Braving a winter storm, Toronto, ON / Ron Watts / Firstlight DECEMBER FEBRUARY 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 January 2005 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 27 28

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

2004: A tire in downtown 1 Moose Jaw, SK, damaged one of the city's biggest tourist attractions, the Tunnels of Moose Jaw, where the ghosts 01 gangsters like AI Capone are still said to roam. Firefighters battled the clty's worst blaze In 28 years at temperatures of -20·C, In strong winds and intermittent . No one died, but several firefighters were overcome by the trlgld weather.

New Year's Day Perihelion 20;00 EST 2003: Repair crews in 2 2004: Across Ontario and 3 1981: Commuters called it 4 2004: 11 was a snowy mess 5 2803: Owing to global 6 1947: In BC's 7 2004: Brulally cold weather 8 Vancouver, BC, picked Quebec, temperatures shot the crush hour. Thousands across Vancouver, with 5 to warming, several lower Mainland, dense fog gripped Eastem Canada. In through the twisted wreckage up to an unseasonably balmy 01 jam-packed subway 15 cm ot snow on the ground. communities in Nunavut conspired with Icy streets to Toronto, ON, temperatures of two towering mechanical 12.3°C. What was to be the lasl passengers In Toronto, ON, were Most BC coastal municipalities began Installing artifiCial bedevil traffic, causing one dipped to -23°C. Toronto's shlploaders toppled by a wind mild day in eight weeks brought sluck In trains for an hour or more reported a road sail shortage. for hockey. Hockey season used fatal accident and injuries to at customer holllne received more storm that battered the Pacific many outdoors. There were more during the morning's rush hour They had been going threugh to run from September until May least five other persons. Acyclist than 900 calls from residents coast with gusIs of more than golters than skiers in action, and because two trains froze In their sail supplies at a faster pace in the 19708 but rarely begins died Instantly when his bicycle complaining about frozen 100 kmJh. The wind speed more joggers abounded. Others enjoyed Iracks. At Toronto Pearson than usual, due to chillier before Christmas now and ends met atruck head-on in the fog. pipes or having no waler. In than doubled in less than in-line skallng, outdoor basketball International Airport the mercury weather. The reserves were in March. On average winter Although Fraser Valley roads SI. John's, NL, firefighters had 15 seconds. The accidenllnjured games, slurping cones, fell 10 -31.3·C, the lowesl gone and It would be late January temperatures in the western were dangerous for light cars 10 de-ice the fire trucks. two workers and caused power and drinking beer on front steps. temperature there since records before more arrived by barge Arctic have warmed by up to 4 without chains, most school Veterinarians were seeing oulages for as many as began 44 years ago. At least from the US, Mexico, and Chile. degrees in the past 50 years. buses ran. felines coming in with frostbitten 80,000 cuslomers. 16lainted In the crush. Sustained temperatures of-20·C ears where they have no lur. are needed to make natural ice.

last Qus rter ()

2004: Apparenlly, il was too 9 1899: A75-year-old man 10 1938: A Cree trapper 11 Weather Quiz 1918: Many pheasants 13 2004: Snow rollers, a 14 2804: Criminals stalked 15 cold 10 deliver the mail, froze to death near living on Ghost River, What is the mildest city 12 roamed laiHess In BC's rare weather affluent Toronto, ON, either on foot or by delivery Brsnfford, ON. Found ON, was alone on his ever to be awarded the Lower Mainland as a phenomenon, were seen neighbourhoods before van, according to 10 letter In the centre of a large trapline when a tree fell Winter Olympic Games? result 01 a recent ice near Kingston, ON. They 9 AM to find high-priced carriers In Hull, QC, who are snowdrift, it was evident from the on him, breaking one 1001. The 1) Lake Placid storm and . The storm brought were perfect, resembling rolls vehicles that had been left Idling. lacing possible disciplinary trampled snow that he had fought temperature was -37·C. When his 2) Calgary down the roof of a Chilliwack, BC, of light cotton balling about the Exhaust fumes trom Idling cars action from Canada Posl. hard for Iile. He had crawled for family reached him two days later, 3) Saralevo breeding facility, freeing about size of small barrels, with are like smoke signals to car Workers claimed they were some distance on his hands and he was pinned by the tree and had 4) Vancouver 85 pheasants. Their lails froze to hollowad-out ends and a Ihieves. A lot 01 car owners were exercising Iheir conlractual righl knees before his fingers froze and cut his foot off with an all., but 5) Sail Lake City the ice on the ground and they lengthwise hole through the starting their vehicles to warm to reluse work if they feel their burst. He then covered himself with blood-poisoning had set In. His (Answer on inside lIack cover) were only able to escape certain middle. Ideal weather for snow them and Ihen going back inside health or salety is jeopardized. some extra clothes he was caorying sons snowshoed to Albany for help, starvation by tugging away from roller formation is a layer to wait. The thieves either took and lay down for what proved 10 be reaching seUlement 7 days later. Ihelr plumage. Their tails, however, 01 new snow, just above freezing unlocked cars or broke Inlo his last sleep. grew back. temperatures, and strong winds houses to gel the keys. to pick up snow and start It somersaulting. New Moon •

2UK: Snow sculptures 2804: Asmall plane 1958: TWo RCMP officers 2004: Near Evangeline, 1904: So intense was 1899: Locked in a huge 2003: Strong winds and leaturing close-up views 16 17 18 19 2 0 2 1 2 2 crashed Immediately after rescued lour people In PEI, a storm surge at high the cold waather in ice lIoe, the canadian biller cold produced of male and lemale lake-off from Pelee Island. Chesterfield, NU, tide carried tonnes of sea Yukon along the Dawson terry Niagara, wllh -40°C wind chills in anatomy angered some Weather conditions were following a plane crash in Ice across cllfts and dunes, to Whllehorse trallthal 19 persons on board, Montreal. Ironically, the reslderrt:s In an area of north poor with lreezlng drizzle, bone-chllling-37· weather. The and slammed Into beacbfront stage drivers and horses was swapl helplessly down the brulal weather put the staging ot London. ON, heavily populated snow, and low visibility officers first saw the plane go coUages and summer homes. bled profusely lrom the nostrils. Nlagara River and wrecked on several extreme winter sporu on .....by___ unlYII'IIty.. _____ students,I __I.L ______The dlsptaya ~111~_e~lI\J. ~~~ _~~~!". overhead and then 15 minutes later The Ice lIoes ware 1 50__ - cm___ thtck 1 __ ~~!_o",~""~_~..!~~~_~erings Ihe !~~~~!~_~~~~. ~~_d~l~g !~. Crow!,s at'~1 resorts ~yed were _!Come by file frigid weather. 1 New Year's Day Perihelion 20:00 EST 2003: Repair crews in 2 2004: Across Ontario and 3 1991: Commuters called It 4 2004: 11 was a snowy mess 5 2003: Owing to global 6 1947: In BC's 7 21104: Brutally cold weather 8 Vancouver, BC, picked Quebec, temperatures shot the crush hour. Thousands across Vancouver, with 5 to warming. several Lower Mainland, dense fog gripped Eastern Canada. In through the twisted wreckage up to an unseasonably balmy of jam-packed SUbway 15 cm of snow on the ground. communities In Nunavut conspired wilh Icy streets 10 Toronlo, ON, temperatures of two towering mechanical 12.3·C. What was to be the last passengers In Toronto, ON, were Most BC coastal municipalities began Installing artificial ice bedevil traffic, causing one dipped to -23·C. Toronto's shiploaders toppled by awind mild day In eight weeks brought stuck In trains tor an hour or more reported a road sail shortage. for hockey. Hockey season used fatal accident and injuries to at customer hotline received more storm that battered the Pacific many outdoors. There were more during the morning's rush hour They bad been going through to run from September unlll May least live other persons. Acyclist than 900 calls from reSidents coast with gusts of more than golters than skiers in action, and because two trains froze In their sail supplies at ataster pace In the 1970$ but rarely begins died instantly when his bicycle complaining about frozen water 100 km/h. The wind speed more joggers abounded. Others enjoyed tracks. At Toronto Paarson than usual, due 10 chillier belore Christmas now and ends met atruck head-on in the fog. pipes or having no water. In Ihan doubled In less than In-line skating, outdoor basketball International Airport the mercury weather. The reserves were In March. On average winter Although Fraser Valley roads SI. John's, NL. tlrellghters had 15 seconds. The accident injured games, slurping Ice cream cones, fell to -31.3·C, the lowest gone and il would be late January temperatures In the western were dangerous tor light cars to de-ice the fire trucks. two workers and caused power and drinking beer on front steps. temperature there since records before more arrived by barge Arctic have warmed by up to 4 without chains, most school Veterinarians were seeing oulages for as many as began 44 years ago. AI least lrom the US, Mexico, and Chile. degrees in the past 50 years. buses ran. felines coming in with frostbitten 80,000 cuslomers. 16 fainted in Ihe crush. Sustained temperatures of -20·C ears where they have no fur. are needed to make natural ice.

Last Quarter ()

21104: Apparently, it was too 9 1899: A75-year-old man 10 1938: ACree trapper 11 Weather Quiz 12 1918: Many pheasants 13 2004: Snow rollers, a 14 2004: Criminals stalked 15 cold 10 deliver the mail, froze to death near living on Ghost River, What Is the mildest clly roamed tail-less in BC's rare weather affluent Toronto, ON. either on loot or by delivery Brantford, ON. Found ON, was alone on his ever to be awarded the Lower Mainland as a phenomenon, were seen neighbourhoods before van, according to 10 letter in the centre at a large trapline when atree fell Winter Olympic Games? result of a recent Ice near Kingston, ON. They 9AM to tind high-priced carriers In Hull, QC, who are snowdrift, it was evident from the on him, breaking one foot. The 1) Lake Placid storm and frost. The storm brought were perlect, resembling rolls vehicles that had been left Idling. facing possible disciplinary trampled snow Ihat he had fought temperature was -37·C. When his 2) Calgary down the roof ot aChilliwack, BC, of light cotton baning about the Exhaust fumes from idling cars action from Canada Post. hard tor life. He had crawled for family reached him two days later, 3) Sarajevo breeding faCility, freeing about size of small barrels, with are like smoke signals to car Workers claimed they were some distance on his hands and he was pinned by the tree and had 4) Vancouver 85 pheasants. Their tails froze to hollowed-out ends and a thieves. A lot of car owners were exercising their contractual righl knees betore his fingers froze and cut his loot off with an ax, but 5) Salt Lake City the ice on the ground and they lengthwise hole through the starting their vehicles to warm to refuse work If they feel their burst. He then covered himself with blood-poisoning had set In. His (AI/swer 01/ il/side back cover) were only able 10 escape certain middle. Ideal weather for snow them and then going back inSide health or sately is jeopardized. some extra clothes he was carrying sons snowshoed to Albany for help, starvation by tugging away from roller tormatlon Is a layer to wait. The thieves either took and lay down for what proved to be reaching senlement 7 days later. their plumage. Their tails, however. of new snow, just above freezing unlOCked cars or broke into his last sleep. grew back. temperatures, and strong winds houses to get the keys. to pick up snow and start 11 somersaulting. NewMoon •

21104: Snow sculptures 16 2004: Asmall plane 17 1958: Two RCMP onicers 18 2004: Near Evangeline, 19 1904: So intense was 2 0 1899: Locked in a huge 2 1 2003: Strong winds and 2 2 featuring close-up views crashed immediately after rescued tour people in PEI, astorm surge at high the cold weather in Ice lIoe, the Canadian biner cold produced at male and female take-off from Pelee Island. Chesterlleld, NU, tide carried tonnes of sea Yukon along the Oawson terry Niagara, with -40·C wind chills in anatomy angered some Weather conditions were following a plane crash in ice across cliffs and dunes, 10 Whilehorse trail that 19 persons on board, Montreal. Ironically, the residents in an area of north poor with freezing drizzle, bone-Chilling -37" weather. The and slammed Into beachfront stage drivers and horses was swept helplessly down the brutal weather put the staging of London, ON, heavily populated snow, and low visibility officers tlrst saw the plane go cottages and summer homes. bled protusely from the nostrils. Nlagara River and wrecked on several extreme on by university students. The display hampering search eUorts. overhead and then 15 minutes later The ice floes were 50 cm th ick They COUldn't wear nose coverings the international bridge. In doing Ice. Crowds at ski resorts stayed featured anatomically correct The Impact killed all 10 people happened on the downed plane and and from 3 to 4 m long. The ice because healed moist breath so, It came dangerously close to indoors. Several resorts closed, snowmen that were 2 m high. aboard. Divers, who spent the Its survivors. It was atrue miracle pushed one cottage off ils posts produces awall otlce around the falls. The passengers, realizing not uncommon when it rains, but (Things would have been bigger following week searching the that the tour survived the impact, an and depOSited 112 minland. The the nose and mouth. Several their Situation, were horror-stricken shocking when sun and snow but there wasn't enough snow.) water among shilling ice floes, explosion of the plane's fuel, and a only permanent damage was to a passengers suitered frostbitten at the thought of being carried abound. In DIIawa, schools University housing olliclals were at risk from sudden wind all victims had conage where sheets of noses. Temperatures hovered over the falls. Fire tugs were cancelled outdoor recess and promised to visil the shins that could cover their entry severe crashed through a wall and lodged around -58·C. started to rescue the helpless crall. pulled students tram crossing ollendlng students. holes with ice. in the interior. guard duty.

First Quarter ()

1934: In Sunnynook, 2 3 1962: Agigantic snow 24 1997: Eighty mushers 2 5 1916: An Inquest jury 2 6 1934: When the weather 27 2002: Temperatures 2 8 1914: Near Estevan, 29 AB, two sisters and slide 300 m tong and competed in the found that the deaths In Winnipeg, MB, across the prairies SK, a German farmer, their 12-year-old 6 m deep, the tourth in 14th Annual Alberta of two train workers at deteriorated suddenly dipped to -35·C. his wife, and two brother were found aller 3 days, completely International Sled Dog Pasqua, SK, on the main from rain to bitter cold, Road-side assistance children got lost in a being lost in awild blizzard. severed land communications Classic in Canmore. Temperatures line ofthe CPR, In a rear-end oniclals discovered several had its busiest day of the winter. storm. At afarmhouse, The boy guided his sisters to a between Prince Rupert and during the event dipped to -3S"C. collision between afreight train abandoned pets. 11 was the In Winnipeg, MB, waits were the occupant refused them fence, knowing It would Terrace, BC. The event, which anracts up to and a pusher engine was weather Humane Soclely's busiest week 3 hours long. For one cab shelter and told them to go eventually lead to a dwelling. 10,000 spectators in warmer years, related. The temperature was -33.3 In some time. One owner's cruelty company, 2 out of every 5 vehicles on 10 km to another homestead. barely drew 2,000. One skijorer-a ·C. Steam from one engine was revealed when they came were left Immobilized by the cold. Eventually, they reached the 1931: A cook on 1933: The fog was so combination of cross-country skier obstructed the view of the other upon asable-coloured collie 11 was so cold that firefighters' second farm, where they were Resolution Island, NU, thick at midnight In and dog sledder-sustained traln's crew. left in asnowbank to freeze to hose lines had to be left on. welcomed. Tragically, however, 30 lell off an ice floe Into 31Winnipeg, MB, il third-degree Irostblte on death. An old wlndbreaker was Sporting goods stores did big the IInle child who was being frigid water, then obscured objects afew severaltingers. the dog's only protection against business as cold weather apparel held by her mother had scrambled onto atiny Ice-c:ake. An metres away, paralyzing traffiC. the -39·C weather. flew off the shelves. succumbed to the cold and died. attendanttrom the post succeeded In the "pea soup" fog, thugs in pulling him to safety. perpetrated numerous crimes. Full Moon 0 • Shelter from the storm in lies de la Madelaine, QC I Dale Wilson I Masterfile JANUARY MARCH 1 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 February 2005 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30 31 30 31 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

2003: Mild weather 1 1899: Teams of men worked 1914: While steaming 1938: Five years ago a 1903: Asevere resulted in large along all day harvesting the ice on 21 Ihrough a blinding snowplow killed a horse thunderstorm crossed rooftops In Kingston, ON. An Ihe Gatineau River, near snowstorm in Portland Inlet, 3 wandering on the highway 4 over Ihe north shore of 5 obscure bylaw compels building Ottawa, ON. For many years BC, the steamer Vadso near Garson, MB. The horse's New 8runswick and Ihe owners and occupants 10 remove the ice had not been as good as it struck an uncharted rock and owner demanded compensation. western part of Prince Edward rool ice and snow to prevent was Ihls winter-50 cm Ihlck and sank in minutes, in 183 m of When Ihe government refused Island. The lightning was very accidents. Mention 01 the bylaw in very clear. One company said it water. In biller cold, blinding 10 setlle, the larmer refused to vivid and the thunder noisy. the news prompted a flurry 01 riSky would harvest about 26,000 lonnes snow, and fierce winds, the allow snow lences on his land. It was the second winter activity, such as people leaning in all, to store in big lcehouses. shipwrecked party of26, wilhout Snowdrifts piled high over the thunderstorm In aweek, so out windows 10 clear away icicles. The previous winter Ihere had load or warmlh of any kind, was road, holding up traffic belween several residents were curious The city was also threalened with been an ice famine, with many able 10 reach safely at a cannery Winnipeg and Lac du Bonnel. and afew were nervous. Further, consequences il they didn'l gel rid companies running out of ice on the coasl, some dislance Finally, the governmenl sellled at Chatham, king-size Ice balls of overhanging snow and ice. before the summer was over. from the scene of the wreck. lor $50, snow fences were lell, followed In acouple of days installed, and traffic by -2ZoC temperatures. moved unlmpeded. Groundhog Day Last Quarter () I 1939: Horses hitched to a 6 1923: Five people, adrift for 7 1933: Swirling snow 8 2003: Each year, the Quest 9 2004: A10-cm 2004: In Otlawa, the 11 1937: Rescue crews 12 culler bolted from a farm 4 hours on an Ice floe on the churned by 70 km/h dog-sled race follows fhe snowfall, Icy cold 10 cold wind made it feel searched for 2 railway near L1oydminster, SK, and SI. Lawrence River between winds paralyzed parts of roule Ihe prospeclors took In lemperatures, and like -n·c. Early In the men missing in asnow disappeared. Six days later a Levls and Quebec City, were Saskatchewan for days. Trains Ihe 1898 Klondike gold rush. A ' vicious winds produced morning an elderly slide Ihal swept a CP farmer took a chance walk along given up for lost. The ice floe, were stuck in monsler snowdrifts. section of the trail in Ihis year's blizzard conditions and Icy roads woman Slipped on some snowplow train from the rails, an unused side road, when his with 3 men and 2 women, crossed Anyone who ventured out could race belween 8raeburn and across most of Saskatchewan. 11 and broke her shoulder and elbow. 40 km east of Revelstoke, BC. The wildly excited dog led him to the Ihe river about 20 limes, owing see less than a melre ahead. AI Carmacks, YT, didn'l have enough was the second major blizzard In Fortunately, Gracle, a beagle pup, slide hurled an engine, caboose, horses and cutler, sluck In deep 10 Ihe caprices of Ihe tide, current, Tisdale, SK, a hofelfire killed snow to be safe for mushers and less than 2 weeks. The storm left was oullor her walk and pulled her and 3 other cars 15 mdown into a snow, 15 km from where they had and winds. In the dark, they 7 occupants and drove olher their dog teams. So, trucks helped a pile-up involving 50 vehicles, puzzled owner along an unfamiliar snow dump. Asecond caboose, started. He lreed the horses and called oul but were not heard, guests Into the slreet, barefoot move the competitors between the described by some as the worsl route across the street. Luckily, where a man was believed 10 be look them 10 a nearby barn then prayed as their only hope. and thinly clad. Flesh was lorn two communities and the teams chain-reaction accident in the Ihere they found Ihe woman lying Irapped, continued on down the because they were too weak to Suddenly, the Ice stopped from Ihelr unprolected feet, and re-started after the ride. province's history. With cars motionless on her driveway. She embankmenl for another 8 m, make It home. moving and they managed to almost all suffered Irom frostbite. ripped in half, It was incredible spenl five days in Ihe hospital. finally plunging into the jump to shore. thal no one was killed. lIiecillewaet River. Ash Wednesday New Moon • Chinese New Year IslamiC New Year t---... ------+-~ 1894: Terrible cold 13 2003: AGuinness world 14 1965: This year marks 15 1979: While residents of 2003: Three Ihousand 17 1895: Blizzard condilions 18 2004: Forecasters 19 prevailed across parts record for smooching the 40th anniversary of Iqaluit, NU, continued 10 Nova Scolla sludents prevailed over much of called iI a while wealher of northern and ce ntraI couples-1,588 pairs al the birth of the Nallonal dig oul from Its worst 16 had a "snow day" easlern Canada. bomb-an exploding Ontario. Stories of awful once, sel in Sarnla, ON, on Flag of Canada. On Ihis winler slorm In living because of frozen waler Newspapers reported Ihal nor'easter hammering sullering abounded, with af least Valentine's Day, 200D-was stili day in 1965, our new lIag replaced memory, another blizzard struck. pipes. Record cold bursl pipes owing to Ihe blockade of rallroads, parts of the Marillmes. Heavy 20 persons freezing to death. In intact as Ihe University 01 Maine's the Canadian Red Ensign, which One official said, "This lakes the in at leasl8 schools across the shipments of Dodd's Kidney Pills snow and fierce winds up to one lraglc, desperate Incidenl, a hope to break the record failed. had been Ihe official flag for cake for durallon and steadiness province, Including Sin Halifax. were delayed in transit, causing 100 km/h shut down highways father murdered 6 members of his The bitler cold night-the coldest 41 years. On this day In Ottawa, of cold and snow. Further, Ihere's No one could remember so many much misery. To prevenl a and knocked out power to family to prevenl their suffering. of Ihe year, with a wind chill where Ihe flag was proclaimed, no alcohol available In town for schools closing al once because recurrence 01 this shortage in the thousands. Bolh PEI and NS He left a note that he had killed of -40·C and the threal of the weafher at noon was: a long time now because of a of frozen pipes. Acity bus company fulure, Ihe company considered declared province-wide stales fhem 10 save Ihem from freezing. snow-only brought oul943 femperature -l.l·C, wind 26 km/h genllemen's agreemenl with the was able to deliver students to creating Canadian branch of emergency for the first time He later commlHed suicide. "kissing pairs. from the WSW, visibility 11 km, RCMP that during blizzards none open schools because Ihey kept establishments lor distribullon. in hislory. Halifax, NS, got a cloudy wilh no precipitation. is served or sold." Iheir engines running overnight 10 record-smashing 88 cm of snow prevent diesel from freezing. in one day, 95 cm over 30 hours. National Flag of Valentine's Day Canada Day Firsl Quarter () ~------18!111:: Aman in Litlle 2 0 l' 1912: The blinding 21 2004: After 87 hours 1938: Unprecedented Wealher Quiz 2004: Dense log 2004: The second 2 6 NL, met a sad snow and driving winds 22 Bay, and 10 minutes, an spring-like wealher 2 3 In recent years aboul 2 4 caused Iransportatlon 25 slorm in a week death. To thaw Ihe In Toronto, ON, piled up atlempt by Canadian came 10 soulhern six limes more men are chaos In Edmonlon, AB, dumped 30 cm of frost In fila vegetable huge drills 01 snow, soldiers in Edmonlon, Onlario. London, al killed by lightning Ihan especially at Ihe snow on Cape Brelon cellar, he lit afire 81 aboull0 AM. making streels Impassable. AB. 10 break Ihe Guinness world 14.4·C, was 2" warmer than san women. Besides spending more Inlernallonal Airport. Puddles tsland, NS, keeping schoolchildren Wllen he returned from hunting al Further, trains were almosl record for Ihe longest hockey game Francisco; and Toronto, aI12.8"C, lime oUldoors what is said to be 01 melled snow evaporaled, home again. Wind gusls up 10 nllhl, he went 10 Ihe cellar 10 pick complelely tied up. or lale by wes abandoned when Ihe rink Ice was only 5· cooler Ihan Bermuda. the reason: adding to mOisture already 80 km/h crealed 2-melre-hlllh oat lOIII8 Dotetoes. Three hours 1106 hours. The weather allo melled. S8Y8ral davs of sun and Mullltudel crowded Ildewallcl. 11 faller brouahtln bv 11IW-I8Y8t IInht_ ttnnwdrifh Anll whltannt I!nnllltlftftt • 11 ,...., UIVII 1 gal nu nnmmg DUI VI ni8 un unr.....,...-, .uma' a....1I1iW "rrmrllJ, DnI gu'ftl'mm"nl _IliaD _. ""Bmam, ImIU....1Z8 ICB DBIIS ot overhanging snow and Ice. before the summer was over. trom the scene otthe wreck. tor $50, snow tences were tell, tollowed In a couple ot days installed, and traffic by -22°C temperatures. moved unimpeded. Groundhog Day Last Quarter ()

1939: Horses hitched to a 6 1923: Five people, adrift tor 7 1933: Swirling snow 8 2003: Each year, the Quest 9 2004: A10-cm 10 2004: In Ollawa, the 11 1937: Rescue crews 12 culler bolted from a farm 4 hours on an ice lIoe on the churned by 70 km/h dog-sled race tollows the snowfall, icy cold cold wind made it feel search~d !or ~ railway near lIoydminster, SK, and St. Lawrence River between winds paralyzed parts of route the prospectors took in temperatures, and like -22°C. Early in the men misSing In a snow disappeared. Six days later a Levis and Quebec City, were Saskatchewan tor days. Trains the 1898 Klondike gold rush. A vicious winds produced morning an elderly slide that swept a CP farmer took a chance walk along given up for lost. The ice floe, were stuck in monster snowdrifts. section otthe trail in this year's bliuard conditions and icy roads woman slipped on some black ice snowplow train from the rails, an unused side road, when his with 3 men and 2 women, crossed Anyone who ventured out could race between Braeburn and across most of Saskatchewan. It and broke her shoulder and elbow. 40 km east ot Revelstoke, BC. The wildly excited dog led him to the the river about 20 times, owing see less than a metre ahead. At Carmacks, YT, didn't have enough was the second major bliuard in Fortunately, Gracie, a beagle pup, slide hurled an engine, caboose, horses and culler, stuck in deep to the caprices of the tide, current, Tisdale, SK, a hotel fire killed snow to be sate for mushers and less than 2 weeks. The storm left was out for her walk and pulled her and 3 other cars 15 m down into a snow, 15 km from where they had and winds. In the dark, they 7 occupants and drove other their dog teams. So, trucks helped a pile-up involving 50 vehicles, puuled owner along an unfamiliar snow dump. Asecond caboose, started. He freed the horses and called out but were not heard, guests into the street, barefoot move the competitors between the described by some as the worst route across the street. Luckily, where a man was believed to be took them to a nearby barn then prayed as their only hope. and thinly clad. Flesh was torn two communilies and the teams chain-reaction accident in the there they found the woman lying trapped, continued on down the because they were too weak to Suddenly, the ice stopped from their unprotected feet, and re-started after the ride. province's history. With cars motionless on her driveway. She embankmentlor another 8 m, make it home. moving and they managed to almost all suffered from Irostbite. ripped in half, it was incredible spent five days in the hospital. tinally plunging into the jump to shore. that no one was killed. lIIecillewaet River. Ash Wednesday New Moon • Chinese New Year Islamic New Year

1894: Terrible cold 13 2003: AGuinness world 14 1965: This year marks 15 1979: While residents ot 16 2003: Three thousand 17 1895: Bliuard conditions 18 2004: Forecasters 19 prevailed across parts record for smooching the 40th anniversary ot Iqaluit, NU, continued to Nova Scotia students prevailed over much of called it a white weather of northern and central couples-1,588 pairs at the birth of the National dig out from its worst had a "snow day" eastern Canada. bomb-an exploding Ontario. Stories 01 awful once, set in Sarnia, ON, on Flag of Canada. On this winter storm in living because of frozen water Newspapers reported that nor'easter hammering suffering abounded, with at least Valentine's Day, 2000-was still day in 1965, our new flag replaced memory, another bliuard struck. pipes_ Record cold burst pipes owing to the blockade of railroads, parts 01 the Maritimes. Heavy 20 persons freezing to death. In intact as the University of Maine's the Canadian Red EnSign, which One official said, "This takes the in at least 8 schools across the shipments 01 Oodd's Kidney Pills snow and fierce winds up to one tragic, desperate incident, a hope to break the record failed. had been the officialllag for cake for duration and steadiness province, including 5 in Halifax. were delayed in transit, causing 100 km/h shut down highways father murdered 6 members of his The biller cold night-the coldest 41 years. On this day in Ottawa, of cold and snow. Further, there's No one could remember so many much misery. To prevent a and knocked out power to tamily to prevent their suffering. of the year, with a wind chill where the flag was proclaimed, no alcohol available in town for schools closing at once because recurrence of this shortage in the thousands. Both PEI and NS He left a note that he had killed of -40°C and the threat ot the weather at noon was: a long time now because 01 a of frozen pipes. Acity bus company future, the company considered declared province-wide states them to save them from freezing. snow-only brought out 943 temperature -1.1°C, wind 26 km/h gentlemen's agreement with the was able to deliver students to creating Canadian branch 01 emergency for the lirsttime He later commilled suicide. kissing pairs. from the WSW, visibility 11 km, RCMP that during bliuards none open schools because they kept establishments for distribution. in history. Halifax, NS, got a cloudy with no precipitation. is served or sold." their engines running overnight to record-smashing 88 cm of snow prevent dieseltrom freezing. in one day, 95 cm over 30 hours. National Flag of Valentine's Day Canada Day First Quarter f) 1899: Aman in lillle 2 0 1912: The blinding 2 1 2004: After 87 hours 2 2 1930: Unprecedented 2 3 Weather Quiz 2 4 2004: Dense fog 2 2004: The second 26 In recent years about caused transportation 5 storm in aweek 8ay, NL, met a sad snow and driving winds and 10 minutes, an spring-like weather death. To thaw the in Toronto, ON, piled up allempt by Canadian came to southern six times more men are chaos in Edmonton, AB, dumped 30 cm of frost in his vegetable huge drifts of snow, soldiers in Edmonton, Ontario. London, at killed by lightning than especially at the snow on Cape Breton cellar, he lit a fire at about 10 AM. making streets impassable. AB, to break the Guinness world 14.4°C, was 2° warmer than San women. Besides spending more International Airport. Puddles Island, NS, keeping schoolchildren When he returned from hunting at Further, trains were almost record for the longest hockey game Francisco; and Toronto, at 12.8°C, time outdoors what is said to be of melted snow evaporated, home again. Wind gusts up to night, he went to the cellar to pick completely tied up, or late by was abandoned when the rink ice was only 5° coolerthan Bermuda. the reason: adding to moisture already 80 km/h created 2-metre-high out some potatoes. Three hours 1to 6 hours. The weather also melted. Several days of sun and Multitudes crowded sidewalks, 1) taller brought in by low-level, light, snowdrifts and whiteout conditions. later his wite went to call him, but hampered the street railway mild temperatures had made the and thousands of autos jammed 2) macho image of invincibility easterly winds. Nearly 80 llights One high-school student lamented found him dead, lying against the service. Motormen had to climb outdoor ice soft and "dangerous." streets. With deep snow vanishing 3) willing to take greater risks were held up over 24 hours. The that her school's annual winter ball cellar door. People felt he had 011 their cars and dig the tightly Players were tripping and lalling. rapidly, lIooding was a problem 4) smaller brains only plane that managed to land had to be postponed for the second smothered almost immediately, packed snow out of the switch at An allemptto refreeze areas with and much tarmland lay under half 5) anatomic differences was a chartered First Air 737. It time in a week. She moaned, "I've because the fire had consumed all every intersection. Cilizens dry ice failed. Final score: Black a metre of water. (Answer on inside back cover) missed the runway, landing on a had my dress laid out for two the available oxygen. complained of the slow service. 1,186-Red 951. snow-covered, grassy inlield. weeks now."

Family Day (Alberta) Full Moon 0 2004: Apowerful 27 1907: The temperature 2 8 blizzard ballered parts hovered below -30°C ot eastern Labrador for across the west. Earlier three days. In total, an in the month, the extraordinary 121 cm of snow temperature had dipped to -41°C fell at Cartwright, Nl. The last in Saskatoon, SK. In Eagle Lake, time the area had received such SK, a man with 2 frozen feet went a huge snow dump from a single insane at a neighbour's house storm was 19 years ago. Wind from acute suffering with no gusts in excess of 110 km/h medical allention. He allacked reduced visibility to zero in his neighbour with an iron bar blowing and drifting snow. while the laller slept, causing Officials pulled highway crews permanent disfigurement. off the roads. ~­ <.....•••­ .. ".,•. ~.-..• -~~~~ - ~.-.- •• Digging oul in Nova Scolia I Dale Wilson I Maslerfile FEBRUARY APR[L 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 March 2005 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 27 28 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

2000: AI Thunder Bay, ON, 2003: Asupercharged blasl 1925: Snow nearly 1.5 m 2003: Temperatures in 4 2003: The reeenl, prolonged 5 Ihe lemperature soared to 01 frigid air straighlfrom deep buried country roads Alberta lelt more like cold in easlern Canada 15.5°C. Rain and warmth 1 Hudson Bay plunged 2 south 01 Edmonlon, AB. 3 mid-January than early March. caused a dramalic surge In reduced snowmobile trails to lemperalures 10 near-record Making a 30-minute trip with a Snow and strong winds caused sea-Ice cover over the Gull of mud. Wilh poor snow condilions lows across soulhern Ontario. leam of horses was a day-long poor visibility lor drivers, SI. Lawrence and east lor the third year running, Winds also whipped snow into struggle. In one ineident, a farmer especially between Banll and Newfoundland . In the snowmobilers were beginning to huge drifts, leaving roads took 011 aller a couple 01 grain Lake Loulse. In Red Oeer, weeks gull, there was aboul25% more quesllon Ihe future 01 their sport. treacherous for drivers and Ihieves by following Iheir sleigh of plowing and sanding had sea Ice than normal for Ihls time Those hauling wood Dui oflhe bush pedestrians. 11 was aclassic tracks lor 30 km. He then handed depleled 90% 01 the year's snow 01 year, hampering ferry service, could work only al night because Ilash-freeze as temperatures fell the case to the pOlice, who lound removal budgel, still with 10 cargo traffic, and fishing logging roads looked like a muddy Irom above-freezing to -25 0 In a several bags 01 stOlen grain months to go. In Edmonton, the operalions. On the Greal Lakes, war zone by day. lew hours. In Toronto, the city secreled in snow banks near the brutal cold once again lorced the strong winds pushed massive Ice issued anolher cold alert. home alone ollhe accused. homeless into shellers. blocks, up 10 6 m high, along Ihe shores.

Last Quarter ()

1923: Called a "storm king," 6 2004: Early March wildfires Weather Quiz 2004: Across Edmonlon, AB, 9 2004: Strong winds 1993: In what 1914: SI. John's, NL, a fierce gale blew into are unusual in Alberta. Whal percenl of time can mighty northwesterly winds and blowing snow meteorologiSts called remained in a slale Halifax, NS, bringing wllh II Most early season fires 7 morning lorecasts predlcl 8 loppled IIghl poles, smashed caused a flurry of 10 the very firsl "storm 01 11 01 emergency as 12 snow, Ireezing rain, rain, and emanate from ground lell the day's maximum lemperalure windows, lipped Irailers, and accidents in and around the century," more than snowplows worked 10 Ice pellets. At times during the smouldering through the winter. 10 within three degrees? gravel-whipped pedestrians. Regina, SK, including a lalal 100 people died in eastern North clear roads blocked by a massive day Ihere was no power. The Mild temperalures and strong 1) 80% One woman from wind-prone five-car pile-up northwest oflhe America. In Canada, winds near storm. The storm, wilh winds winds lilled the rooflrom a large winds kept lire crews scrambling 2) 100% Lethbridge, AB, advised city. All highways in and oul of Georges Bank, NS, blew at gusting 10 more than 120 km/ll, building almost intacl and dropped 10 conlaln a lire in Ihe Weldwood 3)15% Edmonlonians 10 hang onto lamp Regina were closed In the 130 km/h, generating a 20-m wall dropped 45 cm 01 snow on Ihe city it into the slreet. Several people Forest Management Area, aboul 4)90% posls or put rocks in their pockels. morning due to slippery roads of waler. Alorelgn cargo ship, during a36-hour period. The city's narrowly escaped serious injury. 15 km southwest of Hinlon. A 5)86% The only problem with using lighl and visibilily. Nol a lot listing badly and fighting 6-storey two dally newspapers suspended The high wind also caused a lorestry expert said thalthe early (Answer on inside {Jack cover) poles was thai, on one streel, 01 snow fell In the storm, but waves, lost a desperate struggle publication. The storm hailed all large number of chimney IIres fire could signal a long, lierce several of Ihem were blown over. the slrong winds and cold aboul 200 km southeasl 01 Cape airline and bus transportation, and toppled several others. lire season this year. temperatures crealed a lot of Sable Island, sinking with all generated power failures, and black ice. hands losl. closed schools.

NewMoon •

1940: Following Ihe 1901: A Citizen sued 2004: A proleclto 1900: Near Ottawa, ON, 16 1902: Unseasonably mild 17 2004: Astorm packing 1896: One ollhe worst worst storm 01 the year, Ihe CPR lor $2,000 in excavate 1.3 million Ihe lasl 01 the ice harvest temperatures and heavy wi nds up to 90 km/h March storms in years farmers across southern 13 damages for injuries 14 cubic melres 01 mud 15 ended, almost a month rains in southern New wreaked havoc on 18 blew into Toronto and 19 Ontario spenl hours pulling suffered when the company and debris from Wascana later Ihan Ihe year belore. Brunswick caused one of southern Vancouver Island, parts 01 southern OntariO. cars Irom snowdrifts. Some did nol "waillor him» on a cold Lake in Regina, SK, linished on Ouring the winter months, the earliest spring breakups in BC, loppling Irees that smashed a The heavy snow blocked roads slranded motorists were lorced day. He had boarded the train al time and on budgel, despite some 100 men were engaged culting Ice history. More than 100 mm 01 rain power Iransmission lower and leH and rail lines. East 01 Toronlo, a to seek refuge alfarmhouses Monlreal, QC, and, because he difficult weather-blizzards, above Ihe Chaudiere Falls. Agood lell al Saint John over 51 hours, the lawn of Ladysmith and 30,000 locallarmer and his 2 sons noticed for Ihe nlghl. Aller bucking huge had lost his ticket, got off again wicked winds, snow slorms, warm day's work is 3,000 cakes, each breaking previous records. Severe customers without power lor several whallooked like Ihe top 01 apail drills, a school bus turned around 10 buy one. He ran 10 catch the temperalures, and vicious cold. The weighing aboul220 kg. In tolal, ice jamming along the Sainl John hours. In addilion, 20 cm 01 snow lying in Ihe snow. With the Ihree and studenls were billeted in departing lrain, setting 1001 on the 38-ha lake had become too shallow about 20,000 lonnes of good quality River caused flooding al several fell, blocking Ihe Trans-Canada digging away, they soon uncovered lown. AI Point Pelee the rain and step 01 the last Pullman car, which from sedimenl buildup, and il the ice were faken and stored. The places, damaging downlown Highway north of Vicloria and the smokestack 01 an abandoned snow ended a swamp lire where was locked. He was badly Irozen in lake wasn't deepened, il would buildings in Fredericlon and prevenling Ihousands of commuters railway engine. many muskrats and pheasants had Ihe -18"C lemperalure. soon lurn into marsh. '"will"Iheir rounds '" on~,~". 1 May. """ ! sweeping away several bridges. from getting home. burned to dealh.

SI. Patrick's Oay First Quarter f)

2004: Two Quebec men 2 0 1961: Asavage, 21 1955: Avlolenl storm, 2 2 2003: An early spri ng 1999: Spring arrived 2 4 1910: During a 2003: Recent major 2 6 spenl a lull day trapped surprise snow slorm 25 born on Ihe plains of snowlall dumped up 10 In OntariO bullhe thunderstorm al Rideau snowfalls, warming on a Irozen lake near battered PEI wilh Texas, raced Irom 15 cm of snow across 23 swans in Slratford Ferry, ON, lightning wealher, and high Wabush, NL, aller they winds that reached Windsor to Ottawa in Nova Scotia, causing were nol rejoicing. Ice strllck a woodshed and winds combined 10 were Iorced 10 make an emergency 125 km/ll, suspending mosl Onfarlo. In Toronlo, pOlicemen havoc on provinCial highways. on Ihe Avon River lorced the ran along a passageway between creale numerous overhanging tanding. Two search-and-rescue lravel and stranding hundreds 01 mainlalned an anxious vigil around Vehicles Including several communlly 10 call oH the Swan two large woodpiles, ripping two Ups ot snow on Ihe slopes In the let:hnlclans parachuted to the sile people In Charlo1lelown. Acall SI. James' Cathedral, allhe comer lractor-lrallers slid oH slippery Parade lor the flrslllma In the boards oH Ihe 1I00r and standing back-coulllry ut British Columbia. and found Ihe stranded men. fl'llm Montrose to remove a snow 01 IOna and Church. A 3-m....lah roads and hlahwan. Said one evant'l15-vear hlstorv_ The Ihem on and. Th8 lIahtnlna then 'ilia comMas ware breaklno ott...... ·.... ·_'IIII...... :r .-.rung...... ,...-pwmJV."'.$S.i6 I" Issued another cold alert. home 01 ORe oflhe accused. homeless into sheltBrs. blocks, up to 6 m high, along Ihe shores. Last Quarter ()

1923: Called a "storm king," 6 2004: Early March wlldllres Weather Quiz 2004: Across Edmonton, AB. 9 2004: Strong winds 1993: In what 1974: SI. John's, HL. afierce gale blew Into are unusual in Alberta. What percent of time can mighty northwesterly winds and blowing snow meteorologists called remained In astate Halifax, NS, bringing with it Most early season fires 7 morning lorecasts predict 8 toppled light poles, smashed caused aIlurry 01 10 the very first "storm 01 11 ef emergency as 12 snow, freezing rain, rain, and emanate from ground left the day's maximum temperature windows, tipped trailers, and aCCidents in and around the century," more than snowplows worked to ice pellets. At times during the smouldering through the winter. to within Ihree degrees? gravel-whipped pedestrians. Reglna, SK, including a tatal 100 people died In eastern North clear roads blocked by a massive day there was no power. The Mild temperatures and strong 1)80% One woman from wind-prone five-car pile-up northwest of the America. In Canada, winds near storm. The storm, with winds winds lifted the roof from a large winds kept fire crews scrambling 2) 10D"1o lethbrldge. AB, advised city. All highways In and out of Georges Bank, NS, blew at gustlng to more than 120 km/h, building almost intact and dropped to contain afire in the Weldwood 3)75% Edmontonians 10 hang onto lamp Regina were closed in the 130 km/h, generating a20-m wall dropped 45 cm 01 snow on the city It into the street. Several people Forest Management Area, about 4)90% posts or put rocks In their pockets. morning due to slippery roads of water. Atoreign cargo ship, during a 36-hour period. The city's narrowly escaped serious Injury. 15 km southwest of Hlnlon. A 5)86% The only problem with using light and near-zero visibility. Not a 101 listing badly and fighting 6-storey two dally newspapers suspended The high wind also caused a forestry expert said that the early (Answer on inside back cover) poles was that, on one street, 01 snow fell In the storm, but waves, lost a desperate slruggle publication. The storm halted all large number of chimney fires fire could signal a long. fierce several of them were blown over. the strong winds and cold about 200 km southeast of Cape airline and bus transportation, and toppled several others. fire season this year. temperatures created a lot 01 Sable Island, sinking with all generated power lailures, and black Ice. hands lost. closed schools.

New Moon •

1940: Following the 13 1901: Acitizen sued 2004: Aproject to 1900: Near Oltawa, ON, 16 1902: Unseasonably mild 17 2004: Astorm packing 1896: One of the worst worst storm of the year, the CPR for $2,000 In excavate 1.3 million the lasl of the ice harvest temperatures and heavy winds up to 90 km/h March storms In years farmers across southern damages for Injuries 14 cubic melres of mud 15 ended, almost a month rains In southern New wreaked havoc on 18 blew Into Toronto and 19 Ontario spent hours pulling suffered when the company and debris from Wascana later Ihan the year before. Brunswick caused one of southern Vancouver Island, parts 01 southern Ontario. cars from snowdrifts. Some did not "wail for him" on a cold Lake In Reglna, SK, finished on During the winter months, the earliest spring breakups in BC, toppling trees that smashed a The heavy snow blocked roads stranded motorists were forced day. He had boarded the train al time and on budget, despite some 100 men were engaged cutting ice history. More than 100 mm of rain power transmiSSion tower and leH and rail lines. East 01 Toronto, a to seek refuge at farmhouses Montreal, QC. and, because he difficult weather-blizzards, above Ihe Chaudiere Falls. Agood fell at Saint John over 57 hours, the town of Ladysmith and 30,000 locallarmer and his 2 sons noticed for the night. Alter bucking huge had lost his ticket, got all again wicked winds, snow storms, warm day's work is 3,000 cakes, each breaking previous records. Severe customers without power for several what looked like the top of a pail drifts, aschool bus turned around to buy one. He ran to catch the temperatures, and vicious cold. The weighing about 220 kg. In total, Ice jamming along the Saint John hours. In addition, 20 cm 01 snow lying In the snow. With the three and students were billeted in departing train, selting foot on the 38-ha lake had become loo shallow abou120,000 tonnes of good quality River caused flooding at several fell, blocking the Trans-Canada digging away. they soon uncovered town. At Point Pelee the rain and step 01 the last Pullman car, which from sediment buildup, and if the ice were taken and stored. The places, damaging downtown Highway north of Victoria and the smokestack 01 an abandoned snow ended a swamp fire where was locked. He was badly frozen In lake wasn't deepened, it would travelling ice men usually started buildings In Fredericton and preventing thousands of commuters railway engine. many muskrats and pheasants had the -18°C temperature. soon turn into marsh. Iheir rounds on 1 May. sweeping away several bridges. from geUing home. burned to death.

SI. Patrick's Day First Quarter ()

2004: Two Quebec men 2 0 1961: Asavage, 2 1 1955: Avlolenl storm, 2 2 2003: An early spring 2 3 1999: arrived 1910: During a 2003: Recent major 26 spent afull day trapped surprise snow storm born on the plains of snowfall dumped up to InOnl thunderstorm at Rideau snowtalls. warming on a frozen lake near baltered PEI with Texas, raced Irom 15 cm of snow across swans In Stratford 24 Ferry. ON, lightning 25 weather, and high Wabush, NL, alter they winds that reached Windsor to Ottawa in Nova Scotia, causing were not rejoicing. Ice struck a woodshed and winds combined to were forced to make an emergency 125 km/h. suspending most Ontario. In Toronto, policemen havoc on provincial highways. on the Avon River lorced the ran along a passageway between create numerous overhanging landing. Two search-and-rescue travel and stranding hundreds 01 maintained an anxious vigil around Vehicles including several community to call oil the Swan two large wood plies, ripping two lips 01 snow on the slopes In the technicians parachuted to the site people in Charloltefown. Acall SI. James' Cathedral. althe corner tractor-trailers slid off slippery Parade for the first lime In the boards oil the lIoor and standing baCk-country of British Columbia. and found the stranded men. from Montrose to remove asnow of King and Church. A3-m-high roads and highways. Said one event's 15-year history. The them on end. The lightning then The cornices were breaking ofI, They set up a camp and waited for bank from the 10-m-hlgh main weathervane topping the steeple meteorologist, Nova Seollans swans are ceremoniously awoken entered a house, blowing out failing onto slopes, and triggering a helicopter to arrive. Its arrival power line from Alberton to teetered precariously and should never equate the arrival 01 from their winter slumber and every window with the exception avalanches. Twenty-eight people was delayed by bad weather but It was first thought to be a joke threatened to plunge 80 mto the spring with the end of winter accompanied by pipers to the banks alone in the bedroom where a lost their lives in avalanches in the eventually made the rescue lale the Maritime ElectriC Company, ground. Police set barricades weather. of the Avon River. This year the woman lay seriously ill. To keep Canadian Rockies this year, the next day. the 6,900-volt lines were across the sldewalks. swans had to be shultled by van to the rain out, blankets were hling second deadliest year in nearly a completely covered. the rlver-without much at every casement. century. Palm Sunday ceremony. Spring Equinox 07:34 EST World Meteorological Day Good Friday Full Moon 0 1898: The worst 27 2004: Winnipeg, MB, 2 8 1968: Aplucky 29 2004: Albertans shed 30 2003: At the end of 3 1 Newfoundland sealing was soggy alter a 7-year-old German their parkas for a few March. the combination lIeet disaster ever pounding rain--an shepherd retumed to days as July-like of a carwash-like occurred near Bay de all-time March record of his farm home at Marie. temperatures smashed downpour-80 to 120 mm Verde. About 50 sealers died 30 to 50 mm that melled snow and PEI, after being entombed for records across the province. The In 12 hours-heavy snow on from exposure and anolher submerged sections of the city in 82 days In a snow-filled railway nation's hot spot was Drumheller saturated ground, and high tides 70 had serious Injuries requiring huge puddles. Many homeowners ditch. Afarm boy heard a whimper at 28°C. In Edmonton, gardeners caused major flooding In all lour amputation. Ignoring the approach mopped their flooded basements. and found the animal In a deep, headed to garden centres, looking AtlantiC provinces. Some of darkness and a storm, they were The city's supply of free sandbags snow-filled ditch about 400 mfrom for bedding plants. Said one garden communities got a month's worth swept away on the ice floe on was exhausted. Outside Winnipeg, the family home. The dog couldn't centre manager: "I know the of rain In just a day, prompting which they were working. Piercing residents worked around the clock walk or bark and was half his newcomers. long-time Alberta evacuations and numerous states cold and pouring rain froze to keep rising waters away. One normal weight, but. fed cat food residents know that you don't start of emergency. For Nova Seotla. It clothing to their bodies, causing quick-thinking resident used his and milk, he gained it back quickly. planting lor 6 to 8 weeks was the most expensive death from the frightlul exposure. snow blower to get rid of water. [adapted from the Halifax Herald! from now." in history.

Easter Sunday ~ Escaping a downpour at the Lethbridge International Air Show, AB I Larry McDougal MARCH MAY 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 April 2005 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 31

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1968: lightning crashed 1 1885: Avicious 3-day 2 into a home in Kenlvllle, NS, blizzard, Ihe longest in causing atremor heard half living memory, dumped a kilometre away. The flash over 100 cm of snow on struck near the television antenna, Ottawa, ON. The snow fell for blew oul a section 01 the roof, and 52 hours, causing the roof 01 started a lire that guUed the aUic the Royal Museum Theatre to and rear rool. collapse with such a loud crash local residents thought a powder magazine had exploded. Fortunately, the theatre was empty at the time because the blizzard had forced cancellation olthe matinee.

Last Quarter et 2003: The Edmonton (AB) 3 2003: Arare mid-spring ice 4 1932: Thirty lumberjacks 5 1981: Winds gustlng to 6 2003: Wlarton Willie was 7 1992: St. John's, NL, 8 2_: Strong, gusty winds 9 Economic Development storm In soufhern Dnta ri 0 were marooned for 2 weeks 140 km/h ripped through so ashamed of himself for a and nearby communities up to 90 km/h sent ice lIoes Group wanted a new ended up the Winter's worst. on Quebec's La Big Island_ soulhern Saskatchewan, busted forecasl of an early struggled to shake off the smashing through property slogan and logo lor the Most snow-clearing contracts An early ice breakup had knocking down power lines, spring thaf he sent astand-In effects 01 a "silver thaw" on Lake George near "City 01 Champions." Kerry had just expired. Air canada trapped the work party and forcing schools to close, and to explain to the Wlarton, ON, storm thal coated fransmlsslon FrederiClon, NB. Ice chunks as Oiolle 01 the Edmonton Sun cancelled most of its North shlUing Ice lIoes made their tearing precious topSOil from fown council. Willie couldn't lines with sticky, freezing rain. big as 6 m, piled 2.5 m deep in oUered several suggestions to American flights Into and out return Impossible. They lit signal fields in Alberta and Saskatchewan. appear himself because his Cold temperatures and places, damaged 6waterlront counter the clty's Image 01 being of Toronto, blaming ashortage fires and ale gruel until rescuers At times, visibility was nil. One burrow was still buried in snow. hampered repair crews from dwellings. The Ice knocked patios loo cold: Edmonfon-snow joke, of de-Icing lIuid. Maintenance reached the island. One man was farmer said it was ilke a bad His handlers said: "Willie went cap climbing transmission towers and decks off their moorings, and we're a warm community; crews IIsed a month's supply in leU behind with provisions for snowstorm-the worst dusl storm in paw 10 publicly apologize for his 10 replace broken insulators. blocked roads to the shore. The Edmonton_e're warmer than just 24 hours. De-icer was being himsell and the horses. When the he'd seen in 20 years. mistake 10 the mayor and council Service sfations were unable to wind likely created downward Winnipeg; Edmonton-hot damn trucked in, but treacherous road ice situation improved, the horses and to all Canadians and to his dispense gaSOline from electrically pressure on the lake surface, what a place; and Edmonton-at condilions Interfered. swam across the river_ internationallriends." driven pumps. forcing the ice up and onto leasl it's never snowed in July! the shore.

Daylight Saving Time Begins New Moon •

2003: Along, Intense 10 1992: 50,000 Toronto 11 2_: Charlofletown, 12 1938: The Honeymoon 13 1899: Ice from the 14 2002: Over Ihe weekend, 1 1958: The most cold spell produced 5 baseball fans arrived PEI, City Council Bridge, lorced from its veranda of a house in with mild temperatures destructive tornado 16 some 01 the worst ice for the opening day of decided to continue canadian and American Ottawa, ON, fell on a and abundant sunshine, ever to hit Watrous, SK, condilions In a decade Ihe season. But Ice was spring garbage pickup as supports 10 weeks ago by 11·year-old girL In a lew Edmontonians enjoyed took out a large barn, on the Great Lakes, SI. Lawrence fallling from overhead structures, usual, beginning on 1 May and an ice-jam, sank to Ihe boHom of seconds, half a tonne of bicycling and barbecuing. Today, trapping more than 100 pigs. River, and Aflantic Coast. Strong so fhe police closed the walkway not earlier, as one councillor the Nlagara River, ON, Thousands 25-cm-lhlck Ice chunks fell, though, they awoke to a record Some animals were buried in winds pushed massive blocks 01 between Ihe CN Tower and had suggested. He favoured a watched the massive steelwork badly bruising her head and body, 24.6 cm of heavy, wet snow. The the wreckage; others were given ice, up to 6 m high, onto the SkyOome, and roped oH streets 10 mid-April plckup because global sail a kilometre downstream on fracturing her skull, and crushing mayor couldn't remember a bigger awhirlwind push to Ihe northeast. easlern and southern shores of Ihe east. For Ihe first few innings, warming was bringing earlier lis nafural carrier. Ice breakup on her lungs. She died soon after. The snowfall so lale in the season. But Later, farmers found 5 of the the Great Lakes. The lakes also Ice crashing down from above could springs. With the warm wealher, the Niagara River also crushed veranda was shaded 10 by fhe roof the defianf mayor said: "We won't animals more than 2km away. experienced record March ice be heard among Ihe crowd noise. overzealous residenfs were raking hundreds of ducks as they sat on which accounted tor the ice and be like the mayor of Toronto and The winds also scattered hundreds cover, wllh the surfaces of lakes their yardS earlier. ice lIoes and unexpectedly went snow not melting during recent call In the army. We'll take care of 01 bales of straw. The main barn Superior, Erie, and Huron over the falls In dense fog. mild weather. It on our own." had disappeared, except for 98% covered. the lolt floor.

First Quarter ()

1967: Two snowslorms 17 1914: On her way to 18 2003: TWenty-eight 19 1941: The stillness of 2 0 1932: While city folk dug 2 1 1938: At noon 1885: Sixty-live 2 3 a week apart dumped Canada, a young people lost their lives a record hot day in marooned automobiles in Winnipeg, MB, 2 2 days ago, the f----­from 150 10 200 cm of Russian woman survived in avalanches in the Montreal, QC, with out 01 huge snowdrifts, darkness grew and barquentine Maranee snow on southern Alberta. a lerrible 6-day storm Canadian Rockies in 30_0o e temperatures, Alberta wheat farmers birds retreated 10 their enlered an Icelield oil 12,000 cows and calves perished rcrOSSing the Atlantic Ocean that 2003, tying 1965 for the second was shaUered by a brief storm. rejoiced over the "worst" nests. Strong soulherly Winds Newfoundland. Unexpectedly, on the open range. Many animals left her ship partly slIbmerged. A deadliest year In nearly a century. The "hurricane" tore down fences, snoW$lorm In 20 years. The buge blew dust from Minnesota into the the Ice began to "relt" and drifted with the storm and became passing American boat picked liP 2002-2003 was an El Nlno year, slgnage, and utility poles, and snowfall replenished the subsoil Manlloba capital. Motorists driving sliced throllgh the bow-planklng. ralalY, lira IlI1JaUlr W1U5 empty at the lime because the blizzard had forced cancellation ollhe matinee.

Last Quarter () 2003: The Edmonton (AB) 3 2003: Arare mid-spring ice 4 1932: Thirty lumberjacks 5 1981: Winds gusting to 6 2003: Wiarton Willie was 7 1992: St. John's, NL, 8 2000: Strong, gusty winds 9 Economic Development storm in southern Ontario were marooned for 2 weeks 140 km/h ripped through so ashamed of himself for a and nearby communities up to 90 km/h sent ice floes Group wanted a new ended up the winter's worst. on Quebec's La Big Island. southern Saskatchewan, busted forecast of an early struggled to shake off the smashing through property slogan and logo for the Most snow-clearing contracts An early ice breakup had knocking down power lines, spring that he sent a stand-in elfects of a "silver thaw" on Lake George near "City of Champions." Kerry had just expired. Air Canada trapped the work party and forcing schools to close, and to explain to the Wiarton, ON, storm that coated transmission Fredericton, NB. Ice chunks as Diotte 01 the Edmonton Sun cancelled most of its North shilling ice floes made their tearing precious topsoil from town council. Willie couldn't lines with sticky, freezing rain. big as 6 m, piled 2.5 m deep in offered several suggestions to American flights into and out return impossible. They lit signal fields in Alberta and Saskatchewan. appear himself because his Cold temperatures and glaze places, damaged 6 waterlront counter the city's image 01 being of Toronto, blaming a shortage fires and ate gruel until rescuers At times, visibility was nil. One burrow was still buried in snow. hampered repair crews from dwellings. The ice knocked patios too cold: Edmonton-snow joke, of de-icing fluid. Maintenance reached the island. One man was farmer said it was like a bad His handlers said: "Willie went cap climbing transmission towers and decks off their moorings, and we're a warm community; crews used a month's supply in lell behind with provisions for snowstorm-the worst dust storm in paw to publicly apologize for his to replace broken insulators. blocked roads to the shore. The Edmonton-we're warmer than just 24 hours. De-icer was being himself and the horses. When the he'd seen in 20 years. mistake to the mayor and council Service stations were unable to wind likely created downward Winnipeg; Edmonton-hot damn trucked in, but treacherous road ice situation improved, the horses and to all Canadians and to his dispense gasoline from electrically pressure on the lake surface, what a place; and Edmonton-at conditions interfered. swam across the river. international'riends." driven pumps. forcing the ice up and onto least it's never snowed in July! the shore.

Daylight Saving Time Begins New Moon •

2003: A long, intense 10 1992: 50,000 Toronto 11 2000: Charlottetown, 12 1938: The Honeymoon 13 1899: Ice from the 14 2002: Over the weekend, 15 1958: The most 16 cold spell produced baseball fans arrived PEI, City Council Bridge, forced Irom its veranda 01 a house in with mild temperatures destructive tornado some of the worst ice lor the opening day of decided to continue Canadian and American Ottawa, ON, fell on a and abundant sunshine, ever to hit Watrous, SK, conditions in a decade the season. But ice was spring garbage pickup as supports 10 weeks ago by 17-year-old girl. In afew Edmontonians enjoyed took out a large barn, on the Great Lakes, St. Lawrence lallling from overhead structures, usual, beginning on 1 Mayand an ice-jam, sank to the botlom 01 seconds, half a tonne of bicycling and barbecuing. Today, trapping more than 100 pigs. River, and Atlantic Coast. Strong so the police closed the walkway not earlier, as one councillor the Niagara River, ON. Thousands 25-cm-thick ice chunks fell, though, they awoke to a record Some animals were buried in winds pushed massive blocks of between the CN Tower and had suggested. He favoured a watched the massive steelwork badly bruising her head and body, 24.6 cm of heavy, wet snow. The the wreckage; others were given ice, up to 6 m high, onto the SkyDome, and roped off streets to mid-April pickup because global sail a kilometre downstream on fracturing her skull, and crushing mayor couldn't remember a bigger a whirlwind push to the northeast. eastern and southern shores of the east. For the first few innings, warming was bringing earlier its natural carrier. Ice breakup on her lungs. She died soon aller. The snowfall so late in the season. But Later, farmers found 5 of the the Great Lakes. The lakes also ice crashing down from above could springs. With the warm weather, the Niagara River also crushed veranda was shaded to by the roof the defiant mayor said: "We won't animals more than 2 km away. experienced record March ice be heard among the crowd noise. overzealous residents were raking hundreds of ducks as they sat on which accounted for the ice and be like the mayor of Toronto and The winds also scattered hundreds cover, with the surfaces of lakes their yards earlier. ice floes and unexpectedly went snow not melting during recent call in the army. We'll take care 01 of bales 01 straw. The main barn Superior, Erie, and Huron over the falls in dense log. mild weather. it on our own." had disappeared, except lor 98% covered. the loll floor.

First Quarter f)

1967: Two snowstorms 17 1914: On her way to 18 2003: Twenty-eight 19 1941: The stillness of 2 0 1932: While city folk dug 2 1 1938: At noon 1885: Sixty-five a week apart dumped Canada, a young people lost their lives a record hot day in marooned automobiles 2 3 in Winnipeg, MB, 22 days ago, the from 150 to 200 cm 01 Russian woman survived in avalanches in the Montreal, QC, with out 01 huge snowdrills, darkness grew and barquentine Maranee snow on southern Alberta. a terrible 6-day storm Canadian Rockies in 30.0°C temperatures, Alberta wheat farmers birds retreated to their entered an icefield off 12,000 cows and calves perished crossing the Atlantic Ocean that 2003, tying 196510r the second was shattered by a brief storm. rejoiced over the "worst" nests. Strong southerly winds Newfoundland. Unexpectedly, on the open range. Many animals lell her ship partly submerged. A deadliest year in nearly a century. The "hurricane" tore down fences, snowstorm in 20 years. The huge blew dust Irom Minnesota into the the ice began to "rail" and drilled with the storm and became passing American boat picked up 2002-2003 was an El Nino year, signage, and utility poles, and snowfall replenished the subsoil Manitoba capital. Motorists driving sliced through the bow-planking. trapped in snow-filled gullies. survivors and she was reunited with when weather ollen creates drove heavy rain in sheets with moisture. Owing to street damage into Canada reported seeing dust The crew stuffed canvas Other livestock losses were her brother in Edmonton, AB. complex and unusual snow such violence that all traffic came and flooding, the Alberta Minister clouds all the way. Women along between the shattered bow-timbers attributed to exhaustion and Watching a movie about a conditions ripe lor avalanches. to a hatl. At the downtown Kresge of Highways ordered vehicular Portage Avenue were shocked to to keep water out, but soon pneumonia. Survivors suffered shipwreck a few days later, she Snow pack changed quickly and store, the awning and its metal traffic off all provincial highways see their faces streaked with mud they abandoned ship onto a pan weight loss and disease, such as screamed, fainted, and (it was ollen, making the avalanche frame blew into the storelront lor a few days to keep damage to and their new silk stockings of ice. Marooned lor days, foot-rot and scours. reported) went insane. hazard extreme for most of the year. window, smashing the plate glass. a minimum. sprayed with sand. they experienced rain, freezing rain, , and a spectacular thunderstorm. Earth Day

1964: Wind-blown 2 4 Weather Quiz 1908: About 5:00 AM, 2003: Aspring storm 1940: The ice moved 2 8 2002: Mental health 1923: At Drumheller, 30 icefields off Cape Which among these is 2 5 when most 01 the stalled over southern AB, lightning struck out 01 Dawson, YT, at workers in central Breton Island, NS, nature's deadliest villagers 01 a small Alberta, dumping from 1:54 PM; the previous Alberta said that local the powder house at were the worst since phenomenon in North setllement near 26 50 to 80 cm of snow in 27 earliest breakup record residents were feeling 29 the ABC Mine during a 1961, when the ice "almost America? Buckingham, QC, were in less than 12 hours. Heavy was set on 2 May 1934. Contrary the blues and calling crisis lines severe thunderstorm. Fortunately, reached bottom and then rolled 1) lightning their beds, an enormous mass rain from the previous day and to expectations, the ice required more ollen because of gloomy only one can, containing about over." The MV William Carson, 2) tornadoes of earth and snow rushed down thigh-deep, wet snow caused no extra, heavy upstream "bump." weather, which promotes bouts ot 2.5 kg 01 powder, exploded. Some covered only 5 km in the lirst 3) hurricanes the mountainside and engulfed havoc in the Calgary area, halting The main ice sheet, marked with a loneliness and depression. employees pluckily entered the 3 hours of hard gOing, and was 4) rip tides or currents several occupied homes. The airport operations and burying town lIag, moved slowly lorward for Everybody was still in ski jackets building and tossed out the luse. 15 hours late. Twin Canadian 5) avalanches landslide-avalanche crossed and vehicles in snowdrifls. Undeterred, about 100 m and then stopped. This (not shorts), the grass was still Coast Guard ice-breakers worked (Answer on inside back cover) dammed the river, and covered 1,000 young people lined up the was sufficient to officially end the dirty brown, trees had not leafed around the clock, plowing through some 20 buildings on the far side. next day in freezing weather to ice breakup contest. Two winners out, and golf courses were afraid railing ice 017 m or more in In the end, it killed 34 people, audition for CTV's Canadian shared nearly $3,800. to open. And, oh yes, it was some areas. wiping out entire families. Idol show. tax time! Passover Begins Full Moon 0 a An eerie, foggy day in Toronto, ON I Rommell Masterfile APRIL JUNE 1 2 1 2 3 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 May 2005 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1921: Before a man 1933: LIghtning struck 1921: Winds gusting over 1952: Strong winds 4 1924: With afternoon 5I 1995: Alale spring 6 lB95: Forecasters in from Bawll, AB, 90 km 3 children walking 90 km/h caused extensive toppled hydro poles around temperatures hovering snowslorm dropped 20 cm Toronto, ON, predicted southeast of Edmonton, 1 home from school near 2 property damage across 3 Esterhazy, SK, leaving wires in the mid-20s, two public of snow across Nova Scotia. warmer weather for Nova 7 could remove his newly acquired Peterborough, ON, killing 2. Saskatchewan. The storm suspended a metre above the swimming pools In Edmonlon, The alr-Inllated root althe Scolla, but that was not strong machine shed, strong winds moved The sole survivor, a little boy downed hydro lines and ground. Families going to church AB, opened on the weekend to Oalhousie University sports enough language to prepare it for him. Hurricane-force winds named Elmer, was lying In the intertered with telephone crossed safely over the downed good attendance-100 people. complex caved when acomputer locals for the Intense heat that knocked it over and scattered the ditch when he came to; his Sister communications, 11 also carried lines. On retnrning home, one The temperature fell overnight to 10 monitor air pressure and a came. The temperature in Halifax debris over a large dIstance. and a friend were lying dead on away wind instruments at the motorist slepped out of his car to 0.6·C. Only 230 swimmers system 10 melt roof snow failed jumped from 5°C at 8 AM to 32.4·C the road. The girl's haIr was University of Saskatchewan. hold down the wires and was showed up today when snowflakes to tnrn on. Aquick meR and at 3 PM. The air was suffocating burned and her stockings torn; Across the province, seeding electrocuted. AI the instant he held aboul the size of palm leaves resultant water flooded a prized because of smoke trom nearby there was no other visible sign was suspended. Experts worried down the lines, power was turned appeared out of the murky basketball court, stained a forest fires. of Injury. Her companion's skin that in light, well-worked soli, back on momentarily for tesling. atmosphere. Swimmers Indulged rubberized floor, and warped was discoloured. seed would be blown out of I, ~ the ground. m',' ...... ".... I ,,_odleast $100,000 '00". each. ... "

last Quarter () ~~ 01 -- i 1878: Asevere 8 1939: Dust storms forced 9 1922: Suddenly, a 2003: Too many weeks 11 1939: Two American 12 1908: Three sailors, 13 1999: In Edmonton, AB, 14 thunderstorm passed southern Saskatchewan , black tunnel-shaped of cold, snowy, cloudy schooners mel in a lost at sea lor 3 days, rain for 10 of the last over Kingston. ON. Rain residents to use lights at i cloud appeared In the 10 weather in southern head-on collision in were resting back In 13 days lurned golf poured In torrents and lightning mid-day and haR motor traffic, sky above Manitoba. In Alberta demoralized dense fog on the Grand Victoria, BC, re-living courses into watery flashed long and often. One At Chaplln, winds blew down 10 minutes, the storm leH a trail people's psyche, disrupted sleep Banks, Nl. The seamen from one their story. They had headed out wastelands and soccer fields Into bolt entered the office In the i utility poles and fences. In of wrecked buildings and shattered patterns, and zapped energy levels. wreck taught their way toward land. In their 5-metre sealing vessel to quagmires. The damp weather Dominion Telegraph Office and Reglna, airborne dust seeped towers belonging to Winnipeg'S Canoeing courses fell victim to the After 29 hours, afreighter came chase seals off Queen Charlotte was great lor farmers, umbrella set fire to the switchboard, through doors and windows. electrical power grid. Atlydiaft, snow and cool winds. Entire within a kilometre of their drifting Sound and had failed 10 note a salesmen, and waterfowl, bul it completely severing the Near Uren, the storm blew a the wind splitlhe railway stallon outdoor programs were scrapped, dory, but steamed past without change In weather. Suddenly a was bad news for carwash connecting wires, Apassing wagon and team of horses off Inlo two; each section was moved creating a logistlcal nightmare. seeing them or hearing their storm burst upon them. 11 is little operators, sports teams, and cabman gave the alarm. His Ihe road. Farmers in various almost a metre off its foundation Soccer players looking over hollering. Two days later, most of short of miraculous Ihal they others. However, one agricultural promptitude restricled damage localities expressed hope thal and Ihe plattorm was carried swamped pitches groaned with the 33 survivors had been picked up survived Ihe storm, having balled expert said: "The rain isn't a pain to less than $50, without drifting soil would help get rid several metres away. frustration. by fishing vessels and brought to frantically to stay alloal. if you're growing grain." Inlerruptlon of service. of grasshoppers. ~ Yarmoulh, NS.

Mother's Day New Moon.

1841: Alarge portion 2003: A strong twirling 2003: Smoke from 1933: Egg-size ~943:Hundredsof 15 1923:TheWealh~r 16 1 1953: Afamily of 2 1 volunteers fought conditions on the I of the cliff near the wind. described as a massive Russian forest hailstones fell tornadoes In southwest lake Erie's high water labrador, Nl, coast ' foot of the Citadel In 17 tornado but more likely 18 fires near lake Baikal 19 from afreak shower 20 OntariO caused and mighty waves to were the worsl ever in Quebec City, QC-about a dust devil, blew through drifted over Alaska and causing heavy damage 5 deaths and 41 injuries. save Ihe Erieau onion marsh the memory ot the oldest 80 m-gave way, overwhelming Marysville, ON, tearing clothes northwestern Canada. Strong in the little village of Ship Harbour, In Sarnla, the storm levelled from inundation. Men rushed inhabitants. At Cartwrighl, snow houses beneath and burying from clothes lines. In once yard, westerly winds pushed the huge NS. large hailstones riddled the 12 blocks of the downtown every available Iruck and traclor covered the houses so completely numerous residents under masses winds lifted a patiO umbrella out of smoke plume, which was about roots ot25 homes, giving the business dlstrlcl. Ayoung mother to haul sand bags. Volunteers that only the chimney poked at rock and rubbish, Rescuers atable and carried it high over the the size at Ontario and Quebec appearance ot having been blasted and her 3 children were in the packed 10,000 sand bags and through. The storm trapped the extricated 13 dead bodies trom house, In another yard, winds combined. The smoke and haze, by machine guns. They also waiting room of the customs office placed them along the dykes; a school master in his house lor the ruins. Frost had expanded picked up a kid's swimming pool, nol noticeable on the ground, smashed windows and crushed at the ferry docks when the storm bag holds nearly 90 kg of wet 2 days, and a man walking fissures in the rock, loosening it which Ihe owners never found. were confined to 2,000 m or scores of hens and chickens. broke. Her small boy was in the sand. The homes 01 several overhead on snowshoes heard to the point of detachment. Winds scattered lowels more than higher, and the particles were very washroom. When he returned, families and the seedling him tapping on the iron chimney 3 streets away. tiny. The plume produced some he said: "Hey, Mommy, did I onions were thus saved. to attract aftenllon. spectacular sunrises, miss something?" r-----.. First Quarter () 2001: Strong winds, 2 2 Weather Quiz 1912: The tirsl 2003: Apilot from 2003: Golf pros at a 2 6 2000: AIreak accident 27 1921: Acloudburst, 2 8 How many lightning parachute lump in 24 Calgary landed near 25 Regina, SK, course killed a woman on the blowing from 63 km/h described as a 10 85 km/h, downed flashes occur in an 23 canada was made the North Pole 10 sounded the horn Rlvershore Golf links once-in-a-Ufelime several tree branches average year across by Charles Saunders in rescue astranded alerting golfers to the in Kamloops, BC. Strong storm, took out 4 bridges In Winnipeg, MB. Trees Canada? Vancouver. The weather was Brlllsh explorer who had spent presence of severe thunderstorms, winds blew down several poplar near Bradford, ON. The flood snapped like toothpiCks, 1) 6 million ideal: 21'C, no precipitation, a week on drifting ice In -40°C, but not before lightning had struck trees. One 16-m tree crushed the carried away fence stumps, smashing many parked cars. 2) 24 million and light winds. wllh his rations running low. 3 gollers. The most seriously root of Ihe golf cart she was Including groundhogs riding on Work crews scrambled for days 3) almost 3 million Earlier, he had become the IIrst Injured vlstlm was conscious, but drivIng, killing her Instantl,. tOIl otthe posts. Alocal farmer, ..IA1Innn dahri. Rn ••It•• 4\ 1'" mlttlnn ftAnt,.n In ....t'!:h thA IIIn"'" Pnl. dltn...... Thntt_ .ttAnrllnn h ..... • ..._1__ ...__ ato.- ...... ___L. of Inllll'Y. Her companion's skin IhallD light. well-worked soli. back on momenlarlly for lesllng. almosphere. Swimmers Indulged rubberized floor. and warped was discoloured. seed would be blown out of in mini snowball wars. hardwood courts. worlh al the ground. leasl $100,000 each. last Quarter et ~.. 1878: Asevere 8 1939: Dust storms forced 9 1922: Suddenly, a 2tI03: Too many weeks 1939: Two American 12 1908: Three sailors, 13 1999: In Edmonton, AB. 14 thunderstorm passed southern Saskatchewan black tunnel-shaped 01 cold. snowy. cloudy schooners met in a lost at sea for 3 days, rain for 10 01 the last over Kingston, ON. Rain residents to use lights at cloud appeared in the 10 weather in southern 11 head-on colliSion In were resting back In 13 days turned golf poured In torrents and lightning mid-day and halt motor trallic. sky above Manlloba. In Alberta demoralized dense fog on the Grand Vicloria. BC. re-living courses Into watery flashed long and often. One At Chaplin. winds blew down 10 minutes, the storm left a trail people's psyche. disrupted sleep Banks. Nt. The seamen Irom one their slory. They had headed out wastelands and soccer fields into bolt entered the oHice in the utility poles and lences. In 01 wrecked buildings and shaHered paHerns. and zapped energy levels. wreck fought their way toward land. in their 5-metre sealing vessel to quagmires. The damp weather Dominion Telegraph Olllce and Regina. airborne dusl seeped towers belonging to Winnlpeg's Canoeing courses lell victim to the Atter 29 hours. aIrelghler came chase seals off Queen CharloHe was greatlor larmers. umbrella set lire to the switchboard, through doors and windows. electrical power grid. Atlydlall. snow and cool winds. Entire wilhln a kilometre 01 their dritting Sound and had lailed to note a salesmen. and waterfowl. but it complefely severing the Near Uren, the storm blew a the wind split the railway stallon outdoor programs were scrapped, dory. but steamed past without change In weather. Suddenly a was bad news for carwash connecting wires. Apassing wagon and leam of horses off into two; each section was moved creating a loglstical nightmare. seeing Ihem or hearing their storm burst upon them. His liHle operators. sports teams, and cabman gave the alarm. His the road. Farmers In various almost a metre off its foundation Soccer players looking over hollering. Two days later, mosl 01 short 01 miracuIous that they others. However, one agricultural promptitude restricted damage localities expressed hope that and the platform was carried swamped pitches groaned with the 33 survivors had been picked up survived Ihe storm, having balled expert said: "The rain Isn·t a pain to less than $50, without drifting soli would help get rid several metres away. lrustrallon. by Ilshing vessels and brought to Irantically to stay all oat. if you're growing grain." Interrupfion of service. 01 grasshoppers. Yarmouth, NS.

Mother's Day New Moon •

1943: Hundreds 01 1923: The weather 1841: Alarge portion 2803: Astrong twlrflng 2003: Smoke from 1933: Egg-size 1953: Afamily of 2 1 volunteers fought conditions on the 01 the clill near the wind. described as a massive Russian foresl hailstones fell tornadoes In southwest lake Erie's hlg hwater 15 labrador. NL. coast 16 loot 01 the Citadel in 17 tornado but more likely 18 lires near lake Baikal 19 lrom aIreak shower 20 Ontario caused and mighty waves to were the worst ever In Quebec City, QC-aboul adust devil. blew through drifted over Alaska and causing heavy damage 5 deaths and 41 injuries. save the Erieau onion marsh the memory of Ihe oldest 80 m-gave way, overwhelming Marysville. ON, tearing clothes northwestern Canada. Strong in the little village 01 Ship Harbour. In Samla. the storm levelled Irom inundation. Men rushed inhabitants. At Cartwrlght, snow houses beneath and burying from clothes lines. In once yard. westerly winds pushed the huge NS. Large hailstones riddled the 12 blocks 01 the downtown every available Iruck and tractor covered the houses so completely numerous residents under masses winds lifted a patio umbrella out 01 smoke plume. which was about rools of 25 homes. giving the business district. Ayoung mother to haul sand bags. Volunteers that only the chimney poked 01 rock and rubbish. Rescuers a table and carried It high over the the size 01 Ontario and Quebec appearance of having been blasled and her 3 children were in the packed 10.000 sand bags and through. The storm trapped the eXlrlcated 13 dead bodies Irom house. In another yard, winds combined. The smoke and haze. by machine guns. They also waiting room of the customs oHlce placed them along the dykes; a school master in his house for Ihe ruins. Frost had expanded picked up a kid's swimming pool, not noticeable on the ground, smashed windows and crushed at the ferry docks when the storm bag holds nearly 90 kg of wet 2 days, and a man walking fissures in the rock. loosening It which the owners never found. were conllned to 2.000 m or scores 01 hens and chickens. broke. Her small boy was in the sand. The homes of several overhead on snowshoes heard ID the point 01 detachment. Winds scattered towels more than higher, and Ihe partiCles were very washroom. When he returned. tamilles and the seedling him tapping on the iron chimney 3 streels away. tiny. The plume produced some he said: "Hey. Mommy, did I onions were thus saved. to attract attenllon. spectacular sunrlses. miss something?"

First Quarter () I 2001: Strong winds, 22 Weather quiz 1912: The first 2 4 2803: Api Iof from 2003: Golf pros at a 2000: Afreak accident 27 1921: Acloudburst, 2 8 blowing Irom 63 km/h How many lightning parachute jump In Calgary landed near Regina, SK, course killed a woman on the described as a to 85 km/h. downed flashes occur In an 23 Canada was made the North Pole to 25 sounded Ihe horn 26 Rivershore Gollllnks once-in-a-lIfetlme several tree branches average year across by Charles Saunders in rescue a stranded alerting golfers to the in Kamloops, BC. Strong storm. took out 4 bridges In Winnipeg. MB. Trees Canada? Vancouver. The weather was British explorer who had spent presence of severe thunderstorms. winds blew down several poplar near Bradlord, ON. The flood snapped like toothpicks, 1) 6 million Ideal: 21°C. no precipitation, a week on drifting Ice in -40·C, but not before lightning had struck trees. One 16-m tree crushed the carried away fence stumps. smashing many parked cars. 2) 24 million and light winds. with his rations running low. 3 golfers. The most seriously rool 01 the golf cart she was including groundhogs riding on Work crews scrambled for days 3) almosf 3 million Earlier. he had become the first injured victim was conscious, but driving. killing her Instantly. top 01 the posts. Alocal farmer, clearing debris. On Lakes 4) 1/2 million person to reach the North Pole disoriented. Those attending him coming across the washout. took Winnipeg and Manitoba. the 5) over 8 million unassisted. The frost-bitten initially worried about being struck oH his red winter underwear. strong winds generated huge (Answer on inSide back cOller) adventurer marked Oul a make-shift again. but they thought it was waded into water up to his neck, waves. At the Sagkeeng First runway on the lIoatlng ice unlikely. since lightning doesn't and used the red flannels to flag Nation on Catfish Creek, winds using plastic bags. slrlke the same place twice. Noli down the Orillia train. thereby lorced residents to deploy avoiding another disaster. sandbags to quell rising water. Victoria Full Moon 0 1932: From floaling 29 191i6: Aviolent rain 1923: Acombination chicken yards to 30 3 1 and windstorm rocked of an intense cloudburst shingled bungalows. the area between -50 mm 01 rain in 16 from barking dogs to Empress, AB. and hours-and rising rivers. children al play, a whole Burstall, SK. damaging swollen Irom snow melt, created village floated by Vancouver. buildings. lences. trees. and disastrous flooding in southern BC. The village was a logging TV anlennas. The town 01 Alberta. The floodwaters in the camp being moved by barge Empress almost went up in Crowsnest Pass took out bridges trom PIIt River 10 Elk Bay. some lIames. but a boy noticed Ihe and held up trains. The Old Man 200 km norlh of Vancouver. The rellection of lIames through a River held its greatesl stream trip began 10 days ago, but after warehouse window and alerted volume ever recorded. The lIood descending the Fraser River, Ihe volunteer fire brigade, who left 200 homeless and drowned bad weather kepi It at Steveston lought the flames lor 90 minutes. scores of livestock. until today. I last Quarter et I a Powerful lightning near Winnipeg, MB I Dave Reede I Firstlight MAY JULY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 June 2005 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1935: Tomadoes ripped 1920: A terrific storm broke 1B99: Between 25 and 30 1966: A BBC television across Manitoba, leaving over Ottawa, Interrupting Native people-men, women, crew had just finished behind trails of destmction. 1 telephone and electric 2 and children-drowned in a 3 3 weeks of filming polar 4 At Strathclair, atwister wrecked services, smashing windows small lake in Alberta during bears in Alert Bay, NT, when a several farm wagons and small with hail, and blowing down spring "potlatch," a ceremony storm blew in, pushing the ice buildings. At Portage la Prairie, awnings and trees. In the celebrallng religious riles and floe where they were camped the wi nds blew ra ilway cars on 20-minute rage, a record 35 mm a division of property. The from shore. Within 10 minules, the tracks, uprooted trees, and ot rain fell. Lightning burned victims arrived In two long there were about 20 m ot deathly killed livestock. The 10-hour down a large barn containing hay boats labrlcated trom caribou cold water between them and the rain also doused a torest fire worth $1,000, and also levelled skins, and collided In dense main ice shelf. The crew was burning out-ot-control in the a warehouse tilled with farm lake fog. marooned for several hours with Porcupine Forest. implements, fodder, and neither a radio nor sufticient food garden supplies. and tuel.

I 1932: It didn't rain "cats 1925: Lightning struck a 6 1999: Aswirling 7 1900: A brief, violent storm 8 2003: Galgarians complained 9 2002: Fog kept New 10 Weather Quiz 11 and dogs" a! Banff, AB, home near Racine, QC. mlcroburst struck Toronto, struck otlawa In a blinding about an overpopulation of Brunswick's Premier Besides tropical storms, but it rained wild ducks 5 The bolt killed one girl and ON. The winds scattered torrent. With the rain came a buzzing mosquitoes, Inllated Bernard Lord trom what other naturaI Instead. During a brief heavy injured her sister so badly that wooden planks, electric wiring, sharp fusillade 01 hailstones by a relatively wet spring and landing a! Plctou, NS, phenomenon is given a rainstorm, a night flight ot wild the storm left her "a life of and pink Insulation for a square that struck the pavement and unseasonably strong winds. The where the" Atlantic premiers name? ducks was lorced down and they despair, " as described by her kilometre. The root of a vehicle rebounded many metres into the numbers were the highest in were meeting prior to August's 1) blizzards mistook the IlIuminaled asphalt family. Another sister miraculously was ripped off and conveniently air. At the Experimental Farm, the 3 years. As the winds dried up Annual Premiers' Conference. Lord 2) tornadoes and oiled roads for streams. Many escaped Injury. The Injured girl was dropped In a nearby Canadian Tire wind and hail severely damaged puddles, water-tilled ditches in had decided 10 attend his children's 3) monsoons I storms birds crashed, breaking their necks. to have been married the next day. lot. Another car had a wooden beam fruit, tlowers, and foliage. The rural areas and gusty winds stymied recllal, opting to fly out in the 4) The next morning children reaped a protruding through Its windshield. storm caused a stampede amongst clly spraying efforts. Staft can only morning. Thick fog a! the Pictou 5) earthquakes harvest of dimes by collecting and Said the owner, "we just had the the delivery and hack horses spray Insecticide when the wind airstrip kept his plane circling tor (Answer on inside back cover) selling the dead birds to a local windshield replaced because of a standing about the city streets. speed Is less than 25 km/h. at least 3 passes betore returning taxidermist. stone chip." to Frederlcton.

World Environment Day New Moon • + 1939: Piles of debris 12 2003: Three men fell 13 2003: Weather 14 1892: For hall an hour, 1923: Tornadlc wind 1838: The barque 1890: A married couple the train into Icy BC waters forecasters a11 but the sky over Amhers!, played pranks near Sir Archibald Campbell, from Moncton, NB, died Royal couple, soulheast of Sandspll, promised Montrealers NS, was illuminafed with 15 Saskatoon, SK. It rotated 16 bound from Mlramlchl, 17 when lightning Ignited 18 King George and Queen after their fishing boat a dry sunny weekend. lightning. One bolt struck an occupied farmhouse NB, to Pri nee Edward their home. The rapid Elizabeth, were going to take started sinking. Immediately, Instead it rained for three a root and entered two allached on Its foundations. It also Island, struck hard on the North progress of the fire prevented through the Eastern Townships, their life raft was swept away in days-a total ot40 mm-pulling houses. In one structure, the smashed the barn and Cape reef in heavy fog. The crew others trom helping. Their QC. Atornado Ihe day betore had 75-km/h winds and 4-metre waves, a real damper on weekend events current passed along the wall, outbuildings, including 6 granaries, made it sately to shore, only to neighbours were horrified by what ripped bunting, shields, flags, Fortunately, a luxury cruise liner thaf featured the Formula One destroying pictures along Its path. and killed 8 horses and several have a Yankee fishing schooner they saw through the window. The and banners 10 shreds. In St. happened by and rescued the Canadian Grand Prix. Outside the It was the second time this house head of call1e. In the city, winds plunder the wreck. woman, In shock, lay down by her Johns, QC, several houses and 3 mariners, who suffered mild city, farmers reported huge losses had been struck. In Milford, NS, blew the root 011 a lumber burning husband, who was sick In sheds were demolished. Workers hypothermia. The only thing that having cut their first hay crop lightning split nearly every company's warehouse. The bed. The charred remains of the moved feverishly to replace the remained visible of their vessel two days earlier, believing the telephone and telegraph posf in building Itsell was gently moved husband and wife were found In destroyed decorafions and clean was a small portion of a mast. forecast ot several days of good the area. across the street and depOSited in the ruins. up belore Ihe Royals arrived. drying weather. a vacanf lot.

First Quarter ()

1898: Amidst foul 19 2l1li3: For the third lime, 2 0 2003: An Edmonton, 2 1 1891: A couple and 2 2 2003: In southem 2002: Astormy day In 1915: Atornado swept a South African couple AB, golf pro failed in 2 4 wealher and Ihousands their two children from Ontario, summer 23 25 eastern OntariO triggered through Redcliff, AB, 01 offshore Icebergs, is fighting lor permiSSion his third allemptto Kildonan, MB, had a arrived on cue with a series of mishaps. killing 2, injuring 10, ships were blockaded to live In rainy Prince break the world record narrow escape with death werm, sunny weather. Lightning either struck a and Inlllctlng property trom coming ashore with Rupert, BC, the cloudiest city lor the mill!: holes golled in a when what was reported to be Toronto Issued its IIrst smog 6Z-year old motorcyClist or he tell damage of $500,000. The storm provisions lor the destitute In Canada. They won a crucial 24-hour period, set in 1990. He _an "amateur cyclone" swept advisory and started what was off his bike when a nearby tree was damaged nearly every private fishers and their lamllles at federal courl vlcfory agallll!: had completed 817 holes In away the upper half storey of to be IllIlIrst and only heat weve struck In Stlttsvllle. One ot five house and building In town. A !W1!1Inuat.~! "!hite Ba,. and SI. i:anada ImmlgraUon,_ entl!!,ng miserable weather when time their log cabin. The lamlly, that summer. 11 was so hot in the parachutists caught In the storm tornado also struck the small town Porcupine Forest. implements. lodder, and neither a radio nor 8Ullicientlood garden supplies. and luel.

1932: It didn't rain "cals 5 1925: lightning struck a 6 1999: Aswirling 7 1900: Abrief, violent storm 8 2003: Calgarians complained 9 2002: Fog kept New 10 Weather Quiz 11 and dogs" at Banff, AB, home near Ratine, QC. mlcroburst struck Toronto, struck Ollawa in a blinding about an overpopulation 01 Brunswick's Premier Besides tropical storms, but it rained wild ducks The bolt killed one girl and ON. The winds scaftered torrent. With the rain came a buzzing mosquitoes, inllated Bernard Lord Irom what other natural instead. During a brief her sister so badly that wooden planks, electric wiring, sharp fusillade of hailstones by a relatively wet spring and landing at Pictou, NS, phenomenon is given a rainstorm, a night fIIg~ storm left her "a life of and pink Insulalion for a square that struck the pavement and unseasonably strong winds. The where the 4 Atlantic premiers name? ducks was forced down and they despair," as described by her kilometre. The rool 01 a vehicle rebounded many metres into the numbers were the highest in were meeting prior to August's 1) blizzards mistook the illuminated asphalt family. Another sisler miraculously was ripped off and convenlenlly air. At the Experimental Farm, the 3 years. As the winds dried up Annual Premiers' Conlerence. lord 2) tornadoes and oiled roads for streams. Many escaped injury. The injured girl was dropped in a nearby Canadian Tire wind and hall severely damaged puddles, water-lilled ditches in had decided to attend his children's 3) monsoonal storms birds crashed, breaking their necks. to have been married the next day. 101. Another car had a wooden beam lruit, lIowers, and loliage. The rural areas and gusty winds stymied reCital, opting to lIy out in the 4) icebergs The next morning children reaped a protruding through lis wlndshield. storm caused astampede amongst city spraying efforts. Stall can only morning. Thick fog at the Pictou 5) earthquakes harvest of dimes by cOllecting and Said the owner, "we just had the the delivery and hack horses spray insecticide when the wind airstrip kept his plane circling lor (Answer on inside back cover) selling the dead birds to a local windshield replaced because 01 a standing about the city streets. speed is less than 25 km/h. at least 3 passes before returning taxidermist. stone chip." to Frederlcton.

World Environment Day New Moon •

1939: Piles of debris 2003: Three men fell 13 2003: Weather 14 1892: For half an hour, 1923: Tornadic wind 1838: The barque 1890: Amarried couple 18 lay along the train into iCy BC waters lorecasters all but the sky over Amhersl, played pranks near Sir Archibald Campbell, from Moncton. NB, died route the Royal couple, 12 southeast of San dsp It, promised Montrealers NS, was Illuminated with 15 Saskatoon, SK. It rotaled 16 bound Irom Miramlchl, 17 when lightning Ignited King George and Queen after their fishing boat a dry sunny weekend. lightning. One ball struck an occupied larmhouse NB. to Prince Edward their home. The rapid Elizabeth, were going to lake started sinking. Immediately, Instead it rained lor three a rool and entered /Wo attached on lis foundations. It also Island, struck hard on the North progress of the fire preveuted through the Eastern Townships, their life raft was swept away In days-a total 0140 mm-putting houses. In one structure, the smashed Ihe barn and Cape reef In heavy log. The crew others from helping. Their QC. Atornado the day betore had 75-km/h winds and 4-metre waves. a real damper on weekend events current passed along the wall, outbuildings, including 6 granaries, made it safoly to shore, only to neighbours were horrified by what ripped bunting, shields, flags, Fortunately, a luxury cruise liner thatleatured the Formula One destroying pictures along Its path. and killed 8 ~orses and several have a Yankee fishing schooner they saw through the window. The and banners to shreds. In St. happened by and rescued the Canadian Grand Prix. Oulslde the 11 was the second time this house head 01 cattle. In Ihe city, winds plunder the wreck. woman, In shock, lay down by her Johns, QC, several houses and 3 mariners, who suffered mild clly, larmers reported huge losses had been struck. In Mlllord, NS, blew the roof oH a lumber burning husband. who was sick in sheds were demolished. Workers hypothermia, The only thing that having cut their first hay crop lightning spill nearly every company's warehouse. The bed. The charred remains of the moved feverishly to replace the remained visible 01 their vessel two days earlier, believing the telephone and telegraph post in building itself was gently moved husband and wife were found in destroyed decorations and clean was a small portion 01 a masl. lorecast of several days 01 good the area. across the street and deposited in the ruins. up before the Royals arrived. drying weather. avacant lot.

First Quarter ()

1898: Amidst loul 19 2003: For the third time, 2 0 2003: An Edmonton, 2 1 1891: Acouple and 22 2003: In southern 2 3 2002: Astormy day in 2 4 1915: Atornado swept 25 weather and thousands a south African couple AB, gall pro failed In their /Wo children from OntariO, summer easlern Ontario triggered through iledcliff, AB, 01 offshore icebergs, is fighting for permission his Ihird attempt to Klldonan, MB. had a arrived on cue with aseries 01 mishaps. killing 2. injuring 10, ships were blockaded to live in rainy Prince break the world record narrow escape with death warm, sunny weather. lightning either struck a and inllicting property Irom coming ashore with Rupert, BC, the cloudiest city lor the most holes golled in a when what was reported to be Toronto Issued ils first smog 62-year old motorcyclist or he fell damage of $500.000. The storm provisions lor the destitute in Canada. They won a crucial 24-hour period, set in 1990. He an "amateur cyclone" swept advisory and started what was off his bike when a nearby tree was damaged nearly every private Ushers and their lamllles at federal court victory againsl had completed 817 holes in away the upper hall storey 01 to be ils first and only heat wave struck in Stitlsville. One of five house and building In town. A Twillingate, White Bay, and St. Canada Immigration, entilling miserable wealher when time their log cabin. The family. that summer. 11 was so hot in the parachutisls caught In the storm tornado also struck the small town Anlhony, NL. Seven died 01 hunger them 10 another hearing. The ran oul. To break the record. he asleep upstairs, was thrown Toronto area that roads buckled. soared upwards instead of down 01 Grassy Lake, tearing the rool off In SI. Anthony. ACatholiC Priest family sullers Irom asevere lorm needed to goll at least 847 holes, out upon the ground. Aclose Amid responses ot derision, and landed in Orleans. Arain-fed the hotel, wiping out two lumber dispatched a messenger to Tilt 01 porphyria, a rare genetic averaging 18 holes a hall hour. lather and two Ontario's environment minister wall 01 water slammed over a yards, wrecking the drug store, Cove with this desperate telegram: condition Ihat makes them unable Twelve hours of rain had made the asked residenls to curtail 10-m-high cliff near Calabogie, and blowing a whole Ireighl train "Send provisions al once; If not, to tolerate sunllghl. grass too treacherous lor driving barbecuing and delay grass killing a mother and her son. oil the track. boards to make a coffin." his souped-up goll cart. cutting to improve air quality.

Father's Day Summer Solstice 02:46 EOT Full Moon 0

1930: Adestructive 26 1931: Aboil otllghtnlng 27 2001: Aconstruction 2 8 2003: Aviolent 2003: Afierce hailslorm bursl over struck a home in North crew setting up a crane thunderstorm packing 29 microburst destroyed 30 Lumsden, NL, panicking Vancouver, BC. The 10 do maintenance on wind gusts of 140 km/h parts of Grimshaw, AB. the citizens 01 the tiny electriC charge travelled the Champlain Bridge in struck Belle River, ON. The tiny but mighty storm Trinity Bay fishing community. down the side 01 the house and Montreal, QC, watched in The storm downed trees, knocking ripped up trees, moved a large Three men drowned as Iheir boat tore a large hole In the horror as strong gusty winds out power for several hours, building, destroyed the town's sank, battered by huge hailstones The electriC meter and toppled Ihe structure 30 m over dumped marble-size hall, and arena, and blew the windows out or by lightning. Thirty boats windows vanished without a a guardrail, taking /Wo workers caused flooding in some areas. 01 every building on Main Street. anchored in the harbour went down trace. But most mysterious 01 with it into the SI. Lawrence River. The winds bent a solid steelllag The same storm system struck in Ihe storm. Eyewitnesses pegged all was the disappearance 01 the One man Inside the cabin ollhe pole over like the stem of aflower west of Banff, in Kootenay Ihe weight 01 conglomerates 01 ice in one circuit, the crane managed to free himsell. and overturned lawn lurniture. National Park. lelling spruce at 4 kg. Ion 01 which showed The other victim. walking beside trees and killing 2 little girls no trace of char or buro. the crane, felllnlo 6 m of water hiking In the mountains with and drowned. their parents.

last Quarter () , Scorched earth in the Oldman River Valley, AB I Darwin Wiggett I Firstlight JUNE AUGUST 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 July 200 5 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 31

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1888: In a storr published 1 1909: Lightning struck in the Montreal Slar: ".•. a within a metre of a man partv 01 immigrants reaching and a teenage bor near Ihe 2 Winnipeg [MB) on Dominion exhibition grounds in Edmonton, Dar (Canada Dar) were astonished AB, shattering atelegraph pole to find aboul a foot of snow on Ihe and striking both victims ground. This was 01 course afreak, unconscious. The blast threw the but It shocked the settlers, lor ther man a few metres into Ihe air. He turned right around and started was badlr burned about the neck back east br the next train without and chest, and assumed dead, wailing a day 10 see the snow when, 45 minutes later, came a wiped awar again." faint llickering 01 the erelids followed br groans 01 anguish.

Canada Oar r------f~------I ...... ~------2003: The dar was 3 1939: Belween Lampman, 4 1939: Afurious wind 5 1936: Full barrels of 6 2003: On his approach to 7 2003: Amlnl-Iomado 8 1926: Lightning struck 9 hol and humid across SK, and the US-Canada and rain storm struck gasoline, missing 2 days Toronto Island Airport, ON, split trees and lifted the chimner 01 the Orange New Brunswick. Late in border, a 15-minute hailstorm, parts of Winnipeg, MB. The from afarm near Smlley, SK, a privale pilot from Chicago several buildings off their Hall in Rednersville, ON, the afternoon, a thunderstorm described as Ihe worst In living Conklin Show was in town and following a klllertornado, were died when his plane dove into loundatlons when it whipped Instanlly killing a father and brought lunnel clouds and hall. memorr, flattened crops, smashed suffered extensive damage. Firing found more Ihan 3 km lrom the Lake Ontario. Allhe lime, through a farm at Sle-Jeanne-d'Arc, son and injuring 30 others. The Lightning struck a transmiSSion windows, damaged buildings, and limbers and lents created a minor touchdown. The twister also visibililV was limited In haze, QC, in the Lac St. Jean region. The son had just been Initiated inlo the line just south 01 Newcastle, killed hundreds of turkers. So much panic among employees. The wind carried a farmer's house 2 km fog, and occasional rain. The weak F-O lornado packed winds of Orange Lodge when aterrific bolt knocking out electricilV to glass was broken in the region that moved a row 01 Ferrls wheels and before 11 was thrown down in a poor weather created problems 120 km/h. 01 lightning hit. Remarkablr, the 100,000 customers. Environment shipments 01 glass were rushed in. a molorcycle ride called the Globe field. Other wreckage Included for searchers. The pilol survived lather and son were sitting on Canada said it was a "micro Hail smashed all 200 panes in the 01 Dealh more than 2 m. Acrew a large barn, 2 machine sheds, the initial impact bul was stunned opposite sides ollhe room, 10 m bursl"-small bursts 01 wind alew hospital, and ever, pane on the 01300 men Immedlalely began 9 melal granaries, and several and drowned while allempting to apart, when ther were struck hundred metres wide but packing west side 01 all buildings. repairing the damage to prepare engines and separators. escape his rapidly-sinking plane. simultaneouslr. Not a mark of anr tomadic strength winds. for the next dar's visitors. kind was found on Ihem.

Aphelion 01 :00 EDT New Moon •

1977: Athunderstorm 10 197B: Across Edmonton, 11 1920: Acloudburs! at 12 2003: Amassive 13 2003: This was 1885: Asteamer Weather Quiz dumped up to 75 mm Cache Creek, BC, 14 1 deluge dropped up slorm &vslem packing 5 a the second dar 01 sailing Irom Halifax 10 On average, how long of rain in some areas of 10 90 mm of rain in generated a wall of golf-ball-size hailstones powerful thunderslorms Yarmouth struck the will a molecule of water 16 southern Saskatchewan, 18 hours, causing huge water 2 m high on the and fierce winds ravaged in southern Manitoba. A south poinl 01 Gull Rock, star in the almosphere causing extensive damage in waler problems. Small cars Thompson River, sweeping awar wheal crops and damaged medium-strength lornado struck NS, during a fierce storm. before preCipitating back 10 Earth? several communities. In floated in ametre of muddr water. several houses, barns, trees, and propertv across soulh-cenlral Gretna, levelling crops, blowing Passengers tound It difficult to 1) one dar Frankslake, a twister tore off rools, One molorcrclist disappeared anr other movable object. The Saskatchewan. The worst of the over equipment sheds and garages, avoid lalling spars and rigging 21 one week uprooted a tree, and ripped down under water when the puddle he raging torrent demolished a slorm missed Saskaloon, bul even and knocking down hrdro poles. as the vessel began breaking up. 3) 10 days lences. At Wood Mountain Regional was driving through turned out to governmenl road camp and Ihere, winds gusted to 70 kmJh Near Allona, a10-minule hailer Passengers boarded lifeboats and 4) one month Park, the rain shortened a cere­ be deeper Ihan he expected. He post office and damaged an and 60 mm 01 rain fell In less than pummelled the area wilh all landed safelr, but what a molley 51 arear monr commemorating the 100lh emerged spullering, pulled his Indian rancherle. 30 minutes. In North BaIIlelord, soRball-size slones, causing grou~hoeless, some with onlr (Answer on inside back cover) anniversar, 01 Sioux Chlel Silting stalled crcle to the sldewalk and wind gusts around 120 km/h peeled millions of dollars in damage 10 Iheir nighl clothes on or wrapped in Bull's arrival in Canada. calmlr emplled his cowbor boots. back roofs. crops, buildings, and vehicles. It blankels from their berths. looked like wlnler.

Firs! Quarter ()

1903: The Angla­ 1 1902: Afather Irled to 18 1927: Aviolent 19 2003: During a 1931:Two60-kg 1920: Aterrific 2 2 2003: A bank of 7 reach his farmhouse in thunderstorm, soccer tournamenl in 2 0 Alaskan black bears 2 1 crclone slruck coaslal fog persisted 2 3 Klondike Mining Company on lower Chestervllle, ON, to accompanied br heavy Fredericlon, NB, and several dozen Alameda, SK, injuring in parts 01 the Bonanza Creek, YT, shul warn his family aboul the rain, struck Drumheller, lightning struck and citizens of the historiC several people. The Marillmas during most down Its hrdraulic plant a coming tornado. The storm oulran AB. In a lreak incident, a bolt of Inslantlr killed a14-rear-old town of Falls Creek, BC, foughl local schoolhouse was lorn 10 01 Julr. At times vlsibililV was week ago. Along the creeks in him and flying limbers broke his lighlnlng entered a residence by Ihe )amale plarer from Maine, USA. a 2-hour baUle on Main Street. matchwood and scattered lor so poor In Halilax, NS, that the Dawson, YT, miners praved lor leg. He came 10 in a fletd with his window and spill a penCil, alter The blast threw the teenager The end result was 1 bear killed, kilometres. The storm blew a large lourlst boal TIIeOtlore Too was

dead son beside him. The tornado _L.more_____ Ihan ..1_a metre•••_ 1 ______Into Ihe1_ air; !~.!o.!~!!.~"!_~D!''!.h!:.~~n.~~I_ L._..Il _,_1..-.& n_ ... _ .a-_Ih~ __.& !~I~...!~~!h.!.~a!~~!! !!~e!~~C!.ul ~~!_~!r_~e~~~~~~~, ~~_d~!!Ien ~h!!~~"-~ o~!,,~~o;oL~_~~Yj_~~ed lied.~~.!t t.'!!_!lla~:~~~~I! 10 ,...",...... _._ ...Ilv., wiped away again." falntllickerlng 01 the eyelids followed by groans 01 anguish.

Canada 2003: The day was 3 1939: Between Lampman, 4 1939: Afurious wind 5 1936: Full barrels of 6 2003: On his approach to 2003: Amini-tornado 8 1926: Lightning struck 9 hot and humid across SK, and the US-Canada and rain storm struck gasoline, miSSing 2 days Toronto Island Airport, ON, spiiltrees and litted Ihe chimney ollhe Orange New Brunswick. Late In border, a 15-mlnute hailstorm, parts of Winnipeg, M8. The from a farm near Smiley, SK, a prlvale pilol from Chicago 7 several buildings off their Hall in Rednersville, ON, the afternoon, athunderstorm described as the worst in living Conklin Show was in town and following a killer lornado, were died when his plane dove inlo foundations when It whipped instantly killing a talher and brought funnel clouds and hail. memory, flattened crops, smashed suffered eIlenslve damage. flying found more than 3 km from the Lake Onlario. AI the time, through a farm at Ste-Jeanne-d'Arc, son and injuring 30 olhers. The Lightning struck atransmission windows, damaged buildings, and timbers and tents crealed a minor Iouchdown. The twister also visibility was limited in haze, QC, in the Lac St. Jean region. The son had just been Iniliated inlo the line just south of Newcaslle, killed hundreds of turkeys. So much panic among employees. The wind carried afarmer's house 2 km fog, and occasional rain. The weak F-O tornado packed winds of Orange Lodge when alerrilic boil knocking out electricity to glass was broken Inthe region Ihat moved a row of ferrls wheels and belore It was thrown down in a poor wealher created problems 120 km/h. 01 lightning hit. Remarkably, the 100,000 customers. Environment shipments of glass were rushed In. a motorcycle ride called the Globe lield_ Other wreCkage Included for searchers. The pilot survived lather and son were sitting on Canada said it was a "micro Hail smashed all 200 panes in the at Death more Ihan 2 m. Acrew a large barn, 2 machine sheds, the initial impacl but was slunned opposite sides of the room, 10 m burst"~mall bursls 01 wind atew hospital, and every pane on the of 300 men Immediately began 9 metal granaries. and several and drowned while attempling 10 apart, when they were slruck hundred metres wide but packing west side of all buildings. repairing Ihe damage 10 prepare engines and separators. escape his rapidly-sinking plane. simultaneously. Not a mark 01 any tornadic strength winds. for the neIl day's visitors. kind was found on them.

Aphelion 01 :00 EDT New Moon •

1977: Athunderstorm 2003: This was 1885: Asteamer 1978: Across Edmonlon, 11 1920: Acloudbursl al 12 2003: Amassive 13 Weather Quiz dumped up to 75 mm a deluge dropped up Cache Creek, BC, storm system packing the second day of sailing from Halifax to On average, how long 16 of rain In some areas 01 10 10 90 mm of rain in generaled a wall of golf-ball-size hailstones powerful thunderstorms 14 Yarmoulh struck the 15 will a molecule 01 water southern Saskalchewan, 18 hours, causing huge water 2 m high on Ihe and fierce winds ravaged in southern Manitoba. A south point 01 Gull Rock, stay In the atmosphere causing eIlenslve damage in waler problems. Small cars Thompson River, sweeping away wheat crops and damaged medium-strength tornado struck NS, during afierce slorm. before preclpilallng back 10 Earth? several communities. In floaled in a metre of muddy water. several houses, barns, trees, and properly across south-central Gretna, levelling crops, blowing Passengers found it difficullto 1) one day frankslake, atwisler lore off rools. One motorcyclist disappeared any other movable object. The Saskalchewan. The worst of the over equipment sheds and garages, avoid lalling spars and rigging 2) one week uprooted a tree, and ripped down under water when the puddle he raging lorrent demolished a storm missed Saskatoon, but even and knocking down hydro poles. as Ihe vessel began breaking up. 3) 10 days fences. AI Wood Mountain Regional was driving Ihrough turned oulto government road camp and there, winds gusled 10 70 km/h Near Allona, a10-minule hailer Passengers boarded lifeboals and 4) one month Parll, the rain shortened a cere­ be deeper than he expected. He post office and damaged an and 60 mm 01 rain fell In less than pummelled the area with all landed safely, but what a motley 5) a year mony commemorating the 100th emerged sputtering, pulled his Indian rancherie. 30 minutes. In North Ballleford, softball-size slones, causing grou~hoeless, some with only (AI/$wer on inside back caller) anniversary of Sloux Chlet Sitting stalled cycle to the sidewalk and wind gusts around 120 km/h peeled millions of dollars in damage to their night clothes on or wrapped in Bull's arrival in Canada. calmly emptied his cowboy boots. back rools. crops, buildings, and vehicles. iI blankets from their berths. looked like winter.

First Quarter ()

1903: The Anglo­ 17 1902: Afather tried to 18 1927: Aviolenl 19 2003: During a 1931: Tw060-kg 21 1920: A terrific 2003: Abank of Klondike Mining reach his larmhouse In thunderstorm. soccer lournament in 2 0 Alaskan black bears 22 cyclone struck 2 3 coaslallog persisted Company on lower Cheslervllle, ON, 10 accompanied by heavy Frederlcton, NB, and several dozen Alameda, SK, Injuring in parts oflhe Bonanza Creek, YT, shut warn his family aboullhe rain. struck Drumheller, lightning struck and citizens of the hisloric several people. The Maritimes during most down lis hydraulic planl a coming lamado. The storm outran AB. In afreak incident, a boil ot instantly killed a14-year-old town of Falls Creek, BC, foughl local schoolhouse was lam to 01 July. At times visibility was week ago. Along the creeks In him and flying timbers broke his lightning entered a residence by Ihe female player tram Maine, USA. a 2-hour battle on Main Slreet. matchwood and scattered lor so poor in Halifax, NS, Ihal the Dawson, YT, miners prayed for leg. He came 10 in a field with his window and split a pencil, after The blast threw the teenager The end resuil was 1 bear killed, kilometres. The slorm blew a large tourist boal TheodofB Too was rain to end the drought. Ralntall dead son beside him. The tornado going through a layer at paper aboul more than a metre into the air; the other recaptured, and 4 men threshing oulll1200 maway; killed lied up at the whart. unable 10 IotaIs for the past 4 months were had picked up his family and 75 mm thick. The paper was sel on she came down in a rumple. slapped and severely clawed. 12 horses. several head of cattle, run tours. Onshore fog also less than 30% of normal. Because dashed them against a fence. His fire but was soon eIlinguished with More than 20 others were Injured Earlier, Ihe bears, crazed by and dozens of pouilry; and stripped inlertered with outdoor acllvities. of very low stream flow, worllers wife died but 2 other children were no further damage_ or dazed and taken to hospital. temperalures above 3B"C, had Ihe hair from 16 horses. The body The offshore logbank resulted tram were laid off on a number of found alive with broken limbs and Eyewitnesses said Ihe thunder broken from captivity and run wild of a 4-year-old was found In a field warm tropical air passing over the claims, and several more claims badly bruised. and lightning occurred at the Ihe streets as women and about akilometre Irom home. cold waters of the Bay 01 fundy were about to be closed. same lime. for cover. and the Atlantic Ocean.

Full Moon 0 2003: A sudden 2003: Tinder-dry 1898: One of the 1921: Athunderstorm 27 1941: When members 2 8 1898: Lightning killed 2 9 2003: At Downsview 30 rainstorm drenched 24 2 Park in north Toronto, 5 a young larmhand near conditions in the worst storms In broke DuI across Ihe of the yachl club In some of the 18,438 Crowsnest Pass, AB, memory struck Ottawa 26 Maritimes. The storm Sarnia, ON, arose in Almonle, ON. He was ON, paramedics cared spectators althe Toronto, brought on by scorching and paris of Eastern featured numerous Ihe morning, Ihey rubbed walking ID aflernoon lea Ior 3.000 people ON, SkyDome during the siIlh temperatures, low humidity, Ontario. Just betore 3 PM, flashes 01 vivid lightning their eyes 10 make certain they when a single bolt of attending Ihe StoneS/SARS Inning ot a Blue Jays-White Sax blazing sunshine, and shifting massive, black clouds rolled accompanied by heavy peals 01 weren't seeing thing_it was hit him. Aqueer Ihlnl Concert on a hot day. Health game, causing a 26-minute delay, winds kept wlldlires burning inlo Ihe City. for 20 minules Ihe Ihunder and showers 01 rain. One a classiC "sel-up and seiche." hal was ii1erally lorn to pieces, care worllers treated dozens 01 the longest ever althe SkyOome. out-at-control for most of Ihe cyclone (tornado) raged, ripping ball of lightning entered a house Winds and lower pressures had butlhe marks on the right side minor heal-related Illnesses summer. The flames exceeded boards and shingles Irom al Fergusons Cove, NS, and pushed the water In Lake Huron of his head were scarcely such as headaches, sunburn, 2002: At only 9.4°C It 1,OOO·C, meiling anything buildings and uprooling Irees, carried away Ihe slats of the away from shore, leaving yachts discernible. The currenl passed sun stroke, dehydrallon, and was the lowest daytime metallic in their way. Evenlually, and blowing down lences. Winds owner's bed. The occupanl was and cruisers in the southern end through his body, meiled some nausea. Another 25 more serious 31high for the last day 01 Ihe fires drove more than tore a piece of slale roofing about left lying on the floor, uninjured of the lake high and dry. otthe silver In his watCh, and cases-chesl pains, shortness 01 July in Edmonton, AB. 2,000 people from their homes, 4 m long lrom Ihe House but considerably shaken up. passed through his fool, cutting breath, and asthma-were Complaining earlier about Ihe hot up 10 three limes. of Commons. his boot to pieces. Irealed at area hospitals. and dry, Edmontonians were now cursing the cold and wet. Last Quarter () ",~·",··"---,-"",·~-·v·

JULY SEPTEMBER 2 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 August 2005 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1908: Hailstones the size 01 1 2003: Thousands braved 2 2003: Going into 2003, 3 2003: Stalled storms 2003: Another year of Weather Quiz hen's eggs smashed windows the rain al the annual southwestern BC was soaked Quebec's Easlern drought stressed prairie Lake Vostok Is the in nearly every buildino in Caribana parade in Toronto, experiencing its worsl Townships with 160 mm of 4 tarmers and ranchers 5 Earth's fourth largest 6 Edmonton. AB. At one ON. Said one celebrant: drought in 100 years and lIS rain In jusl5 hours, although already suHering from lake. What is unique about hail penetrated the rool "Wealher doesn'l slop West driest 3-year period on record. the grealest amounts lell in a agricultural trade wars and this lake? water poured down in torrents, Indians from having lun." But the In Kamloops, temperalures short30-mlnute period. The the mad cow crisis. Torrid heat, 1) the lake is now dry most of ruining carpels, bedding. and weekend rain definitely dampened rose above 30·C on 19 days In village of Tingwlck was the hardest scanty rains, and a plague of the year lurnllure. A man battered by the the festlval's attendance. Some 01 July and on 20 days in August; hit, losing more than half 01 ilS grasshoppers destroyed any 2) formed by a meteor that crashed storm escaped to a nearby pigpen the visitors stayed In their holeI normallor each month is 11. bridges, several culverts, and chance of a bumper crop. Into the Earth lor sheller. The pig objecled and rooms instead 01 venturing out. Kelowna recorded its driest countless trees. Floodwaters Besides the grasshoppers, other 3) it Is an Inland salt-water lake fed torced him out, so he covered his The weekend thunderstorms cut June·July·August period since reached second·floor windows, inseclS (aphids, flea beetles, by freshwater streams head in a coal bucket and ran to a parade aUendance to 600,000 records began in 1899 and set some homes simply vanished, saw flies, diamondback moth 4) no one has ever seen It nearby car. from the usual one million. a record with 44 consecutive and hundreds fled In the dark. larva. bertha army worms, 5) it Is on the lost continent of rain·free days. and lygus bugs) ate what Allantls crop remained. (Answers 011 illside back cover) Civic Holiday New Moon •

2003: A huge downbursl 2003: Manitoba paramedlcs 2003: Aweather system 1900: Two young boys 2003: Tornadoes near 2003: The Crowsnest 2003: Aheat wave caused a flash flood in transporting a patient to entrenched over the IramBonne-Esperance, Kindersley-Rosetown, Pass forest fires gripped the prairies. Mlsslssauga, ON, putting a 7 Neepawa Hospital came 8 Maritimes during early 9 northern Quebec, went 10 SK. shredded a steel­ 11 produced thick smoke, 12 Val Marle. SK, endured 13 stretch 01 expressway under across a "tornado." Winds August brought near-continuous out In a row boat and were walled Quonset, twice. At ash, and haze over 16 consecutive days a metre of water. The water, lifted the ambulance oft the ground showers to the region. 11 meant caught in a dense fog. Unable to 9:30 PM, the front and back southern and central Alberta. above 30·C. In Winnipeg, Ilowlng down the road at about and dropped it on the other side of that farmers COUldn't harvest a make their way back to shore, five walls of the shed were torn oft and Those with respiratory the heat cooked garbage in 30 km/h, entered cars through the highway. Environment Canada second crop of hay. Vegetable days passed before Ihe 12-year-old then at midnight a second twister conditions were warned, but overilowlng garbage bins. Near side windows. Police oflicers reported no tornadoes, only fierce producers In the Annapolls Valley. made it 10 shore. He explained that peeled oft lIS roof. The bin looked even healthy people were told Dauphin, in the town's IIrst responding 10 a robbery were guslS of wind 01 more than 100 NS, watched heads of lettuce swell when the fog cleared, their boat like someone took a can opener to curtail outdoor activities. summer bonspiel, curlers lorced to help motorists stranded km/h. Unconvinced, Ihe paramedlcs and explode, and cucumbers grow was 90 km from home, surrounded to it. Fierce winds also damaged Many complained 01 eye irritation, wore shorts and tank tops. In by onrushing torrents. The rains said the wind was twirling like a too big to sell. The damp weather by Ice. He eventually set a small a cattle corral and scattered Itching. redness, wheezing, and Saskatoon, one baker said 11 washed out an embankment blender and, besides, they saw a also swelled covers and book pages sail and made land. His 8-year-old debris everywhere_ shortness 01 breath. In 3 days, was almost impossible to make and fence. 6·m tree lIy by. in bookstores. brother died of exposure. Ihe air quality Index rose 10 122. crolssants because the buUer Anything above 100 is very poor. was melting before you could shape them. First Quarter f)

1916: During an 14 1932: Vancouver, BC. 2003: The BC 1935: In Victoria Beach, 17 1891: A severe 1939: Belore a 2003: Interior BC afternoon thundershower sees far fewer lightning government Issued a M8, lightning struck an hailstorm sweplthe thunderstorm broke rivers were never in Truro, NS, hall fell In strikes than most 15 warning lor prowling 16 elderly woman, burning country south of Calgary, 18 over Winnipeg, MB, 19 lower, prompting 20 such quantities that Canadian cities. averaging bears. Ahot, dry summer her 5 cm above the heart. AB, inflicting extensive the city was hit by a federallisheries experts newspaper carriers, while 6 thunderstorm days a year. and forest fires increased The bolt hit a large birch Iree, damage. 11 was the worst storm sudden influx of !ish lIies, to urge water conservation. waiting for delivery 01 their On this date, Vancouver had the chance 01 run-Ins with jumped to a metal clothesline in Ihe section in living memory. broughtlrom afar by rising air Some streams were flOwing with dally newspapers, made 12 hours 01 the most spectacular bears seeking food. Preparing connected to the house, and The stones were enormous and currents. The Insects were soon a less than 16% of their usual flow. snowballs some 10 cm in lightning in years. At times, Ihe 10 hibemale. the bears became darted along the eaves trough, broke the necks 01 many chickens. nuisance as they swarmed brlghlly low water levels can be lethal diameter. Whal ensued was a sun shone brightly through more aggressive in their search. into the building. It then travelled All windows expnsed to the storm lit windows. If Winnipeggers for fish, denying them passage battle royal, much to the magnilicent clouds, as thunder Residenls were advised to keep through the couch on which the were shaUered. Many houses objected 10 Iheir presence, and Increasing the presence of amusement 01 onlookers. roared, lightning flashed, and rain garbage under wraps, burn woman lay, burning holes In the were left withoul asingle pane thousands 01 migrating nighthawks natural paraSites. In Vancouver, fell. The lightning, at limes, gave barbecue residue, feed their maUress and welding the sola's of glass. The next day, scarcely welcomed the opportunity lor an the rBintall over the past lour the mountains the appearance 01 pets inside. and pick ripe metal springs. ateam set out without carrying easy meal, gorging themselves In months was less Ihan halllhe erupting volcanoes. fruit immediately. a load of glass. the process. usual amount.

Discovery Day (Yukon) Full Moon 0 1899: A5·day 2 1 2003: Poweriul winds 2 2 1975: Astorm 2 3 1939: Following a 2 4 2003: An aHempl 1986: More than 2 6 1938: lightning 27 heat wave. wllh sent flames racing dumped 80 mm of rainstorm in Ottawa, to create the world's 70 mm ot rain fell in played Ireaklsh tricks temperatures ot33·C. toward Kelowna. BC. rain In 10 hours on SI. ON, workers waded In biggest hug fell short 25 Toronlo, ON, helping on 2 governmenl gripped Ottawa, ON. The lire levelled John's, Nl, causing water 30 cm deep on in Pouch Cove, Nl. 10 make IIlhe second employees engaged In People sat In the shade of 250 homes and prompted the extensive tloodlng. Heavy winds the ground 1I00r 01 the House They needed more than 4,703 wettest August on record. The survey work on the shore of doorways and verandas. At evacuation 01 athird ot Ketowna's and high seas played havoc with of Commons to open drains people partlclpatlnllto break "Ravine Lady" spent 4 hours Lake Wallace, MB. Both men 10 AM, crowds 1I0cked to population. More than 50.000 BC small boats moored In lonll Pond and mop the lloors. Durinll hot the current world's record. They perched In a tree after water were struck by a boil of lightning Rockcllfte. Victoria. and Queen's residents were evacuated lram and led to lIIe cancellation 01 the !'leather, ~emb~rs CO~~I~!n that lIot ~~. Ol\la!llz~rs said the flooded her makeshift sheller 0' while In atent. and rendered ~. ~...... I ptJnVP ...... -. nnmll8u-ncund-naor WindOWS, 1111_ {1IJI"ftIB.~lI8l11nes. -liYlfisllwifilrmeams head In acoal buckel and ran 10 a parade aHendanea to 600,000 records began In 1899 and set some homes simply vanished, saw lIIes. dlamondback mOlh 41 no one nas ever seen il nearby car. from the usual one million. a record with 44 consecutive and hundreds fled In the dark. larva. bertha army worms. 5} it is on the lost conllnent of raln·free days. and lygus bugs) ate what Atlantls crop remained. (Answers on inside back cover) Civic Holiday New Moon •

2003: Ahuge downburst 2003: Manitoba paramedlcs 2003: Aweather system 1900: Two young boys 2003: Tornadoes near 2003: The Crowsnest 2003: Aheat wave caused a flash flood In transporting a pallent to entrenched over the trom Bonne·Esperance, Klndersley·Rosetown, Pass forest 11 res gripped the prairies. Mlssissauga, ON, pUffing a 7 Neepawa Hospital came 8 Maritimes during early 9 northern Quebec, went 10 SK, shredded a steel· 11 produced thick smoke, 12 Val Marie, SK, endured 13 strelch of expressway under across a "Iornado." Winds August brought near·continuous oul in a row boat and were walled Quonset, twice. At ash. and haze over 16 consecutive days a metre 01 water. The water, IIlted the ambulance oH the showers to the region. II meant caught In a dense fog. Unable to 9:30 PM, the fronl and back southern and central Alberta. above 30'C. In Winnipeg, flowing down the road at abont and dropped il on the other side of that larmers couldn'l harvest a make Iheir way back to shore, five walls of Ihe shed were torn oH and Those with respiratory the heat cooked garbage in 30 km/h, entered cars through the highway. Environment Canada second crop of hay. Vegetable days passed before the 12·yea....old then al midnlghl asecond twlsler conditions were warned, but overflowing garbage bins. Near side windows. Police officers reported no tornadoes, only tierce producers in the Annapolls Valley, made it to shore. He explained that peeled oH its roof. The bin looked even healthy people were told Dauphin, In the lown's lirst responding 10 a robbery were gusts of wind of more tha n100 NS, watched heads of lettuce swell when the fog cleared, Iheir boat like someone took a can opener to curtail outdoor activities. summer curling bonsplel, curlers forced 10 help molorists stran ded km/h. Unconvinced, the paramedlcs and explode, and cucumbers grow was 90 km Irom home, surrounded to it. Fierce winds also damaged Many complained 01 eye irritation, wore shorts and tank tops. In by onrushing lorrents. The rains said Ihe wind was twirling like a too big 10 sell. The damp weather by Ice. He eventually sel a small a caHle corral and scaffered itching, redness, wheezing, and Saskatoon, one baker said it washed out an embankment blender and, besides, Ihey saw a also swelled covers and book pages sail and made land. His 8·year·old debris everywhere. shortness of breath. In 3 days, was almost impossible to make and fence. 6-m tree fly by. in bookstores. brolher died 01 exposure. the air quality index rose to 122. croissants because the butter Anything above 100 is very poor. was melting before you could shape them. First Quarter ()

1916: During an 14 1932: Vancouver, BC, 2003: The BC 1935: In Victoria Beach, 17 1891: Asevere 1939: Before a 2003: Interior BC alternoon thundershower sees lar fewer lightning government issued a MB, lightning struck an hailslorm swept the thunderstorm broke rivers were never in Truro. NS, hail fell in strikes than most 15 warning for prowling 16 elderly woman, burning country south of Calgary, 18 over Winnipeg, MB, 19 lower, prompting 20 such quanlllles that Canadian cities, averaging bears. Ahot, dry summer her 5 cm above the heart. AB, inflicting extensive the city was hit by a federalllsheries experts newspaper carriers, while 6thunderstorm days a year. and forest fires increased The bOil hit a large birch tree, damage. 11 was the worst storm sudden inllux of lish flies, 10 urge water conservation. waiting tor delivery of their On this dale, Vancouver had the chance of run·ins with jumped 10 a metal clotheSline in the section in living memory. brought Irom alar by rising air Some streams were flowing with dally newspapers, made 12 hours of the most spectacular bears seeking food. Preparing connected to the house, and The stones were enormous and currents. The insects were soon a less than 16% 01 their usualllow. snowballs some 10 cm in lightning in years. At limes, the to hibernate, the bears became darted along the eaves trough, broke the necks 01 many chickens. nuisance as they swarmed brightly low water levels can be lethal dla meter. Whal ensued was a sun shone brightly through more aggressive in their search. into the building. 11 then travelled All windows exposed to the slorm lit windows. 11 Winnipeggers for fish, denying them passage baffle royal, much to the magnificent clouds, as thunder Residents were advised to keep through the couch on which the were shaffered. Many houses objected to their presence, and Increasing the presence 01 amusemenl of onlookers. roared, lightning flashed, and rain garbage under wraps, burn woman lay, burning holes in the were lelt without asingle pane thousands 01 migrating nlghthawks natural parasites. In Vancouver, lell. The lightning, at times, gave barbecue residue, teed Iheir maHress and welding the sola's 01 glass. The next day. scarcely welcomed the opportunity for an the rainfall over the past four the mountains the appearance of pets Inside, and pick ripe metal springs. ateam set out without carrying easy meal, gorging themselves in months was less than half the erupting volcanoes. Iruit immediately. a load 01 glass. the process. usual amount.

Discovery Day (Yukon) Full Moon 0

1899: A5-day 2003: Powerful winds 2 2 1975: Astorm 1939: Following a 2003: An attempt 1988: More than 1938: lightning heat wave, with 24 26 2 1 sent Ilames racing dumped 80 mm of 2 3 2 rainstorm In Dltawa, to create the world's 5 70 mm of rain lell in played freakish tricks temperatures of 33·C, toward Kelowna, BC. rain in 10 hours on SI. ON, workers waded In biggest hug lell short Toronto, ON, helping on 2 government 27 gripped OHawa, ON. The fire levelled John's, Nl, causing water 30 cm deep on in Pouch Cove, NI.. to make it the second employees engaged in People sat in Ihe shade of 250 homes and prompted the extensive flooding. Heavy winds Ihe ground 1I00r of Ihe House They needed more than 4,703 wettest August on record. The survey work on the shore of doorways and verandas. At evacuation of athird of Kelowna's and high seas played havoc with of Commons to open drains people participating to break "Ravine Lady" spent 4 hours lake Wallaee, MB. Both men 10 AM, crowds flocked to population. More than 50,000 BC small boats moored in long Pond and mop the floors. During hot the currenl world's record. They perched in atree after water were struck by a bolt of lightning RockcUffe, Victoria, and Queen's residents were evacuated from and led to the cancellation 01 the weather, Members complain that got 69. Organizers said the flooded her makeshift shelter of while In atent, and rendered Parks to calch anything Ihat felt the danger of flames and smoke Royal Newloundland Yacht Club's because of a noisy ventilation weather worked against them 3 years. Having already survived unconscious. lightning hit the like a cool breeze. At RockcliHe, In 2003-the second largest annual centennial race. In the system, they cannot hear what Is when light rain began to fall just one flood, an eviction by the city, roots 01 atree lust outside the about 4,000 people sought reliel evacuation in Canadian history city, roads were washed out and being said in the tront·benches. betore the deSignated and the burning of her abode by tent. All their chest hairs were at the beach. Strange to say, and likely the second largest gusling winds lilted the rool from So when the weather warms, hour. Next year Ihey vandals, the 44·year·old peace burned. Images of root branches there were no serious cases 01 Insurance loss in Canadian history. atwo'storey dwelling. Members rush to prorogue. Ihat Is, again or try forthe activist said she would not give were etched on one man's body. heal prostration. to end the legislative session. largest pillow fight. unique existence.

last Quarter ()

1990: Afamily of 1893: Agale caused 1999: In Ihe early 1937: In southern tornadoes touched 2 8 29 30 3 1 56 shipwrecks in Cow afternoon, residents Onlario, Iwo London down near london, ON. Bay, NS, and killed a 01 Wallace, NS, " Port Stanley railway causing 15 injuries and ship's pilot. The winds spoffed a funnel cloud. cars crashed head-on subslantial damage. The storm also blew the steeple off a More big black clouds rolled In thick log. Incredibly, not one destroyed most ollhe town of church and damaged several in and heavy rains began to window was broken and no one Frome. One resident reported houses and orchards. Much of tall. Ominously, the funnel was seriously hurt. Apparenfly, seeing 4 seagulls lIylng by at the province fell the wrath of began twisting and lowering like the trains' drawbars were lined about "400 mph." In atwo'storey, this storm with winds peaking atornado, but never did touch up perfectly and absorbed most antique-filled heritage home at 175 km/h. the ground. Said one resident, 01 the shock of the crash. [trom featured in Canada Cenlury "Compared to what I saw In Canadian Railway Telegraph Home magazine, water and Texas, Ihls one was just a History Book by Robert Burnet] wind damage ruined lavish little child." oriental carpets. - d .i jQJ .3 ",... .".-"'....-'"'.,-~~..,.,.-o__"'" -.,~ Spectacular fall colour above the treeline, Ellesmere Island, NU I Jerry Kobalenko I Firstlight AUGUST OCTOBER 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 September 2005 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1938: On the last day 1912: Bright skies and 1912: Eyewitnesses to 01 August, a lierce storm strong drying winds yesterday's fierce cyclone with powerful winds and 1 made tor perfect harvest 2 at Zenda, ON, said that the 3 copious rains close to 100 mm weather across the Canadian lirst gust 01 wind seemed to struck the Quebec Zoological prairies. The whir 01 the binder lillthe Methodist Church 011 its Gardens at Charlesbourg, QC. was heard all Labour Day loundation. The wind tore 011 large Two seals, exotic birds, and weekend aller a week 01 damp patches 01 slate rooling, broke the dozens 01 captive trout disappeared weather. However, the problem stained-glass windows, and as winds tore at the zoo. Several was linding labour. Practically crumbled ceiling and wall plaster. small animals drowned, lish tanks every young man locally had been 01 the many vehicles under the overflowed, and dazed birds dralled lor the War. To help out, shed, 11 buggies, many 01 them disappeared into the dark. many harvest trains arrived daily almost new, were destroyed. Irom the Easl.

New Moon •

1899: Asquall struck 1978: Hurricane Ella 1985: A merchant al 1890: AMountie patrol 7 2003: Three Israelis, 1969: Fast-moving 2003: Was it a sonic a sailboal in Halilax was centred 490 km a marina in Lindsay, ON, boat, the Keewatin, was wearing shorts and shirts, Hurricane Gerda slammed boom, a dynamite blast, Harbour, NS. The wind 4 soulh 01 Halifax, NS, when 5 observed trees and lences 6 on tour 01 Lake Winnipeg, MB, sailed Irom Halilax, NS, 8 into the Maritimes, bringing 9 or an asteroid hilling 10 lilled the mast and as itlell its wind velocity peaked at disappearing on his cruising lor illegal liquor, when into 140-km/h winds and 21-m down trees, tearing shingles the earth? A powerful back inlo its pocket, the masl 225 km/hr. In North Sydney, the neighbour's property, and boats a vicious storm broke the anchor seas 01 Hurricane Fabian on the Irom rools, knocking out power blast shook Nanaimo, BC, punched a hole in the boat lerry Amhrose Shea, loaded with spinning past his building during chain, selling the vessel adrill. Grand Banks, despite warnings lines, and creating havoc with around 1 PM, and was heard and bollom. Immediately, the boat 3,000 passengers, delayed a twister, which also pulled hay Two 01 the three crewmen Irom the Canadian Hurricane shipping and airline schedules. lell25 km away. An astronomer lilled with water, overwhelming departure lor Argentia, NL, to straight up into the air. At their drowned. The captain lashed Centre. Their bodies were The storm's eye came within at the University 01 Victoria its occupanls. Courageous allow the huge storm to pass. The strongest, the winds tossed a himsellto the boat and slipped recovered 1,000 kilometres east 150 km west 01 Yarmouth, NS. 11 said current weather conditions eHorts were made to save the Newloundland schooner Swile, with 900-kg trailer about 9 m over a into unconsciousness. When 01 Halifax. Had they been wearing packed winds ot138 km/h with with overcast skies were nearly passengers, bul 01 the 11 people a crew 012, was lost in the storm car and dropped it in a ditch. rescued 13 days later, incredibly, immersion suits, designed to keep heavy rains. Nova Scotia's south perfectlor sound waves to aboard, 7 drowned. and never lound. About 10 boats in dry-dock were he was still alive, but he died a people alive in cold water, they shore was hardest hit at high tide. relract and be heard some sent spinning. lew days later. would likely have survived. distance Irom the source-likely an exploding meteor.

Labour Day

1931: Five Scollish 1900: About midnight 1962: Avicious electrical 13 1818: The first recorded 2003: BC's Premier 2003: A late-summer 1932: Gale-Iorce advenlurers seeking a terrilic gale struck SI. storm, packing 120 km/h wreck at Long Point, ON, Campbelllilled the heat wave gripped most winds whipped across riches Irom the lur trade 11 Catharines, ON. Streets 12 winds, lightning, and was the schooner Young 14 province-wide state ot 15 01 Allantic Canada. In 16 BC's Lower Mainland, 17 sailed 10 Frobisher Bay were strewn with trees and 25 mm 01 rain in 20 minutes, Phoenix, bound lor Port emergency, in ellect since Newfoundland, some torcing Fraser River lishers (Iqaluit), NU, in the summer 01 loliage. In the Niagara orchards, lIooded parts 01 Toronto causing Talbot, ON, Irom Bullalo, NY, 2 August due to raging lorest schools sent students home to seek sheller. The wind stirred 1930. There, their motor lailed, peaches were badly bruised, widespread damage. Rising with a group 01 Irish immigrants lires. Continuous rains and cool early, and others held classes the waters 01 English Bay into and their vessel was dashed to about hall 01 the winter apples waters trapped motorists stalled on board. All made it salely to weather allowed crews to push outside when temperatures soared white caps. At Vancouver, the pieces on the rocks. They lound were knocked down, and tonnes in submerged underpasses. The shore, but the vessel sank in deeper inside a lire's perimeter above 30°C. Temperatures in lire department received a rash 01 reluge in an abandoned Inuit 01 pears and plums lay on the storm lelllarge sections 01 the 35 m 01 water with all their to mop up hot spots. At the resort Gander exceeded 27°C on 5 calls as a resull olllying chimney camp and barely survived on a ground, useless. The winds also city without hydro when lightning earthly possessions. Stranded Village 01 Sun Peaks, near consecutive days. Previously it sparks. Winds swept through city sleady diel 01 walrus meal. The swept aworker at the Niagara struck translormers and winds on dunes, the passengers and Kamloops, there was glee when had never gollen to 25°C or higher streets, banging doors, rallling live were evenlually rescued in Falls waterworks into the lIume blew trees across power lines. crew waved Irantically at every snow lell on the mountains. on more than 4 days during the windows, and playing mischievous December by Aboriginal hunters. and down the penstock. passing ship and were month 01 September. tricks in gardens. eventually rescued.

Firsl Quarter () Full Moon 0

2003: Groundhog 2003: The remnants 19 Weather Quiz 2 0 2002: Arctic air 2 1 1934: A terrific 2 2 1930: Winnipeg was 1907: The old men 2 4 handlers lound 2 ot ot Hurricane Isabel What is it about descended over Alberta 100-km/h gale, one virtually swallowed described the storm as Wiarton's weather 18 raced through tornadoes that concerns and Saskatchewan late 01 the worst Squamlsh up in a day-long dust 23 the worst In Bonavista, prognosticating albino southwestern Ontario, most Canadians? in the day, plunging storms in the history 01 storm, much to the NL, in the past 40 years. groundhogs dead In their bringing rain and strong 1) destructive and damaging nature temperatures to lows 01 O°C to Horseshoe Bay, BC, struck without discomlilure ot citizens. At One report stated: .....sometimes pen. Last year, new digs winds. The storm moved so last, 2) personal satety and injury -6°C, with clear skies and light warning. Nine persons, inctuding times, thick clouds ot dust we read about a vessel being costing $20,000 were bulllto they didn't get as much rain as 3) hydro outages winds. Some tate-seeded crops two women and two children tost obscured the sun from view. driven on the rocks and beaten hause the 3 manna... Howevel. aledleted. Somethouah! Ihe 41 lnu of vahlclRS Rnd thal hadn'l comalalalv IIaaDad Ihalr Ilvaa In Ih" "nrm. Rn.'" nl Th.. wind. dldn" I!JiIl!l:II mlleh Intn mll.r.:hwnnd IInd ..n.nI It •• _ .. v .....~... vua. , •• ..,V".IIV.. , disappeared into the dark. many harvest trains arrived daily almost new, were destroyed. trom the East. New Moon •

1899: Asquall struck 1918: Hurricane Ella 1985: Amerchanf at 1890: AMountie patrol 7 2003: Three Israelis, 1969: Fasl-movlng 2003: Was it a sonic a sailboet in Halifax was cenlred 490 km a marina in Lindsay, ON, boat, the Keewatin, was wearing shorts and shirts, Hurricane Gerda slammed boom, a dynamile blasl, Harbour, NS. The wind 4 south of Halifax, NS, when 5 observed Irees and lences 6 on tour of Lake Winnipeg, MB, sailed from Halifax, NS, 8 Into the Maritimes, bringing 9 or an asleroid hitting 10 lifted the masl and as it fell its wind velocity peaked at disappearing on his cruising for illegal liquor, when Into 140-km/h winds and 21-m down trees, tearing shingles the earth? Apowertul back inlo its pocket, the mast 225 km/hr. In North Sydney, the neighbour'S properly, and boats avicious storm broke the anchor seas of Hurricane Fabian on the from rools, knocking out power blast shook Nanaimo, BC, punched a hole in fhe boat ferry Ambrose Shea, loaded with spinning past his building during chain, setting Ihe vessel adrift. Grand Banks, despite warnings lines, and creating havoc with around 1 PM, and was heard and bottom. Immediately, the boat 3,000 passengers, delayed atwister, which also pulled hay Two of the three crewmen from the Canadian Hurricane shipping and airline schedules. felt 25 km away. An astronomer filled wlfh water, overwhelming departure lor Argentla, NL, to straight up into the air. At their drowned. The captain lashed Centre. Their bodies were The slorm's eye came within at the University of Victoria its occupants. Courageous allow the huge slorm to pass. The strongest, the winds fossed a hlmsellto the boal and slipped recovered 1,000 kilometres east 150 km west 01 Yarmouth, NS. It said current weather conditions efforts were made to save the Newfoundland sGhooner Swile, with gOD-kg trailer about g m over a Inlo unconsciousness. When of Halilax. Had they been wearing packed winds 01138 km/h with with overcasl skies were nearly passengers, buf 01 the 11 people a crew of 2, was loslln the slorm car and dropped it In a ditch. rescued 13 days laler, Incredibly, immersion suits, deSigned to keep heavy rains. Nova Scolla's south pertectlor sound waves to aboard, 1 drowned. and never lound. Aboull0 boats In dry-dock were he was still alive, bul he died a people alive in cold water, they shore was hardest hit at high tide. refract and be heard some senl spinning. lew days laler. would likely have survived. distance from the source-likely an exploding meteor.

Labour Day

1931: Five Scottish 1900: About 1962: Avicious electrical 13 1818: The first recorded 2003: BC's Premier 2003: A late-summer 1932: Gale-force adventurers seeking a terrilic gale struck SI. slorm, packing 120 km/h wreck at Long Point, ON, Campbellllfted the heat wave gripped most winds whipped across riches Irom the fur trade 11 Catharines, ON. Streels 12 winds, lightning, and was the schooner Young 14 province-wide state of 15 01 Allantic Canada. In 16 BC's Lower Mainland, 17 sailed to Frobisher Bay were strewn with trees and 25 mm of rain in 20 minutes, Phoenix, bound for Port emergency, in ettect since Newfoundland, some forcing Fraser River fishers (Iqalult). NU, in the summer 01 loliage. In the Niagara orchards, lIooded parts of Toronto causing Talbot, ON, from Buffalo, NY, 2 August due to raging forest schools sent sludenls home to seek shelter. The wind stirred 1930. There, their motor failed, peaGhes were badly bruised, widespread damage. Rising with a group 01 Irish Immlgranls fires. Continuous rains and Gool early, and others held classes the waters of English Bay Into and their vessel was dashed to about hall 01 the winter apples walers trapped motoriSts slalled on board. All made it salely to weather allowed crews to push outside when temperatures soared white caps. At Vancouver, the pieces on the rocks. They found were knocked down, and tonnes In submerged underpasses. The shore, but the vessel sank In deeper Inside afire's perimeter above 30°C. Temperatures in fire department received a rash of refuge in an abandoned Inuil of pears and plums lay on the storm left large sections of the 35 m of waler with all their fo mop up hot spots. At the resort Gander exceeded 27°C on 5 calls as a result of lIylng chimney camp and barely survived on a ground, useless. The winds also city without hydro when earthly possessions. Stranded Village of Sun Peaks, near consecutive days. Previously It sparks. Winds sweptlhrough city sleady diel of walrus meat. The swept a worker at the Nlagara struck transformers and on dunes, the passengers and Kamloops, thero was glee when had never gOllen 10 25°C or higher streets, banging doors, rallling five were evenlually rescued in Falls waterworks Into the flume blew trees across power lines. crew waved franlically at every snow lell on the mountains. on more than 4 days during the windows, and playing mischievous December by Aboriginal hunlers. and down the penstoGk. passing ship and were month of September. tricks in gardens. evenfually rescued.

Firsl Quarter () Full Moon 0

2003: Groundhog 18 2003: The remnants 19 Weather Quiz 2002: Arcfic air 2 1 1934: A terrific 1907: The old men handlers found 2 01 22 01 Hurricane Isabel What Is it about 2 0 2 4 descended over Alberta 100-km/h gale, one described the storm as Wiarton's weather raGed through tornadoes thal concerns and Saskatchewan late of the worst Squamish 23 the worst in Bonavisla, prognoslicating albino southwestern Ontario, most Canadians? in the day, plunging slorms in the history 01 NL, In the past 40 years. groundhogs dead in their bringing rain and strong 1) destructive and damaging nature lemperatures to lows of O·C to Horseshoe Bay, BC, struck without discomfiture of citizens. AI One report slaled: .....sometlmes pen. Last year, new digs winds. The storm moved so last, 2) personal safety and injury -6°C, with clear skies and light warning. Nine persons, including times, thick clouds of dusl we read about avessel being costing $20,000 were buil! la they didn'f get as much rain as 3) hydro outages winds. Some late-seeded crops two women and two children losl obscured the sun trom view. driven on the rocks and beaten house Ihe 3 marmots. However, predicted. Some thoughtlhe 4) loss 01 vehicles and that hadn't completely ripened their lives In the storm. Boats 01 The winds didn't cause much into malchwood, and regard 11 as design problems led 10 Ihe storm was a complete washout. Iransportation lie-ups were damaged. Given what all kinds were blown ashore and damage, jusl shook afew awnings, aligure 01 speech. In the case 01 deaths 01 2. Dampness in the Although It was a drizzle 5) house damage happened to the crop this year, pounded unmercifully by the shifted alew objects, made scary the Snorre, that Is what actually new tunnel likely made it compared to Hazel's wrath (Answer on inside back cover) Irom drought to grasshopper relentless 3-m waves. The storm shrilling sounds around buildings, happened." What had been a difficult for the hogs 10 preserve In 1954, which dumped over plagues, and now frosl, it also took out trees, lelephone and slrummed telephone and well-built vessel was reduced to Iheir body heat during winter, 150 mm 01 rain, Isabel's winds was the worst harvest year poles, and signboards. trolley wires. a few wagon-loads olllrewood. resulting in hypothermia. blew down trees and Inlerrupted in Alberta's history. power momentarily. Autumn Equinox 18:23 EDT

1983: There wasn't 25 2003: Ahot-air balloon 26 1898: Following 2003: Weather warnings 2 8 2003: In Prince Edward 29 1996: Sclentlsls with a Yukon community adventurer, Davld 5 days of rain, a had been issued lor at Island, even the lull the Canadian Wildlife that didn't break Hempleman-Adams, landslide engulled a 27 leasl2 days, when, at brunl of Hurricane Service reported 30 low-temperature records took 011 from Sussex, NB, neighbourhood in Hull, 12:-10 AM ADT on the 29th, Juan didn't dissuade extreme wealher had as arctic air gripped the north. and landed in Blackpool, QC. A2-m-hlgh stone wall Hurricane Juan made landlall residents from vol1ng in their decimated the caribou One record, which had slood England, 3 days later. He beGame and 15 m of roadway at the 1001 at Halifax, NS. One 01 the mosl provincial election. Though half population on Bathurstlsland at-11.1°C since 1908 In Dawson the first person to ever cross 01 Albert Streel slumped with a damaging storms in modern olthe households were without in Ihe high arctic. Not a Single City, was relegated to obscurity the Allantlc In an old-slyle, roar that caused many people to Halifax hislory, Juan delivered power and many slreels were newborn calf was found. Most of when the temperature reached wlcke ....basket balloon. Shortly think of an earthquake. Aboul a griel and misfortune to Nova clogged with fallen tree branches, the caribou died frozen stiff, -23.2°C. Many trucks were still after fake off, he encounlered dozen boys were plavino at the Scotians. However, one man who 83% of eligible voters stili stranded in deep snow, leaning hauling gravel and had nol been lightning, snow, and bone-chilling bottom 01 the was purchasing batteries Jusl casltheir ballotsl At some agalnsl each other like slatues refitted lor the winter, preventing temperatures. In the final hours of before the before the storm hit also bought blacked-out polling stallons, knocked over by the wind. The a quick response to the the flight, he endured hall, snow, was killed or an Allantic lottery IIcket and won voles were counted hy candlelight snow had hardened around their winter weather. and thick clouds. $1 million. and keresene lamp. bellies, keeping some upright.

Last Quarter () Autumn rain in Kelowna. BC / Daryl Benson / Masterfile SEPTEMBER NOVEMBER 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 October 2005 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 25 26 27 28 29 30 27 28 29 30

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1932: Grain-laden and Europe-bound Irom Churchill, MB, the British 1 steamer Bright Fan sank alter hitting an in Hudson Strait. The crew 0130 took to lileboats and were picked up 2 hours later by a government patrol boat. Federal officials lelt the sinking would be a death blow to the shipping route because marine insurance rates would be prohibitive.

2003: According to 1922: It was unusually 1982: Whitehorse, YT, Weather Quiz 5 2003: Hurricane Kate 2003: GolI course 1997: Alter an early-morning 8 Environment Canada cold in Edmonton, AB, recorded a rare What is considered passed south 01 Cape attendance soared in storm, BC Hydro crews meteorologist Wade 2 with below-Ireezing 3 thunderstorm with a 4 the most important advance Race, NL, packing 6 Winnipeg, MB, along with 7 scrambled to restore Szilagyl, a record number temperatures, but it was shower ot ice pellets and in weather lorecasting in the maximum sustained winds day-time temperatures to electriCity to 5,000 customers 01 waterspouts (tornadoes over especially cold at the police snow amounting to 5 cm. The past 200 years? 01120 km/h and generating 27°C; normal is 12°C. At Gretna, in Greater Victoria. The storm water) occurred over the Great station. Prisoners were slippery white stuff caught 1)telegraph waves 10 metres high. The storm MB, the maximum temperature 01 blew down a giant Garry oak tree Lakes. It was the largest outbreak wrapped in blankets. The several drivers by surprise 2) Doppler radar soaked SI. John's with 45.2 mm 29°C eclipsed the previous record; into an apartment building parking ever recorded-an unbelievable station's basement and lurnace when they skidded around 3) satellite 01 rain, setting a single-day Morden, MB, was the province's lot. For one tenant, it was a dream 66+ waterspouts. The oddity was room were stacked to the ceiling corners still on summer tires. 4) computer October record lor rainlall. The hot spot at 30°C. Manitoba's chiel come true because he carves oak attributed to above·normallake with cases and barrels 01 "real" The early also stopped 5) radiometer threat ollandlall cancelled the medical officer 01 health said the and he envisaged a new project temperatures and a cold air mass, beer. The police had been work at a lew construction sites. (Answer on inside back cover) arrival 01 the MS Prisendam, a week's high temperatures should Irom the downed tree-a set 01 which remained entrenched over ordered not to light the lurnace, cruise ship that was scheduled to revive any mosquitoes still replica hand tools. the Great Lakes lor a week. lest it spoil the beer, which bring 600 passengers and 400 lIitting about. was evidence in a case. crew into St. John's.

New Moon • Rosh Hashanah Begins

1989: The Calgary area 9 1998: Worsening 10 1898: Astorm 1989: Asevere 1972: AIreak storm 2003: At harvest time, 2003: Ahuge storm was blasted by blowing weather with gale-Iorce smashed the plate thunderstorm struck dumped 12 cm 01 snow warm, dry, sunny, tracked across eastern dust in near-zero visibilities. winds slowed recovery glass window 01 a 11 downtown Toronto with 12 in northern Nova Scotia. 13 trost-Iree weather 14 Canada. In Ottawa, ON, 15 Winds gusting to 117 km/h 01 the wreckage 01 Swissair crockery store in downtown wind gusts peaking at Without snow tires, many signilicantly improved patio lurniture made lIight, exposed precious top-soil and Flight 111, which crashed Ottawa, ON. The wind caught 124 km/h. The winds generated motorists lound themselves the crop outlook across the umbrellas turned inside out, transported it great distances. 10 km southwest 01 Peggy's the awning,raising it up with such huge dust clouds, which swept either stalled, slowed to a snail's west. Over 80% 01 the grain and pedestrians struggled During the storm, a new Cadillac Cove, NS, on 2 September, en lorce that one 01 the iron supports around pedestrians at Harbourtront pace, or in a ditch. At the Nappan was harvested by the first lor balance. In Quebec, up to Deville valued at $50,000 was route Irom New York to Geneva, bent in two and crashed through and engulled cars on the jammed weather station, where records week in September-a big 60 mm 01 rain and wind gusting "thrown like a kite." The winds Switzerland. The 4-m swells and the pane. Fortunately, the Gardiner Expressway. In Cobourg, have been kept since 1914, the improvement over 2002 when to 85 km/h knocked out hydro to turned over trailers, lIipped light high winds slowed officials Irom proprietor had just removed a ON, a waterspout suddenly storm marked the earliest and the only two-thirds ot the crop was 50,000 customers. Agarbage bin airplanes, downed trees and moving a barge with its 100-tonne display 01 valuable china Irom dropped water levels in Lake heaviest snowfalllor the month 01 in by Thanksgiving. Moreover, near the Queen Elizabeth Hotel, power lines, and tossed a litter crane to the crash site betore the window, replacing it with soap. Ontario by 1.2 m, giving people October on record-10 days earlier pertect weather meant that the Montreal, QC, was lilled with 0110 dogs through the air. winter arrived. The product loss was $12. an extra 10 m 01 beach lor about than the previous record. spring wheat crop ranked among broken umbrellas, attesting to 30 minutes. the best quality in recent history. the storm's strength.

Thanksgiving First Quarter () Yom Kippur

2003: Ahuge storm, 16 1938: In Fort Francis, 17 2003: The 14th 18 1976: Asevere lall 19 1974: In Cape Breton 2 0 1933: Foul weather 2 1 2003: Kelowna, 22 dubbed the Pineapple ON, a gentle rainlall Annual Banff (AB) storm crossed the Island, NS, tierce wind destroyed two vessels BC-the city that came Express, brought brought under control a Mountain Ekiden Run Grand Banks and gusts ot 160 km/h led transporting tonnes ot close to being burnt to cargoes 01 moisture raging Inlerno that earlier took place under gale-torce southeastern to the death ot 4 people. groceries, luel, and the ground less than Irom the tropical Pacilic, soaking had claimed 17 lives and winds that literally stopped Newfoundland. Wind gusted to The winds tore off rools, toppled other supplies in the ice-intested 2 months ago-now had too the 8C coast with record rainlalls. caused extensive property runners In some places. Running 140 km/h at SI. John's, lilled barns, and diSintegrated trailers. waters along the Arctic coasl in much water. Astorm tlooded The raging waters washed soli and damage. Firelighters took no into Ihe wtnd, up steep paths and rools off buildings, and crushed In the Sydney area, the storm the NWT. A lire onboard lorced homes and washed out roads. traes down slopes lell bare by chances, staying on Ihe Job In case roads, exhausted many 01 the 800 cars benealh lallen trees. At damaged 1,500 homes and ripped survivors to launch a lifeboat. In The soggy weather pul a hall to iifliifllll Insurallce rates would be prohibitive.

2003: According to 1922: It was unusually 1982: Whitehorse, YT, Weather Quiz 5 2003: Hurricane Kate 2003: Golf course 1997: Aller an early-morning 8 Environment Canada cold in Edmonton, AB, recorded a rare What is considered passed south of Cape allendance soared in storm, BC Hydro crews meteorologist Wade 2 with below-treezing 3 thunderstorm with a 4 the most important advance Race, NL, packing 6 Winnipeg, MB, along with 7 scrambled to restore Szilagyi, a record number temperatures, but it was shower ot ice pellets and in weather forecasting in the maximum sustained winds day-time temperatures to electricity to 5,000 customers of waterspouts (tornadoes over especially cold at the police snow amounting to 5 cm. The past 200 years? of 120 km/h and generating 27·C; normal is 12·C. At Gretna, in Greater Victoria. The storm water) occurred over the Great station. Prisoners were slippery white stuff caught 1) telegraph waves 10 metres high. The storm MB, the maximum temperature of blew down a giant Garry oak tree Lakes. It was the largest outbreak wrapped in blankets. The several drivers by surprise 2) Doppler radar soaked St. John's with 45.2 mm 29·C eclipsed the previous record; into an apartment building parking ever recorded-an unbelievable station's basement and turnace when they skidded around 3) satellite of rain, setting a single-day Morden, MB, was the province'S lot. For one tenant, it was a dream 66+ waterspouts. The oddity was room were stacked to the ceiling corners still on summer tires. 4) computer October record for rainfalt. The hot spot at 30·C. Manitoba's chief come true because he carves oak allributed to above-normal lake with cases and barrels of "real" The early snows also stopped 5) radiometer threat of landfall cancelled the medical officer ot health said the and he envisaged a new project temperatures and a cold air mass, beer. The police had been work at a few construction sites. (Answer on inside back cover) arrival of the MS Prisendam, a week's high temperatures should from the downed tree-a set of which remained entrenched over ordered not to light the furnace, cruise ship that was scheduled to revive any mosquitoes still replica hand tools. the Great Lakes tor a week. lest it spoil the beer, which bring 600 passengers and 400 flilling about. was evidence in a case. crew into St. John's.

New Moon • Rosh Hashanah Begins

1989: The Calgary area 9 1998: Worsening 10 1898: Astorm 1989: A severe 1972: A treak storm 2003: At harvest time, 2003: A huge storm was blasted by blowing weather with gale-force smashed the plate thunderstorm struck dumped 12 cm of snow warm, dry, sunny, tracked across eastern dust in near-zero visibilities. winds slowed recovery glass window of a 11 downtown Toronto with 12 in northern Nova Scotia. 13 frost-free weather 14 Canada. In Ottawa, ON, 15 Winds gusting to 117 km/h of the wreckage of Swissair crockery store in downtown wind gusts peaking at Without snow tires, many significantly improved patiO furniture made flight, exposed precious top-soil and Flight 111, which crashed Ollawa, ON. The wind caught 124 km/h. The winds generated motorists found themselves the crop outlook across the umbrellas turned inside out, transported it great distances. 10 km southwest of Peggy's the awning,raising it up with such huge dust clouds, which swept either stalled, slowed to a snail's west. Over 80% ot the grain and pedestrians struggled During the storm, a new Cad iliac Cove, NS, on 2 September, en force that one of the iron supports around pedestrians at Harbourfront pace, or in a ditch. At the Nappan was harvested by the tirst for balance. In Quebec, up to Deville valued at $50,000 was route from New York to Geneva, bent in two and crashed through and engulfed cars on the jammed weather station, where records week in September-a big 60 mm ot rain and wind gusting "thrown like a kite." The winds Switzerland. The 4-m swells and the pane. Forfunately, the Gardiner Expressway. In Cobourg, have been kept since 1914, the improvement over 2002 when to 85 km/h knocked out hydro to turned over trailers, flipped light high winds slowed oHicials from proprietor had just removed a ON, a waterspout suddenly storm marked the earliest and the only two-thirds ot the crop was 50,000 customers. A garbage bin airplanes, downed trees and moving a barge with its lOO-tonne display of valuable china from dropped water levels in Lake heaviest snowfall for the month of in by Thanksgiving. Moreover, near the Queen Elizabeth Hotel, power lines, and tossed a liller crane to the crash site before the window, replacing it with soap. Ontario by 1.2 m, giving people October on record-l0 days earlier perfect weather meant that the Montreal, QC, was filled with of 10 dogs through the air. winter arrived. The product loss was $12. an extra 10 mof beach for about than the previous record. spring wheat crop ranked among broken umbrellas, allesting to 30 minutes. the best quality in recent history. the storm's strength.

Thanksgiving First Quarter f) Yom Kippur

2003: A huge storm, 16 1938: In Fort Francis, 17 2003: The 14th 18 1976: A severe fall 19 1974: In Cape Breton 2 0 1933: Foul weather 2 1 2003: Kelowna, 2 2 dubbed the Pineapple ON, a gentle rainfall Annual BanH (AB) storm crossed the Island, NS, fierce wind destroyed two vessels BC-the city that came Express, brought brought under control a Mountain Ekiden Run Grand Banks and gusts of 160 km/h led transporting tonnes of close to being burnt to cargoes of moisture raging inferno that earlier took place under gale-force southeastern to the death of 4 people. groceries, tuel, and the ground less than from the tropical Pacitic, soaking had claimed 17 lives and winds that literally stopped Newfoundland. Wind gusted to The winds tore off roofs, toppled other supplies in the ice-intested 2 menths ago-now had too the BC coast with record rainfalls. caused extensive property runners in some places. Running 140 km/h at St. John's, lilled barns, and diSintegrated trailers. waters along the Arctic coast in much water. Astorm flooded The raging waters washed soil and damage. Firetighters took no into the wind, up steep paths and roofs oft buildings, and crushed In the Sydney area, the storm the NWT. Afire onboard torced homes and washed out roads. trees down slopes left bare by chances, staying on the job in case roads, exhausted many of the 800 cars beneath fallen trees. At damaged 1,500 homes and ripped survivors to launch a lite boat. In The soggy weather put a halt to earlier wildfires. The steady, of shifting winds. In Manitoba, rain runners in the 5-person relay Cape Race, a Canadian Forces out entire trees. In New Waterford, sub-zero weather and a terrible the apple harvest in the Okanagan. intense downpour (as much as and snow also ended fires in the marathon. Many runners' taces para-rescue specialist dangled wind blew 3 trailer homes over gale, the boat drilled for two days When fruit is wet, it gets slippery 600 mm in 4 days) was perhaps Riding Mountain area. Farmers were covered in bubbly spit trom tor 43 minutes above raging seas, a clift, into the ocean. The foul before reaching land. Three men, and bangs against each other the heaviest deluge to strike the were the big losers when their hay excessive panting. in 130 km/h winds. He was trying weather also set back restoration with four dogs set out for Cameron more, increasing the likelihood ot west coast in more than 200 years. and cordwood went up in smoke. to rescue a survivor of the Outch work at historic Louisbourg. Bay but were forced back by the ice. bruising. Picking is also unsafe for ship Gabriella. farm workers.

Full Moon 0

2003: Officials 1933: As heavy rains 1999: Residents of 1983: Described as 2003: Winds ot 2003: Fierce winds 2 8 2003: Awicked fall 29 2 3 24 25 2 6 storm hammered reluctantly cancelled an swept across the Prince George, BC, the worst in memory, 100 km/h and up to swept through parts NBA exhibition game in Maritimes, the rising said it was a tornado. a powerful storm with 10 cm ot snow whipped 27 ot southern and central southern Alberta, St. John's, NL, because the Big Salmon River, NB, The wind was strong near-hurricane-force across southern British Columbia, snarling morning traffic wood floor was too wet. Unusually swirled 7 loggers to their deaths and there was such a huge winds ballered Cape Breton Saskatchewan and Manitoba uprooting trees and causing and leaving motorists stranded. humid, warm (15·C), and tOggy on the final day of the log drive. roar, you couldn't hear anything. Island, NS, causing power in the winter's first snowfall. widespread power outages. Later on, rain turned to treezing weather, and hockey ice under the The rising waters jumped 2 m in Then trees-some 30 m high and interruptions and property Ruts of ice on the highway pulled Some 108,000 BC Hydro rain. About 10 cm of snow fell floor, made the court unplayable. 90 minutes. Last Quarter () 1 m around-started falling, devastation. The storm sank or vehicles onto the wrong side of the customers lost service. At Prince overnight, torcing the closure of snapping like match sticks. Some beached fishing boats, collapsed road. In Regina, powerful winds George, winds peaked above several schools and stranding 2003:AnDllawa, ON, trees fell on homes. The wind wharves, and damaged collages pulled tie-downs right out of the 75 km/h, prompting authorities travellers north of Calgary. man was found guilty of 1949: Residents of lilled roofs. Environment Canada and cabins. At South Ingonish ground, flipping a motorized glider. to close schools. Sustained winds Maintenance crews sprayed 30 animal cruelty for run­ 3 1Haines Junction, YT, could not confirm a tornado, but Harbour the storm moved an old At the tootball stadium, winds blew reached 81 km/h at Vancouver roads with a new liquid calcium ning his dog to death last summer were busy shovelling 67.3 cm ot also could not rule it out. fish plant about 1 km and over two concession tents. Airport, forcing pedestrians to melting compound but strong when temperatures hit 34·C with a snow from yesterday's snowfall, the destroyed a lighthouse. dodge flying debris and branches. winds blew it away. 42 humidex value. greatest l-day total ever from a Yukon station. Daylight Saving Time Ends Halloween - ·"'~l'.a_ ,......

Firefighting in sub-zero temperatures in Montreal. QC I Mar!( Tomalty I Masterflle OCTOBER DECEMBER 1 2 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 November 2005 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 30 31 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1956: For much of Nova 1999: An all-day 1999: An Intense tall 2003: Apersistently 2003: Despite the Scolia, it was the hottest rainstorm lashed the storm with winds gusting cold norlherly flow cold weather across November day ever. In 1 Niagar. area in Ontario. 2 to 90 km/h wreaked havoc 3 over much of British 4 Saskatchewan, voter 5 Halilax, the temperature Roadways turned into In downtown Toronto, ON. Columbia shattered dozens of turnout for the provincial soared to 23.3·C. The heat rivers and basements looked Galloping conductors-a situation low-temperature records. In the election was high because 01 encouraged two co-eds from more like indoor pools. Flood in which wires start blowing around Interior, It was the coldest start the intense media coverage 01 Oalhousle University to swim waters also blocked all main and conduclors bang into each to November in years. At Kelowna, an interesting race. In Regina, across the chilly 1O·C waters of intersections In Niagara Falls, other-shorted out many lines. it was -13°t:--ilbout S degrees citizens faced a high of -10'C the North West Arm. Other causing cars to slall. At Port At Toronto's downtown 9-hole golf colder than it gets in January, Ihe following a day with up 10 10 cm Maritime towns also reported Dalhousie, a century-Old tree course, powerful winds toppled a coldest time otthe year, and cold of snow. In Saskatoon, the high balmy temperatures: Moncton, fell over and squashed a car. The 25-m-high mesh curtain that keeps enough for some vineyards to was -7°C, with a low ol-17°C 22·C; Fredericton, 21°C; owner said he'd been hoping for stray balis from braining passersby. harvest ice-wine grapes. with flurries. About 68% of the and Charlottelown, laoC. the tree 10 be laken down, but province's 600,000 eligible not In this way. voters cast ballots. All Saints' Day NewMoon. t 1937: An alkali blizzard 6 2002: All Rose was 1999: In Fort Francis, 1933: All day long snow 1898: More than 20 cm 1933: Two partially­ 1933: Working under white-washed the ground, supposedly stuck in Los ON, temperatures climbed fell in soulhern Ontario, of snow in Ottawa loaded cars and two cover of a heavy buildings, and trees around Angeles when bad weather 7 to 22·C, shattering the 8 making highway travel 9 kept electric railway 10 empties blown off the 11 snowfall-la cm over 12 Chaplin, SK, insulating made it impossible for his previous record for the day at precarious in what was sweepers busy clearing CNR coal dock in Biggar, 2 days-and gale-force antennae and in the process plane to take off. That's why he 16·C. In Winnipeg, MB, the described as the worst early-winter tracks. In sweeping the snow, the SK, coasted through 3 switches winds, thieves broke into 2 silencing a large number of didn't show up in Vancouver, BC, temperature soared to 17.SoC, blizzard in 20 years. When an machines gathered quantities 01 during the height ot asnowstorm, Portage Avenue business places radios. The alkali came from the for a Guns N'Roses concert. breaking a record that had stood inter-city bus lost control, it mud because the ground was quite eventually crashing into afreight in downlown Winnipeg, MB. chalky shores of Lake Chaplin. Furious fans rioted when the band lor 76 years. More than 300 golf started down the Hamilton soO. Around the city, a few sleighs train, injuring 2 employees. The gelling away with almost $250 The air remained so heavy with failed to show up. Foul weather in enlhusiasls waited as long as Mounlain road, smashing its way were out and about, but the wheel freight engine was badly smashed in cash. the white powder that, during eariy LA? Maybel Winds were strong and 3 hours to tee off at one course. through a guardrail and plunging traffic cut up the unpaved street so and the 2 empty cars were evening, lights from vehicles cast it was the start of a3-day storm Not surprisingly, few would give 25 m down the mountainslde. much that sleighing in some places completely demolished. Strong a glare similar to that cast in that brought 59 mm of rain to their names or be photographed The impact threw 5 passengers and was almost Impossible. winds also blew down a 30·m winter blizzards. downtown LA. for local newspapers. the driver through the windshield. oil derrick.

First Quarter f) Remembrance Day

2003: Afierce 1933: Impenetrable 1998: Thick. freezing 2003: Warm weather 1901: The barquentlne 2003: Mountain passes 2003: Areport on the windstorm blew blankets of sea mist tog descended across was to blame for the Tdania wrecked in a in British Columbia got blackout that plunged across Onlario, leaving 13 that had swathed the 14 soulhern Alberta, 15 world's largest herd 01 16 dense log near Cape 17 the season's first heavy 18 50 million people 19 100,000 customers wilhout whole BC coast for days causing several accidents. caribou using a major Race. NL. The captain and crew, dose 01 wet, slushy snow. across the eastern United electriCity. In Toronto, winds had 14 deep-sea vessels Two people died In a rash of Labrador highway tor ils annual ail of whom were badly injured, On the Coquihalla summit it was States and Ontario into darkness topped 110 kmJh, sending fog-bound In the Strait of Georgia. accidents. Limited visibility migration ·Irom northern Quebec to were on the wreckage for 20 hours, snowing "close to a madman" with for at lea5l24 hours on 14 August boxes and garbage bins Feeling their way toward the Firsl delayed flights for up to an hour the Labrador Sea. The herd caused lashed to the rigging. So thick was about 122 cm of accumulation. At blames the management of an wreaking havoc on Ihe Narrows, the Canadian Pacific and diverted others. The fog is unprecedented traffic tie-ups; some the fog that coastal folk were not lower elevations, it was 150 mm Ohio power company and Ihe roads. Winds blew bike couriers steamer PrIncess Alfce and the not unusual for November when drivers waited 30 minutes or more aware that a wreck had occurred ot rain that fell. Hellish driving weather. Hot weather caused Into curbs, forcing them to Alaska Steamship Company's SS easterly wind traps cold air and for the caribou to pass. Because and the ship's crew was unable to conditions caused numerous the lines to sag and louch tree dismount, and pushed police Yukon of Seattle collided in the fog. moisture at the surface. Laler in the ground still was nottrozen, make any signals that would attract accidents and stranded travellers branches, shutting down cruisers around on the Skyway The noise of the Impact was heard the day, a wind change 1i0ed the caribou used the road as a aUention to their plight. on Ihe Trans-Canada and area transmission lines across the Bridge, forcing it to close tor 2kmaway. the fog. ready alternative. highways. east. There was also Insufficient 4 hours. wind 10 keep Ihe wires cool. Full Moon 0 20112: In the span of 2 0 2Il00: Snowy conditions 2003: The largest 1930: Athick blanket 1986: Gale-torce 1970: In southwestern 1983: High winds, IIHI8 more than 2 weeks, 2 1 2 3 25 In northern New prolesslonal ouldoor otlog made moloring winds, choppy seas, Ontario, up to 60 cm heavy rains (65 mm), BC's Lower Mainland Brunswick cut short hockey game ever, 22 hazardous In Vancouver, and driving rain made 24 ot drifting snow tell and rising water 26 went from wonylng allout Progressive Conservative wllnmed by 57,1671ana, BC. Two armed bandHs navigation treacherous over 2 days. Motorists levels disrupted lIIe In lew wefer reservoirs 10 lacing Leader Joe Clark's campaign took place In Edmonton, AB. stepped out of the toa to slug on the opening day ollobsler were trapped tor more than central New Brunawick. Rains Ooaded basemen... vancouver swing through the pro,lnce when The game waa hel4 In trying and roll a drftter 01 $67. Bulln the season 01 Nova Seotla. Senral 14 hours on highway 401 near toreed roads ID close and waahed II1II15 _Un d8yl ot rain, his tour offlclafs relused to lamlite conditions, with IBmperatures fog, thl "cUm was Ihlelo conceat Umes the weather Iorcad lollater London. ON, In the worst trallc out a brldae In north Fredlrlcton. ---,"'......'lI>ilfllie ._­ province's 600,000 eligible volers casl ballols. All Saints' Day NewMoon.

1937: An alkali blizzard 2002: AIl Rose was 1999: In Fort Francls, 1933: All day long snow 9 1898: More than 20 cm 10 I 1933: lWo partially­ 1933: Working under white-washed the ground, supposedly stuck In Los ON, temperatures climbed fell in southern Ontario, of snow In Dffawa . loaded cars and two cover of a heavy buitdings, and trees around 6 Angeles when bad weather 7 to 22'C, shaHering the 8 making highway travel kept electric railway ·1 empties blown off the 11 snowfall-18 cm over 12 Chaplln, SK, insulating made It Impossible for his previous record for the day at precarious in what was sweepers busy clearing CNR coal dock In Biggar, 2 days-and gale-force antennae and in the process plane to take 011. That's why he 16·C.ln Winnipeg, MB,the described as the worst early-winter tracks. In sweeping the snow, the SK, coasted through 3 switches winds, thieves broke into 2 Silencing a large number of didn't show up in Vancouver, BC, temperature soared to 17.5'C, blizzard in 20 years. When an machines gathered quantities of during the height of asnowstorm, Portage Avenue business places radios. The alkali came Irom the for a Guns N'Roses concert. breaking a record that had stood inter-City bus los! control, il mud because the ground was quite eventually crashing into afreight In downtown Winnipeg, MB, chalky shores of Lake Chaplin. Furious fans rioted when the band for 76 years. More than 300 golf started dOwn the Hamilton soft. Around the city, afew sleighs I train, injuring 2 employees. The getting away with almos! $250 The air remained so heavy with failed to show up. Foul weather in enthusiasts waited as long as Mountain road, smashing its way were out and about, but the wheel I freight engine was badly smashed in cash. the white powder that, during early LA? Maybe! Winds were strong and 3 hours to tee off at one course. through a guardrail and plunging traffic cut up the unpaved street so and the 2 empty cars were evening, lights from vehicles cast It was the s!art of a3-day storm Not surprisingly, few would give 25 m down the mountalnslde. I much that sleighing In some p'J.acescompletely demolished. Strong a glare similar to that cast in that brought 59 mm of rain to their names or be photographed The Impact threw 5 passengers and was almost impossible. winds also blew down a 3D-m winter blizzards. downtown LA. for local newspapers. the driver through the wlndshleld. I 011 derrick.

First Quarter () -L Remembrance Day 2003: Afierce 1933: Impenelrable 1998: Thick, freezing 2003: Warm weather 16 1901: The barquentine 17 2003: Mountain passes 18 2003: Areport on the windstorm blew blankets of sea mist fog descended across was to blame for the ntania wrecked In a in British Columbia got blackout that plunged across Ontario, leaving 13 that had swathed the 14 southern Alberta, 15 world's largest herd of dense fog near Cape the season's first heavy 50 million people 19 100,000 customers without whole BC coast for days causing several accidents. caribou using a major Race, NL. The captain and crew, dose of wet, slushy snow. across the eastern United electricity. In Toronto, winds had 14 deep-sea vessels Two people died in a rash of Labrador highway for its annual all of whom were badly Injured, On the Coquihalla summit II was States and OntariO into darkness topped 110 km}h, sending fog-bound in Ihe Strait of Georgia. accidents. Limited visibility mlgralion·from norfhern Quebec to were on the wreckage for 20 hours, snowing "close 10 amadman" with for at least 24 hours on 14 August recycling boxes and garbage bins Feeling their way toward the First delayed flights for up to an hour the Labrador Sea. The herd caused lashed to the rigging. So thick was about 122 cm of accumulation. AI blames the management of an rolling and wreaking havoc on the Narrows, the Canadian Pacific and diverted others. The fog is unprecedented traHic tie-ups; some the fog that coastal folk were nol lower elevations, it was 150 mm Ohio power company and the roads. Winds blew bike couriers steamer Princess Allce and the not unusual for November when drivers waited 30 minutes or more aware that a wreck had occurred of rain thal fell. Hellish driving weather. Hot weather caused Into curbs, forcing them to Alaska Steamship Company's SS easterly wind traps cold air and for the caribou to pass. Because and the ship's crew was unable to conditions caused numerous the lines to sag and touch tree dismount, and pushed police Yukon of Seatlle collided in the fog. moisture at the surface. Later in the ground stili was not frozen, make any signals that would affract accidents and stranded travellers branches, shufflng down cruisers around on the Skyway The noise of the Impact was heard the day, a wind change IIHed the caribou used the road as a attention to their plight. on the Trans-Canada and area transmission lines across the Bridge, forcing ilia close for 2 km away. Ihe fog. ready aHernatlve. highways. east. There was also insufficient 4 hours. wind to keep the wires cool. Full Moon 0

2002: In Ihe span of 2 0 aoo: Snowy conditions 2 1 2003: The larges! 1930: Athick blanket 23 1986: Gale-force 1970: In southwestern 2 5 1983: High winds, IIffle more than 2 weeks, in northern New professional outdoor of fog made motoring winds, choppy seas, Ontario, up to 60 cm heavy rains (65 mm), BC's Lower Mainland Brunswick cut short hockey game ever, 22 hazardous In Vancouver, and driving rain made 24 of drifting snow fell and rising water 26 went from worrying aboul Progressive Conservative witnessed by 57,1671an8, BC. Two armed bandits navigation treacherous over 2 days. Molorlsfs levels disrupted life in low water reservoirs to facing Leader Joe Cl ark's campaign took place in Edmonton, AB. stepped out of the fog to slug on the opening day of lobster were trapped for more Ihan central New Brunswick. Rains flooded basements. Vancouver swing through the province when The game was held In trying and rob a drifter of $67. But In Ihe season oH Nova Scotla. Several 14 hours on highway 401 near forced roads to close and washed had 15 consecutive days of rain, his tour officials refused to gamble conditions, with temperatures fog, the victim was able to conceal times the weather forced lobster London, ON, in the wors! lrafflc oul a bridge In north Fredericton. totalling 160 mm. Following on being snowed in at Charlo. to -20'C rink-side and lraveller's cheques totallng $135 fishers to abandon ship and 10 snarl on record. The police Strong winds downed power lines, several days with torrential They could land, but they were a wind chill of -28'C. Amazingly, and a purse containing $61 In bills. rescue fellow fishers clinging to estimate there were 700 stalled blew out transformer fuses, felled downpours, the rool 01 aSurrey worried they wouldn't be able to most spectators stuck around. the bows of sinking vessels. A vehicles. Mos! stranded occupants trees on power lines, and cracked school gymnasium "imploded" leave. Bathurst received 16 cm Some complained of frozen beer. 21-year-Old non-SWimmer was wore light clothing and were insulators. Two-thirds ollhe and collapsed 10 the lIoor. 01 snow. Police cited dozens of Only one person suHered mild swept overboard off Far Point numbed by the cold. The hungries! province lost electricity at one fender-benders and cars In ditches. hypothermia-and 11 wasn't Island and drowned. begged for food 'rom others. time or another. the streaker!

Last Quarter et ---t­ 2002: Arecord number 27 2003: The winter's Weather Quiz 1930: Operating In the of Canada geese, first storm leff parts Asignlflcanl fraction Easl End of Vancouver, waxwings, ravens, of Ontario without 28 of the so-called 29 and taking advantage 30 and goshawks darkened electricity for a couple Bermuda Triangle of athick blanket of fog, the skies 01 southern Alberta of days. One motoris! stopped al Incidents are likely from bandits and robbers staged In one 01 the longest delayed a stoplight to clear snow from his what source: several holdups and robberies. migrations in recent history. wlndshleld and accidentally locked 1) tsunamis Police responded to all calls Experfs blamed the weather. his keys in his car. He wasn't 2) hurricanes with difficulty because 01 the Aspring drought caused key dressed for the weather: penny 3) weather bombs Impenetrable fog, which slowed water resources 10 dry up, bul loafers, no gloves, and no hat. 4) rogue wave driving and made searching for the Calgary's Glenmore Reservoir He ended up late, frozen, $60 out 5) waterspouts marauders virtually Impossible. remained a large, viable water of pocket, and the incident ruined (Answer on inside back cover) source for birds. his penny loalers. ... Battleford, SK I Phll Narten I PhlI Norton PhotoIIl'lIIIhy NOVEMBER JANUARY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 3 4 5 6 7 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 December 2005 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 27 28 29 30 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1952: Early in the 1950s, 1924: Amail carrier 1986: Along the highway a bored weather observer for a construction company between Oalhousle and stationed north of Hudson 1 east of Sioux Lookout, ON. 2 Charlo, NB. heavy rains, 3 Bay, left a monumenl thal missed the Irall and wandered high winds, incoming tides, time cannot eradicate. Using an 4 days wllhout food or malches. and tonnes of sand. debriS, abandoned bulldozer, he spenl Losing his way and lacking bush and driftwood blown onlo the 2 years and great eltort pushing experience. he travelled in a circle, highway made driving difficult. boulders inlo a message. It could walking continuously. He managed Several vehicles made it through be seen from 3 km above Ihe 10 reach camp wilhout his shoes the obstacle course, but others earth's surface, sllhouelled against or socks. His feel were a solid stalled and had 10 be lowed before the snow. (from The Realist. mass of ice, necessitating the police closed the road. Flooding November 1964) amputation ot both legs. was made worse by snow banks that trapped seawater.

New Moon •

1989: A nea r-record 1921: In southern 2003: Orga nizers of a 2003: A classiC nor'easter, Weather Quiz 8 11109: Winnipeg firefighlers 1797: " ... the wind rainfall caused widespread Saskatchewan, a larmer world-cup luge event in one ollhe worst on record, Where is the warmest had 10 bailie flames In rose a gale ... a perfecl flooding Ihroughout SI. 4 was driving a horse-drawn 5 Calgary, AB, wanled to 6 struck the Marltlmes. 7 ocean or sea waler in the excruciating cold (-36.rC) 9 storm with such heavy 10 John's, NL. More than 51 mm sleigh with 30 lillle pigs make women's racing a little Moncton, NB, was the hardest world? thal instantly turned waler driflinglhat has obscured of rain fell, jusl shy of the following In Its tracks. Suddenly, more enitlng, so they started al hit with 70 cm of snow. Winds 1) Caribbean slreams inlo Ice. Icicles hanging the hemisphere ... Several of daily record. Motorists found a blizzard slruck. Temperatures the men's position. However, a reaching 100 km/ll caused blinding 2) Mediterranean from electrical and lelephone us much frozen. As bad a day themselves plowing through dropped from 3°C to -34°C in a warm chinook created hair-raising whiteouts and helly drifts. The 3) Tasman Sea wires In the rear of one building as I ever saw in my life. Poor mini-lakes along city streets. few hours. The farmer rounded up havoc over the now IIghtning-tast Monclon airport closed for almost 4) Persian Gull measured 4 m in length and the Hoal ... lost his dogs and train Many residents were busy emptying 12 pigs and put them in Ihe sleigh 1,282 mlrack 01 ice. 11 was scary 2 days. The 'storm also led to 5) HawaIIan Islands ice coating on blackened and and with Ihem all his flooded basements. At Whltbourne, box. The next day, he lound the resl for the racers, making pinballs of 5 deaths in New Brunswick, (Answer on inside hack cover) charred walls of the building was venture ...showers of rain, hall, NL, wind blew the roof oil a molel. otthe lillle pigs, frozen sllll. The the sliders. Three-quarters of the including the death 01 a pregnant 4 m thick. si eet and snow which wllh the spewing debris Ihal demolished a sows eventually turned up, minus racers crashed along the walls. woman who gave birth before dying storm continued all nighl. [trom sel 01 gas pumps. their ears and tailS. of her injuries. the diary of Davld Thompson as cited by G. A. McMorran,)

Firsl Quarter ()

1926: Ablizzard in 1923: An ice fisher 2003: 81ack ice with 2003: The firsl big 1964: Extreme cold 2003: "It's puking ~16 ! 1931: As Ihe train soulhern Alberta and a small pony were a dusting of snow look snowfall of the season in Alberta closed rural outside right now," i engineer gave his last finally blew itself oul 11 3 km out on Lake 12 drivers across Nova 13 tell in paris of Ontario 14 schools and caused the 15 said one snow enthusiasl. warning tool to call 17 after 16 hours. lis equal Manitoba, MB, when a Scotla by surprise. Hundreds and Quebec. Easterly winds deaths of at least 3 people. In the past several weeks, commercial men from a was never known before in Ihe violent storm strUCk. The wind of cars veered 011 roads, some caused serious drilling. Aulhorlties recommended power dumps of snow fell holel In Hudson Bay Junction, district. A mall carrier near dashed Ihe lake into a fury, and landing in ditches. Police called Montreal, QC. golfrom 15 to rationing and Calgary reSidents Rockies, crealing some ot MB, one passenger raced Glelchen stalled his car when the waves broke apart the ice. Into il a freak 15-minule snow squall; 30 cm of snow, which trapped co-operated by voluntarily lurning the best opening conditions for aboard carrying a white porcelain drilling snow shorted the Ignition. the second day, he fought his way forecaslers called them cars under -like domes. In oil Ihelr Christmas lights. The post skiing in years. Over a 3-week water jug from the hotel. He The snow penetrated the car, which across the Ice some 5 or 6 km. streamers-north-northwesterlY one very tragic InCident, an ollice reported only one serious period, three storms struck lake wasn't stealing It-hls teeth Is what probably insulated him from pulling Ihe pony and reaching winds thalllnger long enough over 18-month-old toddler, left in a car case of frostbite among its Louise, AB. each dropping between were frozen in ill Obligingly, freezing to death. Asearch party shore near Lundar. He was alive, water 10 pick up moisture and then whose tallplpe was blocked by employees, but, ironically. the 50 and 75 cm of snow. The resort the CNR Iralnmen thawed out found him sllll and cold, bul alive, but sullered palnlulfrostblte. move Inland with a burst of flurries. snow, was asphyxiated while her viclim was an inside worker. not opened in early November wilh its the teeth and Ihe man returned 24 hours laler. father shovelled the car oul. an outSide worker. best snow conditions in 20 years. the water jug before the train departed.

Full Moon 0 I 1893: "The Ihermometer 18 1985: Snow, whipped 19 1964: The temperature 2 0 2003: Nearly 50 people 2 1 1932: Old-time 19!16: ARussian 1972: Bad weather 24 registered 57 degrees by winds reaching dropped to -M°C wllh were torced trom Iheir Victorians declared 2 2 AN-124 Antonov 2 3 lorced aplane en (14°C) at noon •••we 100 km/ll. lashed most winds up 10 70 kmJh homes In the small Ihat it was Ihe wors1 transport aircraft slid route 10 Cuba trom were all in our summer of Newfoundland, causing across canlral Alberta. community 01 aale In 40 years. The off the main runway and Russia 10 louch down al clolhes and some were wearing hazardous driving condllions Radio stations reported thal all Nolre-Dama-da-Monlallban, boalhouse allhe Royal 150 metres along Ihe grass Gander, NL. Tha delegation straw hall. We had been playing and forcing many schools 10 close. roads ware blocked and caBle were QC, whan unusually large Victoria Yachl Club was reduced belore Sinking a melre inlo mud on board was headed by Cuhan lacn1a8 on a lIeld 01 grass ... We Along the Trans-Canada Highway, dying everywhere, lorclng ranchers amounlJ otic. and 10 malchwood; many valuable al Canadian Forces Base Trenlon, Premier Adel Castro; Alter being had no snow thal year unlll visibility was zero In blowlna and to sell their caUla lor as little as one dammad Dart 011he llalilcan salllna dlnahles wera also ON. There had bean loa Ihal nlaht. treated 10 steak dlnnar. the Cuban November 1964(------· ampuWij)O'Oflioth 189ii:"'" ­ ;'~~-;'ide wo;;; bYSnO~-ba-nkS that trapped seawarer.

NewMoon _

1989; Anear-record 1927; In southern 2003: Organizers of a 2003; Aclassic nor'easter, WeatherQuk 8 1909; Winnipeg firelighters 1797: ..... the wind rainfall caused widespread Saskatchewan, afarmer world-cup luge event in one of the worst on record, Where is the warmest had to battle flames In rose a gale ... a perlect flooding throughout S\. 4 was driving a horse·drawn 5 Calgary, AB, wanted to 6 struck the Maritimes. 7 ocean or sea water In the excruciating cold (-36.1·C) 9 storm with such heavy 10 John's, NL. More than 51 mm sleigh with 30 little pigs make women's racing a little Monclon. NB, was the hardest world? that instantly turned water drifting that has obscured ofrain fell, lust shy ollhe following In lis tracks. Suddenly, more exciting, so they started at hit with 70 cm 01 snow. Winds 1) Caribbean streams into ice. Icicles hanging the hemisphere .. , Several of daily record. Motorists found a blizzard struck. Temperatures the men's position. However, a reaching 100 km/h caused blinding 2) Mediterranean Iramelectrical and telephone us much frozen. As bad a day themselves plowlng through dropped tram 3°C to ·:W°C in a warm chinook created hair-raising whiteouts and hefty drills. The 3) Ta8man Sea wires in the rear of one building as I ever saw in my lite. Poor mini·lakes along city streets. lew hours. The farmer rounded up havoc over the now lightning-fast Moncton airport closed lor almost 4) Persian Gulf measured 4 m In length and the Hoal ... lost his dogs and train Many residents were busy emptying 12 pigs and put them in the sleigh 1,282 mtrack 01 Ice. It was scary 2 days. The'storm also led to 5) Hawaiian Islands ice coating on blackened and and with them all his flooded basements. At Whitbourne, box. The next day, he lound the rest for the racers, making pinballs of 5 deaths in New Brunswick. (Answer on inside back cover) charred walls ofthe building was venture...showers 01 rain, hail, NL, wind blew the roof off a motel, otthe lillle pigs, frozen stiff. The the sliders. Three-quarters of the including the death of a pregnant 4 m thick. sleet and snow which with the spewing debris that demolished a sows eventually turned up, minus racers crashed along the walls. woman who gave birth before dying storm continued all night. [from set of gas pumps. their ears and tails. of her injuries. the diary of Davld Thompson as cited by G. A. McMorran,)

First Quarter () r 1926: Ablizzard in 1923: An ice fisher 2003; Black ice with 2003; The first big 1964: Extreme cold 2003: "It's puking 16 1937: As the train southern Alberta and asmall pony were a dusting 01 snow took snowlall of the season in Alberta closed rural outside right now," engineer gave his last finally blew Itself out 11 3 km out on Lake 12 drivers across Nova 13 lellln parts of Ontario 14 schools and caused the 15 said one snow enthusiast. warning toot to call 17 aller 16 hours. lis equal Manitoba, MB, when a Scotia by surprise. Hundreds and Quebec. Easterly winds deaths of at least 3 people. In the past several weeks. commercial men from a was never known betore In the violent storm struck. The wind of cars veered off roads, some caused serious drilling. Authorities recommended power huge dumps of snow fell hotel in Hudson Bay Junction, district. Amail carrier near dashed the lake into atury, and landing in ditches. Police called Montreal. QC, got from 15 to rallonlng and Calgary residents in the Rockies, creating some of MB, one passenger raced Gleichen sfalled his car when the waves broke apart the ice. Into it a freak 15-minute snow squall; 30 cm of snow, which trapped co-operated by voluntarily turning the best opening conditions for aboard carrying a white porcelain drilling snow shorted the Ignition. the second day, he fought his way forecasters called them cars under igloo-like domes. In off their Christmas lights. The post skIIng In years. Over a3-week water jug Irom the hotel. He The snow penetrated the car, which across the ice some 5 or 6 km, streamers-north·northwesterly one very tragic InCident, an office reported only one serious period, three storms struck Lake wasn't stealing it-his teeth Is what probably insulated him trom the pony and reaching winds that linger long enough over 18-monlh·old toddler, lett in acar case of Irostblte among its Louise, AB, each dropping between were frozen in it! Obligingly, freezing to death. Asearch party near Lundar. He was alive, water to pick up mOisture and then whose tailpipe was blocked by employees, but, ironically, the 50 and 75 cm of snow. The resort the CNR trainmen thawed out found him stiff and cold, but alive, but suffered painful frostbite. move inland with a burst otflurries. snow, was asphyxiated while her victim was an Inside worker, not opened in early November with its the teeth and the man returned 24 hours later. lather shovelled the car ou\. an outside worker. best snow conditions In 20 years. the water jug before the train departed.

Full Moon 0

1893: "The thermometer 18 1985; Snow, whipped 19 1964: The temperature 2 0 2003; Nearly 50 people 2 1 1932: Old-lime 22 1996; ARussian 1972: Bad weather 24 registered 51 degrees by winds reaching dropped to with 2 3 .:woc were forced from their Victorians declared AN·124 Antonov forced a plane en (14°C) at noon ...we 100 km/h, lashed most winds up to 70 krn/h homes in the small that it was the worst transport aircraft slid route to Cuba Irom were all in our summer of Newfoundland, causing across cenlral Alberta. community of gale in 40 years. The off the main runway and Russia to touch down at clothes and some were wearing hazardous driving conditions Radio stations reported that all Notre-Dame·de·Montauban. boathouse at the Royal 150 metres along the grass Gander, NL. The delegation straw hats. We had been playing and forcing many schools to close. roads were blocked and callle were QC, when unusually large Victoria Yacht Club was reduced before sinking a metre Into mud on board was headed by Cuban lacrosse on a lield of grass ... We Along Ihe Trans-Canada Highway, dying everywhere, lorcing ranchers amounts of ice and slush to matchwood; many valuable at Canadian Forces Base Trenton, Premier Fidel castro. Aller being had no snow that year unlll visibility was zero In blowing and 10 sell their cattle for as lillle as one dammed part 01 the Batiscan sailing dinghies were also ON. There had been tag that night, treated to steak dinner, the Cuban Christmas Day ... and the real drilling snow. A40-passenger bus cent per pound for dog food. Bulls River, causing flooding. The smashed. Winds blew down power and rain and snow on 20 ot the delegation toured Gander. Castro heavy snow wl nter did not arrive operating dally runs on the Burin froze so badly that they became community of 1,000 was put on lines and poles, uprooted trees. past 23 days had saturated the spied children tobogganing and until well aller tha\." (Memories Peninsula crashed Into a home sterile. Deer ate trom grain stacks alert for evacuation. The river knocked down Signboards, and set ground. The plane was pulled joined them for awhile. He took about a mild beginning to winter in lilling it completely off its despite the fact a dog was ollen on overflowed, filling basements. chimneys ablaze. Unexpected from the mud 4 days later. after several tumbles, much to the Saskatoon) foundation. top ofthe stack. Residents used sandbags. but lightning lit up the Inky sky early unloading and de-fuelling the amusement 01 his entourage and the water kept pouring in. In the morning. plane to make it lighter. the curious children.

Winter Solstice 13:35 EST Last Quarter et 2003; During the 25 2000; Veteran skiers 26 2003: They were the 1911; The most 2 8 1933; Much of Eastern 29 2003: Vancouver got 30 1933: New Year's holidays. Canada was 3 1 couldn't remember so lazy, hazy days of disastrous ice storm Canada was In the its first dump nt snow Eve was unusually awash in unseasonably much snow falling winter. Sun revellers 27 in memory descended throes of a brutal cold of the winter. Officials mild (5.6·C) and wet mild temperatures. Even before Christmas at enjoyed a break from through British Columbia's snap. Fourteen Ontario closed area roads to (6.6 mm of rain) in Iqalult was a balmy -7°C. Collingwood, ON. The 85-cm winter cold with ba Imy Fraser Valley. downing fruit sites recorded their coldest-ever Cypress Mountain because of Toronlo, ON, and adense bank Halllax. Ottawa, Toronto, base of machine-groomed double-digit temperatures across trees and tying up Vancouver temperatures, and two others. blowing snow and whlleouts. of tog shrouded the City. However, Edmonton, Calgary, and powder on Blue Mountain's southern Ontario. Unseasonably telegraph service lor many hours. their coldest this century. At Police set up roadside checks and 2 days earlier, Ihe city shivered Vancouver all missed out on a 33 trails enticed large numbers warm weather had residents out Ice-coated wires, supporting huge Nlagara Falls, an imposing stopped vehicles without snow at ·30°C and slipped on 25 mm 01 white Christmas this year. The of skiers and snowboarders. By enjoying parks, trails, and golf weights ot ice, were the size of a ice·brldge formed across the river tires and chains Irom entering freezing rain. New Year's revellers weather was especially unlesllve Boxing Day, London had seen courses. Joggers, cyclists, and man's wrist. Telegraph poles where the two Maids 01 the Mist higher-elevation roads where even crept cautiously over pavements In the Maritlmes, with copious 112.1 cm of snow; normal for the roller bladers look advantage 01 the snapped, hurling wires to the remained fast in the ice. those with four-wheel drive were that were glazed with ice or slushy rain. extensive fog, and leaden entire month Is 51.1 cm. For the snow-free sldewalks. In Hamilton, ground and into the Fraser River having problems gaining traction. snow. Ice-clolled streets also skies. Halllax International Airport month, some stations in ski-country one golf course hosted 100 gollers. in an Inlerminable tangle. made drMng treacherous. recorded 10.6 mm 01 rain. had over 200 cm of snow. Boxing Day Christmas Day Chanukah Begins - New Moon _I ~ SI MP" need [0 bc p llrged solid the editH­ Q ~ o ri,l l. T he r il pcr called it the "Iib d lint~ l lf :l>AtJGS; I·~ 0 Ih~ country's dim.lIe" amI s u ~g c ,.,teJ CAJIlADIA"" ~ 0 thai "before the English p ub l i~he rs WEATHe.R.• I 0 o Q D begin rnodcrni;ring thei r ~ chool boo ks "i _ theY~houid take il trip lO Canada,"

FROZE N SPIT BALLS o Edward l.uwwski. J professor of earth cHi ng in Canada abOUl wild animals and atnlosphcdc sLienees l i llIe such;)s deer. elk. and mouse runn ing L1nivi!r~ity (I f \lhcrta. cnnd uJt'd th ,lt loose Further, they warn of e,xtrcmclr f(}t!tifb'~ thct'xpression ' it'!. ~ o ~\J l d thill ~pit lugh tempe ratures during (he sum­ fWl.e before it hit t h ~ gruund ,md shilt­ mer, resu lting in oJ comidtrubk rnk of Hundrcd~ of }'I.'ars ago people relied tered upon impact" il tall tale, heatstroke a nd sumtroke. It men­ is also elTI nJture to foretell future \\ cather. According to his C