Seamine Warfare.Pdf
U.S. Army Military History Institute Weapons-Mines Collections Division 950 Soldiers Drive Carlisle Barracks, PA 17013-5021 18 Jul 08 SEAMINE WARFARE A Working Bibliography of MHI Sources CONTENTS General Sources.....p.1 Pre-20th Century.....p.2 1900-1945.....p.3 GENERAL SOURCES Friedman, Norman. US Naval Weapons: Every Gun, Missile, Mine, and Torpedo Used by the US Navy from 1883 to the Present Day. London: Conway, 1983. 287 p. VF347.F743. Lenton, H.T. American Gunboats and Minesweepers. NY: Arco, 1974. 64 p. V895L46. Lott, Arnold S. Most Dangerous Sea: A History of Mine Warfare, and an Account of U.S. Navy Mine Warfare Operations in World War II and Korea. Annapolis: US Naval Institute, 1959. 322 p. D773L6. Melia, Tamara M. "Damn the Torpedoes": A Short History of U.S. Naval Mine Countermeasures, 1777- 1991. Wash, DC: Naval Historical Center, 1991. 209 p. V856.5U6M45. Patterson, Andrew, Jr., & Winters, Robert A., eds. Historical Bibliography of Sea Mine Warfare. Wash, DC: National Academy of Sciences, 1977. 137 p. Z6834M5P3. See also: -Bibliographies on Coastal Defenses. Sea Mine Warfare p.2 PRE-20TH CENTURY Abbot, Henry L. Report Upon Experiments and Investigations to Develop a System of Submarine Mines for Defending the Harbors of the United States: Professional Papers of the Corps of Engineers, No 23. Wash, DC: GPO, 1881. 444 p. V856.5U6A22. Also Addenda I & II, dated 1882 & 1884. Brown, W. Baker. History of Submarine Mining in the British Army. Chatam, England: Royal Eng Inst, 1910. 288 p. V856.5G7B76. Bucknill, John Townsend. Submarine Mines and Torpedoes as Applied to Harbour Defence.
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