2010 Election Watch, Pro-Israel PAC Contributions and Top Ten 2010

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2010 Election Watch, Pro-Israel PAC Contributions and Top Ten 2010 election_watch_28-37_Pac Charts for November 2010 9/15/10 7:22 PM Page 28 ELECTION WATCH By Janet McMahon Nov. 2 Election a Chance to “Just Say No” to Congressional Israel-Firsters ith the possibility Packard CEO Carly Fiorina Wthat the Republicans is viewed as a strong indica- may retake control of the tor of whether Republicans House, which they lost in can regain control of the 2006—two years before Senate. Her incumbency in Barack Obama was elected itself makes Boxer the fa- president—and possibly vored candidate of pro-Is- even the Senate, the up- rael PACs, from whom she coming Nov. 2 election is has received a career total of getting much more atten- $267,044—despite having tion than the average con- voted in 2002 against the gressional midterm. Despite U.S. invasion of Iraq. Fior- the fact that much of the ina, who spent $5 million of campaign is focused on do- her own money on the Re- mestic issues, certain races publican primary alone, offer the opportunity for “wants a share of the Jewish voters to make their voices Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL), who is running for the Illinois Senate seat formerly WWW.KIRKFORSENATE.COM vote as well,” noted Globes, heard on whether they held by President Barack Obama, has received more pro-Israel PAC contri- Israel’s Business Arena want their representatives butions this year than any other House or Senate candidate. (<www.globes.co.il>). Its to put the interests of a for- Aug. 20, 2010 edition eign country ahead of their constituents’. pose a threat to both the United States and quoted Fiorina as saying, “I want to renew Members of the Washington Report’s Hall our important regional allies, including Israel, my acquaintances with Israeli leaders, some of Fame and Hall of Shame are indicated whose security and right to exist we need to of them I already know. I met Prime Minis- by color, with the names of 2010 candi- firmly and unequivocally stand behind.” ter [Binyamin] Netanyahu and President dates in bold. Close races where this House District 8: Jewish Democratic in- [Shimon] Peres, and I know Ehud Barak. So choice is particularly clear are indicated cumbent Gabrielle Giffords, who repre- if the schedule will permit I’ll [visit Israel by . sents a traditionally Republican district, and] meet them and convey directly to the will face Iraq war veteran Jesse Kelly, people of Israel that they will not have a who, according to Congressional Quarterly stronger friend in the U.S. Senate than me.” Alaska (CQ), “is a political newcomer with a thin CQ rates the race a toss-up. Joe Miller, the Sarah Palin-endorsed can- résumé, but…[has] excited the GOP base House District 3: As of late August, Re- didate who upset Republican incumbent and will have plenty of establishment sup- publican incumbent Dan Lungren—who Sen. Lisa Murkowski in the state’s August port.” As of early August, however, Gif- missed being a “Hall of Shame” member by primary, has raised $283,000 to Democrat fords had nearly $2 million cash on hand only one vote, and cast no positive ones— Scott McAdams’ $16,000 (see charts be- to Kelly’s $79,000. had raised less money ($1.2 million) than ginning on p. 33 for pro-Israel PAC contri- his Democratic challenger, Indian-Ameri- bution amounts). Arkansas can physician Dr. Ami Bera ($1.6 million). Senate: After eking out a victory in the On his campaign Web site, <www.berafor- Arizona Democratic primary, incumbent and Hall congress.com>, Bera, who has received House District 3: The race for this open seat of Shamer Sen. Blanche Lincoln is being small donations statewide as well as contri- pits Republican Ben Quayle (son of the for- challenged by Republican Rep. John butions from Indian Americans across the mer vice president), who in a campaign ad Boozman. While neither cast a positive country, focuses primarily on domestic is- called Barack Obama “the worst president vote according to the Washington Report’s sues. “I’m not the candidate of Nancy ever,”against Democrat Jon Hulburd, who “Report Card for the 111th Congress” (see Pelosi,” he told The Sacramento Bee. “If I has been running ads on Christian radio sta- Sept./Oct. 2010 issue, pp. 25-37), pro-Israel thought the Democrats were doing the tions attacking Quayle for posting to a sala- PAC money talks—and it says that Lincoln right job in this country with moving for- cious Web site, TheDirty. has received a career total of $54,077 to ward, I wouldn’t be running. I’d be back com. Hulburd’s stance on national security Boozman’s $2,000. Nevertheless, her seat is practicing medicine.” Nevertheless, he and includes the statement, “Iran continues to considered vulnerable. fellow Democrat Barbara Boxer both seem to have an aversion to the Council on Amer- Janet McMahon is managing editor of the California ican-Islamic Relations (CAIR): in mid-Au- Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. Senate: The tight race between Democratic gust, under strong pressure from the Cali- As a resident of the nation’s capital, she has incumbent Barbara Boxer, running for her fornia Republican Party, Bera returned a no voting representation in Congress. fourth Senate term, and former Hewlitt- $250 contribution from Basim Elkarra, the 28 THE WASHINGTON REPORT ON MIDDLE EAST AFFAIRS NOVEMBER 2010 election_watch_28-37_Pac Charts for November 2010 9/15/10 7:22 PM Page 29 popular and respected executive director of daughters-in-law have served a total of House District 4: Another race consid- CAIR’s Sacramento chapter. In December nine deployments. Hedrick recently re- ered a toss-up is the one between Democra- 2006 Senator Boxer rescinded a Certificate ceived $5,000 from former Democratic Na- tic incumbent Betsey Markey—who has of Appreciation she had bestowed on tional Committee chair Howard Dean’s PAC, received a total of $12,100 in pro-Israel PAC Elkar ra a mere six weeks earlier (see April and has been endorsed by, among others, contributions since first being elected in 2007 Washington Report, p. 50). CAIR-PAC, Peace Action West, the Sierra 2008—and her Republican challenger, state House District 11: Two-term Democra- Club and numerous state and national legislator Cory Gardner. Gardner has tic incumbent Jerry McNerney has a sim- labor unions. raised a record amount for a challenger in ilar voting record to Lungren—except he House District 45: Republican incum- this moderately Republican district— did manage to cast one positive vote in the bent Mary Bono Mack faces a well-funded but Markey has raised nearly $1 million 111th Congress. Like Lungren, he has challenger in Palm Springs Mayor Steve more than Gardner. raised less money ($1.7 million) than his Pougnet, who has raised $1.3 million to challenger, Republican banking attorney Mack’s $1.7 million. According to the Los Connecticut David Harmer ($1.8 million). In 2006 Mc- Angeles Times, Bono Mack and Dan Lungren Senate: Running to fill the open Senate seat Nerney was endorsed by former Republi- (see House District 3) are “the Democrats’ of retiring Chris Dodd, Connecticut’s Demo- can Rep. Paul N. “Pete” McCloskey, one of top two targets” in the state, and Bono Mack cratic Attorney General Richard Blumen- several members of Congress targeted by has challenged her opponent to “denounce thal will face multimillionaire Republican the Israel lobby for daring to speak out, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s refusal to con- candidate Linda McMahon, former World who had unsuccessfully challenged then- demn plans” for a Muslim community cen- Wrestling Entertainment CEO. According to incumbent Richard Pombo in the 2006 Re- ter in lower Manhatten. JTA, “If Blumenthal succeeds the retiring publican primary. House District 47: Also according to the Chris Dodd, also a Democrat, he will join House District 37: Democratic incum- Times, “Republicans believe they have a Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) in making Con- bent Laura Richardson, elected in a 2007 shot at finally unseating” Democratic in- necticut’s U.S. Senate representation all Jew- special election to fill the seat of the late cumbent Loretta Sanchez, one of 54 House ish.” Juanita Millender-McDonald, has been an members to sign a letter to President Barack House District 4: Incumbent De- opponent of the George W. Bush admin - Obama calling for a lifting of Israel’s crip- mocratic Rep. Jim Himes, as one istration and the war on Iraq since pling siege of Gaza. However, Sanchez has of the 54 signers of the House letter on 2003—although she cast four negative almost $1 million more in the bank than her Gaza, was one of the first targets of attack votes and only one positive one according challenger, California Assemblyman Van ads by the recently formed Emergency to our 2010 Congressional Report Card. Tran. Committee for Israel. William Kristol and his She is being challenged by conservative House District 50: Democrat Francine P. neocon buddies obviously prefer Republi- author and syndicated columnist Star Busby is making a third try to defeat current can challenger Dan Debicella, who has Parker, who has been endorsed by, Rep. Brian Bilbray, who holds the House criticized Himes’ stance on Israel. On his among others, Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, seat vacated by the now imprisoned Randy campaign Web site Debicella describes his Karl Rove, Rep. Michele Bachmann, “Duke” Cunningham. Bilbray bested her in support for Israel as “unequivocal,” and Grover Norquist, Alan Keyes and Gov. the 2006 special election following Cunning- promises to “speak strongly and clearly for Mike Huckabee. Perhaps because Richard- ham’s resignation, and went on to win the our allies in Israel.” Despite the fact that as son has been embroiled in controversy 2006 and 2008 general elections.
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