no one lives forever 2 (2008) torrent download Haimrik Download PC Game. Release: 2018 Developer: Below the game OS: 7, 8, 10 Processor: Intel Core i3 Graphics: Intel HD Graphics Memory: 4 Gb Storage: 3 Gb Steam Reviews: Very Positive (75) 92% of the 75 user reviews for this game are positive. Version: Full Last Release. Books of magic that exist in the universe Haimrik able to kill medieval opponents. But this will take blood. Having found such a book, you need to shed your blood, then you can move into it. A dragon or any other creature will be defeated not only on its pages, but also in virtual reality. Using this secret of victory, King Udolph was able to unite his state of Estonia, divided among the enemies. He, along with some of his subjects, received the title of Warriors of Words. The player will try on the role of Haymrick - a young scribe who lives near the castle in a poor village. Once in the basement in a local tavern, the youngster comes across this artifact. Here the main thing begins - the guy kills the Warriors, makes friends with a dangerous tigress named Masamba, forces the authorities to terrorize his village and arranges a real revolution to change the ruler. In general, the protagonist solves any problems with the help of a book.. In solving puzzles, it is important to correctly select not objects, but the right words, their synonyms, and make sentences. For example, in order to get a ruby, Haimrick needs to navigate by words. Here it will be written how the guy found a pickaxe, went into the mine, installed fasteners so that the ceiling would not collapse and began to mine stones. To kill a goblin, you can write "gold", and create a trap of sharp stones, throw it there. So the enemy will follow. The game also has arcade battles, during which you have to fight with different opponents and dragons, defending yourself with shields and shooting from a crossbow. The character will move inside the book mainly astride a tigress, with which he will be able to dodge fire and arrows, and jump. No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way. Прошел год с тех пор, как Кейт Арчер сорвала планы террористической организации, известной как Х.А.Р.М. Напряженность между США и Советским Союзом возросла, и две державы ссорятся из-за крошечного, но стратегически важного острова Хиос. Кейт вновь завербована секретной британской организацией , цель которой - предотвратить международные конфликты и сохранить мир во всем мире. Когда Кейт отправляется расследовать секретное собрание, она встречает новых и старых злодеев, которые, опять же, не остановятся, пока не уйдут с пути к мировому господству. No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way является продолжением «The Operative: No One Lives Forever», где по истории игры в 1960-х годах игрок сыграл роль супер-шпиона Кейт Арчер. Скачав игру через торрент, наш персонаж Кейт предложит нам много разных видов оружия и предметов, от пистолетов до автоматического оружия, а также от ее надежной бомбы для помады и других гаджетов. Сиквел представляет новое оружие и гаджеты, такие как тени для век, которые удваиваются как тазер, роботизированная бомба, замаскированная под котенка, и другие. Игра увеличивает легкие ролевые элементы по сравнению с оригиналом, так как игрок теперь может прокачивать интеллект и улучшать способности Кейт подкрадываться и стрелять, а также снаряжение. Продолжение сохраняет юмористический тон своего предшественника и переносит игрока в различные экзотические места, такие как Япония, Индия и парк трейлеров в Огайо во время торнадо. Игроки также могут выходить в интернет и участвовать в режиме Deathmatch или в кооперативном режиме, объединившись против врага. Download The Operative: No One Lives Forever (Windows) No One Lives Forever is a great FPS with many humorous quirks. The box describes the plot better than I could: "Assume the role of Cate Archer, a beautiful but deadly Operative working for UNITY - a super secret organization fighting to free the world from the clutches of H.A.R.M." What seems at first as a dry storyline eventually unfolds into an epic saga. NOLF 's ingenuity is evident from the first level. The weapons are unique and original, and the gadgets that you will use in your missions are even more unique. Lipstick explosives, lockpicks and welding tools hidden inside barettes, belt buckle zip-lines and robotic poodles are but a few of the zany gadgets you'll use in NOLF. Monolith certainly outdid themselves. Their mastery of the licensed LithTech engine is evident; you'll skydive from a burning jetliner, fight feisty sharks and protect a near-deaf world leader from assassination. All of this and more is surrounded by beautiful visuals and particle effects. NOLF also has a fantastic sense of humour. If you're stealthy enough, you can listen in and hear conversations that enemy sentries are saying. They'll talk about their band, all the way to their women :) This is a great addition. However, some problems plague this game. Repetitive music is one of them. I wasn't around during the '60's, but if this is what their music sounded like, remind me to burn all my father's records :) Also, horribly long load times are also a problem. I can go upstairs, grab a Pepsi, fill it with ice, take the dog for a walk and I'll still be waiting for it to load. I'm exaggerating, but a fast PC will help. All in all, this is a highly enjoyable first person shooter that was overlooked by the gaming populace. It should be in bargain bins (I got mine for $10) so pick it up and enjoy some campy fun. Two thumbs up! No One Lives Forever Download (2000 Arcade action Game) No One Lives Forever is a first-person spy adventure that takes place in a world that we'd all recognize, even if it never really existed. Settings and storylines are reminiscent of early James Bond films, with a healthy dose of Get Smart and Austin Powers thrown in for good measure. In designing the game world for No One Lives Forever, effort was devoted to finding the proper balance of 1960s post-modern kitsch and full-on, gut wrenching action. Think of the easy charm and deadly influence of the beautiful Modesty Blaise. Consider the quick wit and quiet precision of the Avengers' Emma Peel. Confident, understated, highly dangerous, and loaded with sex appeal, these heroines were surely an inspiration for Cate Archer, "the Operative" in No One Lives Forever. In the role of Cate Archer, the player will need to make her way through many diverse 3D environments, populated by wary guards and unique enemy bosses. As a top operative of the super-secret international anti-terrorist group UNITY, Cate has lots of weapons and gadgets at her disposal. She can gain access to 30 different weapons in all, many of which have four or five different settings or modes of fire. Cate's spy gadgets include a cigarette lighter that doubles as a welding torch, several shades of exploding lipstick, and even a robotic poodle. Hopefully this will be enough, as Cate will need all the help she can get as she investigates the latest catastrophe to hit UNITY. It seems that nearly half of the active UNITY operatives have been eliminated in just one short week and rival underground organization H.A.R.M. is bound to be involved somehow. This could mean a face-to-face confrontation with infamous H.A.R.M. operatives like Armstrong, the boxing Scotsman, or Inga, the neurotic, tone-deaf opera diva. This could mean trouble for Cate Archer. No One Lives Forever is the first game written to run on the LithTech 2.5 3D engine. The game features realistic AI, with enemies that listen for footsteps, notice footprints, and call for back-up in a heartbeat. Even "normal" citizens on the street behave rationally and react specifically to certain situations. The in-game music changes according to the action and cinematic scenes blend smoothly from gameplay, in an attempt to provide the player with an engrossing, unified experience. With a 1960s heroine, wonderful story, varied action, incredible scenes and acting, Fox Interactive and Monolith have brought us one of the finest action/adventures ever - No One Lives Forever. Although this is a review of the PC release, the recently released PS2 version is apparently much the same in terms of content. Further, Fox will be issuing NOLF 2 in October. Hopefully, this review will serve to whet your appetite for both releases. Reminiscent of my once-favorite USA Network series, La Femme Nikita, Cate Archer is a thief turned "operative," aiding the forces of good (UNITY). "I hope we're not inconveniencing you too awfully with matters of international security," drolly suggests the head of UNITY. "Of course, you can always go back to burglary." With agents being killed off by the forces of H.A.R.M., Cate and her mentor Bruno are pressed into service to save the day, and the world. Through 15 broad missions and some 60 levels, Cate travels the globe, with locations ranging from Germany to Morocco to England, the Caribbean, the Pacific Northwest, sewers and outer space. Her activities and actions include free-fall from a burning plane, snowmobile and cliffside motorcycle riding, SCUBA diving, flat-out gunplay, and - Cate's specialty - stealth. With this straight-faced rejoinder to the Director's chauvinism ("We wouldn't normally trust a job of this sensitivity to a woman"), Cate inadvertently suggests a theme for the entire game - one that applies in spades, from my perspective. With a compact but quite complete 34-page, jewel case-sized manual, effortless installation (300+ MB and 800+ MB options), and a "Bondian" beginning, NOLF has to entertain and envelop even the most jaded gamer. Four difficulty selections are offered, Easy to Superspy, which are adjustable during the game. Quick, manual and auto saves are available, with graphics, controls, and sound all configurable to your tastes and system. Your first assignment is a tutorial, nicely done, with other tutorials spread throughout the game. This is a brilliant move given the complexity of weapons and actions available. Importantly, moving quietly (sneaking) is emphasized. The in-game interface is logical and clear. "Intelligence" items and situational weapons arise during your travels and usually need to be picked up and soon utilized. Firing, object activation, reloading and zooming may all be done with the mouse. Subtle onscreen indicators show weapon choice. Nicely done. A little humor in the credits (humor is a dominant theme in NOLF) reflects the presence of LithTech 2.5, Monolith's vaunted rival to the likes of the engines driving Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament. Although seeming a bit "blocky" in comparison to those, I came away very impressed and could certainly "live forever" with this product if I had to. Colors are as rich and vibrant as the box art suggests, with facial animations, especially eyebrows and lips, giving definable personalities to the game. Outdoor environments are huge; models are beautifully done; enemies are highly animated and can appear in droves without choking your system. NOLF not only runs well, as expected, on my new Pentium 4 1.8 GHz, but also ran beautifully at 800x600 on my "ancient" PIII 450. . Cate is warned, after referring to the primary villain, Dimitri Volkov, as a "right bastard." Scripting and voice acting are as good as any I've heard in an action/adventure title. Humor is ever-present; acting is superb; sounds of weapons and the environment are right on; and the musical score will evoke fond memories of 60s spy thrillers. The entire ambience leads one to feel like a deeply involved participant in an interactive thriller. Sound and music are a hallmark of this title. Leave them on all the time. Not to be outdone by the likes of "," UNITY provides our Cate with an inventive array of weapons and devices, including lipstick grenades, cigarette lighters that weld, a barrette that opens locks and becomes a knife, zooming sunglasses that detect mines and lasers, perfumed sleeping gas, body decay powder (yuck!), and, of course, an array of pistols, carbines and rifles. There's even a briefcase rocket launcher! All that's missing is a fully equipped Aston Martin. As Cate wends her way through the 60 levels, however, we find that stealth and misdirection are required as often as shooting and blowing things up. These aspects were the most enjoyable for me and will be, I'm sure, for our adventure-minded community, sometimes providing opportunities to overhear some of the hilarious conversations of the bad guys, often characterized by amusing inside jokes. What the Monkey Island series does for humor in adventuring, NOLF does for comedy in "actioning." Using a combination of stealth, timing, gunplay and thinking, Cate follows an intricate and highly varied path. NOLF is a real page-turner. It's the least redundant (boring) action game I've ever encountered - a far cry from the likes of Rune, for example. In terms of weapons/devices, locations, goals and possible actions, you're always kept on your toes, never quite knowing what's around the next corner. Multiplayer is present (team or single deathmatch via Gamespy), but the primary thrust and enjoyment of NOLF comes with the rich and long single-player storyline, which offers multiple choices (sneaking versus shooting) along the way but is also not very replayable, given its scriptedness. Nevertheless, single play alone is more than worth the price of admission, with the frequent cutscenes, and great ending, providing reinforcement for your cloak-and-daggering. In terms of story and involvement in the game world, it just doesn't get much better than this! Superb craftsmanship, inventive scripting, wonderful acting, brilliant enemy AI, and sumptuous graphics are all placed in a huge, varied, and intensely colorful 60s setting by a team clearly bestowing care and love on their work and product. No One Lives Forever is one of the best action/adventures ever, joining the ranks of Half-Life, Thief, and Deus Ex as an equal. Cate is the grooviest heroine of the new millennium. My only regret was that the fun and wild ride ended. That's why NOLF 2: The Spy in H.A.R.M.S. Way, due out in October, is one of my most highly anticipated titles. Try the original (it's in the bargain bin at many stores), and I'm sure you'll join my enthusiasm for Cate's World. What I Liked the Most. It's a huge, varied and involving game; there are multiple types of weapons and devices; the music and voice acting are superlative. Download No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way. 2002, the year No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way was released on Windows, as well as Mac. Made by , Inc. and published by , Inc., this action game is available for free on this page. External links. Captures and Snapshots. Comments and reviews. Leon13 2021-02-07 -1 point Windows version. I downloaded it, and put both the Lithtech and patch in the game folder, but neither do anything. I tried using Virtual Clonedrive to open the mdf files, but it said "Windows can't access this disk". Primogeniture 2021-01-02 -2 points. I got the same problem with @BRUMMI. Already put the Lithtech file tp replace the installed data. What should I do to fix it? Jack Rainer 2020-10-27 1 point Windows version. I completed the game on NOLFRevival version, worked like a clock on Win 7-64bit version. An advice - if you have problem with widescreen, like UI/text elements is beyond the frame borders, I recommend to install this patch on NOLFRevival version one-lives-forever-2-a-spy-in-harm/downloads/nolf2-widescreen-patch-v3. Naniyue 2020-08-24 0 point. Although playing the first enriches the experience of the sequel, this installment is much better. The graphics still hold up well, with great FPS gameplay plus RPG elements. The revival version works on Windows 8. And forget Contract Jack, as it's awful compared to the others. John 2020-08-14 0 point Mac version. It's not working on macOS Catalina Ver. 10.15.6, any solution? D3X 2020-07-18 1 point Windows version. Just get the ISO instead of the rip, installs and works like a charm! Glotzberger 2019-12-23 1 point. You have to put the downloaded NO CD File called "Lithtech" in the Gamefolder, to replace the original one. Rocky Roulette 2019-09-27 -4 points. The game installed correctly and all the patches but, i select my graphics options but it doesn't run. Can anyone help me? Katarina 2019-07-30 1 point Windows version. I love this game, it's almost 20 years old, but doesn't look dated. Works perfectly on WIN 10 64 bit. Thank you 100 times for manual, strategy guide and refcard, I can't get that from torrents. Hz029 2019-05-19 2 points. Not an .iso file but a .mdf file. Brummi 2018-11-22 3 points Windows version. Well I was able to pack everything into 1 folder and get past the start screen. But after pressing play I get the error message: Ivaild shell DLL cshell.dll. jane 2018-10-18 0 point. jane 2018-10-18 0 point Windows version. thank for this game. Roboprof 2018-08-17 -1 point Windows version. I never got it to run in Windows 10. Installed fine (it appears now in my start menu). Can choose options and it is correctly identifying my graphics card in "Display". Ran the 1.3 patch - completed okay. Tried to play game and got the missing CD message. Mounted the CD, but that didn't work. Downloaded and ran the no-CD fix. I don't know if the fix is supposed to look like it is doing something, but it doesn't for me. I ran the fix normally and as administrator, but when I click to execute the "fix", nothing happens. The game still asks for the CD. I rebooted, repeated the process, same result. Tried setting the compatibility in Windows to XP. No change. It's a shame, I used to love this game. sumbnum 2018-08-01 1 point Windows version. i've installed it and it will only run the start menu but not the main game. i'm using the latest version of wincdemu and i'm on a 64 bit windows computer. any advice? Cat 2018-07-13 -1 point. I can't get this game to run. I used WinCDEmu to mount the discs, ran the patch and NoCD 1.3. I get the startup screen, but when I hit "play" the game just dies. Can anyone help me, please? Note No.2 2017-10-15 0 point Windows version. a pretty good deising but you shoud fix the fire effcts so the game is. . . . good! Hotchip 2017-09-25 1 point Windows version. NOLF2 runs fine on W10/x64. MagicISO to mount MDS image extract each CD to separate folders (admin) install. Upgrade to 1.3 applied nocd patch. Runs great! I fondly remember the hilarity of the first game. PS: Crank every fx option to highest, ANY PC can run this. Not bad looking for 2002! Thanks!! Ajmal kamil 2017-02-19 -2 points Windows version. It is very good game. Marvelous 2017-01-10 0 point. Thank you for the upload, this is an awesome game. Cola 2016-12-30 1 point Windows version. One of my favorite games of all time, runs great on Win10 with WinCDEmu. Make sure you patch to v1.3 and get the v1.3 NoCD fix. There is a widescreen mod available too, search for Wobak NOLF2 widescreen v3 on pcgamingwiki. This game is unfortunately not available for legal purchase anywhere, so thanks for hosting it. Casper 2016-04-19 1 point Windows version. Download the No CD fix!! If your game won't even boot up, that's probably what you need. Shadow 2016-03-28 0 point. The links work perfectly well, i just used PowerISO and it did the trick, just mount both the discs and there shouldn't be a problem. arf 2016-02-26 1 point. so wanna download this, despite the size of the file. any success on opening the game? Anyone? jodave 2016-01-18 0 point. i can't open the file. i'm trying to use daemon tools lite but it doesn't work. Can someone help me? RICKAISA 2015-10-13 -3 points. LuisSalazar 2015-06-10 -2 points Mac version. It doesnt work the game in tiger, i put the patch and still open the game HELP PLEASE. Jason 2015-01-24 0 point Mac version. On the plus side, the download is really fast for such a big file. Unfortunately, whenever you try and open the game it asks you to insert the CD, which of course I don't have. Write a comment. Share your gamer memories, help others to run the game or comment anything you'd like. If you have trouble to run No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way (Windows), read the abandonware guide first! Download No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way. We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentations when possible. If the manual is missing and you own the original manual, please contact us!