FOREIGN DRIVER’S LICENSES FROM TREATY COUNTRIES Drivers from treaty countries are allowed to legally drive in Michigan on a foreign driver’s license if the license is printed in English or accompanied with an English translation. Under Michigan law, the driver doesn’t need to show proof of legal presence.

• Macao • San Marino • • Madagascar • • Malawi • Serbia • Australia • Fiji • • Seychelles • Austria • Finland • • Bahamas • • Malta • Singapore • • Gambia • Maruitius • Slovak Rep. • • Georgia • • Slovenia • • Germany • Monaco • • Ghana • Montenegro • Spain • • Greece • • Sri Lanka • Botswana • • Namibia • • Swaziland • Bulgaria • • Sweden • • New Zealand • Syrian Arab Rep. • Cambodia • • Tanzania • • Hong Kong • • Central • Hungary • Norway • African Rep. • Iceland • • Trinidad & • • Papua New Tobago • China (Taiwan) • Ireland • Columbia • Israel • • Congo • Italy • • Congo • • Philippines • United Arab Democratic Rep. • Japan • Poland Emirates • • Portugal • United Kingdom • Cote d’Ivoire • Korea • Romania • • Kyrgyz Rep. • Russian • Vatican City • Cyprus • Laos Federation • • Czech Rep. • • Rwanda • Vietnam Rep. • Denmark • Lesotho • St. Lucia • Western Samoa • Dominican • Lithuania • St Vincent & • Zambia • Luxembourg the Grenadines • Zimbabwe FOREIGN DRIVER’S LICENSES FROM NON-TREATY COUNTRIES Drivers from non-treaty countries are allowed to legally drive in Michigan on a foreign driver’s license if: • The driver’s license is printed in English or accompanied with an English translation, and • The driver can show proof of legal presence.

• Croatia • Kosovo • Saint Kitts and • Andorra • Curacao • Nevis • Angola •Democratic • Latvia • Samoa • Antigua and Republic of • Liberia • Sao Tome Barbuda Timor-Leste • Principe • Armenia • • Liechtenstein • • Macedonia • • Equatorial • • Solomon • Guinea • Marshall Islands • Belarus • Eritrea Islands • • Bhutan • Estonia • • South • Ethiopia • Micronesia • Sudan • Bosnia and • Moldova • Switzerland Herzegovina • Guinea • Mongolia • • Guinea-Bissau • • Tonga • Burma • Holy See • Nauru • • Burundi • • Nepal • Tuvalu • • Ukraine • Cape Verde • • Palau • • Palestinian • Vanuatu • China • Kenya Territories • • Kiribati •

Department of State Information Center – 888-767-6424