A Survey of Recent Mariology Eamon R

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A Survey of Recent Mariology Eamon R Marian Studies Volume 30 Proceedings of the Thirtieth National Convention of the Mariological Society of America held Article 12 in Tampa, FLA 1979 A Survey of Recent Mariology Eamon R. Carroll Follow this and additional works at: https://ecommons.udayton.edu/marian_studies Part of the Religion Commons Recommended Citation Carroll, Eamon R. (1979) "A Survey of Recent Mariology," Marian Studies: Vol. 30, Article 12. Available at: https://ecommons.udayton.edu/marian_studies/vol30/iss1/12 This Back Matter is brought to you for free and open access by the Marian Library Publications at eCommons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Marian Studies by an authorized editor of eCommons. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. Carroll: A Survey of Recent Mariology A SURVEY OF RECENT MARIOLOGY 1978 was the year of the three popes, which provides ~ con­ venient starting point for this survey. In the spring of 1978 Fr. Edward D. O'Connor, C.S.C., of our Society, published a book which can serve now as a memorial tribute, Pope Paul and the Spirit. Charisms and Church Renewal in the Teaching of Paul VI (Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, Indiana, both cloth and pb) . The first part sets forth Pope Paul's thought on the Holy Spirit in relationship to other doctrines; the second part is a collection of papal texts, carefully dated and described. In chapter 8 of Part One, Fr. O'Connor considers "The Sac­ rament~, the Hierarchy and the Virgin Mary," three intertwined topics which characterize Roman Catholic understanding of the Church. All three rest on the principle that the Holy Spirit, who is personally present to believers, makes use of human realities to channel his gifts. The sacraments and the pastorate belong to the structure of the Church; Mary's role represents the personal and intimate, the unofficial and informal. After Pentecost the apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit for the sake of the people of God, supremely exemplified by the Mother of Jesus as representing God's people. In Marialis cultus (Feb. 2, 1974) the pope wrote of the "mysterious connection between the Holy Spirit and Mary," and, also for its ecumenical importance, urged study of that bond. On the occasion of the papal pilgrimage to Fatima, May 13, 1967, Signum magnum (with its apocalyptic title) and the discourse on the return to Rome both linked Mary and the Spirit: "We invite you to honor the Holy Spirit in the Madonna; she was filled by him and from him received her divine motherhood. Let us honor the Holy Spirit in the Church, which is his temple and the vehicle which ministers him to XXX (1979) MARIAN STUDIES 140-180 Published by eCommons, 1979 1 Marian Studies, Vol. 30 [1979], Art. 12 A Survey of Recent Mariology 141 souls. Let us honor the Holy Spirit in each person who has received him, in your own persons, who have been elevated by him to the Christian life." Quotations might easily be multiplied; Fr. O'Connor's book gives a splendid selection and indications of still others, e.g., to the Bishops' Synod, Rome, at St. Mary Major, Oct. 25, 1969 (also in the English L'Osservatore Romano, Nov. 6, 1969). The book has a foreword by Cardinal Suenens, who calls to the notice of those in the Charismatic Renewal "the important passages ... on the necessary connection between charism and hierarchy, charism and sacramental life, charism and devotion to Mary." Then the Belgian cardinal recalled how at South Bend in 1974 he had said the future fruitfulness of the Charis­ matic Ren~wal would depend, for Catholics, on being deeply rooted in the Church;· in his exact words: "Concretely, this means their acceptance of the magisterium of Peter and of the spiritual motherhood of Mary. Christ was born of Mary and the Holy Spirit, and this indissoluble association remains a vital one." The brief pontificate, the 33 days, of Pope John Paul I, who had been Albino Luciani, cardinal archbishop of Venice, began with warm expressions of confidence in our Lady, and also strong support for ecumenism (message to the world at the end of the concelebrated Mass in the Sistine Chapel, Aug. 27, and in the homily of the Mass of Installation, Sept. 3). On October 16, immediately after being chosen bishop of Rome, John Paul II, son of Christian Poland, land of our Lady of Czestochowa, professed obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ and voiced confidence in Mary, Mother of Christ and Mother of the Church. The coat of arms of Archbishop Karol Wojtyla of Cracow bore the words T otus tuus (entirely yours), ad­ dressed to our Lady. His papal arms display a large cross, set slightly off-centre to make room for a capital M, reminder of the presence of the Mother of Jesus near the cross of her Son, and the exceptional part she plays in the redemption. https://ecommons.udayton.edu/marian_studies/vol30/iss1/12 2 Carroll: A Survey of Recent Mariology Published by eCommons, 1979 3 Marian Studies, Vol. 30 [1979], Art. 12 https://ecommons.udayton.edu/marian_studies/vol30/iss1/12 4 Carroll: A Survey of Recent Mariology 144 A Sttrvey of Recent Mariology Two numbers of Ephemerides Mariologicae for 1978 have come, single fascicle ( 1) of vol. 28, and a double fascicle (2-3). The first was on Marian spirituality, four articles: editor D. Ferm1ndez, on the beginnings of Marian spirituality; Ildefonso de la Inmaculada, O.C.D., on Carmelite spirituality; L. M. Puech, Le Christ et sa Mere} and G. Calvo on the joys of our Lady in Iiiigo de Mendoza, O.F.M. (d. 1507 ?) . The second (double) fascicle has as theme the Holy Spirit and Mary, in eight articles by well-known writers. Xabier Pikaza writes of St. Luke, F. F. Ramos of St. John. Ismael Bengoechea, O.C.D., reports on the theme in St. Isidore of Seville. Manuel Garrido Bonafio, O.S.B., writes of Mary and the Spirit in Vati­ can II. Patristic tradition in Marialis culttts is the subject of the essay by A. Rivera, C.M.F. From Canada, Emilien Lamirande contributes Marie} PEglise et la matemite dans un nouveau sermon de .raint Augustin. A bibliographical bulletin by D. Fernandez-Alfonso Rivera on the Holy Spirit and Mary covers the years 1960-77. Cahiers MarialsJ capably edited by the Montfort Fathers under A. Bossard, has reached the 115th number with Nov. 1978; it continues to appear 5 times yearly (now $10 for Can­ ada and the United States, 80, rue de la Tombe-Issoire, Paris 14). The final 1977 issue was on Mary as virgin. John Mc­ Hugh of England wrote on the New Testament and both virginitas ante partum and post partttm. A. Bossard reviewed the French translation of McHugh's The Mother of Jesus in the New Testament (London and New York, 1975), La Mere de JesttS dans le Nouveau Testament (Paris, 1977, preface by H. Cazelles) . An interview with Bernadette Lorenzo took up "A Psychoanalyst and the Virginity of Mary." J. Godefroid's section, Celebrations marialesJ offered suggestions for Mary, Mother of the Church. No. 1.11 (Jan. 1978) was on the Hail Mary: for example, J. Dheilly on Scripture; J. Laurenceau and H. Holstein with theological reflections; Laurenceau on the history of the prayer. Published by eCommons, 1979 5 Marian Studies, Vol. 30 [1979], Art. 12 A Sttrvey of Recent Mariology 145 T. Koehler continued his survey of the Marian teachings of Paul VI, this time for 1971. No. 112 (April) gave papers from the 1978 meeting of the A.O.M. (Association des Oeuvres Mariales, Jan. 26-27, Paris) on the theme "to help us speak about Mary," papers by A. Rouet (on speaking about Mary and modern mentality) and J. Laurenceau on the good pas­ toral use of researches about Mary, biblical (R. E. Brown, A. Feuillet, J. McHugh, C. Perrot, F.-M. Braun, A. Serra),' psy­ chological (B. Lorenzo, F. Dolto), along with indicated read­ ings. B. Billet gives a 1977 Marian bibliography. No. 113 (June) was all on the Magnificat. Editor Bossard wrote of the many-sided rediscovery of the Magnificat: for liberation, for ecumenism, for hope; like the beatitudes, the Magnificat belongs to the present as well, not merely to the nostalgic past or hopeful future. S. DeFiores wrote of the Magnificat and contemporary theology, e.g., such movements as liberation, charismatic renewal and ecumenism. Among the other articles are: L. Monloubou with a biblical reflection; E. Hamel on the Magnificat, woman and the promotion of justice-with interesting insights on the social circumstances of Mary's day; Jean and Anneck Allemand contribute a medi­ tation, the "Magnificat of a couple." No. 114 (Sept.) gave main emphasis to descriptions of two Roman courses on our Lady: one, at student request, by S. De Fiores, at the Gregorian Institute of Spirituality; the other by A. Bossard at Regina Mundi, for women religious. A paper from a student in each course is given: A. van de Hulst on the Holy Spirit and Mary in personal spiritual life (done for De Fiores); H. Slieman on Mary, mother of God and our mother, in the Maronite liturgy (for Bossard). E.-M. Peretto reports on the Mariological work of the Marianum faculty. A provoca­ tive article by E. Hamel winds up the issue, How to Give Mary a Place in My Life: how to harmonize regina coeli with ancilla Domini, where does one find the editio typica of Mary, Mary's presence in the communion of saints and as our model. https://ecommons.udayton.edu/marian_studies/vol30/iss1/12 6 Carroll: A Survey of Recent Mariology Published by eCommons, 1979 7 Marian Studies, Vol.
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    Marian Studies Volume 29 Proceedings of the Twenty-ninth National Convention of The Mariological Society of America Article 11 held in Baltimore, Md. 1978 A Survey of Recent Mariology Eamon R. Carroll Follow this and additional works at: https://ecommons.udayton.edu/marian_studies Part of the Religion Commons Recommended Citation Carroll, Eamon R. (1978) "A Survey of Recent Mariology," Marian Studies: Vol. 29, Article 11. Available at: https://ecommons.udayton.edu/marian_studies/vol29/iss1/11 This Back Matter is brought to you for free and open access by the Marian Library Publications at eCommons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Marian Studies by an authorized editor of eCommons. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. Carroll: A Survey of Recent Mariology • A SURVEY· OF RECENT MARIO LOGY ' .'A ready 6:ample of . the frequent incidence of the Marian theme ill current Christian reflection is the June, 1977, issue of Catholic Mind. The Monthly Review of Christian Thought. Of ·four articles listed on the front cover, three have some­ tl,lip.g to say about our Lady. The first was the Anglican-Roman Catholic Statement on Authority, the Venice Statement (Sept. 1~7~, published January 1977). In the setting of an explana­ tion of papal dogmatic definitions as expressing the Church's mir).d on matters of divine revelation, the comment was given, ·.. Even so, special difficulties are created by the recent Marian dogmas, because Ang~icans doubt the appropriateness, or even the possibility, of defining them as essential to the faith of believers." The second was an address by the Jesuit humanist \'xfalter J.
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