

Nigel Sizer Richard


Nigel Sizer Richard Rice


April 1995 Kathleen Courrier Publications Director

Brooks Belford Marketing Manager

Hyacinth Billings Production Manager

Nigel Sizer, Gary Brana-Shute Cover Photos

Each World Resources Institute Report represents a timely, scholarly treatment of a subject of public concern. WRI takes re- sponsibility for choosing the study topics and guaranteeing its authors and researchers freedom of inquiry. It also solicits and responds to the guidance of advisory panels and expert reviewers. Unless otherwise stated, however, all the interpretation and findings set forth in WRI publications are those of the authors.

Copyright © 1995 World Resources Institute. All rights reserved. ISBN 1-56973-034-2 Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 95-060863 Printed on recycled paper CONTENTS



I. BACKGROUND AND CURRENT FOREST POLICY IN SURINAME 1 1.1 Overview 1 1.2 The Issues 2 1.3 Historical Context and Political Constraints 4 1.4 Suriname's —Use, Policies, and Institutions 6

II. THE NEW FOREST-CONCESSION PROPOSALS—THE BIG QUESTIONS 11 2.1 Who Is Investing and Why? 11 2.2 How Much Revenue Will the Concessions Generate? 11 2.3 Will the Concessions Promote Development in the Hinterland? 17 2.4 Will Economic Growth and Social Development Be Achieved without • Major Environmental Impacts? 21

III. OPTIONS FOR STRENGTHENING SURINAME'S FOREST-CONCESSIONS POLICY 23 3.1 Options for Increasing Rent Capture 23 3.2 Options for Reducing Negative Social Impacts and Creating Better Jobs 26 3-3 Options for Reducing Environmental Impact 28

IV. INSTITUTION BUILDING, CROSS-SECTORAL ISSUES AND ALTERNATIVE DEVELOPMENT OPTIONS 31 4.1 Strengthening Mechanisms for Public Participation in Decision-Making 31 ** "* 4.2 Establishing the Capacity to Design, Promote, and Implement Sustainable Development in the Forest Sector 32 4.3 Cross-Sectoral Issues 33 4.4 Alternative Financing Mechanisms for Alternative Forest Uses 34 4.5 Recommendations for the International Donor Community and the Special Role of the Inter-American Development Bank 35



Many people in many institutions helped make Hueven, Stanley Rensch, The Central Bank of this research possible. At WRI, valuable comments, Suriname, and the Ministry of Natural Resources. assistance, and collaboration came from Kenton Thanks also to Wouter Veening, Ambassador Miller, Bill Urban, Lea Borkenhagen, Robert Repetto, Robert Pringle, John Matuszak, Marcus Colchester, Walter Reid, Jonathan Lash, Bruce Cabarle, Owen Andrew Howard, David Smith, Thomas Lovejoy, Lynch, Donna Wise, Charles Barber, Nels Johnson, Michael Ross, Enrique Iglesias, and the staff of the Kirk Talbott, Aaron Zazueta, Tom Fox, Shirley Geer, Inter-American Development Bank for much stimu- Laura Lee Dooley, Donna Dwiggins, and Lisa Sullivan. lating discussion and thoughtful comment. Special At Conservation International in Washington D.C. appreciation must be expressed to Gary Brana-Shute and in Suriname, help and support came from John for his insights. Reid, Diji Chandrasekharan, Chris Rodstrom, Ian Finally, thanks to Kathleen Courrier for her su- Bowles, Russ Mittermeier, Stanley Malone, and Yvette perb editing, to Hyacinth Billings for managing pro- Merton. Others in Suriname who provided valuable duction, and to Samantha Fields. insight, criticism, and encouragement include Kenneth Tjon, Henrie Wesenhagen, Muriel Held, N.S. Daniel Christiansen, Ambassador Roger Gamble, Ruth R.R. FOREWORD

A country on the brink of economic collapse, concessions, Dr. Sizer and Dr. Rice offer pragmatic Suriname is under enormous pressure—from within ways to improve concession policy. If it changed the and without—to restructure its economy and heal the way that forestry concessions are awarded, taxed, wounds of twelve years of civil unrest. Poor, bereft and enforced, the government could prevent the of foreign currency reserves, suffering 500-percent worst environmental damage and reap enough rev- annual inflation and rising unemployment, Suriname enue to deal with its most pressing social and eco- is desperately resisting advice to implement structural nomic problems. Specifically, the authors propose adjustment. To attract foreign investment, the govern- auctioning off concessions after establishing mini- ment is poised to award forest concessions covering mum bids and making sure that prospective bidders one fourth of the nation's territory to Asian timber have good track records in other countries, in addi- barons whose records in and do tion to levying value-added taxes on timber and not inspire confidence. processed wood products. With pristine tropical blanketing 80 Backs to the Wall outlines how Suriname's gov- percent of its terrain, Suriname is among the world's ernment could protect both forests and forest- most heavily forested countries. Indeed, Suriname is dwelling communities of Amerindians and , probably richer in rainforest now than was descendants of escaped slaves who live by the tradi- when the Spaniards arrived in the sixteenth century. tions their ancestors brought from West 300 Each of the proposed concessions lies in forests years ago. Launching a program to protect commu- now accessible only by aircraft or dugout . nal lands, sharing information with forest communi- One of the tracts is home to 10,000 forest-dwelling ties on pending development proposals, and requir- peoples. Although the concession contracts have al- ing social impact assessments for concessions within ready been drafted and submitted to Parliament, Suri- or bordering on communal lands would improve name still has the opportunity to consider other op- development planning. Establishing a program to tions. Backs to the Wall in Suriname: Forest Policy in continuously monitor forest concessionaires' perfor- a Country in Crisis, by WRI Associate Nigel Sizer, mance would help ensure compliance with contract and Richard Rice, Director of Economic Policy at provisions. Conservation International, examines the proposed Who can help? The Organization of American contracts and proposes options for a more sustain- States, which is already helping forest-dependent able approach. communities map their lands, could broaden its ef- As the authors note, no rational observer would forts into a formal land-demarcation program that in- suggest that Suriname should not harvest timber from cludes mechanisms for resolving conflicts between part of its forest patrimony. After all, this is one of communities and outside interests. Multilateral fun- the routes that wealthy countries of the North took in ders could supply technical and financial assistance their nineteenth-century drive to industrialize. But un- to communities through micro-enterprise develop- less Suriname revises its current plans, it will forego ment grants to help them better satisfy their needs. tens of millions of in annual revenues—up to Suriname's government could bolster social progress 10 percent of —essentially by requiring that concessionaires and wood-process- giving away its forests and getting shattered biodiver- ing industries meet minimum employment standards sity, ruined fisheries, eroded soil, displaced popula- and integrate training and apprenticeship programs tions, and perhaps ethnic strife in return. into their business plans. Government could also Recognizing that Suriname's government may help ensure that concession workers have the right to feel compelled to go ahead with substantial forest organize labor unions. All people with a stake in the forests must be a multilateral assistance package that would give represented in decision-making circles if concession Suriname enough time to explore other ways of agreements are to reflect their rights and interests, using its forests to spur economic development. The and Backs to the Wall outlines ways to ensure this. assistance funds would help build the capacities of Suriname has already established councils designed Suriname's public and private sectors to design sus- to give people in the hinterland a say in decisions tainable forestry options, in addition to providing that will profoundly affect their lives, but the nation compensation to cover the short-term opportunity has been unable to get them up and running because costs of putting the contracts on hold. A modest in- of budget constraints. Backs to the Wall stresses that vestment in assistance for Suriname at this crucial supporting these participatory mechanisms should be juncture can enable this beleaguered nation to exam- a key part of any international assistance package. In- ine other forest options that exist in plenty. deed, as the authors note, simply providing Suri- Backs to the Wall in Suriname extends the analy- name's councils enough money to operate would go ses and recommendations set forth in such previous a long way toward bringing isolated rural peoples WRI studies as Breaking the Logjam: Obstacles to For- into the forest policy-making process. est Policy Reform in Indonesia and the , Dr. Sizer and Dr. Rice end by suggesting devel- Surviving the Cut: Natural Forest Management in the opment alternatives that would make the most of Humid , and The Forest for the Trees: Govern- Suriname's unique opportunities. Because the nation ment Policies and the Misuse of Forest Resources. doesn't face the population and migration pressures We would like to thank the Government of the that lead to in other countries, it can , the Government of Germany, the Wal- make a compelling case for the relatively small cash lace Genetic Foundation, and the U.S. Forest Service transfers needed to keep its forests intact. Besides for their financial support of the research and analy- tapping such mechanisms as the climate treaty's Joint ses reflected in Backs to the Wall in Suriname. We Implementation provisions, Suriname could attract are deeply grateful for this assistance. We also want funds from debt-for-development programs, green to express our appreciation to the Government of venture capital, and green investment funds. Unlike Suriname for inviting us to do this research—and our most countries, Suriname has invested little in unsus- hope that this report will help Suriname find ways to tainable logging, so it is well-positioned to take ad- exploit its forest wealth to ensure a lasting flow of vantage of the emerging demand for "green seal" tim- economic, environmental, and social benefits. ber, i.e., wood and wood products that are certifiably produced in sustainable ways. Jonathan Lash The authors endorse the Inter-American Devel- President opment Bank's efforts to take the lead in establishing World Resources Institute I. BACKGROUND AND CURRENT FOREST POLICY IN SURINAME

1.1 OVERVIEW are by no means unique to Suriname. In Indonesia, Malaysia, West Africa, and other parts of the world, In 1993, Suriname took the desperate step of poor policy, weak institutions, and short-term fiscal inviting Asian investors to explore possibilities for es- planning have in recent decades resulted in the mas- tablishing multi-million hectare logging concessions sive loss of forest. Similar situations have also in the country's interior. By mid-1994, at least five emerged in some Central American countries and in proposals were on the table and in negotiation; one ,1 Laos, and Cambodia.2 The analyses and from a Malaysian gambling tycoon, two from Indone- options presented here should thus interest policy- sian logging consortia, and two from state-owned makers beyond Suriname. Chinese enterprises—most with unenviable histories of social and environmental disregard. Total invest- ments proposed are over $500 million (not far short 1.2 THE ISSUES of Suriname's Gross Domestic Product), and some- Suriname—formally Dutch Guiana—nestles on where between three and five million hectares (7-12 the northern edge of between Guyana million acres) or 25 to 40 percent of the country's and , just north of . (See Figure land , could be logged. 1.) The total land area of 161,470 square kilometers At stake is one of the world's oldest and most (slightly larger than the U.S. state of Georgia) is ap- pristine stretches of tropical rain forest. Sitting atop proximately 90 percent forest and at least 80 percent the ancient , bounding the northern primary tropical forest. The annual deforestation rate edge of the , this continuous stretch of is less than 0.1 percent. Suriname has one of the forest was until now accessible only by light aircraft world's highest proportions of forest cover. or dugout up rapid-strewn rivers. The forest is Beginning in early 1993, the Government of inhabited by a mixture of descendants of escaped Suriname began seeking international assistance and slaves, the Maroons (or "bush-negroes"), who investment as domestic and international pressures to proudly maintain the 300-year-old traditions of West reform the ailing economy mounted. The historical Africa, and the Amerindians with their rich shamanis- links of Suriname's population to Indonesia, , tic traditions and intimate knowledge of the forest's and other parts of made the governments of secrets. It's also a forest that several thousand tradi- these far-off countries natural allies in Suriname's tional people depend upon for their livelihoods. struggle for fiscal . In the case of This report provides an up-to-date overview of Indonesia, the solidarity with Suriname runs deeper, the facts behind the changes under way in Suri- reinforced by shared tensions with the Netherlands, name's forest policy and forestry development. The former colonial authority to both countries, over likely economic, social, and environmental benefits Dutch foreign aid policy. and costs of the changes are described, along with In early 1993, an official Surinamese ministerial the historical and political forces driving them. Op- delegation went to Indonesia. In May 1993, an In- tions for addressing the issues are presented, and the donesian investment group (subsequently incorpo- consequences of the government's current policy rated locally in Suriname under the acronym MUSA) course and alternatives are compared. Most impor- visited Suriname with investing in large forestry con- tant, measures that should promote economic devel- cessions in mind. opment based upon long-term management of In August 1993, MUSA was granted 150,000 ha, Suriname's forest resources are identified. the maximum area permitted under the 1992 Forest The opportunities and problems spelled out here Management Act. MUSA then proposed creating Figure 1. Map of Suriname Showing Proposed Concessions

Atlantic Ocean

GlTi \ 'J\


t'\ ' dllANA

MUSA Siiri "I; ,

Legend [ 1 Exisiting Logging Concessions

CT3 Proposed Logging Concessions

Source: World Resources Institute and Conservation International

roughly 67 additional wholly-owned, locally-incorpo- Since then, other companies have made propos- rated subsidiaries, each of which would receive a fur- als for large concessions. They include The Berjaya ther 150,000 ha. In turn, it promised to invest over Group from Malaysia, Suri Atlantic from Indonesia, $1 billion. This blatant affront to the spirit of Suri- and two state-owned companies from mainland name's 1992 Forest Management Act drew heated China. Most of these companies have been active in local and international criticism, and the government the forestry sectors of other countries. Changes in rejected the proposal. government policy in Malaysia, Indonesia, and some Q of their Pacific neighbors, together with the exhaus- tion of local forest resources and rising international timber prices, all attract investors to America's If the Government implements the con- relatively intact forest reserves. Suriname is not an isolated case. Several Indone- cessions as proposed in the contracts sian, Malaysian, and Korean firms have expressed in- and investment plans and under exist- terest in, or applied for concessions in Suriname and ing regulations, Suriname will forego 3 neighboring Guyana. Investors seeking large-scale tens of millions of dollars in annual logging concessions have also recently shown up in , , and the Andean re- revenues—up to 10 percent of GDP— gion. 's Buchanan Forest Products Limited has and risk social and environmental put in a bid for a concession in Guyana. upheaval The three largest new concession proposals (as of 1994) are outlined in Table 1. (See also Figure 1.) The proposed agreements are all for 25 years, extendable for another quarter century. By granting almost a quarter of Suriname's total land area to three foreign companies, the government But, this report documents, if the Government imple- points to stated objectives to: ments the concessions as proposed in the contracts 1. Generate direct and indirect (from workers' and investment plans and under existing regulations, pay) revenues to improve the country's bal- Suriname will forego tens of millions of dollars in an- ance of payments, thus promoting economic nual revenues—up to 10 percent of GDP—and risk growth, stability and independence. social and environmental upheaval. Indeed, 2. Provide employment to thousands of currently • The proposed concessions total more than 143 unemployed or underemployed Surinamers percent of the area of all of Suriname's cur- and promote development of Suriname's rent, domestically-owned concessions, repre- hinterland. senting a similar increase in needed monitor- 3. Perform the above in an environmentally sus- ing and regulatory capacity where practically tainable fashion. none exists.

Table 1. Proposed New Forestry Concessions in Suriname

MUSA Berjaya Suri-Atlantic Area (ha) 1,150,000 1,150,000 1,150,000 Proposed Investment (US$) 149,000,000 100,000,000 78,000,000 Proposed Annual Roundwood Production (m3) 664,000 657,000 490,000 Roundwood for export (m3) 100,000 0 100,000 Sawn Timber (m3) 420,000 90,000 140,000 Plywood (m3) 200,000 466,667 80,000 Moldings (m3) 0 45,000 80,000 Furniture (m3) 0 2,880 90,000

Note: Estimates for processed timber are given in roundwood equivalents. • The three largest concessions would increase Suriname's total roundwood production by 15 to 20 times and increase export volumes by Government revenues could be far 300 to 350 times. • There are no estimates of net revenue (other greater than under the proposed con- than that calculated for this report) and its dis- cession agreements, and potential nega- tribution over the life of the proposed conces- tive social impacts considerably re- sions available at this time. duced under alternative forest plans. • The several thousand Maroons and Amer- indians who inhabit the proposed concession areas have no well-defined land or resource rights, but do have a tradition of resistance to outsiders. • The proposed concessions cover areas well The options presented can't fully meet the chal- south of the current accessible forest zone so lenges that the Government of Suriname is con- new roads would have to be built into Suri- fronting, but they are feasible and pragmatic within name's interior, making monitoring even more the prevailing political and institutional context. Suri- difficult. name's forest sector can provide substantial net rev- • Southern Suriname's hilliness puts the region enues that could help finance the country's transition at high risk of soil erosion and damage to to economic stability and sustainability if investments watercourses, even as difficult access adds to are made in forest stewardship and world-class ex- logging costs. pertise is enlisted to help Suriname's government • The Suriname government is offering the com- manage relations with foreign investors. The inter- panies tax incentives to invest large amounts national diplomatic, donor, non-governmental, and in processing facilities but has not quantified business communities also have an important role to the economics of local processing options. In play if reforms are to succeed\ Indonesia, such subsidies have resulted in ex- cess capacity and inefficient mills that exert heavy pressure on the remaining forest 1.3 HISTORICAL CONTEXT AND resources. POLITICAL CONSTRAINTS • The companies expect to export timber of Suriname was settled by the British in the many lesser-known species, as well as the 20 and alternated between Dutch and British possession or so currently exportable species. As a result, until 1815, when the Treaty of Vienna formally the rate of cut over the entire concession area awarded it to the Dutch. West African slaves were could be higher and therefore more ecologi- transported to the new colony to work in extreme cally disruptive. hardship on . Many rebelled and As Parts III and IV of this report show, in the fled to the interior—the beginning of a long history medium- to long-term, government revenues could of instability and bloody strife. From 1760 on, those be far greater than under the proposed concession escaped slaves negotiated peace treaties granting agreements, and potential negative social impacts them freedom and tribute from the Dutch in ex- considerably reduced under alternative forest plans. change for a cessation of attacks on Dutch plantations For this reason, we strongly recommend that the and the return of other escaped slaves. After Government of Suriname put the proposed large- was abolished in 1863, large numbers of laborers scale concession agreements on hold and, with im- were encouraged to migrate from and the then mediate help from the international donor commu- (now Indonesia). These waves of nity, examine other development options for its migrants throughout the colonial period account for forest resources. Suriname's extraordinary ethnic diversity now. In December 1954, the country became an au- Late 1994 saw tensions escalating once more tonomous member of the Kingdom of the Nether- with riots and protests in . Demonstrators lands with freedom to set its own domestic policy. vented fury over the continuing economic downturn, In 1975, it was granted independence and about declining salaries, and the increasing cost of food. 40,000 Surinamers (equivalent to almost half the The President, generally viewed as highly committed workforce) took up the option of Dutch citizenship to promoting social reform, will be up for reelection and moved to the Netherlands. Most of the political in May 1996. It will be a tough election. Venetiaan parties, largely divided along racial lines, came into and his fragile coalition government find their backs being during this period. Today, Hindustanis mostly to the wall: to balance the books, they must reduce support the Progressive Reform Party (VHP), Creoles the number of public employees (estimated at 40 to support the National Party of Suriname (NPS), and 65 percent of the total workforce) even though the Javanese support the Party of National Unity and many Creole public servants constitute the President's Solidarity (KTPI). principal power base. Encouraging foreign invest- Five years after independence, the elected gov- ment to increase revenue through mining and log- ernment was overthrown by senior military officers, ging concessions and thus to reduce the deficit and and there were six coup attempts over the next three maintain the public sector in the months preceding years. After counter-insurgency attacks on Maroon the elections is tempting indeed. villages in 1986, free elections were held a year later. Suriname's relatively low natural population In 1989, a peace treaty—the Accord—was growth rate is 1.86 percent.7 In the face of economic negotiated with the Maroons, but the armed forces decline and political instability, the emigration rate is opposed the accord and stopped cooperating with high. Hindustanis (East Indians) make up 37 percent the government. Meanwhile, guerilla activity by an of the population; Creoles (of mixed African origin), Amerindian group called Tucayana Amazonica 31 percent; Javanese, 15 percent; Maroons, 10 per- began in the west and instability escalated when cent;8 Amerindians, 2.6 percent;9 Chinese, 1.7 percent; three other armed groups began supporting them.5 with the remainder of Latin and European descent. Democracy remained fragile, and another mili- The country's 1993 estimated Gross Domestic tary coup occurred in December 1990. Following on Product (GDP) was $1.17 billion (at official exchange the heels of international outrage, elections were rates). Per capita income in the same year was $2,800 held in May 1992 and the New Front Coalition and the GDP growth rate was -2.2 percent, with an (made up of the three major ethnic parties and the unemployment rate of 16.5 percent and inflation of Surinamese Labor Party) won 30 of the 51 seats in around 292 percent.10 The currency was devalued by the . was 90 percent between September and October 1994, elected President by the Assembly and has governed amid continuing balance-of-payments difficulties and peaceably since.6 a scarcity of foreign currency. (See Table 2.) Inflation With independence, Suriname and the Nether- in 1994 continued to climb, and was estimated at 500 lands signed an agreement in 1975 whereby the for- percent for the year. Foreign exchange reserves are mer would receive about US$1.5 billion ("treaty exhausted. money") in grants and soft loans over fifteen years. The economy is dominated by primary and ex- Of this, some $500 million has not been released be- tractive industries. More than 70 percent of Suri- cause the Dutch have imposed various conditionali- name's export earnings and 15 percent of GDP come ties—initially related to democracy and human rights from mining and refining. The international and more recently to lack of progress in implement- slump in the prices of bauxite and related products ing macroeconomic reforms. Dutch humanitarian as- from the late- to the mid- contributed to sistance, around $50 million per year, continues. In Suriname's economic decline. Agricultural and fish- addition, Surinamers who emigrated to the Nether- eries products are also significant, especially , lands remit an estimated $50 million home to rela- fish, rice, and bananas. Wood and wood products tives and friends each year (estimate from 1993). accounted for less than $1 million of exports in 1993- Table 2. Recent Economic Trends in Suriname

Indicator 1989 1990 1991 1992 Gross Domestic Product1 (millions of Surinamese guilders) 2755.0 3099.0 3441.0 4360.0 Gross Domestic Product2 (millions of US$) 1531.0 1722.0 1912.0 2422.0 Parallel Exchange Rate (Suriname guilders/US$l) 17.0 25.0 Inflation1 (percent) 22.0 26.0 44.0 Government Spending3 (percent of GDP) 30.5 24.9 29.2 31.8 Foreign Exchange Reserves3 (millions of US$) 75.5 101.2 72.4 44.6 Foreign Debt3 (millions of US$) 216.4 228.7 261.9 287.4 Total Exports1 (millions of US$) 558.3 508.9 403.9 400.0 Total Imports1 (millions of US$) 606.6 603.4 656.1 594.6

Data provided by U.S. Embassy, Paramaribo. 1. Originally from the Surinamese Ministry of Planning. 2. These figures use an official exchange rate of 1.8 Surinamese guilders per US$1. 3. Originally from the IMF.

1.4 SURI NAME'S FORESTS—USE, low savannah forest, and some parts of the high sa- POLICIES. AND INSTITUTIONS vannah and high dryland forest. More generally, Suri- name's southern half is also quite hilly and therefore The extraordinary abundance of forest in Suri- more prone to erosion under forestry. name results from a variety of factors. Some 65 per- The almost intact primary forests of Suriname, cent of the small population of about 410,000 lives in the general richness of the flora of , and and around the port capital of Paramaribo, and the dramatic topography towards the south— extremely sparse (0.2-0.3 people per square kilo- District—have made the country rich in biological meter) hinterland populations of around 45,000, diversity for its size. The flora and fauna include 674 mostly traditional Amerindians (about 6,000 people) species of birds, 200 mammal species, 130 species and Maroons (about 41,000), are scattered along the of reptiles, 99 amphibians, and about 4,500 plant major rivers. Access to most of the hinterland is pos- species (including 300 orchids and 800 woody sible only by canoe or light aircraft. There are very species).11 The Government has a strong conserva- few roads, and none at all in the southern half of the tion tradition, dating from the Dutch administration. country. Rapids impede river transport. There are fifteen protected areas ranging in size Suriname's total forest area of approximately from 100 to 220,000 ha and totalling 5 percent of 12 148,560 square kilometers can be broken down into the country. Existing concessions for timber accessible forest to the north of the hill country with extraction comprise the largest land-use category presently inaccessible forest further south. (A total of followed by protected areas, mining, and agricul- 75 percent, or 110,660 square kilometers, of all Suri- ture. (See Table 4.) name's forests is considered inaccessible—see Table The more accessible forests correspond to the 3). Of the accessible forest, 60 percent is potentially old coastal plain (nutrient poor, white sand ridges exploitable for timber extraction (including valuable with loam and clay swamp in between) and the sa- Virola stands, ridge forest, parts of the hydrophytic vannah belt (coarse bleached and unbleached sands forest, high savannah forest and plantations). The re- or sandy clays), only 7 percent of which is actually mainder is constituted of , swamp forest, open savannah. The less accessible forests spread where human population density is low such losses Table 3. The Forest Resources of Suriname are only temporary. (After two to five years of culti- vation, the small swidden plots revert to secondary forests and fallow with high species diversity almost Type of Forest Area (ha) immediately.) Approximately 2.4 million hectares of forest in Accessible, Unexploitable Forests 1,550,000 the accessible or "economic belt" has been awarded Accessible, Exploitable Forests 2,239,400 to about 150 local concessionaires since 1947. The Total Accessible Forests 3,789,400 largest (440,000 ha) is the Bruynzeel Timber Com- Inaccessible Forest 11,065,600 pany, a Dutch private company turned Surinamese state-owned enterprise.15 The other concessions are Total Forest Estate 14,855,000 all less than 50,000 ha each. The Government of Suriname earns almost no Data provided by Government of Suriname (1994). revenue from the 150 local concessions. Most of the tax collected is paid on exported timber (less than 5 percent by volume of total production) and the ex- south over the Guiana shield (pre-Cambrian granites port levies set as a percentage of "free on board" and granito-schists with dolomite intrusions).13 (FOB) value. FOB values were fixed in local currency Deforestation has not historically been an issue below world market prices in 1992 following negotia- in Suriname. Recent estimates prepared by the United tions between the Ministry of Finance and the private Nations Food and Agriculture Organization state that sector and have since fallen further behind thanks to the rate is around 0.1 percent per year (13,000 ha).14 inflation. The Suriname Forest Service suggests that the rate is The FOB values used in dockside calculations in 0.17 percent per year and that shifting cultivation re- Paramaribo are less than half the real-world prices. sults in 16,000 ha per year deforestation, though The values result from negotiations between industry and the government rather than objective valuations. More to the point, almost none of the timber is ex- Table 4. Land Use in Suriname ported. Other fees paid by concessionaires are fixed and have been eroded by inflation to almost nothing: Type of Use Area (ha) Area fee Concessions and Cutting Permits 2,414,800 (concession rights): US$0.02 per ha per year. Protected Forested Areas 804,000 Royalty: US$0,005 - $0.02 per log. Proven Timber Reserves 407,000 Export taxes: 5 to 10 percent of FOB. Other Forested Land 11,228,800 Even if all area fees were collected, they would Total Forested Land 14,854,600 total only $48,000 per year for 2.4 million hectares currently in forest concessions, and the royalty "would Shifting Cultivation 150,000 probably yield a similar amount. In all, total gross Permanent Agriculture 90,000 revenues (before collection costs are factored in) are Permanent Pasture 15,000 certainly less than $100,000 per year and probably Total Agriculture 255,000 less than $50,000. Each year, selective logging takes place on ap- Other uses (mining, lakes, etc.) 1,290,000 proximately 25,000 hectares, and the harvest gener- ally falls below 20 cubic meters per hectare. Logging Total Land Area 16,399,600 is fully mechanized, felling is done with chainsaws and the logs are skidded out of the forest using Data provided by Government of Suriname (1994). crawler tractors, wheeled log-skidders, or both. Log- ging trucks then carry the timber to the nearest river landing from where it is transported by slingboat or South America (Venezuela, , French Guiana, barge. Road transport is thought to be increasing. and Guyana).16 (See Table 6.) Suriname has some 40 sawmills with installed New legislation directly governing forest manage- input capacity ranging from 1,000 cubic meters per ment, exploitation, and primary wood processing was year to 60,000 cubic meters per year each. Bruynzeel published in the Official Gazette in 1992,17 replacing the is the only company that can fully process for ply- older 1947 Timber Act.18 (See Box 1.) The legislation al- wood (production capacity of 3,500 cubic meters per lows for three types of concessions to be granted: year), and particle board (also with a capacity of 1. Short-term for 1 to 5 years up to 5,000 ha. Re- 3,500 cubic meters per year). Because mill layout is served for small, local contractors. poor and machinery old, recovery rates are only 20 2. Medium-term for 5 to 10 years and not more to 50 percent. The need to produce a large range of than 50,000 ha. The applicant must also own a product sizes to satisfy the local market further re- sawmill and can sub-contract extraction. duces efficiency. 3. Long-term for 10 to 20 years and up to Production has fallen dramatically over the past 150,000 ha. These concessions are reserved for 10 to 15 years due largely to the violent unrest in the vertically integrated processing and export in- interior that ended in 1992. Total annual removal was dustries. The law clearly states that total hold- about 320,000 cubic meters in 1980 and fell to 107,000 ings for one corporation, even if it has various cubic meters by 1991. (See Table 5.) Almost all pro- subsidiaries, cannot exceed 150,000 ha. duction has been to supply the local market of Para- Trade in non-timber forest products is signifi- maribo and the surrounding area, with only about 1 cant. As the legal export of wild flora and fauna percent exported, mostly to (especially the from many Latin American countries becomes in- Netherlands and Great Britain), the (most creasingly difficult, international wildlife traders have to the Dutch and French islands), and Central and turned to Suriname. Preferred species are parrots,

Table 5. Timber Production in Suriname

Projected Type of Production1 1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 19962 Industrial Roundwood n/a 189.9 114.8 105.2 118.8 1,924 Square Piles n/a 23.3 0.6 0.9 1.7 1.1 Minor Products n/a 2.7 0.5 0.4 1.4 0.8 Fuelwood & Charcoal n/a 1.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4

Total Roundwood Production 320.0 217.5 116.3 106.9 122.3 1,926.3

Data provided by Government of Suriname (1994). 1. All figures are in thousands of cubic meters of roundwood equivalent. 2. Figures for 1996 Projected Industrial Roundwood were created by adding the average production for 1990-1992 to the estimated annual production for the planned Berjaya, MUSA, and Suri-Atlantic concessions. Projected 1996 figures for square piles, minor products, and fuelwood and charcoal are averages of 1990—1992 production. n/a = not available. • Table 6. Timber Exports from Suriname

1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 Volume (m3) 8,582 16,200 8,800 2,200 1,400 6,000 6,100 Value FOB ('000 SO 3,858 6,137 4,106 1,233 860 2,701 3,287 Value FOB ('000 US$ at the parallel exchange rate) 241.5 49.3 18.3 13.6 Exports (as a percent of total production) 1.89 1.31 4.91

Data provided by Government of Suriname (1994).

macaws, parakeets, songbirds, and a variety of rep- tiles, amphibians, and orchids. Since 1981, all ex- Box 1. key I'iovi-.iiHI-, of Surin.line's 1W2 I'oresi ports have had to be accompanied by an export per- Management Ail 19 mit and a CITES permit for species considered • l"oresi concessions in Suriname can IK1 granted endangered. In 1987, Suriname instituted an export ID national-; or foreigners with a loudly incor- quota system for all legal exports. Now dealers must porated company. Tin1 same rules and regula- possess a license before they can collect, trade, and tions ;ippl\ lo i-ai.li lor areas up to 1 Sn.Dfiii ha. so on. Areas OUT ISM.diio ha are not covered under Suriname has also become an important player in the existing Forest Law. Concessions larger international prospecting. A Surinamese ill.in I Si I.I )(Kuan be :u quired nnk ihrough pharmaceutical firm, BGVS, and the National Herbar- appnnal hy majority \ ok- ol'tlie Naiional \s- ium have established a five-year partnership with Minhly repiesentali\cs. Conservation International and others, including Bris- • Secondary processing in Surinami- is promoted tol-Myers Squibb and the Missouri Botanical Garden, for all medium- and long lerni i-oiiii-.-i-.ions. under the sponsorship of the U.S. National Institutes • I'orcst imeniories .ire required heloiv comes- of Health, National Science Foundation and Agency sion.s ;uv awarded. for International Development to look for anti-HIV • Management and exploitation p];ms musi Iv and anti-cancer compounds. The agreement calls for prepared prior lo logging. The laller mu.M in profit sharing with Suriname and with the traditional ckide technical speul nations for wood har- peoples who will provide much of the knowledge vesting .mil state maximum and minimum guiding plant collection. annual cuts. Subsistence use of the forest is the lifeline for • Concessions may be extended only once, for most of Suriname's Amerindians and Maroons (about an equal period ol time. 10 percent of the country's population). These • The "common law righl.s of the inhabiianis ol groups use a tremendous diversity of plant and ani- tin- interior...will he respected as miuli as pos- mal products in daily life. sible." ' \riicle 11.1.a.) If such law is breached. Suriname's land-use planning and zoning legisla- .in appeal ma\ be made lo tin- President. tion, considered to be neither clear nor comprehen- • Communal I'oresis ;nv to be esiablislu-d for llie sive, is widely ignored. Lands are divvied up without benefit ol' tribal groups. an effective over-arching policy and legal framework • Maximum penallies are up to lour \eais in to guide the use of state property. Only recently, prison or a line of up lo Snii.oni) .Surinamese under the auspices of the FAO and the Pro Tempore liuilders (about >l.<)(Ki as ol' March. lW^i. Secretariat of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty, is an sion is not regularly inspected. Field inspectors have JL_ little incentive to make site visits when the salary Subsistence use of the forest is the life- "bonus" for such hard work away from their families is less than US$0.10 cents per 24 hours spent in the line for most of Suriname's Amer- bush. The Forest Service has only one four-wheel indians and Maroons. drive vehicle in good enough repair to travel the rough interior roads out to the concessions and two canoes with outboards. It is widely believed within T the Service that field inspections are not wholly ob- jective; further, an estimated 30 percent of timber cut- economic and ecological land use zoning project get- ting is undeclared, with 10 to 15 percent of logs ting off the ground. being smuggled into Suriname from Guyana and Suriname's Forest Service, once the pride of French Guyana. South America, was transformed during the early Other institutions besides the Forest Service do or 1980s. With the widespread unrest in Suriname's hin- could play important roles in development of the for- terland, the Forest Service lost almost all of its field est sector. The quasi-governmental Stinasu carries out infrastructure and the famous Celos low-impact tim- and management activities in the country's ber-harvesting and silviculture experiments were protected areas, working very closely with the Forest abandoned. Service. In addition, the three-year-old NGO Forum's The Forest Service has also suffered from econ- more than 50 institutional members have diverse omy-wide ills. Salaries have dropped dramatically, goals, such as macro-policy intervention, local institu- staff are poorly motivated and apt to abandon the tion building, and strengthening democracy. The Service to work for private logging companies or in Forum organizes training workshops, collects data, other sectors of the economy. The Head of the Forest and conducts research. Conservation International- Service earns less than $50 per month. Many of the Suriname—staffed entirely by Surinamers and headed 550 staff on the Forest Service payroll make as little by the former Director of the Suriname Forest Ser- as $10 per month. The annual Forest Service budget vice—is implementing biodiversity-prospecting pro- is only about $20,000-$30,000, of which about 80 jects and strengthening shaman traditions among percent goes for salaries and 15 percent for office Amerindian groups in the south and working with the supplies and vehicle-maintenance costs. As of early government to consolidate the protected areas net- 1995, the Forest Service counted only three profes- work with funds from the Global Environment Facil- sional foresters and six forestry technicians among its ity. Other groups include the Foundation for a Purer ranks. The Inspection Division, which oversees con- Suriname, Organization of (OIS), cessionaires' activities in the forest and enforces regu- and '86 (the most prominent human rights lations, has only 14 trained staff, not all of whom advocacy and watchdog group), as well as several work in the field. Even the large Bruynzeel conces- private sector federations. II. THE NEW FOREST-CONCESSION PROPOSALS—THE BIG QUESTIONS

2.1 WHO IS INVESTING AND WHY? country for allegedly attempting to bribe the Solomon's Minister of Commerce, Employment and Trade.21 Ac- There are probably many factors behind the move- cording to press reports, the Berjaya official offered ap- ment of Malaysian, Indonesian, Chinese and other proximately US$3,200 to the Minister when meeting to companies into the forests of Suriname and its near negotiate the company's request to take over a local neighbors. Low royalty rates, limited tax collection ca- logging company. Berjaya Group denies the allegation pacity, and more than three years of peace all con- and Yeong claimed that the offered funds were merely tribute. So may improved law enforcement, and tax in- "a gift." Yeong has since resigned from Berjaya Group creases in some major timber-exporting countries, as and taken full responsibility for the accusations. well as Suriname's position vis-a-vis international trade The Berjaya Group has been accused by Malaysian agreements. (See Box 2.) environmentalists of destroying coral reefs off As of 1995, at least five foreign investors Island, Malaysia, to develop coastal property. In an "were seeking forestry concessions for timber produc- unrelated case, the Berjaya Group withdrew from a tion that are greater than the maximum size of 150,000 plan to develop a forested area following protests from hectares permitted under the 1992 Forest Management environmentalists.22 Act. Of these, three requests—from The Berjaya Group, MUSA, and Suri Atlantic—were for over one million 2. N.V. Mitra Usaha SejatiAbadi (MUSA) hectares each, with total projected investments of Indo-Suriname around US$300 million. (See Figure 1.) With stakes this MUSA, unlike the other prospective investors, has high, a basic step in assessing the proposals is review- already been operating a 150,000 ha concession in ing information about the investors' track records. A Suriname for over a year. The company claims to have summary of the small amount of information that has invested more than $20 million. Unfortunately, MUSA's been made public about the three largest investors is ongoing operation in Suriname has repeatedly come given below. under fire in the local press and internationally. Recent accusations in the press in Suriname center on massive /. Berjaya Timber Industries Suriname N.V. illegal logging outside the concession area and pay-offs (wholly-owned subsidiary of Berjaya Group to community leaders aimed at bypassing logging au- Berhad) thorities. MUSA is thought to be a consortium of about Berjaya's ownership structure and some of its past eighteen Indonesian companies. practices are well-documented. It is a large, diversified Malaysian conglomerate controlled by the Malaysian 3. Suri-Atlantic Industries N.V. businessman Vincent Tan Chee Yioun. Holdings in- The joint owners of Suri-Atlantic are three clude seven public and about 200 private companies Indonesian companies: P.T. Tritama Unggulestari, P.T. involved in gambling, textiles, , hotels and Antang Permai Plywood Industry, and P.T. Pelayran property development. Total group assets, according to Utamalestari Bahari, all based in Banjamarsin. Little else the conglomerate's 1994 Annual Report, were around is known about the company. US$2.2 billion.20 Timber and the related processing in- dustries are relatively new interests for Berjaya. 2.2 HOW MUCH REVENUE WILL Some recent incidents cast a shadow over Berjaya's THE CONCESSIONS GENERATE? corporate responsibility. In of 1994, Tony C.T. Yeong, the managing director of Berjaya Group Lim- The Government of Suriname proposes to earn ited in the Solomon Islands, was expelled from the revenue from the concession agreements through Box 2. Why are Foreign Timber Companies Turning to Suriname?

/. Log export bans in effect In Malaysia, Indone- 3. More effective law enforcement and tax in- sia, contemplated for the Solomon Islands, creases in Malaysia and Indonesia and being introduced in Papua New A recent study by the Asian Development Peninsular Malaysia banned exports of logs Bank noles that current revenue collection in In- of ten species in 1972. Indonesia outlawed all donesia totals only about .20 to 50 percent of the Jog exports in 1985. The Malaysian state of potential maximum, but that "This situation repre- Sabah temporarily banned log exports in 1993, sents an increase with respect to the period 1985- and will do so permanently by 1996.' The 1987, when rent capture accounted for only about Malaysian state of Sarawak has limited log ex- 10 percent of the potential." In other words, while ports and log production since 1993, resulting in companies can still earn outsized profits from log- a 35 percent decrease in exported logs by vol- ging in Indonesia, the profit margin has shrunk ume.2 The Forest Minister in Papua New Guinea dramatically over the past decade. The reforesta- has voiced plans to ban log exports by the year tion fee (the largest share of forest levies) was first 2000. The Prime Minister of the Solomon Islands imposed in 1980 at S4 per cubic meler. raised to S7 has announced a moratorium on all logging and per cubic meter in 1989, and then to S10 in 1990. sawmill licenses, foreshadowing an eventual ban The current rate is about S22 per cubic meter.^ ;j on log exports. Governments in Southeast Asia are just begin- Companies that process foreign timber must ning to hold logging companies accountable for look outside Southeast Asia for logs. This group their illegal logging and accounting practices.6 In includes not only the Japanese, Taiwanese, and late 1992, fines and jail terms were increased for Korean processors that have historically been the illegal loggers in Malaysia and companies were main importers of tropical logs, but also the huge warned that, if convicted of logging illegally, they Malaysian and Indonesian timber companies (hat would have their equipment confiscated and be have diversified into timber processing and now made to pay compensation for felled logs.7 In need larger supplies of logs so they can expand Indonesia, the Forestry Ministry has revoked con- and compete. cession permits in the wake of unsound Jogging practices. Most of these repossessed concessions 2. Incentives in home countries for investment in had been depleted and abandoned and the com- timber processing panies responsible have not been fined or forced 8 Malaysia and Indonesia have used tax incen- to pay for land rehabilitation. But even though tives and grants to encourage domestic investment few loggers have been convicted, tighter rules in sawmills, plywood, molding, and furniture fac- demonstrate that logging practices are coming tories. Rimbunan Ilijau of Sarawak, for example, under closer scrutiny in Southeast Asia. has made plywood processing I he core of their The accounting practices of these companies corporate strategy and is now Malaysia's largest are also being more closely examined.9 Recently, plywood and veneer producer.' With Papua New the Malaysian government has taken steps lo re- Guinea and the Solomons limiting their log ex- capture the revenues lost due to transfer pricing. ports in the near future, the growing Malaysian (See below.) Twenty timber companies were re- and Indonesian integrated timber companies must cently assessed large back taxes. (One owed as look further abroad for raw logs. much as USS40 million.) Malaysia's Minister of Primary Industries recently stated that, based on a Notes number of investigations, transfer pricing has been 1. Rachel A. Crossley, "A Preliminary Examination of reduced to a "bearable minimum."10 the Economic and Environmental Effects of Log Ex- port Bans." Draft manuscript, (Washington D.C.: World Hank Environment Department, 1994). 4. New concessions as equity for leveraging loans 2. Adam Schwartz and Jonathan Friedland, "Green to finance aggressive takeover bids Fingers," Far Eastern Economic Review, March 1.2, A company that secures a promising new tim- 1992: 42-44. ber concession will likely see its credit rating rise. 3. Sydney Herald. August, 1994. For this reason, a new concession can serve as 4. Raphael Pura, "Timber baron emerges from the equity for securing multi-million loans to woods." Asian Wall Street Journal, February 15, 1994:1. expand operations. 5. Indonesia, Ministry of Forestry, "Resource Rent and Implications for Sustainable Forest Management,'' 5. Fear of losing market share Sector Study Working Paper No. 3, ADB Project As international prices for raw logs rise, sup- Preparation Technical Assistance No. 1781-IKO pliers that can provide lower-priced raw materials (Jakarta: Ministry of Forestry, 1994). 6. The Auditor-General of Malaysia has said that "im- for the large milling operations in Asia and else- posing fines on such offenders [illegal loggers! where can increase or at least maintain their mar- under the existing laws is inadequate, and as such ket share. Suppliers sensing the rising prices and more deterrent punishments should be introduced declining availability may now be prepared to take by the legislative body." Quoted from. Alex Choong relatively greater risks with investments, look far- and Sivakumar Kuttan, "Illegal Logging: State- ther afield, and pay higher transport costs. Owned Companies Biggest Culprits" New Straits Times. , 1992. 7. Shariff Hamid, "Cabinet Wages All-Out War on Ille- 6. International trade accords gal Logging" Business Times, January 28, 1993. Suriname's position among existing and evolv- 8. Her Suharyanto, "Greening Indonesia: Timber Cut- ing regional and international trade accords may ters Come to Party" Indonesia Business Weekly.. Au- attract companies outside the region seeking pref- gust 13, 1992: 23. erential market access. Suriname has applied for 9. "Transfer Pricing of log exports was common, al- membership in the (CARI- lowing timber merchants to realize most of their profits in privately held offshore companies and re- COM) regional free trade zone and already benefits duce their Malaysian tax exposure." (Raphael Pura, from the Lome Treaty—a trade and aid agreement "Timber Companies Blossom on Malaysian Stock to remove tariffs (around 10 percent for processed Market" Asia Wall Street Journal. November 30, timber products) on most exports to the European 1994: 12). 7 Union. Negotiations are also progressing toward an ''Privately, some timber industry executives and -wide free trade zone. Companies located bankers acknowledge that the practice [of transfer pricing] was widespread."" (Raphael Pura, "Planned in the region could benefit enormously from the Malaysian Listing Draws Attention of Tiongs'' Asia booming economies of neighboring Brazil, Colom- Wall Street Journal Weekly, February 21, 1994; 16). bia, , and the Southern Cone. Early investment 10. Raphael Pura, "Planned Malaysian Listing Draws At- in the region, on the scale proposed by the new- tention of Tiongs" Asia Wall Street Journal Weekly, comers in Suriname. might enable them to beat February 21, 1994: 16. competition from other parts of . income tax on corporate profits; a royalty based 2. Tax collections depend heavily on how upon the volume of timber produced; export tax on honestly companies report profits to the govern- raw logs; and a dividend tax on investment earnings. ment. Assuming a 20-percent over-reporting of costs Using available information about current timber and a 20-percent under-reporting of revenues, gov- market prices at the port in Suriname and data from ernment tax collections from the Berjaya contract the draft contracts and investment plans provided by would fall by nearly 80 percent to $2.02 million due the Government of Suriname, we have assessed the to the heavy dependence on income tax. Under this annual contribution of the three proposed conces- scenario, foregone government revenue would in- sions to government revenue and corporate profits crease to $11.74 million and corporate profits to during the first five years of the 25-year contract pe- $26.93 million—nearly twice the normal rate of re- riod. (See Appendix for details.) Key findings are: turn. The large drop in government revenue reflects 1. Taking the Berjaya contract as an example, the disproportionate share (71 percent) of total gov- the largest share of net revenues from forest ex- ernment revenue made up by income taxes. (See Fig- ploitation will go to the timber company, not the ure 4.) Income taxes from Berjaya, in this scenario, government. (See Figures 2 and 3J The government fall from $6.26 million to $0.90 million. (See Table 7.) will receive an average of $8.79 million per year in 3. For all three together the amount of gov- tax revenue compared to corporate profits of $20.16 ernment revenue "foregone" will be at least dou- million. As the "owner" of the resource, the govern- ble the wages paid by companies to local mill ment could earn as much as $4.97 million per year workers. Government wants foreign investments to more ($13.76 million total) by raising taxes and re- generate high-paying local employment in -wood pro- ducing annual corporate profits to a "normal" 30- cessing. Meanwhile, companies demand lower taxes percent rate of return. to compensate for these investments. But, we esti-

Figure 2. Who Will Benefit Most from the Proposed Berjaya Concession?


Governmeni Government Revenue Revenue Normal $8.79 Normal $2.02 million Profit for million Profit for Company Company $15.19 $15.19 million million

Windfall Windfall Profit $4.97 Profit $11.74 million million The figure on the left shows who will benefit from the Berjaya concession under full contract compliance—the company makes windfall profits of $4.97 million over and above normal operating profits. The figure on the right shows that, with moderate tax evasion, the windfall profits would increase to a hefty $11.74 million. Figure 3. Potential Government Revenue from the Berjaya Concession



Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Lost 41% Collected Lost 86% Collected • 59% 14%

The figure on the left shows that even under full compliance with the proposed Berjaya contract, the govern- ment will collect only 59 percent of potential revenues, losing $5 million annually. Based on experience else- where, the figure on the right shows a more likely scenario of moderate tax evasion, under which the govern- ment will collect only 14 percent of taxes and lose $12 million annually.

mate, the resulting employment will cost the govern- lion per year with modest contract evasion. The ment far more than it receives in terms of annual government, in this case, would be taxing its own wages. Company investment plans for Berjaya, MUSA citizens or cutting services further to reduce the and Suri Atlantic indicate that workers will earn an deficit, while sacrificing the needed revenue to average wage of $1,190 per year, compared to fore- foreign companies. gone tax revenues of $2,806 per job—2.4 times the An important caveat to this analysis of the impact average wage. This cost rises to $6,734 per job, or of the proposed tax system on government revenues nearly 6 times the average wage, if companies over- is that the data used were provided to the Govern- report costs and under-report revenues, as assumed ment of Suriname by the investors. As such, some es- above, for argument's sake, and provide 20 percent timates of production potential, rates of harvest per less mill employment than originally projected. The unit area, and so on are likely to be over-estimates as estimate of revenue foregone per job created is al- the companies are seeking to make the deals appear most certainly a dramatic underestimate as real as attractive as possible to the government. If experi- salaries in Suriname are likely to be much lower ences in the region are any clue, true values could be than those stated in the company documents. much less than those presented. 4. The amount of revenue foregone from the Past experiences with major natural resources ex- three large proposed concessions could be suffi- ploitation contracts between developing countries cient to eliminate the government's budget de- and international investors show that, significant in- ficit, which reached 10 percent of GDP in 1994. come for the country aside, profits are rarely divided A preliminary assessment of the impact of imple- fairly. Among the most lopsided profit splits are those menting all three concessions indicates that foregone between developing countries and transnational government revenues would rise to nearly $50 mil- corporations.23 Figure 4. Revenues Lost from Contract Evasion

Million US$/Year


5- $8.79 total I ncome Tax taxes collected 4 - Royalty $2.02 total taxes collected Dividend Tax 3-

2 -

1 -

0- Compliance with Proposed Contract Moderate Tax Evasion

If Berjaya complies with its contract it would pay $8.79 million annually to the government. With moderate tax evasion, it will pay only $2.02 million. Under the proposed contracts, income tax payment depends on the honesty of the companies.

Table 7. Summary of Economic Analysis of the Berjaya Timber Concession Proposal

With Contract With Contract Compliance Evasion Government Revenue (millions of US$/year) Actual 8.79 2.02 Foregone 4.97 11.74

Corporate Profits (millions of US$/year) 20.16 26.93 Suriname's "brain drain" since independence has 2.3 WILL THE CONCESSIONS taken a toll, along with the country's relative inexpe- PROMOTE DEVELOPMENT IN THE rience in negotiating large logging contracts. (The HINTERLAND? only other comparable contract was negotiated with Bruynzeel nearly 50 years ago.) No wonder the nego- The Government of Suriname is committed, tiation table is heavily tilted toward foreign investors. through the 1992 OAS-brokered peace treaty, to pro- In other countries, unscrupulous companies have moting development and providing government ser- resorted to various ruses to increase their profits net of vices in the interior. Information on the numbers and tax and other deductions. Some have thwarted govern- distribution of the inhabitants of Suriname's poorly- ment officials in, for example, Indonesia, Malaysia and accessible interior south of the existing forestry con- the United States, where enforcement capacity is rela- cessions is very limited. But anthropologist Gary tively good and experience with such problems con- Brana-Shute, who has 20 years of experience in Suri- siderable. A 1983 report to the U.S. House of Repre- name, has made useful estimates for the three largest sentatives describes how companies with long-term proposed concessions. (See Table 8.) contracts in the Tongass National Forest, Alaska, had The traditional communities of Suriname's interior underpaid almost $100 million in taxes through "anti- have little contact with the outside world. They basi- competitive bidding practices, price manipulations and cally subsist—hunting, fishing, practicing small-scale fraudulent invoices and reports."24 swidden agriculture and harvesting plant and animal Frequently, transfer pricing designed to shift products. Experiences in Brazil, Guyana, and other profits to parts of the company located in countries parts of South America demonstrate that efforts to as- with more generous tax laws is used to maximize similate traditional cultures into the "national culture" profits. Logging outside of concession areas, under- are often disastrous. Problems encountered include: declaring the volume of timber exported or reporting 1. Traditional peoples have no training or skills high-valued species as lower-valued species, and to equip them for employment in the national labor over-declaring the depreciation of equipment and force. Where they have been employed, productivity other investments are also common.25 A variety of rates have often been low, and the regimented work means is also used to cut labor costs thereby also re- is highly stressful. ducing public revenues (through losses in workers' income taxes). (See Box 3 ) The tax-evasion strategies described in Box 3 can Table 8. Estimated Numbers of People by be viewed as merely a hint at the enforcement and Living in the Three Largest Proposed Concessions monitoring challenge Suriname's government must take on if it is to ensure contract compliance. Add to Berjaya: 8,000 Ndjuka Maroons them weak contract terms, a fee structure that inad- 1,500 Paramaka Maroons vertently facilitates tax avoidance, and severe limits in 900 Mayana Amerindians the Suriname Forest Service's capacity. Indeed, Suri- 300 Maroons (tribal capital in name's natural resources policy debate has long been French Guiana) marginal, and the Suriname Forest Service can't even regulate, monitor, and enforce contracts, codes, and MUSA: 300 Carib, Arowak and Maroon policy in the 47-year-old Bruynzeel concession, much hunters and transients, no estab- less the proposed concessions. lished villages Tax evasion problems have plagued Suriname's mining sector too,26 and can be at least partially Suri Atlantic: As for MUSA. Also abuts homelands addressed through a balanced system of incentives of 3,000 Matawai Maroons, 500 and the decision to untie resource rent charges Kwinti Maroons and 500 Carib from actual or declared gross and net revenues. Amerindians. (See Part III.) -B Box 3. Tax Evasion and Other Cost-Cutting Practices in the. Logging Industry

Many mechanisms have been used by govern- 1 Manipulation of debt flows and repayments ments to earn revenue from timber companies. among the various subsidiaries also presents These include export taxes, cutting licenses and opportunities for the local logging company to transport permit fees, corporate income tax on net reduce income tax payments. The parent com- income, fees or royalties charged annually on a pany can shift some of its debt burden to the per unit area basis, customs duty, and tax on divi- subsidiary logging operation, a practice known dends paid to foreign stock owners. Many such as "debt-loading." Interest payments are then measures are hard to enforce, and some are al- considered a cost, and the transfer of capital to most impossible to apply, even with well- the lenders to service this debt is not consid- equipped and highly motivated tax collectors.1 ered a transfer of profits. Depending upon the Some common lax-avoidance techniques include: concession contract and local tax laws, such re- payments may be deductible for income tax A. U ride r-dedara lion of gross ami net profits purposes.' 1. One technique is "transfer pricing." Holding 5. Under-reporting the number of logs or the vol- company A incorporates wholly owned sub- ume of processed wood during export is an- sidiaries B and C. B exports logs to C. which is other common form of under-invoicing. Here located in a tax haven such as the British Virgin again, the country loses export tax revenue.1 Islands, at a lower price than the real market 6. Vlislabelling of valuable species as less valuable price. Company C then sells the timber at a species achieves the same end as under- high profit, but pays little tax. The country in declaring volume harvested. which B is operating loses revenue. A holding 7. If import taxes must be paid on goods brought company issues a letter of credit to pick up logs into the country by the logging company, un- for a declared price. The holding company then registered machinery may be brought in, thus sells the logs at another, higher price to the for- avoiding import, taxes.(1 eign processors. cS. Cutting logs and reporting them as stolen al- 2. Transfer pricing can also mean overstating the lows a company to under-report its harvest. depreciation costs of equipment. One way is to import used machinery and report it as new, />'. Means to reduce effective 'Area l'ees" and then depreciate the full cost of new ma- One of the commonest taxes applied to the chinery and subtract, the "loss" from gross logging industry is the area lee—an amount revenues.- payable by the company per unit area of conces- 3. Transfer pricing can also involve over-invoicing sion. Area fees can be avoided by: supplies from and commissions to the parent 1. Logging illegally outside the concession area." company. In many multinational companies, the Loggers in Malaysia have been known to use logging operation buys many imported goods helicopters and mobile phones to identify (e.g., machinery for transport and processing) patches of forest and to move in and out and services (e.g.. legal and technical advice) quickly before the forestry department can lo- from other subsidiaries of the same parent com- cate them. pany. Verifying whether ihe expenses charged 2. Contracting with other local landowners or on these transactions reflect the true costs can communities to buy logs cut in native areas. be very difficult for government officials. Over- This may involve little more than paying the invoicing reduces declared profits and. it fol- head of a community to gain access to commu- lows, corporation or income lax revenues.' nity lands." 3. Entering into contracts with private landowners 1. Bribing low-level officials to avoid punishment to log private land registered with the govern- for poor forest management practices, and to ment, but then harvesting nearby timber on under-dedare volumes of timber and species public land.9 being transported or exported. 4. Stealing logs from other loggers working in the 2. Bribing officials to grant concessions or per- vicinity.1'' Conviction for illegal logging requires suade others to.17 the logs as evidence—difficult since most are 3. Paying and coercing lawyers and officials to in- sold quickly or processed." corporate multiple limited liability companies so that each can apply for concessions, thereby C. Reducing effective labor costs bypassing laws that limit the concessions any Indirect revenue to the government—workers' one firm can hold. income taxes and social security payments fore- gone as new employment is generated—may not Notes be as high as expected if companies follow the l.For an alternative account see, Debra J. Callister, Ille- gal Tropical Timber Trade: Asia-Pacific (Sydney, practices listed below: Australia: Traffic International/World Wildlife Fund, 1. 'lying workers' pay to production goals. In UK, 1992). Guyana, more than two thirds of the average 2. Roman Grynberg. David Wigston and Siva Ram Ver- worker's salary on the new Barama concession muri. "Transfer Pricing and Trade Malpractice in the comes from production incentives.12 This prac- Papua New Guinea Log F.xport Industry," 'theJournal tice increases productivity but risks the safety of of Interdisciplinary Economics. 1988. vol. 2: 215-243. the workers who opt to work extremely long 3. [hid. David \. Smith and Louis T. Wells Jr.. Negotiating hours to increase pay. operating heavy machin- Third World Mineral Agreements: Promises as Pro- ery and harvesting at high speed while fighting logue (Cambridge. Mass.: Ballinger Publishing Com- fatigue. This practice also is likely to increase pany, 19"). the environmental impact of harvesting, as tired 4. Roman Grynberg. David Wigston and Siva Ram Ver- machine operators are less careful.1- muri. Transfer Pricing and Trade Malpractice in the Papua New Guinea Log Kxport Industry," TheJour- 2. Investing too little in job training. This de- nalof'lntcrdisciplinaiy liconomics, 1988. vol. 2: creases immediate costs but increases injuries 215-243. and fatalities." 5. Kieran Cooke, "Log-Jam Along the Rajang River Fi- 3. Opening jobs to local people as independent nancial Times, July 6, 1994. contractors not necessarily eligible for such 6. Alex Choong and Sivakumar Kuitan, "Illegal Log- worker benefits as medical coverage and acci- ging: Stare-Owned Companies Biggest Culprits" New Straits Times, November 2S, 1992. dent compensation. -!. Ibid. 4. Price gouging in company stores in very remote 8. Margaret SeoU. "Loggers and Locals Fight for the areas where workers depend upon the com- Heart of Borneo" Tar Eastern Economic Review, pany to meet all their needs. This practice off- April 28, 1994: 44. sets the cost of labor.'^ 9. "New Method 1,'setl by Illegal Loggers Kxposed" New Straits Times. December 28. 1992. 10. I'. Parameswaran. "Loggers' 'licences' to steal timber" D. Corrupting government inspectors Business 'Times, , 1991. In countries where public employees receive 11. Shariff Ilamid. "Cabinet Wages All-Out War on Ille- very low salaries and are often demoralized and gal Logging" Business Times, January 28. 1993- poorly motivated as a result, the possibilities for 12. Interview with a Samling executive, Slahroek News corruption are great.1" A few examples: Georgetown, Guyana, July 28, 1994. Box 3. (continued) 13. "The truck drivers work until 11 pm and then they're "Logging the Rain Forest" Neiv Yorker May 27, 1991: wakened by the foreman at. 2 am to work again." 42-66). Malaysian, Harrison Ngau, a Marudi activist quoted 15. Interview with a Samling executive, Slabroek News in Stan Sesser, "Logging the Rain Forest" New Yorker. Georgetown, Guyana, July 28, 1994. May 27. 1991: 42-66. 16. Francois Nectoux and Yoichi Kuroda, Timber from 14. "Though less than 5% of the Sarawak workforce is the South Seas: An Analysis of Japan's Tropical Tim- employed in logging, the industry, in 1983. ac- ber Trade and its Environmental Impact (Gland, counted for 67% of all fatal occupational accidents in Switzerland: WWF International, 1989); Charles the state. Over the last 17 years more than a thou- Barber, N'els Johnson, and Emmy Ilafild. Breaking sand workers have been killed. 94 in 1989 alone. In the Logjam: Obstacles to Forest Policy Reform in In- 1980, one in five workers suffered injury and one in donesia and the United Stales (Washington D.C.: four hundred were killed....These figures indicate a World Resources Institute, 1994). rate of accidents twenty-one times higher than what 17. Azmi M. Anshar, "Timber Thief Tells the 'Inside' was reported for the logging industry in Canada.'' Story" New Straits Times, October 28. 1991. (The researcher quoted is Wade Davis in Stan Sesser,

2. Where forestry concessions have been estab- Amazon.29 Unpredicted health impacts can be a lished on and around communal lands, often with major cost. Blocked waterways and stagnant water good intentions on the part of the company to re- on skidder trails invite increases in malaria vectors, spect community territories and traditions, the out- for example. Reduced runoff as the forest come has been social conflict, elevated operating cover shrinks impairs river navigability, perhaps even costs, and harsh public criticism of operations as a re- isolating communities and endangering lowland agri- sult. These issues are illustrated by experience in culture and vulnerable wetlands as salt intrusion at Guyana. In 1991, the Barama Timber Company Lim- river mouths increases. ited27 was granted a 1.9-million ha concession ("tim- Some of the risks described above may well be ber sales agreement") in the northwest of Guyana for worse in Suriname, where community lands are very 25 years on various Amerindian territories, recog- poorly demarcated and not officially recognized. In nized and unrecognized. The company has employed any case, if recent history and contemporary events some Amerindians, but has been dissatisfied with are any guide, the community lands issue in Suri- their productivity and lack of discipline. Meanwhile, name is one that will be ignored at the peril of the some communities claim that logging has occurred or government and the logging companies. Experiences is planned on their lands without permission. No from the construction and operation of the Broko- accurate and up-to-date demographic survey of the pondo hydroelectric dam and, more recently, the Barama concession and its zone of influence exists, Goldenstar Resources gold-mining concession have and there are perhaps twice as many Amerindian shown that where communities are not carefully con- communities within the concession area as initially sulted and included in planning activities the whole stated or thought.28 project can be jeopardized. Paramount chiefs, repre- 3. The roads and other infrastructure that tend to senting Maroons, have recently spoken out against accompany large forestry concessions can have a far developments in Suriname's hinterland that have only 30 greater indirect impact than the concession itself. left them poorer. Unplanned "development" often follows new infra- In the case of the dam, members of structure with colonists taking advantage of easier ac- some of the displaced communities have since dis- cess to place land claims, thus establishing an infor- rupted the operations of the development to protest mal frontier economy. Deforestation and social the lack of compensation and government assistance problems result—witness many well-documented in- provided since resettlement. The Goldenstar Resources frastructure-development projects in the Brazilian mine, still in the preparation and exploratory phases, has already suffered serious threats of armed violence by young Maroons who live in the zone of influence. One of the companies vying for a large logging The Government of Suriname has very concession, MUSA, has a poor record so far in deal- ing with both traditional communities and its own limited capacity to monitor even the employees. In at least two cases reported in the current forestry concessions, let alone press, the company has negotiated contracts with those proposed, and equally little ca- community leaders outside its existing 150,000-ha pacity to enforce the laws on the books, concession to buy timber from community lands at very low prices. much less the more complex environ- mental provisions contained in the 2.4 WILL ECONOMIC GROWTH draft contracts. AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT BE ACHIEVED WITHOUT MAJOR 1 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS? The Government of Suriname has very limited lesser known species, some of which the concessions capacity to monitor even the current forestry con- propose to commercialize, scientists don't even know cessions, let alone those proposed, and equally the regeneration requirements. Nor have growth rates little capacity to enforce the laws on the books, and the impacts of silvicultural treatments, such as much less the more complex environmental pro- enrichment planting and vine cutting, been studied visions contained in the draft contracts and their much. Even the Celos system of natural forest man- technical annexes. Furthermore, logging can be agement developed in Suriname has only been tested very damaging to the environment, especially on an experimental scale.34 Those who developed where enforcement capacity is limited, as it is in the system (in which post-logging treatments pro- Suriname. mote the growth of desired species) believe that it Even when tropical logging is practiced with the will allow continuous timber harvesting on a 25-year utmost care, as in experimental settings, controversy cycle. But Celos has never been tested at the scale of surrounds its environmental impact. Selective logging a commercial concession, and companies who pro- practices take a heavy toll on the forest, altering local pose to use it on new concessions have little incen- patterns of biological diversity and such ecosystemic tive to carefully follow through with the costly rec- functions as evapotranspiration rates, nutrient cycling ommended treatments, and little chance of being patterns, and forest humidity.31 caught by the government if they don't. Studies in French Guyana have demonstrated Other damages are even more likely. Designing dramatic impacts on forest-dwelling birds following logging roads poorly, using inappropriate types of episodes of selective logging. Populations of some skidders for extracting logs and thereby compacting species swell while those of others shrink. Game the soil more, and logging on steep slopes lead to birds and doves that inhabit the forest's understorey soil erosion and disrupt local watercourses. If peren- and are particularly significant in the diets of tradi- nial streams are dammed during road construction tional communities32 were 94 percent less frequent in and waterways permanently altered, the ecology of the forest 8 to 12 years after logging than before, large areas of forest can be upset, perhaps even re- while some living on the forest edge or in large gaps ducing potential for the local regeneration of eco- (species of very little subsistence value) were 575 nomically important species. percent more frequent after the same interval.33 These impacts can be dramatically reduced by Knowledge of the ecology of tropical rain forest using low-impact logging techniques and implement- trees is very limited, even for greenheart and other ing "best practice" in road design and construction. commercially important species. For many of the But knowledge of such techniques and best practices is sorely lacking in Suriname. Since late 1994, the Best practice logging and sustained efforts to United States Forest Service has been lending some minimize industrial residues from processing plants of its expertise to Surinamese officials by working are rare throughout most of the world. Ensuring that with them to plan measures to reduce the environ- such practices are widely used and respected by the mental impact of logging activities, including soil ero- logging companies in Suriname is even less likely sion, stream disruption, habitat loss, and industrial considering how weak public institutions are and emissions. But, clearly, such assistance is expensive how limited technical capacity for establishing stan- and a long-term program of institutional strengthen- dards and monitoring is. And an even more complex ing is needed if the Suriname Forest Service is to ad- issue is the indirect impact of logging industry expan- dress these issues through the course of implementa- sion, including colonization along new roads and tion of new concessions. pollution from the processing plants. III. OPTIONS FOR STRENGTHENING SURINAME'S FOREST-CONCESSIONS POLICY

3.1 OPTIONS FOR INCREASING ment to reduce the impact of collusion among RENT CAPTURE bidders. Prospective bidders would pay an ap- plication fee to cover the cost of assessing Many forest concessions around the world pro- their eligibility to participate in the auction. duce little government revenue.35 The fee structures Eligibility would be based on an independent are too complex, contracts and laws are poorly struc- review of financial data and of the firm's tured making revenue calculation and collection diffi- record in the forestry business, including its cult. In addition, the fees are too low and are not history in environmental and labor issues. adjusted with inflation. Fees are often set administra- 2. Implement a system of end-product ad tively rather than according to what the market will valorem royalties based on estimates of ex- bear, logging and the invasion of concessions are traction, transport, and processing costs, as poorly controlled, resources are wasted and corrup- well as information on market prices, to bring tion abounds.36 All of these problems are at play in projected profits down to "normal" rates for Suriname to some extent. foreign investors. If most of the revenue owed is not collected, op- 3. Require companies that win a concession portunities for providing incentives via the tax system to pay two types of "performance bond" to reduce the negative environmental and social im- totaling not less than about 10 percent of pacts of harvesting and processing are lost. The fees the estimated investment. The first bond that Suriname currently collects on concessions oper- would last the life of the agreement and be ating in its northern region are extraordinarily low. In forfeited to the extent necessary to pay reme- his authoritative report to FAO on Suriname in 1974, diation costs related to negative environmental F.J. Schmithusen noted, "It would be difficult to find and social impacts. The second would help other examples of tropical countries where the forest ensure that the company invests what it says it fees have remained unchanged for such a long will invest, perhaps being released over time period."37 But recommendations made then have still as the company fulfills its obligations. not been implemented. 4. Consider removing all incentives and sub- The rate of taxation should ideally be set through sidies for secondary processing of timber the market. That way, it will be the highest that com- in Suriname and reconsider whether a ban on peting companies are prepared to pay to purchase log exports makes economic or environmental access to the resource, given predefined environmen- sense. tal and social constraints. The market-based approach 5. Charge reduced fees for community-based must be complemented by special provisions devel- forestry initiatives and co-management oped to promote community forestry and co-manage- efforts to help catalyze such schemes. ment by communities and the private sector. 6. Privatize some fee collection and informa- The revenue-collection scheme proposed has six tion gathering activities (such as invento- components: ries and cost studies). 1. Establish an auction system whereby forest If royalty rates are based on accurate price and concessions are awarded to companies that cost data and if institutions are restructured to ensure offer the highest bid to win the right to man- that royalties are actually paid, government revenues age the resource. A minimum bid, or "floor" from the proposed concessions could be more than price would ensure a reasonable upfront pay- doubled using the system proposed here.'In addition, a concession-awards system based on auctions tends auction, or descending-price auction, also an open to discourage speculation and discriminates against process, and first-price and second-price auctions, companies that have less efficient operations. In which are both sealed bid processes. short, auctions help the government allocate re- At auctions, sellers always want to get the high- sources to those who value them most and who est possible price for the resources on the block and will probably use them most productively.38 to limit the potential for collusion. A recent review by An auction system also creates an incentive for the International Monetary Fund suggests that the government to strengthen its capacity to gather infor- English auction format usually yields the highest mation about the base. The more prices because the bidders have more information detailed the information on forest composition, trans- available to them during the auction and are more port costs, soil types, hydrology, and so on that the likely to reveal their reservation prices, but this for- government can provide, the higher the bids are mat is also the most susceptible to collusion.40 The likely to be since solid data minimize investor risk. best way to eliminate such collusion among bidders Contractors employed by the government could col- is to increase the number of bidders. Thus the key to lect some of the needed information, and the infor- success is marketing the concessions to ensure that mation could be sold to participating companies to many investors participate in the offering. cover the costs of gathering it. Realizing the high dividends that auctioning con- Concessions would be significantly smaller than cession rights in Suriname could bring means design- the million-hectare contracts being sought by Berjaya, ing and implementing a complex auction process, MUSA, and Suri Atlantic without affecting economic which in turn requires top-notch international assis- efficiency. As a rule of thumb, concessions would tance. Given the expected size of the increased rev- have to be large enough to attract well-capitalized for- enue collection, it is clearly in the government's inter- eign corporations, but not so large that few compa- est (possibly with donor support) to make this nies can afford to bid. Optimal size would probably investment. range from 50,000 to 200,000 ha—close to the maxi- In an auction system, the proposed application mum envisaged in the 1992 Forest Management Act. fees would fund the verification of the company's fi- Unless companies are prepared to offer more nancial data and the assessment of the firm's ability than the floor price, timber sales would, in effect, be to make the proposed investments. Environmental subsidized as they are in many parts of the United and fiscal track records would also be investigated. States.39 In such cases, it would clearly not be in the Companies unable to meet predetermined eligibility public interest to award concessions at all. Excluded criteria would be eliminated from the competition. areas would be those with high access costs, exces- Application fees for foreign investors would be sive hills, poor timber stocks, or great social or eco- higher to cover relatively greater verification costs. logical importance. Corporate intelligence consulting services could be The shift away from the current system which retained to vet this data. depends upon administrative discretion, would re- Once concessions have been awarded, the sim- duce opportunities for bribery. Where auctions are plest and most effective royalty system vis-a-vis rev- inappropriate or information on potential concessions enue collection is a flat ad valorem rate assessed on is terribly scarce, fees should instead be based upon the value of the final product. The rate should be rates set at auctions elsewhere in the country—a based on real FOB prices in Paramaribo and vary by composite system. product type—raw logs, sawnwood, furniture, mold- Several auction types are in use for various re- ings, and so on. A more complex system would sources around the world. The most common is the apply ad valorem royalties on finished products with English auction, or ascending-price auction. In it, a different rates for different species. This system low initial bid is increased until the item is sold to would be used to increase revenues from more valu- the last and highest bidder, and all the bidders can able timbers and also establish species-specific con- see each other's bids. Other types include the Dutch servation incentives. In other words, sought after species in danger of over-exploitation would go for ondary processing in the country. Subsidies for ply- very high rates. wood production in Malaysia are but one example. In As noted in Part II, companies may try to under- Suriname, the government is interested in following declare volumes, or mislabel valuable species as less similar policies. Restricting log exports increases the valuable ones. A good defe"nse against this abuse value added to timber in the country, thereby generat- would be to have royalties collected on commission ing increasing returns to the domestic forestry industry. by a private company, which would want to collect Countries with a rich forestial endowment may not, as much revenue as possible. A precedent for such a however, have any comparative advantage in process- system exists. In the 1980s, the Government of In- ing—whether processing efficiencies, economies of donesia hired a Swiss company specializing in inde- scale, or marketing capacity.41 According to a recent pendent auditing to collect import and export taxes study of several countries, "The economic at Indonesia's ports, a move that dramatically in- consequences of imposing log-export restrictions have creased the revenues collected. been negative, both from the perspective of the Performance bonds provide a relatively simple forestry sector and the country as a whole. No analysis 42 means of environmental protection. Such bonds exists that demonstrates any positive impacts." Envi- would be held in a guaranteed interest-bearing inter- ronmental results have been disappointing so far too. national investment account and released when the Log export restrictions depress local prices for logs, contract expired. The concession and processing op- and low prices can invite overharvesting and waste. erations would be inspected to ensure that cutting The development of a protected and inefficient local limits, investment promises, and management plans processing industry only exacerbates both. Further- were observed, and that, if they weren't, offending more, the World Bank study showed removing log ex- companies would forfeit the bond to pay fines and port restrictions can have a second round of environ- repair damages to roads, culverts, etc. The bonds mental impacts as a sudden increase in local log prices could also be used to compensate communities if adds further incentive to overharvest. On the other trees on their land are illegally cut by the companies hand, as other studies have suggested, encouraging or other damages are sustained. local processing can generate much-needed employ- The rate of exhaustion of performance bonds can ment and discourage particularly "rapacious" investors also be a measure of "corporate responsibility." Com- from establishing operations to supply processing panies whose bonds are quickly dissipated could be plants elsewhere. The analysis performed for this re- barred from or handicapped in future concession port shows, however, that the cost of foregone rev- auctions. Once a bond is exhausted, operations enues accepted by the government in order to spur in- would be suspended by the government until the vestment in processing operations far outweigh the bond is replenished. Government could also decide benefits of increased employment. (See Part 2.1.) Simi- to terminate a contract if a bond is exhausted be- larly, there are more effective ways to discourage irre- cause a company consistently violates good practice. sponsible companies: strict vetting procedures, higher taxes, and better law enforcement. Even under conditions of relative macro- economic stability and low inflation, fees, royalties, Better rent capture also ties in with community and taxes should universally be indexed. Given Suri- development. The options outlined in the next sec- name's current economic instability, such an indexing tion for reducing development's negative impacts on system should be updated frequently. Various sys- traditional or small communities would return to tems have been developed and successfully applied community control significant stretches of forest cur- to this end in Brazil. Indexing to a major hard cur- rently under sole control of the state. Given the dou- rency (such as the U.S. dollar) can also be used, ble benefit to government of earning revenue and though erosion due to annual inflation of even 2 to generating income for communities, if local forest 4 percent is still significant. management initiatives are developed (perhaps in Many countries have imposed log export bans and partnership with outside investors) low-interest loans, provided incentives to companies to promote sec- grants, or tax-exemption should be awarded. recognizes rights of ownership over lands tradition- ally occupied and the need to protect those rights ef- fectively. Furthermore, Article 7.1 specifically states that "The peoples concerned...shall participate in the Local, traditional, and indigenous communities formulation, implementation and evaluation of plans living in Suriname's forests depend to varying de- and programs for national and regional development grees upon the forest for their physical survival, cul- which may affect them directly." tural integrity, and psychological well-being. These From the narrower perspective of promoting for- groups are vulnerable to changes in land-use policy eign investment, responsible multinational companies given the almost total absence in Suriname of legally now have clear corporate policies that would make recognized land rights, community lands, or mecha- investing in forest concessions in Suriname well-nigh nisms for establishing and demarcating such lands. impossible without first resolving community land As things stand, the central government can decide to rights issues and defining property rights. In neigh- turn community lands over to other interests, such as boring Guyana, the major U.S.-based pulp, paper, industrial mining and logging. and building materials company, Georgia-Pacific Cor- To date, the Government of Suriname has done poration, has refused to enter into a long-term stable little to ensure that community rights are recognized agreement to buy plywood from the Barama conces- or built upon through community-development pro- sion, mainly because community lands within the 4 grams. But with the prospect of development of the concession are so poorly defined/' Clearly, if the hinterland's forest and mineral resources at hand, op- Government of Suriname is to encourage responsible portunities to implement dialogue with the communi- foreign investors with good track records to con- ties take on added urgency. Funds could come from tribute to forest sector development, it must first the increased fees paid by concessionaires and from define property rights. international donors, some of whom are quite willing Community land and development are sticky is- to consider proposals for community-lands demarca- sues. Consultation and negotiation are difficult when tion. The Government of Suriname could ride atop some parties are unable to read or are politically dis- the wave of change in policies dealing with tradi- enfranchised, isolated, or culturally separate from the tional peoples and compete well for donor funds by mainstream as many traditional communities are. adopting the most progressive policies. These complicating factors underscore the need to As a matter of legal fact, the Government of Suri- address community issues early in the development name is already obliged under national and interna- process and to keep up the dialogue with gradual tional law to recognize and protect the land and re- progress in mind. (See Box 4.) source rights of the estimated 10,000 Maroons and Even more fundamental issues are sure to surface 1,200 Amerindians in the three largest forest conces- in any debate over the future of forest resources and sions, as well as those who could be affected by the forest peoples. Can the interests of these groups be smaller proposals. The peace agreement brokered in reconciled with those of the nation? Can those who 1992 by the Organization of American States between live in Suriname's interior participate fully in deci- the Government of Suriname and the five armed sion-making in Paramaribo? And how can a func- groups in the interior provides for full land titling tional, integrated state, be constructed? In this sense, based on demarcation of traditional lands.43 In addi- any dialogue started on forest concessions and devel- tion, the 1992 Forest Management Act states that opment could serve larger national purposes includ- tribal land should be declared "communal forest" for ing democratization. (See Part IV.) the "benefit of the tribal inhabitants." With their sophisticated knowledge of biodiver- Internationally, Suriname is a signatory of the In- sity and rain forest agriculture, the Amerindians and ternational Labor Organization Convention (Number Maroons have much to contribute to resource-use 169) Concerning Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in In- plans for the hinterland. Various Surinamese institu- dependent Countries. Promulgated in 1989, ILO 169 tions should ensure communication between the gov- Box 4. Proposal for Reducing Negative Social Impacts and Creating Better Jobs

1. '['he need to improve information collec- be performed by local or foreign experts of inter- tion, information sharing, and consultation is national quality, independent from the interested pressing. Especially critical are data on community parties. size, location, demographics, local resource-use 4. A community lands demarcation program needs, and organizational and representational should be started using the mechanisms established mechanisms. This could be achieved partly by ex- in the Peace Accord of 1992 and mechanisms for panding the ongoing work of the Organization of resolving conflicts between communities and out- American States in Suriname. Officials should pro- side interests should be strengthened. This work mote information sharing through dialogue and could be an extension of OAS' current activities. consultation as a basis for all actions and distribute 5. Technical and financial assistance development proposals broadly through existing should be provided to communities to help them channels such as the District Councils and the better satisfy their own needs through micro-enter- Council for the Development of the Interior. prise development. 2. To make sure that concessionaires comply 6. Industrial forestry concessions and process- with contracts, the Ministry of Natural Resources ing enterprises should follow minimum employ- and the Ministry of Regional Development must be ment standards established by the companies in able to continuously monitor logging opera- consultation with government and labor organiza- tions and start a communal lands protection pro- tions. Training and apprenticeship programs gram focused on areas where development activi- should be integrated into corporate workplans. ties are planned or underway. 7. The Government of Suriname should ensure 3. Social impact assessments should be car- that concession workers have the freedom to orga- ried out by the government, for all concessions that nize themselves into free and independent border on community lands or areas that may be- labor unions with legally protected rights to col- come community lands. Such assessments should lective bargaining and to strike.

ernmental authorities and community leaders. These Once enough information has been collected and include the Council for the Development of the Inte- consultations have begun, community lands can be rior, the Association of Village Leaders in Suriname, demarcated or otherwise recognized. Through con- and the decentralized District Councils. Through tractual partnerships with communities, the labor these organizations, informative documents explain- costs of boundary marking can be reduced—witness ing government proposals should be circulated the success of such programs in Brazil. As for inhabi- widely in the hinterland. tants of communal lands, they would take responsi- Basic demographic and social information for bility for conservation and management of the natural much of Suriname's hinterland barely exists. Yet, resources under the basic contractual agreement. sound data should form the basis for designing an ef- Global positioning system technology (for accurately fective program of consultation. The Organization of locating points in the earth using signals from satel- American States has been trying to implement a de- lites) is also being used in parts of Latin America to mographic and land-use survey of traditional commu- plot land boundaries quickly and accurately, and nities in the hinterland, though more donor support such a system could be an integral part of the land- is needed to do it effectively. Such information could use zoning exercise described above. Expertise could serve as the baseline, helping government to monitor be borrowed from neighboring Brazil, where such changes in resource use and community needs as techniques are now well developed. The Pro Tem- development proceeds. pore Secretariat of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty, of which Suriname is a member, could also share its wages and maximum overtime limits, as well as pro- experience with demarcation and consolidation of in- visions for training programs. If salaries are very digenous lands in Amazonia. closely linked to productivity, employers might be Building upon the baseline information, repre- tempted to allow machine operators to work long sentatives of the Ministry of Regional Development hours, putting themselves in physical danger and should periodically visit communities and assess their lowering the quality of production. needs. In this way, any potential conflicts can be Since independence, the country has lost out as identified in time to adjust development and invest- much of its educated workforce has migrated to ment plans accordingly. wealthier countries. Foreign investors should, how- Social impact assessments can be incorporated ever, be obliged to hire mostly local workers. To re- into environmental impact assessments to predict duce risk of accidents and raise product quality, ap- how forest concessions' development will affect com- prenticeships or basic training in safe operation of all munities in the vicinity. Any potential negative im- types of machinery are needed for all workers. pacts should be discussed with community members, and the course of action agreed upon may be to halt the investment. A new unit could be established by the Govern- ment of Suriname to deal with complaints and dis- Policy options relating to environmental protec- putes related to community lands. The unit should be tion and management are not separate from those ad- able to respond quickly, and it should be widely re- dressing revenue optimization. Forestry operations garded as an independent arbiter of conflicts. The that damage watersheds, increase sedimentation or unit should also ensure that cases of criminal miscon- make water flows more erratic have real, measurable duct, such as violent attacks on communities or theft economic impacts. Siltation of hydrodam reservoirs of community-owned timber, are dealt with expedi- and water storage lakes, increased flooding, and ently and that appropriate compensation is awarded drought damage all have high costs. (possibly derived from the performance bonds rec- Concessionaires who buy the right to harvest tim- ommended in the previous section when concession- ber from public land are expected to return the forest aires are liable). to the public with the same productive characteristics Small community-development projects can often that it had to start with. If they don't, then the gov- be started with as little as a few hundred dollars for a ernment and the public lose. If environmental con- piece of processing equipment. The Amazon region trols and guidelines make logging financially unat- now boasts literally thousands of examples of small tractive, government would be encouraging community initiatives, many of which have made subsidized timber sales by granting licenses anyway. participants lives palpably better. Many exploit the Environmental protection is not a luxury hard diversity of fish or fruit species. Some are based on bought to satisfy a small green constituency of voters small-scale agriculture and processing. Others involve and donors; rather, it is a fundamental component of tourism or artisanal activities. Groups such as the any country's development strategy. The Government NGO Forum could help gather information on other of Suriname has embraced this concept by adopting experiences and could administer small loans pro- the Rio accords and by passing its Forest Manage- grams, the best of which elsewhere enjoy rates of ment Law of 1992. But, as Box 5 makes clear, the return far exceeding those of large projects. provisions in the Forest Management Law need to be Rather than simply trying to maximize productiv- complemented and reinforced through simple win- ity, companies should be required to follow mini- win synergies between economic development and mum standards to promote safe and just employ- environmental protection. ment. These could be set by reviewing standards in Any agreement between concessionaires and the other sectors and countries and negotiating with em- government should rest on a contract to manage the ployees and investors. They might include minimum forest resources according to a nationally applied crossing of rivers should be kept to a minimum. 7 Box 5. Proposal for Reducing Knvironmental Detailed forest-management codes should be pre- Impacts pared by the Suriname Forest Service and updated as new information and technology become available. 1. Investors should he awarded "forest man- Environmental impact assessments should be em- agement concessions," not "logging" or ployed more widely in the forest sector. They take ''timber harvesting and processing conces- account of, for instance, road-building to improve sions." Forest-management responsibilities concession access, as well as hydrology and soil ero- should include using watersheds as the basis sion. How credible environmental impact assess- Tor management planning, using low-impact ments are depends upon how technically competent harvesting systems, and setting aside parts of and independent those performing the assessment large concessions for pure conservation. are. International consulting companies or local non- 2. Require the preparation of an environmen- governmental organizations with no ties to the in- tal impact assessment by independent vestors could be employed for this task. experts for all concessions over 10.000 Under current regulations in Suriname, and in hectares. many other countries, concessions cannot be sold to 3. Allow for the concessions to be trans- another owner. Instead, they are simply returned, ferred under government scrutiny and if the often quite degraded, to the government. If conces- financial viability and track record of in- sions could be transferred, the logging industry vestors acquiring the concessions are as- would have an incentive to maintain the parcel's sessed first. value, which derives from its timber stock, its ecolog- 1. Annual release of the next block of forest ical health, its well-maintained infrastructure, and within a. concession should be dependent good relations with nearby communities. Of course, upon performance in the previous block, in- forest-management responsibilities would be trans- cluding payment of all taxes and implemen- ferred along with rights. All transfers would need to tation of the forest-management code. be registered with the Forest Service and the pur- 5. Part of the revenues from timber harvesting chasing company vetted for eligibility, as in the initial should be set. aside as an "environmental bidding process. fee." JL code of best practice based on up-to-date knowledge If experiences in Asia and elsewhere of forest processes and the environmental impacts of are a guide, the investors courting the logging. The code would stipulate low-impact felling based on detailed planning of roads, skid trails and Government of Suriname probably have landings, strict standards for road construction, and little incentive to follow the spirit of the minimum grading standards. The types of equipment forest management concession scheme to be used, such as tracked or wheeled skidders, and use of winches should also be specified. The Celos outlined here and in Suriname's na- harvesting system developed in Suriname may be tional legislation. most appropriate.45 (Complementary experience from Costa Rica and Brazil may also be valuable.46) Knowledge of watershed boundaries and struc- tures should drive extraction planning and conces- Suriname's government can exert considerable sion layout so as to protect the interests of down- leverage over the concessionaire by imposing strict stream users of the forest and water. Concession conditions on access to new blocks of forest for har- boundaries should also follow watersheds, and the vesting. Permission to start the next season's operations should be given only if the applicant strictly followed If experiences in Asia and elsewhere are a guide, codes and guidelines during the current season. the investors courting the Government of Suriname Suriname's quest for fiscal independence from the probably have little incentive to follow the spirit of international community includes financial indepen- the forest management concession scheme outlined dence to fund its own conservation programs. Accord- here and in Suriname's national legislation. If such in- ingly, a small percentage, say 5 percent, of revenues vestments are to go ahead, institutions in the Govern- from concession fees could be invested in a conserva- ment of Suriname need to be fortified so they can tion trust fund for long-term financing of protected monitor activities and enforce compliance. Indeed, areas and other conservation measures. A successful far wealthier countries with much more trained local precedent exists. The Government of Indonesia, expertise (such as Indonesia, Brazil and Venezuela) through a small "reforestation fee" on all timber-extrac- have been hard-pressed to enforce contract compli- tion activities, has established a billion dollar fund for ance or national legislation governing timber-extrac- forest restoration and conservation activities.48 tion activities in tropical forests. IV. INSTITUTION BUILDING, CROSS-SECTORAL ISSUES, AND ALTERNATIVE DEVELOPMENT OPTIONS

improve roads and communications infrastructure, thus linking the interior to the capital and making services and political institutions more accessible. While such developments could further integration A constant frustration of the inhabitants of Suri- and participation, strengthening democratic institu- name's interior has been their almost complete isola- tions is likely to yield the greatest progress at the tion from decision-making in Paramaribo and from lowest cost. such basic public services as health care and educa- At least four mechanisms already exist in Suri- tion. National integration has therefore been a major name to promote interior peoples' participation in preoccupation of the interior communities. decision-making. (See Box 6.) Most came into being Large-scale development initiatives—whether to help quell the unrest in the 1980s but all are too timber concessions or mining and energy infrastruc- strapped for funds to function. ture—appeal to the central government and to inte- If funded properly, these four mechanisms could rior groups partly because such investments would all help protect traditional peoples' access to natural

Box 6. Existing Mechanisms to Promote Hinterlanders' Participation in Decision-making

1. Eleven District Councils corresponding to the the opposition forces. But this group has never country's eleven subdivisions were established met because it has no funds to cover travel under the 1987 constitutional reform to decen- costs. tralize power. , which covers 3- The Association of Village Leaders in Suriname most of the southern two thirds of Suriname, is was also created under the OAS peace accord divided into four Departments, each with three and spontaneously came into being with partici- or four elected representatives who form the pation of Carib and Arowak Indian representa- District Council. The Council has never met tives. (Maroons have so far chosen not to since there are no funds to cover the airfares. participate). 2. The Council for the Development of the Interior is 4. Ad hoc Meetings of the Paramount Chiefs of the an urban-based representative organization es- Maroons take place occasionally—at the central tablished under Article 4 of the OAS-brokered government's discretion since the chiefs have peace treaty of 1992. Representatives of the no budget of their own.1 communities from the interior are included, along with those from the private sector and Note government. In theory, the Council provides 1. Some of the younger Maroons engaged in gold min- advice to the Minister of Regional Development ing do in fact have significant financial resources but these are not available to the Paramount Chiefs. The on development issues, including healthcare, latter receive small grants from Paramaribo but are education, social welfare, energy and water, in- expected by their associates to use the funds for so- frastructure redevelopment, land rights, map- cial occasions and festivities. {Gary Brana-Shute, per- ping, and demobilization and disarmament of sonal communication.) resources and ensure that development decisions human resources change constantly, permanent local don't benefit only a tiny minority of the population. policy and planning capacity is also essential and can Given this institutional framework and potential, a add perspective and staying power to sometimes- key part of any international assistance package generic recommendations from outsiders. In particu- to Suriname to address forest and rural develop- lar, ecotourism development, biodiversity prospecting ment issues should be support for re-establish- initiatives, and the promotion of investment in envi- ing and implementing these four basic represen- ronmentally sound and socially responsible enter- tational and participatory mechanisms. prises (perhaps including natural forest management for the production of "green seal" certified timber products) need an informed and stable indigenous team of experts. 3. Technical implementation, monitoring, and enforcement capacity. Sorely lacking within Suri- name's Ministry of Natural Resources and the Forest Service are such basics as forestry expertise, inven- The poor state of the Suriname Forest Service in tory and monitoring skills, and the capacity to plan terms of salaries, morale, and infrastructure mirrors infrastructure. Additional skills are also needed in ne- that of all of Suriname's natural resource sector, with gotiating with foreign investors, marketing non-tim- the possible exception of bauxite. (See Part I.) If any ber forest products, assessing wood-processing tech- of the proposals and options presented here are to nologies and picking among alternative harvesting be implemented and Suriname's forest sector is to be and forest-management techniques. Monitoring and re-established as a productive, profitable enterprise enforcing activities in current timber concessions in that generates employment and government rev- northern Suriname alone has proven beyond the For- enues, then investment in basic institution-building is est Service's current capacity. A recent study sug- required. gested that to police and monitor only one of the There may be many ways of designing a capac- proposed million-hectare timber concessions would 49 ity-building program. Five components are essential: cost on the order of $1 to $2 million per year. 1. Participation and consensus building capacity. 4. Protected areas and community lands estab- The Ministries of Natural Resources and of Regional lishment and consolidation capacity. Forest Service Development need the budget and skills to consult staff also need training in conservation biology and with the range of stakeholders concerned with natural reserve design, as well as in land-line mapping and resource and forest issues, the capacity to communi- inexpensive land-demarcation techniques. The same cate effectively and widely so as to keep the public cadre (and technicians from other departments) also informed about forest development plans and issues, need training in community relations, village-level a means for including all stakeholders in discussions, consensus building, and conflict resolution. and educational activities for empowering the various South-south transfer of experiences and expertise groups to act effectively in their own interests. with other countries in Latin America and the 2. Policy, strategy and planning capacity. Basic Caribbean—such as Costa Rica, , and Brazil, training for government technicians in policy analysis where there is considerable knowledge and a history and the comparison of development or investment of innovation—may be more cost-effective and ap- options is required. Government needs to know propriate than training in and Europe about all available options, and it must be equipped for Suriname to acquire some of the capacity de- to compare them and to design a sector-development scribed above. Partnerships with the Central Ameri- strategy for implementing the best options efficiently. can Commission on Environment and Development, These tasks can be assigned to international consul- the Association of Amazonian Universities (based in tants, but since markets, environmental and social Brazil), and other regional technical bodies could be constraints, funding levels, and the availability of the most appropriate channel for such transfers. "economic zone" in the north of the country. Current royalty rates and fees have been so devalued by in- flation that they generate less for the treasury than 4.3-1 Economy-wide reforms they cost to collect. Timber sales are below cost, so In Suriname, forestry reforms are needed within a the country is losing more money with every harvest. general framework of economic stabilization that also Fees could be increased by a factor of over one hun- includes mining and agriculture. To be sure, forestry dred and still fall below rates charged in some coun- alone will not meet all Suriname's economic develop- tries52—reason enough to justify a comprehensive re- ment needs. At issue here is whether large-scale tim- view of the fees and fee structure. ber-concession proposals contribute anything over the A major obstacle to greater productivity and com- long term: they draw down public assets (in this case petitiveness in domestic forestry operations is low forests) to finance excess public and private con- capitalization. As a result, machinery is out-of-date sumption and thus generate short-term revenue by and inefficient and operators are poorly trained. For- depleting the capital stock (forest reserves)—in real- eign investment in forestry in the economic zone ity, a net loss of assets that is clearly unsustainable.50 could be promoted. At the same time, donors could Without economic stabilization, the prevailing finan- finance loans to local producers for upgrading, to- cial incentives for forest users will overwhelmingly gether with a package of training and marketing as- promote unsustainable resource "mining." sistance. Again, such reforms will succeed only if A detailed discussion of Suriname's structural ad- Suriname streamlines its financial services sector and justment needs is beyond the scope of this study, but exchange controls as part of economy-wide reform. consider two issues of specific relevance to forestry. Fortunately, the economic zone is not a black The first is revenue collection. A key component of box. Inventories of forest resources have been per- economy-wide reform programs is reducing the pub- formed throughout the area, and good data exist on lic deficit by cutting and in- timber transport and processing costs. This zone also creasing tax collection. A prime opportunity is reform has a decent infrastructure base for transport. In- of revenue collection from the forestry sector, as dis- vestor interest permitting, making good on the plans cussed here. outlined above for expanding the forestry sector and The second issue is property rights. As recent building institutional capacity could pave the way for studies suggest, poorly defined property rights can at- concessions further south. tract irresponsible foreign investors, creating a "com- Suriname's economic zone also has agricultural parative advantage" (for the foreign investors, not for potential. Nationally, agricultural production has de- the host country!) that sparks bilateral trade based on clined dramatically in recent years, even though the artificially low resource prices. Suriname's basically coastal zone is considered ideal for intensive produc- open access to forest resources in the hinterland is a tion. Reforms in this sector could perhaps provide case in point. Trade and foreign investment only add much of the revenue and employment needed with- to the problem, making the over-use of forest re- out moving forestry operations into the inaccessible sources all but certain. Given this constellation of and ecologically and socially sensitive hinterland. forces, property rights issues should be accorded greater attention in the design of Suriname's struc- 4.3-3 Other forest uses 51 tural adjustment program. Forests are much more than stores of timber. In- ternational interest on the part of pharmaceutical 4.3-2 Improving land use in Suriname's companies in Suriname's biodiversity and non-timber "Economic Zone" forest products, and Suriname's relatively high rev- Before establishing new forestry concessions, the enues from "eco-tourism" in the 1970s testify to many Government of Suriname might first reform the ad- forms of forestial wealth. Revenues from so-called ministration of the 2.4 million ha of existing conces- "alternative" development options can also be signifi- sions and cutting permits in the more accessible cant. For example, ecological tourism is now Costa Rica's largest foreign exchange earner, contributing advantage as the government competes for funds with more to its economy in absolute terms than the entire , Peru, Guyana, and Brazil and other heavily mining and forest sectors contribute to Suriname's. forested countries where pressures to convert forest to Admittedly, only a well coordinated effort over sev- other land uses are much greater. Suriname could ag- eral years would make Suriname a major tourist des- gressively seek financial transfers to offset the opportu- tination. But even if forestry development is quicker, nity costs of conserving its forests to the fullest extent. it should be planned with other slower-moving It could emphasize the country's strong conservation prospects in mind. tradition and the high probability that relatively small cash transfers will keep its forests intact. 4.3.4 Land-use zoning and planning Other possible funding sources are debt-for-de- Comprehensive land-use zoning and planning velopment programs, green venture capital, and could start in Suriname with an ecological-economic green investment funds. Debt-for-development funds zoning exercise like those recently completed suc- could facilitate the sale of Suriname's foreign debt on cessfully in parts of Brazil, , and the secondary market in exchange for government in- elsewhere.53 Such an assessment would reveal the vestment within Suriname in sustainable develop- potential for forestry, agriculture, mining, tourism, ment. Green venture capital and investment funds and other commercial activities. It could also high- could bolster conservation or sustainable enterprises light areas of great biological or social sensitivity— or spawn new ones. Some institutional investors may whether a zone of rare biological diversity or the want to invest in operations with "subnormal" profits lands of a traditional people. A land-use zoning pro- simply to give a "shade of green" to their overall in- gram should be a prerequisite for expanding forestry vestment portfolio; others are simply looking for a activities further south in Suriname. good return. Managers of green funds—many of which have millions if not tens of millions of dollars in assets—are more interested than ever in compa- nies that can implement sustainable forest manage- ^ft^l^ ment. The Government of Suriname could offer con- cessional terms to such companies with a reasonable Developing-country politicians have long called prospect that major investments might follow. for payments from the rich "developed" countries to A relative lack of investment in forestry in Suri- the poorer "developing" countries to finance tropical name so far can also be turned to the country's ad- forest conservation. Various analysts have suggested vantage. Compared to most other forest-rich coun- that it makes economic sense for citizens and compa- tries, including the United States, Indonesia, Brazil, nies in the richer countries to pay poorer countries and Guyana, it has little invested in and earns little and their forest owners to conserve forest cover, par- from the traditional unsustainable timber industry. (In ticularly to maintain stored carbon in biomass so it fact the largest producer, Bruynzeel is a loss-maker.) doesn't escape into the atmosphere as carbon diox- Since it doesn't have significant profitable industries ide—a potent greenhouse gas.54 To a limited extent, based upon unsustainable timber extraction from nat- such payments are already made in the form of ural forest, Suriname doesn't face a tough transition Global Environment Facility funds and other forms of from unsustainable to sustainable forestry. Rather, its assistance,55 and transfers of funds are also possible choice is between developing a traditional industry, under the "Joint Implementation" provision of the Cli- along the lines of the investment proposals of Ber- mate Convention signed at Rio. Meanwhile, some jaya, MUSA, and Suri Atlantic, or seeking investors U.S. companies are entering into agreements whose business-development strategy centers on with Latin American countries—notably, Costa Rica— more sustainable, independently certifiable "green to develop experimental carbon-offset schemes. seal" timber harvesting and processing. Suriname's comparative lack of population growth, The green timber market is new but it is already migration, and infrastructure development may be an large enough for investors to begin seeking opportu- nities. In Europe, the 1995 Group of various busi- Some of the options suggested in this report nesses that trade in wood products is committed to would take years to implement fully. For this reason, "sourcing" all of its timber from sustainable producers these options could incur significant opportunity by the end of 1995, and in the United States, changes costs in the short- and medium-terms when com- are being proposed in the national building code that pared with the relatively quick, short-term gains of could require all builders to use timber from well- accepting Asian investors' concession proposals. The managed sources, immediately creating a billion- Government of Suriname thus finds its back to the dollar market. wall. It desperately needs revenue to fund public ser- Given the importance of this emerging market vices and pay the large civil service, and probably and Suriname's special position as a country that is until the next elections in May 1996 it can't embrace almost entirely blanketed by tropical rain forest but the recommended macroeconomic remedies the in- has almost no existing forest industry, promoting ternational community is promoting. Despite the their country as a producer of timber and non-timber major social and environmental risks involved and forest products from well-managed forests could pay the large amounts of revenue that would be foregone off handsomely for the government and the public. compared to what could be earned from a more carefully developed and slowly implemented forest sector development strategy, Suriname will be sorely tempted by foreign investors' offers. The Government of Suriname has many times declared its desire to follow a sustainable develop- i*C|pm tttE iNTBR-AMERieAISf ment path but with the wolf at the door, how long can it hold out? Donors seeking to respond to Suriname's re- Many months of analysis and conversations with quests for forest-sector assistance are on the horns of both donors and interest groups in Suriname have a challenging dilemma. Without doubt, Suriname's convinced us that the international donor community forests are of global significance and donors would should immediately join forces to offer relatively un- do well by their conservationist constituencies to sup- restricted balance-of-payments and budget support to port efforts to promote sustainable forest use. On the the Government of Suriname, together with a pack- other hand, high inflation, a feeble Forest Service, age of forest sector, natural resources, and rural de- and weak non-governmental groups thwart the deliv- velopment technical assistance. Such a program ery of aid. When the Government of the Netherlands would ease pressures on the government to accept faced this dilemma and its goal of fostering various investment proposals that are not in Suriname's long- sectors, it imposed conditions on its donated funds, term interest and would help it begin to strengthen tying the release of the approximately US$500 million the institutions and mechanisms that will make forest held in "treaty funds" to the implementation of a sector development more productive and just. program. The result has been In response to the concerns raised in this study an uncomfortable standoff between the two govern- and other sources, the Inter-American Development ments, with Suriname unable to muster sufficient Bank (IDB)—the multilateral institution established to votes in the National Assembly to push through the finance development in the region—is now taking needed reforms, and The Netherlands unable to cut the lead in designing the assistance package—a off aid completely for humanitarian reasons. In any move deserving strong support. The IDB, unlike event, donors should continue a dialogue with the some other donors, maintains a positive open dia- Government of Suriname, seeking opportunities to logue with the Government of Suriname and recently provide strategic support as the government begins played a key role in facilitating discussions about to implement structural adjustment within the context structural adjustment. Indeed, the IDB is probably the of a broad program of technical assistance to the for- only international financial institution that can discuss est sector. frankly with the government the complex and deli- cate issues of Suriname's forests and economic crisis. donor effort by making funds available for capacity Still, other donors, particularly the various European building and increasing government revenues. governments with interests in the region, as well as The proposals put forth here can't be considered the United States and Canada, should contribute to the or implemented in haste. But with the fate of some of multilateral assistance package. the world's greatest tropical forests and thousands of Any success in establishing biodiversity prospect- forest-dependent peoples in the fray, policy- ing, carbon-offset deals, or private investment in in- makers and donors must both watch the clock. They dependently certifiable natural forest management for have at most a matter of months before two develop- timber would, of course, complement the multi- ment paths—only one of them sustainable—fork.

Nigel Sizer coordinates WRI's work in the Amazon countries and works on international forest policy issues. Dr. Sizer is an Associate in the Biological Resources and Institutions Program. Prior to joining WRI, he was affili- ated to the National Institute of Amazonian Studies in Brazil. Richard Rice is currently working on the econom- ics of tropical forest management and is Director of Resource Economics at Conservation International. Before that, he worked for 10 years on forest and public land management in the U.S. at The Wilderness . APPENDIX. ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT OF THE TIMBER-CONCESSION PROPOSALS

Prepared with assistance from Diji Chandrasekharan and John Reid, Conservation International, Washington D.C.

The following is a description of the calculations Data Sources and sources of information used in our economic as- All costs used in our assessment were taken from sessment. Tables 1 and 2 list the prices and produc- the Berjaya investment plan. Final product-export tion volumes used in our analysis while Table 3 pre- prices were obtained from Conservation International's sents a summary of potential, actual, and foregone office in Paramaribo (and then checked against recent government revenue and corporate profits (assuming prices published by the FAO). Production volumes full compliance with the draft timber agreements). were taken from the Berjaya investment plan. Table 3 also shows the impact of contract evasion on government revenue and corporate profits. A discus- Taxes sion of our general approach to the analysis, our data Our analysis examined three sources of govern- sources, the products and taxes examined, and our ment revenue: 1) a royalty (or retribution) of 5.5 per- calculations and assumptions follows. cent assessed on undressed timber; 2) an income tax of 40 percent assessed on adjusted net revenue; and General Approach 3) a 10-percent tax assessed on corporate dividends. Our assessment examines how the proposed Time kept us from considering two taxes stipulated concession agreements between the Government of in Suriname's 1992 Forestry Law, an area fee and a Suriname and Berjaya Timber Industries will affect volume-based royalty, in our calculations. Neither of government revenue and corporate profits. We used these taxes is large enough to affect the analysis. The the Berjaya draft agreement and timber investment area fee is $0.02 per hectare per year and the royalty plan1 as a base for our analysis. Our primary analysis is $0,005 to $0.02 per m3. assumes full compliance with the stated terms of the draft contract agreement. We further assumed that Products the two remaining companies, MUSA and Suri At- Two products were considered in our calcula- lantic, would adopt similar investment plans. The im- tions: 1) sawnwood, and 2) plywood. At the time our pact of company under-reporting of revenues and analysis was conducted, Berjaya had no plans to ex- over-reporting of costs was also examined. port logs. Due to a lack of reliable data, two addi- tional products, furniture and moldings, were left out of our assessment. Table 1. Average Product Prices Prices $/m3 of Average product prices were used to calculate final product total revenue for each of the three products noted Raw Logs 85.00 above. (See Table I.) The averages were derived Sawnwood 315.00 from a range of current export prices obtained from Plywood 375.00 Conservation International's office in Paramaribo. These prices compare favorably to the average prod- Table 2. Production Volumes, by Concession and Product

Berjaya MTTSA Si Tntii (m3 logs) (m3 product) (m logs) Log Exports 0 100,000 100,000 200,000 200,000 Sawnwood 90,000 420,000 140,000 650,000 325,000 Plywood 466,667 200,000 80,000 746,667 268,800 Total 556,667 720,000 320,000 1,596,667 793,800 uct prices for Suriname wood-product exports pub- London Interbank Offer Rate) plus 7 percent should lished by the Food and Agriculture be used for tax purposes (Article 51). The interest (or Organization (FAO Yearbook: Forest Products, 1995 debt) payments included in Table 3 were calculated In Press, FAO: Rome). using an interest rate of 12 percent, which is the rate shown in the Berjaya investment plan.5 The debt Volumes payments were calculated using Equation 2 below: Final production quantities, or product volumes, were used in calculating total revenues and costs. (2) Debt Payment = 0.12 x [0.7 X (Initial Capital (See Table 2.) The roundwood-to-final product con- Investment)] version factors, taken from the Berjaya investment plan, are 0.5 and 0.36, respectively, for sawnwood The initial capital investment, for each product, and plywood. was taken directly from the Berjaya investment plan.6-7 For simplicity, we assumed a constant level of Total Revenue debt payment over time. This assumption probably Total revenue for sawnwood and plywood were results in a modest overstatement of the company's calculated by multiplying product price by volume: costs in later years. Export Costs were listed separately in the Berjaya (1) Total Revenue = Final Product Price X Final investment plan. They are presumably the costs asso- Product Volume ciated with preparing products for export, such as mill-to-port shipping and port charges. Costs Total Costs is equal to the sum of all costs: The components of total costs included in values listed in Table 3 are described below.2 (3) Total Cost = Logging Cost + Manufacturing Cost + Logging? and Manufacturing Costs include the Export Cost + Debt Payment + fixed and variable costs associated with logging and Depreciation final product manufacturing. Fixed costs include capi- tal depreciation, as listed in the Berjaya investment Net Revenue plan.4 Variable costs include operations costs, labor Net revenue is the difference between revenue costs, and debt payments {i.e., all costs listed except and total cost. raw material inputs). Debt-payment calculations are discussed separately below. Normal Profit Debt Payments are the interest paid by compa- Normal profit is the minimum companies are nies on borrowed capital. The Berjaya concession willing to accept to invest in timber production in agreement states that up to 70 percent of total invest- Suriname. In this analysis, we assumed that compa- ments can be financed through loans (Article 2, Para- nies would require a normal profit equal to 30 per- graph 2) and that a lending rate of LIBOR (i.e., the cent of average yearly investment (AYI): Table 3. Impact of Contract Evasion on Government Revenue and Corporate Profit from the Berjaya Proposed Concession

Contract Compliance Contract Evasion A. Summary ($ million/yr)* Revenue 64.58 51.66 Total Cost 41.10 46.19 Net Revenue 23.48 5.47 Normal Profit 15.19 15.19 Potential Government Revenue 1376 13.76 Actual Government Revenue 8.79 2.02 Foregone Government Revenue 4.97 11.74

B. Government Revenue ($ million/yr)* Royalty 1.09 0.87 Income Tax 6.26 0.90 Dividend Tax 1.44 0.25 Total 8.79 2.02

C. Corporate Profits ($ million/yr)* Normal Profit 15.19 15.19 Windfall Profit 4.97 11.74 Total 20.16 26.93 All yearly figures were calculated as an average of the first five years. Part A, above, shows the effect on government revenues of 20 percent over-reporting of costs and 20 percent under reporting of revenues. In the right hand "Contract Evasion" column, the Revenue, Total Cost, and Net Revenue lines are figures that would be reported by the company. The Actual Government Revenue shows the amount of taxes that would be paid based on the misreported earnings. True Potential Government Revenue and Normal Profit are based on true costs and revenues and so are the same in the two columns of figures. Foregone Government Revenue under contract evasion is the difference between the Actual Government Revenue (reduced by inaccurate reporting) and the true Potential Government Revenue.

(4) Normal Profits = 0.3 X AYI, Actual Government Revenue where, Actual government revenue is the total revenue (5) AYI. = [(AYI^ + YI;) + (AYI w + Yl. - Dp,)]/2 collected through taxes. As noted, four taxes were and YIj and DP; are annual investment and deprecia- considered in our analysis: a royalty, an income tax, tion, respectively. an export tax, and a tax on corporate dividends. The calculations used in estimating each tax are described Potential Government Revenue below: Potential government revenue is the economic Royalties charged under the terms of the contract rent from logging and wood processing, or the maxi- are 5.5 percent of the value of "undressed" timber. mum revenue available to the government. It is the For log exports and sawnwood, the value of un- difference between net revenue and normal profit dressed timber was assumed to be the market price minus debt payments. of log exports ($85/m3). Plywood was assumed to require two "grades" of undressed timber, 85 percent even smaller share of available revenues than es- with a value equal to the unit cost of log production timated here. In our assessment, we assumed ($27/m3) and 15 percent with a value $20/m3 less prevailing prices for final products. than the market price of log exports ($65/m3): • When calculating the royalty for plywood, we as- sumed that 85 percent of the raw log inputs had (5) Plywood Undressed a value equal to the unit cost of log production, Timber Value = (0.85 X $27/m3) + (i.e., that these logs had no ready market other (0.15 X $65/m3) than plywood). This may understate the true value and result in a modest understatement of Income Taxes. According to the Berjaya contract, government revenues. for the first three years of the contract period, income • We did not calculate the revenues from moldings taxes will equal 40 percent of adjusted net revenue and furniture. These represent a sizable fraction calculated as follows: of total planned exports and have a high unit value. Prices up to $800/m3 have been reported

(6) Income Tax; = 0.4 X [(0.8 x Revenue;) - Total for moldings from Guyana sold in Europe (Tim-

Cost - Royalty; - Export TaXj] ber Trade Journal, May 1994). If these prices are (i = 1,2,3) accurate, adding revenues from these products would likely increase both government revenue In subsequent years, the contract allows for a and corporate profit. However, based on prices modification of the 20-percent reduction8 in revenue and costs included in the Berjaya Investment shown above. We assumed that no reduction in rev- Plan, adding these products to our assessment in- enue would be allowed in the calculation of income creased costs substantially but added relatively taxes in subsequent years: little to revenues. As a result, with contract eva- sion, net revenue actually declined, as did overall (7) Income Tax. = 0.4 X (Revenue. - Total Cost. - government revenue. Royalty - Export Tax) (j = 4,...,24) NOTES Dividend Taxes were calculated as follows: 1. Investment Plan for a New, Fully Integrated Factory for the Production of Sawn Timber, Plywood, Mouldings and Furniture (Berjaya Timber Industries Suriname, (8) Dividend Tax = 0.1 X [Revenue - Total Cost + N.V.i.o., July 1994). Depreciation - Annual Investment 2. To estimate production costs for MUSA and Suri-Atlantic - Royalty - Income Tax - using costs listed in the Berjaya investment plan, we first Export Tax] calculated a unit cost (in S/m3 of roundwood) for each of the cost categories used in our analysis and then multiplied by the log volume of final output for each Corporate Profit product produced by the two companies. This category aggregates the profit collected by 3. Logging costs are listed separately in the Berjaya invest- timber companies. It is composed of normal profits ment plan. Since the Berjaya contract does not provide and windfall profits, and windfall profits are equal to for log exports, these costs were assumed to represent foregone government revenue. the logging costs required to supply their secondary processing facilities. To allocate these costs between sawnwood and plywood, we first calculated a unit cost Caveats of logging (based on Berjaya's total roundwood require- A few caveats related to our analysis are in order: ment for all products) and then multiplied by the quan- • Prices used to assess taxes and fees in Suriname tity of roundwood used in sawnwood and plywood. have traditionally been set at levels substantially 4. Total depreciation used for sawnwood and plywood in- below world market prices, (e.g., in calculating cludes a logging and manufacturing component. Manu- royalties for the current MUSA concession). If this facturing depreciation is listed separately by product in trend continues, the government will capture an the Berjaya investment plan and was taken directly from the plan. The logging component was estimated by first calculating a unit cost of depreciation for logging equip- nent and a manufacturing component. As noted, logging ment and then multiplying by the log volume used in costs (including capital investment) shown in the Ber- plywood and sawnwood production. jaya investment plan represent the logging costs associ- 5. A lending rate of 12 percent implies LIBOR of 5 percent. ated with all secondary processing. To allocate these The current (January 13, 1995) LIBOR is 7.2 percent. costs between sawnwood and plywood, it was neces- 6. The initial capital investment is the investment that the sary to calculate a unit capital investment cost and then company makes in land, factories, and equipment in the multiply by the log volume used in making each first two years. The capital investment, by product, is re- product. ported in the respective appendices of the investment 8. For MUSA and Suri-Atlantic the reduction in revenue is plan under interest expense. 10 percent. Therefore, the adjusted net revenue is calcu- 7. The capital investment used in calculating debt payments lated by using 0.9 instead of 0.8 in equation 6. for each product was composed of a logging compo- NOTES

1. Forest concession policies in some other Latin 9. The Amerindians are divided into five principal American countries, as well as Suriname, will be tribes: the Akuriyos, the Arowaks, the Caribs, the analyzed in more depth in a forthcoming World Tirios, and the Way anas. A sixth tribe, the Warao Resources Institute report to be published in mid- lived in Suriname in historical memory, but are 1995. now found only in Guyana and Venezuela. The 2. Murray Hiebert, "A Kinder, Gentler Laos," Far Caribs and Arowaks are found nearer to the coast Eastern Economic Review, March 29, 1990, pp. and have a long history of contact. The others 25-26; Michael Hayes, "The Malaysian Business have had very little or no contact except recently Connection," Phnom Penh Post, January 27, 1995, with Protestant . They are now enter- vol. 4, No. 2: 13. ing the cash economy and being converted to 3. Companies active in Guyana include Samling Cor- western . For more detail see. E. Basso, poration, Leeling Timber and The Berjaya Group, Carib-Speaking Indians—Culture, Society and all from Malaysia, and Sunkyong Limited of South Language (University of Arizona Press, Tucson, Korea. Arizona: 1977); Mark Plotkin, " and 4. Wim Hoogbergen, "The History of the Suriname Conservation in the Guianas: The Indians of Maroons," in ed. Gary Brana-Shute, Resistance Southern Suriname," eds. Frank Almeda and and Rebellion in Suriname: Old and New, Studies Catherine M. Pringle in Tropical : Di- in Third World , vol. 43: 65-102 versity and Conservation, (San Francisco, Califor- (Williamsburg, Virginia: College of William and nia: California Academy of Sciences, and Pacific Mary, Dept. of Anthropology: 1990). Division, American Association for the Advance- 5. The other illegally-armed groups were known as ment of Science, 1988). the Angula Movement for Liberation, the Mande- 10. United States Department of State, Country Com- las, and the Koffiemakas. mercial Guide 1993: Suriname, (Washington 6. For an excellent and up-to-date analysis of Suri- D.C.: 1993). name's recent history and probable political fu- 11. et al. Conservation Action ture see Gary Brana-Shute, Suriname: The Nation Plan for Suriname (Paramaribo: Stinasu, Conser- against the State, (Philadelphia: Current History vation International, Suriname Forest Service, Inc.) Current History, vol. 94, no. 589: 86-90. World Wildlife Fund and University of Suriname, 7. World Resources Institute in collaboration with 1990). the United Nations Environment Programme and 12. Ibid. the United Nations Development Programme, 13. Mark Plotkin, "Ethnobotany and Conservation in World Resources 1994-5 (New York: Oxford Uni- the Guianas: The Indians of Southern Suriname," versity Press, 1994), Table 16.1. eds. Frank Almeda and Catherine M. Pringle in 8. Also known as "bush-negroes"—descendants of Tropical Rainforests: Diversity and Conservation, West African slaves who rebelled against the (San Francisco, California: California Academy of Dutch masters at various times up to 300 years Sciences, and Pacific Division, American Associa- ago, they have since lived the traditional life of tion for the Advancement of Science, 1988). their ancestral tribes in the hinterland. They are 14. World Resources Institute in collaboration with divided into six groups: , Ndjuka, the United Nations Environment Programme and Matuwai, Paramaka, Kwinti, and Boni. The Boni's the United Nations Development Programme, base is in French Guiana, but some live on Suri- World Resources 1994-5 (New York: Oxford Uni- name's side of the border. versity Press, 1994), Table 19.1. 15. The Bruynzeel contract is due to expire in 1996, 27. Barama is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sunky- as it was renewed for 25 years when it first ex- ong of Korea (owns 20%) and Samling Timbers of pired in 1972. Sarawak, Malaysia (80%). 16. The five most important exported species up to 28. The Amerindian Research Unit, University of 1993 were: Dicorynia guianensis, Hymenolobium Guyana, and Marcus Colchester, personal flavum, Qualea coerulea, Vatairea guianensis, observations. and Tabebuia serratifolia. 29. Accounts include: Anna Luiza Ozorio de Almeida, 17. Official Gazette of the of Suriname, For- The Colonization of the Amazon (Austin: Univer- est Management Act, 1992. sity of Texas Press, 1992); Marianne Schmink and 18. Other key pieces of legislation are the 1950 Tim- Charles H. Wood, Contested Frontiers in Amazo- ber Export Act, the Agrarian Act and the 1954 Na- nia (New York: Columbia University Press, 1992); ture Preservation Act. Anthony L. Hall, Developing Amazonia (Manches- 19- The Convention on Trade in Endangered Species ter: Manchester University Press, 1989). (CITES) is an international treaty, signed in Wash- 30. Aboikoni luidt noodklok: Toestand in ington D.C. in 1973- It includes mechanisms for binnenland is precair, Weekkvant Suriname, 9-15 monitoring, controlling, and even prohibiting the March, 1995: 3. international trade in species in danger of becom- 31. Nels Johnson and Bruce Cabarle, Surviving the ing extinct. Cut: Natural Forest Management in the Humid 20. Berjaya Group Berhad Annual Report to Stock Tropics (Washington D.C: World Resources Insti- Shareholders. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1994. tute, 1993). 21. "Solomons Logging Project to go Ahead Despite 32. John G. Robinson and Kent H. Redford (eds.), Bribery Allegations," Timber Trades Journal, Sep- Neotropical Wildlife Use and Conservation tember 10, 1994. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991). 22. Doug Tsuruoka, "Vanishing Coral Reefs: Plunder- 33. J.-M. Thiollay, "The Influences of Selective Log- ing Threatens Tioman and other Asian Tourist ging on Bird Species Diversity in a Guianian Rain Centers," Far Eastern Economic Review, January 7, Forest," Conservation Biology, 1992, vol. 6, 47-63- 1993: 24-25. 34. Arend J. van Bodegom and N.R. de Graaf, The 23. David N. Smith and Louis T. Wells Jr., Negotiating Celos Management System-. A Provisional Manual Third World Mineral Agreements: Promises as Pro- (The Netherlands: National Reference Center for logue (Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger Publishing Nature, Forests, Landscape and Wildlife/Forestry Company, 1975). Department, Wageningen University/Foundation 24. Memo dated October 9, 1981 and entitled "Sum- for Netherlands Forestry Development Coopera- mary of Potential Damage Calculations," from the tion, 1991). Regional Forester, Alaska Region, to the Chief, 35. Many of the recommendations presented in this U.S. Forest Service. In appendix to "Timber Indus- section draw upon experiences in other countries try Practices in the Tongass National Forest, similar to Suriname in key respects, such as weak Alaska." U.S. House of Representatives. Serial No. institutions, a poor information base, and low 98-19, 1983. public employees' salaries. Published analyses 25. Francois Nectoux and Yoichi Kuroda, Timber which served as helpful references were: Robert from the South Seas: An analysis of Japan's Repetto and Malcolm Gillis, (eds.), Public Policies Tropical Timber Trade and its Environmental and the Misuse of Forest Resources (New York: Impact (Gland, Switzerland: WWF International, Cambridge University Press/World Resources In- 1989). stitute, 1988); Robert Repetto, The Forest for the 26. David N. Smith and Louis T. Wells Jr., Negotiating Trees? Government Policies and the Misuse of For- Third World Mineral Agreements: Promises as Pro- est Resources (Washington D.C: World Resources logue (Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger Publishing Institute, 1988); Mikael Grut, John A. Gray and Company, 1975). Nicolas Egli, Forest Pricing and Concession Poli- cies: Managing the High Forests of West and Cen- zone where the communities and citizens liv- tral Africa (Washington D.C., 1991). World Bank ing in tribes can perform economic activities, Technical Paper 143; Malcolm Gillis, "Forest Con- including forestry, small mining, fisheries, and cession Management and Revenue Policies," in hunting." ed. Narendra P. Sharma, Managing the World's 44. Information based upon personal communications Forests: Looking for Balance Between Conserva- of senior executives. tion and Development (New York: Kendall/Hunt 45. Arend J. van Bodegom and N.R. de Graaf, The Publishing Company and the World Bank, 1992). Celos Management System: A Provisional Manual 36. Mikael Grut, John A. Gray and Nicolas Egli, Forest (The Netherlands: National Reference Center for Pricing and Concession Policies: Managing the Nature, Forests, Landscape and Wildlife/Forestry High Forests of West and Central Africa (Washing- Department, Wageningen University/Foundation ton D.C., 199D. World Bank Technical Paper 143. for Netherlands Forestry Development Coopera- 37. F.J. Schmithusen, Forestry Development, Suriname tion, 1991). Forest Legislation. (Rome: United Nations Food 46. The work of CATIE in Costa Rica and of IMAZON and Agriculture Organization, 1974). and the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil, in de- 38. Robert A. Feldman and Rajnish Mehra, "Auctions: veloping low impact timber harvesting techniques Theory and Applications." International Monetary should be examined for its applicability in Suri- Fund Staff Papers, 1993, vol. 40., no.3: 485-511. name. 39. Robert Repetto and Malcolm Gillis, eds. Public 47. Kenneth Brooks et al. "Watershed Management: A Policies and the Misuse of Forest Resources (New Key to Sustainability," in ed. Narendra P. Sharma York: Cambridge University Press/World Re- Managing the World's Forests: Looking for Balance sources Institute, 1988). Between Conservation and Development (New 40. Robert A. Feldman and Rajnish Mehra, "Auctions: York: The World Bank/Kendall-Hunt Publishing Theory and Applications." International Monetary Company, 1992). Fund Staff Papers, 1993, vol. 40., no.3: 485-511. 48. Charles Barber, Suraya Afiff, and Agus Purnomo, 41. Jeffrey Vincent, The Tropical Timber Trade and Integrating Biodiversity Conservation and Devel- Sustainable Development, June, 1992, Science, opment: Lessons and Strategies from Indonesia vol. 256: 1651-1655. (Washington D.C.: World Resources Institute, In- 42. Rachel A. Crossley, A Preliminary Examination of donesian Forum for the Environment and Pelangi the Economic and Environmental Effects of Log Institute, In Press). Export Bans. Draft report to be published by The 49. Andrew Howard, Assistance Package for the For- World Bank, cited with permission of the author, est Sector of Suriname—Concept Paper. February, 1994. 1995. 43. Article 10 of the 1992 "Agreement for National 50. For a more detailed account of the economic im- Reconciliation and Development" entitled "Right plications of natural resource depletion, see Raul to Land" states: Solorzano et al. Accounts Overdue: Natural Re- "1. The Government shall endeavor that the citi- sources Depreciation in Costa Rica (Washington zens who live in tribes acquire a real title to D.C.: Tropical Science Center and World Re- the land for which they have applied in the sources Institute, 1991). Also, see Forest Resource areas in which they live. Accounting: Stock-Taking for Sustainable Forest "2. The demarcation and size of the areas men- Management (London: International Institute for tioned in the first paragraph shall also be de- Environment and Development, International termined on the basis of a study carried out Tropical Timber Organization, and World Conser- with respect thereto by the Council for the vation Monitoring Center, 1994). Development of the Interior. 51. Graciela Chichilnisky, "North-South Trade and the "4. Around the area mentioned in paragraph 2, Global Environment," The American Economic the Government will establish an economic Review, 1994, vol. 84, no. 4: 851-874. 52. Malcolm Gillis, "Forest Concession Management 54. Robert Schneider, The Potential for Trade with the and Revenue Policies," in ed. Narendra P. Sharma, Amazon in Greenhouse Gas Reduction (Washing- Managing the World's Forests: Looking for Balance ton D.C.: World Bank, 1993) LATEN Dissemina- Between Conservation and Development (New tion Note no. 2; Nalin Kishor and Luis Constan- York: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company and the tino, Sustainable Forestry: Can it Compete? World Bank, 1992). (December 1994) Finance and Development: 53. The Government of Suriname did request prepa- 36-39. ration of a proposal to perform such an exercise 55. Suriname is currently in the planning phase of a two years ago. The United Nations Food and multi-million dollar project supported by the Agriculture Organization and the Pro Tempore Global Environment Facility to consolidate the Secretariat of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty national protected areas system. helped to prepare the proposal which waited for a formal request from the government for imple- mentation for almost two years. World Resources Institute fyft, • 1709 New York Avenue, N.W. The World Resources Institute (WRI) is a policy Washington, D.C. 20006, U.S.A. research center created in late 1982 to help governments, international organizations, and private business address a WRJ's Board of Directors: Maurice Strong fundamental question: How can societies meet basic Chairman human needs and nurture economic growth without John Firor undermining the natural resources and environmental Vice Chairman integrity on which life, economic vitality, and international John H. Adams Kazuo Aichi security depend? Manuel Arango Robert O. Blake Two dominant concerns influence WRI's choice of Derek Bok projects and other activities: Robert N. Burt Ward B. Chamberlin Sylvia A. Earle The destructive effects of poor resource management Alice F. Emerson on economic development and the alleviation of Shinji Fukukawa poverty in developing countries; and Cynthia R. 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