IN the NAME of BOSNIA and Herzegovinal HAS BEEN
1 SUD BOSNE I HERCEGOVINE Number: X-KRZ 05/49 Sarajevo, 13 December 2006 IN THE NAME OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINAl The Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Appellate Division Panel of Section T for War Crimes, composed of Judge Azra Mileti': as the president of the Panel and Judges Finn Lynghjem and Jose Ricardo Juan de Prada as members of the Panel, with the patticipation of Lcgal Officer Lejla Fadilpasi6 as the minutes taker, in the criminal casc against the accused Ncao Samardzi6 for the criminal offense of Crimes against Humanity in violation of Article 172(1)(a), (d), (e), (g), (h) and (k) of the Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina (the CC BiI-l), deciding upon the Indictment of the Prosecutor's Oftice of Bosnia and Herzegovina number KT-RZ-89/05 dated 30 March 2006, following the main and public trial, in the presence of the prosecutor of the BiH Prosecutor's Office, Bcltaija Krnjic, the accused Neao Samard~ic and his de tense counsel, attorney Slavisa Prodanovic, reached and publicly announced the following VERDICT The accused Neao Samal'dzic, son of I1ija and mother Kosa nee Babic, b0111 on 7 April \968, in Bileca, Serb by ethnicity, citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina, literate, tradesman by occupation, married, father of two children, served the army, entered in the records of the Foca Ministry of Defense, indigent, convicted by the judgment of the Higher COllrt in Mostar number K 33/90 for the criminal offence of Murder referred to in Article 36( I) of the CC SR BiH to an eight-year imprisonment sentence and by the judgment of the
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