Develouent of Nudio and Visual Media to Accompany
4 En- 131,640 BC 091 AUTHOR , Avance-, Lyonel D.; Carr, .Dorothy 'TITLE, Develouent of Nudio and Visual Media toAccompany. -_. 'Sequenced InStruct4.0nal Programs in Physical . Education for the Handicapped , Final Report July 1972. ,qNSTITUTION Lost Angeles dnigied School. DiStric Ca4i SPONS AGENCY Office o'f Baucatiop- (DHEW),'Washingt fi, °D. of Redear ch. u BUREAU NO 142709 PUB DATE Jul 72 GRANT. OEG-0-9-1427709-346 (607 - NOTE 247p, BURS = PRICE TIC-$12.71 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Audiovisual Aids; *Developmental Tasks; Elementary t. Secondary Education; Film Strips; *Handicapped Children;**Instructional Media; Motor Developmen *Physical Education; Physical Fitness; Tres6hobl, Edhcation; Recreational Activities; .*Seguentil Programs; Swimming'; Video Caasette Systems 'IDENTIFIERS Final Reports ABSTRACT yresented 'is the fin report of a .project todejrelop and field test a1ld,i0 nnd.visual media to accompanydevelopmentallY- Nsequenceractivities .appropriate fora physical educatiR n programfor 'handicapped children:from presbhool through highschool. rief sections cover the_folloving:_tho_phrposes'and_accomplishents of the project; ihe populatibn ser ed (children in the losAngeles City Schools), the project's -,Jous (physical education for, the handicapped), and scpo of the project; procedures ,for staffing the project, for 'involving profeSsipfial expertb,",for involvingremedial physical education teachers,. for producing. S8mm loop filmsand. audio-tape cassettes, and for field testing the materialswith 2,800. students; and field test findings- supporting the value of the a materials developed. jThe9bulkof the Vocument neists of appended,N. material with information oU audio and visualm ia in five areas: motor and movement sklls (-Such as guided rfinnig, rolling a ball, nd catching hoops), playgrouna an4.recreation skills (such as sand pla, basketball, and soft tumbling, rhythmic skills lyalking German clap dance7Land'rh.
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