THE CATHOLIC. :;Jjt':R:R;=\-::;::^ a Return of the Quantities of Com, Meal, and Destructive Rapidity
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j^-' ' • ^-- "10*- mmi ^ li I-. 1 «te '•GOING TEACH YE ALL NATIONS, • • • AND BEHOLD I AM WITH YOU ALL DAYS, EVEN TO THE CONSUMMATION OF THE WORLD."--MAT. xxriiu |», W. Mi)Mj9 A.* PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1858. NO. 26 i MEMOIR OF pilots, gondoliers, muleteers, camel-driverii, ve-l tanoe firom the resting place of Tasso-—TAe ed by a council of ** Progressive Caiholiea," b^ARDINAL MEZZOFANTI. turivi, post-masters, post-horses, post-houses,! Rambler, was dragged in exile over the moantaips of k, post-e very thing: and, egad ! be astounded me Asia Minor, till he perished from fatique. St. —even to ray Engliah." Flavian, of Constantinople, waa beaten to death )r<*«C}u|»Td JoMph Menofknti was born of RELIGIOUS DAY-DREAMS. Mrr hwnbUi imt pious parsnts, on the 17th On the 2d of February, 1831, Gregory by a broul rabble of apostate Eoelesiasdea, <rft«eptembert 1T74, m ih» oity of Bologna." XVI. ascended the Chair of St. Peter; and Day-dream is no unapt expression, whereby the Gavazzis and Achillia of the fifth cen tury: and, at a later aga, when the Catholic 4UB« PMMM* intendod him for some humble one of his first acts waa to endeavor to get the to designate that feasting of the imagination celebrated Abbe to Rome, without appearing on unreal joys with which persons,* in good Religion had thoroughly leavened the public Hide* FWthor Reapighi, however, Superior to exercise any extraordinary influence to draw health and comfortable circumstances, some intellect, so that an excommunication shook ifsihfltOratory in Bologna, one of those bene* him from his beloved university. This event time!! amuse their hours of idleness. A reli the throne of the tyrant and caused the rust filiot'<3athoiis eeelesiastics, who have so did nut, however, take place until he was sent giout day-dream is an unfounded anticipation less debauehe to tremble in the midst of his flM beea tha graeroas patrons of obscure as one of a deputation to His Holiness, on the of some good in the religious order, never to filthy revels, wa read of Bishops imprisoned •Ml, praeared hin a liberal education, free suppression of the insurrection in Bologna, on be realized. and murdered, of Pope's persecuted and dying i^^MtpeoM* at one of those excellent histttu* which occasion the prelatial dignity was con Good, pious persons, whose spiritual vision in exile for adhering to the Right in the face of ttMipti^ whieh the prioeipal cities of Italy ferred on him, and shortly after he returned to is unconsciously and not fatally warped, some the powerful. Gregory VII. breathed his last m « well endowed. At the age of fifteen be Rome, never again to leave it. He waa suc times gets a habit of religious da}r-dreaming, in exile, banted to the death by the myrn^ cessively appointed Canon of St. Peter's, Pre and, from that, idle longings and fruitless aim- dons of an Emperor who had, in him, all the feiftMy niMtered all the elementary courses fect of the Seminary of that Basilica, firat ings after imaginary goods. materials of a •« Liberal Catholic" of 1863. eTdlMiMrie end philosophy, whieh occupy or- Librarian of the Vatican, &c., and every day A particular class of dreamers are those Boniface VIII., the last tyoe of a Pope of the Awy popile to a nnm more advanced age. added to bis knowledge and reputation. The who dwell, with pleasure, on the prospects of middle ages, fell under a blew, dealt by a alave Hsf«M then edaiNed, throegh the inflaence Pope, on one occasion, aroused himself by seeing all Protestants, Pagans and Jews con of the firat great Centralizer, Philip the Fair, # his knid paetor« into the episcopal college letting loose unexpectedly on him, in the gar verted to the Church-—who think that were of France, whose ambition and lust he pro if the diooeee. He ptoseeuted his studies dens ol the Vatican, a number of the students thia country, for example, to turn Catholic— scribed. It was the Catholic Henry Vtll. Wtlh ft saeoess of which ordinary capacities of the Propaganda, who all began to over were the foul mouths of .4nti-Catholic slander that cut England off* from the Church, and aili wh^y incapable, and displayed a facility whelm him with questions in their several ers to be closed, all trouble would be at an end martyred More and Fiaher—a Catholic Louie languages. It was a perfect Babel, but Mgr. for the Church. These men lose, in their j XIV. who, under the mocking cry of •*6alli- fcr aeqairing languages, which astonished the Mezzoianti, without being in the least embar Boet aeeomplMhed linguists. In illustration dreams, the true conception of the Church. ciaa Liberties," separated the French Church rassed, answered all in succession without the The Church can never be at peace until she from Rome, and paved the way for the M his extraordinary powers of memory, it is slightest mistake, either in the choice of words enters upon her everlasting repose. Like her butoharies and madness of 1794—a Catho- leeorded that Father d'Aponte opened before or pronunciation Divine Founder, she is set up for a sign that|/tr Joseph II. that made unlawful the commn< Un on one •oeaeiont a folio volome of the On the 12th of February, 1838, this amiable will be contradicted; the result of her institu-j nieationa of Bishops with Rome, and sntijeet- werksof 8t.Chryaeetom.and that on his read- and illustrious ecclesiastic was elevated to the tion is, "the ruin" as well as "the resurrecltd Theological Books, Catechisms, and Ser* mg • page with care, the book was closed, and dignity of Cardinal. On that occasion, the!/ton of many." tribulations are ever the gate| mens to the supervision of petty police officers ha reieitMl it eorrectly, verbatim! students of the Propaganda presented theirj of heaven. The Cross that hangs over our —a Cd/Ao/te Napoleon who dragged Pius VII At the are of twenty-one he received the congratulations to his Eminence in poems, Altars, or that greets the eye on our temples, from Rome to Font^nebleau, and there kept lOMore, ana in the autonn of the following composed in forty-three difl^erent languages, that we make on ourselves at our uprising and him imprisoned like a felon—a Cathoiic ra6- yaai^ waa made anb-deacon; deacon on the and the newly-creatod Cardinal conversed with down-sitting, in our supplications and our 6/e that, with ingratitude and perjury, and la^of April, 1797, and priest within six each of the students who read them. Some thanksgivings, is the symbol of everlastingj cruelty worthy oi demons, drove from the noiitha aflerwarda, though not of canonical Albanian youths arriving at the College, and union between the Church and Jesus Christ'Eternal City Pius IX., whose only fault had Igir thn Arehbiahop having granted a dispen there being no one who could hear their con crucified. The "Fan" o( the Eternal Son of | been to trust their plighted honor and theirao- sation. During the anoeessive occupations of fessions, his Eminence got a grammar and^ God "is in his hand;" and he will never cease lemn oaths. In a word, history attests it, Bologna by the French and Austrian troops, dictionary of the language, which has no atfin-j thoroughly ".to purge his floor," until the | common sense demonstrates it, the Eternal iil.tt96 and 1797, the indefatigable Mezzo- ity with any known tongue, and in a fortoighti "wheat" shall be "gathered into the garners"; Truth haa said it—the world is the irreeonoi- imi, while yet only a deacon, aeted as inter- was prepared for the sacred duty required !—j and the "chafi"" shall be "burning with un lable foe of the Church, whether from witkin pilltor betwem the oflieiatii^ deify and the It was net without reason that the Germans! quenchable fire." or from tvithout. The worid can be baptized^ ilUiars of thcl various nations in the hospitals^ called him SprachmbKndiger^ or tamer of Such is tlie sober truth. As there is no but never tanctifitd. There is no peace for md Utd the foundation of thtt onrivalled languages—of seventy.eight of which ke was peace for the wicked, so the wicked give no the Church on Earth—no Millenium. When hnewladM of Ui^tiages for whieh he was eventually perfectly master. And not only peace in this world to the just. God and the the last trumpet shall sound ever the graves of ahacwara ao celebrated. In 1797, he was, could be speak and write them with elegance Devil, the World and the Church, are at irre- Empires, it will find the Church and the noiwiteanding his youth, selected to give the and ease, but he was also familiar with the coocileabie war. World at war; scandals, rebellions, infidelity elaaeoiary course el Arabic to the students of best authors of each. The world.renowned Suppose that ell the people of this country rife. We may as well make up onr minds to Iba Uoivwsiiy of Bologna. In the year 1798, linguist, the celebrated Mithridates, could boast had become Catholic—suppose that oblivion it. Thia world is not our resu Day-dreams ha»«rilh the celebrated Ciotitda Tamhroni, the of a knowledge of only about one-fourth oil had already buried the whole brood of mon are futde. Let us expect hate, and fdlsehbdd, hin ProfiMMor of Greek—-who used to lecture tliis namber. streus systems and theories engendered by and calumny. But Truth shall triumph in nNied->and several other professors of the The whole life of this saintly and illustrious Protestantism.