Xavier Richet Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of the Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, Jean Monnet Chair ad personam, e-mail:
[email protected] Jovan Zafiroski Associate professor, ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of law “Iustinianus primus” in Skopje, e-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected] Chinese presence in the region LSEE - CEFTA Academic Network on International Trade, 2nd Network Workshop, Skopje, 13-14 September 2019 2 Three Players WB6: Disintegration, nationalisation, reintegration: BiH, Kosovo*, MNE, NMK, RS 2 External built states (BiH, Kosovo*) Political instability, corruption, rule of law, authoritarian Adjustment, catching up. In the orbit of the EU: trade, FDI, accession programmes but waiting for Godot? EU: Upcoming integration: strict conditionalities The Balkan Common Market: a stepping stone, an airlock, a quarantine? Numerous programs :Western Balkan Investment network, *This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with limited financial means UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence LSEE - CEFTA Academic Network on International Trade, 2nd Network Workshop, Skopje, 13-14 September 2019 3 Three Players China: Why the WB matters? A subset of a regional strategy: 17+1 within the New Silk Road. New markets, building regional value chains? Services providing: building infrastructures through loans Looking for influence? A real economic impact? Strong asymmetries Trade offs Complementarity with Chinese presence