~~~ne~fu~~~s~~~~ dent ______One , the first-string boys. not their termty. Town M~n and MarTied The Student Council 'had found COUQ • tool. Perhaps this mud slinging is students. The~ Will repres~nt all the original elections valid. but Po 'typical when an independent can- students. not J!lst fachon. the students holding the three I Interpreting didate stands against a machine. We believe In fair. play and a contested seats, Mr. Seldin. Mr. ~ll: e d Scha In regard to my fraternity strong Student Council which wlll Skaite, and Mr. Rao, resigned me l tatus. I was eligible to run ac- worlt for the Jnterests Of all stu- the~ positions in the interests ot lIledi It's the Students' Turn- the News cording to the by laws concern- dents. Theretore. we call upon SUI the student body. By this action . th T ·M I t te t students to elect three outstanding these men have shown that they Th B J .. ROBERTS JR mg e own en e ec ora 0 members-at-Iarge· K B Rao Ted . For the second time within a month an d n t1a If , SUI stu dents r. ar.. • the constitution of the Student SId. d Bill have our interests at heart, and It elect sk.i· , • will have chance to demonstrate their interest in campus gov- Preu Council. In my certl!icate of can- th ! lrl e: St d t Is only proper that we should give tiol1ll a ~clated sr I~ a~y g News Analyst didacy, I stated I was a dues pay- gne YC ~l 0 owbm . u en them a vote of confidence by re- Two • emment by going to the polls today to vote for seven new Student 1... ______. 1· . I tern·t ounci mem ers. I f th t th St d t two­ I· tng memb~r , oltd~ socAla .lfr3aO I I Y Audr~y Belle. Town Women e. ec I~f :~ to tel g u en year Councill1lembers. When the United States decides up to and mc U mg pn . am B ba a Cia k Pan-Hellenic Counci as e ega es-a - ar e. Th The last time, Marth 2.5, only 750 cast ballot i~ an election whfit policy it will adopt toward an inactive member from May 1 A~:le r Coc~h~ot Pan-Hellenic Since the new election is being four • marked by indifference - not only on the part of the electorate. European demands for freer trade ~orw~rd. It appears Mr. Hancher George Feiwell, Town Men held becaus~ the winners of the it will be one worked out for the ~s a llttle confus~d about the ,facts Mrs. Margaret Gibson, Married former election were telt by some (1' • but on the part of the candidates as well. long pull through the co-operation iD the case. ThIS sounds rathe.r Students nO,t to be the best representatives t~ , This time. howev r. the situation has changed. Jazz bands. of both congress and the executive odd as he was ON the Counc.ll Dick Gleichman. Inter-Frater- of the groups which elected the,?, throl loudspeakers, ancl [)l nt)' of campaign literature were found on agencies as an integral part of when they ~pproved my candL- l}ity '. . the men whom 'We elect to Ill. feet both foreign and domestic policy. dacy. Virgil Hancher Jr. Town Men those seats should be men who (2 thc campus as a result of attempts by candidates to gain seats Many times in the past trade T~e c~arg~ ot being "divine~y Connie Hastings, T~wn Women h.ave proven they are r~presenta- cc lId ?» on the ounci!. Ii . 1" 1 Iy ith regard ordamed stflkes me as being an Margaret Hibbs Currier t1ve. The only organizatIOn which Got a ig It, em·ie. Pro ar w du d attempt to inject humor into the Marge Currier is representative of Town Men ~~~J TJle 'e candidates ar doing their part in an c ffOrt to mak e or c:~s"ffParhlcut"T1 5, ave been pro Ci!. · Livengo~d • ., d fl h· i t ts i th -----~------=------.,.....-'--'-:-. I . . ·th b d th n d campaIgn. Perhaps your letter was Anne Saxton Women's cooper- an re ects t elf n eres s e I' I · t ; dO~ I today' eJection, Bnu student government III general, a success. " :I er y congress. a ~ '7 mo - the "mythical dragon's" dyine atlves' Town Men association. Though Governors OWO S mp~ln ( Th Student Council. after a hectic month of wrangling, has Ibliedthto meett·e~ecutdlvethVelewsO'doir gasp, Mr. Hancher. Your impres- David Stanley. Married Students the publicly-announced activities , coml . • y e execu IV~. an n m - . il b· . r T M . i b . r (4 dOlle its share too. ~t revised the student govcl1lment election fied by congress. The latter has slOn that the Student Counc . as .. ~Iso Slgned by: , 0 own en ~oclat on ave 10- d M I 01 L M • • •• • • 'oJ.. . worked out a satisfactory solution Bea DIerks. preSident, Town cluded dances. dmners, a booth at viola code, sct tip new ellglblhty rules, ancl made a bigger and success· ueen partlcularl! true durlOg t~e to the election dispute is under- Women's association . Campus Carnival. and the blWi- E I ng eo away fled. n ee I f u I e ffort to turn out can d I·d ates f or t h e seveo C·IOlmCI p t s. years. . ofT thet d recIprocalbed 11trade H 11poli- s t an d a bl e. b u t you f al· 1 t 0 rea rlZe George· Doty. preSIdent,.. Untted ness meef mgs and dis cuss· LO ns • . 5t I I It is now up to the student body. In today's e].ection every cles I~~~a :sts ~a~~ ~rob~' t~~t it is not acceptable to Mr. Wo:ld Federalists only Donald Daughton and Chuck WASHINGTON (JP)-A t~o-day Delay . ' Luke and me as well as a num- JIm Kaster president Town Larew have ever appeared at any . .. . • So es . stud nt will have the opportulllty to vote because of the recent President Eisenhower is now ber of other stUdents. We feel Men's aSSOciation • of them. Both are active dues pay- WhIte J:l:ouse bllefmg o~s~ate and l' establishment of three at·l, rge members to the Student Council asking congress to authorize a tbat these students deserve to Walt McMahon secretary SUI ing members. Larew especially tderrito~ltahl gOfvernors tehn te Ttues- DES MOINES (JP)- Iowa's new . 'th h . t· n f trad .. . d . " h b f i th organiza ay WI a orecas t a a ren d . . Only the tudents hold th key to final success of the campaign. oroug 10 . 0 . e have theIr opmlons expresse m YMCA .as een Ive n . e - toward "subjugation" of the states oleomargarine "Imprmt" law may ~f~'den e~~mma ~c . . . pollcy by a )OInt commISsion, With the Student Council and that the John Millhone. president, SUI tlon and 1.$ now Its secretary. b the tederal overnment may be keep the state from getting any Inte The OppOltuDlty IS here today WIth the polls open from 10 a.m. members appOinted by the Presi- rules should be changed so that YMCA These two men, Donald Daughton y d b t~ E' nh d . f 11 I 11 I Orlla to 6 1) III dent the vice-president represent- such a · regrettable incident need Bill Ross president Hawkeye and Chuck Larew. have shown re:-relsrste t' y else ower a - quantlty 0 ye ow 0 eo or sa e for I . . . h d ' . . ing the• senate, and the speaker of not happen again. Village council.., they Will. support the meres. t ts'0.. mm ra Ion. • J u15k y ,spo esmen f O'r th e 0' leo in - Th It IS now t e stu ents twn. 1:h h . th t Town , Men and have shown _ <3ov. Allan Shivers of Texas, dustry said here Monday. COUT e o~se. e h MIght I point out a ;your ma- -- themselves ~ctive on behalf of cnairman of the conference of . I In ththlS \~tay hh . hhopes·ldt broUgth chin? candidate. Don DaUg~dton. TO THE £DITOR:. Town Men. It is in the interest of state governDrs. made the state- Secretary of Agnculture C ~de clcc~ h In l GENERAL NOTICES ... t \ a~ ton Ylt I~ ~~~ . e at- Ll. IS at .p:csent und~r cOh~SI ;:r- Out of the recent ~Ispu~e con- all Town Men. therefore. to elect ment at a news conference after Spry met with the oleo delegatIon. ac.e 0 u lma e 10 1Og~, 0 able. SuspICion concernmg lS ~- cerning the Student ,:"ouncll elec- them as the Town Men's repre- President Eisenhower bade the The recent Iowa legislature voted elec GENERAL NOTICE hould be deposited wUh the city editor cit aVOid at. le a~t a part of the bltte~- termty status. I have lived JD tlons. a new election IS ?elng held sentatives to the Student Council. state executives farewell and in- to allow the sale of yellow oleo Mlk The Dally Iowan Itt !.he newsroom In the ConunuDJcations Center. ness whIch IS bound to develop m town for the past three semesters today. It seems that thiS was the V'rgil M Hancher Jr A4 dicated they might be called to- I ' Jib t I It th W Notices mus~ be submitted by 2 p.m. the day pr~edln, Ilrst pubU- any further shift away from Am- while Mr. Daughton has onlY re- most equitable solution which 1~2 Chu;ch st .., gether again. beg nnmg u y. 5 . u .on y e be I cation; they will NOT be accepted by phone. and must be TYPED erica's traditional protectionism. centlj departed from the arms ~f 'COUld be reached under the cir- __. "We are deadly serious about word "oleo" IS unprmted four clec or LEGWLY WRITTEN and SIGNED by a responsible person. ConcessIons Made his brothers. It appear.s ·ther.e. IS cumst'lDces •• and has opened the . this business of trying to find IL times on one side ~f each quarter 17 In the meantime, he has asked more room to doubt hiS poslti~n door for those desirous of again TO mE EDITOR. logical division between the prop- pound. S~ FREE TICKET .FOR THE APPLICATIONS FOR THE congress to extend the reCiprocal than mine due to the public, alr- running for an ottice. . . At their regular !Il0nthly !Ileet- er functions and responsibilities of Two spokesmen said the lm- Om Band concert to be given by the positions of editor and business trade program fOI" another year. to ing of my status. Your glass House A few questions have anse!l In ing Tuesday e;venmg•. A~nl 28, the state and federal govern- . ibl d n University Concert band C'l Wed- f M . X t th give the commission time io do also presents a plump target. my mihd due to the new elections. ~he Town Men s assoclatlon en- ments ,. Eisenhower said prmt cannot poss y be rna e '-1 t manager 0 agazme or e, I· U' H h . Ii? d d h d·d · f Ch k' . ·th t in k "I nesday, Mny 6. are avahd .... e & its work. Under this program a In conc uslon. _r. anc er, Fust of all. what are we e ect ng. orse t e can I aCles 0 uc H added that he hopes the WI presen margar e pac a. ng ~he Iowa Memorial Union desk c-T aC~demic yMr 1953-54 wil~ be re- great many concessions already might I ~dvjse you and all .of The means ot caml>aigni~g for t?is Larew and. Don Daugh~n for stUd~ grDup which he has asked machinery. They added that rna­ whetst~nes. Tlcktts may be held celved until 5 p.m., May 7, m room have been made to the fact that your associates t~ fake bett~r aim electJon have give~ the. ImpreSSIOn Town Men s repl:esentahves on congress to set up "will be able to chine designers say it would cost Qua by Clflhng x2322. I 205. Communications Center. Po- America has become the world's tor you.r ~ud slmging tactics. A that every election IS an all- ~he Student CounCIl for the com- straighten out our complicated a quarter-mMon dollars to pro- of -- , ' sitions are open to all upper-class- greatest creditor. good tnck IS to get ~omeone ~ho campus vote, but actually only the Ing year. men are members tax system, checking up on those duce such a machine. THE INTERNATIONAL CLUB . Alrefl dy US exports are show :won•t fight back. W~ . re not trYing delegates-at-large are to be elect- 01 the assoclatlon. and I feel that functions where the federal gov- D F b' f Ch ' a QUI cordially invites all interested stu- men •. and each carrIes a salary. ing a decline· non-military cate: to fool anyone. The fratern,ty J.:6- eli. by such. an. elliction., Secondly, they would make a real contri- ernment has gotten into them too ae~j I~ O~~fYfor a~e: ~~~ft° FOO~c J:' a y dents. taculty and townspeople to Appllcations should cont~ln auto- gories because of foreign restric- ~orsis ARE open lor.anyope wish~are the campa~gns proper? Some buUon to t~e student governing deeply." ~aid he would just as soon as Gov: I , ita annual awards banquet on biogr'lphical data. preVIOUS ,ex- tians on purchases into which 109 to check r;tY sta;1.fS (and a~o candidates haove sp~nt a great deal body at SUI. .. In the two days of their meet- William S. Seardsley had vetoed eli~ Saturday. May 9. at 6:30 p.m. at perience, and a statement of appli- varIous countrie~ have be,en forced Mr;, Daughton s). I ~n;,ite anyone b! funds to put their names before As members of the as;oclation ing here, the governors were told the bill. tl\>~ . the Mayflower dub. The Seashore t. d·t· I b in s · hil- by their inability to keep up to look at the reCOld. the students; but have they they would have a mEans for by top Eisenhower lieutenants of" . . and Bose awards for the 1952-53 can s e 1 or~~ or us es p their export balanoes. At the Dick Darrah. C3 achieved their goals? Others have finding out what the climate of thf, military. diplomatic financial Th~y insLst that th~y Just school year will be prc;sented at osophy. Apphcations should be ac- same time it is recognized that 146 Iowa ave. .,' tried to be more reserved an.d on- opinlon is among the !1len living and related problelTlS facing the haven t been. able to dO' Lt up to TO~ this ' time. Reservations may be comparued by a letter from the liberalizatl~n of import policies -- Iy show their platforms WIthout in the town area. and likewise United States. now. Spry sald. made at $1.75 per plate in the regist.rar certifying good scholastic can have serious consequences to TO THE EDITOR: the unnecessary tanfares. they could help to strengthen the The delegation said one manu- oWce of studen, atrairs not latel" standing and stating tbe student's some American industries. The As SUI students and member~ The students must remember association by making it an ef- H' ° L !adurer bad tried embossing the ~iJ~ho than Friday, May 8. cumulative grade point. Preter- effort to do something for Europe ot the Student Council we beU

I J , Pare .-THE DAlLY IOWAN-Iowa Clly, la.-Wed .. l\fay 6, 1953 Yankees Crusnlndians l"he Dafl Iowan Purdue Game 1sf Event On Weekend Schedule To Take Undisputed 1st Iowa athletes open their biggest -----'-----~-.,;!....------~-­ I home weekend of the spring tal "~------,,,p-__ Chase Bob Lemon Tribe. The last comparable humil- when Gene Woodling started the date Friday afternoon when the, t Iiation \vas last June when the fourth-inning fire\vorks by bcat- . . Hawkeye baseball team meets Bombers shelled Early Winn lI-o.!ing out a to Bob Avila, ad- Purdue at 3:30 p.m. I To Showers in 4th The Yankees ~(\taled 141 hits vancing on Johnny Mize's ground Betore the weekend comes to , I CLEVELAND (IP) _ The New against Ihree Cleveland , out, and scoring on McDougald's a close a total of three baseball S York Yankees scored eient runs inciuding Lemon, beaten for the hit. Billy Ml\jI' tLn's Une single, games, a track meet and a tennis dele I~ the fo~rth mnlng Tuesdaylsecond straight time after winning whlch Avila knocked down but match will be held here. A~fERICAN LEAGm; NATIONAL LEAGUE and night, chasmg Cleveland Indian his first three starts. couldn't recover for a throw and ~canwhile the golf team has a W L Pet. OB W L Pet. 08 dent ace Bob Lemon to the showers, Gil McDougald, Yankee third a walk to Ford filled the bas'e s. A triangular meet at Madison, Wis" New York ., 1:\ II .(1141 l'hlladelphl.. .. I'l ~ .7011 One . with Wisconsin and Minnesota 110 .II~,; I', Drooklyn II II .11 Ii an d then wen t on t 0 wm 11-1 to,baseman, drove in three runs with Lemon pitch hit Phil Rizzuto no.ton ., If' 1 ,/lHM ~ St. Lo ul. H ~ ,01.; COUI take undisputed possession of the three singles _ two of them in the forcing McDougald home then Ir~ forming the opposition Friday and I'hllade lph la 10 8 .1\.16 2', Milwauke e H' « . ~11 • 1 Pc American league lead Itourth' . g d Y . B' the tennis team takes to the road """'Oft , .. , III I) ,~'!II 1\ PILI.burrh .. H JO .IU . . . mnm - an ogl erra Noren lashed a two-run single that Monday to face Minnesota at St, LouIs" .. . U fl .ilOO S'. Chlcuo .. 3 8 .;18,1 etc Only an clghth-mnlr.g flomer by burst from his slump with a pair brought south paw Aber Minneapolis. ' " .0,,,n ,IO b , .. 7 I'! ,~IIM (j Ne .. York 6 II .~il:1 Schr utility o~ttielder Wally Westlake or Singles, good for four runs. from the bullpen. Share "h I)elrolt ,. .. I III , ~1I0 0', Clnclnnall . H 10 .tal the kept Whitey Ford from a shutout. Thirteen Yankees went to the. . ... Tue. day·. It •• ulls Tu ..da y's R.ulh medi He gave eight hits and struck out plate in the fourth inning eight Yte0gJ tBerra slRaPI ped a sdlngMle ttO Sharing fourth place in the Big ~:.~I~ :~~I.O~hll!~~·\rOII I All rame. rained oul. flVl' f T~ f th d h't ' I cen r 0 score zzu t 0 an ar - T~ standings after upsetting un- New York II . Cleveland I Today'. Pllehe .. r' 0 e score ,seven I sa e y, . d M'''' M I' . b at M' h' t' 4 2 d ell!<: A crowd of 28,383 w.tched lhe two walked and one was hit by a \Ill' Ml lklcaey. ant e s slOgle e en IC Igan Wlce, - an st. Loul. 2. Pblladelphla I Mllwauk.. al PlIl5burrh I nlr bl) - world champiorl$ plaster the worst pitched ball. ' p us a wa to MI,ze reloaded the 5-3 last week Coach Otto Vogel's TOday'. Pilcher. Blcklord (0-2) vo. Friend (I-1l. tion ~ dcfeat of the young season on the It \vas a s'col'eless ball game bases. McDo. ugald s sec.ond baseball team will be facing the Boolo" al Chlco,_ - Grl . fOUl' 'alum Says rTr ·Is Doomed In the next innlna, the firth, the tlfst game slated for 1:30 p.m. steal iis sha e of tb tllgh'" t (J The Hawks will go into the. r e spo ....,a - TO Y ted New York's first three batters Purdue game with a perfect home ul day .when Coach Forest Eva- I DA thro loaded the bases - Ford singling record of four wins against no de- shevskl wtnds tP P the spring seD.- VARSITY and Thursday! feet Under Limited Substitution and Rizzuto and Noren feats. son. ' walks. Rookie rtghthander Dave A full . . (2 NEW YORK WI-The T-forma- ... . , Hoskins up from Dallali' replac~ Over ,300 • game sCrimmage IS tlon is doomed If colleges decide speclahzed offen Ive abIlity-the Abe ' d Be t d h ' th Ii'OC(RI; In addition three Iowa hittel's schedUled for the Hawks with two to slick to the limited substilution T-qu8l'terback especially. Teams r, an n rra gree e 1m e LJORNSB y are still batting over the .300 "coaching staffs" of sports writ- ~~~ ~ I I f tb II Mid' C h ma~ ' find out they can't take these same way e had Abel' - wlth a n' . . mark and one Bill Du- ers handling the squads, While ~r e Tn t 00 a 'd TarYdan s oac risks so they'll drift back to the two-run single. Noren scored the I-fAA'AGER OF 1#& ' gan, remains unbeaten ~ith II 2-0 Evashevski and star! "cover" thc doW ~Th a urn Sal ues, aY' d solid old ingle-wing" third run on Mantle's tap to the CINCINNATI REDS, record. game as writers in the working com e pre~ure now IS a 11 on e- . mound. WIIO WOULO APPeAR ANO IFROOKIE JI,M tense and we're going to have a ------eaUAU; Centerfielder Jack Lundqu;5t press box, ('\ 6~EE1'I6RA55 vlol~ IQt ot wild-scoring games-there's Jersey Joe Clowns .. ... '1'0;/!:f{:'J/";~~7' ~C;R A rifE I$L()661N6 PACE held his position as the top sluj(- The practice will be closed to fied no getting around it," the Mary- Porterfield Stars ,1ft: !5rANOING'S _ ~!fft.P-;:~jA~En ger although he dropped almost the public, land mentor added in a little shop 'lie REP'S oNLY WEN, 11'011", KlcK- IfE .040 points in the Hawks' Michi- lfii __ SI Th h S iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ 1 lawl talk at a midtown restaurant. roug paning DETROIT (A') - Pitcher FR0/I'J 7rlr' "0"6 1')/ 7\~ PROVE gan tour. "OOOl'S Open 1:15-10:00" witll Tatum is in town to look into Porterfield hit his first IN Ifl? 2-/l/oN,1/ ~ i _ IN 2+ The veteran lefthanded batter, 0,,11 JOIe( CIlUI ran. television possibilities fOl' his REIGN, l3{)'7' lie --"II -- I?(//v~ OH/ who has belted six home runs and _ .. ' [:I ... ~ 10 ",/J LEMBECK· HOLDEN· FARRELL me" team, figured to be one of the na- CHICAGO (,11» - Jersey Joe league h.ome run Tuesday-and rOOK OilER A ~ 21 1f11'3. drove 25 runs across the plate. has 111:! ~ _:1 ::! :::! :! ~ CUI /l1ltCM taelllll! whq lion's strongest in the fAIl. Walcott clowned through five came With the bases loaded- {OT CLUe ANCJ ;:rr ..... ~ an average of .359. - ENDS ROBERTS, HARDY· GREENE denl "I'll teU you about this new rule sparring rounds Tuesday, but his lead.the Washington Senators to ;r!,AOE I" PLAY FEI1' Ed Lindsey Is second with .345 SATURDAY- Inw /~A R£f)/{(jRLlH~5a;;;wL: A/.':A ~d\ NOW ~---- Added -----, eliminating the platoon system," trainer said the former heavy- 14-4 vlctot,y over the pi .§29 tJALt/ ONLY I

- THURSDAY- Is "BUCK NITE" Enjoy a Vacation 'Double Dynamite' Mar •• J~ne Rlilltll and Frank Sibatr. t While y ou Work .and Leam PLUS CO· HJT PLUS Combine study with healthful recreation in Icenicilly thrill­ , ~ in, and hi.torieallT interutin, aurrol&Ddin,1 In t~ Colorado i Rockies. Delightful climate, Bright day. and cool niebu. MR .. MAGOO J Attend the .•• CAR'rOON REVUE

I ~ CARTOONS iii A MAGOGS· 2 Jm:L'!' 'FROLICS • - Two Five-week Terms I SUNDAY .'MAY lOth'It WIUJ; WICKED, WO,NDERFUL · PARIS June 15 to July 21-July 23 to August 2.5 A NEW LONGER-LASTING LOVES, LADIES, AND IJUSTY LEGENDS PERFUME DISCOVERY A wonderful opportunity for undergraduatel to take accel. Blanchard's has discovered a new type ,of fragrance that eration, t;nake up or refruher ~our.ea and lee lcenic Colo­ lasta tor hours, and it'll make Mom a lovely lift on Her rado between Itudy hoUr.. The Univerlity'. own Recreatloll, Oily, This new discovery <:ome! in a. set called D.par~ent offerl a planned program which lupplementl education. ENSEMBLE which consists of a bottle of Bouquet Con~ centrat. and Liquid Skin Sachet. .. After applying So few Ei,ht .hundred tOUrl ••, Many Ipecial fealurea. Char,e drops, the natural warmth of the J;kln will bring o~t all determIned by number of hours c;uried. Living accommo­ the lovely fragrance carried In this lIew form of perfUme dations available in aUra.clive University residencel, ,rivate .• , a lonler-l~stln, ' .. m(lre vibrant perfume t"at "1in &s bomel and Ituden( roomIng housel. Typical COlt, room aDd for hours. It comes in three fraarances - Jealousy board. full S-l'eek term, S85. For ]Dor.. detaill, Evening Star, anti Oon!1ict. 'iet h's so In~xpenslve OhlY $2.00 plus. tax per set. .. So stop in WHETSTONE'S and nsk for the ENSEMBLE, to show Mom thnt she's Queel1 Write Director of the Summer Session, Micky 324-7 tor the day! ALEC GUINNESS. DENNIS PRICE UNIVERSITY of ' COLORADO VALERIE HOBSON, JOAN GREEN\VOOD VITTORIO' GASS~N STARTING SATURDAY - MOST TALKED ., ABOUT IJ EAIlT COMING NEXT WEEK • THE CAPITOL T Ullon m " 'I roWA PREMIERf. • rRr-:- RF.LEASF. ENGAGEMF.NT UIH 1.\ 'W()fHl • ~------~------~~~ • f

I • TIlE DAn,y IOWAN- IDwa CIt)', la.-W~d., Mar 6, 1!t53-Pa~ S Stockman Held Chicago Ex.plosion /5Local 'Nurses To Par4icipate in Workshop Sunday Tour Plans Ruled AccIdental Five nurses fl am the SUI co 1------,Made by' Hospitals ieid J' CHICtAGOd(A'ln -a AI'd Ctorloneerr'S lege of hursln& and t he Vetero chopathlc hospital, and Ruth An- ury re urne a cc en a v - I Conducted tours through four In Bioomil , dict Tuesday in the Haber corp- Administration hospital in 10\ derson, educational director of the . · d B d oration fire April 16 which klJled CIty Will. take par in a workshopllocal VA hospital, will report on Iowa City hospItals are planned 35 employes and injured 36. for psychiatTlc nurses and aides aide education programs in their for Sund~y from 1 to 5 p.m. Denle on The four-story main building oflThW'Sday and Friday. hospitals. ]O'iVt a CltYdvecthcirlan5d ,~erhcy , l!,nl- the Haber corporation was turned . vel's Y an ren s OSPI a ls BLOOMFIELD (IP) - A prom- into a huge blowtorch by an ex- Dean MYrtle E. Kltchell of ae Approximately 50 nurses and wiU have open house Sunday in lnent New Mexico stockman plosion and an ensuing fire. Many college of nursing wiJI preside at aides from 10 Iowa hosi>itals are observance of Nation I Hospital ~harged with mur~er in the slay- workers were trapped in upper I the opening gl!neral session of the Iexpected for the workshop. Dis- week. 109 of an Iowa livestock dealer stories by the explosi~ and the workshop which will be held at cussloD troups to consider phases Tours will start at University was held without bond Cire which was fanned by high the Knox'viILe Veterans Admin/s- 'of aide education programs will no pitais. X-day, surgery and p~­ after beang brought here from winds. . . .. sical therapy equJpment of the Missouri Tuesday aft~rnoon. H is The jury said evidence indicated trahon hos~lta1. Prof. ~ary Lohr Ibe orgnnazed by MISS Loh~ , Miss hospitals may be inspected, as attorneys were p:epanng a prom?t the explosion occurred in an ex- of the nursmg college WIll be pre- IMCAninCh and Gwen Ranck, Of ll as rooms and wards. appeal to seek hiS release on bail. baust opening. The explosion was siding officer at Friday's general the local VA hospital. 1weA special Mother', day program Iowa City plumbers and electri­ The arrallmment Qf Walter M. touched ott by sparks from a sHp- session. Training prpgrams for Other nurses who will attend 15 planned at Veterans hospital for cians were not working Tuesday Mayer,. 56, Sante Fe: on a charge ping belt ort a buffing wheel. The psychiatric aides in Iowa hospitals the workshop are ?llIrjorie Bruc.!guests and patients. Church serv­ 08 as the statewide picture of the of s.layang John C. Wisdom, 51, Des force of the explosion was accen- wlll be summarized at the work- ( jices, a social hour and luncheon American Federation of Labor Mo~ es, occurred sho.rtly ~lter his tuated by an accumulation of shop, fourth in a series being cln and Harry L. Upton, both at will be included. IJtIlldlng trades strike appeared arrival here tram Klrksvlll~. Mo. aluminum dust, the jury said. The Isponsored in the state by thc col- the VA hospital staff. Psychiatric Special programs lor young per­ . unchanged. All other crafts were !dayer volu~tarlly turne~ himself compan machines and polishes lege of nursing. aides attending will be: Michael sons interested In hospital careers working, ho wever. ill at Kt:ksville a short tIme after aluminUm castings {or a cooking I Florence McAninch, acting head O'Brien and Floyd Bearbower'lalso are belng planned by the hos- In Des Moines, live striking theof Wsl.aymgIsdom's last farms Saturday near Bloom-on one utensil. ot the division of nursing at• Psy- also of the VA hospital. ______pltals. ___...,-..,- _____ union locals were holding up all major construction work. field. Construction of large utility Mayor Refuses Ball <:ompany projects in Boone, Mar- Mayor Arthur Stookcsberry, be- shalltown and Eddyville also re- fore ':thom Ma yer was arraigned, roained shutdown as a result ot bound him ove!' to district court. picketing by members ~f the Defense counsel immediately ask- striking ironworkers union. ed that baH be set. Stookesberry. - ---- I Survey Compteted denied the request and ordered I WANT AD RATES Music and Radio I LOBt and found Meanwhile, the Master Builders Mayer held in the DaviS county • - - -- . ----..,•....------LOST : Iarce \an topcoat. llA!movabl .. jail R... DIO, televlalol\, aJlpfJal\ce repalr~ REJ'RIGtR ... TOJt, elesk. ellnette sel. aDel UnillJl type. Rr",arci. ExtenJIOll 381'. ol Iowa completed a statewide . . One day ...... k per word JacklOn Ele<>trlc Compan$. lronl'" board . Can •• 1131. survey ot the strike situation. One of Mayer's attorneys, W. R. Thr~e day• ._ ...... 12c per word I ----~-:--~------I They reported all crafts work- Fimmen of Bloomfield, noted that Five days ...... 15e per word BQby Sitting ....K.c . C""k ..... Dial 4800. Houae for Sale ing in Ames, Boone, Clinton, Mayer had waived extradition and Ten day...... 20c per word I ------..;...--~----- I THOR Iron.r. LIke neW. Phon. 1·2106 LET US TRANSFER Your lumllure "'e· bY Coul)cil Bluffs, Davenport, Ft. permitted Davis county authorities One mootb...... 3ge per word ''''::i10t .Iilin, In my home. Pliont WE MOVl: 8 housetul or one piece of ne~ ~~~e~ur t:.'r r~f:.u l~';':~.~~ 'ti~~ Dodge, Muscatine, Ottumwa, to bring him here from Missouri. Minimum charre 5.... rurnlture with our modern equlpmenL ..., M.her BrOi. Transfer. Olal ..... Siol)x City, and Spcncer, and in Fimmen sa Id an app II ca tl on ror AulomobUes Wanted lnatruction Marshalltown except for the pow- fixing of bail would be argued CLASSIFIED DISPLAY "_ LUGGAOE. trunks. ",arlStotlel. fOO\ loc------er plant project and one school ' h ere at 1: 30 p.m. t od ay b e rare D·IS- WANT Jun k ChelfJ'ol ...... - Poneh 1-_1.••• __ken ... J.rock·!We _ ·L08n. .. BALLROOM clan .. leuons. Mimi Youel. job. trict Judge E. K . Daughterty. One insertion .... _...... 98c per Inch ONl:.wherl ~raller . $30. Phone 8613. Wurlu. DIal Hn. This was the situation in other At the time he surrendered, ~ iv e insertions per month, Apartment for Rent C-3 AROUS:-We;ter;;- li'h~ meIer plu ------Loa--n-.------major citics: ADLAI STEVENSON looks a bit wide-eyed, perhaps a nsult of Mayer said he shot Wisdom in self acce lorle•. Phone 1814 between 4 and 1 the heat, as he vteWli an uncompleted Buddha statue In Burma on defense after Wisdom threatened per insertion ...... 88c per Inch PHONE 8-3U2. De.lrable one roo .. rum- 6 p.m. ------Burlington - C arpemers on hJs five-month tour of the world " . " r I I h • Ilhtd nporlmenL Prlvl\\~ ""th. Clole In . ._-- .- LO.uJS on ellamondJ, IUns, Ilia..... strike, no pickets. All other crafis :. to kill me when he went to the en nsert 0:19 per mont , D•• lr_"I. lor couple or "Inlle boy or COMBINATION 3 lpeed reCQrd .ult...r, type ..... llen. pen, Ind lMIleil, working. fa rm to discuss a business trans- per insertion ...... 80c per incb atr!. ~5 I>"r month \JliIIU.,. paid. JI::,h~:~~~~I::.el rldlo, Mlat II. Call Witches. Hock·Eye Loal\. Cedar Rapids ~ Ironw?rkers SUI A It a in s 94 Per Cent ~~~~~n 11\~~~~c:h~ea~~eIY known oail~ e~n~:t~~~on~~~:~~cm;~rthincb ~E o~;;~e~~~~~:':k~w;rOr:':.~~~~: :s~r~:;:!?o~~v:'~:~~ J~:. hl~rP~~n!·6:'~· Work Wanted and plumbers on strike, no pIckets. Onc block trom ljUlllne. dJ.lrlcl. $60.00 . --- LAUNDRIES. Phone 611 •. Ali other craits working. 0 f '5 3 R d G . G I Det~nse To S-eek Bail_ IIrlnr A'lerl1 ...... :. .. per monlh. Utllltl... paId . GOLl' ban . Hock.Eft·Loan. rXPERT "'all ",a,-hj-n-, -, -p-lper---d...w..--- Dubuque - lToJlworkers on 'e ross 00 Fimmen said the defense will Tko DallT low,n 11 ..1 " ••• oru.. STlllCTLY mod~rn apartment. Dial 3180. C1J{ARIES. Porak ••II. Ca,es. S•• d •. DIll rnT. strike, no ·pickets. All other crafts . introduce extensive testimony in Baotmenl Ea.1 o.n .r . 21l1l2 . T-I-N-Y- T-ot-Pr-.,...- h-oo- I, -D-I-II- ••-sm -.--- working. • support ot Mayer's application fol' MOVINO IN T 0 ... N APAR'I'M!:NTf pcr 01 Keokuk - Electricians and SUI has contributed 94 cent - bail. Davis county attorney Chm'- C· II 4191 or LenveIhorl lheh arespon~lb1l1Ul wIth you,t y furnIturemakIng lon, to Approved plumbers on strike: no pickets. All of its goal for the 1953 Red Cross blood coUection program, and the les Pe:it ,~ald he would "vlgorous- a our mod~rnly ~qulpped Tranlfer St!rvlce. STUDENTS - MALE other crafts workmg. fund, W. D. Bailey, JOhnSOl1 coun-1s upport of all other Red Cross vol- Iy resist rele~se of Mayer ~n M.h~r Bro •. Transfer. Dial 9696. THESIS PAPER Ironworkers Strike t R d C f d h ' 'd unteer and professional services. bond. He said It would not be an FURNISHED all"rlmenl for renl . Dow/I. SUMMER OR Mason City _ Ironworkers on ,Y e ross un c al.rman-, sal I the public interest. Rooms for Rent lown . Inqu Ire Royal Cafe. and strike, no pickets. Other crafts Tuesday. 1 . S If bond should be refused for BACHELOR apartml!nll. 80tI N-.-D-u-b-Uq-,,-.-.I SUPPLIES CAREER WORK working. Th drive will continue until the 5Doctors To. peak Mayer he probably would have to ~OMS fo r .raclu0!.f wonlen. Phone 4916. 0 1101 8-2950. Sell hospitalization and med­ Waterloo - Ironworkers on county-wide goal is tulfilled Bail- remain in jIll until the next Davis ROOMS - ~adual.e .tudenli. PhoM -----""T..--,.------.,..I Close,Out Prices cal insurance for Iowa's strike, no pickets. All other crafts 'd The I 's $22 224 ~ d to At 3 1\ M" county grand jury convenes Aug. '514 yping leading company In ils lleld. \vorkLng. .,.. . ey sal. . goa ~ "n . lies olnes 31. . L ... RGE room for lid. on bu. line. Call TYPING. nota ... public, mlmeo lP'aphlnl . on Typewriters We offer: Hugh Washburn, fIeld Tepre- date collections ale $3,730.23 short Mayer's 47-year-old Wife Kath- 1298. ~1.r,. V. Burnl' 601 IOwA Stale B.'ll<. 1. Paid tralninq• sentative Ior the Master Builders, of that mark. Medl'cal Sessl"ons erlne, who is a New Mexico Re- ROOM and lara~ •. Ncar Velerall ', HOI- _D_IR_I_m_ 8_, ______~_--- • R I E 5 IOWA said: OI the total that is collected, 46 publican leader, accompanied hirv pilat Dial 3461. THESIS l.vplnl. 8·3811- 2. Guaranteed min i mum "Des Moines is the only city ex- per cent will go to the National by car from Kirksville to Bloom- ROOM ror men. Prlvale enlrance. Dial THESIS typlnll. 0 1.1 8·3108. BOOK STORE perienclng a complete work strike. . . Five SUI coliege of medicine field. She flew to her husband's 7485 . ------41.------earninqs $75 per Although there are isolated strikes Red Cross fo:- dlsas~ servlces' !taculty meml;Jel's will participate side from Santa Fe after receiving Personal Services 1!lXPERT I)'pln,. 51 . week. In six other cities other building blood collection, servlce~ to tho I th . I . n f th word of his arresl. EXPERIENCED Iypln,. 7934. , . , d f . d th R d C n ree specla sesslo S 0 e We wUl pay you cash craft wor kers there are conttnuang arme orces, an 0 er e ross Mayer's Friends Arrive T