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D E N V E a T H O L I C R E G I S T d e n v e H c a t h o l i c r e g i s t e r YOL. V. NO. 51 DBNYER. COLORADO, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1910. $1.50 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. PRICE 5 CENTS THE EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS. A General Election The members of the suite destined to accompany Cardinal Vincent Van- nutelli, who, as has been just officially Likely, But not Wanted—England Never Gave Major! ly to announced, will preside at the coming Home Rule—Scotland and Wales More ProgressiVie Eucharistic Congress of Montreal, have been nominated by the Pope. Two are Dublin, July 20—While the great very deed, the “predominant partner, ecclesiastics, Msgr. Ferdinand Di Crolj, struggle is in suspense we may take and she knows it. It is remaifkable Protonotary Apostolic and Dean of stock of the general political situation what deep-hidden prejudice exii Mons, Belgium, and Msgr. Sante Tam- and ask what are the prospects ahead England, not only against Irelai^, but pierl, Minutante of the Secretariate of for Ireland? Those who do the talk­ against Scotland and Wales, If they State, both prominent men in the ing and writing for the benighted peo­ try to force England’s hand. Lloyd world of Rome. ple of these Islands have had of late George can never be prime minister two themes of unlimited resource for for the very simple reason that he Is WHERE MAXIMILIAN IS REMEM­ the play of their fancy. For a month a Welshman. England, it must be re­ BERED. f they treated us to reflections on the membered, has never given a manorlty death of the king. They are now en­ in favor of Home Rule. She hais not In the city of Queretaro, Mexico, on gaged in speculation and prophecy on now given a majority in favor (j'f i-e the Cerro de las Campanas, the Aus­ the constitutional struggle. Not every budget, nor against the Lords. A ma­ trian people have erected a very beau­ one is a f>rophet, but we can all make jority of her elected members atre at tiful chapel over the spot where the reflections. One remarkable outcome the moment both Unionists and 'tariff Emperor Maximilian and his two gen­ of the king’s death was the unprece- reformers. These facts must be all erals, Miramon and Mejh^ were shot, dented_ manfiestation of sympathy in weighed befdre we conclude that a forty-three years ago. The exact spots, Ireland. And this has been followed new election will bring about any which were never lost sight of, are by a softening of feeling towards Ire­ great change. marked by tablets at the place usually land and the Irish question among all But to return to the map. For spe­ occupied by the altar rail and bear classes in England. Some part of this, cial causes Ireland, Wales and Scot­ the names of the generals. The low of course, will remain, but most of it land are column, which bears the name of Max­ will pass away. Indeed, it is now pass­ More Solid Than Ever imilian is encircled wuu a wreath of ing and we shall soon again be face in their Liberalism, and against the flowers bearing the colors of Austria to face wita the hard facts of life. Unionists. They have now a common and the tricolor of Mexico. On each Feelings thus arising from the abnor­ cause in the campaign against the i’pcurrlng anniversary of the death day mal-atmosphere created by a period of House of Lords. To these must be of the emperor a solemn mass is cele- mourning must be liberally discounted. added now the industrial North of bihtec in the chapel. The Empress For the moment, .however, this feeling England, particularly Yorkshire | and Carlotia, who lost her reason as a re­ weakens the extreme Tories and the Lancashire. As in Scotland, there is sult of her husband’s tragic death, is Irish Unionists in their hostility. It here a large vote. But that Is ncjt the still living, outside of Brussels, and is said to have produced an immense only reason. These industrial centers still waiting the return of Maximilian. Effect Upon the New King will be fixedly Liberal, while liberal­ SPAIN AND THE HOLY SEE. and that he speaks at present more ism spells free trade. The remainder warmly of Ireland than of any portion of England may be divided into three The relations between the Holy See of the empire that has expressed its parts. London is at present almost and Spain have become still more grief at the death of his father. evenly divided between the two par­ strained. The atheistic Premier, With regard to the future course f ties. The other two doubtful districts Senor Canalejas, has prepared a bill the struggle from the mists of all the are well under the influence of the forbidding any more religious orders prophecy and speculation,there emerge stiulre, the parson, fixed tradition, and to enter the country. Against this certain facts which seem sufflclently even ignorance. Election reforms audacious measure the Pope has nat­ clear and certain. Of the impending would make some change in them. urally entered a solemn yet vigorous general election we may use the lan­ They are characteristically English, protest. He justly contends that the guage heard so often in sermons on and they with London are capable of Spanish government has no right death—all admit that it is inevitable; being swayed to one side or the other whatever to legislate in regard to reli­ that it will com^ soon at latest. But if some great question becomes the gious orders so long as the Concordat the precise time and manner of Its issue and is tak^ by them as affect­ is in force. Negotiations having for Coming are hidden from us. Just like ing England profoundly. tneir object the modification of some death, if a general election were not In the Industrial Centers, clauses in it are being carried on by Inevitable, all parties would at present of England free trade was a more the government and the Vatican; and try to avoid it, and the responsible prominent question ik the last election pending these exchanges of views or­ leaders of both parties are Inclined to than that of the budget of the veto. dinary courtesy, not to speak of inter­ ward it off. Politicians of both British And it remains so. For the present, national usage, should have prevented parties are serious concerned lest the in England proper there is an abso­ him from taking any action^ in regard next general election should produce a lute lack of enthusiasm in the agita­ to ecclesiastical affairs. He seems result not sufficiently conclusive to set­ tion against the Lords. determined, however, to follow, so far tle the constitutional crisis. Tlfi^con- From this rapid survey it should be as he may, the example set by his tingency they shirk from, as it would evident that no great change can be fellow-infidels in France. But if he involve another dissolution very hort- expected from a new election. The tries to do this, he will soon find out . ly, and possibly yet another. This fear ending of the present parliament and that Spanish Catholicity is of a very can be read between the lines in both another election have no terrors for much more vigorous character than Liberal and Tory papers. The terror Ireland. She can expect nothing from that of Prance. All it needs is a crisis James Cardinal Gibbons which such a prospect unfolds to the tills parliament. She may be better like the present to stir it into activity. From photograph. Copyright by Holmes & Bisliop, Baltimore, Md. average members of parliament, not to off with the new parliament. The It must he confessed, unfortunately, speak of parties at all, is apparent. present liberal government could not that during the last election a large vacant see at Richmond, Va., and on Arenbishop Gibbons, by his ability to The Tory party Itself has a and would not carry Home Rule if the number of Catholic voters remained James Cardinal Gibbons October 20 of that year he was in­ handle a number of delicate situations, Special Reason for Shirking veto were abolished tomorrow. This away from the polls. Protests are stalled. As in North Carolina he at which included the making of a num­ this contingency. If a series of general may seem incredible after all that hak being adopted at indignation meetings once set to work to improve conditions ber of new church laws, again won the elections at short Intervals were ne­ been said and written on the subject. which are being held almost daily all His Seventy-sixth Birthday July 23, 1910—Fifty Years and in five years he had accomplished approbation of the Pope, who, to show cessitated, involving heavy expenses, But it is my firm, and I hope, unbiased, over the country. But votes are much a Priest, Twenty-five Years a Cardinal woniiers. Within that period he had his appreciation, nominated him for the Unionist party would be obliged conviction. True, Mr. Asquith has more effective than protests. (■rccteil five churches, founded and suc­ Card'nal. to adopt the policy of payment of pledged the party to Home Rule Former Disputes. cessfully placed in operation St. Pe­ The nomination was promptly con­ members, and. Indeed, of election “In Purely Local Affairs.” If there should, unhappily, be a rup­ (Copyright, 1910.) signed as assistant at St. Patrick’s ter's Catholic -Male Academy, St.
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