The Taxpayer Protection Pledge Signers 2010 Incumbents and Challengers List

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The Taxpayer Protection Pledge Signers 2010 Incumbents and Challengers List Taxpayer Protection Pledge I, _____, pledge to the taxpayers of the (____ district of the) state of ______ and to the American people that I will: ONE, oppose any and all efforts to increase the marginal income tax rate for individuals and business; and TWO, oppose any net reduction or elimination of deductions and credits, unless matched dollar for dollar by further reducing tax rates. The Taxpayer Protection Pledge Signers 2010 Incumbents and Challengers List 205 House candidates and 36 Senate candidates as of October 11, 2010 174 Representatives and 34 Senators For more information contact Adam Radman at [email protected] ALABAMA Incumbents CA-01 Loren Hanks (R) AZ-Sen Jon Kyl (R) CA-08 John Dennis (R) Incumbents AZ-Sen John McCain (R) CA-11 David Harmer (R) AL-Sen Jeff Sessions (R) AZ-02 Trent Franks (R) CA-18 Mike Berryhill (R) AL-Sen Richard Shelby (R) AZ-03 John Shadegg (R) CA-19 Jeff Denham (R) AL-01 Jo Bonner (R) AZ-06 Jeff Flake (R) CA-20 Andy Vidak (R) AL-03 Mike Rogers (R) CA-23 Tom Watson (R) AL-04 Robert Aderholt (R) Challengers CA-27 Mark Reed (R) AL-05 Parker Griffith (R) AZ-01 Paul Gosar (R) CA-29 John Colbert (R) AL-06 Spencer Bachus (R) AZ-03 Ben Quayle (R) CA-36 Mattie Fein (R) AZ-05 David Schweikert (R) CA-37 Star Parker (R) Challengers AZ-08 Jesse Kelly (R) CA-47 Van Tran (R) AL-02 Martha Roby (R) CA-53 Michael Crimmins (R) AL-05 Mo Brooks (R) CALIFORNIA COLORADO ALASKA Incumbents CA-02 Wally Herger (R) Incumbents Incumbents CA-03 Dan Lungren (R) CO-05 Doug Lamborn (R) AK-Sen Lisa Murkowski (R) CA-04 Tom McClintock (R) CO-06 Mike Coffman (R) AK-AL Don Young (R) CA-21 Devin Nunes (R) CA-22 Kevin McCarthy (R) Challengers Challengers CA-24 Elton Gallegly (R) CO-Sen Ken Buck (R) AK-Sen Joe Miller (R) CA-25 Buck McKeon (R) CO-02 Stephen Bailey (R) CA-26 David Dreier (R) CO-02 Curtis Harris (L) ARKANSAS CA-40 Ed Royce (R) CO-03 Scott Tipton (R) CA-41 Jerry Lewis (R) CO-04 Corey Gardner (R) Incumbents CA-42 Gary Miller (R) CO-07 Ryan Frazier (R) AR-03 John Boozman (R) CA-44 Ken Calvert (R) CA-45 Mary Bono Mack (R) CONNECTICUT Challengers CA-46 Dana Rohrabacher (R) AR-Sen John Boozman (R) CA-48 John Campbell (R) Challengers AR-01 Rick Crawford (R) CA-49 Darrell Issa (R) CT-Sen Linda McMahon (R) AR-02 Tim Griffin (R) CA-50 Brian Bilbray (R) CT-01 Ann Brickley (R) AR-03 Steve Womack (R) CA-52 Duncan L. Hunter (R) CT-04 Dan Debicella (R) AR-04 Beth Anne Rankin (R) CT-05 Sam Caligiuri (R) Challengers ARIZONA CA-Sen Carly Fiorina (R) DELAWARE GA-08 Austin Scott (R) Challengers GA-12 Raymond McKinney (R) Incumbents DE-Sen Christine O’Donnell (R) IN-03 Mark Souder (R) DE-AL Glen Urquhart (R) HAWAII IN-05 Dan Burton (R) DE-AL Brent Wangen (L) IN-06 Mike Pence (R) Incumbents IN-08 Brad Ellsworth (D) FLORIDA HI-01 Charles Djou (R) Challengers Incumbents Challengers IN-Sen Dan Coats (R) FL-01 Jeff Miller (R) HI-Sen Cam Cavasso (R) IN-02 Jackie Walorski (R) FL-04 Ander Crenshaw (R) HI-02 Ramsay Wharton (R) IN-03 Marlin Stutzman (R) FL-05 Ginny Brown-Waite (R) HI-02 John Willoughby (R) IN-04 Todd Rokita (R) FL-06 Cliff Stearns (R) IN-07 Marvin Scott (R) FL-07 John Mica (R) IOWA IN-08 Larry Buschon (R) FL-09 Gus Bilirakis (R) IN-09 Todd Young (R) FL-10 Bill Young (R) Incumbents FL-12 Adam Putnam (R) IA-04 Tom Latham (R) KANSAS FL-13 Vern Buchanan (R) IA-05 Steve King (R) FL-14 Connie Mack (R) Incumbents FL-15 Bill Posey (R) Challengers KS-Sen Sam Brownback (R) FL-16 Tom Rooney (R) IA-03 Brad Zaun (R) KS-Sen Pat Roberts (R) FL-18 Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R) KS-01 Jerry Moran (R) FL-21 Lincoln Diaz-Balart (R) IDAHO KS-02 Lynn Jenkins (R) FL-25 Mario Diaz-Balart (R) KS-04 Todd Tiahrt (R) Incumbents ID-Sen Mike Crapo (R) Challengers Challengers ID-Sen James Risch (R) KS-Sen Jerry Moran (R) FL-Sen Marco Rubio (R) ID-02 Michael Simpson (R) KS-01 Tim Huelskamp (R) FL-02 Steve Southerland (R) KS-04 Michael Pompeo (R) FL-05 Richard Nugent (R) Challengers FL-08 Daniel Webster (R) ID-01 Raul Labrador (R) KENTUCKY FL-11 Mike Prendergast (R) FL-12 Dennis Ross (R) ILLINOIS Incumbents FL-20 Karen Harrington (R) KY-Sen Mitch McConnell (R) FL-24 Sandy Adams (R) Incumbents KY-Sen Jim Bunning (R) FL-25 David Rivera (R) Il-06 Peter Roskam (R) KY-01 Ed Whitfield (R) Il-13 Judy Biggert (R) KY-02 Brett Guthrie (R) GEORGIA Il-15 Tim Johnson (R) KY-04 Geoff Davis (R) Il-16 Don Manzullo (R) KY-06 Ben Chandler (D) Incumbents Il-18 Aaron Schock (R) GA-Sen Johnny Isakson (R) Il-19 John Shimkus (R) Challengers GA-Sen Saxby Chambliss (R) KY-Sen Rand Paul (R) GA-01 Jack Kingston (R) Challengers KY-03 Todd Lally (R) GA-03 Lynn Westmoreland (R) IL-Sen Mark Kirk (R) KY-06 Andy Barr (R) GA-06 Tom Price (R) IL-02 Isaac Hayes (R) GA-07 John Linder (R) IL-05 David Ratowitz (R) LOUISIANA GA-09 Tom Graves (R) IL-08 Joe Walsh (R) GA-10 Paul Broun (R) IL-09 Joel B. Pollak (R) Incumbents GA-11 Phil Gingrey (R) IL-10 Robert Dold (R) LA-Sen David Vitter (R) IL-11 Adam Kinzinger (R) LA-01 Steve Scalise (R) Challengers IL-14 Randy Hultgren (R) LA-04 John Fleming (R) GA-02 Mike Keown (R) IL-17 Bobby Schilling (R) LA-05 Rodney Alexander (R) GA-04 Cory Ruth (R) LA-06 Bill Cassidy (R) GA-05 Fenn Little (R) INDIANA LA-07 Charles Boustany (R) Incumbents NEVADA Challengers MN-02 John Kline (R) LA-03 Jeffery Landry (R) MN-03 Erik Paulsen (R) Incumbents MN-06 Michele Bachmann (R) NV-Sen John Ensign (R) MAINE NV-02 Dean Heller (R) Challengers Challengers MN-01 Randy Demmer (R) Challengers ME-01 Dean Scontras (R) MN-08 Chip Cravaack (R) NV-Sen Sharon Angle (R) ME-02 Jason Levesque (R) NV-01 Edward Klapproth (R) MISSISSIPPI NV-03 Joe Heck (R) MARYLAND Incumbents NEW HAMPSHIRE Incumbents MS-03 Gregg Harper (R) MD-06 Roscoe Bartlett (R) MS-04 Gene Taylor (D) Incumbents NH-Sen Judd Gregg (R) Challengers Challengers MD-Sen Eric Wargotz (R) MS-01 Alan Nunnelee (R) Challengers MD-01 Andy Harris (R) MS-02 Richard Cook (R) NH-Sen Kelly Ayotte (R) MD-02 Marcelo Cardarelli (R) MS-04 Steven Palazzo (R) NH-01 Frank Guinta (R) MD-05 Charles Lollar (R) NH-02 Charlie Bass (R) MD-08 Michael Lee Phillips (R) MISSOURI NEW JERSEY MASSACHUSETTS Incumbents MO-Sen Kit Bond (R) Incumbents Incumbents MO-02 Todd Akin (R) NJ-01 Robert Andrews (D) MA-Sen Scott Brown (R) MO-06 Sam Graves (R) NJ-02 Frank LoBiondo (R) MO-07 Roy Blunt (R) NJ-04 Chris Smith (R) Challengers MO-08 Jo Ann Emerson (R) NJ-05 Scott Garrett (R) MA-03 Martin Lamb (R) MO-09 Blaine Luetkemeyer (R) NJ-07 Leonard Lance (R) MA-06 Bill Hudak (R) NJ-11 Rodney Frelinghuysen (R) MA-10 Jeff Perry (R) Challengers MO-Sen Roy Blunt (R) Challengers MICHIGAN MO-Sen Cisse Spragins (L) NJ-01 Dale Glading (R) MO-03 Ed Martin (R) NJ-04 Joe Siano (Lib.) Incumbents MO-03 Nick Ivanovich (C) NJ-06 Anna Little (R) MI-02 Pete Hoekstra (R) MO-04 Vicky Hartzler (R) NJ-08 Roland Straten (R) MI-04 Dave Camp (R) MO-05 Jacob Turk (R) NJ-12 Scott Sipprelle (R) MI-06 Fred Upton (R) MO-07 Billy Long (R) MI-08 Mike Rogers (R) MO-07 Dean Moore (I) NEW MEXICO MI-10 Candice Miller (R) MI-11 Thad McCotter (R) MONTANA Challengers NM-01 Jon Barela (R) Challengers Incumbents NM-02 Steve Pearce (R) MI-01 Dan Benishek (R) MT-AL Dennis Rehberg (R) NM-03 Thomas Mullins (R) MI-02 Bill Huizenga (R) MI-03 Justin Amash (R) NEBRASKA NEW YORK MI-05 Michael Moon (L) MI-07 Tim Walberg (R) Incumbents Incumbents MI-09 A. Rocky Raczowski (R) NE-Sen Mike Johanns (R) NY-03 Peter King (R) MI-12 Don Volaric (R) NE-Sen Ben Nelson (D) NY-26 Chris Lee (R) MI-15 Robert Steele (R) NE-01 Jeff Fortenberry (R) NE-02 Lee Terry (R) Challengers MINNESOTA NE-03 Adrian Smith (R) NY-Sen Jay Townsend (R) NY-01 Randy Altschuler (R) NY-04 Francis X. Becker, Jr. (R) OH-13 Tom Ganley (R) PA-17 David Argall (R) NY-08 Susan Kone (R) OH-15 Steve Stivers (R) NY-09 Bob Turner (R) OH-16 James Renacci (R) RHODE ISLAND NY-13 Michael Grimm (R) OH-18 Bob Gibbs (R) NY-15 Michel J. Faulkner (R) Challengers NY-17 Anthony Mele (R) OKLAHOMA RI-01 John J. Loughlin (R) NY-19 Nan Hayworth (R) RI-02 Mark Zaccaria (R) NY-20 Chris Gibson (R) Incumbents NY-22 George Phillips (R) OK-Sen Tom Coburn (R) SOUTH CAROLINA NY-23 Matt Doheny (R) OK-Sen Jim Inhofe (R) NY-25 Ann Marie Buerkle (R) OK-01 John Sullivan (R) Incumbents NY-29 Tom Reed (R) OK-03 Frank Lucas (R) SC-Sen Jim DeMint (R) OK-04 Tom Cole (R) SC-Sen Lindsey Graham (R) NORTH CAROLINA OK-05 Mary Fallin (R) SC-01 Henry Brown (R) SC-02 Joe Wilson (R) Incumbents Challengers SC-03 J.
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