The Securitization of Chinese Technology Companies in the United States of America Giandi Kartasasmita1 and Andrea Prisca Kurnadi2 The Securitization of Chinese Technology Companies in the United States of America Giandi Kartasasmita1 and Andrea Prisca Kurnadi2 1 Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Indonesia, 2 Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, International University Liaison Indonesia, Indonesia, ABSTRACT This paper aims to explain the securitization process of Chinese technology companies by the U.S Government. While the U.S has been aware of the cyber threat since 1998, before Trump's presidency, the U.S. Government haD never taken Drastic measures against foreign technology companies baseD on national security pretext. This paper revealed that the U.S. Executive has succeeded in securitizing the Chinese hardware and software companies, perceiving Chinese companies as an existential threat to U.S security, privacy, anD liberty. This move leaDs to the increasing number of U.S. Citizens perceiving China as a significant threat to the U.S. Keywords: Securitization, cyber threat, technology, cyber security, technology companies ABSTRAK Tulisan ini menjelaskan proses sekuritisasi perusahaan teknologi Tiongkok oleh pemerintah Amerika Serikat. Meskipun Amerika Serikat dari tahun 1998 telah memiliki kesadaran akan bahaya siber, sebelum pemerintahan Presiden Donald J. Trump di tahun 2016, pemerintah Amerika Serikat tidak pernah melakukan tindakan yang drastis terhadap perusahaan teknologi dari negara lain berdasarkan alasan keamanan nasional. Tulisan ini menemukan bahwa Pemerintahan Presiden Trump sukses melakukan sekuritisasi terhadap keberadaan perusahaan teknologi perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak Tiongkok, membangun persepsi ancaman terhadap keamanan, privasi dan kebebasan di Amerika Serikat. Langkah yang diambil meningkatkan persepsi ancaman warga negara Amerika Serikat terhadap Tiongkok.
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