www.ukrweekly.com KHRYSTOS ROZHDAYETSIA! - CHRISTMAS IN UKRAINE 25th CONVENTION OF U. N. A. TO SLAVITE YEHO! BE HELD IN MAY, 1962 CHRISTMAS MESSAGE OF THE MOST REV. JOSEPH M. SCHMONDIUK, EXARCH OF THE UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC JERSEY CITY, N.J. (Spe­ City. Election of delegates DIOCESE OF STAMFORD cial). — The Supreme Execu­ and alternates should take Khrystos Rozhdayetsia! the birth of the Head is also tive Committee of the Ukrain­ place within 60 days from the the birth of the body. Even if The birth of our Lord Jesus ian National Association an­ date of the announcement, each one of those called (to the Christ was first announced to nounced at its meeting on De­ which is January 3. 1962. Faith) enters in his own turn, (A special announcement of the word at large by the angel cember 28. 1961, that the 25th who appeared over the fields of if all the children of the the UNA Supreme Executive Bethlehem to the poor shep­ Church are distributed in the Convention of the Ukrainian Committee regarding the 25th herds tending their flock by succession of time, yet the National Association will be UNA Convention appears else­ night. Assuring them that totality of the faithful, born held in the week beginning where in this issue of The U- there was no cause of fear, at the baptismal font, are be­ May 21, 1962, .in New York kminian Weekly). but rather for joy he said: "I gotten with Him in Hia birth in bring you good tidings of great the same way as they are cru­ cified with Christ in His Pas­ U.N.A. SUPREME EXECUTIVE joy which shall be for all the m і people; for there has been born sion, raised up with Him in His S^^r^^r?: && $ Щщ (ttarals anb ^егр'Фпг (Ulirtstmas tErabittmts \g^>°j25^ to you today in the town of Resurrection and placed at the COMMITTEE HOLDS MEETING David a Savior, who is Christ right hand of the Father in His БОГ ПРЕДВІЧНИЙ У ВИФЛКСМІ НИНІ ВОЗВЕСЕЛІМСЯ ВСІ РАЗОМ the Lord." . Ascension." Благослови нас і збав нас, JERSEY CITY, N.J. (Spe-'cial picture with increased НОВИНА НИНІ! This prophecy of the angel How beautifully, how truly НАРОДИВСЯ Христе, cial). — On December 28, 1961. meraberahip, higher yield on has been continually fulfilled the Ukrainian people express Бог Предвічний народився, Визволь нас, Боже, з недолі. У Внфлесмі нині новина, Возвеселімся всі разом ниві, the Supreme Executive Com­ new investments and a favor­ in the hearts of his faithful fol­ this great truth when at this Прийшов днесь із небес, Засій в серцях нам бажання Пречиста Діва зродила Сина, Христос родився в бідній яскині mittee of the Ukrainian Na­ able mortality rate continues lowers ever since that historic time of the commemoration of Щоб спасти люд свій ввесь, чисте, В яслах сповитий, . Послідннм віком став tional Association held its reg­ to indicate further strengthen­ day some nineteen hundred and Christ's Birth, they greet each Тая утішився. Дай всім діждати дня волі! Поміж бидлятн, чоловіком. ular monthly meeting, which ing of all reserves. In view of sixty years ago. But it is at the other with the deeply Christian В Внфлесмі вародяься Щоб Україна могла щадітн: Спочив на сіні Бог необнятий. Всі утішаймось на землі! was devoted to a survey of the strong and favorable posi­ annual celebration of Christ­ form of salutation: Khrystos Месія, Христос наш, Христос родився: Славіте! Вже херувими славу співають, Всі утішаймось на землі гойно, UNA activities and accomplish­ tion, dividends to be paid for mas that this joy reaches a Rozhdayetsia. It is not merely Господь паш, для всіх нас, * Ангельські хори Бога витають, І честь віддаймо Пому достойно, ments during the year of 1961. 1961, were substantially in­ certain climax and is shared by a greeting wishing merriment Нам народився. » Пастир убогий Пожаданому, з неба даному, The meeting, which was pres­ creased. all the people, by believers and, during the season. It is a greet­ НЕБО І ЗЕМЛЯ Несе, що може, — Котрий увесь світ відкупив. ided by the Supreme President In his report Dr. Padoch ing by which we proclaim the in a sense, by unbelievers, by „Слава Богу" — заспіваймо, Небо і земля (2) Щоб обдарити Дитятко Боже. Пісні співаймо согласно, мили, of the UNA. Joseph Lesawyer, stated that the membership of cause, the reason for our re- the luke-warm Christian as Честь Сину Божому, нині торжествують, Глпиь охоч світлим, о, Божий І торжествуймо всі разом щиро, was attended by Stephen Ku- the UNA would pass 81,000 weH as by the ardent Catholic. joycing, telling why Christmas Господу вашому Ангелн й люди (2) Сину, „Слава во вишніх, а мир для mark at the end of Decem­ should be merry, i.e., because ropas. Supreme Vice-President, We see this joy all around us Поклін віддаймо! Весело празнують: На нашу землю, рідну країну, нижннх!" ber, 1961. This success was "Christ is born." This is a Mrs. Ann Herman, Supreme today, as a spirit of good will Христос родився, Зішли нам з неба, Весело світу голосім! Vice Presidentess, Dr. Jaroslaw made possible mainly because pervades society; greetings and greeting ' stemming from the Бог воплотився. Дар превеликий, of a specially initiated program .-.ges of faith, when the nations • Padoch. Supreme Secre­ gifts are exchanged by all as Ангели спіши >ть, Вудь Тобі слава на пічні віки! БОГ СЯ РАЖДАЄ~ tary. Roman Slobodian, Su­ of competition among the vari­ were still Christian, socially НА НЕБІ ЗІРКА ЯСНА ous district committees of the a natural expression of this re­ І князі питають, Вог ся раждае, хто ж Го може preme Treasurer, Dr. Walter and publicly, not contaminated ЗАСЯЛА! UNA. joicing. And that is as it should Поклін віддають, знати, — Gallan, Chairman of the UNA be. For the coming of God into by the secularism which infests НОВА РАДІСТЬ СТАЛА! Mr. Lesawyer also reported the world today, even so .called На небі зірка ясна засяла А пастирі грають, Ісус Му ім'я, Марія Му Мати! Auditing Committee, and An­ the world as a human being is І ЯСНИМ світлом сіяс, Ч;'ао, чудо! повідають. Нова радість стала. Тут ангели чудяться, on the financial status of So* Christian peoples. This is the thony Drngan. Editor-in-Chief yuzlvka. In 1961. that Is by the the greatest event in all his­ Хвиля спалення к нам завіггала Во Внфлесмі (2) Яка не бувала, Рождснноіч) бояться, greeting which our good peo­ of Svoboda. end of November, the overall tory; it is- the pivot at which Там Діва Бога раждае, —- Весела новина: Над вертепом зірка ясна А віл стоїть, трясеться, all human life stops, turns and ple to this day use on the an­ Чистая Діва (2) Mr. Slobodian reported that revenue from the UNA Estate niversary of Christ's Birth in Щоб землю з небом в одно світу засіяла. Осел смутно пасеться, — since the last meeting of the takes on. a new form and a new злучити, Породила Сина! In Kerhonkson was $212,000.00, Bethlehem. And as we relay Христос родився, Де Христос родився, Пастиріс клячать, Supreme Executive Committee, which was almost $30,000.00 direction. A new culture and Христос родився: Славіте! Бога в плоти бачать civilisation began that night this tremendous good news to Бог воплотився, (і т. д.) З Діви воплотився, the UNA has rearranged its in­ more than in 1960. The ex­ the next generation see how we Благослови нас, Дитяко Боже. І ми Христові (2) Як чоловік, пеленами — Тутже, тутже, тутже, тутже, vestments, including the sale penditures for the 1961 year in Bethlehem, whether the тут! proclaim the continuing fact of Скріпи свосю ласкою, Богу поклін даймо! Убого вповийся. of tax exempt municipal bonds were $185.000.00. After the world was conscious of it or І пастирі там к Ньому not and the whole world has Christ's coming. We do not in То і пекельна сила не зможе „Слава по вишніх!" (2) Просим Тебе, Князю, and reinvesting them in higher summer season of 1961 the been benefiting from that Birth fact say; "Christ was born" or Нас розділити з Тобою. Йому заспіваймо! Небесний Владарю, прибігають, yield corporate bonds and real UNA began construction of a even Christ is born." but Christ В Ньому Господа свойого huge pavilion which is almost of the Son of God in human Благослови нас, ми ж Твої діти, Бог воплотився, (і т. д.). Даруй літа щасливії, estate mortgages. Present in­ flesh, whether it admits it or ig being bom, Khrystos Rozh- Христос родився: Славіте! Христос родився. витають. vested funds exceed two mil­ half completed. 'dayctsia, implying, as it were, Тому господарю! Other matters discussed at not. The worlding may go ї)»хяяя5ад:іадхяизз»:^)«)ВД5адзвдл)адззд lion dollars annually. Unas- about repeating "Merry Christ; the progressive form of the signed reserve funds for 1961 the meeting were connected mas," or some other form of word 'born'. Yes, Christ is be­ Ukrainians Slow Down Project are expected to be in excess of with the publications and the season's greetings, vague and ing born again and again down UCCA Calls on Branches to Prepare the 1960 increase which administration of the UNA. as formless in his mind, even through the ages, today as in Of Installing "Big Brother's" amounted to approximately well as the forthcoming 25th paganish in its import, never­ the day of Caesar Augustus For Celebration of 44th Anniversary S300.000.00. The overall finan- UNA convention... theless he is unwittingly under almost two thousand years ago. Of Ukraine's Independence Voice «44 «««««(««««4 the spell of the Babe of Beth­ Would that Christians the world over understood this lehem.
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