1. Election of 1828: defeats John Quincy Adams. Tariff of 1828 destroyed Adams, negative campaigning occurred for first time. Jackson

 War Hero  Nicknames… Old Hickory  Common Man  Born in a Log Cabin John  Education? Quincy  Rags to Riches Adams  Campaign/Hard Cider  Slogans & Songs Popular  Know the People Home Electoral States Candidate Party Vote  Stump Speeches State Vote Carried (%)

From Kinderhook, NY… originally Andrew 642,553 Dem TN 178 15 from the “Clintonian” Democratic- Jackson (56%) Republicans. He becomes Jackson’s John Secretary of State. Can be considered Nat’l 500,897 Quincy MA 83 9 Martin the “brains” behind the creation of Rep. (43.6%) Adams VanBuren the Democratic Party. A tariff is a tax on The Tariff of 1824 included high duties on imported agricultural goods such as hemp, wheat and liquor to protect western farmers; imported textiles to protect New England interests; and foreign made goods iron to protect mining and forging industries of Pennsylvania. South Carolina had been imported into a particularly hard hit by the depression of 1819. The tariffs increased the prices of their imported goods by as much as 50 percent. South Carolina asserted that the tariffs were unfair nation. as a tax on Southern agriculture for the benefit of Northern industry.

The Tariff of Nicknamed the 1824 was the “Tariff of nations second Abominations” after that in 1816; each slowly raised the “Abomination” is anything tax on imports. abominable; anything greatly disliked or abhorred; something evil. Jackson’s Vice President & outspoken opponent against the Tariff of 1828; from the State of S.C. (hit the hardest by the Tariff) John C. Calhoun

Ignite Learning: (1:40)

2. Development of Jacksonian Democracy: a. Democratic-Republican Party splits as a result of election in 1828. b. Jeffersonian Republican Party Jackson became a group of conservative states rights politicians. c. Jacksonian Democratic Party became a group of strong national government politicians concerned for the middle class citizens.

Martin Grand Old Party VanBuren Jefferson 3. Jackson’s new generation of politics: a. Get the people involved. b. Equality (for the white male Educated land owner). Leadership c. Everyone gets a fair chance to Madison succeed. 4. Jackson implements the “Spoils System”. John Eaton was Senator from Tenn. 1818- 1829; Sec. of War 1829-1831; Gov. of Florida 1834-1836 and Ambassador to Spain 1836-1840.

Andrew Jackson Donelson John Eaton John C. Margaret Calhoun (Peggy) Martin Francis Eaton VanBuren Preston Blair

5. Peggy Eaton Incident: John H. Eaton was Sec. Of War & from Tennessee. His wife, Peggy, creates a disturbance among the cabinet members wives because of her background (shows problems w/ the spoils Floride system). Calhoun 6. in South Carolina: John C. If South Calhoun resigns as vice-president in protest to Carolina the Tariff of 1828. He attempts to get S. threatens to leave the U.S. Carolina to secede from the U.S. I will use the military! South Carolina Andrew Let’s will secede if this Compromise! Tariff is not reduced… Jackson

The will eventually lower the Tariff of 1828 BUT not The Kentucky/Virginia John C. until it nearly Resolutions… States Rights Calhoun (10 th Amendment causes a Civil War & forces Calhoun to Ignite Learning: Tariff of resign… Abominations (1:40) 7. Election of 1832: Multiple political parties arise in opposition to Jacksonian Democrats. Parties such as the Whig, Anti-Mason, Free- Soil, and Know Nothings…

Popular Home Electoral States Candidate Party Vote State Vote Carried (%)

Andrew 701,780 Dem TN 219 16 Jackson (54.2%)

Henry Nat’l 484,205 MA 49 6 Clay Rep (37.4%) John Nullifier VA ? 11 1 Floyd William Anti- 100,715 MD 7 1 Floyd Wirt Wirt Masonic (7.8%) 8. Jackson’s Presidential Problems: a. Jackson vs. Bank of U.S.: The bank was up for reevaluation in 1832. Jackson was opposed to it because it favored the upper class. Strong opposition to the president comes from Nicholas Biddle & Senator Webster from the state of Massachusetts.

Party Conflict was actually Second Bank of U.S. had a 20 year charter Social Class Conflict in the that was up for 1830’s… reevaluation for in 1836… Nicholas Biddle Bank of U.S.

Daniel Webster 8 b. Indian Relations: Jackson had little respect for I am a Senator from TN & I Indians. This attitude had developed from his dominance against the over them in the & when he took Florida in Indian Removal 1814. Law! 1. Indian Removal Law of 1830 (cost $500,000). David 2. Trail of Tears was the result (relocated Crockett Cherokee Indians). 3. Black Hawk Incident: Black Hawk was the chief of the Sauk & Fox Tribes. They were relocated to Northern Mississippi region that was already the home of the Sioux Indians. War between the two tribes erupts & the U.S. viewed it as Indian hostility. Abe Lincoln & Jefferson Davis were sent to as U.S. reps., an Indian Massacre ensued.

Chief The Trail of Tears Black Hawk Lincoln Davis 9. Henry Clay (Whig leader) denounced ’ actions towards Indians in Congress.

Henry Clay

Andrew Jackson

10. Jackson’s Farewell Address in 1837…