Jörg Schimmelpfennig Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Strategy and Tactics in Warfighting (WS 2017/18) (18-01-22)


A Introduction

1. Strategy and tactics, or “stratag ēma ” and “ tactica ”: definitions and origins 2. The influence of technology on strategy and tactics 3. A navy’s purpose vs. an army’s purpose: “navies don’t purchase and possess real estate” 4. Strategic visions and tactical constraints 4.1. Littoral warfare: “A ship’s a fool that fights a fort .” (Nelson) 4.2. The “355-ship navy” and carrier strike force compositions 5. (Navy-oriented) foreword: “ Tactics is the soul of our profession .” (Cebrowski)

B (Mostly Naval) Tactics: “ Fire Effectively First! ” (Hughes)

6. Chase-Fiske-Lanchester Models: massing matters 6.1. Fighting sail tactics: ships-of-the-line, columns, shirkers, crossing the T, raking 6.2. Why (mathematical) models? Game theory and war games 6.3. (Pre 1775 infantry) Linear combat 6.4. The Fiske (1905) model: tables, difference equations and tactical implications ... 6.4.1. ... concentrating fire? 6.4.2. ... massing? 6.4.3. ... surprise? 6.4.3. ... isolating enemy forces? 6.4.4. ... and a strategic implication: quantity or quality? 6.5. The Lanchester (1916) (originally aerial combat) square law for continuous fire 6.5.1. Solving the model 6.5.2. The Fiske tactical implications 6.5.3. Anecdotal evidence versus an empirical model? 6.5.4. Evidence? Fighting sail; ground combat; COIN; aerial combat (“Flying Tigers”; Thach Weave vs 3- or 4-plane formations; RAF doctrine) 6.6. Lanchester’s law, the prequel: The Chase (1902) square law 7. Tactical formations: column, line or echelon, “Turn” or “Corpen”? Lissa (1866); Parker; Fiske 8. A model of early WWII carrier warfare 8.1. Introduction to carrier warfare: welcome to the missile age 8.2. A linear (infantry-style) combat model 8.3. Screening and surprise: “Fire Effectively First!” yet again 8.4. Examples of early Pacific carrier battles 8.4.1 Coral Sea: American tactical defeat ... but strategic victory 8.4.2. “AF” and Midway 8.4.3. Eastern Solomons 8.4.4 Santa Cruz Islands 8.5. Early WWII carrier tactical problems: massing or dispersal?

9. WWII carrier warfare from 1943 onwards 9.1. Air support begins to matter: “Combat Air Patrols” and fighter escorts 9.2. The Battle of the Philippine Sea 9.3. Resolutions of tactical problems 10. WWII tactics 10.1. US and destroyer doctrines during the inter-war period 10.2. Guadalcanal: Cactus and the Tokyo Express 10.3. “The Battle of the Five Sitting Ducks”: Savo Island (November 8-9, 1942)) 10.4. Lessons learned I: “ training, training and TRAINING ” (Nimitz) 10.5. Lessons learned II: “Turn” instead of “corpen”, small TGs instead of one large TF 10.6. Late night fighting naval battle tactics: the Battle of Vella Gulf (November 6-7, 1943) 10.7. Battle of Okinawa: destroyer picket stations against kamikazes 11. Staying power and ship size since WWII 12. in the missile age 12.1. The Hughes (1995) salvo model 12.2. The Battle of the Philippine Sea revisited 12.3. Ship attributes: typical values 12.4. Planning with the salvo model: the importance of surprise and numbers 12.5. How to defend a Ticonderoga /Aegis cruiser 12.6. Mass for defense 12.7. Mass for scouting: Operation “Lion’s Den”, Haiphong Harbor (August 27, 1972) 12.8. Tactics subject to an A2/AD mission: disperse to survive

C (Not Only Naval) Strategy

13. Strategy and tactics: telling the difference? 13.1. Some more definitions ... 13.2. “Forward – Engaged – Ready: A Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower” 14. “Missions of the US Navy” 14.1. Warfighting missions and “tactics” 14.1.1. Sea control 14.1.2: Power projection ashore 14.2. Deterrence and “tactics” 14.2.1. Presence 14.2.2. Strategic deterrence 15. Tactical tools 15.1. Deception 15.1.1. An A2/AD scenario 15.1.2. Operation BOLO, North Vietnam (January 2, 1967) 15.2. Intimidation 15.3. Strategy, deception, risk levels and costs 16. Examples of poor naval strategies ... or was it tactics? 16.1 Halsey at Leyte (1944): “ Where Is Task Force 34, The World Wonders! ” (Nimitz) 16.2. Soviet Foxtrot, Zulu submarines during the Cuban missile crisis (1962) 16.3 The Carter administration defense policy (1976-1980) 16.4. Thatcher navy policy (1981): “ The Royal Navy was to become a coast guard. ” (Lehman) 16.5. The UK 2010 Strategic Defence and Security Review? 17. Is strategic planning obsolete? 17.1. Ends, ways, means 17.2. “Strategic” planning versus annual planning? “Man plans, fate laughs.”


Introductory Texts and Seminal Contributions

Jehu V. Chase (1902), A Mathematical Investigation of the Effect and Superiority of Force in Combats Upon the Sea , unpublished paper, Naval War College Archives, RG 8, Box 109, XTAV (1902), DECLASSIFIED in 1972. Julian Corbett (1911), Some Principles of Maritime Strategy , London: Longmans, Green & Company. Thomas J. Cutler (2014), Lest we forget – presence, Proceedings of the United States Institute , Vol. 140, November 2014, 93. Bradley A. Fiske (1905), American naval policy, Proceedings of the United States Institute , Vol. 31, January 1905, 1-80. Bradley A. Fiske (1916), The Navy as a Fighting Machine , New York NY, Charles Scriber’s Sons. Thomas J. Cutler (2015), The US Naval Institute on Naval Strategy , Annapolis MD; Naval Institute Press. Department of the Navy (2015), A Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower , March 2015, Department of the Navy, Washington DC. Wayne P. Hughes (1992), The Value of Attributes in Missile Combat , Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey CA. Wayne P. Hughes (1995), A salvo model of in missile combat used to evaluate their staying power, Naval Research Logistics , Vol. 42, March 1995, 267-289. Wayne P. Hughes (2000), Fleet Tactics and Coastal Combat , 2 nd edition, Annapolis MD: Naval Institute Press. Wayne P. Hughes (2015), The US Naval Institute on Naval Tactics , Annapolis MD; Naval Institute Press. Frederick W. Lancaster (1916), Aircraft in Warfare: The Dawn of the Fourth Arm , London: Constable. Stansfield Turner (1974), Missions of the US Navy, Proceedings of the United States Institute , Vol. 100, December 1974, 19-25. Brian Whaley (2016), Practice to Deceive: Learning Curves of Military Planners , Annapolis MD; Naval Institute Press.

Other Primary Sources

David A. Adams (2000), Win without fighting, Proceedings of the United States Institute , Vol. 126, September 2000, 54-57. Rodric Braithwaite (2017), Armageddon and Paranoia – The Nuclear Confrontation, London: Profile Books. John E. Capper (1918), Memorandum on the Requirements for an Armoured Striking Force for an Offensive in 1919, 1 July 1918, in: Alaric Searle (1917), The Military Papers and Correspondence of Major-General J.F.C. Fuller , Stroud: The History Press, 129-138. Jeffery R. Cares (1990), The Fundamentals of Salvo Warfare , Naval Postgraduate School Master’s Thesis, Monterey CA. Commander Pacific Fleet (1943), Destroyer Torpedo Attack Instructions (Tentative) , Destroyer Tactical Bulletin No. 4-43, DECLASSIFIED in ?. Hugh Elles (1917), Memorandum to General Staff, GHQ, 15 January 1918 – SECRET, in: Alaric Searle (1917), The Military Papers and Correspondence of Major-General J.F.C. Fuller , Stroud: The History Press, 63-65. John F.C. Fuller (1917), Memorandum on Anti-Tank Defence, 30 December 1917 – SECRET, in: Alaric Searle (1917), The Military Papers and Correspondence of Major-General J.F.C. Fuller , Stroud: The History Press, 54-62.

John F.C. Fuller (1918), The Tactics of the Attack as Affected by the Speed and Circuit of the Medium D Tank, 24 May 1918 – SECRET, in: Alaric Searle (1917), The Military Papers and Correspondence of Major-General J.F.C. Fuller , Stroud: The History Press, 110-125. Ib Hansen, H.P. Gray (1990), Passive Protection and Ship Survivability in Years 2005-2020 , David Taylor Research Center, SSPD 90-174-41, Bethesda MD, CONFIDENTIAL. Frank Hoffman (2012), Crafting a ‘good’ strategy, Proceedings of the United States Institute , Vol. 138, April 2012, 58-63. Thomas Hone, Trent Hone (2006), Battle Line: The United States Navy 1919-1939 , Annapolis MD; Naval Institute Press. Trent Hone (2002), Building a doctrine: U.S. naval tactics and battle plans in the interwar period, International Journal of Naval History , Vol. 1, No. 2 (October 2002), 1-41. Trent Hone (2006), ‘Give them hell!’: The US Navy’s night combat doctrine and the campaign for Guadalcanal, War in History , Vol. 13, No. 2, 171-199. Trent Hone (2009), U.S. Navy surface battle doctrine and victory in the Pacific, Naval War College Review , Vol. 62, No. 1 (Winter 2009), 67-105. Trent Hone (2017), Guadalcanal proves experimentation works, Naval History , Vol. 31, No. 6 (December 2017), 31-37. Samuel P. Huntington (1954), National policy and the transoceanic navy, Proceedings of the United States Institute , Vol. 80, May 1954, 483-493. Ian R. Johnson, Niall J. MacKay (2011), Lanchester models and the Battle of Britain, Naval Research Logistics , Vol. 58, 210-222. Ronald L. Johnson (1989/89), Lanchester’s Square Law in Theory and Practice , School of Advanced Military Studies; United States Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth KS. John T. Kuehn (2008), Agents of Innovation: The General Board and the Design of the Fleet That Defeated the Japanese Navy , Annapolis MD; Naval Institute Press.f James M. Lillard (2016), Playing War: Wargaming and U.S. Navy Preparations for World War II, Lincoln NE: Potomac Books. Michael A. Palmer (1988), Origins of the Maritime Strategy , Contributions to Naval History No. 1, Washington DC: Naval Historical Center. Foxhall A. Parker (1870), Fleet Tactics Under Steam , New York NY: D. Van Nostrand Publisher. Robert C. Rubel (2013), Cede no water: strategy, littorals, and flotillas, Proceedings of the United States Institute , Vol. 139, September 2013, 40-45. John C. Schulte (1994), An Analysis of the Historical Effectiveness of Antiship Cruise Missiles , Naval Postgraduate School Master’s Thesis, Monterey CA. Peter Swartz, John L. Byton (1992), Make the word become the vision, Proceedings of the United States Institute , Vol. 118, November 1992, 91-93. Yao Ming Tiah (2007), An Analysis of Small Navy Tactics Using a Modified Hughes’ Salvo Model , Naval Postgraduate School Master’s Thesis, Monterey CA. Milan Vego (2013), Getting sea control right, Proceedings of the United States Institute , Vol. 139, November 2013, 64-69. Joseph C. Whylie (1953), On maritime strategy, Proceedings of the United States Institute , Vol. 79, May 1953, 467-477.

Campaign and Battle Analyses, Battle Reports

Steven T. Barry (2013), Battalion Commanders at war: U.S. Army Tactical Leadership in the Mediterranean Theater, 1942-1943 , Lawrence KS: University Press of Kansas. Robert F. Cross (2010), Shepherds of the Sea: Destroyer Escorts in World War II , Annapolis MD: Naval Institute Press. Thomas J. Cutler (1994), The : 23-26 October 1944 , New York NY: HarperCollins Publishers. Thomas C. Hone (2013), The Battle of Midway: The Naval Institute Guide to the U.S. Navy’s Greatest Victory , Annapolis MD: Naval Institute Press.

James D. Hornfisher (2004), The Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors: The Extraordinary World War II Story of the U.S. Navy’s Finest Hour , New York NY: Bantam Books. James D. Hornfisher (2004), Neptune’s Inferno: The U.S. Navy at Guadalcanal , New York NY: Bantam Books. Sharon T Lacey (2013), Pacific Blitzkrieg: World War II in the Central Pacific , Denton TX: University of North Texas Press. T. J. McKearney (1985), The Solomon Naval campaign: A Paradigm for Surface Warships in Maritime Strategy , Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey CA. Thomas McKelvey Cleaver (2014), Fabled Fifteen: The Pacific War Saga of Carrier Air Group 15 , Havertown PA: Casemate Publishers. Robert J. Mrazek (2008), A Dawn Like Thunder: The True Story of Torpedo Squadron Eight , New York NY: Little, Brown and Company. Jonathan Parshall (2017a), Grading Midway’s commanders, Naval History , Vol. 31, No. 3 (June 2017), 14-19. Jonathan Parshall (2017b), Sinking the carriers, Naval History , Vol. 31, No. 3 (June 2017), 20-21. John Prados (2012), Islands of Destiny: The Solomons Campaign and the Eclipse of the Rising Sun , New York NY: New American Library. John Prados (2016), Storm Over Leyte: The Philippine Invasion and the Destruction of the Japanese Navy , New York NY: New American Library. Alan Rems (2014), South Pacific Cauldron: World War II’s Great Forgotten Battlegrounds , Annapolis MD: Naval Institute Press. Michael Sturma 2015), Freemantle’s Submarines: How Allied Submariners and Western Australians Helped to Win the War in the Pacific , Annapolis MD: Naval Institute Press. Craig L. Symonds (2011), The Battle of Midway , Oxford: Oxford University Press. Stanley Weintraub (2014), Christmas Far From Home: An Epic Tale of Courage and Survival During the Korean War , Boston MA: Da Capo Press. John Wukovits (2013), For Crew and Country: The Inspirational True Story of Bravery and Sacrifice Aboard the USS Samual B. Roberts , New York NY: St. Martin’s Press. John Wukovits (2015), Hell From the Heavens: The Epic Story of the USS Laffey and World War II’s Greatest Kamikaze Attack , Boston MA: Da Capo Press. John Wukovits (2017), Tin Can Titans: The Heroic Men and Ships of World War II’s Most Decorated Navy Destroyer Squadron , Boston MA: Da Capo Press. Alan D. Zimm (2011), Attack on Pearl Harbor: Strategy, Combat, Myths, Deceptions , Havertown PA: Casemate Publishers


Jefferson J. DeBlanc (2008), The Guadalcanal Air War: Col. Jefferson DeBlanc’s Story , Louisiana LA: Pelican Publishing. James L. Holloway III (2007), Aircraft Carriers at War: A Personal Retrospective of Korea, Vietnam and the Soviet Confrontation , Annapolis MD: Naval Institute Press. Charles C Jett (2016), Super Nuke! A Memoir About Life as a Nuclear Submariner and the Contributions of a “Super Nuke” – the USS RAY (SSN653) – Toward Winning the Cold War , Denver CO: Outskirts Press. Edward Monroe-Jones, Michael Green (2012), The Silent Service in World War II: The Story of the U.S. Navy Submarine Force in the Words of the Men Who Lived It , Havertown PA: Casemate Publishers. Robin Olds (2010), Fighter Pilot: The Memoirs of Legendary Ace Robin Olds , New York NY, St. Martin’s Press. James G. Stavridis (2008), Destroyer Captain: Lessons of a First Command , Annapolis MD: Naval Institute Press. James G. Stavridis ((2014), The Accidental General: A Sailor Takes Command at NATO , Annapolis MD: Naval Institute Press.

Chuck Tatum (2013), Red Blood, Black Sand: Fighting Alongside John Basilone From Boot Camp To Iwo Jima , New York NY: Berkeley Publishing.

Professional Non-Fiction Reading List

Roger Barnett (2009), Navy Strategic Culture: Why the Navy Thinks Differently , Annapolis MD: Naval Institute Press. Walter R. Borneman (2012), The Admirals: Nimitz, Halsey, Leahy and King – The Five-Star Admirals Who Won the War at Sea , New York NY: Little, Brown and Company. Thomas J. Cutler (2005), A Sailor’s History of the U.S. Navy , Annapolis MD: Naval Institute Press. Peter D. Haynes (2015), Toward a New Maritime Strategy: American Naval Thinking in the Post-Cold War Era , Annapolis MD; Naval Institute Press. Joel I. Holwitt (2009), “Execute Against Japan”: The U.S. Decision to Conduct Unrestricted Submarine Warfare , College Station TX: Texas A&M University Press. Thomas C. Hone, Trent Hone (2006), Battle Line: The United States Navy 1919-1939 , Annapolis MD: Naval Institute Press. John T. Kuehn (2008), Agents of Innovation: The General Board and the Design of the Fleet That Defeated the Japanese Navy , Annapolis MD: Naval Institute Press. John F. Lehman (2001), On Seas of Glory: Heroic Men, Great Ships, and Epic Battles of the American Navy , New York NY: The Free Press. Carnes Lord, Andrew S. Erickson (2014), Rebalancing U.S. Forces: Basing and Forward Presence in the Asia-Pacific , Annapolis MD: Naval Institute Press. Dave Oliver (2014), Against the Tide: Rickover’s Leadership Principles and the Rise of the Nuclear Navy , Annapolis MD: Naval Institute Press. Norman Polmar, Edward Whitman (2016), Hunters and Killers, Volume 2: Anti-Submarine Warfare from 1943 , Annapolis MD: Naval Institute Press. James C. Rentfrow (2014), Home Squadron: The U.S. Navy on the North Atlantic Station , Annapolis MD: Naval Institute Press. John Wukovits (2010), Admiral “Bull” Halsey: The Life and Wars of the Navy’s Most Controversial Commander , New York NY: Palgrave Macmillan.

Professional Fiction Reading List:

Rick Campbell (2014), Trident Deception: A Novel , New York NY, St. Martin’s Press. Rick Campbell (2015), Empire Rising: A Novel , New York NY, St. Martin’s Press. Rick Campbell (2016), Ice Station Nautilus: A Novel , New York NY, St. Martin’s Press. Rick Campbell (2017), Blackmail: A Novel , New York NY, St. Martin’s Press. Peter T. Deutermann (2011), Pacific Glory: A Novel , New York NY, St. Martin’s Press Peter T. Deutermann (2013), Ghosts of Bungo Suido: A Novel , New York NY, St. Martin’s Press. Peter T. Deutermann (2014), Sentinels of Fire: A Novel , New York NY, St. Martin’s Press. Peter T. Deutermann (2016), The Commodore: A Novel , New York NY, St. Martin’s Press. John J. Gobbell (2002), When Duty Whispers Low: A Novel, New York NY: St. Martin’s Press. John J. Gobbell (2014) Edge of Valor: A Todd Ingram Novel, Annapolis MD: Naval Institute Press. David Poyer (2015), Tipping Point: The War with China – The First Salvo, New York NY, St. Martin’s Press. David Poyer (2016), Onslaught: The War with China – The Opening Battle , New York NY, St. Martin’s Press. David Poyer (2017), Hunter Killer: The War with China – The Battle for the Central Pacific , New York NY, St. Martin’s Press. Peter W. Singer, August Cole (2015), Ghost Fleet: A Novel of the Next World War , New York NY, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing.