Senate 6761 4864
1932 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 6761 4864. By Mr. LINDSAY: Petition of Nichols Copper Co., sentatives of the wholesale and retail merchants, bankers, Laurel Hill, Long Island, N. Y., favoring the passage of and manufacturers of Williamson, W. Va., urging that Con House Resolution 319; to the Committee on Ways and Means. gress enact legislation providing that bus and truck lines be 4865. Also, petition of Warrior Ideal Democratic Organiza placed under the rules and regulations and direction of the tion, 9 Seigel Street, Brooklyn, N. Y., favoring a universal Interstate Commerce Commission; to the Committee on 5-day week; to the Committee on Labor. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. 486ft Also, petition of Louis Brosky, 213 Kent Street, 4884. By Mr. STALKER: Petition of members of the Brooklyn, N.Y., executive secretary of the Unemployed and Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Washington, D. C., Unattached Veterans of Greenpoint, Brooklyn, N.Y., favor opposing the resubmission of the eighteenth amendment to ing the immediate payment of the adjusted-service certifi be ratified by State conventions or by State legislatures, cates, House bill. 1; to the Committee on Ways and Means. and supporting adequate appropriations for law enforce 4867. By Mr. NELSON of Maine: Petition of George S. ment and for education in law observance; to the Committee Staples and 86 other citizens of Maine, urging support for on the Judiciary. House bill 9891, to provide pensions for certain railroad 4885. Also, petition of residents of Hornell, N. Y., protest employees; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com ing against compulsory Sunday observance; to the Com merce.
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