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Book Cover.Pmd CATALOGUE OF RARE BOOKS University of Santo Tomas Library VOLUME 2, PART 1 1600-1699 CATALOGUE OF RARE BOOKS i ii CATALOGUE OF RARE BOOKS UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS LIBRARY VOLUME II Part 1 (1600 to 1699) Compiled by: Estrella S. Majuelo Edited by: Fr. Angel Aparicio, O.P. UST Library Manila, Philippines 2006 iii Copyright © 2006 by University of Sto. Tomas Library and The Toyota Foundation (Tokyo, Japan) All rights reserved ISBN 971-506-381-4 Cataloging -in-Publication Data: Catalogue of rare books : University of Santo Tomas Library/ edited by Fr. Angel Aparicio ; compiled by Estrella S. Majuelo. -- Manila : UST Library, 2006. p. ; cm. ISBN 971-506-381-4 1. Rare books -- Bibliography. 2. Rare books -- Catalogs. 3. Rare books -- University of Santo Tomas Library. I. Aparicio, Angel A., O.P., II. Majuelo, Estrella S. Z1029.C28 2006 Printed by Bookman Printing House, Inc. 373 Quezon Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines iv CONTENTS List of Abbreviations, Acronyms and Symbols Used vi Religious Orders vii List of Figures viii Foreword xiii Prologue xv Catalogue of Rare Books Printed from the Year 1600 to 1699 1 Appendix A : Ownership Marks 335 Appendix B : The UST Press, Its Incunabula, and the UST Library at the end of the 17th Century 351 References 361 Indexes Authors 366 Titles 377 Cities and Printers 402 v LIST of ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS and SYMBOLS USED Abp. - Archbishop Bp. - Bishop Book sizes: Fol. - Folio (more than 30 cm.) 4o - Quarto (24 ½-30 cm.) 8o - Octavo (19 ½-24 cm.) 12o - Duodecimo (17 ½-19 cm.) 16o - Sectodecimo (15-17 cm.) 18o - Octodecimo (12 ½-14 ½ cm.) 32o - Trigesimo-secundo (10-12 cm.) bk./bks. - book/books CCPB - Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Español ca. - circa col./cols. - column/columns comp. - compiler diagr./diagrs. - diagram/diagrams ed./eds. - editor/editors et - and et. al. - et alii (and others) fig./figs. - figure/figures frontis. - frontispiece hæred. - hæredes (heir of/heir to) ill. - illustration/s p. - page/pages pt./pts. - part/parts sic - thus s.a. - sine anno (no date of publication) s.l. - sine loco (no place of publication) s.n. - sine nomine (no name of publisher/printer) St. - Saint sumpt. - sumptibus (at the expense of) tr. - translator typog./typogr. - typographum (typography/typographer) v./vol./vols. - volume/volumes [ ] - bracket (supplied information) vi RELIGIOUS ORDERS C.S.B. - Congregatio de Sancti Basilii (Basilians) CC.RR.MM. - Clerici Regulares Minores (Clerks Regular Minor, Mariani) O.A.D. - Ordo Augustiniensium Discalceatorum (Discalced Augustinians) O.C. - Ordinis Carmelitarum (Carmelites) O.C.D. - Ordo Carmelitarum Discalceatorum (Discalced Carmelite Fathers) O. CART. - Ordo Cartusiensis (Carthusians) O. CIST. - Ordo Cisterciensium (Cistercians) O.D.S.T. - Ordinis Discalceatorum Sanctissimæ Trinitatis O. de M. - Ordo Beatæ Mariæ de Mercede de Redemptione Captivorum (Mercedarians Nolaschi) O.E.S.A. - Ordinis Eremitarium Sancti Augustini O.F.M. - Ordo Fratrum Minorum (Observant Franciscans) O.F.M. CAP. - Ordo Minorum Cappucinorum (Capuchins) O.H. - Ordo Hospitalarius S. Ioannis Deo O. MINIM. - Ordinis Minorum S. Francisci de Paula O.P. - Ordo Fratrum Prædicatorum (Dominicans) O.S.A. - Ordo Sancti Augustini (Augustinians) O.S.B. - Ordo Sancti Benedicti (Benedictines) O.SS.T. - Ordinis Sanctissimæ Redemptionis Captivorum S.J. - Societatis Jesu (Jesuits) T.O.R. - Tertii Ordinis Sancti Francisci (Third Order Regular of Penance of St. Francis of Assisi) vii LIST OF FIGURES Figures Page 1. Title page of Luis de Molina’s Commentaria in Primam Partem Divi Thomæ 2 2. Page 16 of the book of D. Nuño Cabezudo’s commentary on the work of St. Thomas Aquinas 7 3. Pages from Andre do Avelar’s Chronographia ou Reportorio Dos Tempos… 11 4. Title page of Ortelius’ Theatro d’el Orbe de la Tierra 16 5. One of the maps included in the Theatro d’el Orbe de la Tierra 17 6. Title page of Bibliorum Sacrorum by Strabo Fulgensi 20 7. Title page of De Paradiso Voluptatis … by Thomas Malvenda 29 8. Title page of Jean La Charlier Gerson’s Opera 32 9. Portrait of Gerson from his book Opera 33 10. Page 222 of the book In Universam Dialecticam 36 11. A page from Sacra Biblia 44 12. A reproduction of the Report by Pedro Fernandez de Quiros which was published in 1609 47 13. Title page of the Rerum Gestarum of Ammianus Marcellinus printed in 1609 48 14. Eduardo Caldera’s ‘Variarum Lectionum’ which is included in his De Erroribus Pragmaticorum Libri Quatuor 51 15. Title page of St. Bruno’s Opera Omnia 55 16. Title page of Venerable Beda’s Opera 61 17. A page on the life of Lipsius included in his book Operum 68 18. Title page of Alphonsi Tostati’s Opera Omnia 72 19. Title page of Pope Leo the Great’s Opera Omnia 77 20. A page with aphorisms and commentaries from Tacito’s Español Ilustrado 80 21. Title page of St. Ambrosius’ Opera Omnia 84 22. Title page of Opera Omnia, in Quatuor Tomos Digesta by Andrea Alciati 90 23. An intaglio engraving of Alciati 91 24. Title page of the second volume of Commentariorum in Concordiam et Historiam Quatuor Evangelistarum 92 25. Title page of St. Hilary’s Opera printed in 1617 95 26. Title page of Corpus Juris Canonici 100 viii 27. Title page of De Justitia et Jure Cæterisque Virtutibus Cardinalibus Libri Quatuor 103 28. Title page of the third volume of Disputationum Roberti Bellarmini Politiani S.R.E. Cardinalis De Controversiis Christianæ Fidei Adversus huius Temporis Hæreticos 107 29. Title page of Novus Sextus Tomus printed in 1621 116 30. Title page of Fr. V. Filliuci Moralium Quæstionum de Christianis Officiis … 121 31. From the book Nobiliario Genealogico de los Reyes y Titulos de España by Alonso Lopez de Haro 123 32. The rubricated title page of Petri Damiani’s Opera Omnia 128 33. Gabriel Pennotto’s dedication to Pope Urban VIII (1623-1644) of his voluminous work entitled Propugnaculum Humanae Libertatis 131 34. An illustrated title page of Fr. F. Suarez’s Ad Primam Secundæ Divi Thomæ 138 35. Title page of Leonardo de Argesola’s Primera Parte de los Anales de Aragon … 147 36. The first page of the text of Argesola’s work 147 37. Page 8 of Fr. Gravina’s Congeminata Vox Turturis Florentissimum Sacrorum Ordinum Statum 151 38. The engraved title page of Bernardino de Siena’s Opera Omnia 158 39. An emblem from Claude Clement’s Machiavellismus Jugulatus à Christiana Sapientia Hispanica & Austriaca 163 40. Title page of Antoine de Ville’s Les Fortifications du Chevalier … printed in 1641 174 41. An illustration from De Ville’s Les Fortifications du Chevalier … 175 42. The first page of Hesperidum printed in 1646 188 43. Title page of Kircher’s Musurgia Universalis … Tomus I 195 44. Pages 146 & 147 from A. Kircher’s Musurgia Universalis showing musical composition and tonality 197 45. Title page of Volume Two of Magnum Bullarium Romanum printed in Lyons in 1645 209 46. Page 201 of the Magnum Bullarium Romanum showing some of the Papal Bulls issued by Pope Pius V 210 47. A page from B. Rhodigini’s Historia Ludicra printed in Brussels in 1656 214 ix 48. Title page of Volume One of Jeremias Drexel’s Opera Omnia printed in 1660 224 49. Juan Davila’s Passion del Hombre-Dios Referida y Ponderada en Decimas Españolas printed in 1661 227 50. Title page of Vossius’ De Tribus Symbolis Apostolico Athanasiano et Constantinopolitano printed in 1662 233 51. Pages from Despauterius’ Universa Grammatica in Commodiorem Docendi et Discendi printed in 1668 251 52. Title page of Consulta Varia, Theologica, Juridica, Regularia, Moralia, et ... by Lorenzo Espin 252 53. Title page of Volume One of De Chales’ Cursus seu Mundus Mathematicus printed in 1674 265 54. Pages 6 and 7 of Cursus seu Mundus Mathematicus showing geometrical figures 267 55. Title page of Ideas Varias de Orar Evangélicamente by Fr. F. Sobrecasas 291 56 Title page of Luciano de Samosata’s Opera 306 57. Title page of the first part of A. Pozzo’s Perspectiva Pictorum et Architectorum printed in Rome in 1693 313 58. Title page of Paul Hoste’s L’Art des Armees Navales, ou Traite des Evolutions Navales printed in 1697 324 59. An illustration from L’Art des Armees Navales 325 60. Title page of another work of P. Hoste entitled Theorie de la Construction des Vaisseaux … 326 61. Title page of Bibliotheca Maxima Pontificia edited by Fr. Joanne Thoma Rocaberti 328 62. The ‘Aprobacion de los Theologos de la Orden’ from Martin de Torrecilla’s Tomo Quarto Apologetico 333 Ownership Marks 63. Ex libris of Don Joseph Altamirano y Cervantes 336 64. Ex libris of D. Feliciano Ramirez de Arellano, Marqués de Fuensanta del Valle 336 65. A note from the book of Cornelio à Lapide 337 66. A note from the book of Fr. Antonino Ponz 338 x 67. An inscription from the book Primera Parte de Cien Oraciones Funebres by Luis de Rebolledo 338 68. A sample ‘note of expurgation’ found on the title page of Summa de Casos de Consciencia by Manoel Rodriguez printed in 1604 339 69. An ’ad ussum’ from the book of Fr. Luis de Molina 340 70. Ownership mark of the Society of Jesus 341 71. Ownership mark of ‘Colegio de San Ignacio’ 342 72. Seal of ownership of Binondo 343 73. Ownership mark of ‘Convento del Parian’ 343 74. ‘Hospicio de San Jacintho de China’ 343 75 Seal of ownership of Sto. Domingo Convent of Manila 344 76. Seal of ownership of Colegio de San Juan de Letran 345 77. UST Central Seminary 346 78. UST Fathers’ Library 346 79. UST Library seal during the first half of the 18th century 347 80.
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