Intestinal Goblet Cell Autoantibody Associated Enteropathy K Hori, Y Fukuda, T Tomita, T Kosaka, K Tamura, T Nishigami, a Kubota, T Shimoyama

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Intestinal Goblet Cell Autoantibody Associated Enteropathy K Hori, Y Fukuda, T Tomita, T Kosaka, K Tamura, T Nishigami, a Kubota, T Shimoyama 629 CASE REPORT J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.56.8.629 on 30 July 2003. Downloaded from Intestinal goblet cell autoantibody associated enteropathy K Hori, Y Fukuda, T Tomita, T Kosaka, K Tamura, T Nishigami, A Kubota, T Shimoyama ............................................................................................................................. J Clin Pathol 2003;56:629–630 This report describes a case of refractory enteropathy with circulating intestinal goblet cell autoantibodies (IGA). A 19 year old man with hyperthyroidism had suffered from pro- tracted diarrhoea for nearly 10 years. Histological exam- ination showed evidence of collagenous enterocolitis. The diarrhoea did not improve despite fasting under total parenteral nutrition. An immunofluorescence assay demon- strated IGA without anti-enterocyte autoantibodies, the hallmark of autoimmune enteropathy, although other crite- ria were fulfilled. None of 109 controls, including 55 cases of inflammatory bowel disease and one of lymphocytic colitis, had IGA. This case is considered to be a variant of autoimmune enteropathy, and might be a dis- tinct entity. ollagenous enterocolitis (CE) is a rare condition charac- terised by collagenous colitis with involvement of the Csmall intestine.1 Autoimmune enteropathy (AE) is also a rare disorder defined by the following criteria: protracted diarrhoea, no response to total parenteral nutrition (TPN), predisposition to autoimmune disease, and no immunodeficiency.2 We report the first case of CE with circu- lating autoantibodies to mucin in intestinal goblet cells but not autoantibodies to the cytoplasm of enterocytes, which are the hallmark of AE. CASE REPORT A 19 year old Japanese man was admitted to our hospital in July 2001 with a longterm history of continuous watery diar- on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. rhoea, which had averaged five to six times daily since December 1991 at the age of 10 years. His past medical history included atopic dermatitis and uveitis at the age of 10 and 17 Figure 1 (A) Subepithelial collagen bands around tubules are seen years, respectively. He suffered from hyperthyroidism two in the duodenal mucosa with goblet cell depletion and increased years before admission, and has been treated with thiamazole. lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate (bar, 50 µm; haematoxylin and eosin His mother has systemic lupus erythematosus and Sjögren’s stain). (B) The Masson-trichrome stain showed subepithelial collagen syndrome, and his brother has hypophysial dwarfism and deposits in the sigmoid colon with a striking depletion of goblet cells (bar, 100 µm). idiopathic leucopenia. He was 146 cm tall and weighed 32 kg. His bowel movements had increased with distention. Laboratory data on Abdominal ultrasonography and computed tomography admission showed severe hypokalaemia at a concentration of showed no abnormalities. Barium studies of the small 1.5 mmol/litre. There were mild liver and pancreatic dysfunc- intestine and colorectum were normal. Upper and lower tion (alanine aminotransferase, 64 U/litre; aspartate amino- endoscopical examinations revealed no gross abnormalities, transferase, 64 U/litre; serum amylase, 198 U/litre; and except for reactive lymphoid hyperplasia in the terminal trypsin, 675 ng/ml). He had no viral hepatitis B or C infection, ileum. However, biopsies of the duodenum and entire colorec- but anti-adult T cell leukaemia virus antibody was positive. tum demonstrated subepithelial collagen bands (fig 1). These Quantitative immunoglobulins were normal (IgG, 9340 mg/ had variable thickening up to 15 µm and 25 µm, respectively, litre; IgA, 1170 mg/litre; and IgM, 370 mg/litre). All stool cul- and congo red staining for amyloid was negative. Total villous tures were negative. An α1 antitrypsin test showed no evidence of protein losing enteropathy. A 5-h D-xylose (5 g) absorption test was consistent with severe malabsorption, ............................................................. with a five hour urine collection of 0.3 g (normal, > 1.5 g). Abbreviations: AE, autoimmune enteropathy; CE, collagenous Because the diarrhoea continued at an average of 2200 g/day enterocolitis; IE, intestinal goblet cell autoantibody associated over a six week period, despite fasting under TPN, a diagnosis enteropathy; IGA, intestinal goblet cell autoantibodies; TPN, total of coeliac disease could not be made. parenteral nutrition 630 Case report Take home messages J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.56.8.629 on 30 July 2003. Downloaded from • We describe a case of refractory enteropathy with circulating intestinal goblet cell autoantibodies (IGA), without autoantibodies to the cytoplasm of enterocytes, which is the hallmark of autoimmune enteropathy • This case is thought to be a variant of autoimmune enteropathy, and might be a distinct entity—IGA associ- ated enteropathy autoimmune pancreatitis (n = 4), mucosa associated lym- phoid tissue lymphoma (n = 3), lymphocytic colitis (n = 1), other disease controls (n = 7), and healthy controls (n = 22). None of the 109 patients had IGA, whereas some had autoan- tibodies to colonic goblet cells (28 of 109) and pancreatic aci- nar cells (16 of 109). DISCUSSION The only previously documented case of AE demonstrating IGA was that of Moore and colleagues, who described the case ofa9yearoldboy.3 Two other similar cases were reported, but there was no information regarding IGA or anticolonic goblet Figure 2 Indirect immunofluorescence assay using a 1/80 dilution cell autoantibodies.45 The case described by Moore et al has of serum reveals positive staining in rat intestinal goblet cells (bar, 100 µm). several similarities with our case, apart from the presence of IGA: the boys were both older than patients with AE, and there was protracted diarrhoea, abnormal liver function tests, atrophy without intraepithelial lymphocytes was seen in the goblet cell depletion, and no appreciable improvement after duodenum and terminal ileum. There was crypt hyperplasia in administering corticosteroids. Our patient exhibited CE, the duodenum but hypoplasia in the terminal ileum. A which was absent in Moore’s patient. CE has only been diagnosis of CE was made. reported in 17 patients to our knowledge, and all were women, Treatment was started with loperamide and colestimide (a with an average age of 60 (range, 40–80) years.1 These findings bile acid absorption agent), followed by mesalazine (a conflict with the findings in our patient. Therefore, the present 5-aminosalicylate) and oral prednisolone (30 mg/day), but case should be diagnosed as a variant of AE rather than CE, there was no therapeutic response. Therefore, we gave namely IGA associated enteropathy (IE). IE may account for intravenous methylprednisolone at a daily dose of 500 mg for some patients with refractory enteropathy, such as unclassi- three days, and then orally administered prednisolone fied sprue, which is poorly responsive to gluten restriction. (30 mg/day). His stools became formed, and a frequency of Further studies are needed to examine IGA in such forms of once a day was achieved. Repeated biopsies showed the disap- enteropathy, including collagenous/lymphocytic colitis, and pearance of collagen bands in the duodenum, but they we believe that IE is a new distinct entity. persisted in the colorectum. Prednisolone was reduced to 15 mg/day, and he was discharged. However, one month later he was admitted to another hospital because of the recurrence ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank Dr S Fukui, Dr N Hida, Dr J Tanaka, Dr N of diarrhoea, and he required TPN. Kamada, Miss M Yamada, Miss N Sakaedani, and Mr H Kubo for sup- Because the above symptoms and findings fulfilled the cri- port during this study. on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. teria of AE, we tested for circulating anti-enterocyte autoanti- bodies using an indirect immunofluorescence technique. ..................... Briefly, cryostat sections of the small intestine, colon, and pancreas removed from male Wistar rats were fixed in cold Authors’ affiliations K Hori, Y Fukuda, T Tomita, T Kosaka, K Tamura, T Shimoyama, acetone, and incubated with sera at a dilution of 1/40. The Department of Gastroenterology, Hyogo College of Medicine, sections were washed and incubated with fluorescein isothio- Nishinomiya 663–8501, Japan cyanate conjugated rabbit antihuman IgG (Dako, Glostrup, T Nishigami, Second Department of Pathology, Hyogo College of Denmark), at a dilution of 1/100, and then observed under a Medicine A Kubota, Department of Surgical Pathology, Hyogo College of laser scanning microscope (LSM510; Carl Zeiss, Germany). Medicine The immunofluorescence assay using serum from the patient demonstrated antirat intestinal goblet cell autoanti- Correspondence to: Dr K Hori, Department of Gastroenterology, Hyogo bodies (IGA) but not anti-enterocyte autoantibodies (fig 2). College of Medicine, 1–1 Mukogawa-cho, Nishinomiya 663–8501, Japan; [email protected] “Intestinal goblet cell autoantibody associated enteropa- Accepted for publication 28 February 2003 thy may account for some patients with refractory enter- opathy, such as unclassified sprue, which is poorly REFERENCES 1 Eckstein RP, Dowsett JF, Riley JW. Collagenous enterocolitis: a case of responsive to gluten restriction” collagenous colitis with involvement of the small intestine. Am J Gastroenterol 1988;83:767–71. Immunofluorescence was also observed in the mucin of the 2 Unsworth DJ, Walker-Smith
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