
KHRYSTOS ROZHDAYETSIA! - IN UKRAINE 25th CONVENTION OF U. N. A. TO SLAVITE YEHO! BE HELD IN MAY, 1962 CHRISTMAS MESSAGE OF THE MOST REV. JOSEPH M. SCHMONDIUK, EXARCH OF THE UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC JERSEY CITY, N.J. (Spe­ City. Election of delegates DIOCESE OF STAMFORD cial). — The Supreme Execu­ and alternates should take Khrystos Rozhdayetsia! the birth of the Head is also tive Committee of the Ukrain­ place within 60 days from the the birth of the body. Even if The birth of our Lord ian National Association an­ date of the announcement, each one of those called (to the Christ was first announced to nounced at its meeting on De­ which is 3. 1962. Faith) enters in his own turn, (A special announcement of the word at large by the angel cember 28. 1961, that the 25th who appeared over the fields of if all the children of the the UNA Supreme Executive to the poor shep­ Church are distributed in the Convention of the Ukrainian Committee regarding the 25th herds tending their flock by succession of time, yet the National Association will be UNA Convention appears else­ night. Assuring them that totality of the faithful, born held in the week beginning where in this issue of The U- there was no cause of fear, at the baptismal font, are be­ May 21, 1962, .in New York kminian Weekly). but rather for joy he said: "I gotten with Him in Hia birth in bring you good tidings of great the same way as they are cru­ cified with Christ in His Pas­ U.N.A. SUPREME EXECUTIVE joy which shall be for all the m і people; for there has been born sion, raised up with Him in His S^^r^^r?: && $ Щщ (ttarals anb ^егр'Фпг (Ulirtstmas tErabittmts \g^>°j25^ to you today in the town of Resurrection and placed at the COMMITTEE HOLDS MEETING David a Savior, who is Christ right hand of the Father in His БОГ ПРЕДВІЧНИЙ У ВИФЛКСМІ НИНІ ВОЗВЕСЕЛІМСЯ ВСІ РАЗОМ the Lord." . Ascension." Благослови нас і збав нас, JERSEY CITY, N.J. (Spe-'cial picture with increased НОВИНА НИНІ! This prophecy of the angel How beautifully, how truly НАРОДИВСЯ Христе, cial). — On December 28, 1961. meraberahip, higher yield on has been continually fulfilled the Ukrainian people express Бог Предвічний народився, Визволь нас, Боже, з недолі. У Внфлесмі нині новина, Возвеселімся всі разом ниві, the Supreme Executive Com­ new investments and a favor­ in the hearts of his faithful fol­ this great truth when at this Прийшов днесь із небес, Засій в серцях нам бажання Пречиста Діва зродила Сина, Христос родився в бідній яскині mittee of the Ukrainian Na­ able mortality rate continues lowers ever since that historic time of the commemoration of Щоб спасти люд свій ввесь, чисте, В яслах сповитий, . Послідннм віком став tional Association held its reg­ to indicate further strengthen­ day some nineteen hundred and Christ's Birth, they greet each Тая утішився. Дай всім діждати дня волі! Поміж бидлятн, чоловіком. ular monthly meeting, which ing of all reserves. In view of sixty years ago. But it is at the other with the deeply Christian В Внфлесмі вародяься Щоб Україна могла щадітн: Спочив на сіні Бог необнятий. Всі утішаймось на землі! was devoted to a survey of the strong and favorable posi­ annual celebration of Christ­ form of salutation: Khrystos Месія, Христос наш, Христос родився: Славіте! Вже херувими славу співають, Всі утішаймось на землі гойно, UNA activities and accomplish­ tion, dividends to be paid for mas that this joy reaches a Rozhdayetsia. It is not merely Господь паш, для всіх нас, * Ангельські хори Бога витають, І честь віддаймо Пому достойно, ments during the year of 1961. 1961, were substantially in­ certain climax and is shared by a greeting wishing merriment Нам народився. » Пастир убогий Пожаданому, з неба даному, The meeting, which was pres­ creased. all the people, by believers and, during the season. It is a greet­ НЕБО І ЗЕМЛЯ Несе, що може, — Котрий увесь світ відкупив. ided by the Supreme President In his report Dr. Padoch ing by which we proclaim the in a sense, by unbelievers, by „Слава Богу" — заспіваймо, Небо і земля (2) Щоб обдарити Дитятко Боже. Пісні співаймо согласно, мили, of the UNA. Joseph Lesawyer, stated that the membership of cause, the reason for our re- the luke-warm Christian as Честь Сину Божому, нині торжествують, Глпиь охоч світлим, о, Божий І торжествуймо всі разом щиро, was attended by Stephen Ku- the UNA would pass 81,000 weH as by the ardent Catholic. joycing, telling why Christmas Господу вашому Ангелн й люди (2) Сину, „Слава во вишніх, а мир для mark at the end of Decem­ should be merry, i.e., because ropas. Supreme Vice-President, We see this joy all around us Поклін віддаймо! Весело празнують: На нашу землю, рідну країну, нижннх!" ber, 1961. This success was "Christ is born." This is a Mrs. Ann Herman, Supreme today, as a spirit of good will Христос родився, Зішли нам з неба, Весело світу голосім! Vice Presidentess, Dr. Jaroslaw made possible mainly because pervades society; greetings and greeting ' stemming from the Бог воплотився. Дар превеликий, of a specially initiated program .-.ges of faith, when the nations • Padoch. Supreme Secre­ gifts are exchanged by all as Ангели спіши >ть, Вудь Тобі слава на пічні віки! БОГ СЯ РАЖДАЄ~ tary. Roman Slobodian, Su­ of competition among the vari­ were still Christian, socially НА НЕБІ ЗІРКА ЯСНА ous district committees of the a natural expression of this re­ І князі питають, Вог ся раждае, хто ж Го може preme Treasurer, Dr. Walter and publicly, not contaminated ЗАСЯЛА! UNA. joicing. And that is as it should Поклін віддають, знати, — Gallan, Chairman of the UNA be. For the coming of God into by the secularism which infests НОВА РАДІСТЬ СТАЛА! Mr. Lesawyer also reported the world today, even so .called На небі зірка ясна засяла А пастирі грають, Ісус Му ім'я, Марія Му Мати! Auditing Committee, and An­ the world as a human being is І ЯСНИМ світлом сіяс, Ч;'ао, чудо! повідають. Нова радість стала. Тут ангели чудяться, on the financial status of So* Christian peoples. This is the thony Drngan. Editor-in-Chief yuzlvka. In 1961. that Is by the the greatest event in all his­ Хвиля спалення к нам завіггала Во Внфлесмі (2) Яка не бувала, Рождснноіч) бояться, greeting which our good peo­ of Svoboda. end of November, the overall tory; it is- the pivot at which Там Діва Бога раждае, —- Весела новина: Над вертепом зірка ясна А віл стоїть, трясеться, all human life stops, turns and ple to this day use on the an­ Чистая Діва (2) Mr. Slobodian reported that revenue from the UNA Estate niversary of Christ's Birth in Щоб землю з небом в одно світу засіяла. Осел смутно пасеться, — since the last meeting of the takes on. a new form and a new злучити, Породила Сина! In Kerhonkson was $212,000.00, Bethlehem. And as we relay Христос родився, Де Христос родився, Пастиріс клячать, Supreme Executive Committee, which was almost $30,000.00 direction. A new culture and Христос родився: Славіте! Бога в плоти бачать civilisation began that night this tremendous good news to Бог воплотився, (і т. д.) З Діви воплотився, the UNA has rearranged its in­ more than in 1960. The ex­ the next generation see how we Благослови нас, Дитяко Боже. І ми Христові (2) Як чоловік, пеленами — Тутже, тутже, тутже, тутже, vestments, including the sale penditures for the 1961 year in Bethlehem, whether the тут! proclaim the continuing fact of Скріпи свосю ласкою, Богу поклін даймо! Убого вповийся. of tax exempt municipal bonds were $185.000.00. After the world was conscious of it or І пастирі там к Ньому not and the whole world has Christ's coming. We do not in То і пекельна сила не зможе „Слава по вишніх!" (2) Просим Тебе, Князю, and reinvesting them in higher summer season of 1961 the been benefiting from that Birth fact say; "Christ was born" or Нас розділити з Тобою. Йому заспіваймо! Небесний Владарю, прибігають, yield corporate bonds and real UNA began construction of a even Christ is born." but Christ В Ньому Господа свойого huge pavilion which is almost of the Son of God in human Благослови нас, ми ж Твої діти, Бог воплотився, (і т. д.). Даруй літа щасливії, estate mortgages. Present in­ flesh, whether it admits it or ig being bom, Khrystos Rozh- Христос родився: Славіте! Христос родився. витають. vested funds exceed two mil­ half completed. 'dayctsia, implying, as it were, Тому господарю! Other matters discussed at not. The worlding may go ї)»хяяя5ад:іадхяизз»:^)«)ВД5адзвдл)адззд lion dollars annually. Unas- about repeating "Merry Christ; the progressive form of the signed reserve funds for 1961 the meeting were connected mas," or some other form of word 'born'. Yes, Christ is be­ Ukrainians Slow Down Project are expected to be in excess of with the publications and the season's greetings, vague and ing born again and again down UCCA Calls on Branches to Prepare the 1960 increase which administration of the UNA. as formless in his mind, even through the ages, today as in Of Installing "Big Brother's" amounted to approximately well as the forthcoming 25th paganish in its import, never­ the day of Caesar Augustus For Celebration of 44th Anniversary S300.000.00. The overall finan- UNA convention... theless he is unwittingly under almost two thousand years ago. Of Ukraine's Independence Voice «44 «««««(««««4 the spell of the Babe of Beth­ Would that the world over understood this lehem. He *is only fulfilling the NEW YORK, N.Y. (UCCA). tion of the Ukrainian National NEW YORK. Installation . Komsomotskoye Znamya (Ban­ 'Dumka" Chorus Presents great truth of their holy Faith. angel's prophecy: ". . . joy to The Ukrainian Congress Com­ Republic in Kiev. of one phase of George Orwell's ner of Communist Youth) re­ Would that the humility of the all the people." mittee of America issued a spe­ The UCCA Executive Com- nightmare projection of life J ported that installation work is Ukrainian Christ Child, the humility so cial circular to its Branches mittee stresses that all pro- і under socialist conditions in his j seriously lagging behind in six But for the true Christian manifest in the stable of Beth­ and Member Organizations cceds from celebrations of the I novel. 19H4. is running into ob-jregion s of Ukraine. The U- Program Christmas is not just an his­ lehem, brushed off into the stressing the importance of the •Mth anniversary of Ukraine's I stnclcs In Soviet Ukraine..Whcrejkrainia n Comsomol (Commu­ torical commemoration. It is hearts of all Christians during NEW YORK, N.Y. (Special). shelz, V. Barvinsky. D. Bor- forthcoming 44th anniversary Independence should he turned! its completion had been sched- nist Youth Organization) \глн" history, to be sure. The world this holy season. Then would Under the sponsorship of the tniansky, T. Kontsevych, P. of Ukraine's independence. To­ over to the Ukrainian National •'uled for the end of the year ordered every regional com­ cannot deny it. But the Incar­ Christ's Birth indeed continue Pvt. Nicholas Minue Post Pecheniha-Uhlitsky, K. Ste- gether with an appeal, special Fund, which finances all the ac-! 1961. mittee to enlist all available nation of the Son of God is a and spread and the joy pro­ 1260-American Legion. the tsenko. I. Verykiveky, P. Ko- form letters were sent, which youths in the work of installing continuing fact. It is taking claimed by the angel on the tivities of the UCCA. The end of the month of De- mixed Ukrainian Chorus I)um- zytsky. M. Kolessa. A. Ber- will be submitted by the UCCA ! these speakers. The Comsomole place everyday. Christ never first Christmas Day would be comber had been set by the ka ifnder the able and ex­ nyk and one. by A. Adam ("O ceased assuming humanity. Branches and Member Organi­ NEWS BRIEFS I Ukrainian Council of Ministers will work on Saturdays and a true "joy to all the people." Sundays under the direction of perienced direction of John Holy Night" i, which was by Through baptism the Christian zations to Governors of States NEW DELHI. An Indian I last year as the target date for Zadorozny presented a select В non-Ukrainian composer. "puts on Christ;" He begins to As the Christ Child is born and Mayors of Cities urging editor who just returned from a j equipping all apartments in the technicians from the Ministry program of Ukrainian Christ­ Mrs. Martha Kokolsky-Kob- live in His members: t$eCh ns- in our hearts eucharistically to­ them to issue special "Ukrain­ visit in Germany said: "East 1 republic with loudspeakers. of Communications. The loud­ mas carols at Town Hall on ryn of the New York City tian becomes a member of His day, adding strength to the life ian Independence Day'" proc­ Germans'arc angrier at the. According to the research staff speakers, which will carry gov­ Saturday, December 30, 1961.Oper a was the guest soloist. Mystical Body. The human race He began there at our Baptism lamations on January 22, 1962. West for not knocking down Jot "Radio Liberty." n freedom ernment programs piped in before an enthusiastic audi­ and Roman Stecura was the was cut off by sin from its nnd increased in the other Sac­ in commemoration of the 44th the wall that divides Berlin | network broadcasting to the from a centra! relay center, are to be installed also in all high ence, which overfilled Town piano accompanist. Other solo­ oneness with the Word of raments we received up to this anniversary of the proclama- than they are at the commu-i U.S.S.R.. a recent issue of the Hall. God," in Whom and by Whom period in our life, may we schools by the end of this year ists were Andrew Dobriansky, nists for putting it up. 'Ukrainian youth publication The program included U- all things were created." Christ show our gratitude by sincere and in all grade schools by the bass. Nadine Dworakiwsky and ЧГ>їЯ)«3«ї»ЯЯЯЙЯЯігЯЯ^З«л«5«)вЙїадз«ЯЯїад?«?^К^3^5!ЯЯ krainian traditional carol songs became man in time by His cooperation with His grace end of the current school year, Olena Zamiaty. sopranos, and ANNE MARIE GLUT of three different types: the Birth from the Virgin Mary. doing all in our power to ex­ the decree of the Ukrainian Bohdan Perozak and Olch Bo- RECEIVES MA. DEGREE Soviet Radio Listeners to Hear church koliady,dealing with the Through that Birth man is tend and strengthen His King­ Comsomol stated. The pro­ hachevsky tenors. FROM COLUMBIA theme of the birth of Christ. grafted back to the Tree grow­ dom on earth. May the beauti­ grams are heavily interlarded Although the concert was Christmas Programs on tlie koliadky, which although ing from the Root of Jesse. ful Ukrainian Christian greet­ with propaganda, of course. given in the midst of holiday they have underlying religious This is the continuing Birth of ing of Khrystos Rozhdayetsia, and New Year's celebrations, NEW YORK. "Radio Lib­ York, as well as Christmas "Radio Liberty." the "Voice of themes, are rather apocryphal Christ down through history which we will be singing and it attracted an impressive audi­ erty" will mark the Orthodox narration and carols. Former Soviet Citizens." broad­ in character, and the shelled- involving every human being. proclaiming to the world dur­ ence, among which there were Christmas this weekend with a casts to the Soviet Union rivky, which are sung during This is the mission of His ing these days express our deep The freedom network will many Ukrainian clergymen, wide array« of religious pro­ around the clock in Ukrainian the Christmas season, but not Church, to graft each soul to understanding of the mystery also include a live transmission who enthusiastically applauded grams for its audience in the and 16 other languages from in church. These were original its Head, each member to the of God's coming into the world of Russian religious services each number rendered by this Soviet Union and for Soviet high powered transmitters in works or arrangements of Body, each branch to the in human flesh. This is my from a "Russian Orthodox popular Ukrainian chorus in troops in East Germany. Po­ Western Europe and the Far noted Ukraininu composers, Trunk, to give it life, growth heartfelt wish for all our Very Church in Paris. the metropolitan area of New land and Hungary, it was an­ East. і jtich as M. Lysenko. A. Ko- and true being,— to give it pur­ Reverend and Reverend Fa­ "Radio Liberty.'' which broad York. thers, Venerable Brothers and nounced here by a spokesman casts into the Soviet Union pose, a glorious destiny. Our for the freedom network. UKRAINIAN "Ш.МКЛ" CHORDS OF NEW YORK CITY Holy Father Pope John XXIII Sisters and devout Faithful: around the clock from stations The anti-Communist net­ in his most recent encyfcncal this is my fervent prayer to in Europe and the Far East; work's Ukrainian language Aetcrna Del Sapientla, quotes the Christ Child of Bethlehem recently increased its broad­ on this Christmas Day. service will include, besides its casting strength to the Soviet these words from Pope Saint traditional programming of troops In East Germany. Po­ Leo the Great: "It is the Birth I Khrvstos Rozhdayetsia! Christmas carols, yuletide mes­ of Christ that determines the! • Joseph M., Schmondiuk, D.D. sages by four Ukrainian Cath­ land and Hungary from 20.000 Mrs. Anne Marie Glut, nee to 320.000 watts. The network's origin of the Christian people: Bishop of Stamford. Herman, a graduate of Mis- olic bishops in Western Europe, over-all transmitting' power ericordia College, Dallas, Pa., and a special program of 2 On the occasion of the Ukrainian Christmas, The last month received her Christmas greetings by Ukrain­ now exceeds one and a half million watts. Besides Russian. >3 Ukrainian National Association, with the Editors Master's Decree in German ian children in the .United States to the children in U- Ukrainian and Byelorussian, Jv and Staff of SVOBODA antt THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, from Columbia University. At present Mrs. Glut teaches the kraine. The radio's Byeloruss­ the network. . known also as 5 send warm greetings to all the readers, and wish German language in the Lodi ian Desk will feature, on the "The Voice of Former Soviet 3 them a happy and merry celebration of the High School in New Jersey. Christmas Day. . a Citizens." carries broadcasts Saviour's birth. She is a member of UNA religions service from the Bye­ in fourteen other languages Branch 395 in Maplewood, N.J. lorussian Cathedral in New і spoken in the Soviet Union. SVOBODA, UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1902 No. I

THE AMERICAN CHRISTMAS POLITICAL COMMENTARY MARRIED? LET UNA SERVE YOU! By CLARENCE Л. MANNING By THEODORE LITWINUK THE U.N. AND KATANGA Many young members of the will fill out a form for change To the visitor from Europe mas customs from those as­ Ukrainian NationaT Associa-1 of name which will be sent to and especially from the highly sociated with St. Nicholas who By ZRNON SNYLYK tion have married in recent і the UNA with the member's colorful and stable village cul­ was commemorated earlier on years and many others are en­ insurance certificate. Many ture of such a country as U- December 6. So here was an­ The United Nations' policy і the position of an undeclared of an undeclared war. on the war against the secessionist gaged to be married. The ques­ married women do not take the kraine. the American Christ­ other source of traditions to tion Of security is among the trouble to have their names mas offers a strange and dis­ be taken into account in the Congolese province of Katanga province of Katanga. This raises several questions as to means that the U.N. has now most important of the many changed in their certificates turbing confusion. He may well formation of a purely Ameri­ responsibilities of marriage; it and in the records of the UNA. be pardoned for wondering can ritual. The Swedes in New the principles and interests in­ adopted the. principle that, in volved. the name of law and order, it represents preparation against Since this may lead to delays in what it is all about, for the A- Sweden on the lower Delaware the inevitable. Every thinking the payment of claims we ad­ merican Christmas in its pres­ Is the U.N. to become a po­ will suppress in any member River brought in Scandinavian person provides for the welfare vise such members to have ent form is a weird and won­ customs and the French Hu­ lice force which, at the discre­ nation, any revolutionary effort of his loved ones in the event their names corrected right derful mixture of rites and guenots in such places as New tion of its secretary general, which has secession as its he should pass away. away. customs adapted from many Rochelle. New York, and can wage war against a dis­ objective. Thus, the principle of parts of the world with ap­ Charleston, South Carolina, sident minority in support of a non-interference in the political When a man marries he Many married members of parently little or no rhyme or introduced their own. As the central government which is affairs of member nations has examines his insurance to as­ both sexes fail to change their reason. country grew there were cele­ too weak to maintain itself in been abrogated by the U.N. If certain whether or not he has beneficiaries; they still have the U.N. can wage undeclared sufficient coverage. If not. he This is so because even in brations of Christmas in those power? The goVemment of the their parents designated as war against President Moise applies for. additional insur­ Editorials the earliest times the first areas of Spanish culture and United -Stка-н-stands practical-' beneficiaries instead of their Tsombe's secessionist Katanga ance. He does the same for his preachers and priests of Chris­ step by step the appearance of ly alone among the world's husbands and wives. This over­ province in effort to force its wife aftd, later on, he insures tianity everywhere in the world the Italians, the Greeks and the big powers in support of that sight may also cause trouble in submission to the central Con­ his children. He feels secure KHRYSTOS ROZHDAYETSIA - were not talking to people with Slavs have brought other con­ position. It is doing so on the the payment of claims. We urge golese government headed by and is not afraid of the future. no knowledge of their own past tributions to the common type theoretical premise that U.N. those members who have CHRIST IS BORNI Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula The man who treats insurance traditions, In addition to the of Christmas celebration and forces were sent into the Con­ changes to make to see their and Deputy Prime Minister as a bothersome and unimport­ Christian rites which they these groups will certainly con­ go, in the first instance, to branch secretaries as soon as .UNDREDS of thousands of Americana of Ukrainian Antoine Gizenga, the U.N. can ant detail, and who neglects to brought and which have re­ tribute more in the future, as maintain law and order oft be­ possible. descent in this country will again gather to observe participate in the internal poli­ obtain additional protection mained with relatively little their koliady and other songs half of the central government the centuries-old Feast of the tical affairs of any nation. after marriage, cannot be sure After marriage some "mem­ change throughout the cen­ are added to the store of the which was unable to cope with Christ, according to their traditional ways and mo­ of himself. He clings to the bers do not care to continue turies, they found in every re­ traditional English carols. The the internal chaos. From that The U.N.'s primary purpose res. They will have the traditional holy supper oi hope that nothing will happen their particular types of certi­ gion well-established folk rites Germans have given America premise the U.N. advanced to is peace among the nations of sviata vechera, with its celebrated 12-course meat­ to him or to the members of ficates and • cancel them. This reflecting the pagan faith of the which was the world. It is questionable less dinner including the kutia and other speciali­ his family. Should he pass is not necessary. The UNA will that particular people and as little known here except in Ger­ whether it should have gone ties of the Ukrainian Christmas season. They will away his loved ones will be left change one type of certificate well as they could, they toned man settlements before the gin immediately after Thanks into the Congo in the first think of their kin behind the Iron Curtain, the 45- in financial need or, if his wife for another (from Whole Life down and polished up and tol­ time of Queen Victoria. giving to put out Christmas place. It's involvement in that million Ukrainian nation, which is enslaved by Communist Rus­ or child should predecease him, to 20 Payment Life, for ex- . erated these rites and customs wares and the crowds in them nation's internal affairs, as is sia and for whom there surely will be no Christmas joy, inas­ The first conscious attempt he will find himself in an em­ ample), provided the member insofar as they could be adapt are urged to buy all their pur­ its undeclared war on Katanga much as Jesus Christ and all His teachings are banned in the to weld together some of these barrassing situation. Funerals, nays any resulting difference in ed to the Christmas message. chases early and not to clutter province, is a tragic misuse of Russian communist paradise. traditions was made in the burial plots and gravestones dues. Thus in early England the themselves and the stores with the U.N.'s power, prestige and But Christmas for us is more than just a traditional ob­ 1820a by Clement Moore, a authority. Article 1 of the U.N. cost money. A family with in­ Another important problem first missionaries found strong Professor of Hebrew in the a last minute rush which ex­ servance. It is a time for humility and hope in God, in His hausts everybody and especial Charter lists four purposes of adequate insurance protection in marriage is есопотут—"How Divine Providence and His eternal wisdom and goodness. reflexes of the Druidic and Cel­ General Theological Seminary usually goes into debt after a to get the most for the money." tic Winter solstice celebration, ly the salespeople in the stores the United Nations, the pur­ In more ways than one Christmas provides us with an op­ in New York. For his family pose given in Section 2 is as funeral. UNA members who pay dues in apparently consisting of the and his young friends he and the mailmen struggling portunity to practice the virtue of brotherhood and Christian under the burden of vast follows: "To develop friendly In view of this we urge our advance, either semi-annually charity. We rejoice over the birth of Jesus Christ, and we share use of fire and the misletoe. dashed off a poem, The Night or annually, realize a savings Later there were to be taken mountains of mail and Christ­ relations among nations based young married folk to investi­ our happiness with our loved ones, with our neighbors and Before Chrismas. He did it as on principle of equal rights and of up to six per cent. into account the remains of the a joke and linked together St. mas presents. As a result gate the extent of their protec­ friends. But our hearts cannot remain closed to even larger and Christmas has tended to be­ the self-determination of peo­ tion and. if it is insufficient, to broader manifestation of charity and brotherhood. Roman occupation of Britain Nicholas with the costume of All the matters discussed with the traditions of the Sat­ gin long before Christmas and ples, and to take other ap­ apply to the UNA for the here—additional insurance, in­ As in previous Christmas seasons, the United Ukrainian the German and propriate measures to strength­ urnalia, a winter solstice feast . He thought where the celebration con­ necessary additional insurance. surance for non-Ukrainians, American Relief Committee (UUARC) makes its appeal for tinued originally into the New en universal peace." Thus, it Some people have the impres­ Christmas donations, or , for the relief and assistance to where even the masters served nothing of it except as a joke change of name, change of the servants. There came North Year, it has come to end can be maintained that U.N.'s sion that the UNA insures only beneficiary, change of insur­ those hapless and destitute Ukrainians whose lot is less for­ but when a copy reached- a action in the Congo is contra­ German and Scandinavian tra­ publisher in Troy, N.Y.,he real­ promptly after Christmas Day those persons who are of U- ance type, and paying dues in tunate than ours and who live In Western Europe, specifically and what it has lost there, it dictory to the avowed principle krainian origin. The truth of in Wqet Germany, without hope of bettering their lot either by ditions brought by the con­ ized what the poem was and advance—may be referred to quering Saxon and Danes and has gained in the pre-Christ- of self-determination and the the matter is that the UNA ac­ the secretaries of the branches emigrating to overseas countries, or of attaining a better life got permission to publish it peoples' right to free choice in later to this mass of customs and that poem is still one of mas celebration, in the office cepts all healthy applicants of of which the persons concerned where they live today. Their only hope to improve their material parties, and in all those many their political system of gov­ Slavic origin and those who are lot is whatever little help their brothers and sisters from Amer­ were added those of the Nor­ the great Christmas classics in are members. Letters addressed man French. By the end of the innovations that have swept ernment. The U.N. was not es­ married to persons of Slavic to the UNA Main Office, Box ica and Canada can provide. the United States and set the tablished to maintain the inter­ Middle Ages there was in the pace for a new conception of the American people and now origin. This means that mar­ 76, Jersey City 3, N.J., will re­ There are some 20,000 Ukrainian refugees in West Ger­ nal status quo of nations. British Isles a consistent ritual, life exactly as Washington seem to be appearing even in ried UNA members may in­ ceive prompt attention. Non- many, who have no hope or possibility to emigrate to the United Prince Metternich's grand al­ of the Christmas feast not only Irving at the same time sati­ England with the increased sure their non-Ukrainian members are invited to write States or elsewhere. Among them are a number of aged persons, liance had such purpose a cen­ in the churches but in the lives rized the Dutch population in prosperity of many of the spouses with the organization and ask for a free copy of the war invalids and sick people who are in need of constant medical tury ago. And it soon crumbled. of the people and many parts the Knickerbocker History of workers. and their children as well. UNA Facts booklet in English; care and social assistance. There are a number of Ukrainian of this would have been most New York from Beginning of It is small wonder that this When a female UNA mem­ there is no obligation. Please children who need clothing, supplementary alimentation and Adoula's central government familiar and strange to the U- the World to the End of the year we have heard the voice ber marries she should inform mention this column when other necessities required for a normal standard of living. Here in the Congo is absurdly weak. krainian of the day. , of several Protestant and her branch secretary and he writing. is- where our koliada comes in handy. Not a Communist himself, he LuU pro Therefore, we will celebrate our Christmas fully and tradi­ In the reiigious disturbances has in his Prime Minister of the sixteenth and seven­ Ш £^£&п*Щ$ test* ™agains *•*t the» perversion **• ьs of Gizenga. a Communist member tionally, when we think of those brothers and sisters of ours their own folklore in an Amer­ 4 teenth centuries much of this Christmas and the extreme of his government. Katanga's who are in'need. With a sense of humility and renewed brother­ ican form and both works have was swept away by the iron commercialization of it. No one Moise Thsombe, long an СВОБОДА їЦ, SVOBODA hood, let us be generous in our love and our understanding of contributed disproportionately j discipline of the Puritan move- can know whether their words avowed enemy of Commnnism. the suffering of others. to the building of the American j ment. Christmas was thrown wJU have effect in the future. wunta nr part of a weak cen- It so happen that we have been extremely fortunate to live tradition. Gradually the Christi- out of the churches and the Igfe may be merely tilting at tra, gowr;meni irt which Com. in a country where we may worship Christ as we please, mas customs began to pene­ Puritans when they founded a necessary process but it is muniet influence is strong. and where our free will can direct our minds to fruitful and trate back into New England equally likely that bver a m mevtew they colony of Massachusetts beneficial deeds. and they were carried often in The argument is made that =J Bay provided heavy penalties period of years, many families Let us exercise the prerogative of our precious freedom a primitive form to the West only by the inclusion of miner­ SUCCESSFUL JOURNEY was not only to contact the for the heretic and papist who will come to see how far they and let us prove to those who persecute the Christian faithful as the Americans moved be­ al-rich Katanga province can heads of states In these Latin would dare to eat b> have strayed, from the religious in Ukraine, that we not only worship the Son of God, but that yond the Allegheny Mountains the Congolese Government be­ The three-day journey of American countries, but to es­ plum pudding, two favorite and folk traditions of their we also live by His precepts and commandments. These' impose and then to the Pacific Ocean. come politically strong and President Kennedy to Venezu­ tablish contact with the broad English dishes, on December people and will slowly change love' of our neighbor and compassion for those who are per­ By World ^Svar I there was in economically viable. But strong ela and Colombia was not only masses of people therein. At 25. To them there was no place their course. secuted and in need of assistance and help. the United States a fairly uni­ and viable on behalf of whom ? a personal success for our these meetings the President for Christmas jollity and they At all events the American Khrystoe Rozhdayetsia! Slavite Yeho! fied ritual. Christmas was a Gizenga's Communist associ­ Chief Executive, but it was a did not hesitate to speak open­ transferred all the church year Christmas is typically Ameri­ family feast and the Christmas can in its origin and in its ex­ ates? That is what Thsombe great success for the United ly to industrial and trade lead­ to the celebration of Fast Day, meaJ waa a,m08t прїШу cesses. It is not in its final fears and that is the reason States as a whole. This trip ers, to whom he appealed to m Hie spring and Thanksgiving jred at home from raw form but who can doubt that why he demands either in­ differed from other trips made Jieep in step with progress and WELCOME, 1962! Day in the autumn. j materia,8 Yet even then it was even if Ukraine became free dependence for Katanga or, at by American Presidents to for­ help their less fortunate coun­ In the south where the Eng- obvious that Christmas would tomorrow, and was able to re­ the most, a loose federation in eign lands, in that its purpose trymen to raise their standards As the New Year dawned, humanity's hopes for peace were lish Church prevailed, these inevitably change, once it had sume its traditional mode of which his province, rich in of living and general welfare. voiced on both sides of the Iron Curtain. President Kennedy and tabus were not in effect to the minerals and other resources, been separated from the agri­ life, the people in the new in­ war on Thsombe's Kat,anga Such an approach seems to be Soviet Premier Khrushchev exchanged New Year's "greetings," same extent. In the nineteenth and more highly developed cultural routine of the year. A dustrialized areas would find it province. Had the U.N. main­ extremely effective, and it is assuring the world that they hope for an improvement in rela­ century there began the slow than the others, will not be­ Ukrainian family may spend necessary to adapt their old tained strict neutrality between firmly believed that the pres­ tions between the United States and the Soviet Union. Both process of recovering some of come prey to either Gizenga's a couple of weeks in preparing customs to the modem condi­ the contending Congolese fac- tige of the United* States in messag a were optimistic. While President Kennedy's message the ancient traditions, fn so far Communist or Adoula's inept- all the articles of food which tions? That is what is going j tions and stuck to its duty of Latin America gained tremen­ was an open and sincere statement, that of Khrushchev was the as they were applicable, for it ness. were to be found in the barns on now among the American' ' maintaining law and order, it dously by the visit of the Pres­ perennial Soviet double-talk. Khrushchev spoke of his desire for is clear that there was no place and storehouses of the indivi­ people and without giving way The U.N. first went into the ! probably would not be in the ident. "the good of all humanity," in the same vein as he talked to in many homes for the cere­ dual family. That was not so to despair, we are witnessing Congo over the objections of і absurd position of waging a President Kennedy in Vienna last spring. monies connected in bringing practical in the case of apart­ another step in the adaptation the Soviet Union. To many, 1 politically inspired war against the log which was to burn ARGUMENTS AND COMMON The new year of 1962 inherited a number of difficult prob­ ment dwellers in one of our of the customs of thousands of that gave validity to its ac­ I a part of the people it came in the open fireplace for days. FATE lems which could not have been solved in 1961. There is the great cities and since World years to fit them for the twen­ tions. After its entry into the ostensibly to protect. Berlin crisis, there is one crisis after another in the Congo and So there came an involuntary W hen President Kennedy War I and still more since tieth century. Some may de­ Congo to preserve law and Britain and France have Algeria; there is trouble in Laos, in Goa and New Guinea. adaptation of many details. World War II, the progress of plore, some approve, but the and Prime Minister Macmillan order, which the central gov­ ] refused to give support to the met in Bermuda they both were In his statement to the American people on the eve of 1962 packaging food has grown process with many changes ernment was unable to do in President Kennedy said that there has been no real easing of Rituals of Many Nationalities \ U.N. action in the Congo. The in the same situation as they apace and the work of prepar­ goes on and on and fifty years the newly independent African Soviet Union has long op­ East-West tension since he assumed office last January 20 and On the other hand in the ing for Christmas has changed from now Christmas, the same were during the previous three state, the U.N. became involved posed the U.N. intervention, meetings. Although they had he does not expect any in the foreseeable future. Mr. Kennedy Dutch settlement of New its character. The growth of in essentials and in the reli­ in the political maneuvering of believes that a dramatic show of Allied military strength and a but for a different set of rea­ divergent views on a number Netherlands the Dutch tradi advertising has helped and so gious rites, will appear with the various warring factions. sons. The United States alone determination to fight if necessary prevented war with the tions were extensively prac- now we have an alarming com- the folk customs modified and of problems, both adhered to Its decision to support Adoula's supports the U.N. in its adop­ the same political heritage and U.S.S.R. over divided Berlin. He also said that the erection of ticed and preserved. These mercialization of the entire adapted to the twenty-first cen­ central government has now tion of a long outmoded policy common fate. In the face of the wall in Berlin by the Communists was an admission of sharply separated the Christ holidays. The great stores be- tury. engulfed it in its undeclared failure of their regime in East Germany, which fact was con­ of Metternich. (Concluded on page 3) firmed by Walter Ulbricht, East German communist boss, when he said that his power could exist only because of the support of the Soviet army. these meager results on Sat­ locked in the warehouse where Maxwell Street in Chicago." signs, no advertising, nothing AMERICAN CITIZEN SEES ATOMIC urday night. He is granted The President is convinced that the times ahead are peril­ they get them to go to work "I didn't see a good white with any color on it. Except three hours to sec his mother, ous, and that there exist a number of critical areas which can AGE SLAVERY every day. Nobody owns any­ .shirt the whole week I was in one thing. The giant neon sign two hours to visit his birth­ turn out to be the nuclei of new war threats. By FRED MORGAN thing, not an axe or a pitch­ the U.S.S.R., and no ties. Peo­ you see in every town glorify­ place and his father's grave on We cannot but heartily Bupport the President when he fork. '^Everyone works for the ple own one suit of clothes, the ing Lenin and Khrushchev and HAYWARD. Wisconsin. — can only follow specified routes the next day. But the Director said that the United States must identify itself with the new Government, the Government one they're wearing, and one the illuminating statement Joseph Herman Szumowski was with mandatory stops at "In- must never leave his side. • nations that are throwing off the chains of colonialism and at­ owns everything, even the pair of shoes, usually boots 'Great Liberators of Humani­ born on March 13. 1893, in the tourist" Hotels which are own­ So on the seventh day of tempting to emerge as free democracies. straw. My sister's husband left over from the army. Their ty'." village of BikSkernytsift", Coun­ ed by the government. The "In- waiting, Radio Joe arrives by whose pay, from the collective But, on the other hand, it is a high time that our State De­ houses are one room, eighteen "Everything I heard upset ty Pidhajci, County Tarnopol. tourist" Director there be­ taxi in Pidhajci, the home of farm where they both work, feet square and seven feet partment follow the policy on colonialism as expressed by the which was under Austria, and comes your guide. He is your his mother and sisters and the comes to one handful of grain me because I couldn't believe President Kennedy. While the President and Mr. Stevenson in high, with just enough elec­ is now a part of the Republic guardian angel, you are his town of 2,000 is out to greet a day. applied to the 'head' of tricity for one light and the such a state of slavery could the United Nations are openly castigating colonialism, Mr. Dean of Ukraine. He came to Amer­ responsibility, consequently he him. But no display of enthu­ the farm for straw to patch the Rusk, our Secretary of State, follows a different policy with compulsory radio with the exist among human beings. On ica in 1910 and in September never leaves your side. At just siasm conceals the pitful con­ roof of their house which is one station from Moscow. No the collective farm my sister is respect to the Soviet Union, the greatest colonial empire in the 1961. after 51 years, he made such a Hotel in Tarnopol, Radio ditions he'd been warned to ex­ over 60 years old. He said World today. We recall that Mr. Rusk wrote his unfortunate refrigerators, no inside water assigned to dig, clean and de­ his first visit home to see his Joe had to wait six days to pect. times were too busy right now. or plumbing or even a pump. letter to the chairman of the House Rules Committee advising mother and two sisters, his see if Moscow would give him to wait awhile. That was two liver 22 tons of sugar beets to him against the creation of a captive nations committee in the "My village hadn't changed They're still hauling from the father's grave and the house permission to see his 94-year- in 51 years," Joe says. "In fnct, mohts ago and the roof goes on village well." the refinery 20 miles away House of Representatives and expressed the opinion that U- where he was born. There is no old mother. She was only 35 it deteriorated. The streets are leaking." "There's no recreation for 2,- where she has to unload by kraine, Armenia and Georgia are "traditional parts of the Rus­ room in Communist doctrine miles away in Pidhajci, a trip muddy, but what's the dif­ "My other sister works in 000 people, no bars or taverns, hand because there are no sian state." This opinion, to be sure, is contrary to the U.S. Con­ for human desires as funda­ you or I make without the ference, there are no cars, no the hotel 180 hours a month no travel allowed without per­ gress, which recognizes these countries as bona fide colonies of mental as these as these and dump trucks. Women make slightest ceremony. But not an wagons, and no horses to pull for 30 rubles. That's 27 cents mission from the "head'. No Communist Russia, entitled to full freedom and national in­ Radio Joe Szumowski needed mud, then mud bricks. They American in the U.S.S.R. And them if there were. The Gov­ an hour. How can you survive hunting. Anyone found in pos­ dependence. all the wit, wisdom, patience crush stone by hand for the not a Ukrainian or a Pole ernment took everything from on those wages when a dress session of a firearm is put One of the New Year "resolutions" of our State Depart­ and ingenuity that earned him either. His two sisters and the people. There's no locomo­ costs 304) rubles. Her son against the wall and shot with roads, and carry it on stretch­ ment should be a lesson in geography and history, particularly his nickname and his fortune in nephew could cbme and visit tion of any kind, not even a makes 35 rubles a month as a no further delay. No TV, even ers because there are no wheel­ in the history of the Russian totalitarian empire, the lack of America to fulfill his mission him it was decided but his bike. The people are too poor. baker's helper. Do you know J which was most emphatically demonstrated in Mr. Rusks in TarnopOl with 60.000 people'. barrows. They dig the ditches home. mother was too sick. The week I can see it." if he'd go without food for four 4 letter a few months ago. Only one kind of bread comes for the sewers, load and un­ Tourist Director Blocks wears on. The machinery in "They're what I call Atomic years he could save enough for from the bakery, government load coal from freight cars." His Way Moscow painfully considers his age slaves. Their tools were a second hand suit of clothes order*. There's no progress, no іташа I urgent pleas, finally produces m 33 A traveler to the U.S.S.R. taken away from them and no better than you'd get on opportunity. There are no (To be continued) SVOBODA, UKRAINIAN WEEKLY. SATURDAY. JANUARY 6, 19G2

Installation of Holy Name Society STATUS OF THE CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE CONVENTION OF THE UKRAINIAN Officers in Newark IN UKRAINE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, INC. EDITOR'S NOTE: The fol-: "tolerates" different religioue NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE SUPREME AND TO BRANCH OFFICERS AND TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, THAT THE , lowing letter, written by Kor- sects especially those which nel Krupskv, chairman of the literally interpret from the Denver Branch of the Ukrain-'1 Jubilee j given by God." ianch Copgress Committee of . Kiev "the city of churches" America, appeared in Decem­ as it is known in history and 25th REGULAR CONVENTION ber 12. 1961, issue of The Den­ a cradle of monorcligion not ver Post, in Denver. Colorado: only of Ukraine, but also of of the some other Eastern European Many readers might consider nations, will not give up its UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, INC. Eugene Wyatt's article "Rus­ over 1.000 years traditional sia's Baptists" (Post, Decem­ religious heritage. As in Po­ ber 2) as something new in will be held in land, there will be not a wide tolerance toward religion in | ncMfo7rdig^sectI NEW YORK, N.Y. the U.S.S.R. Moscow rulers appreciate Knowing Kiev, Ukraine, and irticles similar to Eugene the Communist attitude to- Wyatt's which so easily ~pre- Beginning MAY 21, 1962 ward religion Horn experience, \ sent Kiev and Ukraine as Rus- I wpuld like to add a little ex­ sia. Of course, today Russians In accordance with the By-Laws of the UNA regarding election of delegates for the Convention, the planation to this article: are in Berlin too, but Berlin as Rev. D, l.al'iil.i. Pastor and Spiritual Director at St. John the qualifications for delegates, the number of delegates from each Assembly and the credentials of delegates are as After destroying the Ukrain- j Kiev will never be Russian. follows: Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church of Newark. N.J., speaking at ian Orthodox and the Catholic The election of delegates and their alternates must be held within 60 days of the announcement of the the Holy Name Sncictv Annual Communion Breakfast. Church, which in some re- YOU SAVE MORE THAN Convention. Since the Convention was announced on January 3. 19G2, the 60-day term for election of delegates and spects can be considered the MONEY WITHU. S. SAVINGS their alternates ends on March 4, 1962. The Holy Name Society of Jong range goals, work hard, Ukrainian national church be-j BONDS. Delegates and their alternates shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present at the meet­ St. John the Baptist. Ukrain­ become dedicated workers, de­ cause this church embraced!- — ing. When there are more than two candidates for one delegate to be elected, the candidate receiving the highest ian Catholic Church, Newark, velop leaders, and bring up our more than <>.> per cent of the •—T~V~ , , . V N А S number of votes, though less- than the majority of those present at the meeting, shall be elected the delegate. Dele­ New Jersey, held installation youth leaders through junior, СШіпІапв, Moscow Commu-' | ' \. M £ ^ Л£ ° gates and their alternates must be elected at the same meeting, and then only at a regular monthly meeting in ceremonies for their new of­ intermediate, and senior Holy ПІ8І8 realize that this church I translation January or February. This means that a special meeting cannot be called to elect a delegate, and a delegate cannot ficers on December 10, 1061, Name Societies. In that way is dot outroo.ted from that J by WALDIMIR SEMENYN* be elected at one meeting and his alternate at another. If a delegate is unable to attend the convention, the alter­ after the 8:30 A.M. Mass. Our these men will develop good hearts of the Ukrainian people. | With a biographical sketch w nate takes his place. If an Assembly has more than one delegate, the seats of the absent delegates shall be occupied Pastor and spiritual Director, moral background and become Applying toward the Ukrain- J ^IVAN FRANKO by alternates in the order of maximum votes received in the election. the Rev. D. La Puta, installed good leaders in all organiza­ ian church the method of divide J 2 by Stephen SHUMEYKI Only members in good standing of the UNA may be present at the meeting and vote for delegates and the new otficers. The Rev. їм tions." et impera (divide and rule) and \l Price 50 cents. Puta also administered the their alternates. A member in good standing is one who his a certificate of insurance in the UNA on which dues The sjwaker concluded by at the same time to camouflage \\ 83 Urand btreei are being paid. A member who has transferred to extended insurance, or paid-up insurance, or is suspended, may Holy Name Society oath to the black deeds done to the'* "SVOBODA urging utilization of the many not be present at the meeting and cannot vote. eight new members. Ukrainian church. Moscow'L Jersey Cny 3, N. | talents in the newer immi­ Voting for delegates and their alternates shall be by the raising of hands, unless the majority of those The new officers are as fol­ grants to complement the present prefer a vote by ballot. lows: Mr. Wesley Czap. pres­ Only those members may be elected as delegates or alternates who are in good standing of the UNA, ident; William Burke, vice- American-born Holy Name have fulfilled all obligations toward the UNA. have all the qualifications of an officer of an Assembly, have been president ; Bohdan Bratach, members, achieving the organi­ members of the UNA not less than one year, and of their Assembly not less than six months, are over 21 years of secretary: Walter Sakaln. zation's goals as one united age, are of Ukrainian nationality or descent, and are not Supreme officers or Assembly officers, agents or salesmen treasurer: John Styranec. group. of any other similar <гаІсгпа1 organization or life insurance company. marshal and Andrew Mnybo. Assemblies which have sevpnty-five members, are entitled to elect one delegate with one vote; Assemblies Mr. Myron Orinnick, past ..ПОВНІМ АГЕНЦІЯ" Junior Holy Name Society ad­ which have more than seventy-five but less than one hundred fifty-one members, are entitled to elect one delegate viser. Mr. Czap, the new presi­ president, presented n $1,000.00 НОТАРІАЛЬНЕ Г.ЮРО with two votes; Assemblies which have one hundred*fifty-one members or more but less than three hundred and one dent, is known for his long ac­ check from the Holy Name So­ 280 t. Wtti Street New iroih », JV Y. members, are entitled to elect two delegates with four votes; Assemblies which have three hundred and one or tive role in the Newark Parish ciety to the Rev. La Puta for more members, but less than one thousand and one members, are entitled to elect three lelegates witlv six votes; асі РОДИ ЗА ПКЗ ПЕЧЕНЬ. activities. our "Church Building Fund." Assemblies which have one thousand and one members or more, are entitled to elect four delegates with eight ПОСЕРЕДНИЦТВО ПРОДАЛО' кЧииіьни^'ІіШ votes. After the Mass 75 men at-' Our spiritual Director thanked ОІЛЕТЯ Нл КОРАБЛІ 1 ЛІТАКИ ДО ВСІ*' An Assembly which has Іевз than seventy-five members, may unite with another Assembly also having tended the communion break- I the Holy Name Society for the ЧАСТИН СВІТУ; ВСЯКІ ЇМ ПТАШИНІ СПРАВИ; less than seventy-five members, and if when combined, the aggregate membership of the two Assemblies shall be fast at the Coronet, Irvington. I donation and for its work in .New Jersey. Guest speaker at • ПАКУНКИ ДО ВСІХ КРАЇН ЕВРОИМ И А.ІІ seventy-five, they shall be entitled to elect one delegate with one vote. If the two combined Assemblies shall have the p. rish. The Rev. La Puta Чі.кинродпІ п'чи-, ш' і' • -1 >. -1 k и. seventy-six or more members, then in that case these two combined Assemblies are entitled to elect one delegate the breakfast, an active layman ! from SS. Peter and Paul's concluded by stating that Mass with two votes. Unless otherwise agreed by the mutual consent of both Assemblies, that Assembly having the great­ was a combined effort "you Up* КОВНАСШОК-ШУМЕПКО Кжгіж ШУМШКО er number of members shall be entitled to elect the delegate and the Assembly having the lesser number of mem­ Parish in Jersey City, was John Procyk. and I participated as one." this ГОДИНИ: bers, the alternate. *• 0:00 рано до 7:00 веч.; Субота: 10:00 рано до 1:00 по йол same logic must'be carried out An Assembly which has not paid all dues and arrears to the UNA shall not be entitled to elect a delegate Mr. Procyk emphasized the or delegates. * importance of "leadership de­ in all work for the church Credentials of delegates and their alternates must be sent to the Home Office of the UNA within ten velopment" in the Holy Name "you and I participating as days of the election of the delegate, but not later than sixty days prior to the Convention. L Society. He stated that we must one." develop depth in our organiza­ Martin Panko Jersey City. N.J., January 3, 1962. tion through a planned con­ Publicity Director SUPREME EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION: tinuity of leadership. This plan will then insure our continued Joseph l/ечаиуег, Supreme President cultural heritage in the United WHY ПК ON THE OUTSIDE? Stephen Kuropas. Supreme Vice-President States. JOIN NOW THE UKRAINIAN Ann Herman. Supreme Vice-Presidentees N A T I 0 N A L ASSOCIATION Jaroslnw Padoeh, Supreme Secretary "To achieve our objectives," Roman Slobodian, Supreme Treasurer Mr. Procvk said, "we must set AND READ THE WEEKLY

who are very responsive to Fl'NERAL HOME "SVOBODA" IN REVIEW calls for voluntary contribu­ COSMOS PARCELS EXPRESS Corp. (Concluded from r tgc 2) tions. We must also recall that (LICENSED by VNESHPOSILTORO) in Katanga, it is not those who are better this political heritage and com- United Nations Ввічливо повідомляємо всіх наших давніх клі- Lytwyn & Lytwyn while Great Britain opposed it. off financially, but those for mon fate all other matters be­ ентів і багато нових, що тепер висилають через на­ UKRAINIAN The United States condemned whom a dollar is worth more come secondary. шу фірму, що достава пакунків до СССР продов­ FUNERAL DIRECTOr India in the U.N. for its grab than ten or a hundred dollars жується. AIR CONDITIONED The tactical disagreements of Una. Great Britain had to for others contribute system­ Обслуга ЩИРА 1 ЧЕСНА between Great Britain and the sit still, as India is a member atically. This campaign could Маємо уповноваження ГІІІЕІІГПОСИЛОТОРГУ продовжувати висилку пакунків, за які ми гаран­ Our Services Arc Available United States concern the of the Commenwealth; Britain be far more successful, if it Anywhere in New Jersey policy on Berlin in view of do voted for the admission of Red would include those who stand туємо достану і то. дуже скору. 801 Springfield Ave Gaulle's opposition to any ne­ China into the U.N.. the United aside and who not only fail to Всі наші відділи мають великий вибір товарів States opposed the admission, contribute anything, but who NEWARK, N. J. gotiation with Moscow. Great (текстильні, шкіра і т. д.). по дуже сприятливих Britain, under the pressure of and the like. are not taking part in any or­ цінах. Наші відділи, подані внизу, дають найліп­ IRVINGTON, N. J. ganized community life. intellectuals, the Socialist left, One can find more such areas шу обслугу та спеціяльну увагу до кожного клі­ ESsex 5-5555 We are confident that U- and the trade world would be of disagreement between the єнта. krainians in this country will eager to talk with Moscow, two nations. But eventually not forget their needy kinsmen NEW VORK ч. N У. —_39 Second Ave. Phone: AL <-аш while the United States is re­ both London and Washington and will contribute generously BROOKLYN 7. N. V. — tiOO Suiter Ave. 1)1 5-SH0H ІВАН КОВАЛЬЧИК! luctant to do so without will find a common course, as during the Christmas and New PATTERSON I. N- {. — "ля Main S|. MU 4-4619 happened many times in the FUNERAL HOME France. The U.S. supported the Year holiday season. -VINELANI). N. J. W'evl Lancli* Ave. (Or. Orlh. Club Hld«.) past, COMPLETELY Вілд- it Vlnelarid відчинений тільки и п'яти.. суб. і неділі. AIR CONDITIONED LAKEWOOU. N. |. — 126 — ІНі Street Phone FQ :<-н.-.і;» ЗАПМАСТЬСЯ ПОХОРО­ KIEV. — The magazine l- HELP FOR THE NEEDY NEW HAVEN. Conn — <і Day Street НАМИ В CTEflTL k rain ska Mova v Shkoli (Г- PITTSBURGH 3. Pa. — Hit.", Г. Carson St. New Jersey The Christmas and the New krainian Language in School). CLEVELAND 13. Ohio 404 literary Road Year Season is a time for fund- July-August issue, reports on ! І Ціни приступи! для всіх. WORCESTER; Mass. - 171 MHIbury St. -і: Обслуга чесно я найкраща. ; і raising campaign for the the examination in the Ukrain­ HAMTRAMCK. Midi. 11333 Jos. (. impan ; j У випадку смутку в родині, j worthy causes. These cam­ ian language held in tin- CHICAGO 22. III. — 21 '.' \V. Chicago Ave. кличте, як в день, таї; І ! paigns in the Ukrainian com­ schools of Kiev: "In the schools в ночі: munity are, conducted under with Russian as the language John the name of koliada by various of instruction oral examina­ Ukrainian organizations and tions were held in 7 grades at KOWALCHYK societies. Proceeds from these which the pupils showed lower 129 GRAND STREET collections are turned over for grades compared with the (cor. Warren Street) the assistance of the needy U- written examinations held in JERSEY CITY 2, N. J. krainian refugees in Western schools with Ukrainian as the Europe. Amohg the organiza­ TcU: HEnderson 4-5131 language of instruction. The tions which collect these funds pupils mix a lot of Russian ex­ is the United Ukrainian Amer­ pressions. Only 20 per cent of ican Relief Committee the pupils answered quite Theodore WOLINNIN, Inc. (UUARC). the Ukrainian Cath­ graaiatically." Директор Похоронного Заведення olic, Orthodox and Evangelical organizations, the Ukrainian 123 East 7th Street NEW YORK, N. Y. (9) National Women's League of Те.: GR 5-1437 America and Ukrainian veter­ СОЛІДНА ОБСЛУГА. an organizations. Of course, it На Різдво! is a gratifying phenomenon, НАПКРАЩИП ДАРУНОК but the fund-raising campaign could be more effective if it DUNLEV HAT SHOP Петро ЯРЕМА Іван ВУЙКІВ were conducted in a more 14 SAINT MARK'S PLACE NEW YORK CITY Знана planned and organized pro­ (ICT Я-Mft пул., між 2-8 F.neiiio) УКРАЇНСЬКА УКР. ПОГРЕБПИК gram. MAC НА СКЛАДІ великий іибір ВБЛІОРОВІІХ КАПЕ­ ФУТРЯНА ФІРМА ЛЮХІВ. Магмо також великий вибір Імпортованих КА­ BHKOHVC на .їлионлсння Запмаоться похоронами We cannot fail to underscore ПЕЛЮХІВ :і Італії, найкращої якостн, п різних в BRONX, BROOKLYN, NEW НОВІ ФУТРА і нпПнопІпшх фасонів плаєм перемодельопуг. проходжсиі the generosity of our people. YORK І ОКОЛИЦЯХ. мни КаПеЛЮХ Ілраіітопміініі футра по найновіших гадусмо. що у нашому Контрольована температура фасонах. іййерна каплиця до ужитку Приймає ф\тра на MIAMI. FLORIDA — маємо до ~ ДАРОМ. ПЕРЕХОВАННЯ-STf IRAGE аинапму 37 умебл. апартамен­ тів з кухнею, з повним уря­ Відбір і достана на місце. дженням, на тиждень, місяць Peter Jarema J. WUJKIVV, Inc. 1 .цілий сезон.' Близько моря та склепів. 129 EAST 7th STREET MANUFACTURING FURRIER TARANDA VILLAS NEW YORK, N.Y. I'll E. 7th Street 684 N.E 85th Street New York 9, N. Y. Miami 38, Florida Td.: ORchard 4-2568 Tel: SPring 7-8710 Tel.: PLaza 8-1078 L • •""••_ І УКРАЇНЦІ!

ЩОБ ДАТИ ВАМ — ще краще і солідніше забезпечення на життя у своїх братських Союзах; — ще догідніші позички у Щадницях і Кредитових Кооперативах „Самопоміч"; — ще кращу обслугу і більші відсотки від ощадностей, які дають найсолідніші банки в цілій ниток і забезпечення її інтересів. — і щоб піднести повагу української національної групи в Америці та спільно дбати про її розвраїні; Вже 175,000 людей довірили нам своє життєве забезпечення і свої ощадності на імпонуючу суму 110,000,000 долярів

і Кличемо ВАС УСІХ! Ідіть слідами тих стосімдесять п'ять тисяч. ЗАБЕЗПЕЧУЙТЕСЯ ТІЛЬКИ В СВОЇХ БРАТСЬКИХ СОЮЗАХ, ОЩАДЖУЙТЕ ТІЛЬКИ В УКРАЇНСЬКИХ ЩАДНИЦЯХ ТА КРЕДИТОВИХ КООПЕРАТИВАХ „САМОПОМІЧ". Ми гордимось тим, що завдяки праці і фінансовій допомозі українських господарських установ постало і розвивається наше національне і церковне життя з великим числом українських шкіл, народних домів, торговельних і промислових підприємств. ї .\ • ( J ; , %' .

Українці! Н --. Всі ми бажаємо собі, щоб наша національна група в цій країні була об'єднана і багата, та щоб тішилася пошаною других. Ми постали і працюємо для цієї справи. Допоможіть нам у цьому! Складайте свої гроші тільки в Кредитових Кооперативах „Самопоміч" і Щадницях та забезпечуйтеся у своїх Братських Союзах.



За Секретаріят КУФУ: Петро БОГДАНСЬКИИ — Роман ІЛЬНИЦЬКИЙ Володимир ПУШКАР

БРАТСЬКІ СОЮЗИ: УКРАЇНСЬКІ ЩАДНИЦІ: ЗА УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ НАРОДНИЙ СОЮЗ: ЗА ЩАДНИЦЮ „ТРИЗУБ" — ШИКАГО: Йосип ЛисогІр — Роман Слободян — Ярослав Падох Петро Пуцило — Степан Куропась ЗА УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ РОБІТНИЧИЙ СОЮЗ: ЗА ЩАДНИЦЮ „ПАРМА" — КЛІВЛЕНД: Антін Батюк — Теодор Миник Іван Тарнавський — Михайло Тимків ЗА СОЮЗ УКРАЇНЦІВ КАТОЛИКІВ „ПРОВИДІННЯ": ЗА ЩАДНИЦЮ .ТРИЗУБ" — НЮАРК: Роман Сухий — Степан Спринсь^нй Петро В о гданський — Петро Цап ЗА УКРАЇНСЬКУ НАРОДНУ ПОМІЧ: ЗА УКРАЇНСЬКУ ЩАДНИЦЮ — ФИЛАДЕЛФІЯ: В. Шабатура — І. Демер Володимир Галан — Іван Поритко Товариство Української Корпорації (ТУК): Іван ШЕПАРОВИЧ — Микола ЧОПИК і об'єднані в ньому Кредитові Кооперативи „Самопоміч":