SPECIAL REPORT WORLD AIR FORCES 2013 IN ASSOCIATION WITH FLIGHT Insight INTERNATIONAL You count on availability. We provide reliable solutions. RUAG Schweiz AG | RUAG Aviation | Military Aviation 6032 Emmen | Switzerland | Phone +41 41 268 41 11
[email protected] | www.ruag.com/aviation WORLD AIR FORCES 2013 CONTENTS ANALYSIS 4 Worldwide active fleet per region 5 Worldwide active fleet share per country 6 Worldwide top 10 active aircraft types 8 WORLD AIR FORCES World Air Forces directory 9 TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT FLIGHTGLOBAL INSIGHT AND REPORT SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES, CONTACT: Flightglobal Insight Quadrant House, The Quadrant, Sutton, Surrey, SM2 5AS, UK Tel: + 44 208 652 8724 Email: insight@flightglobal.com Website: www.flightglobal.com/insight World Air Forces 2013 | Flightglobal Insight | 3 WORLD AIR FORCES 2013 The US Air Force’s F-16 strike aircraft should perform their last offensive sorties over Afghanistan in late 2014, as the NATO-led assistance force passes control to Kabul Force is to drive through a planned light air support acquisition of 20 armed turboprops for the Afghan air force. A programme should COMBAT be launched in 2013, with an earlier selection of Embraer’s EMB-314 Super Tucano having been abandoned. The process of leaving Afghanistan will be a diffi cult one for participating nations, with a TRANSITION great deal of valuable equipment requiring ex- traction by air, and land convoys needing sig- Air arms from around the globe were in action during nifi cant protection from above. Another aspect of the Afghan drawdown 2012, while most budgets faced mounting pressure. We process will be the conclusion of major joint list the inventories and purchase plans of 160 nations coalition air operations, after more than a dec- ade of experience gained in the country.