Braving a winter storm, Toronto, ON / Ron Watts / Firstlight DECEMBER FEBRUARY 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 January 2005 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 27 28 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 2004: A tire in downtown 1 Moose Jaw, SK, damaged one of the city's biggest tourist attractions, the Tunnels of Moose Jaw, where the ghosts 01 gangsters like AI Capone are still said to roam. Firefighters battled the clty's worst blaze In 28 years at temperatures of -20·C, In strong winds and intermittent snow. No one died, but several firefighters were overcome by the trlgld weather. New Year's Day Perihelion 20;00 EST 2003: Repair crews in 2 2004: Across Ontario and 3 1981: Commuters called it 4 2004: 11 was a snowy mess 5 2803: Owing to global 6 1947: In BC's 7 2004: Brulally cold weather 8 Vancouver, BC, picked Quebec, temperatures shot the crush hour. Thousands across Vancouver, with 5 to warming, several lower Mainland, dense fog gripped Eastem Canada. In through the twisted wreckage up to an unseasonably balmy 01 jam-packed subway 15 cm ot snow on the ground. communities in Nunavut conspired with Icy streets to Toronto, ON, temperatures of two towering mechanical 12.3°C. What was to be the lasl passengers In Toronto, ON, were Most BC coastal municipalities began Installing artifiCial ice bedevil traffic, causing one dipped to -23°C. Toronto's shlploaders toppled by a wind mild day in eight weeks brought sluck In trains for an hour or more reported a road sail shortage. for hockey. Hockey season used fatal accident and injuries to at customer holllne received more storm that battered the Pacific many outdoors. There were more during the morning's rush hour They had been going threugh to run from September until May least five other persons. Acyclist than 900 calls from residents coast with gusIs of more than golters than skiers in action, and because two trains froze In their sail supplies at a faster pace in the 19708 but rarely begins died Instantly when his bicycle complaining about frozen water 100 kmJh. The wind speed more joggers abounded. Others enjoyed Iracks. At Toronto Pearson than usual, due to chillier before Christmas now and ends met atruck head-on in the fog. pipes or having no waler. In than doubled in less than in-line skallng, outdoor basketball International Airport the mercury weather. The reserves were in March. On average winter Although Fraser Valley roads SI. John's, NL, firefighters had 15 seconds. The accidenllnjured games, slurping Ice cream cones, fell 10 -31.3·C, the lowesl gone and It would be late January temperatures in the western were dangerous for light cars 10 de-ice the fire trucks. two workers and caused power and drinking beer on front steps. temperature there since records before more arrived by barge Arctic have warmed by up to 4 without chains, most school Veterinarians were seeing oulages for as many as began 44 years ago. At least from the US, Mexico, and Chile. degrees in the past 50 years. buses ran. felines coming in with frostbitten 80,000 cuslomers. 16lainted In the crush. Sustained temperatures of-20·C ears where they have no lur. are needed to make natural ice. last Qus rter () 2004: Apparenlly, il was too 9 1899: A75-year-old man 10 1938: A Cree trapper 11 Weather Quiz 1918: Many pheasants 13 2004: Snow rollers, a 14 2804: Criminals stalked 15 cold 10 deliver the mail, froze to death near living on Ghost River, What is the mildest city 12 roamed laiHess In BC's rare weather affluent Toronto, ON, either on foot or by delivery Brsnfford, ON. Found ON, was alone on his ever to be awarded the Lower Mainland as a phenomenon, were seen neighbourhoods before van, according to 10 letter In the centre of a large trapline when a tree fell Winter Olympic Games? result 01 a recent ice near Kingston, ON. They 9 AM to find high-priced carriers In Hull, QC, who are snowdrift, it was evident from the on him, breaking one 1001. The 1) Lake Placid storm and frost. The storm brought were perfect, resembling rolls vehicles that had been left Idling. lacing possible disciplinary trampled snow that he had fought temperature was -37·C. When his 2) Calgary down the roof of a Chilliwack, BC, of light cotton balling about the Exhaust fumes trom Idling cars action from Canada Posl. hard for Iile. He had crawled for family reached him two days later, 3) Saralevo breeding facility, freeing about size of small barrels, with are like smoke signals to car Workers claimed they were some distance on his hands and he was pinned by the tree and had 4) Vancouver 85 pheasants. Their lails froze to hollowad-out ends and a Ihieves. A lot 01 car owners were exercising Iheir conlractual righl knees before his fingers froze and cut his foot off with an all., but 5) Sail Lake City the ice on the ground and they lengthwise hole through the starting their vehicles to warm to reluse work if they feel their burst. He then covered himself with blood-poisoning had set In. His (Answer on inside lIack cover) were only able to escape certain middle. Ideal weather for snow them and Ihen going back inside health or salety is jeopardized. some extra clothes he was caorying sons snowshoed to Albany for help, starvation by tugging away from roller formation is a layer to wait. The thieves either took and lay down for what proved 10 be reaching seUlement 7 days later. Ihelr plumage. Their tails, however, 01 new snow, just above freezing unlocked cars or broke Inlo his last sleep. grew back. temperatures, and strong winds houses to gel the keys. to pick up snow and start It somersaulting. New Moon • 2UK: Snow sculptures 2804: Asmall plane 1958: TWo RCMP officers 2004: Near Evangeline, 1904: So intense was 1899: Locked in a huge 2003: Strong winds and leaturing close-up views 16 17 18 19 2 0 2 1 2 2 crashed Immediately after rescued lour people In PEI, a storm surge at high the cold waather in ice lIoe, the canadian biller cold produced of male and lemale lake-off from Pelee Island. Chesterfield, NU, tide carried tonnes of sea Yukon along the Dawson terry Niagara, wllh -40°C wind chills in anatomy angered some Weather conditions were following a plane crash in Ice across cllfts and dunes, to Whllehorse trallthal 19 persons on board, Montreal. Ironically, the reslderrt:s In an area of north poor with lreezlng drizzle, bone-chllling-37· weather. The and slammed Into beacbfront stage drivers and horses was swapl helplessly down the brulal weather put the staging ot London. ON, heavily populated snow, and low visibility officers first saw the plane go coUages and summer homes. bled profusely lrom the nostrils. Nlagara River and wrecked on several extreme winter sporu on .....by___ unlYII'IIty.. _____ students,I __I.L ______ The dlsptaya ~111~_e~lI\J. ~~~ _~~~!". overhead and then 15 minutes later The Ice lIoes ware 1 50__ - cm___ thtck 1 __ ~~!_o",~""~_~..!~~~_~erings Ihe !~~~~!~_~~~~. ~~_d~l~g !~. Crow!,s at'~1 resorts ~yed were _!Come by file frigid weather. 1 New Year's Day Perihelion 20:00 EST 2003: Repair crews in 2 2004: Across Ontario and 3 1991: Commuters called It 4 2004: 11 was a snowy mess 5 2003: Owing to global 6 1947: In BC's 7 21104: Brutally cold weather 8 Vancouver, BC, picked Quebec, temperatures shot the crush hour. Thousands across Vancouver, with 5 to warming. several Lower Mainland, dense fog gripped Eastern Canada. In through the twisted wreckage up to an unseasonably balmy of jam-packed SUbway 15 cm of snow on the ground. communities In Nunavut conspired wilh Icy streets 10 Toronlo, ON, temperatures of two towering mechanical 12.3·C. What was to be the last passengers In Toronto, ON, were Most BC coastal municipalities began Installing artificial ice bedevil traffic, causing one dipped to -23·C. Toronto's shiploaders toppled by awind mild day In eight weeks brought stuck In trains tor an hour or more reported a road sail shortage. for hockey. Hockey season used fatal accident and injuries to at customer hotline received more storm that battered the Pacific many outdoors. There were more during the morning's rush hour They bad been going through to run from September unlll May least live other persons. Acyclist than 900 calls from reSidents coast with gusts of more than golters than skiers in action, and because two trains froze In their sail supplies at ataster pace In the 1970$ but rarely begins died instantly when his bicycle complaining about frozen water 100 km/h. The wind speed more joggers abounded. Others enjoyed tracks. At Toronto Paarson than usual, due 10 chillier belore Christmas now and ends met atruck head-on in the fog. pipes or having no water. In Ihan doubled In less than In-line skating, outdoor basketball International Airport the mercury weather. The reserves were In March. On average winter Although Fraser Valley roads SI. John's, NL. tlrellghters had 15 seconds. The accident injured games, slurping Ice cream cones, fell to -31.3·C, the lowest gone and il would be late January temperatures In the western were dangerous tor light cars to de-ice the fire trucks.
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