Breakdown of Presidential Terms

**colors represent the president’s party (correlates with presidents chart)

Early America George (1789-1797) - Judiciary Act 1789-> John Jay (first chief justice) - Political parties: Hamilton (Federalist) v. Jefferson (Demo. Rep.) - Indian Intercourse Act 1790 (regulate all trade w/ Indians & lands only via official treaties) - Bank of U.S. 1791 (part Hamilton’s Financial Plan) - Neutrality Proclamation 1793 - Whiskey Rebellion 1794 - Citizen Genet Affair (French Revolution) - Jay’s Treaty- Britain 1794 - Pinckney’s Treaty- Spanish () 1794 - Farewell Address John Adams (1797-1801) - XYZ Affair 1797 - Convention of 1800 - Alien & Sedition Acts 1798 -> & Resolutions - Judiciary Act of 1801-> “midnight judges” -> Marbury v. Madison 1803 (judicial review)

The Republic Thomas Jefferson (1801- 1809) - “Revolution of 1800” - Purchase 1803 - Chesapeake Affair 1807; impressments - Embargo Act 1807 - Small navy James Madison (1809-1817) - Tecumseh and the Prophet (created Northwest Confederacy; posed threat of uprising) -> Battle of Tippecanoe 1811 - Non-Intercourse Act 1809- open trade to every country except Britain & France - Macon’s Bill No. 2 1810- trade to one that agrees to respect trading rights & restrict the other - War of 1812 (why: beat British-backed Indians & defend American shipping rights) - Treaty of Ghent 1814- peace but nothing else - Battle of New Orleans days after treaty (Jackson) -> increased support for war & gov. - Hartford Convention-> Federalist party died down as people supported war & Jackson - Renewed B.U.S. (2nd) 1816 - Tariff of 1816 (part of Henry Clay’s American System)- 1st protective tariff James Monroe (1817-1825) - “Era of Good Feelings” - Rush-Bagot Agreement 1817- demilitarize Great Lakes - Treaty of 1818- border US & Canada; jointly occupy Territory w/ Brit until 1828 - Monroe Doctrine 1823 (Adams’s idea) - Panic of 1819 o 2nd B.U.S. called in loans made to wildcat banks o Decline in agr. price - Tallmadge Amendment 1819- gradually free slave children & settlers cannot take anymore slaves into - Missouri Compromise 1820- admit as free, Missouri as slave; 36 30

Rise of Mass Democracy John Quincy Adams (1825-1829) - Corrupt Bargain (Clay & Adams) Andrew Jackson (1829-1837) - era of “common man” - party-nominating convention (National Convention) instead of “Big Party” conventions - halt to American system - Universal male suffrage - 3rd party- Anti-Masonic (1832 election)- intro idea of party platforms - emergence of Whigs (oppose Jackson; liked Clay’s American System) - two-party system - expanded power of presidency-> vetoed bills personally don’t like - spoils system - Tariff of Abominations (1828) - Tariff of 1832- lowered - Nullification crisis 1832 () - Force Bill 1833- justify his use military to collect duties in S. Carolina - Compromise Tariff of 1833 - Bank War o re-charter bill 1832 (Webster & Clay scheme) o Jackson withdrew money -> “pet banks” 1833 - Specie Circular (req. “hard” money to purchase land)- afraid of overspeculatation of land due to closing of B.U.S. - Indian Removal Act 1830 o Black Hawk War 1832 o Seminole War () 1835-1842 o “Trial of Tears” (Cherokee, Choctaws, Chickasaws, Creeks, Seminoles) Martin Van Buren (1837-1841) - Panic of 1837 (caused by Specie Circular-> run on banks) - Divorce Bill 1840- independent treasury William Henry Harrison (1841-1841) - Election of Wood Cabin & Hard Cider

Manifest Destiny & Expansion John Tyler (1841-1845) - “wolf in sheep’s clothing” - vetoed recharter for B.U.S. - lower tariff - Aroostook War -> Webster-Aushburton Treaty (Maine-Canada border= Aroostook River) - Annexed when Polk won - 1840s- 1850s: Irish & German immigrants -> Know Nothing party James Knox Polk (1845-1849) - Walker Tariff 1846- reduce 32% -> 25% - Oregon treaty w/ Brits 1846– 49th parallel - Restore independent treasury - Sent John Slidell to buy for $25 (refused) - Mexican-American War 1846-1848 o “Spot” resolutions (Lincoln) o Zachary Taylor -> Rio Grande o Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo 1848- Mexican Cession $15 mil - Seneca Falls Convention 1848 - Clayton-Bulwer Treaty 1850 (block canal construction)- US & Brit cannot take over area w/o ea. other’s agreement

Sectionalism Zachary Taylor (1849-1850) - Emergence of Free-Soilers - Wilmot Proviso 1846- free territory in all newly acquired territory (failed) - Oppose compromise Millard Fillmore (1850-1853) - Compromise of 1850 o Cali as free state o Popular sovereignty o DC abolish slave trade o Fugitive Slave Law (ended Whig) o TX gave up claims w of Rio Grande for $10 mil - (1852)- Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin Franklin Pierce (1853-1857) - Gadsden Purchase 1853 (Railroad for South) - Ostend Manifesto 1954- threatened to steal Cuba (backed out) - Treaty of Kanagawa 1854- Commodore Matthew Perry - - Act (Stephen Douglas) 1854 - Bleeding Kansas (Border Ruffians) - Pottawatomie Massacre – John Brown & followers- 5 proslavery murder - Charles Sumner 1856 – Preston Brooks James Buchanan (1857-1861) - Lecompton Constitution (proslavery gov. in Kansas) - Kansas entered as free 1861 - Dred Scott decision (Taney) 1957 - Lincoln-Douglas debates 1858 - Freeport Doctrine- only pop. sovereignty…power to the people - John Brown’s Raid 1859 (Harpers Ferry, VN)

Civil War & Reconstruction Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865) - S.C. secession, followed by Mississippi, Florida, , , Louisiana, TX - Crittenden Compromise- rejected by Lincoln; last try for compromise (pop. sov. In west) - Fort Sumter April 12 1816 - in border states (, , Kentucky, Missouri, W. Virginia) - Morrill Land-Grant College Act 1862 - Homestead Act 1862 - Legal Tender Act- stable national currency - National Banking Act- str. Banks - Naval blockade of southern ports - Suspension of writ of hebeas corpus in Maryland - 1863- conscription (draft) law – bail $300 -> riots - First Battle of Bull Run 1861- shattered Union hopes of fast battle - Battle of Shiloh 1862- shattered Conf. hopes for fast - Battle of Ironclads - naval (Monitor v Virginia) - Battle of Antietam (crucial Union victory)-> Emancipation Proclamation 1962 - Battle of Vicksburg & Gettysburg 1863 - National Union (War Democrats + Republicans) v. Copperheads (Peace Demo.) 1864 - Sherman march to sea 1864 - Hampton Roads peace conf. (didn’t work because Lincoln wanted unconditional surrender) - 1965 Appomattox Courthouse-surrender - Lincoln’s 10% plan - Radical Republicans’ Wade-Davis Bill(50%) – pocket veto - Assassinated 1965 by John Wilkes Booth Andrew Johnson (1865-1869) - Went along with Lincoln’s 10% …basically - 13th amendment 1965 - Vetoed Civil Rights Act 1866, 14th, Freedmen’s Bureau - 14th amendment 1868 (all former secessionist states have to ratify to be readmitted) - 15th amendment 1870 - “Swing around the Circle” speeches (unpopular; bashed everyone against him) -> congressional election 1866 (Republican) - Military Reconstruction Act 1867- 5 districts - Tenure of Office Act scheme 1867- Edwin M. Stanton; impeachment (did not work) - “New South”: Black Codes, sharecropping, KKK - purchase of 1867 (William Seward) Ulysses S. Grant (1869-1877) - Jim Fisk & Jay Gould- corner gold market 1869 - Credit Mobilier scandal 1872 - Whiskey Ring scandal 1874 - Emergence of Liberal Republicans (wanted small, limited gov.) - Boss Tweed & Tammany Hall (political machines) - Depression of 1873- bad loans & overspeculation of railroads & factories - Resumption Act 1875 to remove all paper money from econ.; restored credit rating & brought greenbacks up - Republicans split: Half-Breeds(James Blaine) & Stalwart (Roscoe Conkling; pro-spoils) Rutherford B. Hayes (1877-1881) - Tilden-Hayes standoff - Compromise of 1877- end of military reconstruction - Electoral Count Act 1877- special committee to recount ballots

Gilded Age James Garfield (1881-1881) - Half-Breed -> Stalwart assassinated - Greenback Party- James Weaver Chester Arthur (1881-1885) - Pendleton Act 1833 -> Civil Service Commission Grover Cleveland (1885-1889) - Mugwumps- Republicans against Blaine & voted for Cleveland - Interstate Commerce Act 1887- Interstate Commerce Commission (attempt to regulate railroad rates) - Budget surplus Benjamin Harrison (1889-1893) - Billion Dollar Congress (Republicans); Thomas Reed o Sherman Silver Purchase Act 1890 o McKinley Tarff- raise to 50% o Dependent Pension Act- distribute money to aging Civil War veterans - Sherman Antitrust Act 1890- first used against unions - Emergence of Populist Party Grover Cleveland (1893-1897) - Depression of 1893 -> Wilson-Gorman Tariff 1894 (even though he promised to lower) - Gov. nearly bankrupt -> J.P. Morgan for loan - Repeal Sherman Silver Purchase Act - Coxey’s Army (demanded cheap money & debt-relief programs) 1894- arrested fir marching on grass @ capital - Rejected annexation of

Imperialism & the Progressive Era William McKinley (1897-1901) - William Jennings Bryan (silver)- Cross of Gold speech (last attempt to win election w/ rural) - Mark Hanna- financed McKinley campaign - Death of Populist movement - Dingley Tariff 1897- raised - Spanish-American War 1898 (“splendid little war”) o Yellow journalism- William Randolph Hearst, Joseph Pulitzer o De Lome letter- Spanish denounced McKinley; published by Hearst o U.S.S. Maine explosion o Teller Amendment (Cuban independence) 1898 – withdrew troops1902 but Platt Amendment (permanent military base in Cuba; U.S. can interfere) o Dewey (ordered by TR) to Philippines o Gained control of Guam, Puerto Rico, control of Philippines, Cuba o Foraker Act- limited self-government Puerto Rico - Anti-Imperialist League - Insular Cases 1901- rights of people in acquired territories not same as those in living in America - Open Door Policy (John Hay) 1900 China Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909) - “Big Stick” Diplomacy (bad neighbor policy) - Panama Canal 1914- Hay-Pauncefote Treaty 1901 (Brits), Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty (Panama) 1903 - Supported Panama revolt against Colombia - Roosevelt Corollary 1904 - Mediated Russia & Japan dispute - Gentlemen’s Agreement 1906 - Root-Takahira agreement 1908- Japan & America respect territorial boundaries (Pacific) - Muckrakers o Jacob Riis- How the Other Half Lives 1890 o Upton Sinclair- The Jungle 1906 o Ida Tarbell- History of the Standard Oil Company 1904 - Square Deal- three C’s= control of big businesses, consumer protection, conservatism of environment - Trustbusting using Sherman Antitrust -> prosecuted Northern Securities Railroad - Threatened to seize coal mines & use fed. troops to run to end strike of United Mine Workers in & Penn. (Anthracite Coal Strike 1902) - Elkin Act 1903- rebates - Hepburn Railroad Regulation Act 1906- Interstate Commerce Commission power to control railroad rates - Meat Inspection Act 1906 - Pure Food and Drug Act 1906 - Direct primary, legislative initiative (electorate to vote directly for specific legislation), referendum (vote accept/reject), recall (vote gov. officials out of office) William Taft (1909-1913) - Dollar Diplomacy - Trustbusting (all trusts) -> standard oil company, U.S. Steel Corp. (TR considered “good”) - Payne- Aldrich Tariff 1909 “best bill”- high Woodrow Wilson (1917-1921) - New Freedom (did not account for social reforms, unlike TR’s New Nationalism) - Triple wall of privilege – tariff, bank, trusts - Underwood Tariff 1913 - Glass-Owen Federal Reserve Act 1913- 13 regional fed. reserve banks; federal reserve board - Clayton Antitrust Act 1914 - Federal Trade Commission Act 1914 Foreign policy - Missionary diplomacy - Mexican Rev. -> denounced Huerta’s rev. government; Venustiano Caranza overthrew gov. w/ American invasion; Pancho Villa launched attacks on Americans - Neutrality during WWI 1914-1917 - U-boats, Lusitania (Brit), Sussex (French), Zimmerman Note (threatened Spanish-German alliance) - War Industries Board, National War Labor Board, Food Admin (Hoover), Committee on Public Information (George Creel) - Espionage Act 1917 & Sedition Act 1918 - Alice Paul National Woman’s Party & Carrie Chapman Catt National American Woman Suffrage Association 1915 - 19th Amendment 1920 - Great African American Migration (to cities during war to take up jobs) - 14 points- freedom of seas, armament reduction, open diplomacy, free trade, impartial negotiation regarding colonial claims - League of Nations (never ratified- Senate; Henry Cabot Lodge led opposition) - Treaty of Versailles 1919

Roaring Twenties & the Great Depression Warren Harding (1921-1923) - Red Scare - Palmer Raids 1919-1920 - Prohibition 1920 - Sheppard-Towner Act 1921 – federal funds for health care to women & infants - ERA proposed 1923 - Promised a return to “normalcy” - “ Gang” - Teapot Dome scandal- Albert B. Fall 1929 - Emergency Quota Act 1921 (1910)- 3% of 1890, Immigration Act 1924 (1890)- 2% of 1910 - Fiver-Power (naval size), Four-Power (status quo in Pacific), Nine-Power (China, Open Door) 1922 Calvin Coolidge (1923- 1929) - Dawes Plan 1924 - support big businesses, propose higher tariff, deregulation of business & econ - Scopes Monkey Trial 1925 - Charles Lindbergh 1927 - Nicola Sacco & Bartolomeo Canzetti 1927 Herbert Hoover (1929-1933) - Great Depression 1929- buying on margin & credit, overproduction in factories & farms - Priming the pump; rugged individualism - Reconstruction Finance Corporation 1932- provide loans to banks, insurance co, railroads, state gov. - Refused Muscle Shoals Bill ( R.) - Dust Bowl; John Steinbeck Grapes of Wrath 1939 - Bonus Army 1932- Hoovervile; McArthur to remove - Smoot-Hawley Act 1930- hiked tariffs to almost 60% Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945) Alphabet Agencies: Emergency Banking Relief Act 1933 - banking holiday - reorganize & reopen solvent banks

Glass-Steagall Act 1933 (Relief) - set up Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Reform - insured people’s money in banks up to $5k

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) 1933 (Relief) - provided for temporary jobs - kept young out of riots - provided money for families

Federal Emergency Relief Administration 1933 (FERA) Relief - dole (government hand-outs) - Harry L. Hopkins headed - Direct aid - Create unskilled jobs

Home Owners’ Loan Corporation 1933 (HOLC) Relief - refinanced people’s home loans at lower interest rates - prevented mortgage foreclosures

National Recovery Administration 1933 (NRA) (National Industrial Recovery Act) - codes for “fair compensation” (working hours more spread evenly) - maximum hours; minimum wages - labor unions right to organize & collective bargain - voluntary by businesses - symbol= Eagle “We Do Our Part” - Schechter v. 1935 declared unconstitutional - Public Works Administration 1933 (PWA) - headed by Harold Ickes - construction of public works

Agricultural Adjustment Act 1933 (AAA) Recovery - protected farmers from overproduction & price drops - provide subsidies (government paid not to farm) - educational programs to prevent soil erosion

Tennessee Valley Authority 1933 (TVA) Recovery - federal gov. built dams to prevent flood & sold electricity - provide jobs, help with housing via jobs

Federal Housing Authority 1934 (FHA) Recovery - offer low interest on home loans - provided homes for people - provided jobs (construction of homes)

Securities & Exchange Commission 1934 (SEC) Reform - regulated stock market & restricted margin buying and frauds

Second New Deal 1935-1936 Social Securities Act 1935 (SSA) Reform - set up payment plan for old age, handicapped, children, dependents - payments funded by taxes placed on employers & workers

Wagner Act 1935 (National Labor Relations Act) Reform - guaranteed right to unionize & collective bargain - prohibited unfair labor practices - created National Labor Relations Board

Works Progress Act 1935 (WPA) Relief/Recovery - public works to provide jobs - fed children, redistribute food, clothing, housing

Diplomacy & War - Roosevelt Recession 1937-1938 - store-cellar isolationism - “Good Neighbor” Policy- would not intervene in Latin American internal affairs; formally recognized Soviet regime 1933 - Neutrality Act of 1935- prohibit sale of arms & munitions to nations at war - Neutrality Act of 1937- cash-and-carry policy - Neutrality Act of 1939- Am. ships still cannot enter war zones; 50 destroyers -> Brit. In exchange for naval base - (1939)- start of WWII - Lend-Lease policy 1941 - Atlantic Charter 1941- self-rule for all people, international econ. coop, disarmament (UN), freedom of seas - Pearl Harbor 1941 -> US enter WWII - Peace-time draft - Casablanca Conf.- unconditional surrender 1943 - Tehran Conf. 1943- “Big Three” plan to atk German then Japan - War Production Board1942 - Bracero program (Mexican farmers/immigrants) - Office of Price Admin (OPA) set caps on prices, wages, rents 1942 - “no-strike” pledge - Japanese internment (Executive Order 9066)- Korematsu v. United States 1944 - D-Day (June 6 1944)- invasion of Normandy (liberated Paris) - V-E Day 1945 May 8 - Yalta Conf. 1945- est. of UN, divide occupied Germany into 4 zones (Soviet, U.S., France, Brit), Poland- communist & old gov. to form new provisional gov. during war (Stalin promised free elections but waited 45 years)

Cold War Era Harry S Truman (1945-1953) - Postdam Conf. 1945- ultimately led to East & West Germany - Berlin Airlift 1948-1949 - Atomic bombs Hiroshima & Nagasaki 1945 -> Jap. Surrender 1945 Sept. 2 (Manhattan Project) - Truman Doctrine (1847) - Kennan’s containment doctrine - Marshall Plan (1948)- billions to for recovery - Forming of NATO - Recognized Israel (1948) - Fall of China 1949 - Korean War o June 1850- North invaded South with Soviet approval - “Point Four” - aimed to lend money & technology to help underdeveloped countries to improve themselves Domestic - GI Bill - Taft-Hartley Act 1947 (banned closed shops; weakened unions) - “Fair Deal” o Stronger civil rights law o Higher minimum wage o Extension of SS benefits o Funding of low-income housing projects - Second Red Scare o Committee on Un-American Activities o McCarthyism o Rosenberg trial (Klaus Fuchs & Julius and Ethel Rosenberg gave secret about atomic bomb to Russia)

Dwight Eisenhower (1953-1961) - Eisenhower Doctrine: containment in Middle East - Suez Crisis (1956) - Vietnam troubles begin - Massive retaliation (nuclear attack), domino theory - Arms race w/ Soviets (Sputnik 1957) - NASA Domestic - Dynamic conservatism (liberal w/ people, conservative w/ foreign policies) - Economic boom 50s -> growth of suburbs - ~ civil rights movement o Brown v. Board of Ed. 1954 o Little Rock 1957 o Montgomery Bus Boycott 1955 John F. Kennedy (1961-1963) - Flexible response (Robert S. McNamara) - Peace corps - Bay of Pigs invasion 1961 - ~ 30k “military advisers” to S. Viet. - Berlin Wall 1961 - Cuban Missile Crisis 1961 - Alliance for Progress 1961 (“Marshall Plan for Latin America”) Domestic - New Frontier - James Meredith -> sent federal marshals to escort - June 1963: publically aligned w/ civil rights movement Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-1968) - Tonkin Gulf Resolution 1964 -> “escalation” in Viet. - Operation Rolling Thunder 1965 – full-out bombing of Viet. - Tet Offensive (1968) Domestic - Civil Rights Act 1964 (“Johnson treatment”)- banned public discrimination & segregation o Equal Employment Opportunity Committee - GREAT SOCIETY: o “War on Poverty” ▪ Dept. of Transportation & Dept. of Housing and Urban Development o Education ▪ $$$ given to students ▪ Project Head Start (preschool for kids can’t afford) o Medical care ▪ Medicare (elderly) both 1965 ▪ Medicaid (poor) o Immigration ▪ Immigration and Nationality Act- no moar quota; 2x immigrants allowed, family members in, limit # of W. Hemi immigrants o Voting rights ▪ Voting Rights Act (1965)- ban lit test ▪ 24th amendment- no poll taxes Richard Nixon (1969-1974) - Vietnamization - Nixon Doctrine - Invasion of Cambodia 1970 (Ho Chi Minh Trail) - 1968 My Lai Massacre - Pentagon Papers (Kennedy & LBJ) - Détente o China & Russia 1972 o SALT I & Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty 1972 - Cease-fire 1973; pull out troops in Viet - Arab Oil Crisis 1973 (Energy Crisis) Domestic - high inflation o took off gold standard o freeze wages & prices - Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), Clean Air Act, Endangered Species Act - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - $$ for Medicare, Medicaid, Aid to Families w/ Dependent Children (AFDC) - Supplemental Security Income (SSI)- old, blind, disabled - Affirmative action - “Philadelphia Plan”- trade unions req. to hire quota of minorities o Backed by Griggs v. Duke Power Co. (1971) ▪ Prohibited int. tests ▪ Suggested hiring proportions same ratio as population - 26th amendment (1971)- 18 voting age - Counterculture - Equal Rights Amendment (failed to ratify) - National Organization for Women (NOW)- equality//feminist movement Gerald Ford (1974-1977) - pardoned Nixon - pulled last remaining troops out of Viet 1975 - Helsinki accords: o Boundaries of e. Europe o Agreements made on traveling from US to USSR o Guarantees made of human rights Jimmy Carter (1977- 1981) - humanitarian diplomacy o Camp David Accords 1978 ▪ Egyptian Anwar el-Sadat & Israeli Menachem Begin o Reestablished full relations w/ China o Panama Canal back to Panama by 2000 (1977) - SALT II 1979 (ineffective) - Iran Hostage Crisis 1979 (allowed shah to flee to US) - USSR -> Afghanistan 1979 o Embargo on USSR, boycott Olympics 1980 Domestic - high inflation-> cost of oil skyrocketing; interest rates high o proposed energy conservation laws but didn’t work Ronald Reagan (1981-1989) - “evil empire” - Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) “Star Wars” - Reagan Doctrine (combat any Marxist revolutions) - Sandinista in Nicaragua (supported contra rebels) o Boland Amendment 1983- forbade fed from further assistance for contras o Iran-Contra Affair (1986) – Oliver North - Backed Solidarity movement in Poland o Economic sanctions on Russia - INF Treaty w/ Gorbachev at 1988 summit meeting to remove all nuclear weapons aimed at Europe Domestic - Reaganomics (supply-side economics; “trickle-down”) - Reduce welfare programs - Recession of 1982 - High budget & trade deficit; increased national debt - Large military spending - Savings & Loans crisis (deregulated banking industry-> S&L enter risky corporate investments) - Budget cuts - Market Crash 1987 - Widened rich-poor gap George H.W. Bush (1989-1993) - Resolution Trust Corporation (support S&L) - Cold war ends -> fall of communism in Europe & breaking pt. in China o Berlin Wall down 1989 - Military cuts - Persian Gulf Crisis: o Saddam Hussein 1990 Aug. invaded & took over Kuwait o Bush -> UN ▪ Gave okay to use force to remove Saddam ▪ “Operation Desert Storm” – moved fast & lasted only 4 days - 1992- break-up of Soviet Union Domestic - Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)- banned discrimination of disabled - Water project bill to subsidize w. waters - Recession 1990 -> o Budget increase o Tax increase

Modern Era// War on Terror Bill Clinton (1993-2001) - Itzhak Rabin (Israel), Yasir Arafat (PLO) => Palestinian self-rule in Gaza Strip 1994 - North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)- remove trade barriers & tariffs btwn US, Canada, MX - Civil war on Balkan Peninsula o Yugoslavia pres. Asserted Serbian control over Kosovo 1999 o NATO (US provide most of air atks) bombed Yugoslavia for 72 days o Peace agreement June 3 1999

Domestic - Scandals -> impeachment trial 1998 - “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy - Family and Medical Leave Act- provice 12 weeks’ unpaid leave for family emergencies - Welfare reform bill (1996) - Republican Revolution- Senate & House George W. Bush (2001-2009) - Kyoto Protocol 2001 (refused to sign) - Sept. 11, 2001- Osama bin Laden - Operation Enduring Freedom- to locate terrorists & overthrow Taliban in Afghanistan - Office of Homeland Security - Transportation Security Admin - USA Patriot Act: o Suspected terrorists tried in military tribunals w/ lower standard for proof than in civilian o FBI can obtain warrants to review library or bookstore records of individuals o Wiretaps can be authorized more easily for use on suspected - Bush Doctrine: US have right to secure itself against countries that harbor or give aid to terrorist groups - Operation Iraqui Freedom- air & ground assault across Saudi border into Iraq (w/ Brit) - Saddam captured 2003 -> hung 2006 Domestic - 1.6 trillion tax cut - No Child Left Behind - Hurricane Katrina 2005