Congressional Record—House H4240
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H4240 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 19, 2003 and detention of 120,000 Japanese Ameri- Heritage Month and to celebrate the lives and from California (Mr. HONDA) the impor- cans, as well as Japanese Latin Americans. accomplishments of Asian Pacific Americans tance of Asian American and Asian Pa- The Legendary 442nd Regimental Combat in our history. In particular, I want to recognize cific Month. Team went down in history as one of our na- the contributions of Korean Americans to my I would like to add some additional tion’s most decorated military units. To date, district and commend them for their tireless points that I think are very important there are more than 284,000 Asian American work in improving the city of Los Angeles. on this matter, and just add my military veterans. Mr. Speaker, as you may know, Los Ange- thoughts regarding the information Mr. Speaker, in closing, I would like to en- les is home to the largest concentration of Ko- that we have shared this evening. courage my colleagues in the House of Rep- reans outside of Korea, roughly 160,000. Lo- I would like to call this special order, resentatives and citizens around the nation to cated in my district, Koreatown is the hub of Mr. Speaker, ‘‘Matters Not Yet Fin- explore the rich culture, achievements and the Korean community and vital to our local ished, Issues Undone.’’ contributions of the Asian Pacific American economy. The rich and diverse history of Ko- I believe it is important to note, as community. rean immigration is carefully documented by we are facing challenges with respect Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased the Korean American Museum, from the first to homeland security, that as we look to join my colleagues tonight honoring the Korean arrival in the United States at the turn to protect our Nation it is important many contributions of Asian Pacific Ameri- of the 20th century for agricultural production, to find the right kind of balance. This morning I was able to join a cans. In particular, I wish to honor one of my to the most recent wave of Korean immigra- number of my colleagues at the home- greatest heroes and long time friend, former tion marked by the passage of the 1965 Immi- land security hearing held in the dis- Congresswoman Patsy Mink. gration Act. trict of the gentlewoman from New Mr. Speaker, I am proud to stand here to- Just a few weeks ago I had the opportunity York (Ms. SLAUGHTER). I thank her for night and recognize the many contributions to attend the Congressional Asian Pacific her hospitality. It was a very impor- that Patsy Mink made to the people of this American Caucus kick-off event and hear from tant hearing. As we listened to the country, particularly to the girls and women of many of the Asian American leaders in my residents and Federal officials in the this country. district and beyond who discussed their com- northern New York-Canadian area, the I was privileged to serve with Patsy while munity development projects. I want to take theme was, of course, that we should be working with her on the House Education and this opportunity to recognize some of the effective and efficient and proficient, the Workforce Committee since the beginning groups I met that day and the contributions but also we need to balance the needs of my tenure in 1992. She served as a mentor they continue to make to our communities: the and friend to me while I have worked in Con- of that region as relates to the com- Korean Resource Center, the Korean Youth & merce of people and as well goods. So gress and I miss her very much. Community Center, the Korean Churches for Besides being the first woman of color to there should always be a balance. Community Development, the Thai Community serve in the House of Representatives, Patsy That is why I think it is important to Development Center, and the Asian American Mink helped craft landmark legislation for remind this Nation of the Japanese in- Healthcare Venture. I want to reiterate one of women across the country during her 24 years ternment in the 1940s, done by a Presi- the key concerns expressed to me by some of in Congress. In the early 1970s Patsy played dent, of course, that thought what he those community leaders at the forum, which the key role in the enactment of Title Nine, was doing was the correct thing. But in is the need for community and economic de- which prohibits gender discrimination by feder- many instances the Japanese that were velopment projects that are geared toward ally funded institutions. interred did not even speak the lan- When most people think of Title Nine, they Asian Pacific Americans. The diversity of the guage, did not speak Japanese, may think of women’s sports and, the impact of APA population presents unique challenges not have had any relationship to Title Nine of women’s sports can be clearly for housing and community development sys- Japan, and certainly posed no threat to seen. Title Nine has increased the numbers of tems, and we must look for ways to better al- the United States. They lost their jobs, girls and women who participate in sports in locate scarce resources to deliver linguistic their property, their family. high school and college. and culturally appropriate services. So as we move through society and Even beyond school, we can see the impact I strongly believe community development as we begin to look at these questions, of Title Nine in the impressive accomplish- organizations must be sensitized to the history I think it is extremely important that ments of American female athletes at the and experiences of the communities they homeland security and the securing of Olympics, and when we turn on the TV to serve in order to produce services that are lin- this Nation be balanced with civil lib- watch professional women’s basketball and guistically and culturally appropriate. To that erties and the refusal and rejection of soccer games. end Congress should look into federally des- racial profiling. But, we shouldn’t forget that Title Nine has ignated funding for the APA community and I might also want to add just a note also been a major tool for increasing women’s economic development programs. We also as we are focusing on the Asian Pacific participation in other aspects of education, as need to look into better data collection and re- Month, it is just to pay tribute for a well. search at the national level to further under- moment to our former colleague, our Even as we stand here on the floor today stand the unique needs of the Asian American late colleague, Patsy Mink. We truly Title Nine is being used to make sure that girls communities. miss her. Certainly she was the first have equal access to classes which teach the I want to thank Congressman WU and Con- Asian Pacific woman to be elected to skills that lead to high-wage jobs that women gressman HONDA, Chair and Vice Chair of the the United States Congress and the need to support themselves and their families. Congressional Asian Pacific American Cau- first minority woman. It is clear that But, Title Nine was not Patsy’s only con- cus, for organizing this special order. As we her leadership was not a leadership tribution to the girls and women of America. commemorate and celebrate the crucial role that focused solely on the issues of her Patsy also authored the Women’s Edu- Asian Pacific Americans have played in the heritage. She focused on issues of so- cational Equity Act, which is still the primary development of this Nation, we must also rec- cial justice. She is known to be the resource for teachers and parents seeking in- ognize the unique needs and challenges the Mother of Title IX, that opened the formation on proven methods to ensure gen- 12.5 million Asian Pacific Americans in the doors of opportunity for women ath- der equity in their schools and communities. U.S. face today and work towards improving letes. The Women’s Educational Equity Act rep- their future and the future of our country. But I think it is very appropriate resents the Federal commitment to ensuring f during this month to again compliment that girls’ future choices and successes are all of the Asian Pacific and Asian MATTERS NOT YET FINISHED, determined not by their gender, but by their American elected officials throughout ISSUES UNDONE own interests, aspirations and abilities. the Nation, our two Senators in the There has been no stronger voice in Con- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. United States Senate, the many Mem- gress for girls, women, and minorities than COLE). Under the Speaker’s announced bers of this House of Representatives Patsy’s, and it will do Congress proud to re- policy of January 7, 2003, the gentle- who serve us today. But certainly it member and honor her not only for her herit- woman from Texas (Ms. JACKSON-LEE) would be remiss of all of us if we did age but also for the enormous impact she is recognized for 60 minutes. not make mention of the fact that made while she was here in Congress. Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. Patsy Mink served amongst us, and she Ms. WATSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Speaker, it is a pleasure to have been was a dynamic and wonderful rep- commemorate the Asian Pacific American able to celebrate with the gentleman resentative.