230 Adams, Henry, 32 Aeschylus, 191 Albaret, Celeste, 66, 71 Aldiss
Index Adams, Henry, 32 Barnardo, Dr Thomas John, 147 Aeschylus, 191 Barzun, Jacques, 228 Albaret, Celeste, 66, 71 Baudelaire, Charles, 194 Aldiss, Brian, 92–8: The Brightfount Diaries, Bayley, John, 107 93; Shouting Down a Cliff, 93; The Beale, Thomas, Natural History of the Sperm Twinkling of an Eye, 97; When the Feast Is Whale, 206 Finished, 98 Beatles, The, 70 Aldiss, Margaret, 94–8: ‘My Health’, Beaton, Cecil, 154 97–8; The Work of Brian W. Aldiss, 97; Beattie, Ann, 79 see also Manson, Margaret Beaumont, Frances, 144 Alexander the Great, 195 Beebe, William, 30 Alighieri, Dante, 27 Bell, Quentin, x Amis, Kingsley, 95, 108 Bellows, Henry, 220 Archimedes, 89 Benson, E. F., 150 Armstrong, Karen, 194–5 Bentley, Richard, 210, 211, Armstrong, Neil, 30 212, 214 Arnold, Matthew, ‘Dover Beach’, 23 Berg, A. Scott, 142 Auden, W. H., 124; Poets of the English Berg, James L. ed.: Conversations with Language, 27 Christopher Isherwood, 118; The Isherwood Auel, Jean, 110 Century: Essays on the Life and Work of Austen, Jane, Persuasion, 23 Christopher Isherwood (with Chris Freeman), 118 Bach, Johann Sebastian, 70 Bergen, Candice, 28 Bachardy, Don, 114–27: Christopher Berger, John, 196 Isherwood: Last Drawings, 126; Stars in My Bernays, Anne, The Language of Names, Eyes, 125; see also Isherwood, 142, 145 Christopher Berryman, John, 195 Bachardy, Ted, 114, 116 Bierce, Ambrose, 142–3 Bachelder, Frances H., The Bonaparte, Napoleon, 31, 104 Iron Gate, 109 Boothby, Robert, 161 Back, Barbara, 155, 157 Boswell, James, Life of Johnson, 27 Bainbridge, Beryl,
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