The Noble Values Contained from Shape and Space of Traditional Malay Residence of Pontianak City Dada Suhaida1, Siswandi2 {
[email protected],
[email protected]} Citizenship Education Study Program, IKIP PGRI Pontianak, Indonesia1, History Education Study Program, IKIP PGRI Pontianak, Indonesia2 Abstract. The purpose of this study was focused on the meaning and function of the shape and space of traditional Malay residence in Pontianak, and the noble values contained in the noble values contained in the arrangement of traditional Malay residence in Pontianak. Descriptive research method with qualitative research and data analysis techniques; data reduction, data display / presentation, and data verification. Data collection tool; observation, interview quidelines, and study documentation. The results revealed that the meaning of Pontianak traditional Malay residence is very important and has some sacred arrangement of malay traditional residence in Pontianak city came from the values contained in Pancasila, religious beliefs, aesthetic values, social values, and economic values. Keywords: Noble Vaules, Shape and Space Malay Residence 1 Introduction In the life of a cultural society it is a thing that cannot be separated from life together. Culture is the result of activities and inner creation (mind) of humans such as beliefs, arts, and customs, as well as overall human knowledge as social beings used to understand the environment and their experience and guiding behavior. Culture is the identity and characteristics of a nation, culture is something that is very important in shared life that has the noble values contained in it. Culture contains an overall understanding of social values, science and the overall social structure, religion and so on, in addition all intellectual artistic statements that are characteristic of a society [1].