Portland Daily Press: November 15,1881
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PORTLAND DAILY _, PRICE 3 CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862--Y0L. 19. PORTLAND, MONDAY MORNING, JANUARY 30, 1882. --——-—————————————■—————■———i—i———b^———M———M—Mi———————————1^——i——————MWiMWWW An Imdian Juggler’s Tricks. THE PORTLAND DAILY MISCELLANEOUS. MEDICAL. TBJC PRESS. PRESS, MISCELLANEOUS, MISCELLANEOUS [The University Magazine.] Published every day (Sundays excepted,) by the There is nothing very remarkable in the ap- PROFESSIONAL MRS. LYDIA E- OF LYHH, MASS., MONDAY MDDNINO, JANUARY 30. PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., PINKHAM, pearance or dress of oar conjuror. An elderly ♦ short and dressed in At 97 Exchange St., Portland. © man, sparely made, din- $8.00 We do not road anonymous letters and common! white with to his $7.50 gy, cotton, very legs -AND- tight ■Terms: Dollars a Year. To mall suhierll) Opening; s name of writer are in The and address the Eight i cations. he have been a *r» Seven Dollars a Year, if paid in advanoe. drawers, might respectable All casus indispensable, not necessarily for publica- servant out of place, but actually was a small OF THE £ tion but as a guaranty of good faith. THE MAINE STATE PRESS land owner who had taken to for I We cannot undertake to return or preserve com- conjuring at a his amusement. When he entered the room is published every Thursday Morning $2.50 $8.50 $9.00 £ ° munications that are not used. if in advanoe at a year. EDUCATIONAL. •M © year, paid $2.00 he spread a white cloth upon the floor and sat > a Rates of Advertising: One inch of space, the > o down upon it with his back to the wall, tbe enrth of constitutes a MAMMOTH © The Mayoralty. oolumn, “square.” X door of the room on his band. His oenta KID N being right iirst week: 75 per $1.60 per square, daily — ©• continu- The election on the first Mon- were week after; three insertions or less, $1.06; £ £ municipal spectators disposed of in the following other after first 60 oents. $10.00 day week, $9.50 ing every of uot fashion: or 76 day March, though directly involving Half square, three insertions less, cents; ARCHITECTS. .iSLisrio .2 one week, $1.00; 50 cents per week after. | national or state politics, is nevertheless of Mr. Smyth sat on a chair nearly in the mid- Special Notices, one-third additional. reason of its dle of the room, I was sitting on a sofa near Under head of “Amusements” and “Auction I large political significance by $2.00 per per week; three Inser- SHOE the door, the Parsee merchant stood in the Bales,” sqnare STORE GLOVES « | influence the election of September H. E upon tions or less. r F. FASSETT, $1.60. door about an arm’s length from me. Tbe Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State ARCHITECT, c next, in some will be the Centennial 93 Street, £ which, respects, Press lias a circulation in every part Block, Exchange $12.00 servants stood about in groups, the (which large most in'this State. largest of the for for first inser- o «. important for many years State), $1.00 per sqnare group being between tbe door and conjurer. aud 60 oents for each C O In view of this it tion, per sqnare subsequent fact becomes every Repub- As soon as lie had settled himself he turned to Insertion. n. KIMBALL, ^ 1st lican to exert his influence—not for the the Parsee and asked for the loan of a Address all communications to K0HA3. ARCHITECT, On Feb. BUY A rupee. Monday, January 23, Wednesday, WILL The at first demurred a little, but on PORTLAND PUBLISHING GO. ISOVfe Middle Street. nomination of this personal friend or that peddler we shall offer being guaranteed against loss, be produoed tbe representative of some special interest—but coin. He was going to put it into the conjur- CIVIL ENGINEERS, 1883. for some man who while in every way quali- or’s hand, but the latter refused and told tbe ENTERTAINMENTS. Parse" to hand it to Mr. Smyth’s bearer. LYDSA E. PSNKHAM’S fled for the and the confi- 250 doz. WOLF position enjoying The bearer took it, and at the request of tbe dence of the business men of the city and an conjuror, looked at it and declared it to be re- E. C. VEGETABLE COMPOUND. j JORDAN, shall be unob- ally a rupee. The conjuror then told him to J CIVIL ENGINEER AN f ND earnestly loyal Republican, SURVEYOR, Ja a Positive Cure hand it to his master. Mr. Smyth took It, and 184 Middle Street EVERYBODY to and INVITED, enil tVeakneuee jectionable Republicans generally then followed this dialogue: for ell tlio.e Pelnftil O.n.plnlnte ROBE. aocoiniuou toour beat female population. therefore sure of polling the full party vote. Conjuror.—Are you sure that is a rupee? worst form of Female Com- the as their ENTERTAIN- It will cure entirely the Offer following opening LAWYERS. No man’s no man’s desire to Smyth.—Yes. at GLOVES! all ovarian troubles, Inflammation and Uicera ambition, grat- your hand on it and hold it MENT, KID plaints, Conjuror.—Close LADIES ESPECIALLY I THE tlon, Falling and Displacements, and the consequent ify a friend or to compliment a neighbor tight. Now think of some country in Europe, HALXi. The are memK re of the and iu adapted to the me CITY following Cumberland -AT- Spinal Weakness, particularly should he allowed to interfere with this. but do not tell your thoughts. Bar Association: Change of Life. Then the conjuror ran over the names of uterus In and narrow to $5.00, $6.00, It will dissolve and expel tumors from the It is a short-sighted policy several countries, such as France, Germany, Tuesday Evening, January 31st, 1 S. C. ANDREWS, Tho to can- AFTERNOON. an early stago of development. tendency for success votes drawn from the Kassia, Turkey, and America,—for the native n COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Its U6e. rely upon cerous humors there Is checked very speedily by of India is under the impression that America 188 Middle Street, sail craving All such votes added to the full It removes faintness, flatulency, destroy opposition. is in Europe. Alter a moment’s pause, Mr. GRAND CONCERT weakness of the stomach. for stimulants, and relieves party strength are desirable, but no thought- Smyth said he had thought of a country. — Nervous Prostration, -BY THE » W. R. ANTHOINE, $9.00, It cures Bloating, Headaches, “Then your said the cts. a open band,”, 26 ful man would nomination COUNSELLOR Depression and Indi- party urge juggler; n AT LAW, General Debility, Sleeplessness, “see what you have got and tell me if it is a 48 St. from the FULL MILITARY Exchange We still are Slaughtering gestion. which, though drawing help oppo- coin of the country you thought of.” It was a BAND, causing pain, weight That feeling of bearing down, would be to any con- five-franc piece, and Mr. Smyth had thought At which the world renowned Violinist is cured by its use. sition, unsatisfactory at the Old Stand. and backache, always permanently of France. He was to hand the coin to BRADBURY, in and Fall goods and our own If an going White act in of Opera $12.00 $13.00 It will at all tiroes and under all circumstances siderable number people. COUNSELLOR AT tbe but tbe latter said, “No, it BBjON LAW, the female system. conjuror, pass 34 harmony with the laws that govern election should follow such a it would so Exchange Street shades. this step to the other sahib.” Mr. Smyth accordingly Madame Camilla Ur For tho cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex be a success more disastrous in the run put tbe five-franc piece into my hand; I is unsurpassed. long will appear, assisted by Compound looked cloeely at it, then shut my hand and BUY A E. PINKIIAM’S VEGETABLE COM- the n WILL LYDIA a defeat. In NATHAN & HENRY B. CLEAVES, than arranging political thought of Russia. When I opened it I found In order to distribute POUND is preparod at 233 and 235 Western Avenue, Mrs. FANNIE HAWES, Soprano, bill of fare the taste of boarders not a Russian but a Turkish silver piece about, 30 Street Mass. Price $1. Six bottles for $5. Sent by mail regular Exchange | Lynn, size of a five-franc or of our own our cus- tbe piece Mr. HARVEY MURRAY, Accompanist. these among many W. P. 8088. in the form of pills, also in the form of lozenges, on should be considered rather than that of t feb2G crown niece. This I handed to Mr. Smyth and jau27 of price, $1 per box for either. Mrs. Tinkham rinrStifit SaId. hv as are receipt transient guests. Surely no one will dissent that he name America, which he W. COOMBS, tomers, they very answers all letters of inquiry. Send for pamph- suggested freely in bis hand. COUNSELLOR AT Buffalo this the that the can be did, and found a Mexican dollar CARDON LAW, much under we shall let. Address an above. Mention Paper. from proposition party MR, W. E. CHANDLER, 93 Exchange Street price, The coin, whatever it was, had never been in without LYDIA E. PINKHA3C8 best served by the nomination as candidate -AND- limit the sale to not over No family should bo the conjuror’s hand from the time the rupee tnR PILLS. They cure constipation, biIiousn*ss> for Mayor of some man entirely suitable for was borrowed from the Parsee merchant. Mr. Four Cornets. C. COBB, cents box. A Solo by four to one cus- and torpidity of the liver.