Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1953-05-06
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Serving the State The Weather University of Iowa Mo&tlr eloll4b' .."Ui oe· euional llc'lat ra1a tMa,. Campus and Partly eloudJ aDll a!»' IIII1eIa ehaDce bl t_pera· lowo City owan ture ThursdaJ. HIP to· day. 65; low. 45. EDrh • TuHday, 51; 1_, 51. Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire - Five Cents Iowa Citv, Iowa, Wednesdav. Mav S, 1953 - Vol. 97, No.~ lsb _ e e ·ounel ,ee Ions l 20'Candidafes In Race Submerged Lands Bill For 10 Campus, Posts For the sccond tlme In less than two months the SUI student body will march to the polls today to choose seven members of the Studcnt Council. Seventeen candidates are in the race tor the Coun Passes Senate" 56-35 cil posts. WASHINGTON (iPJ - The sen At stake are one Inter·Fraternity council, one married student, ate ended Its longest deba te in 15 two town men, nnd three delegate-at-large posts to the Council years Tuesday by passing the Eis A Dubious Record enhower-backed bill to establish JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (JP) - Mrs. Comella Foster * * * The election of three members .tate ownership of the all riches claimed the world's fasting rp.cord today and said she had lived on at the board of trustees ot the )ylng under coastal waters. The nothing but water and soda for the past 79 days-and is still going. Polling praces student board of publlcaUons will toll cal\ vote was 56 to 35. Mrs. Foster, a Johannesburg housewife, planned to keep up the Polllnl' places In tOda,', all. be held in conj unotion with the Betore approvinlJ the bltterly- diet tor two more days, then take a little milk. Eventually she hopes Council election. '.ought legislation, the senate re- tor a big plate of her tavorite kipJ?ers. She has lost only 48 pounds. camltUi elecUoDII are &II follows: Polla 0 .._ at II • jeeted a dozen last-ditch amend- The last claimant tor the t3$ting title was Willy Schmitz, a Ger· (I) Currier hall lIlents aimed at cancelling or lim- man professional hunger artist. He ended a fast of 79 days and three (I) WHUawn Polis are scheduled to open at lUng what the opposition caUed a hours Jan. 12..' (5) IIIl1crect 10 a.m. lind will close lit e p.m., II iipntic "giveaway" of federal • (f) Quadraac1e change tor ,POllln, Umes durin, ' property worth billions Inlernat,Oonal C u S,pree (5) Sehr.effer hall the last eledlon when the votina The bill now goes to the house, PI.'of's (8) University hall opened at a a,m. which passed its own version of (7) Iowa Memorial Union Voting bdiMls have belm set up the legislation five weeks ago. A To Present Awards conCerence committee may have to At A I DO (8) ThIrd noer of the at eight places on the campul. , be appointed later to iron out dif- nnua ,nne, London Airman Flies Hoaltltal, near 'he ImJ)hl- They arc loeated in Currier, Hili. UJester. Cerences in the measures. Awards to the two students who Under 12 Brid ges (Doll, I ..... n PIlOt.) * * * crest, Q\.Iadrangle, Westlawn, Leaden Commend Vote have done the most to turther in- JAZZ BAND CAMPAIGNING and last· minute speech-maklnr hJrhlirhted Tuesday', acUvlty for C 01 C 0d Schaeffer hall. the Iowa Memorial Administration leaders com- ternational understanding will be LONDON (iP) - A jobless pilot the all-campus Student Counetl election today. Dick Darrah, C3, Knoxvllle, and BIU LUke, E3, ounel andl ales Union, and on the third !loor of mended the vote as "just and presented at the annual Inter- ot World War I jockeyed a rented Knoxville, made their bid for Town M,en seats on the Iteps of Old Capitol backed up by Larry the General hospital. equitable" recognition of 150- national club banquet Saturday at plane under a dozen or more Barrett's Dixieland combo. Council members to be chosen Include three dele,.ate-at-Iarre posta, two The lonowinr candJdates ar.old claims the states have the Maytlower night club. Id . li Th from Town ~Ien, one rrom MarrIed Students, and one from the Inter-Fraternity councU. Three are Today's election will be run ade to valuable submerged lands Dean of Students L. Dale br ges along the rlpp ng ames student board of publicatIons members will also be elected. runnlnc' tor leatl on the Shlde,ntlunder the new 17-pace election Eying olf their coastlines. Faunce will present the Bose Tuesday afternoon in a dramatic Counell in today's code adopted by the Student B' t t h f ht th b~ll d th f . tud t.... s\van song to flyln". , • eleetlons: u senll ors w 0 oug e aVfar to e ore)gn s en w.n- " SUI III U CI hAlSe ° P rf I Council at It. April 17 meeting. through 27 days of acrimonlo s ner and the Seashore award to the Maj. Christopher Draper, whose - InOIS • as - nnua nlor a y (~~e:r:!e bea~:,. Under tbe new code all bullet debate in what majority leader American student winner. I I Robert TaU ot Ohio called "an R. H. McCleery, former inter- stunt at 61 start ed and de ighted P f I Red Sh Id H T 8 H Id M 22 (1) Jacllie J"ewla, N2, Burllul'- balloting, that is ballots which are national president of the Inter- thousandS. basking along the river eace U S ou ave 0 e e ay ton not completely filled out, will be Iowa Senators Split national association at YWCAs, banks, said afterward he felt ab- (2) Fnnk L. Myen, AS, Sbel· counted. Vote on Tidelands Bill ~~gi:~~~" ~cc;~~~:u~e~a~~~ ~:I;:~Yt~a::~!~~:::!s~as ready Free Speech Debater Says Ai Memorial Union (3) ~S~:..E. Newcomer, The ~~~t~~m:::; !~ mark WASHINGTON (iP' - Sen. Inglon, la., advertising spec. ialty , ) C h did I } b in tId 3 "I shall never be allowed to tly The annual senior commence- (f arroJl Ramse1er, A3, teen ot a Iplr te campa gn, Burke Hickenlooper , (R-Iowa) us essman, ~as r~ve. e .10 0 Mobl k voted with the majority and Sen foreign countries studymg mter- again," he told newsmen - a bl'f Americans who believe in com· ment party given by SUI for the es which reached it. pea Tuesday. Guy Gillette (n-Iowa) voted national relations. sad and yet proud. "It was my munism should be allowed fre the justice department would c'.o seniors and graduates receiving (5) K. B. Rao, G, Jazz band" lOUd speakers, and against the submerged lands bin All students are urged to attend last flight ever." speech but those who advocate th~ necessary prosecuting, Cook ~::n~~ i:e~~~es Io~~1 ~:m~~~~ (6) ~~a. SeldJn, Lt. Council campai,n literature have flooded Tuesday. ~~~sot;:,n~~~'b:I~~:~~as!~7~t:~ Draper swung under the arches overthrow of our government said. Union, E. K. Jones, class adviser Bluff. the campus In the iast few days honest to God filibuster" said the office of student affairs belore 4 at 90-mJles-an-hout In a single- should be controlled, a speaker "Investigations are a necessary said Tuesday. (1) Bill StaUt', Ll, Dilbuque as candidates staged a last-ditch battle would be carried on In the p.m. Friday. engine Auster with a 36-toot wing in the- SUI-University oC Illinois evil," Allerton, the second speak- Theme of the party is "Senior Town Men'. candidate: (Two attempt to gather votes. , Ti t ti ill I.. f . h d 'd " d M C rth ' , I ,-" I h lid . to be elected) Todays election was neees- courts ~'nd into the el"cUon cam- ranspor a on w "'" urOis e span. sjrmposium said Tuesday ni,ht. aI', sal, an c a YlSm IS on Y CruUle, w t pans be nc rna e J)' tl) DIck Darrah. C3 Kn xvtlle' d ft th . i pldgn of 1954. ,to, those n~eding It. Both stud~nts T Ii la . a passing fancy" representaUves from each Of the , 0 sltate a er e CO\IJlcll vo ded The party lineup 6n the final \\:':th cars ,and' those needing rides he- tUe p ne was used 10 The symposIUm, comprislOg ~wo . colleges Jim Ollfallan C4 lnde (2) Donald F. Daul'llioll, LI. the election 01 tour 01 Its mem- vote was 35 'Republicans and 21 ,sl:lOuld meet at the 'International World War !I for artlnery spotting SUI and two Illinois students, was Allerton urg.cd that the ~iggcr pendende, Wis., is ov~rall' chair: Mt. Ayr bers followln, a seri4;' of protelts D~mocrats for the bill and 25 Center at 6 p.m. Saturday; and 'hed_ehopplng missions. held in Old Capitol with Pro!. problem Is disloyal Amencans. man. (3) CharlH W. Larew, C3, Iowa on th legality ot certal'1 election Democrats and nine RepUblicans . , Clearance space under the spans Carl A. DaUinger of the speech There. are almost 25,000 Com~~- Larry Barrett's . orchestra will (f) ~:~ Lilte, ES, Knoxville methods. a' PoRI Crea.ied against it. Sen. Wayne Morse May I Magazine X' ranged from 32 leet at Hammer- department presiding. Robert A1· nists IU the U. S. who. belie\ e provide ~a."ce musIc and t~e com- (5) Jerry Po urn e II e, Al In addition, the Council created (Ind.-Ore.) also opposed it. smith to 47 feet at London Bridge. ierton At Council Bluffs and communism and capitalism can- plete faCIlities of the UnIOn wlll Sprlq1leld, Ohio three dele,ate-at-lar,e posts in Tan RepOrts I1nrH .