
How do you get to Grindelwald?

By Air

The recommended international airport is Zürich. Once in Zürich you can reach Grindelwald by rail way (~3h) or by car (150 km / ~2h). Another option is to fly into Geneva Airport, although it is farther away (~3.5/4 hours).

By Public Transportation

The train ride from the international airport Zuerich takes about 3 hours and from Geneva to Grindelwald about 3.5 to 4 hours (change of trains in Zuerich, and Ost may be required).

In Grindelwald you might be able to walk to your hotel or take a taxi from Gindelwald railway station. Some hotels offer a pick-up service. You will get this info as soon as you receive the hotel details.

The train is both affordable and convenient. Check with your local travel agent for the availability of special train ticket packages.

By Road

• To reach Grindelwald from the Zürich Airport use the following directions: • Merge onto freeway #A51 towards Zürich. • Merge onto A1 toward Bern/Basel/Zürich. • At interchange Limmattaler Kreuz merge left. • pass the exit Luzern and follow signs for Gotthard, Interlaken, Luzern-Kriens. • Leave highway A3/E35 at exit 30 towards Interlaken, Sarnen. • Take highway A8 towards Sarnen-Süd. • Leave highway at exit 25 towards Wilderswil, Grindelwald, , Matten. • At the end of the road turn to the left in Gsteigstrasse towards Interlaken-Zentrum Matten, then turn left. • In Stalden turn right. You reach Grindelwald. • The Congress Center Grindelwald has a limited number of parking spaces outside. All parking is subject to a fee. When possible, please use public transportation or park at your hotel.

GPS coordinates : (645546 / 164014) 46.6258298.0333391034

Address of the Grindelwald Congress Center: Kongresssaal Postfach 104 CH-3818 Grindelwald Phone: +41 33 853 17 65

Congress Center Grindelwald

Congress Center Grindelwald