Congressional Record-House. 4069
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1920. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 4069 Second Lieut. 1\farion Van Voorst, Coast Artillery Corps, from William Lascelles, Capron~ October 4, 1919. • l\Iary H. Hrdlicka, Cary Station. Second Lieut. Edwin B. Fitz.patrick_, Coast Artill-ery Corps, Jonn F. Bushmeyer, Cokhester. iram October 4, 191.9. John W. -Nelson, Donovan. Second Lieut. Dean R. Di-ckey, Coast Artillery Corps, from Florence A. Lilly, Durand. October 4, 1919. Cornelius D. Paulter1 ET.aru;ville. Second Lieut. William A. Sexton, Coast Artillery Corps, from Oscar E. Bantz, Fithian. October 5, 1919. John S. Dea~ Gr.and RMge. Second Lieut. Hobart R. Yeager, Doast Artillery Corps, from John F. Wendt, Huntley. October u, 1919. , John E. Alaekin, Lockport. Second Lieut. Ger\ais W. Triche!, Coast Artillery Corps, from Edward F. Tedens, Lemont. October 6, 1919. Nellie C. Ebin:g&, 1\IcLean. Second Lieut. Thomas W. Munford, Coast Artillery Corps, Louis W. Richter, Melrose Par~ from October 6, 1919. Nora E. Moulton, Metamora. Second Lieut. James L. Whelchel, Coast Artillery Corps, from Arthur F. Sturgis, Middletown. October 6, 1919. Charles V. Gould, Moline. Second Lieut. John H. Fonvielle, Coast Artillery Corps, from James W. Scott, Monmouth. October 6, 1919. Thomas .J. Perks, Mound City. Second Lieut. Joe D. Moss, Coast Artillery Corps, from Octo Fred S. Smith, Mount Carroll. ber 7, 1919. Jesse H. Fuller, Murrayville. Second Lieut. Edward A. Dolph, Coast Artillery Corps~ from Roy R. Bernar~ New Canton. October 8, 1919. Robert Sherrard, Oak Park. Second Lieut. Felix M. Usls, Coast Artillery Corps, from Omah Kinsall, Omaha... October 9, 1919. Carl E. Lingwall, Oneida. · Second Lieut. Edward W- Hendrick, Coast Artillery Corps, Th-omas L. Wallace, Pinckneyville. from October 10, 1919. William C. Karber, Rosiclare. Second Lieut. Bernard W. Slifer, Coast Artillery Corps, :from Guy 1\I. Martin, Royalton. October 13, 1919. Sumner V. Hodge, Sparland. Second Lient. Auston M. Wilson, jr., Coast Artillery Corps, Mae 0. Hewes, Steger. from October .13, 1919. Alva 1\I. Clavin, Sterling. INJ!'ANTRY. Lewis H. llow~ Warren. To be colonels. John F. Shimkus, W.estville. Lieut. ·CoL .Tohn S. Switzer, Infantry (Adjutant General's IOWA. Department) , from February 1:6, 1920. Wallace F. L. Merrill, Hazl.eton. Lieut. Col. Herbert 0. Williams, Infantry (General Staff), 1\Iae Dougherty~ Sanborn. from February 16, 1920. F:rank El ·wood, Sh.ellrock. Lieut. Col. William F. Grote, Infantry (Quartermaster Corps), .MASSACHUSETTS. from February 16, 1920. Roland 1\f. Baker, Boston. Lieut. CoL Isaac C. Jenks, Infantry (Quartermaster Corps), from Febru!ITy 16, 1920. _MISSOURI. Lieut. Col. Hanson E. Ely, Infantry, from F.ebruary 16, 1920. Fred H. Cordner, Auxvasse. Lieut. CoL Lewis S . .Sorley, Infantry (Adjutant General's 1\-rm'ADA. Department), from February -26, 1920. Owen H. Bott, :Mason. Lieut. CoL William 1\1. Morr-ow, Infantry {Ammunition Train), . subject to examination required by law, from February 26, 1920. TENNESSEE. Lieut. Col. Albert C. Dalton, Infantry, from February 26, 1920. .J-Ohn T. Clary~ Bellbuckle. To b.e lieutenant colonels.' Addle D. -Bell1 Springfield. Maj. Lawrence B. Simonus, Infantry, from .J"anuary 20, ~920. 1\Iaj. Merch B. Stewart, Infantry {General Staff), from ..Jan- uary 27, 1920. • HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 1\Iaj. Frederick W. Lewi~, Infantry (Adjutant General's De partment), from JJanuary 27, 192{). TuESDAY, March 9, 19~0. Maj. Dennis E. Nolan, Infantry, from January 27~ 1:920. The House met u.t 11 o'clock a. m. To 'be majors. The Chaplain, Rev. Henry N. Couden, D. D., offered the fol Capt. Collin H. Ball, Infantry, from January 20. 1920. lowing prnyer : Capt. A. Owen Seaman, Infantry ( Staff), from J"anu Our Father in heaven, in response to an urgent appeal from ary 27~ 1920~ our inner self w.e seek Thee, the rock of our faith, the in Capt. Clifford U. Leonorl, Infantry, from January 27, 1920. spiration of every laudable ambition, that we may bend our To be first lieutenant. ene1·gies to relieve the situation i.n which we find ourselves. in Second llimt. Hugh A. Murrill, jr., Infantry, fmm October the aftermath of the World War-the high cost of living, 9, 1919. prohibitory in its demands on the poor and middle dasses. _ Give us relief, we beseech Thee~ that we may live and pro ·CONFIR1\IATIONS. '\-ide for those dependent upon us. In the name of Christ our Executive no1ninatiot1,S confirmed by the Senate March 9 (legis Lord. .Amen. lative da'l} of March 8), 1920. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and ap _ CoLLECTOR OF INTERNAL TIEVENUE. proved. John J. Mitchel to be collector of internal revenue for the third ADDITIONAL 'BONUS TO SQLDIERS AND .SAILORS. district of Massachusetts. 1\Ir. ASWELL. · Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to NAVAL OF.FlCER OF OuSTOM.S. extend my remarks in the RECORD by printing a letter from a Albert W. Newlin to be naval offieer of customS1 .collections man who entered the Army as a pri\ate .and came out a major, district No. 20, at New Orleans. gi-ving reasons why the additional bonus to soldiers and sailors POSTMASTERS. should not be granted at this time. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Louisiana asks unani FLOEIDA. mous consent to extend his remarks in the RECORD in the man Robert L. Nall, Dade City. ner indicated. Is there objection? 'Villiam J. Carter, Homestead. Mr. GARD. Reserving the right to object, does the gentle ll.LIKOIB. man from Louisiana intend to send the letter to the Ways and I Annette G. Ferguson, Means Committee? Rose S. Beard~ Arenznlle~ 1\Ir• .A.SWELL. I do. Dora Clifton, Argenta. The SPEAKER. Is there objection 1 William J. IDnze, Beecher. There was no objection. 4070 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. ~lARCH 9, The fo1lowing is the letter referred to : H. R. 11756. An act to extend the time for the con truction of a LEESVILLE, LA., Ma1·ch 6, 1920. bridge across the Connecticut River between Sprjngfield and West Hon. JAMES B. .AsWELL, Springfield, in Hampden County, Mass.; and Washington, D. 0. H. R. 12160. .An act authorizing- the construction of a bridge MY DEAR DR. ASWELL: I have been reading for several days the press and approaches thereto across Red River .at a point a little east ilispatches with reference to the demands being made upon Congress by the difff'rent soldiers' organizations for the enacting of legislation look of north of ~ocona, in 1\Iontague County, Tex. ing to the granting of additional bonuses to soldiers and sailors, and ARMY REORGANIZATION BILL. while I know you are a very busy man, with little time to listen to me, I want to enter my protest against any such legislation. Mr. KAHN. 1\lr. Speakeli, I move that the House· resolve itself I enlisted in the Army in April, 1917, shortly after the declaration into Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union of war, anu served until after its close, part of the tin1e in France. R. When I enlisted as a prh·ate soldier tile pay was $15 per month. for the further consideration of the bill H. 12775, the Army Shortly thereafter it was raised to $30 per month..,~ or 100 per cent reorganization bill. increase for the private. I served as a major of Infantry and as a Mr. BANKHEAD. Mr. Speaker, I make the point of no major in the Judge Advocate G~neral's Department. I tried to give quorum. value received for every cent the Government paid me, anrl do not now consider that the Government is indebted to me nor that I am indebted The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Alabama makes the to it. It fulfilled its contract with me tu . the letter and did a little point of no quorum. Evidently there is no quorum present. more. At the time the first bonus was granted-the $60 bonus-there might M:r. KAHN. Mr. Speaker, I move a call of the House. have b~n some excuse for that. It might have been argued that men The motion was agreed to. were experiencing difficulty in reentering civil life and civil occupations The Clerk called the roll, and the following l\Iembers failed and needed a little money to tide them over until such time as they could relocate themselves, but now there i& no soldier who wants work who to answer to their names : can not find it and at good pay. Where, therefore, is the reason fo.r Ackerman Eagle Kettner Riordan voting this additional bonus that will mean but very little to the indi Anderson Edmonds Kleczka Rogers vidual soldier, but that will mean so much to the Nation. that is now Andrews, l\Id. Ellsworth Kraus Rowan sorely in need of every cent? Taxes are so high that they are, indeed, Anthony E ch Kreider Rowe burllcnsome. Business is being injured by this excessive burden. Dis Ayres Fairfield Lankford Rubey satisfaction is rampant all over the Nation and in all classes of people. Baer Ferris Layton · Rucker As I understand it, to grant the bonus another bond issue will have to Bell Fess Lee, Ga. Sa bath be tloa ted and taxes again increased. To give to the soldier this addi Benson Fields Lehlbach Sanders, N. Y. tional "money e:xpr~ssion" of the ~ood wil~ and appr~ciation of the Bland, i\Io. Flood Lesher Schall Nation only makes him feel that he IS an obJect of chanty. It argues Booher Focht Longworth Scully that these red-ulooded men that put the fear of God into the Huns at Britten Frear McAndrews Sears Cantigny, Chateau-Thierry, St.